HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 099 Tiverton Cemetery Expansion Land Purchase
NO. 2008 - 099
WHEREAS pursuant to the Cemeteries Act (revised), R.S.O. 1990, c. CA Section
50 (2) states that an owner of a cemetery may make by-laws affecting the
operation of the cemetery or
AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as
amended, Section 8 (1) and 9 provide that the powers of a municipality under this
or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the
municipality to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers
appropriate and to enhance the municipality's ability to respond to municipal
issues and has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for
the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act;
AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine
deems it advisable to purchase land described as Part of Lots 59 & 60 Plan 210,
being parts 1 & 2 of 3R-8687, Municipality of Kincardine [geographic Village of
Tiverton), County of Bruce, and being more particularly described on the attached
Registered Plan of Survey, for the future expansion of the Tiverton Cemetery in
order to provide for the needs of its residents;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows;
1. That the Mayor and CAO be hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of The
Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, an Agreement of Purchase and
Sale for lands described as Part of Lots 59 & 60 Plan 210, being parts 1 & 2 of
3R-8687, Municipality of Kincardine [geographic Village of Tivertonj, County of
Bruce, attached hereto as Schedule "A".
2. That the purchase price for Part 1 of 3R-8687, be in the amount of
$101,250.00, combined with a charitable tax receipt in the amount of
3. That the purchase price for Part 2 of 3R-8687, be in the amount of $1.00,
combined with a charitable tax receipt in the amount of $19,000.00.
3. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage.
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Page 2
Tiverton Cemetery Expansion Land Purchase By-law
By-law No. 2008 - 099
4. This by-law may be cited as the "Tiverton Cemetery Expansion Land Purchase
READ a FIRST and SECOND time the 11th, of June, 2008
C.1icl c l~ Q ~ e.)oen
READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 11th day of June, 2008.
C/l7() p JcVll.{ 1 'IJ;CJ(!.,f 2fien
1J1i..~-t'rf Clerk ,
1243966 Ontario Inc.
This is ~hedule ~ " to By-LaW
No,=o,', passed the...u::::: day
of 200'8'
lhefollowing Okfl
The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine
LegallydesMbed as: Part Lot 59, Plan 210, Village of Tlverton (now Municipality of Kincardine) being the lands
marked as Part 2 on a draft reference plan attached hereto as Schedule "A" and having an acreage of 4
acres more or less (the .property")
PURCHASE PRICE: Nineteen thousand and one
Dollars (CDN $19,001.00)
Purchaser submits upon acceptance One Dollars (CON $1.00)
casll or negotiable cheque payable to Vendor's Solicitor to be held in trust pending completion or other termination of this agreement
and to be credited toward the Purchase Price on completion. Purchaser agrees to pay the balance as follows:
The purchase price to be fully satisfied by delivery by the Purchaser to the Vendor of a charitable tax receipt for
$19,000.00 on closing.
This offer is conditional upon passage of a by-law by the council of the Corporatlon of the Municipality of Kincardine
authorizing purchase of the subject property on the terms herein.
All ,",vey 00'" '"' 'he ""po""b"ity of fhe Vendo, @
SCHEDULE(S)A attached herelo form(s) part oflhls Agreemenl S.....'^~ Kf.
1. IRREVOCABilITY; ThlsOffershallbeuTl!vocableby until 6 p.m onthe23rd daYOf":~008 a23er !Ime.ffnolaecepted,
this Offer snail be null and void and the deposij shall be retumed 10 lhe Pilrcl1asermfullWllha utmteresl ~O-K-.....x
2 COMPLETION DATE: ThiS Agreement shall be cQmpleted by nO lalerthan 6.00 p m on the )1ffi'day of J 8 Upon completion,
vacanl possess<Qn of jheproperty shall beglven 10 the Purchaser unless ofualWlse prov 'dedfor'nlhlsAgreement.
3. NOTICES; Any notice relating to this Agreement orprovided for herein shall be in writing, This offer. sny counter offer, notice of acceplancelhereof.
FAX No. 519-822-1921 (Fordeliveryofnotices to Vendor) FAX No. 519-396-9446 (Fordelivery ofnotices to Purchaser)
4. G5T: lfth;" transaction is subject to Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.), then such shaUb<! In addition to the Purd1ase Price, If this trarlll'lction
is notsubjectIoG.S.T-.Vendoragreestoprovide,onorl:>eforeolosing,a CIIrtific:alethatthetransaction is notsubjecl 10 G.8.T.
