HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 276 1582679 Ontario Inc (Lakefield Estates) Subdivision Agreement . . . . TIlE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY (If KINCARDINE BY-LAW No. 2007 - 276 BEING A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT WITH 1582679 ONTARIO INC. CONCERNING PART OF LOTS A, B AND C, CONCESSION A, [GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE) MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (Lakefield Estates Subdivision) WHEREAS Section 51 (26) of the Planning Act 1990, Chapter 13 authorizes municipalitIes to enter into subdivision agreements as a condition to the approval ofa plan of subdivision; WHEREAS Section 8 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended. provides that the powers of a municipality under this or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the munIcipality to govem its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality's ability to respond to municipal issues AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Section 9 provides that a municipallty has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it advisable to enter into a subdivision agreement with 1582679 Ontario Inc. for that property being composed of Part of Lots A, Band C, Concession A, geographic Township of Kincardine, Municipality of Kincardine; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine enter into a subdivision agreement WIth 1582679 Ontario Inc. to ensure appropriate development of those lands described as Part of Lots A, Band C, Concession A, geographic Township of Kincardine, Municipality of Kincardine and being more particularly described in the subdivision agreement attached to this by-law as Schedule "A" /2 . . . . Page 2 1582679 Ontario Inc. (Lakefield Estates) Subdivision Agreement By-law By-lawNo.2007 276 2. That the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, the subdivision agreement with Mystic Cove Developments Inc., attached to this By-law as Schedule "A", as well as any other documents required to bind the Corporation relating to this subdivision. 4. This By-law takes effect from the date of passage by Council and comes into force and effect pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. 1990. 5. This by-law may be cited as the "1582679 Ontario Inc. (Lakefield Estates) Subdivision Agreement By-law" READ a FIRST and SECOND time this 19lhday of September 2007 .'.- ' Q' ~-Mw-~T READ a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of September 2007. I J , /'7 ~ ~-j~~~' , , F:lwp\0613S\o7Sepll9-Lak.ficldUIbanRes;dentialAgreemont.doc r 'J1;,cdE5'Jt:,,,,,..zi. to Ily-taw - ,No. passedthe~'day OC- od;i- ~~bk'rQ{ Ciod< ..:io4 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FORLAKEFIELD ESTATES SUBDIVISION between 15826790ntariolne. =d THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE The Corporation of the MurucipalityofKincardine 1475 Concession 5, R. R. 5 Kincardine,Ontario N2Z2X6 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE INDEX Seetionl-Interpretation........._..............................__.......................................................2 1.1 Definitions....................................................................................................................2 1..2 ListofSclredules.............,_...........................................................................................3 Section 2-0nler ofProeedure.............._............................ ............_._......................3 Section3-lnstallationofServices............._..o.._................................................_..................5 3.1 General.........................................................................................,. .....................5 3.2 Municipality's Legal and Engineering Costs...................................................... ..5 3.3 Developer's Engineer....................................................... ..................,.........................5 3.4 WorkstobeInstalled....................................,..............................................................6 3.5 ApprovalofPlans.............................................................................................,.."...,..6 3.6 Notifieation ofCOmmeneemenL.................."'._..........................................................6 3.7 Progress of Works...................................................... ..................................................6 3.8 Scheduling of Works.................................................... ................................................7 3.9 Contractor....................................................................................................................7 3.10 Utility Costs and Charges.............................................. ..............................................7 3.11 Access Roads.................".................................... .........,..............................................7 3_12 Movement ofFill......................................................................................................... 7 3.13 Damage to Existing Plant.............................................................................................8 3.14 Signs.............................................................................................................................8 3.15 Testing..._______._._............................................................................................................8 3.16 Erosion and Silting Conlrol................................................ ..................... ........8 3.17 Emergency Access.......................................................................................................8 3.18 Construction RefuseandWeeds.................................................... ........,.........,..,.,...,..8 3.19 DustControL.... .9 3.20 Street Names...................................................... ................................................,."...,,,9 3.21 Mumdpal Street Numbers...........................................................................................9 3.22 Blasting.....................................................................................................................,..9 3.23 Driveways............................................................................................................".....,9 3.24 Contaminants.............................................................................................................10 Section 4_Acceptance of Works.................................. .............................................10 4.1 Stages of Construction and Services...................................................... ....................10 4.2 Inspection andAcceptance of the Works.............................................................. .....10 4.3 Final Acceptance of the Works................................................ ...............................",10 4.4 Acceptance During Winter Months........................ .11 4.5 Use of Works by Munidpality................................................................ ...................11 4.6 Replacement of Survey Bars......................................................................................11 4.7 Ownership of Services .................................".".........................................................11 Section5-l\IaintenaneeofWorks........................................_..._.......................................11 5.1 Maintenance of Works...................,................................... ........................................11 5.2 RoadIvlalntenance................................................................................_....................12 5.3 Emergency Repairs .............................................,......................................................12 Sect10n 6_DraInage llnd Landscape Design.-:--.._........................................... ................12 6.1 Drainage..............................................................................................................._..12 6.2 Preservation of Trees..................................................................... ..........................12 6.3 Lots Unsuitable for Building ........................................................,............................13 6.4 Lot Grading.................... .13 6.5 Maintenance ofLo! Grading......................................................................................15 Index (cont'dl Section7-LandstobeConveyed................................ ...............................................15 7.1 Lands for Municipal Purposes ...................................................................................15 7.2 Easements....................................................................._............................................15 7.3 Turning Circles ..........................._.._...........................................................................15 Section 8 - AdministratioD...............................;._...._.......................................___.........16 8.1 Voidmg Agreement....................................................................................................11> 8.2 Developer's Expense ................,................................................................................16 8.3Ph~sing.......................................................................................................................16 8.4 Developer's Liabilities...................................... .........................................................16 8.5 Insnrance....................................................................................................................17 8.6 Legal Notice to Developer .........................................................................................17 87 Registration................................................................................................................17 8.8 MortgageslEncumbrances..........................................................................................17 8.9 Requirements for Bnildlng Permits..................................................... ......................17 8.10 Requirements for OOCUp!lIlCy.....................................................................................18 8.11 Special Building PennitslModel Homes....................................................................19 8.12 RighttoEnterintoanAgreement..............................................................................19 8.13 SnccessorsandAssigns........................................................___..._.....__._....................19 8.14 Notification to Purchaser......................................................... ..................................19 8.15 Schedulmg, Progress and Completion.......................................................................20 8.16 No Municipal Liability ..20 8.17 Assigmnent................................................................................................................20 8.18 Conflict .......................................................................,........................................20 i(19 Severability ..20 8.20 Amendment ................................................................................. .............................20 8.21 Further Assunmces.....................................................................................................21 8.22 Joint and Several...................................................... ..................................................21 Section 9-FinanciaJ Proviskms............._..._............................... ..........__............21 9.1 Development Charges, Drainage and Local Improvement Charges..........................21 9.2 Secnrities....................................................................................................................21 9.3 ReductionofSecnrities........................................................................................... ..22 9.4 Statlltory Declaration ofAcoounts Paid.................................................. ...................22 9.5 ConslruCtionLienAct................................................................................................23 9.6 Partial Release..................................................................... .......................................23 SectionlO-SpecialProvisions -SeeSehedule~M" ...._._............................................__...................23 Section l1_Signatures..................... ....................................._.............._..................24 Index (cont'd) LIST OF SCHEDULES Schedule 'A" Description of Lands Being Snbdivirred........................... ..............................25 Schedule "B" - Plan of Subdivision....................................................... ...................................26 Schedule"C" Mnnicipal Servicing Standards.................................................... ....................17 Schedule"D" Checklist of Works 10 be Constructed.............................................................39 Schedule"'E" Itemized Estimate ofCosls of Construction of Bach Part of the Works..........40 Schedule"F" List of Lots Unsuitable for Building Purposes ................................................41 Schedule "G" - Owner s Final Grading Certificate...................................................................42 Schedule "H" List of Lands for Municipal Purposes and Easements to be Granted to the Mnnicipality............................................... ............................................43 Schedule"r' NoOccupancyAgreement...............................................................................44 Schedule 'r' ApplicationforReductionofSecurity.............................................................45 Schedule "K" Form of Partial Release................................................................ ...................46 Schedule "L" Conditions ofDraftApproval...................................................... ....._.............47 Schedule"M:" Special Provisions................................................... .........................................50 MUNICIPALIIYOF KINCARDINE LAKEFlELD ESTATES SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate on thel9'hday of September, 2007A.D. BETWEEN: 1582679 Ontario Inc. hereinafter ~alled the ~Developer" of the FIRST PART -""'- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE hereinafter called the ~Municipality" oflbe SECOND PART WHEREAS the Developer is the owner of the Land described in Schedule ~A~ to this Subdivision Agreement thereinafter called the 'Agreement~) and proposes to subdivide it for the purposeofselliug, conveying, or leasing it in lots, by reference to a Registered Plan of Snbdivision. AND WHEREAS the Developer declares that it is the registered owner of the lands and has appl1ed to the County ofBmce (hercinaftercalled the "County), for approval of aPlan of Subdivision (hereinafter called the ~Plan "), which is annexed hereto as Schedule "'B~ to this Agreement. AND WHEREAS the Mnnicipahty has been anthorized by the County to require the Developer to agree 10 construct and install certain municipal services as hereinafter provided and herein referred to as the "Works" set out in Schedule '"D" and to make financial arrangements with the Municipality for the installation and construction of required Serv1ces before final approval of the Plan by the County. AND WHEREAS the Developer is required to dedicate for public purposes certain portions of the Lands or make a cash payment to the Municipality in lieu of dedicating such land. AND WHEREAS the word "Developer'" where used in thisAgreement includes an individual, anAssociation,aPartnership,oraCorporntionandwhereverthesinguiarisnsedherein,itshall be construed as including the pluraL NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WiINESSETII that ill consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) of lawful money ofeanada, now paldby each of the parties hereto to each of the otherpartieshereto, (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto hereby covenant, promise and agree with each other as follows: 2 SECTION 1 INTERPRETATION 1.1 Definitioll$ Thetenns defined in this Section 1.1 sha1l have the followmgmeanings unless the contex:t expressly or by necessary implication otherwise requires: "Agreement" means this Agreement titled "Subdivision Agreement'" "Business Day'" means any day tbat is not a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday in the Province of Ontario. "Certificate of Final Acceptance" means the certificate issued by the Municipality after satisfaction of the conditions identified in