HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 143 runnning tide website e - e e TIlE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW NO. 2003 -143 I A BYLAW TO AUTHORIZE THE ADOPTION OF A PR~POSAL FROM RUNNING TIDE TO UPGRADE THE DESIGN AND FUNþTIONALITY OF THE MUNICIPAL WEBSITE. ! I WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, 5.0. 2001, c. 25 Secti ns 8 and 9 (1) provides municipalities with powers of a natural person to enab them to govem their affairs as they consider appropriate; and to enhance their bility to respond to municipal issues; WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the The Municip lity of Kincardine deems it advisable to adopt a model and proposal from Run ing Tide Inc. to upgrade the design and functionality of the Municipal Website; I NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: I 1. That the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ado t the Model and Proposal of Running Tide Inc in the amount of $9,040.0 plus applicable taxes to upgrade the design and functionality of the Municip I Web-site; such proposal is attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forms part this by-law; 2. That Municipal Magic Software be rented from Running Ti e Inc at a fee of $175.00 per month plus applicable taxes; 3. That all ownership rights of the Municipal Web-site and name, the HTML and Coldfusion Code; and, copyright developed by Running Tide Inc for the Municipality of Kinca the absolute property of the Municipality; unicipal Domain f any material ine shall remain ! 4. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its fin11 passage. 4. This By-law may be cited as the "Running Tide Website Red sign" Agreement, By-law. READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and DEEMED to be PASSED this 1st day of October, 2003. -------------.- - , 9 '. - -~ ~ ~lmn¡ng Tide Inc. Your IT Solldions Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH 110 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON M5V 2L2 Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: Info@runnlngtlde.com MODEL AND PROPOSAL FOR KINCARDINE.NET Submitted by Running Tide Inc. April 11,2003 _unning Tide Inc. Your IT Solutions Partner In our industry technology is constantly changing like a running tide, the challenge is to stay above the surf. 1 , . .! . . ~nning Tide Inc. Your IT Solldions Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH 110 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON M5V 2L2 Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: info@runnlngtide.com TABLE OF CONTENTS · Our Understanding of this Project · Approacb · Project Tasks and Milestones (Detailed Work plan) · OrganJzational Structure · Project Costs · Otber Notes · Hosting Information · Reference · Sample Web Trends Report · Conceptnal Drawing In our industry technology is constantly changing like a running tide, the challenge is to stay above the surf. 2 · :"unning Tide Inc. Your IT SoIldions Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH 1JO . 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON MSV 2L2 Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: info@runnlngtlde.com OUR UNDERSTANDING OF THIS PROJECT This project, based upon the Request for Proposal from the Municipality of Kincardine involves the complete re-design and development of the kincardine. net website. Careful consideration will be taken to develop the site in such a manner as to proactively market kincardine. net and encourage people to visit the website often, resulting in more people taking an interest in the Municipality of Kincardine. Navigation on the new site will be extremely "intuitive" allowing visitors to the site to get the most out of their online experience. The site will utilize a consistent style and user interface; will be flexible, allowing for varying connection speeds and browser technologies. · Additional design consideration will also be given to ensure that the website is easily scalable. As Kincardine changes and grows, new requirements may be identified, creating a desire to add new components to the website. It Is our goal to ensure that your website has the capabilities built into it to evolve with the Municipality of Kincardine. This project will involve the development team at Running Tide working closely with the representatives of the Municipality of Kincardine, to deliver a website meeting the specified objectives, within the agreed upon timeframe. APPROACH The foliowing describes how Running Tide proposes to approach this project to ensure that all aspects of this initiative are appropriately addressed. Running TIde win work closely with the appointed representatives of the Municipality of Kincardine in order to establish the best possible design from both a graphical and technical approach. · The Running Tide Project Manager will be responsible for regularly reporting progress against plan, scheduling and conducting project review meetings with your staff and raising any matters, such as scope changes, etc. We would like to propose a frequency of weekly reporting (by telephone or in person). The project team will begin graphical design. The team will produce several design directions for review by the Municipality of Kincardine. Upon approval of a design direction, a prototype will be produced (i.e. a complete working copy of the website without any database backing or dynamic functionality). At this point, we anticipate communication between the project team and Kincardine representative until the prototype meets the clienfs objectives within the original scope of the project. In our industry technology Is constantly changing like a running tide, the challenge is to stay above the surf. 3 · :",mning Tide Inc. Your IT Solutions Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH lJO 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON M5V 2L2 Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toil Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: Info@runnlngtlde.com Once finalized and agreed upon, the web site design will be implemented and fully tested. The site development tools we expect to utilize include Macromedia Studio MX, and Photoshop. The programming languages we expect to employ include ColdFusion, ASP, JavaScript, and Java. ColdFusion will be the main programming language used and is the tool that facilitates your staff having the capability to update data on the site themselves. Running Tide will post a test site, for review by Kincardine prior to posting the site live. Detailed documentation of each step of the website design, a description of the navigational structure, a detailed account of site security and a full explanation of the mechanisms in place for updating the site will all be made available to the Municipality of Kincardine. Running Tide will provide training for the Cold Fusion portion of the website. · DETAR .ED WORK PLAN Below is a detailed outline of our proposal for this project, highlighting our suggested phases, tasks and milestones. · Phase Tasks and Milestones Phase I: ~ Discuss and agree upon project understanding, Project Kick-Off Meeting schedule, roles and responsibilities ~ Discuss/collect graphical design infonnation MilestoneII)eilverable: Klck-off Meeting Within one week of DrOlect award Phase II: ~ The client will be provided three distinct design Design Treatments directions taken to two levels (I.e. two layers into the website) for review. MllestoneII)ellverable: 3 Design Directions to Client One week client review period followed by one week of RTI modifications Phase III: ~ Review and sign-off on graphical design. Conceptual Design MllestonelDellverable: Approved story cards and graphical design Phase II: ~ The client will be provided three distinct design In our industry technology is constantly changing like a running tide, the chailenge is to stay above the surf. 4 · · · ]lRlJnning Tide Inc. Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: Info@runnlngtlde.com Yo"r IT SoIlllÌDns Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH lJO 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON MSV 2L2 Design Treatments directions taken to two levels (i.e. two layers into the website) for review. MllestonelDellverable: 3 Design Directions to Client One week client revl_ period followed by one week of RTI modifications Phase III: ~ Review and sign-off on story cards. Conceptual Design ~ Review and sign-off on graphical design. Milestone/Deliverable: Approved story cards and graphical design Phase IV: ~ Review of completed prototype (working copy Prototype A-Z without any database backing or dynamic functionality). ~ Communication will occur here until the prototype meets client approval within the original scope of the Droiect. Phase V: ~ Sign-off on prototype. Prototype - Final Milestone/Deliverable: Approved prototype WIthin two months of story card/graphic design annroval Phase VI: ~ This is the phase during which the developers at Development Phase Running Tide will implement the full working version of the website. Phase VII: ~ The website will be posted to the Client Test Site Implementation Acceptance Testing Server site viewing/testing by the client and any technical issues resolved. Milestone/Deliverable: Test site available for viewing Within one month of Drot aDDroval Phase VIII: ~ Any training needed by the client for use of the Training web application will be provided using the test site Mlle&toneIDellverable: Trainlna comDleted Phase IX: ~ The site is posted to the live location. Project Implementation & MllestoneIDellverable: Website Llvel Delivery As soon as the site Is reasonablv ooDulated Running Tide Inc. will complete the project within 60 days of the agreed upon start date with the provision that the client provides data and decisions in a timely fashion. In our industry technology is constantly changing like a running tide, the challenge is to stay above the surf. 5 · "\Inning Tide Inc. Your IT SoIlIIions Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH 110 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON M5V 2L2 Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: infoCÞrunnlngtlde.com WEBSITE FUNCTIONAUTY AND OVERVIEW INDEX PAGE · The home page will contain drop down menus for the following sub sections: Our town, Tourism and Economic Development. It will also contain links to a site map' "What's new" and the Municipal Magic component. · Home page content to be discussed · OUR TOWN · Business DirectoTy - This will be a categorized listing of all business. Businesses can be added, edited and deleted by the staff at the Municipality of Kincardine. There will also be the ability for businesses to enter and update their own listing. Access to this functionality will be administered by the staff at the Municipality of Kincardine. The following is a link to an example similar to what we are proposing for the Municipality of Kincardine. httD:/IWWW.citv.owen-sound.on.ca/businessldirectorv/search.cfm · Community Infomretlon - This feature is similar in design and functionality to the Business Directory described above. Categories under the Community Information section would include: o Fishing o Golf Centers o Service Clubs o Community Centers · Recreation Programs - This will be a dynamic page of listings for recreation programs. It will contain the name and a brief description of the program. Each name wiUlink to a PDF document about the program. Kincardine staff will have the ability to maintain the list of programs and upload the PDF documents. i.e. httD://www.vmcaowensound.on.ca/brochure.cfm · · Fishlng- see Community Infonnation section above · Golf Centnls - see Community Information section above · . Service Clubs - see Community Information section above · Community Centnls - see Community Information section above TOURISM · Accommodation - This will link directly to the accommodation listings within the Business Directory. · Dining- This will link directly to the dining listings within the Business Directory. In our industry technology is constantly changing like a running tide, the challenge is to stay above the surf. 6 · · · :.Rlmning Tide Inc. Your IT &llItkJns Pa_ 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH 1JO 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON MSV 2L2 Telephone: (519) 599-7949 FacsImile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: Info@runningtide.com · Events & Activities Calendar - This section of the website will contain a calendar to list community events and activities. The title can be entered directly onto the date in the calendar. From there the end user can click on the title to get further information. To decrease administrative overhead visitors to the site will have the ability to submit their events for possible inclusion in the Events calendar. Visitors would use a form supplied to them on the websita to entar their event information, once submitted the form would send an email to alert a website administrator (a staff member of the Municipality of Kincardine) that a new event had been posted. It would then be up to the administrator to activate or delete the event through the administrative interface. An example of this functionality can be viewed at: htto:1I www.vmcaowensound.on.ca/vmca/resource.cfm · Travel Distances and Maps - Static Content ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT · Economic Development - Static Content · Street Scapes - Static Content · Public WorlcslTransportation - Static Content · Business Directory- WUllink to the business directory as described above. · News and Media - The news section will contain a list of news articles and a brief description. Each news article will link to a PDF document which will be uploaded the Municipality of Kincardine staff. An example of this can be viewed at: httD:1I www.vmcaowensound.on.ca/vmca/newsletter.cfm · Bruce Power - Links directly to the Bruce Power website. · Westarlo Power - Links direcUy to the Westario website. MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL MAGIC · All Municipal requirements are built into our Municipal Magic package. The interface will be redesigned to be consistent with the website. ·htto:llwww.municioalmaaic.com/orice.cfm ONLINE HELP · Online help will be a dynamic component in which end users can search and ask questions via a web form. All questions and answers will be stored in a database to build a FAa file. ADMINISTRATIVE INTERFACE · This section of the site will allow the staff of the Municipality of Kincardine to manage all dynamic aspects of the website. Access will be controlled by usemame and password. In our industry technology is constantly changing like a running tide, the challenge is to stay above the surf. 7 · :"lInning Tide Inc. Your IT Solutions Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH lJO 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON M5V 2L2 Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: Info@runnlngtlde.com J!!:g ect Costs Design Treatments: 3 distinct design directions taken to 2 levels Development of Site wide tem lates/Gra hies Develo ment of Static Pa es Business Directory and Communi Information Recreation Events & ActMties Calendar News and Media Online Hel Administrative Inteñace Preparation Time: 12 hrs. @ $80.00 Preparation Time: 8 hrs. @ $80.00 Pre ration Time: 12 hrs. $80.00 Preparation Time: 24 hrs. @ $80.00 · $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 Pre ration Time: 16 hrs. $80.00 Preparation Time: 8 hrs. @ $80.00 (This cost includes the login security and basic administrative inteñace. All other costs are included in the cost of the relevant section of the website. htt :1 www.munici alma ic. rice.cfm Time: 8 hrs. @ $80.00 · · Any additions or changes to original scope will be billed as extra. · Price includes full testing of all aspects of the site. · Running Tide professional services will be billed on the following basis: o 1/3 at start of the project. o 1/3 on 50% completion o 1/3 upon final review and signoff of the project. o GST is applicable to all prices. $960.00 $640.00 $960.00 $1,920.00 $640.00 $640.00 $640.00 $1 280.00 $640.00 $640.00 $640.00 $9 600.00 $80.00 $80.00 In our industry technology Is constantly changing like a running tide, the challenge is to stay above the surf. . 8 · · · "ul1ning Tide Inc. Your IT Solutions Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH lJO 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON MSV 2L2 Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: Info@runningtlde.com OTHF.R NOTES ~ All web sites developed by Running Tide Inc. are registered with a minimum of fIVe major search engines. ~ Please note that the Municipality of Kincardine will own the HTML and Co.LDFUSION Co.DE, as well as the database and all graphic material in the site. Running Tide Inc. reserves the right to reuse code written for the website. ~ The website itself will be operational 365 days a year; the chosen hosting company will be responsible to ensure zero downtime and any required maintenance. ~ The structure of the site will the Municipality of Kincardine to update and maintain the site, thereby reducing additional expenditure on having an outside organization fulfill this function. ~ To minimize duplication of efforts. we will use existing materials (written, databases. etc.) where possible. As far as possible, the