5. TITLE SEARCH: Purchasershall be allowed until 6:00 p.m. on the 13th day of June, 2008 (the "Requisition Date") to examine the
ijlle 10 the property at his own axpenSll and until the earlier of: (I) thirty days from the lawr of the Requismon Date orthe dale on which the corKI~ions m this
Agreement are fulfilled or otherwise waived or; (ii) five days priorto completion, to satisiy himself that there are no outstanding work orders ordeficiency no~oes
affecting the property. that its presenl use Vacant Land (EP) maybe iawfully continued and thal tht! principal building may be insured against risk of fire.
Vendor hereby consents to lhe munioipality or olhar governmental aslencies releasing to PurchaSllr details of all outstanding work orders affecting Ihe property,
andVendor~reesloexeculeanddeliversuGhfurtherauthorlza~onsinthisregardas Purchaser may reasonably require.
6. FUTURE USE: Vendor and Purchaser agree lhat there is no representa~on orwarranty of any kind Ihal the future intended use 01 the property by
Purchaser is orwili be lawfulexceptasmaybe SpeClfiOiltty provided forin this Agree ment.
7. TITLE: Provided that the mle to the property ls good and !roo from all registered reslrictions, ohargll5, liens, and encumbrancas excepl as otherwise
with:(b)anyregisteredmunicipalagreamenlsandreglsleredagroomenlswithpubllclyregulated utilltiesprolliding such have been compliedwith,orsecurily has
been posted to ensure compliance and completion, as evidenced by a letrer from the relevant municipality or regulated utility; (c) any minor easemenls lor Ihe
su~ply of domestic ulil~y or lelephooo &ervioos 10 the proparty or adjacent properties: and (d) any Msemenls fer drainage, slorm or sanitary sewers. public utilily
Hnes,lelephoneiineS.CIIblele!evisionlinesorolherserviceswhiohdonotmetefiallyaffectlhepresentuseoftheproperty. Ifwlll1lnthespecmed~masreferred
or that the principal bu~ding may nol be insured against risk 01 ~re is made In wrtting to Vendor and which Vendor is unable or unwilling 10 remove, remedy or
satisfyandwhichPuJdJaserwillnolwaive,thisAgreemenlnotwithslalldingany<nlermedieteactsornegotialions in respect of such objectklns, shall beatan end
and all monies paid shall bereturnedwithoutinlerestordeductionaooVendor,sl1a IInotbeliableforanycoslsordamages. Save as 10 any valid objection so
8. CLOSING ARRANGEMENTS: Wllere each of the Vendor end Purchaser retain a lawyer 10 complete Ihe Agreemenl of Purchase and Sale
01 the property, and where Ihe transaction will be oompleted by electronic registration pursuanl to Part III ollhe Land Reghltrallon Reform Act, R.S.O. 1990,
Chapter 1.4, and any amendments thereto, the Vendorand Purcnaseraclmowledge and agreethatthe delivery ofdoouments and the mlaase Ihereoflolhe Vendor
andPurchasermay,atthelawyers'di5oretion: (a)notoccurcontemporaneouslywiththeregistrationofthetransfer/deed(andotherreglslerabtr.dooumentation),
and (b) be subject to cond~ions whereby the lawyer receiving documents andlor moneywUl be required to hold them in trust and not release them excepl in
accordanoo wilh the terms olawrittenagreementbetween lhelawy<!rs.
9. DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGE: Purchaser shall not oallforthe production 01 any mle deed, abstract survey orotherf!\lidence oltille to
the property except such as are in the possession orcontroi olVendor. II requeated by Purchaser, Vendorwill deliver any sketoh or survey of lhe property within
pursuant to the Trust and Loan CompaniesArft. (Caneda), Chsrlered Bank, Trust Company, Cre<l~ Union. Ceisllt! Populaire or Insurance Company and which
is not to be allSumed by PufChaseron oompletion, is not a\fllilable in registerableferm on complalion, Purchaser agrees to accept Vendor's lawyer's personal
undertaking to obtain. ou!oflheciosinglunds,adjsoharge in regiS\erablelonn andtoregistersameonlitlew~hinareasonableperiodollimeaftercomplelion,
provided that on or before complelion Vendor shall provide to Purchaaer a mortgage statement prepared by the mortg~ee setting out the balanoe required to
obtain the dhlcharge. logether with a dire<:tion executed by Vendor directing payment 10 lhe mO'rtgagee of the amount required to oblain the discharge out 0'1 the
10. INSPECTION: Purchaser ao~nowiedges having had tha opportunity to Inspectlhe property priortosubmftting It1ls Offer and undeflltands that upon
acceptanoe ollhlsOffertheresllal1 be a binding agraamenlofpurchasearKI salebetwee nPurchaserandVendor.
