HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 164 agree mto lighting 'e e e e KBT TIlE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW NO. 2004-164 BEING A BY·LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGN NG OF AN AGREEMENT WITH HER MAJESTY THE QUE N IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO AS REPRES NTED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATIO WHEREAS Section 38 (2) of the Public Transportation and Hi hway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 50, allows that "no person shall, excep under a permit therefore from the Minister, place, erect, or alter any structure r any road upon or within 45 metres of any limit of a controlled-access highway or upon or within 395 metres of the centre point of an intersection; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardi e has requested permission from Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Provi ce of Ontario as represented by the Ministry of Transportation to install interse ion identification lighting at the corner of Highway 21 and Concession 5 Municipality of Kincardine; AND WHEREAS Sections 8 and 9 (1) of the Municipal Act 20 1, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended provides municipalities with powers of a atural person to enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriat and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the Municip lity of Kincardine deems it necessary to enter into an agreement with Her Maj sty the Queen in Right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Ministry of Transportation to install, maintain, operate and repair intersection identificati n lighting at the Corner of Highway 21 and Concession 5, Municipality of incardine, more particularly described in the agreement attached to this by-law s Schedule "A"; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of th Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine enter nto an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Provine of Ontario as represented by the Ministry of Transportation for th installation of intersection lighting at the corner of Highway 21 an Concession 5, Municipality of Kincardine. 2. That the Mayor and CAO be authorized to sign, on behalf of the Municipality of Kincardine, the Agreement with Her in Right of the Province of Ontario as represented b Transportation attached to this by-law as Schedule "A". The Corporation ajesty the Queen The Ministry of 3. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its fin I passage. .../2 e e e - MTO Agreement, By-Law By-Law 2004 - 164 Page 2 of 2 4. This By-law may be cited as the "Concession 5 Intersection Identification Lighting Agreement, By-law". . READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of November 2004. ß¿.. __¡(. k. , Mayor /'1 / / ...--' e.¿l.l../ i: \; ,I ·1 I. I! 'I " >, ' L 1,·1 .. ~i" '>\ ., f----/ -- , ... . :~ 4"1- " . ¡! . q II I. " Ii II· il Ii Ii I \ i , I i - ¡ \. I' \¡, q 'I 'I I· ii 1\ 1\ Ii " II ¡i II iI II II iI I I \ II I " 01 'i I .\ ;1 'I , ,I ., 0- 1 n í ;i I II 11 ,I II ¡j " INTBRSBCTIOH IDBNTIPICATIOH LIGHTIHG ":.0 th103@.BY of ~~dè'f THIS AGREEMENT BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of Ontario, as represented by the Ministry of Transportation hereinafter called the "Ministry"; - and - The Corporation of the Muncicipality of Kincardine hereinafter called the "Municipality". In consideration of the Minister granting to the Municipality permission to install, maintain, operate and repair Intersection Identification Lighting as identified in Schedule attached hereto the parties agree as follows: 1. In installing, maintaining, operating or repairing the Intersection Identification Lighting the Municipality will use care and diligence to ensure that there will be no interference with the roadway or adjoining the ditches or drains by any work done or omitted to be done by the Municipality and where any such interference occurs, any necessary construction to remove the interference will be carried out by the Municipality at its own expense. td{:; I) " .. \\ ii " \\ 1\ I I I I I 'I I, 'I iÍ I :i .; Ii ¡. 1,\ i 'I: I' ¡I I: II I I I ; ¡ I. il I I Ii Ii 1\ 1 :\ f i ¡ ',¡ II 1\ I' Ii " II ! " il ~:f!*' /~ ¡it . 'I -, ! , -. ... ' I II \1 I I , .. , i' ¡I I I , , I , ,~ ,I 2. 3. 4. 