HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 025 Kincardine BIA Community Improvement Plan
NO. 2008 - 025
WHEREAS subsection 28 (4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P 13
authorizes the Council of a local municipality to adopt a community improvement
plan for a community improvement project area;
AND WHEREAS By-law No. 2007-347 was passed November 14, 2007, the
Council of The Corporation of The Municipality of Kincardine designated the
Kincardine Business Improvement Area (BIA) as a Community Improvement
Project Area;
AND WHEREAS a Community Improvement Plan attached hereto as Schedule
"A" has been prepared for that Community Improvement Project Area;
AND WHEREAS the said Community Improvement Plan conforms too
the Official Plan of the Municipality of Kincardine;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows:
1, That the Kincardine BIA Community Improvement Plan, attached hereto
as Schedule "A" and forming part of this By-law, is hereby adopted for the
Kincardine BIA Community Improvement Project Area described in
By-law No. 2007- 347.
2. That the Municipal Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make
application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of
the said Community Improvement Plan.
3. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the
final passing thereof, subject to the approval of the Minister of Municipal
Affairs and Housing.
4. That this by-law may be cited as the "Kincardine BIA Community
Improvement Plan By-law",
REAP a E'fRST an .SECOND TIME this 20th day of February, 2008.
-/f \;)L~. ifu" 8~::;j(QQ
, MJ:l~or ~t1) Clerk'
READ a TI IRD TIMEf"\~nd FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of February, 2008
- (-.." .., f....... "'.
/~)~ ')C"= ~e~k~ >.c,
Page 2
Kincardine BIA Community Improvement Plan
By-law No. 2008 -025
Schedule "A"
Community Improvement Plan
for the Municipality of Kincardine's Falrade Improvement Program (FIP)
The Official Plan of the Municipality of Kincardine contains policies regarding
community improvements that qualify the municipality to prepare and implement
CIPs, and other mechanisms that are governed by Section 28 of the Planning
The CIP establishes a program of financial assistance to stimulate private sector
investment in the rehabilitation and improvement of the designated Community
Improvement Project Area.
Program Objective and Details
The objective of the FIP is to tie separate areas of the community together by
improving the collective visual appeal of the downtown area. The program is
designed to enhance the appearance of businesses along Kincardine's main
street by building upon the Traditional theme of the original Business
Improvement Area (BIA) streetscape. This will be accomplished through a
coordinated effort to revert to the use of traditional heritage exterior colours
and/or painting schemes that highlight specific architectural features.
A number of buildings within the Program Area were built during the Victorian
period (1850 to 1900). Many buildings have retained their original detailing, while
some have been altered for various reasons, and others are contemporary infill
building additions.
The Kincardine Economic Development Committee (EDC) has an interest in
improving the overall look and feel of downtown Kincardine.
Stempski Kelly Associates Inc. were retained by the municipality to produce a
fa<;:ade improvement guideline for the Municipality of Kincardine. The guideline
illustrates how facades can be altered to satisfy the Committee's initiative to
follow a Traditional Heritage theme.
The Fac;:ade Improvement Guidelines are attached as Appendix 1.
Eligible properties are buildings used for commercial businesses within the
Business Improvement Area, where the businesses are members of the BIA.
Business owners may be an owner or tenant of the building within which their
business operates. The business owner must have signed documentation from
the landlord, approving and endorsing the project. The form required is attached
as Appendix 2.
Responsibility of Applicant
The applicant is responsible for the quality and timeless manner of their project.
The Kincardine EDC will not be responsible for work not completed according to
the plan outlined in the application.
Page 3
Kincardine BIA Community Improvement Plan
By-law No. 2008 -025
Factors under Consideration
. A complete fayade project is more favourable than just a sign or flower
. The applicant must ensure communication has occurred with neighbouring
businesses in order to ensure that neighbouring projects compliment one
another. Documentation must be completed in the application.
. Signage matching the building using overhead lighting.
. The subcommittee prefers that an applicant use colours from the
Heritage/Historical Paint Collection.
. A detailed breakdown of the project is enclosed along with supporting
Program Area
The map below indicates the properties within the Business Improvement Area.
Funding awarded to successful applicants will subsidize up to 50% of costs (to a
maximum, depending on building frontage) associated with improving the exterior
fayade of their place of business.
Basic funding formula is 50% of total project costs (not including taxes). To
determine the funding cap for the occupied building:
1. Measure the linear distance (in feet) along the sides of the building that
face the main street(s). If more than one business resides in one building
the frontage measurement should reflect only the portion of the building
that the business occupies.
Page 4
Kincardine BIA Community Improvement Plan
By-law No. 2008 -025
2. For frontage measurements at or below 50 feet the funding cap is
Applicants may undertake the work themselves, but cannot submit labour costs
as part of the project. Only quotes obtained from local contractors are eligible for
fund ing.
The approved funding will be dispersed upon completion and final inspection of
the project. In order to receive payment, the applicant must submit copies of all
paid invoices to the Kincardine EDC.
The Kincardine EDC only has a specific amount of funding available for this
project. Once it is dispersed, the project will be ended.
The fa<;:ade improvements that are eligible for funding include:
. Painting and/or cladding of buildings
. Signage upgrades/replacement
. Frontal illumination for signage
. Masonry repair
. Awnings, shutters, trim, glass repair, vinyl graphics, wood repair
. Replacement of windows and doors returned to their original heritage look
Application Form
The Application Form is attached as Appendix 2.
Application Deadline
Work Timeline
Submission of Paid
Invoices by:
November 30, 2008
JulY' 11, 2009
November 20, 2010
November 30, 2007
Ma 30, 2008
November 30, 2008
November 15, 2008
June 30, 2009
November 15, 2009
Review, Evaluation & Approval
Applications are evaluated by a subcommittee comprised of members from the
Kincardine EDC, BIA and Heritage Kincardine immediately following the
deadlines date(s). The subcommittee will review the applications and will either
recommend approval or will request additional information This process is
expected to take 2-3 weeks.
