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07 370 Amendment (3) to the 2007 Taxation By-law
. . . . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW No. 2007 - 370 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2007 - 071, BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ESTIMATES OF ALL SUMS REQUIRED DURING THE YEAR TO STRIKE THE RATES OF TAXATION FOR THE YEAR 2007 WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt a budget including estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the municipality; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, with the passage of By-law No. 2007 - 071, adopted the estimates of all sums required during the year to strike the rates of taxation for 2007; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it necessary to amend By-law No. 2007 - 071; AND WHEREAS these amendments have no impact on the tax levy or the tax rate; NOW THEREFORE the Council for the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the 2007 Budget Summary and the Reserve and Reserve Funds Continuity Worksheets, originally confirmed with the passage of By-law No. 2007 - 071, are hereby amended to include the following items, and attached to this by-law as Schedule "A": i) KCMC Water/Mould Issues - $33,500 to cover additional work - to be funded by transfer from the Kincardine Health Care Reserve Fund; ii) Bull Dogs Grant - Equal to the interest charges on their Accounts Receivable balances from Jan1/99 to Dee 31/07 estimated to be $12,000 - to be funded by transfer of funding from general revenue department; 2. That this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 3. This By-law may be cited as the "Amendment (3) to the 2007 Taxation By-law". Page 2 Amendment (3) to the 2007 Taxation By-law By-law No. 2007 - 370 . READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 19th day of December, 2007 cf(j~~ Mayor ~"""-~ Clerk READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of December, 2007. Q-..~ . . . ----- - This is Schedule ~ " ~c~~aw MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE ~- 2007 FINAL APPROVED BUDGET Amendment #4 No. 2?0<", passed the ICJ:l:'-day f klfr~COorl- ~~ ,jJf) ,>-j. , 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ~-- SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO NET DEPARTMENT REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND BUDGET BUDGET $ Channe %Channe Opening (surplus) $1,000,000 $1000000 $1,720,400 $720,400 -41.87% REVENUE Taxation Revenues (Supp, WIO, PIL) ($4,863,350) ($1,650,000) $2,530,000 ($3,983,350) ($2,870,688) ($1,112,662) General revenues (1112) ($4,380,200 ($21,165 $178,165 $337500 iS3885,700 1$3,751,249 -($134,451 $9,243,550 $0 $1,671,165 $178,165 $0 $2,867,500 $7869050 $6,621,937 $1,247,113 18.83% COUNCIL Mayor & Council (1111) $257,444 $257.d.4.l $180,768 $76,676 42.42% ADMINISTRATION Administrator (1118) $180,212 $5,117 $185,329 $162,271 $23,058 14.21% Human Resources (1119) ($507) $50,678 $390 $50,561 $44,794 $5,767 12.87% Clerk(1120) ($3,960) $337,239 $12,208 $345,487 $335,425 $10,062 3.00% Treasury(1121) ($17,883) $575,374 $7,892 $565,383 $539,062 $26,321 4.88% Information Technology (IT)(1122) $18,370 $10,000 $28,370 $16,500 $11,870 71.94% Health & Safety (1123) $13,864 $44 $13,908 $11,561 $2,347 20.30% Capital Asset Mgmt (1124) (PB) ($10,034) $112,412 $88 $102,466 $0 $102,466 100.00% Eleclion(1125) $1,200 $18,000 $19,200 $18,000 $1,200 8.67% Accessibility (2226) $5,581 $5,581 $5,418 $183 3.01% $31,877 $0 $507 $1,294,930 $18000 $35739 $1316285 $1,133,031 $183,254 16.17% FACILlT1ES Administration Centre (1126) ($86,645) $343,349 $960 $257,664 $239,520 $18,144 7.58% Underwood Town Hall & Comm Ctre (1128,1129) ($32,350) $81,431 '442 $49,523 $34,526 $14,997 43.44% Annex {1130 $8,500 $8,500 $0 $8,500 100.00% ArmowWomen's Inst. (1131) ($900) ($8,000) $28,337 $2,169 $21,606 $17,277 $4,329 25.06% t.ocumHouse(1135} ($5,300) $24,951 $1,668 $21,319 $0 $21,319 0.00% HECAdmin Buildin9{1136} ($27,000) $6,386 ($20,614) ($38,350) $17,736 -46.25% Ughthouse(1138) ($1,400) $7,530 $5,150 $11,280 $5,600 $5,680 101.43% Kincardine Library (7465) ($36,300) $62,982 $282 $26,964 $18,141 $8,823 48.64% llvertonLibrary(7466) I~ ($6,402) 1$85,000 $25,447 $15 $19,060 $6,740 $12,320 182.79% Medicalclinics(1133,1142} $100,230 $211,597 $32,800 $5~ $15627 $43,540 278.62% $296,527 $8,000 $85,000 $800,510 $0 $43,466 $454 9 $299081 $155388 51.96% PROTECTION TO PERSONS Kin Fire Dept (2100-2176) ($11,320) $566,370 $100,357 $855,401 $599,707 $55,700 9.29% Paisley Fire Dept. (2213) $24,965 $24,965 $22,483 $2,482 11.04% Police Services Board (2220) ($3,500) $15,918 '46 $12,464 $15,251 ($2,787) -18.27% Policing (2221) ($47,304) $2,046,604 $1,999,300 $1,899,435 $99,865 5.26% Emergency Planning (2225) ($95,000) ($5,000) $153,128 1956 $54,084 $2,158 $51,926 2406.21% SVCA(2231) 1$5,183 $210,353 $21~~~3 $185,141 $25,212 13.62% Mvsis Rescue Boat'(2251 \ $11,682 $3,000 $999 $8235 $1,264 15.35% $162,307 '0 $5,000 $3,029,020 $0 $104359 $2966072 $2732410 $233,662 8.55% Sub-totalooeratinabudaet 1$9,734,261 ($8,000 ($1,761,672 $5,560,069 $18,000 $3,051,084 1$2874780 ($2,276,647 ($598,133 26.27% ...2 Dec19/07 PAGE 2 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2007 FINAL APPROVED BUDGET Amendment #4 OPERATING BUDGET 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 SUBMiSSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRF TO NET NET DEPARTMENT REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND BUDGET BUDGET CHANGE % CHANGE PUBLIC WORKS Roads (3000-3362) ($24,530) $1,726,566 $31,930 $1,733,966 $1,730,207 $3,759 0.22% Mechanic (3400-3499) $417,487 $417,487 $435,976 ($18,491) .4.24% Disability Transportalion (3590) $20,352 $20,352 $17,304 $3,048 17,61% Crossing Guards (3614) $26,167 $337 $26,504 $25,086 $1,418 5.65% Streetlighting(3651) ($141,400) $141,388 $12 $0 $0 $0 0,00% Airport {3661 & 3662} ($85,295) ($9,000) $172,498 '76 $78,279 $81,176 ($2,897) .3.57% San. Sewers (4411) ($1,047,922) $568,167 $479,755 $0 '0 $0 0.00% Storm Sewers (4421) ($10,000) $48,586 $187 $38,773 $9,121 $29,652 325.10% Municipal Drains (4422) ($84,300) $112,100 $27,800 $1,074 $26,726 2488.45% Tlle Drainage (4423) $0 $0 $0 $0 0,00% Kincardine Water {4425} ($1,264,400) $671,834 $592,588 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TivertonWater(4426) ($212,000) $119,429 $92,571 $0 $0 $0 0.00% Garbage Collection (4441) ($35,000) $323,124 $141 $288,265 $278,463 $9,802 3.52% Ward1 Landfill Site (4445) ($185,000) $227,002 $32,060 $74,062 $52,348 $21,714 41.48% Armow Landfill Site (4446) ($45,000) $81,907 $31,294 $68,201 $63,099 $5,102 8.09% Bruce landfill $ite(4447) ~~35,000) $84,495 $31,323 $80,818 $66,643 $14,175 21.27% Cemeteries (5551) $53,955 $138,935 $20,875 $105,855 $73895 $31,960 43.25% $3,223.802 $0 $9,000 $4,880,037 $0 $1,313,127 $2,96062 $2834394 125,968 4.44% Sub.totalo"eratln"bud"et $12,958,063 '$8,000 1$1,770,672 $10,440,106 $18,000 $4364211 $85,582 $557,747 1$472165 .84.66% ...3 De019/07 