HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 124 Bruce-Saugeen Boundardy Road Agreement ~ 25 ~ <r: u z :;<: "" o >- f-; ::i ~ o z ~ ::E ~ :r: f-; "" o z o ~ o ~ o u ~ :r: f-; e . ~ ~ ~ ~ '<I' N ... I co o o N o Z >- w 0:: J: <l: l- e LL Zwo =>J:z 01-0 mLL- <l:0!;;( LLZO:: 000 ~i=c..lIl ?:C2~~ Zooo ~c..wJ: lIlO::J:lIl wOI-Z J:Oew I-WZW wJ:<l:~ NI-W=> O::Zz<l: ow-lIl J: w~ 9 OLL I- .... => <l:z <l:W~s: om-o I-I-~I- s:ZLL :3~e ,w..... >-w- mo::<i! <l:~c.. ~<l:o Z - _ Z w => m ::!!: Ul Q) 0 CIlc- Ul LO '" Q) N <.-'Q) CIl ~ , "0 Ol U C CIl " ::J >- aO:!: O.oCll N CIl.9- . I.....S::! OQ)C . > ::J lIloE ....-~ c ..c 0.2 u'" ot)rn-5 N'- Q)"O "0 .- "Ul.r:::. ::: +-'.- () () ~.- Q.) <( '~-s: 0 ---:>.,e CIl C ~ ,. 0..'- Q) :> "(3 .2.. -0 C/) .- c.... C O)::J'~ ::J C 0 Ill:::: .- ....... ~ ""'>c m Q)'!:::: Q).r:::. E CIl .r:::. 0.. ...... en Q) Q.) ~.~ ~ l.... o :t::: O).~ -corn;>. S.Q- ceo .2 CIl ::: '": c ..c 0)::J00l NE~:.c C (/) L... Q) .Q Q) 2 -5 t532c,+- Q)>Q)O C/) e >-t:: III 0.. 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W m m , , .r: E~ (/) w (l) (/) ::i!: 0 -0 :J :;: :;:- e i= ... m m e m CD --. - (l) l- e >- :>.E .0 .0 (l) (/) 0::: .!!l .!!l ~ 0::: :I: .r: .r: Cl u: l- I- 1-<( m m C') """ e e <( <( w w 0::: 0::: e e e e This is Schedule ~ "to By-Law ~'a' - C)J.}, No. I..:lLf passed the ~ day ~1-20.~ , .. -;: ~.~"n ay Clerk. a ' BOUNDARY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this ~ day of ~ 2008 BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF SAUGEEN SHORES hereinafter referred to as "Saugeen Shores" OF THE FIRST PART AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE hereinafter referred to as "Kincardine" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the parties to this agreement are adjoining municipalities and are desirous of entering into an agreement under the provisions of the Section 29.1(1) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, and amendments thereto dealing with the maintenance and repair of boundary highways between such municipalities; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Subsection 29.1 (2) of the Municipal Act, RSO 2001, each municipality has jurisdiction over that part of the highway that it has agreed to keep in repair and is liable for any damages that arise from failure to keep the highway in repair and the other municipality is relieved from all liability in respect of the repair of that part; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises, covenants and promises hereinafter expressed, the parties hereto agree each with the other as follows: DEFINITIONS 1. In this by-law: "Bridae" means a public bridge forming part of a highway or on, over or across which a highway passes; "Hiahwav" means a common and public highway, any part of which is intended for or used by the public for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians and includes the areas between the lateral property lines thereof; "Joint Jurisdiction" means the local municipalities on either side of a boundary line between municipalities have joint jurisdiction over any highway or bridge forming the boundary line; "Maintenance Standard" means the standard(s) as adopted by the Council of the Municipality for repair of a highway; "Roadwav" means that part of the highway that is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, but does not include the shoulder; "Routine Maintenance" means those activities completed in the maintenance and repair of a highway or bridge and as described as follows: ~ hardtop surface maintenance includes frost heave repair; base repair; utility cut repair; hot and cold mix patching; shoulder maintenance; surface maintenance including crack sealing, slurry sealing and spray patching; surface sweeping; surface flushing and; routine patrolling. ~ winter control includes snowplowing, combination plowing/ice control, ice control, winging back, snow fencing, snow removal, standby, winter patrol, spring clean-up, sidewalk plowing and deicing. ~ traffic operations includes pavement markings, illumination, signals, signs, safety devices, bike path maintenance, railroad crossing maintenance. ~ roadside includes vegetation management including roadside mowing, weed control, tree planting & removal, tree trimming; sidewalks maintenance; debris collection including debris and leaves; curb & gutter, guide rail and fence maintenance. ~ structures includes washing and component repair for concrete and steel culverts, bridge of all types and pedestrian bridges. ~ stormwatermanaaement includes roadside ditching; entrance culvert maintenance; maintenance and cleaning of maintenance holes, storm sewers and catchbasins and; video camera inspection. "Shoulder" means the area adjacent to a roadway, where there is no curb, that may be paved or unpaved but does not include a sidewalk. 