If an application is declined, the applicant may submit again. If an application is
approved, the applicant is only eligible for funding once.
The subcommittee will notify the applicant that their application has been
approved and the applicant will be required to sign a legal contract before the
project is started. The applicant will be assigned a subcommittee contacUliaison,
who can provide guidance and support for the duration of the project.
Approval of the application does not include any approval for any necessary
permits (e.g. Building, encroachment, etc.) that an applicant may need to
complete a project. The applicant should contact the Municipal Office at (519)
396-3468 for information on by-laws, permits, etc.
Page 5
Kincardine BIA Community Improvement Plan
By-law No 2008 -025
Assistance with colour choices is available by contacting the local paint supply
Assistance throughout the process is available through the subcommittee.
Appendix 1:
Fayade Improvement Guidelines
Appendix 2:
Application Form
Main Street Enhancements
Kincardine, Ontario
Facade Improvement Guidelines
I,J,"d~~:Ji'C a.'Gh"ec;'~'e
. p,'ml"'{.'U
Stempski Kelly Associates Inc.
rl:.HHICOI1"",,'p.'l,e,' Am~",:/Lill'(i,,,':~u,,,'
P.O. Do~ 1325. Elcra. ON :"/08150
VGICQ (5f9) 846 2617 fJX (519,1846 2197
Kinr:;mjine is in response to the Kincardine cconoll:ic Development
COr1friltee's interest In improving the nveralllook and feel 0'
down((]wl' K<ncardire, This guicellne is inlenzed to illLslrale, in a
broad sense. hew'acades can be alh)rercd to ~i1tisry tho coml'1it:ees
inilialivfl to (lIlImv a Tradilicllill Heritage theme.
1\ siynific<lllt porcenta;]!) nf huildings were built dunng the V,cloriar
period (~850-;900). Mary buildin;;Js h3'1f! rel<1infld Ih(~ir orlgiral
delailing, s:-mwha'le bc()n altered forvanous reasons, and there
have also been r1any contemporarf infill building a~rlilions
Our guideline, with tre help of appropriate examples and lhe
following 'Project Oef:iyn cr1eckli~;t' illustrates hO'N the Municipality
()fKi"cllf(ii(H~ e<ln offor<1ssist<1nce to bUSiness owners t11Ink'ng abeut
giVing U"elr building lacade a lace lifI.LJr1(!er the heC1dings 0'
Awnir,ys, Siynil!JO, PI<1rter, Shutter, Colour and lighting we Ila'le
suggested ways in Wllich a bLildiny f3cadeCdll 11(1 irrpr(l'iod to suit
the Tmditioral Herita!Jr~ It((~mc In lieu of re-designlng every building
in Kincardine, vIe have chosen three typical building typr~s (1Iistrmc,
Non-Historic ard C[Jr'tr~rrvori1ry) Olrd hOl'le applied a few of tre
gllldolines to illustrate how an existng building could tw irl'prrM~d
Facade Project Design Checklist
A designer of facade projects wi/flin tile Kincardine Commercial
Core sllOuld respond to tire fof/owing criteri,l to /rolp with their
efforts to emilfe il relev,mt iJnd quality improvement for boflr
the hIli/ding and tile street
Durirg Ihedesign of rew and reno'/ated facades and/or huildings,
and fac,](tedesigners-will have tlVO broadareaso'resporsibllil~
the first towards particular prajed n(~r~ds (1'0..... H,e f<lc<lde serves
thehusiness), th[~s()r:()nrj low<lrdscomr1unal neecs (how tt'e
facade ser.'es the character of the street), ,<"lllir.h inr:lurhls raca(~cs
1. Responding to Kincardine Commp.rcial Core Context
Facades should he desi,,Hl(xi In (~rl~'dnC(1 the larger
compcsLtions created by groups ofbuilaings ard
Facadelmprovementssrould lleCllnsidr)rr}d as
oppnrtl,ritips to "rop<lir' holes ard discontinuities along
Building Envelopes in the BIA
Fac<ldes should In general align or '<"IorK willl exi~,(illg
facades 10 winfrm:r~ lIwclilrilyo'the pl.blic net.',ork and
thecot'eslon of bdldinggrcups
Building I Street Relationships
IQN Ctd~[) I N I
Builcling f;H:;ld(~s ,1f'd street sp<lces ShOLld establish a r1utually
supporlive relalionshlp In which Irdoorandouldoorspaces
anirlate and me r:()rHlcr:h~d 10 r~ach oHlf.~r
Facades should ddiml ~luildir'gs ilS distinct Sp<lCOS with a strong
F,U;i.\dosshculdonharcetre clarity, sc;fetyard efficiency ot
streets and pedestrian fOLtes
Municipal Administration Centre
1475 Concossicn 5
Killcardirc, ON Nn ?Xfi
Builclng faces adjacent to public open spaces and th[)fr)l;g~1'aw;;
sheulrJ lll~ If()atrld as fronts <lrd shOUld actIVate tre public street
Response to Kincardine Climate
Improvement Guideline
Municipality of Kincardine
Import<lrt public spaces, both Indooranc outdoor, should benefit
from the sun,
Rall1 and snow shelter shoul: be provided in hig~~ lJf:r~ ;lrr~<IS
,Jr(n,ndcnlr;wcos. <lnd where heavily travelled pedestri&nroule S
Sheet Title
Building Entrances
r<lcadrlprojects shOl.ld help building entrances become easily
Idertifiable, ard should aadress tre primary Kir'cardine streets
Forward / Check List
Dilte: 10 Soptember2C07
Witt' facade treatIT'ents, building entrances Sllould be ordered witr1
Ihe Illost imporlanl entry addrpssiny the main avcnueo'<lpproach
All buildlrg faces adjacent to majm public nprlrl ~;Ilar:r~~; ilnr!