Page 3 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2007 FINAL APPROVED BUDGET Amendment #4 OPERATING BUDGET 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO NET NET DEPARTMENT REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND BUDGET BUDGET $ CHANGE % CHANGE RECREATION & CULTURE Underwood Communty Centre (1127,1129) ($5,425) $10,747 $51 $5,373 $4,954 $419 8.46% TivertonLionsHall(1132} ($140) $2,015 $1,875 $1,735 $14() 8.07% Whitney Crawford Com Ctre(1134) ($5,400) $5,965 $5,000 $5,565 $3,495 $2,070 59.23% Arts Faoility(1137) {$21 ,500) ($42,000) $62,160 $1,340 10 '0 '0 0.00% BrucedaleCom Centre (1143) $6,608 $6,608 $9,744 ($3,136) -32.18% Paisley Recreation (7008) $6.500 $6,500 $6,500 '0 0,00% TivertonSportsCenlre(7010) ($110,650) $159,140 $48,490 $41,490 $7,000 16.87% DavidsonCentre(7011-7021} ($433,300) $1,149,419 $6,780 $722,899 $645,716 $77,183 11.95% Recreation (7111-7199) ($299,850) $494,312 $5,462 $199,924 $194,485 $5,439 2.80% Parks (7313-7321) ($43,650) $486,756 $13,548 $456,654 $366,048 $90,606 24.75% Trails (8037) $25,407 $188 $25,595 $21,967 $3,628 16.52% Communities in Bioom (7350) $14,300 $14,300 $8,100 $6,200 76.54% Kincardine Marina (7460) {$321,550} $311,377 $10,173 '0 $0 $0 0.00% Herilag~ne(7468! :i::::;Ll'Sl~Q); ':!XV ,,;i .' , >';;o.o",;iiiio '.':$3~5:~?0 ,<< $4,69~ $1,_~~0 _~130 2.85% ::;~, m~;r~f.<~>'\1Fs~'E;:2i0::::- /-Y:- .00 5119.0 . ~ :.. ..>'i0.:._"....,._.,=..~~,_ $1,264,305 $0 $276000 $3097426 $0 $42,542 $1,599,663 $1,374,244 $225,419 16.40% TOURISM Tourism (8035-8044) ($51,200) ($25,000) $324,946 $1,313 $250,059 $239,344 $10,715 4.48% KinFishDerby(8101-8105) ($62,600) $62,600 '0 $0 $0 0,00% KSF{8201-8206) ($165,500 $164,500 $1,000 '0 '0 $0 0,00% $279,300 $25,000 $0 $552,046 $1,000 $1,313 $250059 $239344 $10715 4.48% PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Building Department (2241) {$182,500} $289,983 $2,804 $110,287 $115,028 ($4,741) -4.12% Small Animal Control (2244) $18,502 $18,502 $17,964 $538 2.99% Nutrient Management (4450) $0 10 $0 '0 0.00% Planning &Zoning (8011) ($17,000) $118,862 $1,003 $102,865 $87,719 $15,146 17.27% Economic Development(8021) ;:~0,000) ($15,000) $95,731 $20,614 $81,345 $73,160 $8,185 11.19% B.1.A.(62) $29,425 $29425 10 $0 $0 0.00% $248,925 $0 $15,000 $552,503 $0 $24421 $312,999 $293,871 $19,128 6.51% LateAdjustmenlforLlablns ($42000 1$42,000 $0 1$42,000 -100.00% Total Ooeratlna Budoet ($14750593) 1$33.000\ 1$2.061672\ $14.600.081 ~ $4432487 $2206303 $2465.206 ($258.903) -10.50% ...4 Dec19/07 PAGE 4 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2007 FINAL APPROVED BUDGET Amendment #4 CAPITAL BUDGET 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 UCO SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO NET NET ~ Chan e %Channe DEPARTMENT & PROJECT JAN1/07 REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND BUDGET BUDGET General Government Physician Recruitment ($25,000) $162,000 $137,000 W.E.Thompson 1$12,000 $52,800 $52,800 Lap Top computers (PB) $12,000 $' $' $25,000 $' $12000 $226800 $' $' $189,800 $235,500 $45,700 .19.41% .Q8Q 1$35,000 $' $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $' $35,000 100.00% HR $0 $' $0 $0 $' $' $' $' $' 57,875 $57,875 .100.00% Clerk LaserFlche -Records Comput.