2. Where words or phrases used in this by-law are defined in the Municipal Act, but not defined in this by-law, the definitions of the Municipal Act shall apply to such words and phrases. INTERPRETATION Where there is any conflict between the provisions of this by-law and the provisions of the Municipal Act, as amended, the provisions of the Municipal Act shall prevail. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF HIGHWAYS 1. Saugeen Shores hereby covenants and agrees to maintain and keep in repair, in accordance with the maintenance standard(s) currently proposed by Saugeen Shores for the whole width thereof the highways as follows: Bruce-Saugeen Townline from Highway 21 to Sideroad 33/34 and Bruce- Saugeen Townline from County Road 33 to Highway 21 - totaling 27 lane kilometers, all as shown on Schedule 'A' attached. 2. Kincardine hereby covenants and agrees to maintain and keep in repair, in accordance with the maintenance standard(s) currently adopted by Kincardine for the whole width thereof the highways as follows: Bruce-Saugeen Townline from Sideroad 33/34 easterly 1.5 km to the Saugeen Shores boundary totalling 3 lane kilometers, and from Bruce County Road 33 westerly to Lake Huron. FINANCIAL 1. Saugeen Shores agrees to provide maintenance and repairs to 27 lane kilometers of Bruce-Saugeen Townline and will be reimbursed 50% of the cost associated with providing this service. 2. Kincardine agrees to provide maintenance and repairs to 3 lane kilometers of Bruce-Saugeen Townline and shall be reimbursed by Saugeen Shores 50% of the cost associated with providing this service. 3. The average operating cost per lane kilometer is mutually agreed to be $1,992. Furthermore the average annual operating cost will be adjusted by the annual rate of inflation on a yearly basis and both parties have the option to review the operating cost every three (3) years. 4. Saugeen Shores will invoice Kincardine $26,892. for maintaining and repairing 27 lane km of Bruce-Saugeen Townline, less $2,988; which " represents Kincardine's cost for maintaining and repairing 3 km Bruce- Saugeen Townline, 5. Both municipalities will pay the amount invoiced within 30 days of receipt. 6. Kincardine will not invoice Saugeen Shores for any work done from County Road 33 to Lake Huron based on current requirements at the time this agreement was signed. GENERAL 1. No new construction or major maintenance work (as distinguished from routine maintenance) of any kind on highways and bridges shall commence or be charged by one party to this agreement to the other unless such construction or major maintenance work has first been approved by the Councils of both municipalities. 2. The party to this agreement doing the work shall indemnify and save harmless the other party from all claims for loss or damage arising from the want of repair of the said highway and bridge as assigned in the MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF HIGHWAYS and MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF BRIDGES sections to this agreement. 3. This agreement comes into force on the day of its signing by both parties hereto authorized by by-law and shall continue in force for a period of ten (10) years there from and may be renewed at the end of such terms by a further by-law of both parties to this agreement. 4. No amendment or variation to this Agreement or of any of the terms hereof shall be binding upon the parties hereto, unless the same is in writing and authorized by further by-law of both parties to this Agreement and signed by all parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporate Seals of each of the parties hereto have been affixed duly attested by the respective officers authorized in that behalf THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF SAUGEEN SHORES Per ~..,... May~ Per ~"- lL\~ Clerk We have the Authority to bind the Corporation. RATION OF THE UNICIPALlTY OF KINCARDINE Per ~ Mayor Per ~. '---;;:., '2:,r.-:' C AAA Chief Administrative Officer We have the authority to bind the Corporation '" z+~ ~ ..- gO,\01 ~.- --- Cf\SSIQ'{ -- \ '- ~) ""'Itv/~ . vIII ,,1'1' "'~~ .~ ------------ r-. o o N Ql (J c: ro c: Ql ... c: ro :E: Ql c: c: ~ r=. c: Ql Ql Cl :J ro en . 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