Section 4.3. "Certificate of Inspection Re: Readiness for Occupancy" means the certificate issued by the MunicipalityaftersatisfactionoftheconditionsidentifiedinSecti0ll8.1O. "Certificate o{Preliminary Mceptanee" means the certificate issued by the Municipality after satisfaction of the conditions identified in Section4.2. "Chief Admlltistl-ative Officer (CAO)" means the Chief Administrative Officer or hisllrer designate for the Municipality of Kincardine. "CWefBuildIng Official (CBO)" means the Chief Building Official or designate for the MumcipalityofKincardine. "Conservation Authority" means the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority and its successors and assigus. ~County" means the County of Bruce and its successors and assigns. "Damage/Lot Grading Dep<l$it" means the amount of$2,500.00 per lot orblock shall be paid by the Developer or Owner to the Municipality by way of cash or letter of credtt as described ill Section 8.9 of this Agreement. "Developer" means, collectively, 1582679 Ontario Inc. and their respective successors and assigns. "Land"means the real property which is the subject of the Pian,the legal description of which is attached as Schedule "A" "Municipality" means the CorporatIOn of the Municipality of Kincardine, and its successors and assigns. "Owner" means the Owner ofa lot or block and may include the "Developer" "Plao":rneaIlS the plan ofsubdivoooo relating to the Land, a draft copy of which is attached as Schedule "B" "Public Works Manager" means the Public Works Manager or his designate for the Municipality of Kincardine. "Works" means the works and services described in Schedule "D" 3 1.2 List of Schedules The following schedules are attached to and form part of this Agreement: Schedule "A" Schedule"B" Schedulc""C" Schedule"D" Schedule 'E" Schedule"F" Schedule "0" Scbedule"H" Schedule "I" Schedule']" Schedulc"K" Schedule"L" Schedule"M" Description of Lands Being Subdivided P!:lnofSubdivision Municipal Servicing Standards Checklist of Works 10 be Constructed Itemized Estimate orCosts of Construction or Each Part of the Works List of Lots Unsuitable forBuiJdingPurposes OwnersFinalGradingCertificate Lisl of Lands for Municipal P\u]:loses and Easements to be Granted to the Municipality No Occupancy Agreement Applicationfor Reduction of Security FonnofPartiallU:lease Conditions of Draft Approval Special Provisions SECTION 2 - ORDER OF PROCEDURE 2.1 Upon application to the MuniclplllilY for the preparation of an Agreement the Developer ",,", (a) Pay to the Municipality the sum oflen thousand ($10,000.00) dollars as a deposit in respect of the Municipality s legal and engineering oosts referred to in Section 3.2 (a) herein. (b) Submit a General Plan ffiltlining the seJ;Vlces to be installed. (c) And maybe required to signa predevelopment agreement which includ<ls: . the intent of the dev<lloper; . the intent of the Municipality; . astattlmentffiltlininglhe areas of study that will be required prior to the Municipality agreeing 10 proceed with the deve!opmem (by means ofa developmentagreernent); . a statement outlining the deposit amount of$10.000 and the terms of Its use; . ageneraltimelineforreviewofthedevelopmentproject. 2.2 Prior to Registedng the Agreementthe Developer shall: tal Depositwith the Municipality Securities and Insurance as outlinedinthe Agreement. (b) Pay in full any outstanding taxes or drainage, locai improvement charges and charges under the Municipal Act including outstanding sewer rates andlorwater rales. 4 (0) Mutually agree with the Municipality on the parcel of land to be deeded to the Municipality forparkland or the amount of cash to be given to the Municipality in lieu of Parkland. (d) Pay the amount m heu of parkland to the Municipality or deposit the TransferslDeeds of Land for the parkland with the Municipality. (e) Provide proof of postponement of any encumbrances on the lands_ (f) Deposit with the Municipality's Solicitor, copies of this Agreement executed by the Developer, to be executed by the Municipality and retain"d by the Municipality's SolicitDrfor registration as hereinafter provided. (g) DelivertotheMunicipality'sSolicitorwrittenauthorizationtoregisterthls Agreement or Notice of this Agreement both before and after regislrlllion uftbe Plan, and a cheque in respect of the cost of the said registrations where upon the Mtmicipality's Solicitor shall ~gisterthis Agreement. 2.3 PriOl-to starting constructioD on the Serviee$, the Developer shall: (a) Have obtained final approval of the Plan from Ihe County and have obtained Registration offue Plan. (b) Deposit exlll-'\lted deeds to theMurucipahty,:free and clear of all en.::umbr$lces, for any lands to be conveyedtq the Municipality (and snch deeds to be deposited with the Municipality) prior to the CAO's clearance letter to the County of Bruce. lc) Have submitted and obtained th\) written approval ufthe Municipality s Engineer for the following all to be done in accordance with the Municipal Servicing Standards of the Municipality: . The Drainage Plan; . The Lot Grading Plan; . The Service Layout Plan for underground electrical services, telephone, gas, etc.; . Final approved drawings for all Works requrred in Schedule "D"to this Agreement. (C) Submit to the Municipality the Ministry of the Environment's Certificate of Approval for the Water Supply and Distribution System, the Sewage Collection System, and the Storm Sewer System and Stonn Water Management Works. (d) ProvidewrillenconfinnationofhavIDgobtainedtheapprovalfordrainage,road crossings,encroachment.etc. ofall road authorities mcluding the Municipality, County, Conservation Authority, the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and any other authority involved. 2.4 Prior to the sale of any lot audlor -prior to the issuance of building pernnts the Developer shall: (a) Have complied with all requir~nts of Section 8.9. 2.5 Prior to any person occupying any building, the Developer shall: (al Have complied with all the requirements of Section 8.10 of this Agreement. 5 SECTION 3 _ INSTALLATION OF SERVICES 3.1 General Upon approval of the Plan by the CoUnty, the Developer shall design, construct and install at his own expense and in good workmanlike manner to fue servicing standards of the Municipality as set out in Schedule "C~ to this Agreement. 3.2 Municipality's Legalaod Engineering Costs (a) The Developer agrees to pay the Municipality's cost ofthe Municipal Solicitor and of the Municipality's Engineer's invoices forlhe checking of plans and specifications and for supervision and inspection on behalf of the Municipality. (b) The Developer shaIl be invoiced regularly by Ihe Municipality for all costs incurred by the Municipality with respect 10 this Agreement. (0) The Developer shall reimburse the Mumcipality for all costs incurred by the Municipality as referred to in Section 3.2 (al herein, within thirty (30) days of ea<::h billing. failing which the Municipality and its agents shall cease all work with respect to the review of the Subdivision. (d) The deposit referred to in Section 2.1 (a) of this Agn=nent shall be retamed by the Municipality as a float against any unpaid hills and such deposit (or the balance thereof, ifany) shall be returned to the Developet at Final Acceptance of the Subdivision by theMunicipality and the Municipalitybeing satisfie<iin its discretion, that all cosls in Section J.2 (a) herein and any contingencies with respect to the SnbdiVlsion have been paid in full. (e) The Developer shall pay to the Municipality, on thirty (30) days written notice from the Municipality, such amount as is necessary to maintain the deposit referred to in Section 2.1 atthesumoftenthousand($lO,OOO.OO}dollars,failing which the Municipality and ns agents shall cease all work with respect to the review of the Subdivision. 3.3 Developer's Engineer The Developer shall employ engineers registered with Professional Engineers Ontario and approved by the Municipality: (., To prepare designs; (b) To prepare andfumish all required drawings; '0) To prepare the necessary contract(s); To obtain the necessary approvals in conjunction with the Municipality, the County Health Unit and the Ministry of the Envirorunent, and others as required. To provide the field layout, the conIraCt documentmion and the full time superviSIOn of construction. To maintain all records of construction and upon completion, to advise the Municipality s Engineer of all construction changes and to prepare fmal "as constructed" drawings. Digital files of the 'asconstmcted" drawings shall be submitted to the Municipal Engineer and the Municipalityprior to the issuance of Ihe Certificate of Final Accepllince. Digital files shallbe in the fOrD13t of AuloCAD dxf or dwg files, coordinates ofUTM Narl 27 zone 17 North or UTM Nad 83 zone Norrh with and accuracy ofl meter or less. (d) (0' (0 (gJ To act:l.Slherepresental:1veoffueDeve!operin all matters pertaining to Ihe construction. 6 (h) To provide co-ordination and scheduling to complYWlth the timing provisions of this Agreement and the requirements oflhe Municipality's Engineer, for all works specified in this Agreement (i) To provide certification that the installation ofservices was in conformance to said plans and speci:fications, sullli certification to be in a fonn acceptable to tbe Municipality s Solicitor and the Muriicipality'sEngineer. (j) TotakesuchotheractionsasmayberequiredbytheMunicipaJity,acting reasonably, for Ibe completion of the subdivision in accordance with tins Agreement and good engineering practices. 3.4 Works to be Installed The Works to be installed are setout in Schedule "D" to this Agreement This schedule isto set out the works in general 1entiS'only and shall not be construed as covering all items in detail. If at any time and from time to time during the development, the Municipality sEngineeris of the opinion that additional works are necessary 10 provide adequately any of the public services required by the Plan,the Developer shall, at his expense, construct, install or perform such additional works attherequest of the Municipality's Engineer. 3.5 Approval of Plans The detailed plans and specifications of all services must be submitted by the Developer to the Municipality s Engineer for endorsement of approval and such endorsement of approval shall in no way absolve the Developer or its consulting Engineers ofresponsibiJity for errors inor0111issions from such plans and specifications. 3.6 Notification ofCommeneemtmt The Developer shall not commence the construction of any of the works until the plan has been registered and the Devel<iper has provided 72 hours written notice to the Municipality's Engineerofhis intenlto commence work. Should, for anyreason, there be a cessation or interruption ofcoustruction, the Developer shall provide 72 hours written notification to the Municipality's Engineer before work is resumed. 3.7 Progress of Works The Developer shall install all Works iu a timely manner, in accordance with the requirements of Schedule "C"andtbisAgreement. Ifhe fails to do so, having commenced to install the aforesaidworks,fails orueglects to proceed with reasonable speed, or in the event that the aforesliidworks are not being installed in the manner requiredbytheMunicipality,thenupontheMunicipalitygivingseven(7) days written notice byprepaid registered mail to the Deveioper, the Municlpal1ty may, without further notice, enter upon the sliid landS andproceedto supply all materials and to do all the necessary works in connection With the installation of the said works, inclnding the repliir or reconstruction offuult work and the replacement of materials not in accordance with the speciiications, andto charge the costthereoflogetberwithan engineering fee often percent (10%) of the cost of such malerials and works to the Developer who shall forthwith pay the same upon demand. If the Developer fails to pay the Municipality within thirty (30) days of date on the bill, the money owing may be deducted fi:om the cash deposit, lett<llSofcredit, or other securities. It is understood in the event that the MunicipalitymllSt enter upon said lands and have works completed or repaired due to situatiousas outlined above any or all originalmylars and specifications preparedbyth" Developer's Engineer mnst be turned over to the Municipality's Engineer for his use should he reqnire same. !tisunderstuodandagreed betweentheparties hereto that such entry upon the lands shall be as agent for the Developer and shaH not be deemed for any purpose whatsoever, as an acceptanreor assumption of the said Works by theMunicipality. The Mnnldpality, in addition 10 all other remedies may refuse 10 issue building perrnits lID.tii such Works are complelely installed in accordance with the requirements of the Municipality. 7 Without limiting the obligations ofihe Developer herein, lithe Developer shall default on the performance of any term, covenant or provision of this Agreement and if such default shall continue for ten (10) days llfter the Developer receives written notice of such deiaultby the Municipality (orsuch shorter time as may be required m the cases of an emergency or other urgtTIlt matters or as otherwise provided for herein), the Municipality may perform that obligation on the Developer's behalfand may enter onto the lands constituting the Plan forthis purpose. If the Municipality is compelled or elects to incur lIIly expense in connection with its performance of the Developer's obligations (including any engineering or legal fees incurred in connection with such actionsl,anyreasonablecostssoincurredbytheMunicipality,togetherwithallinterest thereon and any damages incurred, shall be payable by the Developer and shall be collectible by the Municipality in like manner as municipal taXes. The Developer also acknowledges and agrees iliatthe Municipality has the right to draw down any Letters of Credit, cash or other security forlhe purpose of collecting any such expenses incurred by the Municipality. 3.8 ScbedulingofWorks Prior to the start of construction and prior to the issuance of building permits, the Developer shall supply for the approval of the Municipality's Engineer a Schedule of Works setting out the order in wbich be cousiders the various sections of the works within the Plan will be built. The Municipality s Engineer may amend this schedule and the Developer must construct, install or perform the work as the Municipality's Engineer from time to time may direct. 3.9 Contractor The said services shall be installed by, a contractor or contractors retained by the Developer and approved in writing by 1;111' Municipality s Engineer. 3.10 Utility Costs and Charges The Developer shall deal directly with all Utility companies. He or his Consulting Engineer, shall obtain all approvals andpermits and pay all fees and charges directly to the appropriate Utility. 3,n AccessRoads All access roads must be maintained by the Developer in good repair acceptable to the Municipality's EngineolI during the time of construction, This shall include the removal of mud tracked from the Subdivision as well as dust control. No roadway outSJ.de the ljroits of the proposed Subdivision maybe closed without the written consoot of the Municipality. To obtain such consent, the DevelopolI shall advise the Chief AdU1imstrative Officer(CAO), not laterthan 14 days prior to the proposed closure, of the date, time and duration they wish tq.close a roadway. All costs for advertising the closure and signage shall be bome by,the Developer. The Municipality reserves the right to lnnit or prohibll the use of any existing access road by the Developer. 3.12 Movement of Fill The Developer covenants and agrees that it shall not dump norpemrit to be dumped any fill or debris on, nor shall it remove or permit to be removed any fill, topsoil. trees orshrubs from any public lands,other than roads,withoutthe written consent of the Municipality's Engineer. The Developer further agrees that uo topsoil shall be removed from the lots and/or blocks eil:cept for construction purposes within the developrnent and then such topsoil sl)l!ll be stocl...piled during grnding operations aud as each building is complcted,the top,soil so stockpiled shall be replaced on the ground around each building to comply with the Municipal standards,and the replacing of such topsoil shall include aU surfaces not covered by buildings, driveways or pavement withm the development. Excess topsoil may be removed from the site with the approval of the :Municipality's Public Works Manager. 8 3.13 Damage to Existing Plant The Developer shall repair any d!lIIlllge caused to any existing road, road allowance or existing structure orplant located,onthe road allowance as a result of the development and shall pay fur any costs involved m. relocation of existing service such as hydrants, tel<:pbonepoles, hydro poles, pad mounl transformers, cnbicles andpedestals,etc., whichmay be necessary because oflhe development. 