HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 166 agree bruce controls e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW NO. 2004 - 166 BEING A BY-LAW TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT W TH BRUCE CONTROL SYSTEMS LIMITED FOR THE REPLACEMENT A D UPGRADING OF THE CONTROL SYSTEM AT THE KINCARDINE WATE TREATMENT PLANT , I WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has enacted the Safe D~nking Water Act, 2002, O.Reg. 170/03, to protect human health through the conlol and regulation of drinking-water systems and drinking-water testing; f AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, s.o. 2001, c. 2 Section 11 (2) authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws respecting matters wi hin the sphere of jurisdiction of water distribution; , AND WHEREAS the said Municipal Act, Sections 8 ani 9 (1) provides municipalities with powers of a natural person to enable the to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their abi ity to respond to municipal issues; ¡ I i AND WHEREAS the Ministry of the Environment requires t~e Municipality of Kincardine to resolve high turbidity rates identified at the incardine Water Treatment Plant; I AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine has receivedf quotation from Bruce Control Systems Limited in the amount of $164,341.0 plus applicable taxes for the replacement and upgrading of the existing con 01 system at the Kincardine Water Treatment Plant; I AND WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the Municip lity of Kincardine deems it necessary to enter into an agreement with Bruce Control Systems Limited for the replacement and upgrading of the existing con rol system at the Kincardine Water Treatment Plant, attached to this by-law as S hedule "A"; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of thb Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1- 1. That the quotation of Bruce Control Systems Ltd. for th replacement and upgrading of the existing control system at the Kincardin Water Treatment Plant in the amount of $164,341.00, excluding taxes, be erebyaccepted. 2. That the Mayor and CAO be hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality 0 Kincardine the agreement with Bruce Control Systems Ltd. attached 0 this by-law as Schedule "A". . . ./2 e e e - e 3. Page 2 By-law No. 2004 - 166 Control System Replacement and Upgrade By-I~w This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its firal passage. This by-law may be cited as the "Control System ~eplacement and Upgrading Kincardine Water Treatment Plant Quote Afceptance (Bruce Control) By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and FINALLY PA$SED this 3rd day of November, 2004. 4. / ßJL.-t<. ~ Mayo"" THIS AGREEMENT made this.3'lbday of r/o"fM&£..2D04 BETWEEN: . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE This Is Scbedn\e · iL · to By-Law NO.JIo'~;:~sed the &iJ day of.M 2004. ¡;) ;-t~ BRUCE CONTROL SYSTEMS LlMI-N8.or (the "Municipality") -and - (the ·Company") Replacement and upgrading of the existing control system at the Water Treatment Plant in Kincardine for a maximum upset limit of $164,341.00 + GST. . Part 1 of the Work The work will be specifically described in Schedule A dated August 24, 2004 for a subtotal of $153.409.00 + GST. Part 2 of the Work The work shall be described in Schedule B dated September 10, 2004 for a ( subtotal of $10,932.00 + GST. -tl--.L C~+-r",c.-\c.r- ..:s ""'-ll prov,¿'~ ClS.-b~.I+ ci............,-:... L\. -I-c:.L..