Itrmouuhfares should h<lV8 enrarces that are clearly idertifled
racade tff:lltrrefltsst'Quld prOr'1oto buildinOJ entr<lnces that are
open and prominent. provide a sense of transition from oLtside to
inside and encoura;)(l pl~()plrl (n dpproilCh af'd enter
S<lfety along Kincardine Streets
Nr~w far:,I(I(~ projocts and ronOV<ltlcns should be designed to
am!vmll"hcirsJ in Kirc<lrdine cOr1rrercial core L;sers
.'arw<C3{J<' ~.'c.~,r~.:t..;rc
J I,,'~'r..':"~
Persfwal sa'ety is" IJrolld.sp(~ctrl;m wGuirement th<lt goes
beyon.: basic facade treatl'1entsand is basic to all aspecls of
anconentalion,lighbrg and visibility, plantlrg psvingmaterials,
ane winter w3lkallility-mobility as willi ilS filfTlp fJradionls tr<l'fic
controls,and safety alert cevlces
Stempski Kelly Associates Inc,
R,,,,,:r.,,,,,,,,,,;,;,,,,,, A.''':~'''VL",'(i''CHU''S
PC an 1325 Elom, ON NOB 150
',I()I::u(519) 8462637 rax (519) 8462101
7. Long Life/Loose Fit
Far:,Hh~ tn)atrrerllS shol'ld be capable a' bei"g acapted tQ lie'll
building uses and exparsion as tr,e needs i'1I1r. Ihe primiti(~s of III()
. "'
NI)W r;Jc<ldes wiltlin Kincarcine's cOr1r1ercial core rrust reconcile
many diverse and o~len con tradictory issues in lelll' s of tr~eir
expression - H~f! 'l'IPssaucs" Ihny \Jive about lheir role ir or the
GLality of the street
Munir.ipal AG!l'lflstration Centre
1475 Cor cession 5
R R. ff5
Kincardire, ON N?7 ?Xfi
Facades should exoress a senseot permanence aild dLrability a
sense ai Kincardine's traditional ((:(]t)~ and its ilistmir:;JI COI'tinuity.
ard a sense ofilsconnectecnesstQlhese
ta sei"Vlligtre community ard its visit::>rs, and its respon>iihility l(]
In)al (:(]n'rncrd,ll,H:tj'/itYiJsiJpublicrescurce, To expresstt1ls,
facades should be Interpreted as open, safe, accessible, welr.rwling,
Improvement Guideline
Municipality of Kincardine
Finally, f<lr.adesslmulcf)xpmSSafPSpllctnfthllclirnatao!
Kwcardine. and re!lect the traditions lhal are apparenl in Kincardine
today, taking insplratior trom the OIiglllal olllln spar.es ;wd lJlIildillg~;
<lnllhr~ tJest of predor1iniJnt eXlslin!l architecture and natural
Sheet Title
Check Lisl coet,,,,d
The scali) of Ulll f,J(:ad(~5 S~1(Juld ralale to the scale and size of the
buildin!lasweil as thehur1an body to Make viewing, approaching
ard using of the streel-fron! space ,lI1(i lJljldillg ,J um,;mldhlp
Date: 11) SecteMber 2007
Tlw sr.all) of 1)lpl'Irmls dnd rr,Jssing should correspondlotne
various distances from which illsvle'l>'ed
10. Exterior Materials for Facades
Facade materials sholllc reln!orcetnecoreSIOf1 olrelated gralipsof
facade materials shoulcreflectlllebuildil'g'sroleasalamJI'1,Jlkor
Lar9{~ eXpar>iI)S nf tll,mk. slml~t-frnnlin~J 'NiJlIs ill grade should be
. ~"J(""!'g
Technical Performance
Facade prOJects should be subJected to Ii'e-cycle costing ta
determine the best fit between (:apital cost~;, clfwr,lling costs ,md
ongoing maintenarcecosts
Stempski Kelly Associates Inc.
;:"L'ra.'Com,"r'L'r;"'BS. ,1me",ryLarw<;c~pes
Facade projects should be designed 10 reduce malnlenancecosls .
P.C. &x 1325, Dora, ON NCD 150
vm::c (5'!)) h41i26:Ji f.1xi~I!); 1J41i211Ji
[he use of awnlrgs for a storefront not only provide practical
streelscape itseif. An awning is a clever way to extend a builcmg
''1C;1(1r: jilIn ItlP :;lreel claimil'g tral part of nll~ sidl~Willk Ihll it !:(l'Jf~rs
as it's own, deManClng attention from the passing customer
Awrlngs provide shace for both the j!:lerior 0: the buildlrg. as 'Nell
ilS In passirg pe~estrians, They also pral/ice sllelter fror'1 [he ram
and snow for the ',iSitor erlerlr'g the bUlldinq In some instances,
lhey can provide an alternative 'canvas' for sign age
Design Cons'rJelaliolls
- Choose an appropri;1\o fonr of <J'I'ming to suito Ire winco'N aM
coor arrangement. Awnings can accentuate the entrance door. or
- Traditional canvas awnings are retractable can span over a
si(h~Wdlk, and arl) dV<1ilalih) in a '1,Hil~ly of historicnl colmJfs arm
rh~rr(Jte control eeVlses am available 10 ease extension ard
- Fixpd canvasa.....nings are Lsually steep to shed snow. and
therefore do nnl extend far ovnthe si(:ewalk c"viromn:rll. Ilrwm'J(~r
the Ile,ght 01 this type of awrlrg can furtner enhance an otherN,se
b<lre huildirlU rau~
- In all Instances. consider the dLrabihty of the ~abnc In regards to
we,l!rl(!riny fadirg ard l'1oulC resistant lallrics are preferre::
- Choose a colour{s) In keepirg with the colour scheme for the
huildil'g, and in keeping'Niththe Ilistorical tl'eme of the to.....n in
-Hetractable awnlrgs also present ar. opportunity for an alterna tlve
TYPical Brand Sigrage 1 Awnmg
Typical a'Nr~iny reaches over sit-e-
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Relractible <lnd fixed <lwninf)-the fixed <lwning
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A corner flower slore hi!]hligrtswindoVlS and coors
with perrranent awnings Note I,mer Window boxes
and sir.lplnyolcifnr.tiv{1 si;)nilgnon awnir'9s
Fix(:d C,H'vas awnif'gs - i~ighliyhts both
ertrances. note: old builClrg with new
Pla[(:rial s i rl kr~r ~ping wi lI' historic cllaracter
Fixed a"<nInJs - ',ariolls colours ,',in, signag(~
l(INCJ\~J)IN [
Ml.ricipal Admlnlstcatlon Centre
1475 CmlC!~ssiml 5
R.H. # 5
Kir'r.ardlne, ON N2Z 2X6
Improvement Guideline
Municipality of Kincardine
Sheet Title
Awning Guideline
Date: 10Septembm2C07
',,,,,fs:.'~"~ ~.."I';I~U';";
. (lh.,.,:"y
Stempski Kelly Associates Inc.