11. INSURANCE: All buildings on the proparty and all other things being purchased shall be and remain until completion althe risk of Vendor, Pending
completion, Vendorsl1all hold ail insuranca polioies. if any. and the pro ceedsthereol in trust for tha par!ies as their interesls may appear and in the event of
substan!ial damage, Purchaser may e~her terminate this Agreement and have all monies paid returned without interest or deduclion or else take Ihe proceeds
of any insurance and complete the purchase. Noinsuranceshallbetranslerredonoompielion. II Vendor i5laking back a ChargelMorlgsge, or purCllasarls
assuming aChargeIMortgllge. PurchasarshallsuppiyVendorwith ""asonableevi denoeoledequateinsuranoetoprotec!Verrdor'80rothermortgagee'sinterest
12. PLANNING ACT: The Agreement shall be effeclr.e to oreale an interest in the property only if Vendor GOmplies w~h the subdivision control
provislonsolthe Planning Actby complelion and Vendor covenents to proceed dilige nliyathisexpenseloob\ainanyneoessaryGOnsentbycompletion,
13. DOCUMENTPREPARATION: TheTransfarlOeedsllall,savefortheLandTransferTaxAffidavil. bapreparedinregisterablalenna{theexpense
thaI the Tmns/erlDeed to be delivered on completion shail contain the statt!manls contemplated by Section 50 (12) olthe Planning Act, R.S,O. 1990,
14. RESIDENCY; Purohaser shall bll cred~ed towards the Purchase Price wllh the amount, If any, necessary lor Purchaser to paylo the Minister of
Natio~al Ravenua to satisfy Purchase~s liability In respect 01 tax payable by Vendor undelthe non-reside~Cy provisio~s olthe Income Tax Act by reason of this
sala, PurohasershallnOlclaimsuchcredj(ifVandorda~varsoncompleijonthap"",critled certificate ora slatutorydaclaration that Vendor is nOlthen a non-
resident of Canada.
15. ADJUSTMENTS: Arryrents, mortgagaintarest. resilytaxesineluding local improvement rates and unm9terl!d publloorprivale utility charges and
unmeteredcostoff""l,asappllcable,shallbaapportioneda~dallowedtothedayofcompietlon,thedayofccmpletion;(seffto be apportioned to Purchase,
16. TIME LIMITS: Time shall in all respeels be olthe essence hreofprovided that the time fordoing or completing of any matter prov;ded for herein
may be extend!!d orabridg!!d by an agreamentinwritingsigned by Vendor and Purchas er or by their respective lawyersViho may be spacifically aulhorizetl in
17, TENDER: Any tender of documents or money hereunder may be made upon Vendor or Purchase, ortheir ",spect;ve lawyers on the day set for
completion, Money may bt> tendered by bank draft or cheque certified by a Chartered Bank, Trust Company, Province of Ontario Savings Office, Credit Union
18. FAMILY LAW ACT: Vandorwarrantsthatspousalccnsentls not neOO!lsarytothistransaction underlhep,ovlsionsofthe Family LawAct, R.S,O.
1990 unless Venders spouse has execul!!d the consent hereinafterprovidoo,
19. CONSUMER REPORTS: ThePurchsseris he'ebynolifiedthata consumerreportconlslningcreditandlorpersonal information maybe referred
20. AGREEMENT IN WRITING: If there is aa~fiiGt between any provision added tothls Agreemant (Including any Schedule attached hereto) and
arrypro\llsloninlhestandardpm-setportionhereof,theaddooprovlslonshaiI supersede the alandard pre-setplovislont<l theextenlofauchccnfiicl. This
Agreement, including anySchooulealtaohed hereto, sflallccnstttutethe t>nlireAgreemenlbelween Purol1aserandVendor. There is no representatlon, warranty,
collateral agreement orccnd~ionVihioh affects lhis Agreement other than as expressed hersin. ThisAgreementshall be read with ail changesofgenderornumber
21. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: Theheirs, executors, adminislrators,successorsal'ld asslgnsoftl1eundersignedamboundbythelermsherein,
DATED at Kincardine this 2-.:e. day of May, 2008
IN WrrNESSwhereof I haye hereunto set my hand and seal
OF ::RDINE /J ()
r"' )OL.- ~7~~
Name & Title: John deRosenroll, CAO.