3.14 Signs Sigus at least 1.2 mx U: m shall be erected bylhe Developer in an approved location at each entrance to the Subdivision..The signs shall read as follows: "Roads Not Assumed by Municipality _ Use at Your Own Risk" These signs shall be installed prior to the start of construction and be removed after all the roads have received a Certificate ofFiual Acceptance. 3.15 Testing The Municipality s Engineer may have any qualitative or quantitative tests made of any materials which have been or are proposed to be Il8ed in the constructionofany of the wurks required by this Agreement, or may require additional television camera or soil tests to be carried out, and the cost ofsuch tests shall be paid by the l)eveloperwithin ten days of the account being rendered by the Municipality. Nothing herein shall relieve the Developer of its responsibility to carry out any tests required by good engineeringprnctice, 3.16 ErosloollodSiltiDgControl The Developermust take all neceSS81yprecaUtiOns to prevent erosion and Stldimentation of sewers, ditches, culverts, slopes, etc., both within the Development and downstream during construction.and completion of servicing. Failing adequate precautions being taken. the Developer will be responsible for correcting any damages and pllying all maintenance,;osts resulting therefrom. 3.17 Emergency Access The Developer shall at all times during construction and development of the Works maintain emergency access to the la:nd:to the satisfaction of the Municipality's Engineer. 3.18 Construction Refuse and Weeds The Developer, and each subsequent Owner of Lots or Blocks within the Plan, shall regularly dispose of all construction refuse. debris or weeds whether it be from site servicing or house building or any other source relaledto the development of the site. in an orderly and sanitary fashion.. lfthe Developer or subsequent Owner of the Lots or Blocks within the Pla:n fails to remove and dispose of construction refuse. debris or weeds tu the satisfaction of the Municipality's By-law Officer, the Municipality may give writkn notice to the Developer or lot Owner. If the Developer or each subsequent Owner of Lots or Blocks within the Plan fails to dispose of the refuse. debris or weeds witbin forty-eight (48) hours after receiving a written request from the Municipality to do so. the Municipality may, without further notice, undertake such removal and dispostuon and the cost thereofshaIl be paid by the Developer or each subsequent Owner of the Lots or Blocks within the Plan forthwith upon demand. which costs shall include all <:Xpellses mcurred by the Municipality in carrying out such removal and disposition. The burning of construction refuse, debris or weeds, whether it be from site servicing or house building or an)' other source related to the development of the site on any lands withmthe Plan is prohibited.. 9 3.19 Dust Control Until the Final Acceptance of all SeIVices 10 be constructed under this Agreement, the Developer shall use such reasonable method to prevent any dust problem to traffic Or home occupants as the Municipality shall deem necessary and for this purpose the Public Works Manager shall notify !he Developerin writing from time to time of1he requirements of the Municipality. 3.20 Street Namcs The Developer shall name all streets within the Land forming partofthe Plan with names approved by the Municipality. 3.21 Municipal Street Numbers (a) All Lot, Block or building numbers fur use within the Plan shall be allocated by the Chief Building Official (CEO). To obtain such allocation, the Developer shall furnish the CEO with a copy of the Plan as registered upon which the CBO will designatt: the proper numbers for each Lot, Block or buildmg. (b) The Developer shall display by means ofa legible sign at least I' x I' to be erected on each Lot or Blockwilhinthe'Plan. the Lot or Block nwnber as shown on the Plan and the street number and Lot or Block number for each Lot or Block prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for that Lot or Block which sign shall remain until such time as the building on such Lot or Block is occupied in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement_ (c) Each Owner shall cause the street number so provided to be placed and maintained in a conspicwms position in the front of the property upon occupancy. 3.22 Blasting The Developer agrees that no blasting will be undertaken without the wntten consent of the Municipal Engineer. 3.23 Driveways The Developer hereby agrees that the driveways for all lots will be in " location and have a widfu and design as may be approved by the Municipality_ Without in any way limiting the discretion of the Municipality, the location of the driveways may be further limited by special revision in Schedule "M" of this Agreement. Further. all driveways for all lots in the plan should be located in a mannerthatwill minimize the amount of snow that will accumulate in the lot's driveway. The location of driveways is particularly important wIth respect to all corner lots located in Ihe plaa as these driveways entrances must be located as far as possible from the street comer to minimi2:" the amount of snow that wiij block these driveways during the Municipality's efforts to remove snow. Further. the Developerherebyagrees that he will be responsible for, or will provide for agreem<:nts with subsequent owners, with respect to responsibility, to complete all driveway entrances, for their fullvridth,vritl1 a hard surface consisting of asphalt or concrete pavement. This hard surface sball e;<Iend to the edge of the municipal road allowance. 10 3.24 Contaminants In the event fue Developer discovers any waste, contarninants,pollutants, hazardous substances or any other similar substances thatmaybe detrimental to the environment during the development of the lands constituting fue Plan, the Developer hereby Ilgrees to notify the Municipality and the Minit;try of the Environment iuunediately and take aU necessary steps and remedial efforts required by the Ministry of the Enviromnent and the Municipality to remove such waste, contaminants, pollutants, hazardous substanus or other substances that could be detrimental to the environment. Intaking such action, the Developer shall fulfill all legislative requirements for the remediation and clean up of lands constituting the Plan and shall comply with all1egislative requirements regulating the removal, transportation and disposal of such waste, contaminants, pollutants, hazardous substances or any olher similar substances from the said lands. SECllON 4 - ACCEPTANCE OF WORKS, 4.1 StagesofConstructionandSenice$ The Municipality will grant Preliminary or Final Acceptance of servicing based upon three (3) stages of construction; and when the development is phased, within the whole of each phase as approved by the Municipality. Stages of construction are as follows: \a) Stage I consists of all undergmund Works including storm sewers and storm water management facilities; sanitary sewers, watermains and the completion of Granular "B~ road base and a portion of the Granular "A" for a riding surface. (b) Stage2-services shall include the balance of the roadworks including granular, curbsandgutter,baseasphalt,gradingofboulevardareas,constructionofall drainage swales and outlets. sideiNalks,installation of street and traffic signs, conduits, piping and facilities for the completion of electrical servicing, street lighting and other utilities such as gas, telephone and Cable T.V (c) Stage 3 ~ services including the final coat of asphalt, topsoil and sodding, trees, fencing and any other requirements of this agreement. 4.2 Inspection and Acceptanee of the Works When all of the services in any stage of servicing as identified above have been completed and the Municipality's Engineerhas been given written certification by the Developer's Engineer that such services havebee.u constructed in each stage in accordance with the approved plans and specifications in this Agreement and upon satisfactory inspection by the Municii>&lity's Engineer, the Municipality's Engineerwill n::connnend that the Municipality grant a Certificate ofPrelirninary Acreptance. This Certificate may include a list of minor deficiencies which the Developer must repair. The services shall then be subject to a guarnnteed maintenance period as described m SectionS.!. 4.3 Final Aeeeptance ofthe Works On receipt of a written request from the Developer for fmal inspection and final acceptance following completion of the guaranteed maintenanee period outlined in Section 5.1. the Municipality's Engit).eerwill oomplete an inspection and if there are no deficiencies, will recommend to the Municipality that the Certificate of Final Acceptance be issued. This Certificate will be issued provided that the Developerhas paid ali accounts to the Municipaliiy aJ?-d the Municipality is: Satis:fiedthe applicable services have been completely installed; Satisfied all repau:s or maintenance work on the applicable services have been completed. II IlI1dthe MunicipalityhllS: Approved the formal certification offinal completion from the Developer's Engineer certifYing that all Works andserv:ices have been installed; Received as-built drawings as detailed elsewhere in this Agreement. 4.4 Acceptance During Winter Months, The MunicipalitywilJ Dotbe required toprovide Certlficates ofPre1iminary or Finnl Acceptatlceduringthewintermonthsoranyothertimeofyearwheninspectionofthe Works and services is 1mpral.'tical due to snow cover or other adverse conmtions. 4.5 Use of Works by Municipality The Developer agrees that: la) The Works maybe used prior/o acceptance by the Municipality, or other authorized persons for the purposes for which such works were designed. (b) Such use shall not be deemed an acceptance of the Works by the Mumcipality. (c) Such use shall not in any way relieve tbe Developer of his obligations in respect of the oonstruction andmaintenance of the Works soused. 4.6 Rt:placement of Survey Bars Prior to the final acceptance by the Municipality,the Developer shall deliver to the ChiefBuildmg Official (CBO) a statement from an Ontario Land Surveyor that after tbe completion of the work,be bas,fOlmd,insatisfactory condition or replaced all survey monuments and iron bars as sbown on the registered plan. 4.7 OwnersbipofServtces Upon the issuance to the Thlveloper of the Certificale of Final Acceptance, the ownership of the services descnlled sha11 vest in the Municipality and the Developer shall have no claim or rights thereto ex(;ept those occurring as an owner of the lands abutting the streets where sucbservices are installed. SECTION 5 _ MAINTENANCE OF WORKS 5.1 Maintenance of Works The Developer will be responsible for the repair and maintenance of all services including hydro costs for streetlights, until a Certificate of Final Acceptance Is issued by the Municipality. This maint.maD.e;e period shall exlendfortwo (2) years from the date of the Certificate of Preliminary AccePtance for each Stage of the Works. During this maintenance period, a 10% security holdback shall be retained by the Municipality in aooordance with theprovisioils of Clause 9.3 <e) of this agreement. Ifdunngthis period, the Developer fails to carry out maintenance work within seventy-two (72) hours after receipt of the request from the Municrpality,then the Municipality's Engineer or Public Works Managermay, without further notice, undertake snch maintenance workand the tatal custs of such work. inclnding engineering fees,sball be borne by the Developer. If the Developer fails to pay the Municipality within thirty (301 days oflbe date ofblllingthen Ibe money owing maybe deducted from the deposited securities. Towards the end: of the Maintenance Period. the Developer shall make written request to the Municipahty for a final inspection to be made in respect to the issuance of the Certi:ficate of Final Acr:eptance. 12 5.2 Road Maintenance The Developer will be responsible for the maintenance of the roads unttl final acceptance. Slll1llllt:rmaintenance shall include grading, dust control and general clean-up of the Site. Winter road 1llll1lltenance shall include allplowmg, sanding and salting to assure proper vehicular access within the Subdivision. In the event that proper maintenance or snow removal is not provided by the Developer, the Municipality,through its servants, contractors oragents may provide maintenance and/or remove snow-without notice to the Developer. Such workvrill be carried out at times deemed to be an emergency by the Public Works Manager. All costs ofsuch work shall be paid by the Developerwithin thirty (30) days ofdate ofbillmg or otherwise may be deducted from the deposited securities. The Developer further agrees Ihat any work done by the MunicipaIitj pursuanl to this contract before the roads are accepted by the Municipality sball not be deemed in any way, to be an acceptance by the Mumcipality of the roads in the said Subdivision upon which such work is done. The Developer acknowledges that the Municipality, in providing maintenance or during snow removal, may damage or interfere with the works of the Developer and cause damage to such works and the Developer hereby waives all claims against the Municipality that he might have arising therefrom and covenants that he will make no claim against the Municipality .for sucli interference or damage. Representation may be made requesting that the Municipality consider entering into a separate Agreement with the Developer to undertake the winter road maintenance within the Subdivision. 5.3 EmergeneyRepairs Employees Or agents of the Municipality may enter outo the Land at any time or from time to lime forthe purpose ofmaking emergency repairs to any of the Works. Such entry and repairing shall nof be deemed an acceptance ofany of the Workshy the Municipality Or an assumption by the Municipality of any liability in connection therewithorareleaseoftheDeveloperfromanyofhisobligationsunderthis Agreement. SECTION 6 _ DRAINAGE AND LANDSCAPE DESIGN 6.1 Drainage All Lots and Blocks wlthin the Plan and all lands abutting the Plan shall be graded to drain in acoordance wlth the Drainage Plan as approved by the Municipality's Engineer. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto tbatthe drninage of surface waters on the Lots and Blocks in the Plan,arethe sole responsibility of the Developer and subsequent purchasers. and they shall provide and maintain adequate drainage of such surface works. Satisfactory drainageoutlels shall be provided. Drainageoutlets shall be constructed from the limits of the Subdivision to a sufficient outlet iu accordan(:c With the approved engineering drawings. 6.2 Preservation of Trees The Developer shaH strive to preserve healthy trees, except for the actual area of roadway construction, the installation of services, or the areas within the building envelope. No additional trees shall be removed without the Public Works Manager's writtenpennission. l~ 6..3 Lots Unsuitllble for BuildiDg Any lol which will require special atterition in order to be serviced will be listed in Scbedule"F"ofthisAgreement. Priortotlieissuanceofabuildmgpermitforanylot listed in Schedule '"F', the Developer's.Engineer must submit a letter to the Municipality s Engineer outlining the measures to be taken to correct the problems on the lots. This proposal must be approved prior to applying for abuilding permit. 