"'''"~' (:""""".,:'Io?-.,. A",~".'ry! .",d.,(.""~s
~o Box 132~, E:lnrA, ON NOH 180
y(),w(5r9!8'162637 fax (519j 8152107
Iradltionally, signs ,',8r8 smaller rrcunledan a ae{::)rathmarr'1
pedestnan. Signs have be;;orre bigger, bolder, and [aueer with
HI(~ ;l::\!ann~r'lf:!nt 0' the passlflq vehicle Now siqns span a ...."1ole
store'rort, are back lit, ane 118'/8 little or ro appeal to a historic
Advertising IS rot limited 10 )l.sl a 5;9n - specials are painted en
window~; PdP()f notices ,lb:lllnr1, removable s,mdwich board siqns
are displayed on the Sidewalk In front 01 slores. Not only do tlles8
rJisplays r.ontribute In a r;lullcr(~d ,Hl(l c:lf'rw;ing stordrnnl, thny
obstruct vie'~,s mto and out of a store and corrproMise personal
ana stor8safety
Design COnS'Oe!at,oriS:
" Historically. store signs were painted en a wood bOise, or made of
ralsej weodor ceramielelters rT10Lnted on a w()(JfIl1ase
. P<lirted plastic letlers and rroulded polyurelhare WIns are
currertly available, which keep rlstcrical themes rele'/ant. '.\I11ile
Ip~~(~niIl9 rl1,liflter',lnc(~ i~~u()s
. The colour SCheme of the sigr: could SI-pport llle overall
I;ulllur sch:rne of llll~ blJildin(J or 'lice 'J(~rSil Ry coing this, the
bUilding Itself extendS tre advertisll1g efforts of the sign itself
P<linledmounted letters-note Slgnage COnllnulty
~-_.~. ..:~ ~::)
~fi .ta1S11;
. . I
0: '.,6
Extruded letters patnted gold
Mounted red numbers attached to panel and
hanging sigf'
Patnted metalleltersand logos mo\,;nted Clrectly onto building
,,~_.~ ~' , ~~~~~
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fJ'~ .'1)
! f3!'~~
! Crafts, Gilts
~ & Stained ~ass Supplies
Pairted board sign mounted above al'lnlrg
Typical chain store adopts traditional sl~nage in keeping 'Nllh histOrical theme of streetscape while maintaining logo and brand power
Signage printed on fixen awnirSJ
I(~ N Ctd<.l) I N L
Municipal Administration Centre
1475Coru:es:;inrl 5
Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Improvement Guideline
Municipality of Kincardine
Signage Guideline
Date: 10 Seplerrber 2007
. !aliaec~pe a'cn:iec~:..'e
. I"""".'''~
Stempski Kelly Associates Inc.
,,,?,/~' enfl''''''',,'I,,,,,' A'''Hf,j'y I "",),"'HI'H"
Po. Box 1325. E!ara, eN NOB 150
\'GICl' (S19) 8'1626J7 fm: (5i9) 8,1€ 2107
Often overlooked, decorative urrs, pots, and harging baskets
providealltlxtrah)'1dofdPtmtoa store1rcnt Ihaliltiracl a potential
shopper in a way thaI conveys hospitality This sMalllcuch offers a
.',elcomir,g leeling suYC;wsting tlial l!'is is 01 fri(~lldly pl;)C(~ to shop
Winaowboxes, han!1lng planters arc fioorpotsorumscant:e planle :::
,',itn seasonal tloral displays or support other decorative I'lah~rials
Design Considerations
"Durability, creali-,ity, and security are relevart:actors when
considering this Iypeofadornment
- Plan[()[s mmd 101m secured or be hecwy erough to celer theft
- Hanging baskets need to be accessible 'Of'Nate-ring. llutalso need
10 lJi~ Dul of (hi; way (]f passif'\l pecestriars
-Polsand planters car, also be usee during thewlnter'lI'ith thee rea-
live use or drit:d pi<wt m3ten"ls, lig~ll~ ,!f1d nllwr
- Larger pots car: be planter. 'lI'ith cllergrClm plillll~ irill~allatc{t (spray
foam insulation, oreul up pleees of rigid 'oarr insula:ion)
-Appropriate plant material in regards tosun or shade
conditions sho\llrt beconsirtered
- A business or buildlrg celour scheme car' be 8ccertuated 'lI',tl1
<ll lpropriatc plan I (:11 I li!:(~s
Painted window box with winter
Decorative urn witr, winter faux topiary
Cornbin,Jtion of Hanging h,lSI(P.tS <llld pl<JI)t<~r~
CQ-Qrrfill8ledwincowllnxeson upperlellels and urns atong
Munlcrpal Adrrlr1ls:ratlon Centre
147:iCnn<:essilJl' :)
Kincar:1ine, ON N2Z 2X6
Improvement Guideline
Municipality of Kincardine
Sheet Title
Planter Guideline
Date: 10 Soplmnhn ?r.07
"';"!~":~r;~ Hfd"',,,U"'H
j ~',,,,,,,,~g
Stcmpski Kelly Associates Inc.