~H...l <'''-,0'''0+..1. CN'lc ~ WHEREAS Schedule C is attached for proof of insurance. ^ r C. ~+- "- l I ,~ oJ I~ c.~ c.:'I-e. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Municipality has hereto affixed its corporate seal attested 3" ~ L by th~hand of its Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer this I-Lr..l./ day t) ¿ P of "¡'Jo,/ÉM¿~ 2004. ,J?)e parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this ~~ TilI-CD day of otl£:M¿e¿· ,2004. . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of Witness . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE JJJ-.æ· ~ Mayor - Glenn~Sutton ;¡\ ~<\ . ". '2.- ,._ .. ~ C ief Administrative Officer- John deRosenroll ....... ..~: "~"-"'.,~"~"'''. "'~ .... \,:,l....·.·_ ...... 'c"""., /~:..........- --~ - {. : Bob Pe iv ,Owner;:. .' ~ ,,;;,. ~ . I HAVE AUTHORrrYT'~-~D:'t:¢~ CORPORATION.....: :'~'.' · . · '. . · BRVQB QO..·...·~OL ø'YØTE1IIJ[ø LTD. 4876 Hwy. 9 R.R. #4 Kincardine On N2Z 2X5 (519)-395-2455 Fax(519)-39~767 Aug. 23fQ4 Municipality of Kineardine Mr. Jim O'Rourlœ As requested at to-days meeting, enclosed is the proof ofinsurance declaration. I started worlångin 1975 at the water plant for the Kineardine PUC. ûvertheyears I have been involved in the rebuilding of Singm' and control valves, air compressors, and the reclific8tìan of many problems. In 1978 I installed theCOJllrol systems in the new ~ 3 and therefurbí,d.....-:nt offilters 1 and 2. In 1995 I installed the control system for filter 4. I was involved in the control system m-Ihrinu for the new water tower. The last ~ project was the control system instaII8tion forthe backwash waste watertanlts. Should any funher infonnalion,_diug my involvement at the water plant be required, please contact me. YoorsTruIy (~ Bob Percival t-I L · . SCHEDULE "An TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE AND BRUCE CONTROL SYStEMS LIMITED BRVQB QO.I!II·...'~OL IIY8TB:JIII:II:LTD. 4876 Hwy. 9 R.R. #4 Kincardine On N2Z 2X5 (519)-395-2455 Fax (519)-395-4767 Aug. 24104 Municipality of Kíncardine Mr. Jim O'Rourlre Water Plant EJl.pIUI8ÌOD and Retrofit Dear .run .AfIa- clarifiadion of some itl:ms ~dI.y. the fuUowing is a job ~ of the wnd; to be done and 1heïr associated costs. A _ coatro1 panel as per the dmwiDg J gaveyou yesI«day wiíb a graphic JepI tIt Illation of the basic plant operation with new switches and pilot lamps for exisling equipment JÐsl'allariou of anew PLC to comroI.fiJters 1,2. and 3 wilh an .inrC'rioclc to.filrcr 4 PLC. A data link will be provided to the new clarifier PLC. An Ethernet data connection will be provided to an office Pc. Handlofl7 Auto seIector switches and position indicalion pilot IIIIDp!I will be provided for the new :filter to waste valves and the exisling surface-wash valves. Replacement of the existing pneumatic controllers for fiItcrs I, 2, and 3 with electronic eoIIIroIIer/indicatars. The measurement deMœs will be similar to those 011 fiher ". Electronic control of the proposed new effluent valves on filters I, 2, and 3. Relocate the cxiSIiDg turbidity iDdicaûoII paneI and replace- the turbidity sensors. The raw water sample point will be moved to the low lift pump house. The existing RIICO antodiaIer and printer will be moved to the new oontrol panel Iocatiœ. Move:filter 4 control panel to the yet to be selected control panellocatíon. .IDsraII a new plant effluent maguelic now mcfCr to repIaœ the aging (197') Sp.,. illg flow meter. To 0WI"C0Il1C thehigb chemieaI costs and aging equipment. __ wiIlinsmI1 mplacancntinßuent and effluent cbIorine residual meters. Install the required cbIorine residual, Ph and temperature meter for a sample point at the entrance to the high lift pump well (Sample pump by others). Required plant data JOf!8ÙIg. · . · · · · · · · · · · · . · · . Page 2 'The material cost breakdown is as follows: I. Installed magnetic flow meter and spool piece 2. Installed A TI :ftec and to1aI chlorine residual meters 3. .AIdes:ûee c:bIoriDe, Ph, 8Dd ~"'ç probes 4. Control paneI,lamps, switches, and COD1roIIerlìndìcators 5. PLC , software and plOßI;II......:..'