I,The Undef5igned Vendor, agree to
above Offer.
DATED at Kl'\Ul.J~t1t...!.hiS
'2; day of May, 2008
IN WITNESS whereof I have nereu to set
hand and eal
12439660 ARID NC,
Name & Tftle:
This is Schedule ~ihL " to By~Law
:lCP% - *-
No. cA<j passed the J.l": day
Ihefollowing ~
The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine
1243966 Ontario Inc.
Address: fronting on the West side of T!verton Memorial Cemetery in the Municipality of Kincardine and having an acreage
of 13.6 acres more or 1e55 and legally deooribed a5 Part Lot 59, Plan 210, Village of Tiverton (now Municipality of
Kincardine) being the lands marked as Part 1 on the draft reference plan attached hereto as Schedule "AI',
(the "pmperty")
PURCHASE PRICE: Two hundred and ten thousand
Dollars (CON $210,000,00)
Purcha..er submits upon acceptance One Dollars (CON $1.00)
cash ornegctiable cheqUe payable to Vendor's Solicitor to be held in trust pending completion or other tennination of this agreement
and to be credited toward the Purchase Price on completion. Purchaser agrees to pay the balance as follows:
The sum of $105,000.00 to be satisfied by delivery by the Purchaser to the Vendor of a charitable tax receipt for
$105,000.00 on closing. The balance of the purchase price, subject to adjustments, by bank draft or certified cheque
to the Vendor's solicitor on the completion of this transaction.
This offer is conditional upon passage of a by-law by the council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine
authorizing purchase of the subject property on the terms herein.
All survey costs are the responsibility of the Vendor I2f\
SCHEDULE(S)A altacll8d heretofuJrn{s) partcflhlsAgreement :J.-1-S ~ r-.c-- l1..V
1 IRREVOCABILITY: 1ll15OffershallbelrrlNOGableby untl16pm onthe23rd daYof~2008 af!erwhlChml , otaccepted,
lhls Of!ershall be null and vOLd and Ihe deposn shall be relurned to the Purchaser Infullwil:l1outlnlereS! ._2.C-t-loo".
2 COMPLETtoN DATE: ThIS Agreementshall be completed by nO later than 6 00 P m on the yn day of June, 20 n complehon,
vacantpO$sesslonolthepropertyshallbeglventothePllrchaserunlessolherwweprovided forln thlsAgreemenl.
3. NOTICES: Arrtnotice relallfllltolhisAgreemenlorprovided for herein shall be In writing. Thisoffer, anyeounteroffer, nCliceolacceptancelhereof,
orany notice shall be deemed given and received, when hend delivered to the address lor seNice provided herein or. where a facsimile number is provided herein,
whentransmilled e1ecironicallylothatfecsimile number.
FAX No. 519-822-1921 (For delivery of nollce5 to Vendor) FAX No. 519-396-9446 (Fcrdelivery ofnctices to Purchaser)
4. GST: Ilthis transaction]s subjecttoGccds and SeNi<:es Tax (G.ST), then such shall be In addition to Ihe Purchase Price. Iflhis transaGtion
is not 5ubjectto G.S.T., V.mdor agrees to provide, cn orbeloreclcslng, a certificate that the transaction is not subjed10 G.S.T.