6.4 Lot Grading All Lands shown within the Plan shall be graded in general conformity with the Lot GradingPlan,including illl and excavation as required for the full width and length of the grades and levels,andto the spooifications, requirements and salisfaction of the Municipality s Engineer; provided that forresidenliallots and blocks, grading must be brought within zero decimal five (0.5) metres of the final grade and such further residential development may complete the grading. All work done by the Developer must be of such a nature as to ensure that the integrity and intent of the overall gradmg plauisfunctionalunti!theLand~are-fullydeveloped. (ll) Obligation to Grade Aecordingto Lot Grading Plan The Lands shall not be graded except in general conformity with the grades and elevations shown on di" Accepted Grading Plan. The Plan shall bear the signature and seal of an Ontario Professional Engineerholding a Certificate of Authorization from Professional Engineers Ontario or who is employed by a partnershJp or corporation holding such Certificate ofAuthoriution to offer professional engineeriug sel"liices to the public (hereinafter called a "Professional Engineer") or a Rflgistered Ontario Land Surveyor who certifies thereon that the Plan generally confonns with the Lot Grading Plan attached to the Agreement Or filed WitJithe Municipality's Engineer. (b) Certified Building Lot Site Plan Subject to Section 8.9 herein, nobuilding shall be conslrUcledon a Lot or Blockwithinthe Plan until a Building Lot Site Plan certi:fiedby a Rflgistered Ontario Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer has been filed with and approved bvthe Chief Building Official of the Municipality. The Building Lot Site Plan sball show: . theprop06ed finished elevation of these lands at each comer of the lot or bloci< . the proposed finished elevation of these lands al the front and rearofthe building; . the proposed fmished elevations of the underside of the footings and the proposed finished heightofthe foundation ofthebuilding; . the proposed finished elevation ofany retaining walls, the proposed elevation ofany walk-out onto these lands from the basemeut of the building,andthepmposedfinishedheight of the fmmdationofthe building; . theproposedfinishedele,<ationandslopeofanydrivewayandthe proposedlocationofany~waIeorrearyardcatch basin; . the location of eavestrough downspouts; no downspouts will be allowed to discharge in a sideyard hetweenresidences; . any abrupt changes inthe:proposed finished elevation of these lands; . the service locations and the invert elevations of all municipal services . the Lot and Regtslered Plan number, the municipal address for the subject Lot orBlock and the proposed location ofthebuilding thereon in relation to the Lot or Blockboundaries. 1be Developer hereby agrees.thatthe existing property line grades abutting developed lands are not tobe altered ordisturbed,except as approved otherwise by the Municipality's Engineer. 14 The Developer shall complete such other actions as may be required by the Municipality,actmgreaslinably,to ensure that the subdivision is deve!opedin accordance with the tenns of this Agreement and good engineering practices. (c) Owner's Final Grading Certificate . The Owner's Final Grading Certificate must be completed in the fDIm attached as Schedule "G"be!lring the signature and seal ofa Professional Engmeer or Registered Ontario Land Surveyor that the actual finished elevation and grading of these lands generally conform with the Lot Grading Plan andthe Certified Building Lot Site Plan. . Ifoccupancy occurs between November 1 and May 31 next and an Owner's Final Grading Certificate is not filed prior to occupancy with the Municipality's Chief Building Official, then the Owner shall provide the Municipality's ChiefBuilding:Official with a written undertaking to file the said Owner s Final Grading Certificate with the Municipality's Chief Building Official by the fullowingJuneI. . When the Owner's Final Grading Certificate is accepted by the Municipality s Chief Building Official that the Lands generally confurm with the Lot Grading Plm and the Certified Building Lot Site Plan, the DarnageJLot Grading DepDsitreferred to' in Section 8.9 (h) is returnable to the Owuer subject to' this. Section!llld Section 8.9 (h) of this Agreement. . The Owner agrees that, should drainage rectificatiDn become necessary in the absolute discretiDn of the Municipality, and the Owner fails to make suchrectrlicatiDnwhensoinstructedbytheMunicipality,the Municipality may, at its option, undertake the correction of such drainage and all costs overand above tbetwD thousand, five hundred dollar ($2,500.00) deposit shall be charged back to the Owner and shall include a management fee Dfl5% of the cost Df labDur and material shall be a charge against the Lot or Block for which regardmg was carried out and shall be payable forthwith. the Owner agrees that neither it nDr its successors or assigns will alterthe grading or change the elevation or contour Dfthe Land except in accordance with drainage pians approved by the Municipality. (d) Obligation to Maintain Grading After the building or Block is graded in accordance with the Lot Grading Plan and the Certified Building Lot Site Plan, nO' change shall be made to the actual finished elevation and grading ofthebuilding Lot or Block in any way that results in a material alteration ofdtainage on or across thebuilding LDt or Block or adjacent lands from that shown on the Lot Grading Plan for the adjacent lands or the Owner's Final Gradmg Certificate for the building Lot or Block. (e) Prevention of Surface Water Flow The Developer and each subsequent owner shall not block, impede. obstruct orpreventthe flow of surface water as provided for in theDrainage Plan, the Lot Grading Plan or the Certified Building Lot Site Plan over any LDt Dr Block by the construction, erectiDn Dr placement thereon Df any damming device, building. structure 6r other means. 15 (f) Erosion Control The Developer shall construct silt fences or other facilities as required during construction to control overland flows fromthis Subdivision 10 ensure that mud, silt, construction debris; etc. does not adversely affect abutting properti~s,alltothespecificat:ionsoftheMunicipality'sEngineer. 6.5 Maintenance of Lot Grading AUlo! grading and drainage facilities and works required by Section 6 or elsewhere in this agreement shall be provided and maintained by the Developer or subsequent owner of each individual10t from time to tim,e, in perpetuity at such party's sole risk and expense. Should, for any reason, the Developer Of rubsequent Owner fail to maintain that Jot grading, they acknowledge that the Municipality, in receiving certiiied lot grading certificates as required inthis agreement, absolves itselfofany further interest or responsibility for such lor grading save and except for those works on registered easements. SECTION 7 - LANDS TO BE CONVEYED 7.1 Lands for Municipal Purposes The Developer shall convey in fee simple a good title free from tl1lCUIllhrancesto the Municipal lands for municipal purposes other than roads, which shall be mumally agre<:d upon by the Owner and the Municipality, or to make a cash payment in lieu thereofas stipulat.ed by lhe Municipality and also to convey to the Municipality in fee simple, the 0.3 metre reseIV~S and other lands required by the Municipality. The d~~ds forthe said lands ate to be approved by the Municlpahty'S SoIicitor and thereafter forthwith registered and deposited willi the CAD. The cost for preparation and registration of the said deeds shall be paid by the Developer. A Hstoflandsfor munidpalpurposes to be conveyed to the Municipality shall be set out in Schedule "H~ of this Agreement. 7.2 Easements The Developer agrees to grant at his expense all such easements and right-of-ways as may be reqnired for the installation and supply ofseIVices to the Subdivision. A list of easernents and right-of-ways to be granted to the Municipality shall be set out in Schedule "If' of this Agreement. 7.3 T11mingCircles The Municipality may require the installation of temporary turning circles. Where such ate required, the Developer shall convey the appropriate blocks to the Municipality for the purposes ofprovidmg the Municipalitywith sufficient land to constroct said tuming circlets). The block(s) conveyed to theMweicipality shall only constitute that portion of land required by the Municipality for the actual roadway of the turning circle. The temporary turning circle shall be constructed in accordance with Schednle"C" of this Agreement. The Developer and the Municipality acknowledge that the block(s) conveyed to lhe Municipality for turning circles shall be reconveyed to the owners in the eventthatthe street is oonnected in the future. Such conveyance and reconveyance oftheblockls) shall be completed at no expense to the Municipality. A list of said blocks is inclnded in Schedule "H" of this Agreernent. 16 SECTION 8 -ADMINISTRATION 8.1 Voiding Agreement In the event thaI fue Plan is not registered within one year fi:omthe date oflhe signing of this Agreement, the Municipality may at its option declare this Agreement to' be null andvoid. All costs incurred shallbe deducted from the deposit paid by the Developer to the Municipality pursuant tothis Agreement Or any other agreement between the Developer and the Municipality referred to herein. 8.2 Developer's Expense EveryprOV1S10ll of this Agreementby which the Developer is obligated in anyway shall be deemed to include the words "at the expense of the Developer' and "as approved Or accepted by the Municipality" unless specifically stated otherwise. 8.3 Phasing (a) The MuniCipality may InStruct the Developerto construct the Works in partkular phases suitable to' it and the Developermust comply. If the Municipality does not so instruct the ~eloper, before commencement of any of the Works., he may request the Municipality's pennissionto divide the area into convenient phases. (b) Ifthe construction of the Works is to be phased,then in lieu offunnshing securities as required by SectiOJi 9 of this Agreement for the whole of the Works the DtWeloptlT may fumish the tequired securities forthat part of the Works lobe constructed in each phase{s). (c) The Land upon which the Works is to be constructed in a fulUrephase shall be made subject to a specific Holding Zoning (~H") provision by means of a by~law to be passed by the Municipalityunder Section 36(1) of the Planning Act. R S. O.1990c.P.13attheDeveloper'sexpense. (d) Prior to the connnencement of the construction of the Works within the Land made subject to aHolding Zoning ("H") pravision and after the deposit with the Municipality of the securities as set ontelsewhere in this Agreement for such Land along with a writtenrequeSl from the Developer, the Municipality shall at the Developer's e:>epense pass a by-law under the said Section 36 to remove the Holding Zoning ("H") provision. (e) Before proceeding with anadditionalphase the Developer shall obtain the written approval of the Municipality and no Works shall be permitted to be installed and no building permits issned Until tbis approval has been given inwritingby the Municipality. (f) Subject to Section 8.15 herein, commencement of construction within subsequent phases of this subdivision, or other subdivisions of the Developerhereinwitbin tbeMunicipality,maynotproceed. SA Developer's Liabilities Until the Municipalityhas issued the Certificate of Final Acceptance for the Works, the Developer hereby indemnifies and saves harmless the Municipality against all actions, causes of action, suits, claims and demands whatsoeVer which may arise either directly or indirectly by reason of the Develop":r undertaking the Plan. 17 8.5 Insurance The Developer shall insure against all damages or claims for damage in an Insurance Company satisfactory to the Chief A4ministrative Officer (CAO). Such policy or policies shall be issued inthejointrnqnes of the Developer, the Municipality and the Municipality's Engineer and the form and content shall be subject to fue approval of the Municipality. The minimum limits of such policies shall be $2,000,000 all inclusive, but the Municipality shall have the right to set higher amounts. The said insurance policy shall inc!ude aprovlsion !hat requires the insurance company to provide the MumClpahtywith thirty (30) days notice of termination of such policy. The policy shall be in effect for theperiod of this Agreement including the penod guaranteed maintenance pursuant to Section 5 oftms Agreement. The issuance of such a policy of insurance shall not be construed as relieving the Developer fromresponsibiIity for other orlargerclaims,ifany,forwhichhemaybeheldresponsible. 8.6 Legal Notice to Dt'veloper Any notice required to be given hereunder may be given by registered mail addressed to theThlveloper at his prindpal pla.::e of business and shall be effective as of the date of the deposithereofin the PostOm.::e. 8.7 Registration The Developer .::onsents to the registration of this Agreement upon the title to the Land both before and afterregtstration of the Plan at the sole discretion of the Municipality andatthe expense of the Developer. 8.8 Mortgages/Encumbrances The developer covenants and agrees to obtain and register, at its sole cost and expense, a postponement from each encumbrancer with a ch:u:ge registered against title to the Land (or part thereof) so that notice of this agreement shall be registered in priority to any such charge. Further, the mortgagee, ifany, agrees that in the event of him assigning or transferring the mortgage on the lands, the assignment or transfer shall be subject to the terms hereofin the SllItle manner as if the assignee or transferee had executed this Agreement. 8.9 Requirements for Building Permits The approval of the Plan by the Murucipality or the acceptance by the Municipality of the Works shall not be deemed to give any assurance that Municipal building permits, when applied for will be issued in respect of the Lots or Blocks shown on the Plan. Notwithstending the foregoing, the Developer agrees that it, or anyone claiming titled fromitorunderitsauthority,shallnotapplYforanybuildingpermitsforLotsor Blocks within the Plan nntil all requirements hereinaf!er set out bave been carried out to the satisfaction of the Municipality. It is agreed that a copy of this Section 8.9 shall be delivered by the Deve}operto each and every Purchaser of Land within fue Plan and to each and every Bnilder obtaining a Building Permit for any Lot or Blo~k or part of a Lot or Block within the Plan and the Developer shall extract a covenant similar to this covenant from all such Purchasers and Builders. The Municipality shall have the right to refuse any such application until: tal Preliminary Acceptance has been granted by the Municipality for Stage I servicing forthatphaseofthe Silbdivision. (b) The Developer has provided sufficl~nl documentation to the Municipality's Engineer confirmmg that electrical distribution and street lighting and the remaining underground service"S~ telephone, cable t.v., and gas are being scheduled for instal1ation; and will be completed within sixt61 weeks or the date ofissuanceofthebuildillgpermit. 18 Ie) ApprovaloftbeMunicipalityhasb~enobtainedfcrrtheconstructionofany buildings to be erected on Lots or Blocks that maybe listed in Sch~dule "F" hereto. (d) A certificate has beeu given by the Municipality's Chief Building Official that the building location is in compliance with the zoning by-law of the Municipality. (e) The SIgns denoting ..Unassumed Roads" have been installed at the entrances to iheSubdivision. (f) All dead trees within the limit of the Plan have been removed. {gJ All street identification signs'requiredbythis Agreement have been installed and are in place; (h) Payment to the Municipality in the amount of$2,500.00 as a Works DamagelLot Grading Compliance Deposit (herein "DamagelLot Grading Deposit") per Lot or BlockinthePlanofwbichthesumof$100.00isnon-re:fundable. The balance of the DamagelLot Grading Deposit shall be refundable ill whole or ill part after the building has been constructed, an Owner's Final Grading Certificate has been filed Wllh and accepted by Ihe Mumclpality's Chief Building Offielll! and the required service connections have been made and all damages to the Works which form the subject matter of this Agreement resulting from house buildingandlorlandscapingactivitiesonthesubjectLotorBlockhavebeen repaired to the satlsfaction of the Municipality's Chief Building Official and Municipality'sWorksSuperintetident. (i) Withrespecl to repair of damage to the Works, in the event that the Owner fails to repair the damage to the Works when so instructed by the Municipality's Chief Building Official or the Municipality's Works Superintendent, the Municipality may, at its optlon, undenaketherepair of such damage and all costs over and above the $2,500.00 deposit shallbe charged backtn the Ownerand shall include a management fee of 15% Oflhe cost of labour and materiaL This shall be a charge against the Lot or Block focwhich repairs were carried out and shall be payable forthwith. 0) Payment to the MuniCipality the amount of the current applicable Development Charge(S) per Lot or Block in the Plan under the Development Charges By-law of the Municipality, or The Waier and Sewer Contribution tn Capital Policy. (k) A Certified Building Lot Site Plan has been filed with the Chief Building Offictal of the Ml.micipalitypursuantto Section 6.4 (b). (I) The Developer agrees that the preCedingrequirements in this Section 8.9 are in addition to and not in substitntlon of the requirements of the Ontario Building Code Act as amended and regulations thereunder with respect to the issuance of Building Permits. 8.10 Requirements for <Xcupancy SUbjecttoSeclion8.11herein,nobuildingerecledontheLotsorBJockswithinthe Plan shall be occupied until a Certificate ofInspectionre: Readiness for Occupancy bas been issued by the Municipality's Chief Building Official and the said Certificate shall not be issued unttl: (e) Preliminary Acceptance has been granted for Stage 2 servicing for the phase of the Subdivision including the Lot or Block. (bl The roadway frotnthe emranceofthe Su1xlivisionto and including the lot or blockofwhichthebuildingisf!par!,hasreceivedthebasecourseasphalt. 