Municipality of Kincardine will facilitate quick and easy access to existing materials that are required for the web site. ~ It is expected that the Municipality of Kincardine representatives will be available for reviews, decisions, etc., on a timely basis to ensure we meet our agreed upon deadline. We will provide reasonable time for reviewing and reasonable pre- notification of required reviews to make this as straight forward as possible. ~ OUf Errors and Omissions Insurance, to the amount of $2mllllon, covers all webslles developed by Running Tide Inc. Project Team OrvanJzation The project team we are proposing consists of the following: Name Rolellnvolvement Geoff Hogan Project Manager Jo-Ann Currie Web Design Coordinator, Web Site Developer Shelley Hammond Web Programming Coordinator, Kit Redding Cold Fusion Developer In our industry technology is constantly changing like a running tide, the challenge is to stay above the surf. 9 · · · ~nning Tide Inc. Yo.r IT Solutions Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH 1JO 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON M5V 2L2 Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: Info@runnlngtlde.com In our industry technology is constantly changing like a running tide, the challenge is to stay above the surf. 10 · · · , :..unning Tide Inc. Your IT SoIldions Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH lJO 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON MSV 2L2 Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: Info@runnlngtlde.com HOSTING INFORMATION What is Virtual Server Hosting? Virtual Hosting is a software process that allows a physical server to behave and answer network requests as if it was many different servers. When you purchase a virtual server you are getting a fraction of a server's total capability but to the rest of the world it appears as its own identity. The advantages of outsourcing your web site are enonnous. The cost of fielding and connecting your own in house server would be no less than $25,000.00 today and you would have limited bandwidth, limited server hardware performance and you haven't even paid your staff yet to look after it. You could also co-Iocate a server but that option still costs several thousands of dollars a year to maintain. The most cost effective option for most small and medium sized businesses is a Virtual Server. Hosting Environment Our web servers are housed in one of the top 10 hosting environments in the GT A. This facility provides superior climate control and fire detection systems. Physical security provisions include 7 X 24 on-site security officers, digitally archived video surveillance and web-based security access reports. Power systems include two high-voltage feeds from city power, dual UPS back-up, and generator backup power. All servers are connected directly to the major backbone networks and ISPs, via multiple 100MS connections, promising the shortest and fastest possible route between your website and your audience. Our servers are fast multi-processor machines with lots of memory and raid 5 disk arrays. Nightly backups are run on all servers and the tapes are stored in a secure environment off-site. We back it up with 7/24 support including pager access to our senior engineers. In our industry technology is constantly changing like a running tide, the challenge is to stay above the surf. 11 . . .1 ~ ~lJßning Tide Inc. Yo",. IT SoIlIIÍÐns Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH 110 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON MSV 2L2 Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: Info@runnlngtlde.com Virtual Server Hostinll Account Featnres Our packages have so many features that it can get confusing detennining what you need to get started. Our technical staff \YOuld be more than happy to help detennine what your best options are. All Accounts All levels of Virtual Server Hosting include the following. · Unlimited Data Transfer (Measures as Megabytes per month or hits) · Webtrends website statistics Reporting . Full Access to raw web site log files for previous 2 months · Microsoft FrontPage 2000 extension support · 10 accounts for authenticated FTP and WWW access. Advanced Business Internet Presence · 100 MB of Server disk Storage · Up to 50 email accounts. · 128 Bit and 40 Bit SSL support using Verisign · ODBC Database support (MS Access Databases) · One Additional Domain Alias · Macromedia Cold Fusion Support (Version 5) · Microsoft Active Server Pages Support (ASP) · Your Own IP address server IP address · Anonymous FTP access · Webtrands Reporting (See APPENDIX E for an example report) · Unlimited Bandwidth In our industry technology is constantly changing like a running tide, the challenge is to stay above the surf. 12 .. · · · JIIlunning Tide Inc. Telephone: (519) 599-7949 Facsimile: (519) 599-7735 Toll Free: (800) 806-7989 Emall: Info@runnlngtide.com Your IT Solutions Partner 185 Marsh Street, Clarksburg, ON NOH 1JO 200-398 Adelaide Street W. Toronto, ON M5V 2L2 APPENDIX B: Samule Sites and References Sample Work WWoN.aloineskiclub.com WWoN.mhaab.ca WWoN.camh.on.ca WWoN.haooeninasoartvrentals.com WWoN.ibbam.cal www.martinveinclinic.on.ca/ www.orooertvshoo.ca References Larry Irwin: Town of Collingwood and Collingwood Utility Services Phone: 705-445-7557 ex! 223 Email: lirwln@collus.com Patrick Shield: Shield Associates lwww.cmxshow.com, www.windoorshow.com), and The Antique and Classic Boat Society: Toronto Chapter (www.acbs.ca). Phone: 1-800-282-0003 Email: info@salshow.com Gerry McGregor: Thornbury-Clarksburg Rotary Club Phone: 519-599-6449 Email: amcareaoniì!aeoralan.net it, c,: ·'i~iC''':.:;~(\' ~;.::ci~·n·'J'¡C:0·-i i::: c.:.!Y;~:::ntl·/ (fei""'J;¡irg !d-:e a nJr~(ii0ç ~·:i.ji21 (he chai!eng>2 i:-:; tl.' abc'·I¿ U"¡p-"; :,;',u:-f, 13