5. TITLE SEARCH: Purchaser shall be allowed until 6:00 p.m. on the 13th day of June, 2008 (the "Requisition Date") 10 examine 1he
tnle 10 the property at hls own expense and until the earlier of: (I) thirty days f rom the later 01 lhe Requistticn Da!e or Ihe date on which Ihe ccndttions in this
Agreement are fulfilled crotherwisewaivel1 or, (iQflve<layspriortocompletion,tosalisfyhl mselfthattherearenooutstanding worllordernordeficiencynotlces
affeeling the properly, that its presenl use Vacant land.{PD) may be iawfully conlinued and thatlhe principel building may be insured against risk o/fire.
and Vendor agrees to exeeute and oolivtlrsuchfurtheraulhorizationsin1his reganl a. sPurchasermayreasonablyTilquire,
6. FUTURE USE: Vendor and purchaser agree that there .. no repre5errtation or warranty of any kind that the future Intended use orthe properly by
Purchaser is orwm be lawful except as may be specffically provided furin1hi5A greement.
7. TITLE: Provided that the title 10 the property is good and free from all regislere<l restrictions, ~harges. liens, and encumbrances except as otherwise
specifically pmvided in this Agreement and save and exceptfor(a) any registered restrictions oreovenants that run with the land providing Ihat such are compiled
with; (b) any regislered munldpal agreements and registejf!d agreements with publicly regulaled u~lIfies providing such have been complied with, or security has
been posted 10 ensura compliance and compiation, as evidenced by a letlerfrom the re~vanl municipality or regulated utility; (c) any minoreasementsforlhe
lines,lelephonelines,cabletelevlsionlinesorolherooNi<:eswhichdonctmalerially affect the presenl use of1he property, tlwilhlntheapecifiedlimesreterred
or lhat the principal building may not be Insured against risk cffire is made In writing to Vendor and which Vendor is unable or unwilling tc remcve, remedy or
and all monie5paid shall be relumed wilhou!]nleresl or deducticn andVendor,5hal Inct 00 liab]efor any oosts or damages. Saveastoanyvalldobjecticnsc
8. CLOSING ARRANGEMENTS: Where each of the Vendor and PUrcharer retain a ~er to complete lhe Agreement 01 Purchase and Sale
of the properly, and where the transaction wili be completed by electronic regislration pUTSuant 10 Part 111 oflhe Land Reg]stralion Reform Act, R.S.O. 1990,
Cnapter1.4, and any amendments thereto. theVendorandPurchaserar:kncwtadgeandagreethatthedeliverycldocumentsand thereleaselhereoftot~Vendor
and (b) be subject to condmons whereby the lawyer re""iving dccuments and/or money will be required 10 hc]d them in tfllst and not release them except in
acc:ordancewlth Ihe terms of a wrillen agreemenl between the lawyeTS.
9. DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGE: Purchaser Shall not call furihe IlT<>duction of any Ime deed, abstract, surveyor other evidence clime to
lhellT<>pertyexceptsuchasareintnepcssessionoreontrclcfVendor. ifrequestedbyPurchaser,VendorwllldeliveranysketchcrsuNe\'oflhepropertywithin
Vendor'seontrollopurcha5erassoon as possible and priorio the Requisni onOale. IfadischargecfanyChargelMorigageheldbyacorpcratlonlncorporated
pursuanl to the Trusl and Loan Companies Act (Canada), Chartered Bank, Trust Ccmpany, Credit Union, Caisse populeire or Insurance Company and which
is ncllobe assumed by PUrchaseroncomplation, is ncl available in reg]ste rablelorm cneompleticn. PurchaseragreestoacceplVendor's lawyer's personal
undertak]n91o oblain, oul of the closing funds, a discharge in registerable form and to register same on Iltlewilhin a reasonable period oftima aller complellon,
provided lhat on or before eompleticn Vendcr shall provide to Purchaser a mcrtgage statement prepared by the mortgagee ootting out the balance required to
obtain the discharge, together with a direction executed by Vendor directing payment to the mortgagee of the amcunt required to obtain the discharge oul of the
balance due on completion.