R,..m,' Co,n".",..",':~s' Am~"''''I}' i...w'CiJpcs
fJi) HDx IX'5. H"m ON M!H 1.WI
vo'~e (519) 8,16 2637 ,fax (519) 8.16 ~107
Shl.tters.althrluyhnolongrorLJscd fm lIu)irori(jinill use of protecllng
widows. can add visual interest to a builclng facade. I' pairted in a
contrasting colotJr to match otller Irirl', sh,tlers Girl ;ll'irn,ltn a f"l(.ade
Him r1ight olherv.ise be conSidered star". boring, arc I..ninteresling.
Tracitionalwocd shulters tlerl'and<l hgtu)r I()'jel ofrnairtenarce. and
~;h(lIll(J ~)O p;lIntoc 'I\'ilh a hifJh Qualilypairt 10 6nSlore less frequent touch
ups. I've or plastic sl'l..tters, '",11ile less CAJslly an: pa~;i()r (0 r'lainl,lin,
havn limitor! colour optiors, ilnd are often available in standard sizes
only However they can bepairled Willl lhtl appropriall) pain I
Design CCl1sid€!rations'
Tlw width of (h) shuttr;r should be in keepll1f) with the 'N'dth of the
SI1Ltlers Sll~J\jld Iw IrOllJilimlalihi~toric in ~lyl() and rT'clde oul of wood
They should also be coloure8 in the same colour as ether Irilr
Cortrastlrg vinyl shutters on upperIVlndolVs.
Nole: CarrtJirmliun (Jf vinyl ~idil19 'Nith Ili~tmi(: brick
Cnlollred vinal shutters on Lpperand lower
Multiple black shutters accent Lpper windows acros~ Iwo
llllilrlin,JS r\o,eslqnage, tightif'g ana co-ordlrated effort
~ ~;...
Brown wood shutters accent lIpperwindo'Ns
Note signayeand a.'JIling
Municipal AClministr<1tlonCertre
1475 Concession 5
Kincardire, ON N2L 2Xb
Improvement Guideline
Municipality of Kincardine
Shoot TiUo
Shutter Guideline
Onto: 10 Sr)pl!)r'ltJrlr 2007
. . .'W'il.";H(.'''~''''''.'r.u",,,
. pi~~,",.,~
Sternpski Kelly Associates Inc.
R~m' C"",~w..';r'c." ,Atr'w'lf Ul>dSCilp<:S
P,D (-;()}i 1:JJ,~ Fir-m, ()(oJN()(-; ISO
wice (519) 816 2537 rd~ (519) 8,16 2107
Tra::itirHlally,iJ piildlnoftwa or lhre€ comraS!ing colouswere used
during the Victorian period The earth tares (e,y liyhl brown ",iUl dark
brOwlltrirl'l of the r)mlil~r p(~rirHl. w(~rc cOr1pler1ented with tert1aricolours
SUCh as oltve ard terra cotta to enliven tile othel\~ise simple and plain
Oesi;'1l CClIs.'demlion~'
-Winccwtrif'1,'NOcder cornice detaillrg, and mouldirg shouldll epainted
in a clJl1!msting colour 1(1 ttw I)[)r~y o'tr,(] huildinfJ
. Window <I.'lInings, shutters and Siding colour choices should be
.Arlfjhq\..alitypainlShOl.ldbe used 'or o',eralldurabllily.
- Sign age could compliment lluibrg CUIOlJf chnices but need rot be
Pilll.'!lI~ SI.'I1~(;ti(Jf'
Klncardine's historical buildirg stock consisls mClinly of o(all;)e I rl~ll ~)rick
Colours llest suiling Iheexi,;ling hrick coiours are found in a' Narmran()8
Within tre frame,'.ork of a Traditional Heritage theme. we sLggest thelt
Iwo cGleurs in Welrm earlhy hllll)~ ~\Jdl a~; beige, cream, Ian and brown
ferm a base palette. He first base colour would be 'or tile main painted
area 01 tre builcing, The second base culuur wllulnlio u,wd for Irirl
wmk . windows, lrim and wooder cornice detailing, A third accenl colour
would be used for doors or elements requiring hiyhlig~llil'g . ilwnirgs,
~;11I1HI,rs, sign;I[Jfl
Accent colours are lertlary colours such as oli'/e or sage gl8el1, terra
cettCl,warn~ blue, ynki. rTl,lromlelt:
The iollowing colour selecli:-J11 is <l ha~l~ rrm'l '1Ihich to 'Nor!\. upon 10 suit
lhl) town ;lS ;1 wl,clo, II is rot me,ml to inhibit or liMit colOLr selection,
bLt rather rnitiate a process for appropriate colO1.r seleclitlll tliat will ~)(~
~I1PI)ortivl~ of till! trwlllS initiativn. This p<llleHe is from t~e CIL Exterior Col.
lection - HistOriC Colours, Most 01 tllese colours can roe llmtc!wrJinffNcd
by several otller qU<llity paint rnanufadl.rl~r;; ~k)st 51'ould be available
by local, Kincardine, parnlsuppllers
. N[lh~ COi(lllf rl~prr}s[;nt;llinn m,"y not be exaclly as
manufactured, Verify with paint supplier
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Municipal Adminlstrat,on Centre
1475Conces5ion 5
Kinc,lr:jin{~, ON N77 ?X6
Improvement Guideline
Municipality of Kincardine
Sheet Title
Colour Guideline
Date: 10 September 2007
, laN':sc.1pC .1rc"-,tcc!~n-'
. ,v'",,,,,,,'1)
Stempski Kelly Associates Inc.