(PB) 1$19,000 $51500 $32,500 $' $' $19000 $' $51,500 $' $' $32,500 $84600 $52,100 -61.58% Irww. 1$7000 1$28000 Capital Asset Mgmt Software $35,000 $' $' $' $7000 $28000 $35000 $0 $' $0 7000 $7000 100.00% Information Technoloav MicrosoftOfficeUcences ($30,000) $30,000 $' IT Review ~~35,000) $35,000 $' New Server $12,000 $15,000 $3000 $' $' $77000 $' $80000 $' $' $3000 $72000 $69,000 -95.83% Health&Safetv H & S Training of New Members $12000 $12,000 $1000 $11,000 100.00% ~ UghthouseRoof(carryover2006) ($25,000) $26,000 $1,000 Annex Roof (carryover 2006) ($125,000) $125,000 $' Underwood Hardwood Floor {PB} ($40,000) $40,000 $' WestarioGenerator $31,000 $31,000 KCMC Sound Transference 7 =,:",,,{$~5~~90) $25,000 $&h!llV'O::. ~c::M!l:..-llli gi:";1iii/i~fMWQJ ". ~ , 'li_ , , Kincardine Library Roofetc ", $20,000 $16,089 W3Roof 1$500,000 $40,000 $40,000 Locum House.sale/purchase $300,000 $200,000 $' $' $500,000 $193,911 $83,500 $685,500 $0 $200,000 $108,089 . 385,728 $277,639 .71.98% ~ $' $0 $0 $0 .100% SubtotalCa italBud et $0 $525000 $296911 $123500 $1090800 $0 $200,000 $345389 $878703 $533,314 -60.69% Dec19/07 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2,007 2007 2006 UCO SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO NET NET DEPARTMENT & PROJECT JAN1/06 REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND BUDGET BUDGET SChanne %Channe Arts Centre $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 100% Kincardine Fire Deoartment Tanker 11-4 ($6,500) ($211,947) $220,000 $1,553 Breathing apparatus ($20,000) $20,000 $0 Thermal Imaging Camera ($12,000) $12,000 $' Vehicle Exhaust System $45000 $45,000 $0 $0 $6,500 $243,947 $297,000 $' $0 $46,553 $66,053 $19,500 100.00% Pollee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 100.00% Sauaeen Vallev Conservation Floodplain mapping (PB) 1$10,500 ($6,053) $6,053 $0 Shoreline Mapping (PB) $10500 $0 $' $0 $10,500 $6,053 $16553 $0 $0 $0 $26,500 $26,500 -100.00% .MY2!i $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $' $0 $0 0.00% Ward 3. Municioal Drains Drain #19 ($19,489) ($569,289) $629,243 $40,465 $0 Drain #20 $39,461 ($39,461) $' $0 InverhuronDrain $0 $0 $' $19,972 $608750 $0 $0 $629,243 $0 $0 $40465 $88,547 $48,082 0.00% - Huron Terrace (PB) ($139,189) ($215,000) ($17,352) $407,352 $35,811 Sunset (PB) ($61,134) $69,430 $70 $8,366 Webster $0 $6,702 $6,702 Whispering Woods ($28,721) $32,500 $70 $3,049 Huron Terrace Bridge $20,000 $20,000 Kincardine Ave ($45,650) $45,650 $' HunterSl $74,300 $74,300 Huron Rldge $30,000 $30,000 Kearns Wall & Sidewalk $11,160 $11,160 Durham at Water Plant $65,600 $65,600 SR15 ($75,299) ($32,051) $317,500 $210,150 Broadwayfrom Hw 21 to Queen St ($11,800) $527,900 $516,100 LambtonfromPrincestoQueen $61,350 $61,350 Sprucedaiefrom Dalton to End $0 $' Durham Market Square ($1,100) $67,000 $65,900 Wickham from Rae to Webster $12,000 $12,000 Smith from Main to Maple $94,000 $94,000 Inverhurondrainagework $9,114 ($8,000) $20,000 $21,114 Tlverton Stop Lights-Mun share ($25,OOO) $25,000 $0 Sidewalks 1$180,000 $88,168 $88,168 Concession2-improvements $180,000 $0 $130,075 $411,704 $215,000 $74,403 $2,155,612 $0 $140 $1,324,570 $730,299 $594271 81.37% SubtotaICa"itaIBud"et '$110,103 '$1,545,454 1$528,911 1$447903 $4.189,208 $0 $200,140 $1,756,977 $1,790,102 '$33,125 -1.85% PAGE 5 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2007 FINAL APPROVED BUDGET Amendment #4 CAPITAL BUDGET ....6 Dec19/07 PAGE 6 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2007 FINAL APPROVED BUDGET Amendment #4 CAPITAL BUDGET 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 UCO SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO NET NET $Chanoe DEPARTMENT & PROJECT JAN1/07 REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND BUDGET BUDGET %Chanoe Roads-Eouioment Tandem Plow-Sander Truok ($71,000) $78,332 $7,332 Case Loader ($141,337) $141.337 $0 Pick-up-Arnold ($26,738) $26,738 $0 One Tan Truck ($20,606) $50,606 $30,000 Pick-up-Dale ($28,967 $31,322 $2,355 $0 $0 $71,000 $217,648 $328,335 $0 $0 $39,687 $250,000 $210,313 -84.13% Streetliahtina ($7,500 '0 $7,500 100.00% wan Paving $11000 $11,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,000 $0 $0 $11,000 $0 $11,000 100.00% KWTP Water SYStem OSTAR General ($680,714) $680,714 '0 OSTAR Kincardine Water Treatment Plant $2,105,209 ($1,989,021) ($164,019) $47,831 '0 OSTAR Pipeline $1,999,269 ($323,864) ($1,678,405) $3,000 '0 OSTAR Underwood $198,827 ($198,827) '0 OST AR Scott's Point $213,369 ($213,369) '0 Underwood-deficit Financing ($107,000) $107,000 $0 Underwood-Contto Res Fund ($11,100) $11,100 $0 Scott's Paint-deficit Financing ($60,000) $60,000 $0 Scott's Paint Contto Res. Fund ($12,300) $12,300 $0 Water Meters orlginal- UCO $19,197 ($19,197) '0 Lower Beach Road - UCO $4,763 ($4,763) $0 Meter Replacement Program (PB) ($184,915) $184,915 $0 Lake StServicing (PB) $4,320 {$141,400} $107,680 $29,400 $0 Watermains-HuronTerrace ($220,833) $220,833 '0 Reservoir Cleaning ($130,000) $130,000 $0 Utility Van (66.7%) ($20,000) $20,000 $0 Oversizing Pipes For Future Dev. ($11,100) $11,100 $0 Scott's Paint Water Quality Upgrade ($20,000) $20,000 $0 Water Treatment Plant Pkg Lot ($10,250 $10,250 $0 $3,864,240 $2,395,364 $0 $761,111 $930,559 $0 $222,800 $0 $0 $0 0% Tiverton Water Svstem UCO - OSTAR $152,263 ($146,877) ($5,386) $0 Briar Hill Well #2 (PB) ($60,000) $60,000 $0 Standby Well (PB) ($60,000) $60,000 $0 ReplacementVehicies-3410 .($3,000 $3,000 $0 $152,263 $146,877 $0 $128,386 $123,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% SubtotalCanital Budnet $3906400 1$4087695 1$599911 1$1555054 $3720984 $0 $422940 $1807664 $2047602 1!t239938 -11.72% ..7 Dec19/07 PAGE 7 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2007 FINAL APPROVED BUDGET Amendment #4 CAPITAL BUDGET 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 UCO SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO NET NET 'l:Chan"e %Chan"e DEPARTMENT & PROJECT JAN1/07 REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND BUDGET BUDGET SanitalV Sewers (9411 QueenStSewers $28,369 ($9,339) ($19,030) $0 Lower Beach Road $5,297 ($5,297) $0 Lake St North (PB) ($159,600) $115,150 $44,450 $' Huron Terrace Main Repi (PB) $2,904 ($223,366) $220,462 $' Huron Terrace Sanitary Pumping Sin (PB) ($15,000) $15,000 $0 ConnaughtTrunk Sewer Line ($400,000) $400,000 $' Utility Van-repl 3410 (41%) ~~16,000} $16,000 $' CcnnaughtDrainageStudy $50,000 $50,000 $0 $36570 $168,939 $' $704,366 $792,285 $' $44,450 $0 $' $0 0.00% Landfill Sites Ward 2 landfill Monitoring Wells $0 $0 $0 ($15,000) $15,000 $0 $0 $0 Ward 3 ianfill Monitoring Wells $12000 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27000 $27,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% Cemeteries Wi Expansion Phase 1 ($48,045) $48,045 $0 Wi Expansion Phase 2 $0 $27,500 $148000 $120,500 $0 $0 $0 $75545 $196045 $0 $0 $120,500 $57,000 $63,500 111.40% Whitnev Crawford Comm Ctre $10,000' Electrical upgrades $10000 $0 $0 Brucedale Communitv Ctre $0 $0 DavidsonCenlre Addition {$50,000 PB) ($270,502) ($1,306,498) $1,577,000 $0 PcolRoof ($53,500) $70,000 $16,500 New Arena Compressors $50,000 $50,000 Boiler $200,000 $200,000 Kitchen upgrades ($23,000) $30,000 $7,000 