5. II Page 2 I f in the absolute discretion of the Ministry's District Engineer it is determined that the Municipality has failed to remove the interference in a reasonable time or that such removal has resultåî:l in the roridwlÌy or adjoining ditches and drains being damaged then the Minister may take whatever steps he/she deems necessary to remedy such damage with aU costs to be paid by the Municipality. The Municipality will indemnify and save harmless Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario from and against all claims, liabilities, loss, costs, damages or other expenses of every kind that Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario may incur or suffer as a consequence of or in connection with the installing, maintaining, operating or repairing of the Intersection Identification Lighting. The Municipality places the Intersection Identification Lighting within the right-of-way entirely at its own risk and the Minister shall not be responsible or liable in any way for any damage or loss to the Municipality, its contractors or agents or whether or not such damage or loss is caused by any act, failure to act or negligence of the Ministry of Transportation or any employee, contractor agent of or the Ministry of Transportation. The Minister may at any time require that the Intersection Identification Lighting be relocated within the right of way. Where the Minister requires that the Intersection Identification , i I , I, .1 :¡ " . II Ii ¡i " II Ii '. 'I I, , !I II II :ì I I I' , I I ¡ 1\ :1 it Ii I, Ii Ii Ii II II " it II I I i Ii II II !, 'j il I II II ii II II I', ., il I II II :i i! Ii i; II II I' I ;: . I ,'~ I . I ~ \i 1\ , . '. Ii II ¡ Page 3 Lighting be relocated within the right-of-way, the Municipality shall the Intersection move Identificat~on Lighting to the specified location in accordance with all directions of the Ministry's Distr1êtEngineer. All costs associated with the relocation of lighting will be apportioned according to Ministry policies. 6. If the Municipality breaches any of the conditions of this Agreement, the Minister may in his/her absolute discretion terminate the Agreement or provide that the Municipality shall remedy the breach as expeditiously as possible subject to any direction which the Minister may give. 7. The Municipality shall reinstate the Ministry's right-of-way, including fencing, trees and vegetation, to its pre-work condition and to the acceptance of the Ministry District Engineer after installing, maintaining, and repairing , the Intersection Identification ~ighting. 8. The all the 9. Municipality will be responsible for obtaining necessary approvals, and without restricting generality of the foregoing such, Ministry, Agency or Municipal approvals required in order to carry out these works and notify all utilities located within the right-of-way of its intent. The Municipality will not cut, trim or interfere with any trees or vegetation on the right-of-way without the approval in writing of the Ministry's District Engineer, or other persons appointed by the Minister to give such approval. II :1 ,: , :1 ii Ii II II " II p " . i: I I I I , i I I I II 11 ¡! II Ii II r ,I II Ii !¡ I! " II I. 1\ !, " I, I ! I I , II I' II I, I I I I 1\ I[ I . . II I~ !l~ ',~ _ ¡It . ! ~ \ I :1 II I I I I I 'I I PER: PER: ~....rJ\~~~^- (Signature) "-l~c..,<+.-, ~- ~ I ~\Þ..t.., ,.....tJ II: (Name) I c--. ,Ii ;"\.'æ:L"h ~'! \C"~ l>~ r,., ...~, ii (Title) II II II ¡: Ii Page 4 10. It is understood that this Agreement approves only the installation of the Intersection Identification Lighting which will be placed on the right-of-way within one (1) year from the date of the approval ðf t!lê'fnìJtallation. Any Work which has not been carried out after the expiration of one (1) year from the date of the approval of the installation shall be subject to further approval. 11. By this Agreement the Minister grants only permission pursuant to the provisions of the Public Transportation and Hiohwav Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.50 and the Municipality shdl comply with all applicable laws in making use of the permission granted to this Agreement. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of Ontario as represented by the Ministry of Transportation THE CORPORATION OF THE Municipality OF Kincardine ~..æ_~ (Signature) ,. PER: ~ ~ c.o~ à,., ';(rf:WAAvcIf (Signature) Glenn R. Sutton, Mayor John deRosenroll (Name) Chief Administrative Officer (Title) I! ., 'i'l II II 11 " 'I I, I I il I! I II I ;:\ I :1 ;1 jÍ :1 II 11 i; I if H i' ii , Ii II il I I Ii II II I: ,I " II II I! " II II Ii :i ,I '" ~~' ;.. - ,'" , , <. ¡ I I I II ,. I! i¡ (' / . - ""-'- . ,-.".. .' 0\101:1 l\ldl::JINnV1 ¿ x ,- 0 E E E E 00 r0LÔ ~ ,. I C> I (f) C> Z ;;;' ~ ,. I 52 I (f) C> Z '" I I I I SCHEDULE "A" 0\101:1 l\ldl::JINnV1 0\101:1 l\ldl::JINnV1 - N W D::: ::J Ü LL '- CJ :J U LJ C (l) 0- '- (l) 0- '- CJ :J U LJ C (l) Q. '- (l) 0- '" V ~ CJ LJ (l) LJ ~ (l) C ~ (l) ~ °C '¡: >. 0 >-. CJ CJ o 3: >. s: = £. 0 ...c: CO';. CO' '- I I o (f) (f) = Q)"d" 01 C C ~~ ~Ÿ: .::::- - >.- o ~ 0 [f) [f) W Q) W ( ) C C (l) E o '- CL <:( <1> (J) Q) (J) Q) ......................!..... I..... b !...- Z O1O)OO(:Oe C .::£.~ C Q) C Q) o ~ gEE U E U r5~m.3 . [:;3 I I I I I -.J --0 0 œ C o ~ C ~ o CJ '- U LJ 0 o 0 5- ~ CJ) (f) E 0... ( ) Q.... :J >-§-:2I E §CJ)~3:C '- CJ 0 E C Q) 00 o ::=: I... 