HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 165 amend personnel by-law e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE KBT BY-LAW NO. 2004 -165 BEING A BY-LAW TO REVISE TH CONSOLIDATED PERSONNEL BY-LAW N . 2000-141, AS AMENDED, TO REFLECT 2005, 2006 & 2007 LABO R NEGOTIATION SETTLEMENTS WITH EMPLOYEES OF THE MU ICIPALlTY OF KINCARDINE i WHEREAS Sections 8 and 9 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S O. 2001, c 25, as amended, provide municipalities with the powers of a natural person to enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate an to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; ! I AND WHEREAS By-law No. 2000-141 was passed on the jth day of November, 2000 to establish personnel policies for the employees 0 the Municipality of Kincardine; AND WHEREAS The Council for The Corporation of the Mun cipality of Kincardine deems it expedient to amend By-law 2000-141, as amended, to reflect 2005,2006 and 2007 negotiation settlements with the employees of the Municipality of Kincardine; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Mun iciPality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: ' 1. That By-law No. 2000-141, as amended, be hereby f rther amended to provide for the labour relations agreement reach between the Municipality of Kincardine Employees' Group and the orporate Services Negotiation Team, attached this by-law as Schedul "A" and dated October 26, 2004. i That By-law No. 2000-141, as amended, be hereby f rther amended to provide for the labour relations agreement reach d between the Municipality of Kincardine Senior Managers and the orporate Services Negotiation Team, attached to this by-law as Sched Ie "B" and dated October 26, 2004. 2. 3. That By-law No. 2000 - 141, as amended, be hereby f rther amended to provide for the agreement reached between the C ief Administrative Officer and the Corporate Services Negotiation Team, ttached to this by- law as Schedule "cn and dated October 26, 2004. . ../2 e e e - Page 2 Amendment to Consolidated Personnel By-law No. 20 0 - 141 By-law No. 2004 - 165 That By-law No. 2000 - 141, as amended, be hereby ~ rther amended to provide for Earty Retirement Benefits as negotiated by t e Municipality of Kincardine Employees' Group, Senior Managers an CAO with the Corporate Services Negotiation Team and attached 0 this by-law as Schedule "Dn and dated October 26, 2004. That the provisions provided herein supercede any b -laws which are inconsistent with the provisions provided in this by-law. r This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its fnal passing. This by-law may be cited as the nAmendment To conS¡idated Personnel By-Law 2000-141 (2005,2006 & 2007 Labour Relations By-Law". READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and FINALLY PA SED this 3rd day of November, 2004. I 4. 5. 4. 5. j&~~ Mayor ~ CD N ~ . J! "t> ~'5 ~ ~ '7a.s~ '<t ë ~ III o 0> C) ~ o E ~ N G) .U) S2 Ò ~ ~ õ ez~ð'Þ := '" ã. = o!!!t:E~ .>..2 w 13 cam CJ'- .sã3:ES <! 0:: t: ::¡; Q) :s ~ (I) :;.8~ï= "t> III 0> ~...Jca <.> (f . <. ~ aci ~ ~ ~ ~ .s ~ .c o "': E ,g '" Q) > o E E ::! 'Ë ~ Q. = :E (f ~ íiì - "': ~ ~ '" ,£; t: o E '<t N ~ 0> ¡; o o d o C') ~ .s 0> OJ ~ 0> > o <.> t: o ïii 'S: N oð E ~III ~ ~ ::¡; C) Q) 0> ¡; :5 êi5 ~ ifi& t: ., ã. t: o "" '2 OJ o <.> ~ 0> 0> ð' ã. E 0> C') Q) E ï= "!: III 11. 0.: oð :; u.. on IÓ ~ Q) t: o OJ t: 'S: '8 ~ ,., '" t: ê :> <.> Q) '" o .c - ~ .e Q) '" III ~ <.> ,5 2 t: III ~ ãj ~ OJ '" c ë¡ :5 ., o .c U <F- o ~ '<t 0> E ï= "!: III 11. 0.: oð :; u.. « g¡ on æ ~ õ ~ z 0> t: o OJ t: 'S: ë¡; e õ t: >. "" t: ê ::! () 0> '" o ,£; ~ .e 2 t: ! ãj OJ t:., ~ '0 o ., U .c o ,., 01:: o ~ ~.