ß 6. Labour ÍIISIaII8lÌon and material for items 3, 4, and 5 Total .158355.00 + GST $13,I08.oo+GST $6495.00 + GST S56,806.oo + GST 533,6ß00 + GST 535,000.00 + GST $153,A109.oo + GST As you indicated yesterday this will be a maximum, not to exceed figure. There is software included which will be available for use in the future on other projects. Should any further infonnalion be required, please contact me. Bob Percival )(~ Broce Control '~fms Ltd. . · . · ? . ~Tri!!ßJJ!! ntAFTER~UE COIIPANV CIAL POt-ICY RENEWAL 18383C01.3.0 . B CONTROL SYSTEMS . K N~INE ON N2Z2Z4 LTD AøPnf or RrnIc~ 85 MILLER INS BROKERS INC 926 QUEEN ST KINCARDINE ON N2Z 2Z4 PHONE (519) 396-3465 ~ As Per BasIs or Claim 1'11_ DEDUCTIBLE: $ 500.00 : U:Ot a.m. SIaDdanI at the Postal Address or the FROM IiISiIftd as øatid .... lID MM YYYV 03 03 2004 TO DO MM \'YVY PremIum rorUais 03 03 2005 POLICY $ 680.00 . 9 Declarations Page is ev~~(. , ,O,f, a contract of insurance between the ured and the Company, subJe.~ i~:;¡¡,ll respects to the Insuring Agreements the COMMERCIAL POLICY. '~'¡"':6: ATlON 1: VARIOUS LOCATIONS .:~k f!í~" if lIOy, payable to the Insured "trRf ,;,~ 1:-' COVERAGE $ AMOUNT 5,000 . .. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS ~ 02*CONTRACTOR'S TOOL AND EQU~ ~ATER (AS PER ATI'ACHED 11'0 AlJ.. ...-tG.' TOOLS USUAL TO BUS 55- If .JiI'"-~J. SUBJECT TO A MAX $1500. PER ANY ONE ITEM) 16*COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABI BODILY INJURY AND PRO!? OCCURRENCE LIMIT - "FO PERSONAL INJURY OCCURREN BODILY INJURY, i'ROPERT'l PERSONAL INJURY AGGREGATE LIMIT MEDICAL PAYMEN'l'S OCcu:RRJi:NCE LIMIT MEDICAL PAYMENTS AGGREGATE LIMIT TENANTS' LEGAL LIABILITY BROAD FORM SUBJECT TO $500. PROPERTY DlU4AGE DEDUCTIBLE OPERATIONS USUAL TO INSTALLATION OF FLOW CONTROLS WORK $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ $ $ $ 3,000,000 2,500 25,000 100,000 33701 & ELECTRICAL WJ'J'NKSS ~EOF, die Compuy .......-d IÜI potiq to he sipM by . ..,.... .... C cu,' ~ bJ a duly alllherized npreoeaIafh o /02/04 LARATION PAGE - INSUR . . THIS POLICY CONTAINS A CLAUSE(S) THAT MAY UMIT THE AMOUNT PAYABL.E . . . . . . Friday. September 1 O. 200~ 03:05:23 PM SCHEDULE "B" TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE AND BRUCE CONTROL SYSTEMS LIMITED :BR:~7c:E CX>.·...~OL ~yl!!ll'...·..'.--A:1J'rI1 4876 Hwy. 9 R.R. #4 Kincardine On N2Z 2X5 (519)-395-2455 Fax (519)-395-4767 Municipality of Kincardine Mr. Jim O'Rourke Water Plant Expansion and Retrofit -Filter 5 Addition Page 1 of 1 Sept. 10/04 Dear Jim: The addition of filter 5 panel equipment wired to panel tenninal blocks, additional PLC equipment, and the supply of field transmitters, - head loss, filter level, and tw"bidity, will cost as follows: · Pilot lights, switches, indicator/controllers $3163.00 + GST ---- - · PLC equipment, panel hardware, and programming $4569.00 + GST · Labour $3200.00 + GST As before, this is a maximum figure based on a 5% increase in material costs in 2005. Should any further infonnation be required, please contact me. Yours Truly Bob Percival Bruce Control Systems Ltd. I