R<im; C~"""-',i""'a" Ama,,';! LwP(lsUili'H
['0. Box 1325. BO'B. ON NOD 1$0
vo'cc(5!9)lj462637 f3X;519} 8462!07
Llghlirg foune on store:ronts is 'or sa'ety purr-uses <IS "'l~11 ;1~; In highlight
:;i!Jnage Unfortun<llely. tre invention of the backlit sign has urdermined
many 'acaee Imorovement proJects. lightil'g, sign ann r:(llTIpld(~ design
f1()xihilily for !Jr;lV~lic work. in one easy to install unt IS more appealing than
lie opinioo in wgard lohislnricldostio<llion areas sho,', a pre ference'orlhe
Design Cons'aerations'
- Light'l'g of door ~fDf~t 8.reas call be ,1(.:cm,lplisred in two ways. Wall
mOl.nted fixtures with a " Tra::htloral Her'lage' lherl€ (Ianterf' style) can flank
a oool'....ay or st()refr~Jl'!. i\ r:(~ilill~ rn]lJnl(~d ~xlure for <l recessed door....ay
cOlllClake orene of either tWO'orms - a hanging lantern style or a less
- Higlllighting signage can be accorrplish!d :1ewrnliv(~ly wilh intr,lctive
are less decorative, butIT'aintain the integnty of selecti'le signagPilnd
- Simple, \..nobtrusive spot lights can also Iligtllight signa;w IIml might
otherwiso noll)l~ abl(; t(] ~)(llit
-Modern ligrt lixtures'v,ith lradilionalstyling corle with up- lo-date
tectmolog:es that inclu:e 'dark sky' cor"pliafl!:(~ alUl sradow :)\iilrds
Sirrplegooseneck ligl,ting in
Decorative gocseneck lighling in
Traditional 'ysrrJ'style lig!'t
with Modern updatessucr as
dark sk y cOI'1pliantf~ rali ng
;md light ~;hidds
Traditional Ian terr. fianksdoorvlay
f~'?4l'r) /lfiJ
" I . /i~p\ (~\\C5 I .
:\;.{. F~ .
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fl~ jl~' .' I
.,1. : II t
Traaitioral gooseneck lighting painted 10
Il'<llch buildin':J colour scheme
Small spotligrts lliglight sign Note
decoralive bracket. and painted si[)n.
Ornamertal arm holds a small s\>btle
I(J_N Cf\.IZi) I N l
MuniCipal Adminis:ralion Centre
1475 ConceOi"icn 5
Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Improvement Guideline
Municipality of Kincardine
Sheet Title
Lighting Guideline
D<ltl!: 10 Sl~ph~rrb~r ;;007
. ..'~"",'I;~PH >irr;/:I'''':!''."H
" C',J,'lJ""'I
Stcmpski Kelly Associates Inc.
R,.,,,iC~.n):.,',,,,it.ie," Ame"ityi.il,]deCApes
PO &w J:l)!j h'on'J, ON N()H 1S0
vo'ce (519; 815 2637 f;)~ (519) 9~6 2107
Building Style 1
Heritage/Historic Building - Minimal Modification
Existing Building Character
Proposed Building Character
boxes pain led In 3ccent colour
H""g''',Si"cey,,- J
Brick facade sandblasted &
SKjna!l8 - raised rilifll(~d Idt!)rs on
contrasting background
F,lsda wstrlr!~(! &. painted in
Fxislir'g dnortollepainled in
Can'ias <lwningin a selid <lccenl colour-SOfJilr,Jte
door awning to higrllghtenlrance
. not [1ncessiuily lksi;)nah~d
I(lN ell '<.[) I N L
Municipal AdMinistrallonCertre
1475C(]nu~ssirm 5
Kim:mdin8,Or\ N2Z2X6
Improvement Guideline
Municipality of Kincardine
Sheet Titla
Date: 10 September?CC7
i~",ls'.'''/.;~ "",/,"I'd"'H
. ,,1""''''1(1
Stempski Kelly Associates Inc.
R."'Hir."'''.''rlm,'''''.'. Aa;F.Pl'i'llaw'.,,:anG.,
PO. Box 1325 E"08. 0'. ,';'(.>H ISO
V[J'~() (519) 815 2537 f"oix :519) 8,15 2107
Building Style 2
Heritage/Historic Building - Extensive Modification
Existing Building Character
'not necess3r11'{desi;:jra:ed
Proposed Building Character
Re~tarerJ crown
cx.tendboarc aM
Ne'N Sigr " r,lised Icth~rs -
on wood base
Window Boxes -
lighl flxlurescn columns
[(IN ell 1Zj) I N I
Municip;]1 ^\drrini~;tralimlCel'lre
1<1/fJConceS$lon 5
Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Improvement Guideline
MunicipfJ/ity of Kincardine
Sheet Title
Historic Building
Date: 1DSepterlber 20Ur
SK- 8
. ',l..dsouCCJ,'f:!>.'Iccturc
. pi,""""g
Stcmpski Kelly Associates Inc.
R"'JICOmrr:<.'I,'t,es. A"'o",'t)'L~"dsc"p€s
PO Box 1325. Oar:!, ON!\WD ISO
Building Style 3
Contemporary Building
Existing Building Character
Proposed Building Character
Gooseneck Li;)hllr(:] black finish
Signage-extruded polyurelhare lelters.
painted on contrast!rl(] b<lckgrCUrllL
CaIW;l~ ,willing to support historic colour
schel1'€ ofbuildlrg
I::mbossed.....oed triM & Board and batton
rini~h . painlr:d in u:n[rasling colo~rs
Existing doorto bo p;lir,h~IJ ill ilLcwll
I(LN CJ\l~l) I N l
MuniCipal AdmlnislratlonCerlre
1475 C(Jllc,~ssion ;)
Kincardine, ON N;!Z 2X6
Improvement Guideline
Municipality of Kincardine
Shoot Title
Datn: 10 Sf)ph)I~,lil)r 20Q7
SK- 9
;~'"h'',",;.''' ~.'d,;rHcl,;,,,
. ~'Dl''''~~
Stcmpski Kelly Associates Inc.