19 (c) Theelectricaldistributionplantincludingstreetlightshavebeeninstalledand approvedbytheUtihty. (d) The traffic and street signs have been installed and approved by the MunicipalitysEngineer. (e) Subject to Section 6.4 tc). the final grading of the Lot or Block is inoonfonnitv with the overall grading plan or such variances therefrom as have been approved by the Municipality's ChiefBuil\ling Official pursuwrt to Section 6.4 (c). (f) The lelephone lines, cable T.V. and gas mains bave been installed and approved by the Municipality's Engineer. (gl The Developer agrees thaI thepreceding requirements in this Seclionare in addition to and not in snbstitution of the requirements of the Ontario Building Code Act as amended and regulations thereunder with respect to rertificates for occnpancy. 8.11 Special Build1ng Permits I Model Homes Pursuant to S8l-1:ion 8.</building permits are not obtainable until certain services are installed and approved by the Mrnllcipality's Engineer. The Municipality agrees that if the Developet orOwnerwishesto obtaln a building permit prior to the installation of s.mrices, as set out in Section 8.9,apermit may be issued provided the Developer or Owner has executed a No-Occupancy Agreement (Schedule "r') and the Municipality may require a deposit or LetterofCredit as a guarantee of no -occupancy. In the event that the Developer or Owner fails to meet all therequirements set out in Section 8.9 or 8.IOforanybuildingpermilthatisissuedpursuanttotheDeveloper'sdeliveryofaNo- Occupancy Agreement, the DevelOPer hereby acknowledges that the deposit shall be imrnediarelyforfeitedtotheMunicipality. Such failure to medthe obligations shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and the Municipality may immediately draw down any security held under this Agreementto complete any work required orfulftll any other requirements of Section ::1.9 Or 8.10 for any model home thai was built pursuanttothisSection8.11. &.12 Right to Enter into an Agreement The Developer agrees not to call into question directly or indirectly in any proceedings whatsoever in law or in equity any administrative tribunal, the right to the Municipality to enterinto this Agreemoot and to enforce each and everytenn, oovenant and conditionhereiu coutained and this Agreement maybe pleaded as an estoppel against the Developer in any suchproceeding8. The Developer acknowledges that the Municipality is entering into this Agreement and approving tbe Plan on the express representation of the Developer that it and lls successors and assigns shall observe and perform all the provisions of this Agreement and that the Municipality is of the opiuion that the Plan would not be in the public interest if the Developer, its successors and assigns. the owner or owners from tlme to time of the land within the Plan were not obligated to observe and perfonn all the provisIons hereof except to the extent the Mumcipality may lawfully change them. 8.13 Successors and Assigns The covenants, agreement, conditions.. and undertakings herein contained on the part of the Developer shall run with the landilnd shall be binding upon it and upon its successors and assigns as awners and occupiers of the said lands from time to time. 8.14 NotifieationtoPurchaser The Developer shall in every Agreement of Purchase and Sale or Offer to Purchase pertaiuing to any Lot or B10ckwithinthe PIannot!:fy each purchaser of all of the payments to be mad", hythe purchaser 10 the Municipahty pursuant to thIs Agreement and all oftheprov!sions of this Agreement which shall oontinue in force after the completion of the sale. Further, the Developershall furnish a list of those services included in the purchase, specifying those installed and those to be installedatno additional cost. 20 8.15 Schedul1ng, Progress llud Completion The Developer shall commence construction of services within eighteen (18) months of the signing of this Agreement or the registration of the Plan whichever is earlier. Within eighteen (18) months oithe dlJ.te of commencement of the servicing of my phase, the Developer sha11 complete the inBtallation of the Stage 1 services. Inany phase, the top coat of asphalt shall be completed within twenty-four (24) months of preliminary acceptance of Stage 1 of the services; unless written consent altering this condition IS rooeived from the MUllIdpal Engineer. Failure to adhere to the above schedule may result in the Municipality completing the Works in accordance with Section 3.7 afthis Agreement. lfthe development is phased, the date for commencement of construction on the balance of the phases may be delayed for up to five years. Failure to commence construction within the time schedule above may result in the Municipality declaring this Agreement to be null and void, and the Municipality may deem the property not to be a Plan of Subdivision. 8.16 No Municipal Liability This Agreement and the provisions herein do not give the Developer Or any person acquiring any interest in the land within thePlan (each hereinafter in this clause called 'such person"), any rights against the Municipality or the Municipality's Engineerwith respect to the failure of the any such person to perform any obligatious under fuis Agreement or the failure of the Mllnicipality to force such person to perform any obhgationsunderthis Agreement or any negligeuce of any such person in the perfonnance offue said obligations. The only duty and responsibility of the Municipality s Engineer arising out of fuis Agreement is to the Municipality and thiJ; Agreement. Anywork or services done or performed by the Municipality's Eilgineer under fuis Agreement do not in any way create any liability on the part of the Municipality's Engineerto the Developer or any person acquiring any interest in the landwithin the Plan. 8.17 Assignment The Developer shall not assign this Agreement without thepriorwntten consent of the Municipality,which consent may not be unreasonably withheld. 8.18 Conflict In the event of any conflict between or among the plans and specifications relating to the construction of the Works, the Munic:ipality's Engineer shall decide which provisions shall prevail. 8.19 Severability Ifanyterm, covenant orprovtsion of this Agreement shall be found or declared by a Court ofcompetentjurisdiclionto be invalid. unenforceable or ultra vires. suchlerm, convenant or provision shall conclusively deemed to be severable from all other terms, covenants and provisions ofthisAgreernent and the remainder of this Agreement shall be and remam in full force and effect. 8.20 Amendment Without in any way limiting the rights of the Murucipality, the Developer agrees that the Municipality may, with the consent of the then registered owner of any land within the Plan. amend this Agreement insofar as it specifically affects such land or any part thereof. 21 8.21 Further Assurances The Developer agrees that It shall and will, on the request of the Municipality, make, do, execute orcause 10 be made, dane.orexeootedall such further and other deeds,acts, things and assurances to ensure the full implementation of this Agreement and to satisf'y the intention of the partIes as set out in Ihis Agreement. 8.22 Joint and Several All terms. covenants, provisions and obligations of the Developer in thIS Agreement shall bejoint and several. SECTION 9 - FINANCIAL PROVISIONS 9.1 Development Charges, Drainage and Local Improvement Charges Development Charges shall be paid in accordance with the current Development Charges By-law of the Municipality. The Developeragrees to pay for all arre;rrs Qftaxes outstanding against the property herein d<lscnoed before the approval of the. said Plan is obtained. The Thlveloper further undertakes and agrees to pay all taxes levied on the said lands onthebasis and inaccordancewith assessment and collector sroll entries until such time as the lands herein being subdivided have beenassessed and entered 011 the Collector's Roll accordmg to the Registered Plan. Before the Plan is approved the Developer agrees to commute and pay all charges made with respect to the Drainage Act, the Local Improvement Act, and the Municipal Act, including but not limited to charges or rates outstanding m respect of the Lands under any sewer rate andIorwaterrate by-law which are assessed against theproperty on the Plan. Before the Plan is approved the Developer agrees to commute and pay the Municipality's share of any charges made under the said Drainage Act, the said Local Improvement Act and the said Municipal Actpresently servicing this property and assessed against it. 9.2 Securities Prior to registering this Agreement, the Developer shall deposit WIth the Municipality 10 cover the faithful perforrnance of the contract for the installation of the said services and the payment of all obligations and contingencies arising thereunder the following securities: I'} Cash iu the amount of One Hundred Percent (100%) of the estimated cost of the said all works as set out in Schedule ~E~ and as approved by the Municipahty's Engineer and Municipal Council; or ~} An irrevocable Letter of Credit from a chartered bank, issued in fcmnand content satisfactory to the Municipality s SolicilOr, in the amount of One Hundred Percent (100%) ofthe estimated cost ofall works as set out in Schedule 'E~and asapprovedbytheMunicipalitysEngineeror (0) Some combination of cash and Letter oferedit, totaling 100% of the Schedule 'E"estimate. <dl Prior to depositing the securities, the Deve!oper's Engineer shall submit an estimate of the cost of the Works 10 the Municipality's Engineer for approval. WhenthecostestimatehasbeenapproveditwillbesetoulinSchedule~E"of this Agreement and will beC'Om~ the basis for the limits of these securities. 22 t e) All Letters of Credit shall be for a minimum guaranteed period of one ( I) year or such longer time as theMunicipality may dectde. Alll.etters of Credit referred to in this Section 9.2 shall contaiilthe following clause: ;'11 is <2 condition of the utter afCredit that it shall be deemed to be automatically extlmdedwithrmf amendmentfrom year to war from the present or an)' fUture t?Xpiration datt? thereOf unless a/least thirty (30) days prwr to the present or any future ""piralia" date, we notify you in wriling by registered mail that we elect}U)t tQ c(>>l$ider this Letter afCredit to be renewable for any additionalperiod." (f) Unless each and rwery Letter ofCredil is renewed as noted above, the Municipality shall have the abso\ute right to refuse to issue building permits and to prohibit occupancy ufhomes, whether partially arfully completed, from the said date thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of that Letter of Credit. 9.3 ReductiODOfSecu.rities An application for the reduction of the security on deposil with the Munidpality pursuant to Section 9.2 herein maybe-made no earlier than thirty (30) days after the commen~ement of construction of the Works and every thirty (30) clear days thereafter. (a) To obtain a reduction in security the Developer shall file with the Municipality's Engineer a written application in accordance with Schedule T'attachedhereto. (b) The application shall include written confinnation fromthe Developer's Engineer: . describing the Works constructed as at the date of the application and a calculation of the cost thereof. . confmning that the Wor~ have been installed by the Developer with full time supervision of the Developer s Engineer and in accordance with the requirements of this Agreem.mt and schedules hereto. . describing the Works reIllRh,ingto be completed as at the date of the application and a calculation of the estimated cost thereof. (c 1 The value of the reduction shall be determined by the Municipality's Engineer who shall give a certifiCale to the CAO and the Developerconfinningthe amount of the reduction of the security and the amount of the security remaining on deposit with the Municipality. Id) Thevalue of the reduction shall be based upon the value of the Works remaining to be completed by the Developer plus ten percent (10%) of the value of the Works completed to the date of the application. (e) Subjecttoanyoutstandingdeficienciesorcontingencies,theMunicipality throughout the maint.enance period shall hold as security the greater often percerrt(JO%) oftheesdmate of the cost of the Works as set out in Schedule "E" or twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). 9.4 Statutory Dedaration of Accounts Pjljd The Developer agrees lhat upon applying for a discharge of securities or for a Certificate ofPrelimirnuy Acceptance for the services. he shall supply the Municipality with a Statutory Declaration lhatall accounts for work andmaterials forsaidservices have been paid except normal guarantee holdbacks and that there are no claims for liens or othetWise in connectton with such work done ormalerials supplied for or on behalf of the Developer in connectionwilh the Subdivision. 23 9.5 The Construction Lien Act, R.S.O. 1990 e.. C.30 The Developer agrees thai it will holdback in its payments to any Contractor who may constructtbe services, such sums as are provided in accordance with the Construction Lien Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.30, and will otherwise indemnify and save harmless the Municipality against any claims, actions or demands for construction liens or otheIW:ise in .::onnection willi the works and all costs in connection therewith, and on the demands of the Municipality's Solicitor 'Will furthwith take such steps to immediar.ely discharge all Liens upon the seIVices. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Developer hereby agrees tbat the perfecting of any liens pursuant to the said Construction Lien Act, with respect to the land descnoed in Schedule '"A" 3ttached hereto, shall constitute a default by the Developer oftha terms of this Agreement and shall entitle the Municipality to draw on any or all of the seuuityreferredto in Section 9.2 of this Agreement and to utilize said draw to make payment into Court of the holdback together with COSIS. 9.6 Partial Release Upon completion ofall the requirements of this Agreement, the Municipality WlIl execute a parual release of this Agreement, which partial release shall be in the form attached hereto as Schedule "K" The completion and registration ofslK'h partial release shall constitute a full and final release of the obligations of the Developer, with the exceptionoflot gradingrequiremenls included in Section 6 of this Agreernent, as establishedhereunderwithrespecttothelotnamedtherein. Nutwithstanding the foregoing, the CAO shallnotbe required to execute a parttal release until the various services have been completed in accordance willi the rerms of lliis Agreement and theplans and specifications provided for herein. SECTION 10 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS 10.1 The Developer and the Mmticipality agree tbatthe provisions set forth in the attached Schedule "M" form an integral part of this Agreement. 24 SECTIONl1~SIGNATURES 1HIS AGREEMENT shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, SIl=Ors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have exeru.ted this Agreement SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED this 19'" day of September A.D. 2007 (1~79OntariOInc. ~ fili- (Dale alden (YWe have authority to bind the Corporation ( (TIlE CORPORATION of THE MUNICIPALITY OF ( KIN INE ( ( (Mayor ~\ '-- )..~~'"":j'I~?>.""-(/ (Chief Administrative Officer {We have authority to bind the Corporation Developer's Address: clo Dale Walden, P.O. Box 351,Kiucardine, ON N2Z2Y8 Developer's TelephDne: 519-395-3342 Developer's Facsimile; 519-395-3374 25 SCHEDULE "An OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understClod i'lIId agreed that this Schedule fOI1IlS part ofllie Municipality's "<",,,,,,,,. DESCRIPTION OF LANDS BEING SUBDIVIDED Part of LOIs A, B and C, Concession A, Geographic Township of Kincardine, Municipality of Kincardine, County of Bruce. (Note: This Agreement is for Lots 1-37 and associllted blocks,part of File 41T-2007.02.22). 26 SCHEDULE"B"OFAGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms pan of the Municipality's Agre_c PLAN OF SUBDIVISION , < , ------,.--- l=""" ="",""'- i ",:;0::',- l,__.~ _._-~._----- '---'-~'-" ____M___~ ''''.~''" 6=- \ _J"\ -=~-l , '-." , ,%-'..1 ..i--'--'';~o.'-'~'-1 ! fiI" ,I=,j I', "-,, "" ~ ,; ''; '." .",..,.;,.!, (, i' ',; i: , . '~'kl! I"', .._~--~ '~l' .i', i' ......- h,.,_' .:(j:f f:'r, }" !!~';-.. -:",Ii - ~ - _ ',ii.- , ",' -.:. ,;.~. r, 'I,';' ..~,,,,,...,~,,_....,,,,,,,,,,,. if. f ,. <, . ;!="'--~--"-i~ ,- ." 