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GI 111 V 0 ... ¡~ml .r-f. .µ <1 Q -... ~""'J1J ':>< r3 ot:lo fo.'.! ~ e t:IoJ1J 0 Š o '! 111111 po ~ .~',~ § V e ' jra~~ 0 ! ª ~ 1 rail 0";:: M f! .. ~ i ''00 g I oes t log <1,.... 8 ¡ 01 § t:IoGl g ¡ m~~ AI~~ ~ tJ <j< o o N . M .... ... Q) ~ .GI +' t:Io GI en Ž o '0 '<1 ::s o '" <1 GI ~, .. !;;;' Q (:1 -< Q · ,l ',--, 2, 3, ¡ i ~, eJ, E¡, 71. 1 10. 1:1, 1r· I I 1~. 1~. Ap.pendix I A I Conditions for Encroachment Permits and Utilitv Installations On or Under a Kina's Hiahwav HIS APPENDIX' A' FORMS PART OF THE CONDITIONS OF YOUR PERMIT. THESE ARE GENERAL ONDITIONS ONLY, PLEASE NOTE ANY SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS AND/OR CONDITIONS ON THE FRONT F YOUR PERMIT. The Applicant shall give the Maintenance Co-ordinator, Tom Reid, at Kincardine, Phone Number: (519) 396-6852, Fax Number: (519) 396-3122, five (5) working days notice PRIOR to commencing any work, and shall also inspect the site on completion with the Maintenance Co-ordinator, If the Applicant is unable to contact the Maintenance Co-ordinator, the District/Area office responsible for issuing the permn must be contacted at Phone Number: (519) 376-7350 five (5) working days PRIOR to any work. The Applicant shall also provide notice to the Ministry of Transportation Radio Room, Phone Number: (519) 873-4223, Fax Number: (519) 873-4228, five (5) working days notice PRIOR to commencing any work. The applicant and their contractor(s) are responsible for all safety precautions and shall assume all liability for accidents. Two way traffic must be maintained with a minimum of disruption at all times unless arrangements have been approved by the ministry. Traffic safety measures must be taken in accordance with the Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7. No excavation is permitted within ten (10') feet (3,0 m) of edge of pavement or back of curb. Excavations must be protected by concrete barriers and fully enclosed when unattended. All augered/directional bores shall have a one year performance warranty against heaving/settlements, Utilities must be buried at a minimum depth of forty-eight inches (48"-1.2m) below road surface and ditch inverts, thirty inches (30"-a,76m) in all other areas, Fibre optics cable to be buried at forty-eight inches (48"- 1,2m) in all cases, No open cutting will be allowed for highway crossings, No excavating of the highway roadbed will be allowed for the purpose of recovering a boring device or underground piercing tool, No torpedoes will be allowed for highway undercrossings, Highway shoulders which are disbJrbed as a result of an installation, will be restored by the Applicant with material as specified by the Ministry, at the applicant's expense, and to the satisfaction of the Ministry, Pavement surfaces which become damaged as a result of an installation, will be repaired by the Applicant as specified by the Ministry, at the applicant's expense, and to the satisfaction of the Ministry. The Highway Right-of-Way shall be restored to a condnion acceptable to this Ministry by the Applicant upon completion of the installation, or as soon as possible, Any damage to trees, shrubs, ditches, grass areas shall be repaired or replaced by the Applicant, at the discretion of this Ministry, No trenching and/or plowing will be permitted within 'Drip Line' of trees, without prior approval. The Applicant is responsible for all damages to any existing utilities and/or encroachments during the installation, The Applicant is advised to contact the owner(s) of such, for location prior to commencing work. The Applicant shall give the Ministry's district/Area Office written notice of completion of work, and of any changes made during construction. Any changes to the alignment of the installation beyond 0,5 m must have Ministry approval. Work must be started within six (6) months of the date the permn is issued, or the permit becomes null and void. This Permn may be temporarily revoked as result of the ministry wishing to carry out construction or other works In the area or for any other reasons, for any works carried out by the applicant under this permit. :f The applicant must contact other agencies and municipalities (ie: conservation authorities, ministry of the environment, municipal drainage superintendent, etc.) as required, for their approvals, All work performed within the right-of-way shall be done in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (of Ontario) and the Environmental Protection Act, , 1~. Hydro poles and anchors shall be located a minimum of 7.0 m from the edge of the travelled portion of the lane closest to the plant. . NPTE: APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THE CONTRACTOR IS MADE AWARE OF ALL I CONDITIONS AND IS PROVIDED WITH A COpy OF THE PERMIT AND ALL CONDITIONS. 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