ð on '" ~ ã. E Q) ~ "t> 0> .c () ~ III '" ~ III ~ ë 0 ::! o Q. () ::! 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Õ 0 oþ c. ,- .m E,g. ,.,0 t»ï: 0) ::J £:2 'õ~ Q)- "'õ ::! 0) .", .c Q) - Q) 0) ð' '0_ ::J C. o E ,S 0) 10 10 .c 0 "'- .0 0) :>- _.0 () 10 .c '¡;¡ .: > ., ., 0) 0) J:.c 0)= .... ., ë.c 0) '" U- t: t: Q) o E '" Q) '0- ,- - >"..i:õ 10 t: 00) 0) ,!!! .c .c 1-1- ~ iIi Q) - o Z . ~ e Schedule "Cn to By-law No. 2004 - 165 October 26/04 Agreement between the Chief Administrative Officer and Municipality of Kincardine 1, Due to the Chief Administrative Officer having to work in a political environment, it is recommended that a clause be created: New Clause e If at any time the Chief Administrative Officer is either te inated, demoted or restructured without cause, at the discretion/action of Cou cil/either upper or lower tier then: (If the demotion or restructuring does not suit in a reduction in salary then this clause does not apply) A. The Municipality shall pay the Chief Administrative 0 lcer 1 month severance pay for each year of credited service (end 2004 = 13 years) B, A minimum of 90 days notice shall be given byeithe party (Municipality or CAO) prior to any separation being enacted, C. The severance payout shall have a maximum cap Ii it of 24 months, 2. The Municipality agrees to document the Chief Administr tive Officers use of a municipal vehicle, subject to: A. All personal use shall be recorded and the CAO hall be responsible for the taxable benefit accruing, B. The vehicle shall be maintained by the municipal ,with fuel, licence, repairs and insurance included. e Note: Please note that Item #2 has been the standard for the Chief Administrative Officer, but has not been documented in text form, 3, The Chief Administrative Officer agrees to provide a yea succession plan report to the Corporate Services Committee, 4. All terms and conditions contained in the Senior Manage 'contract shall apply to the Chief Administrative Officer. This is Schedule" L. " to By-L No,.::1Mi1-LSPassed th~ da of ~;;!:. ~. Mayor e ¿,¡;t:t:; e e e e - Schedule "D" To By-law No. 2004 - 165 October 26, 2004 Early Retirement Benefits Coverage: Employees who retire earty with the qualifying fact rs listed below. Tenns: 1. Eligibility is based on the employee being a minim m age of 55 with ten (10) years of continuous service with the Muni ipality, Upon reaching his/her 65th birthday this benefit plan will erminate, 2. Extended Health Coverage will be made available to earty retirees nder the terms and conditions set out in Personnel By-law 2000-141. Please note that the cost for Extended Health shall be funded y the employee/employer on a 50/50 basis. 3. Life Insurance Life insurance and AD & D will be made available 0 earty retirees, at the level of one (1) times the annual salary, fro en at the date of retirement. The employee will pay 50% of the pre ium costs, 4. Dependent Life Insurance Dependent Life Insurance will be made available t earty retirees, under the terms and conditions set out in Personn I By-law 2000- 141 at the date of retirement. The employee will p y 50% of the premium costs. 5. Semi-Private Coverage Semi-Private Coverage for hospitalization will be ade available to earty retirees. The employee will pay 50% of the remium costs. 6. Dental Dental will be made available to early retirees und r the terms and conditions set out in Personnel By-law 2000-141 t the date of retirement. The employee will pay 50% of the pre ium cost. This is Schedule".J:L " to B -Law No.<='cð#-.f-<passed the 01:::;;;;o? Mayor eI ~] u.-.. t;) veL- /