'l ''P." I': f ~ \...:'~' -J _, ;.) " ':'f.~ ~,. - ~, :\; , " ~} ,;,t... ,...' "k c_ ,_ ,)._. ' ij- }.;....!' L,;"__,f,:"T~;'_"":'""i-.. '-', i~ f,"'.:;;~~.;-/ j., .j.! ('';"' e)'I'! \~ ',,, ,. '. t' "', "'.- 't":~f:"; \"". ''-'''..-.r,- .- II '-'#. - -'..,:_:-~,-."" :....."". c,~ f1"- '"'i""""";'!' 'R', -t"j, J: ("~ .-tc-:"'-;_!,":, '-~:-'-'-'-"->>~,'-.,';"-r,'!-i ii:: ~.' ,-H'1-!"-HJ -1-1'11'1 !'~j",i'" ......,.",- "'.' '", ,~4<-.L._,_ ""'-~,____ ~ '~_~.""'""_"- ~ __'<-___0 ~ '- -"'-~-~.~ -- ,-.- , . "=,--"~-'-'~ '. ~""e~~ -,,- , ~,~._-- , '~'- , , u... , , ,"'..,."''''''" --,~~- if--- --- --_.. ==-=" ,- -, ;;:;,. - ,:;;,:;; - ._n__._ ----.-.- ~. .' , " ~ . _. -~+-~..._- -- --- - -- . -;".-~~- -- -- =h=~ .- L~nFIEllJ E'TAT'" 5UBlJIViSlO - .. - ., ~ , 27 SCHEDULE "C" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is nnderstood and agreed thatthis Schedule forms part of the Municipality s Agreement. 1.0 GENERAL MUNICIPAL SERVICING STANDARDS Service Layout Plan A copy ofllie Genera! Plan shall be submitted to the Municipality identifying the proposed locations of Bell Cables, electrical servicing, gas mains, co-axial television cables as well as watermains, storm sewers and sanitary sewers. All locations mustbe established and resolved by the Developer's Engineer in conjunction willi the Utility companies and following the locations shown on the Municipality's Typical Cross- Section. 2.0 PLANS AND DRAWING REQUIREMENTS Plan and profile drawings must be prepared ina digital format, which is compatible with AutoCAD Release 14, and on velum or mylar, fOf all new streets within the Municipality. Thesedigitizedfi1esanddrawin~andalsodigitizedfi1esanddrawingsshowingdetails of special stmctures, etc., shall be preparedby a Professional Engineerandturned over to the Municipality as apermanentrecordprior 10 the acceptance of services required to be provided by the developer. The following standards shall be adhered to m preparation of these drawings: (a) All profiles must be shown to the geodetic datum which is noted on each drawings. (b) In general,East-West streets shall have zero I.'hainage at their Westerly limits and North-South streets shall bave zero chainage at their Sontherly limits. Chainages on Plan and Profile shall increase from left to right. (e) Drawings shall be of a consistent size - 594 mm x 841 mtn. (d) ('J (0 (gJ Scales shall be as follows for drawings:- General Layout Plan Scale Ratio PIan_ProfiffiDmwings HorimnW Vertical or Horizontal Vertical Ratios shall be shown on all draWIngs. 1:1000 1:250 1:50 1:500 1:100 When the planmnstbe broken hocanse of curvature, etc., the prufile shall be brokenaswell,sothat,insofaraspossible,chainagepoints inpian and profile wjll coincide vertically. The beginnings and ends ofcurves must be shown on theplanandprofile with the radius of curvature shown on the plan. Chainages of points of curvature shall be calculated. The chainage and names of intersecting streets shall be shown in plan and profile. The drawings shall show clearly the proposed profiles, road widths and cross- secllons, ditches, ditch gradients, eurb gradients ifdii'ferent from the proposed servIces, north sign and limits of the proposed work The plan shall show any required off-street drainage and separate profiles sha1lbe prepared for drainage easements. All detail for intersecting streets including grades must be shown for adistauceof50metresfromtheintersectionoftheintersectingstreet. AIIstreet lines. for drainage or services, shall be shown and all easements. 28 (h) The Municipality shall be named-in the title block which shall be placed in the lower right comer. (i) On completion ofihe work, and prior to acceptance oflhe services, the drawings shall be completed "As Rec:orded"and dated befure tuming over to the Municipality. TheMunicipality shall be consulted as to the manner of showing infonnarion not set out in these requirements. The Developer's Engineer shall add his Professional Engineer s seal to all final drawings. 3.0 ROADS 3.1 General All roadways shall be serviced by storm sewers and concrete curb and gutter. Road allowances shall be a minimum of 20 metres wide. The edge of the roadway paved surface shall have a minimum radius of9 IThltres at intersection. A.::cess roads not owned by the Municipality, leading to the area ofthe development, shall be maintained to a standard equal to the standards for roadways within the development. On all streets, horizontal and vertical sight distsnces and vertical CUIVes shall meel Minisll)l of Transportation (M.T.G.) requirements. Street allowances on cul-de-sacs are to have a minimum radius of 20 metres. Edge of pavement radius on cul-de-sacs are to bea minimum of 13 metres. Minimum road asphalt width shall be 8Jilnetres. The finished roadways shall have a cIOssfall of2% from the centerline to' each curb line, and the boulevards shall have a finished crossfall ofa minimum of2% and a maximum of8% from the top of curb to back of boulevard draininglowards the curb. 3.2 Clearing and Gfubbing Trees shall be removed so that the speclfications for sight distances, grading, ditching. etc., may be met. All stumps, logs, brush, boulders, debris, etc. shall be removed from the entire street allowance. Unless notecl othenvise, all healthy trees nOI obstructlng visibility or msta\lation of services shall be preserved. The MunicipalEngineer may give special permission to leave trees on the street allowance, providing thaI they are situawd more than 1.5 metres behind the curb. 3.3 Gn.ding A 2 metre boulevard area behind the curbs shall be graded at a minimum of2% towards the curbs. The area from the edge of the toad boulevard to the street line shall be graded with a side slope not exceeding a slope of 3 metres horizontal to 1 metre vertical to meet the original ground. All side sloped ditcbes andboulevardsto the street line shall be protected with nursery sod over aminiml\ffi depth oflOO nun of topsoil. 3.4 Road Construction All road construction shall conform to applicable standards ofthe Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications (OPSS) and the Ontario ProVinCial Standard Drawings (OPSD). The granular roadbase shall consist of Ii: bottom course of 300 nun minimum depth consolidated Granular "B" full width aciOss the roadway and a top course of 150 rom of Granular 'A" fun width between concrete curbs. The granular matenals shall he spread in layers of 150 mmmaximum compacted depths, and each layer shall be thoroughly compacted. No granular base ofsurfuce'material shall be placed until the grade on whiCh it is to be laidhasbeen inspecled and approved by the Municipal Engineer. Duringand between construction seasons, the granuiarbase shall be maintained suitabJe for vehicle and pedestrian traffic, including dnst control by calcium chloride and renewed ifrequired to the satisfaction of the Municipal Engineer. Rood subdnilns shall be provided in accordance with OPSS 405.05. The subdrain shall inclndef1lterwrlip (non-woven type) Class I andF.O.S.0f110-IOO. 29 3.5 Roadway Surface Asphalt As soon as the granular base has been completed, it shall be thoroughly compacted and shaped and Ihe base course of asphalt pJaced. The base course shall consist of 50 mm miuimum thickness ofHL-4 Base Course Asphalt. The surface coot of asphalt may be placed upon the approval of the Municipal Engineer whtch shall not be given for at least one year from the date of placement of the base course of asphalt or until 50 percent of the houses have been constructed. The surface course asphalt shall consist of 40 nun minimwn thickness of HL-3 Surface Course Asphalt. Asphalt work shall conform in all respectstoOPSS310. 3.6 Curbs Concrete curb and gutter, of cross-section approved by the Municipal Engineer, shall be provided along all edges of paved roadway surface. Tenninations at the limits of the subdtvision shall be eitherjoinedto existing concrete curbs orrounded to reduce hazard to traffic. Construction shall conform t:o:OP$S 353. 3.1 Accessibility As part of construction of any concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks or other surfuce strucrures, the Developer will be responSible for construction inaccordance with the Municipality's current accessibility standards to provide full access wbere possible. to all individualsintbeconununity. 3.8 Driveway Aprons The Developerwill provide at eacb driveway, orwill cause to be provided by subsequent Owners, a driveway apron from the hack of the curb to the face of the sidewalk or where tbere is no sidewalk, to the liInitofthe property line, This driveway apron should be hard surfaeed with either 50 rom of asphalt pavement or a minimum of 100 nun of concrete pavement over the granular base, consisting of a minimum of 100 mm of granular "A" and 200 mm ofgranuiar "B~ Alternatives to these surfaces may be considered subject to the approval of the Municipality. 3.9 ThrningCircles Where ()Q)1struction is phased, the Municipality may require the installation of temporary turning circles. Theseturning circles will be constructed in accordance with the requirements for cul-de-sacs in Section 3.1 of this Scbedule. Elsewhere in the Agreement are provisions for conveyance of blocks forthe constmction of said circles. 4.0 STORM DRAlNAGElSTORMWATE;R MANAGEMENT 4.1 Approval of Design and Plans Stonnsewerssballbeprovidedtosillvethewboleofthesubdivision. Drawings shall consist ofan overall plan, a plan and profile ofeacb stonn sewer, drawn to the same scale as the roads, pipe bedding, manholes, and other appurtenances. Design of the proposed works mustbe submitted to the Municipal Engineer and applicable government agencies for approval. Plaosoftheentiresyslen1~ha11besllbmittedtotheMinistryofthe Environment for approval. Approval for construction will not be given until the Certificate of Approval for the sewers bas been received frotn the.Ministry of the Envrronment and all other applicable govermnent agency approvals bas been received. 30 4.2 Stormwater Management Report A Stormwater Management Report setting out the existing and proposed drainage pattern together with a Lot Grading Plan and an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Municipal Engineer, the local Conservation Authority and the Ministry oftheEnviromnent. The stormwatermanagementrequiremenrs within the Municipality shall be those of the local ConservationAllthority or as jistedbelow. The general requirements are as follows: . Quality and quantity control- as diclated by the local Conservation Authority and MOE requirements in accordance with the MOE "Stonnwater Management Practices Planning and Design Manual" or the J;Ilost recent version thereof Quantitycontrol shall restrict post-development runoff flows to pre-development flows between the 5 and 100 year events. . The design storm for the minor systems shall be the 5 year storm for local storm sewersandthel0yearstormfor~fucilities. . Sediment and <lTOsion control measures associated with the slonnwater management mquirements shall be identified on the drawings for works to be mcluded during the construction and for permanent measures. 4.3 ConnectioDtoMuuicipalSystem The storm sewers shall be connected to the Municipal Slorm sewer system or discharged to a naturol watercourse as approved by the Municipality and the Ministry of the Environment. 4A Design Criteda The stormwater management system shall be designed by using MIDUSS version 4.72.1 or an alternate approved hydrologic model. The Developer's Engineer shall consult the CunservationAuthority as to the appropriate storm distribution and durallon to be used. The Developer's Engineer shall advise the Municipal engineer in writing as 10 the Authonty's requirements. The minor system(storm sewer) shall be designed to convey the 5 year design storm, while the major system shall be designed 10 convey the 100 year design storm. Post-development nmoff flows shall be controlled to pre-development levels for rainfall events with return periods between 5 and 100 years. The design of the stormwater management system shall be in accordance with the newest version of the "Slormwater Management Practices. Planning and Design Manual", as prepared by the Ministry of the Environment. 4.5 L:H-ation The storm sewer shall be located within the street, with lateral connections to catch basins located alongthe gntter lines. 4.6 Sewer Pipe Material Sewer pipe material shall he Concrete Pipe, or approved alternate, complete with rnbber gasket connections Class C14ES or reinforced concrete pipe of the class required for the depth of cover. The minimum size, including catch basin leads, shaJI be 300 mm. The Municipality may require a larger storm sewer size on parts of the subdivision than reqwred for the subdivision aIone. 31 4.7 Storm Sewer Construetlon Stonn sewer construction and pipe bedding shall conform to the requirements of the Ontario Provincial Staudard Specifications for sewerconstruclion. Pipes shall be bedded in approved granular materials. Catch basin leads shall be connected to the main sewer with a manhole except where the main sewer size exceeds 450 nun diameter, in which case the lead can be connected directly to the main sewer using a faclorymanufactured "Tee~ 4.8 Manholes and Catch Basins Concrete manholes shall be provided at all chBnges in direction of the sewer and at all streetint=ctions, but no further apartthan 120 ill. Mllllholes shall be 1200 mm diameter or larger, conforming to apSD Series 700. Benching shaH be provided in all manholes_ Catch basin manholes shall contain a sump or minimum depfu of 300 mm below lowest invert on sewers up to and including 450 mm diameter. Frames and covers shall be OPSD 401.01 Type A, or approved equal, set on Dot less than three (3) layers nor more tban six (6) layers of brick which shall be parged on the outsid e face. . Catch basins shall he provided on both sides of the street at all low areas but no further apart than 90 m. Catch basins for depth up to 2 m from ground level to invert shall be 6()() nun square concrete conforming to OPSD 705.01. For greater depths, catch basins- manholes shall be used confonning to OPSD 701.03. 4.9 Private Drain Connections Private main connections to the stonn sewers shall be provided for each residential unit. A 100 IIUll diamet.er.::onnection suitable for receiYingpumped sump flow from footing drains will be placed at a depth of 1.4 rnetJ:es at the property line on each 101. 5.0 SANITARY SEWERS 5.1 Approval of PI aDS Plans of the entire system shall be submitted to the Ministly of the Environmerrt and the Municipal Engineer for approval. This submission shall COl1Jlist of an overnll plan, aplan and profile of each main sewer drawn to the same scale as the roads, together with typical details ofhonse service connectious, pipebellrling manhole covers, all special bends and connections and oilier appurtenan.::es. Approval for constructlon will not be given until the Certificate of Approval for both Smiters and sewage treatment facilities has been rece1Ved from the Ministty of the Environment. 5.2 Location The main sewers shall be located alongthe centre of the street allowance. House .::onnections shall terminate at the properw line at the centre of each lot. 5.3 Material Main sewers shall be P.V.C. or approved alternate. House connections shall be P.V.C. or approved alternate. Alljoints shall be of the mbbergaskettype as approved by the Municipal Engineer. Approved caps shall be provided for service lateral terminations. 5A Size The minimum size for main sewers shall be 200 nun diameter. House connections shall be a minimum of125 mm in diameter. For multiple dwelling, industrial or commercial buildings, the service connectious shall be sized to aooommodatethe flow 32 5.5 Sanitary Sewer Construction Sewer construction and pipe bedding, shall conform to the requirements ofOPSS 410 for sewer construction. A minimum 2.0 metre depth of COver shall be provided over all s!ll1itarysewersandservicelaterals. 5.6 HouseConnecti.ons Plan locations and invert elevations, for all house connections at the street line, shall be shown on the drawings Minimum fall on house connections shall be 2%: maximum 8%. When: the depth of sewer is excessive, a riser may be used uver the main sewers. Shop manufactured "Tee" connections shall be used for house connections to the main sewer. A cap ofapprovedrnanufilcture shall be installed on each service lateral termination at the street line and mad" watertight. The ends of all services shall be marked by a 50 nun x 100 mm wood post extending from the service to 300 nun above the surface of the ground and the top section painted fluorescent green. Connections to manhole:s shall enter the manhole no bigher than 0.5 m above the lowest invert, except as otherwise approved by the Municipal Engineer. 