10. INSPECTION: Purchaseraoknowledges having hadlhecpportunilyto inspecltheproperlyPfiortosubmilling this Offer and understands lhatupon
acceptanceoflhis Offer1here shall be a binding agreemenl of purcha5l! and sale betw eenPurchaserandVendor,
11. INSURANCE: All buildings cn the properly and all ctherlhings being purchased shall be and remain until complet]on at Ihe ri!!k of Vendor. Pending
completicn, Vendor shall hold all insurance pc]icies,ifany,srldthep roceeds tnereof in trIlst for the parties as their Interesls may appear and in Ihe ev entcf
SUbstantial damage, Purchaser may eltherteJrninate this Agreement and have all monies paid relumed withoul Interest or deduction or else take the proceeds
of any insuram:a and complete Ihe purchase, No insurance shall be transferred on completion. If Vendor ts taking back a Charg<>IMortgage, or Purchaser is
assuming a Charge/Mcrtgage, Purchaser shall supptyVendorw]th fli'asonable evidence of adequate Insurance to protect Vendor's or other mortgagee's interesj
12. PLANNING ACT: The Agreement shall be effective tc creale an in1erMt in the property only if Vendor complies wilh the subdivlsion control
prcvlsicns orthe Planning Act by oompletion and Vendor covenants 10 pro"'*XJ dillgenlly at his expense to obtain any- necessary consent by completion.
13. DOCUMENTPREPARATION: TheTrnnslerlDeedshall, savefortheLandTran5lerTaxAffidavil,bepreparedin",gi5lerablelormattheexpense
ofVendor,andanyCharge/MOrtgagetobegivenbackbylhePurchasertoVendcratlheexpenseolthePurchaser, IfrequestedbyPurehaser,Vendorcovenants
ttlat t~e TransferlDaed to be deJiv"....d on completion shall contain the statements conlamplalad by Section 50 (22) ollhe Planning Act, R.$,Q. 1990.
14. RESIDENCY: Purcha!!EIrshall be Ciootted towards the Purch!l5e Price willllhe amount, ifany, necessary for Purchsserto paylo the Minis\llrof
National Revenue to saUsfy Pu,chase(s liability in respect oltaxpayable byVe ndorunder\henon_residenCYPTovisionsofll1elncomeTaxActbyreasonoflhis
sale. Pumhase, shall not claim such cre<!tt if Vendor delivers On completion the prescribed certificate or a statuto!)' declaration IhetVendor is nolthen a non.
resident of Canada.
15. ADJUSTMENTS; Any rents, mortgage Interest. realty taxes including tooal improvement rates and unmelered publicorprivale ulMy charges and
unmele",dcoatoffuel,as appll""ble, shall be apportionsd and allowed 10 lhe day of completion, lhe day 01 completion it$ellto be apportioned to Purchase r,
16, TIME LIMITS: Time sheff In all respects be of the essence hereof provided that the lime for doing or completing 01 any matter provided for herein
may be extended or abridged by en agreement In writing signed byVendor and Purchaser or by their respective iawyers who may be specifically authorized in
that regard,
17. TENDER: Any tender of documents or money hereunder may be made opon Vendor or Purchaser or their respec:live lawyers on the day set lor
completion. Money may be tendered by bank draft orcl1eque certified by a Cl1artered Bank. Trust Company. Province ofOntarie Savings Office, Credit Union
or Caisse Populalre,
18. FAMILY LAW ACT: Vendorwarrantsthatspousalconsemls notnecessarytoll1is transaction under the provisions of tire FamilyLawAct. R.S,Q,
19. CONSUMER REPORTS: The Purchaser Is herebynolilied thalaconsumerrepllrtconlaining credffandlorpersonallnlormalillnmayberelerred
to in conneotion with this lransaclion,
20. AGREEMENT IN WRITING: Ilthere is conflict belwe€In any provision added to this Agreement (including any Schedule altached hereto) and
anyprovi5ion inlhe Slandard pre-set portion hereof,theaddedprovisienshallsupersedetheslandardpre-setprovisilIn 10 the extent ofsucl1 conflict, This
Agreement, including any Schedule altacl1ed hereto. shall constffute the entlreAgreement bellveen Purchaser ~nd Vendor. There is no representation. warranty,
collateral agreement orcondition which affects thisAgreemenl other than a>;expressed hereOn. ThiSAg,eemenl Shall be read with all changes ofgenderllr number
required by the conlexl.
21. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: Thehalrs, executors, adminislratllrs.suc<:essorsandasslgnsoftheundersignedareboundbythe!ermsherein.
DATED at Kincardine this '2..~ day of May, 2008
IN WITNESS whereof I have her<lUnID set my hand and sea!
P"' --C,l- A ~<r-,o~~
Name & Title: John deRosenroll, CAO.
I,TheUndersignedVendor,agreeto eaboveOffer.
DATEDat)(:"'l@_k~ this ~ day of M,ay, 2008
IN WITNESS whereof I have he untos my hand a dseai
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