Recreation Facility-Trto Res Fund ($117,000) $117,000 $0 HamlinSt $0 $0 $0 $0 $347,002 $1306.498 $1,927000 $0 $117,000 $273,500 $272,363 $1137 0.42% TiverlonSoortsCentre '$2491 Work on Compressors (PS) $10,000 $7509 $0 $0 $2491 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $7509 $30,000 $22,491 -74.97% Recreation 1$5,000 Running Track $0 $10,000 $10000 $15,000 -33.33% Sub-totalca ital bud-at $3,942,970 '$4,256634 '$949,404 1$3,678,463 $6,693,314 $0 $584,390 $2219173 $2421,965 1$202,792 -8.37% ...8 Dec19107 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 UCO SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO NET NET DEPARTMENT & PROJECT JAN1/07 REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND BUDGET BUDGET SChanne %Channe Parks Light Standards atConnaught Park {$15,000) $15,000 $0 Reunion Park-Phase 3 ($5,172) $317,857 $312,685 Playground Upgrades ($19,043) $25,000 $5,957 Fence&Bleachers-Tiverton $20,000 $20,000 Roof Agricultural Building $31,000 $31,000 EPB Bicycle Park ($8,OOO) $8,000 $0 TlvertonParkelle 1$35,000 ($55,000) $55,000 $0 Kincardine Soccer Field $35,000 $0 $0 $0 $69,Q43 $68,172 $506,857 $0 $0 $369642 $428065 $58,423 -13.65% illlli. Geddes Park Footbridge {PB} {$31,242} $52,100 $20,858 Lorne Creek Footbridge ;~64,000} $115,000 $51,000 InverhuronTrail $12,000 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $76,000 $31,242 $179,100 $0 $0 $71858 $69,500 $2,358 3.39% Planninq Official Plan ($49,908) $49,908 $0 Zoning By-law OMS Hearing ($32,812) $32,812 $0 Zoning By-Law Update ~~10,OOO) $25,000 $15,000 Natural Heritage Study $25,000 $35,000 $10000 $0 $0 $117,720 $0 $142,720 $0 $0 $25000 $40,000 $15000 -37.50% Develooment Millenium Way North Project {PB} ($450,424) $320,500 $129,924 $0 Business Park Study '$35400 ($10,000) $10,000 $0 Pavilion Kitchen $35,400 $0 $450,424 $35,400 $0 $10000 $365,900 $0 $129,924 $0 $56,000 $56000 -100.00% Tourist Develooment Tourism & Info Bldg.lServ. ($735,000) $721,820 $13,180 $0 SignageProgram ($35,00O) '$22,127 $80,000 $45,000 Seasonal Decorations $22,127 $0 $0 $35,000 $22,12 $735000 $823947 $0 $13180 $45,000 $67,872 $22,872 -33.70% TOTAL CAPITAL BUDGET "'3492546 $4327034 $1234294 '$4522877 $8711838 $0 "'727494 "'2730673 "'3083402 '$352729 -11.44% Total O~eralin~ & Ca lIal Bud~et $3.492,546 $20,077,627 1$1,267,294 " $23,311919 $19000 $5,159,981 $3,936,976 $3,828,208 $108,768 2,84% $6,584,549 PAGE 8 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2007 FINAL APPROVED BUDGET Amendment #4 CAPITAL BUDGET Page 9 Municipality of Kincardine 2007 FINAL APPROVED BUDGET Amendment #4 MUNICIPAL TAX RATE CALCULATION Residential Multi"Res. Com.occ. Com. vacant Ind.occ. Ind. vacant Farmlands Mngd forests Tax Ratios 1.00000 1.00000 1.23310 0.86317 1.74770 1.13600 0.25000 0.25000 Residential tax rate Multi-Residential tax rate Com. ace. tax rate Com. vac. tax rate Ind. ace. tax rate Ind. vac. tax rate Farmlands tax rate Managed forest tax rate Assessments $827,488,580 $9,604,975 $63,741,280 $733,560 $5.101,535 $1,926,900 $193,138,130 $870,935 $1,102,605,895 0.00403406 0.00403406 0.00497440 0.00348208 0,00705033 0,00458270 0.00100852 0.00100852 Total Residential & Farm taxes Total Commercial & Industrial taxes TOTAL MUNICIPAL TAXES COLLECTED Dec19/07 Adiusted assessments $827,488,580 $9,604,975 $78,599,372 $633,187 $8,915,953 $2,188,958 $48,284,533 $217,734 $975,933,292 Proof $3,338,141 $38,747 $317,075 $2,554 $35,968 $8,830 $194,783 $878 $3.936.976 $3,572,549 $364.427 $3.936.976 Page 11