5.7 MaDholes Concrete manhoks shall be provided at all changes in direction ofllie sewer and at all street intersections, but no finther apart than 120 m. Manholes shall be 1200 mm dia. Conforming to OPSD 701.010. Benching shall be provided in all manholes. 5.8 Testing and Flushing of Sewers The complete so:wer system, including house connections, shall be tested and flushed in accordance with OPSS 410. including tlwrequirement for camera inspections. The Developer shall arrange the tests for sections of sewtll" between manholes and shall inform the Municipal Engineerwhen a section'is'on test and ready for inspection. Any sections of sewer which fail to meet the requirements of this section shall be repaired and retested. 5.9 Completion and Acceptance The complete sewage collection system installation mustbe approved by the Municipal Engineer prior to the issuance ofbnildingpermits for the subdivision. 6.0 WATERMAINS 6.1 Approval of Plans Plans of the entIre system shall be subnritted to the Ministry of the Environment and the Municipal Engineer for approval. This submission shall consist of an overall plan, a plan and profile of each wmermain drawn to the Satrul sca!e as the roads. togetberwithtypical details of house service connections, pipe bedding and other appurtenances. Approvalfor construction will not be given until the Certificate of Approval for the waterrnain system has been receIVed from the Ministry of the Environment. 6.2 Locations Watermain: The watermain shall typically be installed within the boulevard of the street, in accordance with the Municipality's Typical Cross-Section. Service Lines: In general, house serviCeS shall not be installed in driveways. Where the driveway location is unknown at the time ofwatermain construction, service connections shalLtenninate at the property line al the centre of each lot. Main Valves: To be located at the extension of property line. where the valve is being installed at intersectinns. 33 Curb Stops: To be provided for each service connection and to he located at the lot line 6.3 Co....ectiontotheMnniclpalSystem In general, the watermains shall be looped to existing municipal systems. 6.4 Material and Size Watennain: Gate Valves and Boxes: Fittings: Hydrants: Services: Watennain material shall be Polyvinyl Chloride PVC-C-900 Class 150 (DR-I8). Pipejoints shall be bell and spigot vvith rubber gaskets. Valves shall be resilient seated gate valves. Main line valves to be MJ type with standard operating nut. Hydrant valves to be MJ to MJ gate valve with standard Opcrating nut. All valves to be supplied with "0. ring packing for water use and open counter-clockwise. Valve boxes sball be Canada Valve screw type with No.6 base. Tapping valves and sleeves must meet WIth approval of the Operating Authority. Resilient-seated gate valves shall be in accordance with AWWA C509 All fittings shall be ductile iron cement mortar lined mechanical joint (MJ) type with adaptoTS to suit othermalerials, where necessary. All fittingsmustbesuitablythrusthlockedusingconcretethrustblockIngas perOPSDI103.010orl103.0Z0. Apolyethylenebarriershallbeusedto prevent a bond between the fitting and the concrete. Ductile iron fittings Sha11be in acrordance with AWWA CliO and the rubber-gasket joints for ductile iron fittings shall be in accordance with AWWAClll,presm'r'ating1035kPa. Fire hydrants shall be the Mueller Canada Valve New Century type or approved McAvity equivalent. Hydrant specifications as follows: . 2_64nunhoseconnections . Bpumperconnection . Hydrantsshallop('nc<)uuter-cloekwise . Colour shall be RED . Operatingnutshallbt:standard . Hydrant length shall.be suchthat the bottom of the upper barrel shall be 100 nun above finished grade . Bury depth 1.7 m. Dry-barrel fire hydrants shall be in accordance with AWWA C502. Min. 19 mm, Max, 50 mm Corporation stops - Mueller, C.C. thread inlet! compressionjoint outlet. CurbStop Mueller,compressionjointinletlcompressionjointoutlet or approved equivalent. Pipe - to be 19 nun Type "K" copper tobing. Service Boxes Model No. D-I by Concord-Clow or Mueller equivalent. Service box and stem (IA m to 1.7 m) with 25 mm dia. steel upper section. Box lids shall be regular ribbed Wlthbrass pentagon plus c1w standard stationary rod. Service saddles-M(ldel No, 2616 by Robllr Industries Inc., stainless steel,doubleboJted;bi"oadband. 34 Underground service line valves and fittings shall be m accordance with AWWA C800. Model numbers shall be stamped on all valves and materials. Anodes: 5.5 kg; zinc castirigWith a galvanized steel core, packaged in a cardboard or cloth bag of minimum diameter of 1 00 nnn. Gypsumlbentomte backfill IIlllterial (electrical resistiVity <50 ohm em wet). Insulated copper wire brazed to core wire. Tracer Wire: All PVC watermain to be provided with a No. Ion strand copper cable baving TWH insulation. 6.5 WatermainCoDStruction All watermain and appurtenances to be installed, bedded andbackfilled in accordance with current Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications and to the satisfuctionoftlw Municipality. Minimum 1.7 mall.<: depth ofoover over all mains and services. Mam valves and hydrant sets shall. generally, be located at a IllilXimum spacing of200 metres and 120 metres, respectively. At main intersections, a main valve shall be provided at each dlrection from the intersection, less one. Zinc anodes to be supplied arnl installed on services. 6.6 Flushing. Testing and Disinfection All watermain shall be tested, flushed, swabbed and disinfected. Such procedures shall be in accordance with OPSS 701 forpressure testing and A WWA C651-99 for disinfection and connection to the waterworks system. The Developer shall inform the Municipal Engineffi" when the watermain is to be tested and disinfected. Bacteriological testing will be completed by the municipal operating authority. The Developer will be billed for any testing orretesting required. Arryfailure of the testing and disinfecting shalJ require the Developer to reflush, retest andIor redisinfectthe watermain until the watennainhas met the requirements of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications andtheMOE,to the satisfaction of the Municipality. 6.7 Completion and Acceptance The complete water distribution systeril installation must be approved by the Municipality prior to the issuance of building permits for the subdivision. 7.0 SIDEWALKS A 15 metre sidewalk shall be constructed on one side of each street within the developnrent. Sidewalks sha11have a r:n;nlm1l1ll depth of 125 mmand shall be bedded in granu!ar in accordance with the current OPS standard details. 35 8.0 UTILITIES AND STREET LIGHTING 8.1 Telephone Telephone service shall be underground and shall be installed by 8.M.T.S. or Hurontel. Tbe Developer must bear the cost of any surcharges for underground installation made by the Utility and must gram 1he Utility any easements fortheir services. 8.2 Electrical Underground electrical installation shall be comp1etedto the satisfaction of the local powersupplierb:tSedontheirmoslciureirtspe6ification. 8.3 Cable T.V. D.wclopers shall arrange to have Cable T.V. installation completed by the local supplier. 8.4 StrcetLighting The minimum standard for street lighting shall be 100 watt High Pressure Sodium Lamps set on 9 metre poJes. or as directed by the Municipality. Each light mustbe controlled by a dusk to dawn photo-electric celL Power feed shall be completely underground. The lights shall generally be placed to the outside of curved roads. The maximum allowable spacing along the street between the lights shall be 50metresb"utmaybeincreased,atthe Municipality's direction, to a maximum of75 metres (in special instances). The poles must be installed at the location as shown on the Municipality's Typical Cross-Section. Particular care shall be taken to adequately illuminate the intersections and cui de sacs. 9.0 LOT GRADING 9.1 House Lot Gnuling Generaliy, all luts shall be excavnted or filled so thatthe whole of the lot area from the street line to a line at least 3 metres beyond the rear of the building shall have an elevation not less than 0.5 metres or more than 2 metres higher th!lll the finished crown of the road opposite the centre ofthe lot. In situations where the siope of the land justifies different requirements, the Municipai Engineermay permit variations of the above. A pi:m showing proposed lot grades and house floor ievels shall be subrmtted to the Municipal Engineer fur his approval, and the Engineer retains the right to amend any of the grades proposed if the Engineer considers a particular situation so warrants. 10.0 LANDSCAPING Boulevards along each street shall be topped with a minimum of 100 mm oftopsoil. Seeding shall be completed in all boulevard areas. A tree shall be planted in theboulevw:d iil front of each lot within 1 YeM of the date of completion of the Stage 2 services. Trees shall be 60-70 nun diameter measured 500 nun above the ground. Allu-eesshallbeNo.lnurserystock. The type of trees shall be approved by the Municipality. These shall be staked to Municipal specifications. Trees shall be watered at the time of planting and every two weeks thereafter and me Developer shall warrant trees for a period of one year from the date of planting. Planting shall be iimiledtothespringandfa1lseaso~. 36 11.0 EROSION CONTROL During constmction the Developer shall ensure that surface rnnofffromtbe lots and blocks as well as the roadways is protected fromerosion by the use ohill fences, straw bales and other measures designed to minimize such erosiOll. Temporary outlets at culverts or calch basins shall be cbecked to prevent silts from entering into stonn sewers or water courses. Such erosion control measures shall be shown on the drawings for approval by the Municipal Engineer and the Conservation Allthority. 12.0 WALKWAY All walkways shown on the plan ohllbdivision shall be constrnct<:d by the Developer. Walkways shall be constructed ofa 150 mm rninimum depth ofGranular"K ona properlyconstrudedfoundationandshallbepavedwithaconcretesidewalktoa minimum width of1.5 metres and aminimurn depth of 125 mm. A standard 1.5 mhigh cbain link fence shall be placed along both sides oftheriglrt-of- way with posts placed at each end to prevent vehicular traffic from using the walkway. 13.0 PARKLAND IMPROVEMENTS The area ofland deeded to the Municipality for Public purposes, other than highways, sball be carefu1ly graded, care heing taken to preserve any trees. Thewholeareasballbe top dressed with a minimum of 100 mIll of topsoil and shall be seeded with approved lawn seed mix (OPSS 572). The MunicipaJity may ask and provide details within this agreerru:nt for additional Parldandimproverru:ntsasmightbewarrarrted. 14.0 TRAme AND STREET SIGNS 14.1 Proposed street names shall be subject to the approval of the Municipality 14.2 Street Name Signs and House Numbering At each intersection there shall b~ erected an approved double unit street name Sign. The signsandpostswillbeprovidedbytheMunicipalityattheDevelopersexpense. 14.3 Traffic Signs Traffic signs and posts W111 be provided by the MunicipaJity at the Developer's expoose, following the passing ofaby-Iaw for their installation. 14.4 GuidePosts On Fills higher than 2 metres, timb:erguide posts or guard rails shall be installed conforming to OPSS and OPSD Standards. 15.0 PAYMENT TO SUBDIVIDERS The Municipality sha11 notbe liable for any costs arising out of the conSlrUction of servicesexceptunderthefollowingconditiollS. Where a storm sewer is largerthan required. the Municipality may pay the difference in cost for supplying the largersizepipe and any additional manholes required for completion of the system. " 37 b) When a samtary sewer in excess of250 mm diameter is required, for lands outside the subdivision, the Municipality may pay the difference in !.'-OS! for the supply of the larger size pipe. c) When a watermain in excess of200 mm diameter is required, for lands outside the subdivision, the Municipality may pay the difference in cost for the supply of the larger size pipe and fittings. 16.0 TYPICAL ROAD CROSS SECTION A typicnl mban road cross se-.-'tion is attached. iSollliis@ lIOIlI'I-I'IPdlt.NOIS1A!11~O!l.1Yl1 '----'0" ~l8JlU'PlIMlllGO'1 BUDAr.IlI'111O\1UagPU811OIP'S IIDfS\IIIpqnSUlKlm....wOilllr.lldAJ. lJUJpJlt:)Ul)l ,IOAIIl8dlOlunlll '^' ,,"", ~ '''' 'O'~',H ,."0"']=("'",,,,,,. " 00 M " 0""'0') "'''~' ,0 <;c, CO " (o""n"", """").1\"'\3"" '0""" 0' "",n, ,,,,,",,,.,. to",.'Hl""" l 9o"t .",.,-,..".~.~.~ ]NI(W\f?.N]?1~ N\Illl3G"I>'OlWIl)3I.<:alAlla;_"""'III<lJ.""IS3OHOllOlllll.SHo:>!llavOll'S "Nn.u"""""'"~""'".OJ.S3lllIII~~SIl1V1\\"T1I' ~ ....1..'.1lW.- 1l1~O'I^,"llIl""""D"",..,'.."".,-mrm- ...,~ n 0IIll<~ - ~lUIM "C>l S""" OIlIESO"" "".. '. "<l1e<1..... .,..,""" ~"""... OJ. .......u-moo .~ .....<1:>......... UYOll-'" HI.lI'O ,.~..:mn. Him"",, $1.10.1. """lIGI "',1OWlI. ., ~ g'" "",,"^""",,"'--o I _,......111"'" ~n r:---~'-' c "' ","'''m'''s~ II II _ II 'N,""",""",.",,:I II "'.0 "'~a" II It II )) , , " N. "''''' ~ 11'" '">1m" {,",'fOt""'''"N'tA''''"'"' " ", "'-c c " 11'i----u~'" H:lll'O II _"< , " ~, O'OL on M", "- (.,01,"1081 "",',"'"';'dO "lli",,"".""",,"""'-' On " ,~, n ~t II "'",~i '" ,m , ) , - '"""''''''" "'''''"0"''0'' w, 00 " o ," ('"Illnl) "~~ " (",",ntr.l" ,.:;ml""'M"'1S ",,,,"O"L,.rund 39 SCHEDULE "D" OF AGREEMENT Note: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. CHECKLIST OF WORKS TO BE CONSTRUCTED L Road restoration. complete with asphalt paving and curh and gutter 0 2. Stonn Water Management Plan, storm sewer system, modifi.::ations and privatedraincollllections. .. 3. Sani1arysewersbuildingconnectionstothelotline " 4. Waler distribution system building connections to the lot line 0 5. Grading and requirements ofa site grading plan " 6. Undergroundelectricalserv:ice " 7. Utility obligations telephone,cab!et.v. 0 8. Sidewalks .. 9. Topsoil and sod on boulevard from property line to curb 0 10 Lot house number signs. 0 Note: Works Required Denoted by 0" 40 SCHEDULE"E" OF AGREEMENT Note: It is understood and agreedthatthis Schedule fonns part of the Municipality's Agreement. ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF COSTS OF CONSTRUCTION OF EACH PART OF THE WORKS RoadWorks Water Servicing Sanitary Servicing Drainage Works Electrical Subtotal 134,000 99,300 68,200 180.000 77.700 559,200 Engineering Subtotal GST (6% rounded) 28.000 587,200 35.300 $622,500 41 SCHEDULE "F" OF THE AGREEMENT Note: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule follllS part of the Municipality's Agreement. LIST OF LOTS UNSUITABLE FOR BUILDING PVRPOSES _ CLAUSE 6.3 None 42 SCHEDULE "G" OF THE AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule furrru; part of the Municipality's Agreement. OWNER'S FINAL GRADING CERTIFICATE The undersigned hereby certifies to the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine (the "Municipallty~)thatthefoundationsofthebuildingsandstructuresandanyopeningsinanysuch foundation walls constructed on the following property: STREET NO. STREET MUNICIPALITY LOTffiLOCK REGISTERED PLAN NO. Have heenconstructed,atorabovelheelevationsillustrated on the overall Certified Building Lot Site Plan (as approved by oron behalf of the Municipality) referred to in the Agreement registered against the title to the above property as shown on lhe as-built grading survey attached. The undersigned further certifies to lhe Municipality that: 1. The final grading of the above referred to property has been completed in substantial comphance WIth the Certified Building Lot Site Plan referred to in the Agreement 2. The grade elevation ofalllo! boundaries and comers including the front lot corners of the property are in substantial compliance with the Certified BuiWing Lot Site Plan; and 3. The above lot has been graded to provide positive drainage in the front, rear and sideyard and that there IS no area ofthepropertywhich is subject to ponding of water. and 4. That in all cases, the final grading confonns to the intent of the grading plant. This certificate is given and delivered to the Municipality in full knowledge that the Municipality relies on this certification in providing arelease of the applicable Agreement affecting this property. DATED at Ontario this day of ,200 Signature ofOLSlProfessional Engineer NOTE: Copies of this Owner's .Final Grtuling Certificate are al'UiJable at the Municipality's Building Department. 43 SCHEDULE "8" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's A_. LANDS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES TO BE CONVEYED TO THE MUNICIPALITY Block 98 (or such blockas maybe renumbered between Lots 24 and 25. LIST OF EASEMENTS TO BE GRANTED TO THE MUNICIPALITY Easements for rear yard catch basins between Lots 5 &6, 10& 11, and 14& 15. 