R...,.,,: Cr.mmu","'::." A."'mlr~f Lai'd.';c.wcs
!-JU HlJx )];'5 FlorA, ON.'I,'(}.Y ISO
Q) 5
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- Final Draft -
Kincardine Facade Improvement
Proaram Fundina Application
A.1 Background
The Kincardine Economic Development committee is proud to invite the businesses
of Kincardine to partake in the Kincardine Fayade Improvement program.
The objective of the fayade improvement program is to tie separate areas of the
community together by improving the collective visual appeal of the downtown area.
The program is designed to enhance the appearance of businesses aiong
Kincardine's main street by buiiding upon the Traditional theme of the original
Business Improvement Area streetscape.
The program objective will be accomplished through a coordinated effort to revert to
the use of traditional heritage exterior colours and/or painting schemes that
highlight specific architectural features.
A.2 Grant Funding
Who? - Monies will be awarded to business members of the Business Improvement
Area (See Appendix D - Map of BIA)
How Much? - Funding awarded to successful applicants will subsidize up to 50% of
costs (to a maximum, depending on buiiding frontage) associated with improving the
exterior fayade of their place of business. See Appendix C for funding formula
A.3 Far;ade Improvements Eligible for Funding
Painting and/or cladding of Buildings
Signage Upgrades/Replacement
Frontal illumination for sign age
Masonry repair
Awnings, shutters, trim, glass repair, vinyl graphics, wood repair
Flowerboxes, Urns and other accessories
Replacement of windows and doors returned to their orlginai heritage look
A.4 Far;ade Improvements NOT eligible for funding
Roof repairs and/or replacement
Replacement of windows and doors that do not follow the original heritage look
New Buiidings or additions
Interior projects
Backlit illumination for signage
Applicants should refer to the Kincardine Improvement Program Guidelines included in your application
package for clarification and additional information when completing the application.
- Final Draft -
B.1 Application Information
Business Information
Business Name:
Business Location Address:
Business Owner:
Mailing Address:
Landlord Information (if not same as above)
Mailing Address:
Date Application Received:
Received By:
Approval Date:
Start Date:
Completion Date:
Inspection Date:
Date Funds Dispersed:
Applicants should refer to the Kincardine Improvement Program Guidelines included in your application
package for clarification and additional information when completing the application.
- Final Draft -
C.1 Fafade Improvement Project Overview
In 2-3 sentences indicate:
the type of fa9ade improvement work applied for
how your project wiil improve the overall look of our downtown and if it is in keeping
with a traditional theme
C.2 Will your project coordinate in some way with projects of neighbouring
C.3 Cost Overview (The applicant is responsible for payment of all taxes)
Total Project Cost before taxes ($):
Grant amount applied for ($):
(maximum request: 50% of totai project costs before taxes)
Applicants should refer to the Kincardine Improvement Program Guidelines included in your application
package for clarification and additional information when completing the application.
- Final Draft -
D Detailed Description of Project
(You may wish to consult Heritage Kincardine for a historic view of your building or
business. )
Place photoqraph(s) of buildinq here
D.1 Painting and Cladding:
Place colour swatches from your chosen paint suppliers heritage coliection below
Indicated on the photograph using labels and/or arrows regions that wlli be painted or
clad with each of the chosen colours. Use extra sheets of paper if necessary.
Applicants should refer to the Kincardine Improvement Program Guidelines included in your application
package for clarification and additional information when completing the application.
- Final Draft -
Paint Product Information (Note that we encourage the use of high quality paint andior cladding in
order to ensure longevity of your project.)
Paint Supplier:
Product Name(s):
Colour Name(s):
Note any preparation work that will be completed prior to painting:
Cladding Product Information (Note that cladding your entire building with siding will not be
viewed as remaining in keeping with the VictorlaniCountry/Heritage theme.)
Product Name(s):
Attach brochure(s) showing exact colour and stvle of cladding.
0.2 Trim, AccenWinyl Graphics Detail, Masonry/Wood/Glass Repair, Awnings,
Shutters, flower boxes, etc.
Indicate on the photograph using iabels and/or arrows where trim and/or accent
detail will be added or repaired. Show where awnings, shutters, flower boxes, etc.,
will be added. Also indicate regions where masonry, wood, glass repair will take
place. Attach colour swatches and colour name for trim and/or detail work, wood
painting, etc. Use extra sheets or paper If necessary.
Attach product/manufacturer/distributor information for all work that may be allocated
under the heading: Trim, AccenWinyl Graphics Detail, MasonryiWood/Glass Repair,
Awnings, Shutters, Flower boxes, etc. Attach brochure(s) showing exact colour and
stvle of Items in this category.
Applicants should refer to the Kincardine Improvement Program Guidelines included in your application
package for clarification and additional information when completing the application.
- Final Draft-
D.3 Signage Upgrade and/or Replacement
Attach drawing(s) or sign design
Include overall sign dimensions
Note placement of sign on photograph of building
Note the removai of any existing signs on the photograph
Indicate material(s) used for sign construction:
Indicate type of lighting for signage (if applicable):
Place coiour swatches for Signage below (if applicable):
Applicants should refer to the Kincardine Improvement Program Guidelines included in your application
package for clarification and additional information when completing the application.
- Final Draft -
E. and F.
Documentation of Anticipated Costs and Timelines
On each quotation ensure that:
o contractor name and contact information are clearly visible
o each part of the project and all costs are itemized
o anticipated start and finish dated are included
o preparatory work is included (when applicable)
o type of paint to be used is noted (when applicable)
o taxes are itemized
Attach copies of all vendor/contractor quotations for work to be done.
Contractor Work Item Total ($) Start Date Finish Date
Description (Before Taxes)
Applicants should refer to the Kincardine Improvement Program Guidelines included in your application
package for clarification and additional information when completing the application.
- Final Draft -
G. Landlord Approval Form
I, , owner of the business named
reviewed and discussed this proposal with my landlord,
(landlord) have approved and endorsed the enclosed proposal
and authorized the implementation of this project.
(Business Owner Name)
Name (Please Print)
(Landlord Name)
Name (Please Print)
H. Maintenance Agreement
We, the above parties agree to maintain any fa<;ade improvements funded by this program in the
spirit of enhancing the appearance and visual appeal of the Kincardine area by 1) building upon
the Victorian/Country/Heritage theme of the original streetscape and/or 2) staying in keeping with
improvements set forth in this application, for a period of at least 5 years. Note: Any buildings sold
within the 5 year period will incur full repayment of the support funding received for fa<;ade
improvement back to the municipality.
Owner(s) Signature:
Owner(s) Name: (Please Print)
Landlord(s) Signature:
Landlord(s) Name: (Please Print)
Applicants should refer to the Kincardine Improvement Program Guidelines included in your application
package for clarification and additional information when completing the application.
- Final Draft-
ADDendix A
Who is eligible to apply?
. In order to qualify for funding, you must be a member of the Kincardine Business
Improvement Area (BIA) and your business location must be in Kincardine
What is the application deadline?
Application Deadline Work Timeline Copies of Paid Invoices
Submitted No Later Than
Mav 30, 2008 June 30, 2009 Julv 11, 2009
September 30, 2008 October 31,2009 November 14, 2009
How often are applications evaluated and how long does it take for approval?
. Applications are evaluated by a subcommittee comprised of the Kincardine Economic
Development Committee (EDC), Business Improvement Area (BIA) and Heritage
immediately following the deadline date(s).
. This Committee will review the applications and will either recommend approval or
will request additional information. This process is expected to take about 2-3 weeks.
May I apply more than once?
. If you have submitted an application and are declined, you may submit again.
. If you are approved, you are only eligible for funding once.
What if I don't own my building?
. We realize that many owners do not own their buildings, but you, the business owner
are invited to submit a proposal. You must have signed documentation from your
landlord, approving and endorsing the project. The form required is included with this
What factors are taken into consideration before a grant request will be considered?
. A complete Fa9ade Project is more favourable than just a sign or flower box.
. You must ensure communication has occurred with neighbouring businesses. For
example, 2 businesses beside each other should ensure that their fa9ade projects
compliment each other. Documentation must be completed in the application.
. Signage matching your building using overhead lighting.
. We prefer that you use colours from the Heritage/Historical Paint Collection.
. Detailed breakdown of project is enclosed along with supporting documentation.
How are the grants being awarded to businesses?
. The grants will be awarded to businesses based on 50% of the total project costs to a
maximum depending on building frontage.
I own a Franchise and have to abide by their rules and regulations. Can I still complete an
application even though I cannot follow all of the criteria?
. Yes, you can complete the application and indicate to the committee the guidelines
that you have to follow and they will certainly review and try to make it work with the
program. As long as you're improving the collective visual appeal of your building and
you conform to applicable criteria, your application will be given favourable.
- Final Draft -
What if I want to do the work myself? (E.g. Painting, etc)
. You are certainly welcome to do the work yourself, but you cannot submit labour
costs as part of this project. Only quotes obtained from local contractors are eligible
for funding.
I'm having a hard time deciding on my colour choices. Who can I contact for assistance?
. Assistance is available by contacting your local paint supply business.
When my application is approved, what procedure is followed?
. The committee will notify you that your application has been approved and you will be
required to sign a legal contract before your project is started. You will be assigned a
committee contact/liaison, who can provide guidance and support for the duration of
your project.
. Approval of your application doesn't include any approval for any necessary permits
(e.g. Building, encroachment, etc.) that you may need to complete your project.
Contact the Municipal Office at (519) 881-2223 for information on by-laws, permits,
When will my portion of grant funding be dispersed?
. Your approved funding will be dispersed upon completion and final inspection of your
project. In order to receive payment, you must submit copies of all paid invoices to
the Kincardine Economic Development Committee.
Who is responsible for work completed by contractors?
. The applicant is responsible for the quality and timeless manner of their project. The
Kincardine Economic Development Committee will not be responsible for work not
completed according to the plan outlined in your application.
I plan to do my work nest year. How long will the program be available?
. We only have a specific amount of funding available to us for this project. Once it is
dispersed, the project will be ended.
Aooendix B
- Final Draft -
(Considers: Sign Proportions, Letter Size, Colour & Quality, Adherence to Colour Guide,
Panel Composition & Trim, and Lighting)
1. Flat cut individual letters mounted on
contrasting back panel. Note: Size of lettering
and lighting.
3. Individual 3 dimensional lettering mounted on
highlighted (painted) building section. Note: trim on
2. Individual Gold Metallic 3 dimensional
letters mounted on contrasting back panel.
Note: Use of trim and goose neck lighting.
4. Carved I
Signage (wood or
5. Signage Awning
Altemative, painted lettering
on awning canvas.
6. Custom combination, individual sign and awning.
Note: Lighting and Materials.
- Final Draft -
Appendix C
. Basic funding formula is 50% of total project costs (not including taxes).
. The funding cap is dependant on the linear measure of building frontage facing the main
To determine the funding cap for the building you occupy:
1. Measure the linear distance (in ft) along the sides of the building that face the main
street(s). If more than one business resides in one building the frontage measurement
should refiect only the portion of the building that the business occupies.
2. For frontage measurements at or beiow 20ft the funding cap is $2500.
3. For frontage measurements at or beiow 130ft the funding cap is $5000.
4. For frontage measurements between 20ft and 130ft substitute the frontage measurement
into the following formula.
Funding Cap ($) = 15.625 x (measured frontage in ft) + 2187.5