44 SCHEDULE"P' OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. NO OCCUPANCY AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE TillS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that ill consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of One ($1.00) Dollaroflawful money of Canada, Ihe Pames hereto mutually covenant and agree as follows: L In consideration of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine issuing a building permit to the Owner for ,the Owner covenants and agrees that it will not apply for an occupancypennituntil the above referred to services have been installed to the satisfaction of the Municipality; 2. The Municipality hereby acknowledges that it has a cash deposit from the Developerin the sum of and will use its besl efforts to see to it that the above referred to services are completed by THIS AGREEMENT shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit oftbe parties hereto and their respective heirs. executors. administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREUF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELNERED This day of .200 , , ( ( DEVELOPER (NAME OF DEVELOPER) ( ( TIfE CORPORATION OF THE ( MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE ( ( (Mayor ( ( ( CAO (WehaveauthoritylobindtheCorporation. 45 SCHEDULE "J" OF AGREEMENT Note: It is understood and agreed thatthis Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. APPLICATION FORREDUcnON OF SECURITY To: (Name of Municipality's Engineer), Engineer, Municipality of Kincardine Developer: (Name of Developer) Agreement: (Date of Agreement) Property: (Legal Description of Property) AppIicauonNo. {SpecifY number of application) The undersigned, (Name of Developer's Engineer) being the Developer's Engineer, hereby con:firms that the Wooo constructed as atlhe date of this Application have been instalJedbythe Developer under the full time supervisian of the Developer's Engineer and in sccordance with the requirements of the Agreement between the Developer and the Municipality. The Works installed to the date llilreofand the calculation of the cost thereofare detaiJed in the schedule attached hereto. Further, the undersigned Developer's Engineer hereby confirms that the Works remaining to be constructed as at the date of this Application and the cakulation of the estimated costtbereofare also detailed in the scheduIe attached hereto. This Application is given and delivered to the Municipality's Engineer with full knowledgethat the Municipality's Engineer and the Municipalitywill relyupon the information contained herein in granting a reduction of the security held by tbeMunicipality pursuant to Section 9.2 of the said Agreement affecting the above property. DATED at Ontario this day of ,200 SigilatureofDevelopcr'sEngineer Name of Developer's Engineer 46 SCHEDULE "K" OF AGREEMENT N01E: It IS understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part oflbe Municipality's -"""". FORM OF PARTIAL RELEASE: PARTIAL RELEASE IN FAVOUR OF: Herein called the "Owner" WHEREAS the Owner entered into certain obligations in favour of the Corporation oflbe Municipality of Kincardine under an Agreement registered against the lands hereinafter descnoed as Instrument No. AND WHEREAS the Owner has satisfied and fulfilled all of those obligations. NOW TIfEREFORE the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine releases the Owner from the obligations oontained in the said Agreement. with the exception of the lot grading provisions in Secllon6.5 in saidInstrumentNo._, as amende<!. and certiftes that ali other provisions of that Agreement as amended, are no longer binding with respect to the said lands. The lands released hereby are: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel ortract ofland and premist:S situate, lying and being in the Municipality of Kincardine ( ), County ofBmce and being composed of Lot RegIStered Plan -' the Municipality of Kincardine has, by Bylaw registered in the said registry office as Instrument No. provided thaI this Partial Release shall be executed by the CAO and sealed with its seal. DATED this clay of .20_ 47 SCHEDULE "L" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It i<l understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. CONDmONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL The Conditions of Draft Approval for File No. Bruce as attached hereto. for the Corporation of the County of CotlOmONSOFDRAFTPlANOFSllBOIVISlONAPPROVA!. 15112e79Ontariolnc.,cloKeldeoOavelopments 41T_2007-l12.22 MooIoIpanYo/"""""niine PartofLclsA,B,andC,OonA,MuniclpaJityotKiocardme(fOl'mer TownolKirlca,.jine} Ju""n,2007 Owno" F11.~ M"nldpol~: SubjeGtLandS, Dat&<>IPraftApp_ ThaApprnvaIAulhoolyoflheCorp,,",llonofll1.CounIyof_h.rebyiss"esDra~Apprcyallo s..bdMsi>r> RIe 1<0. 41T_2007-<l2.22, w/1"" porlainstc PartofLoIs A, B,and C, Con A, Municlpalily ofKi1cardna(fcm1erTown01 Kim:ar<linej. The following comfdions have been sstablished by lhe Counly ofBruc9 and musll>e metpriorto1hegranlingafrlllalapproval: Mo. CondRlon ldentiflcalion 1. That this aPl'""",1 app~"" to Plan of Subdivision FilE> 41T-2007.02.22 for 1582679 Ontarlo Inc., cloK"ld.,., DevolopmenlSPartolLolsA,B. and C, Con A Munlclpal/lyof Kiocartf... (former Town 01 Kincardine) prepared by R.F. Dote Surveying Umlled (P"".ctNo.3C400Revisiol1#3)_2007.01.10, Publil>RoadsarldWalk""'\i1l 2. Th!Itltl.. roa<Iallowar>ceG shown on Illi. Plan ofS!Jbdivislon sIlaU be <ledloated on the finelpJana.apubllehlghwaytolheapproprrateroadatllhority. 3. lhalthealreet(s)sh""benamedtolheselisfscllonolIheMunicipallyofKincaltl,,,... 4. That any dead ands..,dkJrcp"nsldesofroadallcwances """"""by this Plancf Subdi\llslonshalbetetminatedmO.3ma1fe,.."..,rvestct>&con""Y<'<llcandheld,in trust,bylheMuniclpelllycfKirlcard;ne"ntilreqlJkedfcrlllluraroadallowenoesorlhe _opmenlofadjaoen!land. ' ParklandlOoenSDaCe 5. ThallheCl\lflSl"CCIIlVeYS land In lh"amounlcf5% oflhe land mduded in Ih<> Plan tOlhe Municipality 01 Kirlcardlne for-pan;. purposes pUfSUSlJlto \he JI'"OIIisIt>ns cfSactioo 51(5)(s) oIm" Planrling Act R.S.O. 1990 o.P.13. AllemS!/ve/y, the Iwtlnicipallty of KincardIne m"Ysooep!c:ssh-ln-l\eu cflhe.sidC<ifl\OSlylln""snd under provisions cf Secljon51(S)ofIhePlannlngAot.R.S.O.1900o.P.13lheMunlcipalltyofKinoardj""ls hefabyaulh_todoso. Sul>dNieionAareement 6. Thstlheowoar"""'rmloanagraement>OilhlheMunicipa,lyolKirloardinetosallsfyall lherequiremllllls,fi""ncialaodolherwisa,oflhemumC4palllyoonoeminglheprol'lskmof roada, iostaJlalion ofee"'",,", facll~les and dramage 00 . u -. '. n " .- ~, -, .~ . pi , 'i ,.- ......~ >.. '" W ~f' oJ ,.. !' '. " "B i" , .""~ :Ull ". 'B, ilf , '0 .. :u ,= '.I E, St !. ~~ -, ,. . . n ~ ,~ ~ ~u a ~~o !3!l ilCl~ $"5, ,.. 0, 8:.l'I8 608: "''lllj ill.. '!'i~ lIil! ~u ~ ~i "'''''' 1-'" ~ .. wa. 0 . .- . . . . ~ . . , ~ ., . , i i i i ~ I I 3:;': Ii . . t! ~ ~~ ~ ~.! i I ~ .Pt I. !. un s~ Sj II I. !I '. "c. 1:~ ,Ll.'!l ~l!! ]:.~ 1t8. H ,! " . ~ , s~ l. ,- 1~ .- " . >. n ,. '. , , i~ Ii .~ i! " b~ g! 1:1 d .. "c . ~ ~ Jli!~ J l I~ i !ii~i ~'" ~ it Ii i!~l.i if l~; ,g "'1' ~i . IE l.i I, n~ i~.' ~i ~!i lt~ .-. -. l.. .<i . In"" .6<< I. ii~jtj jl jii:!~ ~iilii;1 ~iilJii '~"" ,< "', ,. 0'..] 8. .,',''1 !~~~~t !~~ i~i~11i ~ E~gb~~ ~g~ ~~S~!2~~ · l~t~il lli f!ljfi:! .' -1.- ."" I lOt- eii~ 8.~ JEi<ll ~i1 11 81 Sfhd ~~~ Jl~ ~il~ g I'~"l'" .,ls._ $ , '-1", '.. '] 0 !t~s~ 5 ~u ~.s~ z ~ , , , o _ !J) :'l' . - . - i!.9" H~ n~ '"3.2, · " .j,- , " 'I~j !I" "'!1i;'.2 .._, ~~.~ ~ ~._ ii'I 8," ..8 ~3!1i ni !!~j, ,8,~ iLlil""t> "'-1 ." ,". c1'!1!!! i'!l'l. " ~'j~ * ='8" 'li .~ ; 11-'" " 'iiHil .... .c=> ''" t--:>iE,Q @ "g!~ . i"i..ili ~"., li~' '~'i z"~.<l .g;~ "",'ffi!3 !tj< "'z j , . d!! ~8h i"i_!~ l~d ~oo -~;. , .. ll: Clr~ 'i.' h;1 . .~ 0- Sl~1! "h .. , UH . l~&1 !;i I!~ SI..,; "I I':. '. " Iii '.' 9 j~- ,~l '.' . 0 ", ..l"[ ;1, ~~.~ ,IH Ii! ~"iii ..""" -s l!"~~ .!Ii~ !i '" ~a:" " ~' " -l L '~ ~. '. l~ .. !~ !I ,. c ' :. I' I! ., ,- Ii IL ,w, l"~' " i::1 I:" ->< , . ~ j -, III 'Ii~. ~ ~o~ :l: g'll~ > ., . . , I ! , . j . :ij~ liffi !J," ~'" iia.: ,,~ .,Il::IZ , ~ > '. " ~.!i z , H 0 ~~ ; , I 'Il.,!!/: "'it 0:: " > "' I H I; I it ;~ ! I~ -15 s "" ...s I · '1 ~i ~ ihH:l o ,,'" "5 'Is ! ; !i !~! ~ fj !~ ii :€ ,Ii ! h .~, I i " H hi' "I' '" ", ~ ~ t II ,il ' ~ R F~ ,flli ~ g h .', ~" :! i 'f ~.5,;; 'll:h K " o!.. .,u ~~~ ! ~ I '111 0I':ii.!'! .s l!' .~ ~ . i'~' , · g'O ~1!.5 "0 ,8 g ~s !.!!~ .5 ~ i f ~~ ~~il <ild ~ @ . I~CI 2 ~ ~I ~III I" , · Ii ,'" :;; &": Ii i , 0" . " ,. . -' ..~jj Ii ~= I!! = l'l.lrl t. 1 ~~ ~l~a.ll "0' , . " I" U'j I ~ H !'~i u~~i! H ii ~Jr~ .'1~'ai~ I ii ~j ~~~! iiUi.~ j~ ~i ~"Sj~ ~ ~ U!'lf'~ h ~~ lhI I i ~j ~ai\: ~ d H !!~.h e ~ , ,.~ l: ..., "1'1 · S'~'l!~'ll ~,; /'ill ~~ 3 ~ ~ l'l:ij~1 ~~ ~~ ~~ n!~~ !5 ~ ~ ~l! ,I'" 1;" <e!l.. ~-.8 l~jh j~ 1!-1 ~II!f n!~l f Ii. ...2 ~ ~.'. ! -'" ",'l5 i "';;!l.1i ,,~1: I ~ -&1 ~ ,,-. - ~.. na~~ 5i ~J ' :~ 'h;i i ~t "Js ."J'll: ~5 -~ ",i'l5 o-!l~,~,~ I'ili' n n l'l 11m f __ lm~~ ~~ ~ !:ll ,ha-~ J/ >:.!!!. ~!~II l~ ~I ~sl It~l! ~ S~ . .; ,..: . 50 SCHEDULE "M" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed thai this Schedule fonus part of the Municipality's Agreement. SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Phased Registtation This Agreement is for Lots 1-~7 and associated blocks, Draft Plan 41T-207.02.22. A subsequent Agreement will be required for the baLmce of the lots. 2. Parkland ThldicatiOD The D..veloper and the Municipality agree that the parkland dedication will be satisfied within the Agreement andupon regisb:lltion of the balance of the subdivision. 3. SaugeenValleyConservationAuthority a) The Developer agrees to complete anyworks required by its "Stonnwater Management Report" "Lot Grading Plan" ~"Erosion Sedimentation Control Plan" in accordance with approved plans by the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority. b) The Deve\oper agrees to notify the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority at least 48 hours pnor to the initiation of any on-site developmenl. 4. SeJ:'Vicing Prior to Registration a) Notwithstanding Clause 2.3 (81 oflhe Agreement, the Developermay, subject to written authorization from the Municipality, at his own risk, start constructwn prior to registration of the plan provided the Municipalityhas been satisfied that: i) Securities for the work have been received. iil Liability insurance has been received. iii) Municipal, Ministty of Environment and Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority approvals of the design drawings have been received. iv) The draft of the registered plan has been approved by the Municipality. b) If the Developer receives authority to proceed under Section4 (a) above, it acknowledges and agrees that such servicing work is done at its sole risk and the Developer agrees to inderonify and save harmless theMunicipality with respect to any claim.. delllllnd.. action. cost, suit or loss by anyone whomsoever which may occur as a result of the registration of a plan of subdivision. 5. Road Construction and RestoratioD The Developerwill be reconstructing a portion ofPenetangore Row to lower the grade for drainage purposes. All costs associated with modifications to the storm sewer, road reconstruction and paving, cnrb replacement. sidewalk replacement, ifwauanted, and restoration of boulevards and driveways, will be borne by the Developer. As the Developer will be cutting into the asphalt in other areas on Penetangore Rowand Saratogato install municipal servi.ces..the Municipality and the Developerhave agreed that the Developer will remove all of the asphalt and provide a base course of asphalt to municipal standards aIong the full lengthofdisturbance of those two roads. The Municipality has agreed that they will, as part of their armual paving program, provide the surface course of asphalt on these roads so as to aVOid the disruption of the many patches tbat would be required. 51 6. Senicing Drawings The following is a list of servicing drawings that have been reviewed or are currently under review by the Municipality. forthis development. Dl:'aw:ingNo. Rev. Description Revision Date N,. SPI I Site Plan S 1.102007 CI I 2 LID' S 1.10,2007 C2 I P~'" R~ S .10,2007 C3 I Penetan oreRow S, .102007 C4 I Sarato aRnad S 1.10.2007 C5 I Saralo aRoad S 1.10.2007 C6 I LotGradin PIID 1.10,2007 C7 I Miscellaneous Details and Sept. 10,2007 lCalCroSS-Se.::tions C8 I PhaseIlServic' - ) Se1.10,2007 C9 I Miscellaneous Details 3e 1.10 2007 CIO I PhasellServic' Prelimin S 1.10.2007 EI 0 ElectricalServici La out Notcomlete Receipted as BR10817 on 200801 30 at 10:28 ~ 3 Notice Of Subdivision Agreement yyyy mm dd Page 1 of 60 The applicant!s) hereby applies to the Land Registrar. I Properties PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PiN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address 33318 - 0070 L T LOT 1, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0071 LT LOT 2, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE KINCARDINE 33318 - 0072 LT LOT 3, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318-0073 LT LOT 4, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318-0074 LT LOT 5, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0075 LT LOT 6, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0076 LT LOT 7, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318-0077 LT LOT 8, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0078 LT LOT 9, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0079 L T LOT 10, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0080 LT LOT 11, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0081 LT LOT 12, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0082 LT LOT 13, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0083 LT LOT 14, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE .-., LRO # 3 Notice Of Subdivi$ion Agreement Receipted as BR10817 on 2008 0': 30 at 10:28 The appllcant!s) hereby applies to the Land Registrar. I Properties PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PiN Descriplion Address PiN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Descriptk,m Address PIN Description Address PiN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PiN Description Address PIN Description Address yyyy mm dd Page 2 of 60 33318 - 0084 LT 'DT 15, PLA.N 3M204, KINCARDINE. KIi~CARDINE 33318- 0085 L T LOT 16, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0086 LT lDT 17, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE KINCARDINE 33318 - 0087 LT LOT 18, PLAN 3M204, V;lNCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0088 LT LOT 19, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE_ KINCARDINE 33318 - 0089 LT LOT 20, PLAN ClM204, KINCARDINE_ KINCARDINE 33318 - 0090 LT LOT 21, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE_ KINCARDINE 33318 - 009-1 LT LOT 22, PLAN 3M204, KINCA!'lDINE. KINCARDINE 3~J318 - 0092 L T LOT 23, PLAN 3M204, KINCA,RDINE KINCARDINE 33318 - 0093 L T LOT 24, PLAN 3M204, KII~CARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0094 LT LOT 25, F'LAN 8M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDI~JE 33318 - 0095 L T LOT 26, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDiNE. KINCARDiNE 33318 - 0096 LT LOT 27, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. K!~ICARDI~JE 33318-0097 LT LOT 28, PLAN 3M204, KiNCARDINE. KINCARDINE .' LRO # 3 Notice Of Subdivision Agreement Receipted as BR1 0817 on 200801 30 at 10:28 The applicant!s) hereby applies to the Land Registrar. I Properties PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address PIN Description Address yyyy mm dd Page 3 of 60 33318 - 0098 L T LOT 29, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318-0099 LT LOT 30, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0100 LT LOT 31, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0101 LT LOT 32, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0102 LT LOT 33, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0103 LT LOT 34, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318-0104 LT LOT 35, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0105 LT LOT 36, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE 33318 - 0106 LT LOT 37, PLAN 3M204, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE I Applicant(s) The notice is based on or affects a valid and existing estate, right, interest or equity in land. Name THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Address for Service 1475 Concession 5, R. R. #5 Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6 This document is not authorized under Power of Attorney hy this party. This document is being authorized by a municipal corporation by Larry Kraemer, Mayor and John de Rosemo!!, Chief Adminstralive Officer. I Party To(s) Share Capacity 1582679 ONTARIO INC. Name Address for Service c/o Dale Walden P. O. Box 351 Kincardine, ON N2Z 2Y8 LRO # 3 Notice Of Subdivision Agreement Receipted as BR10817 on 200801 30 at 10:28 The applicant(s) hereby appiies to the l.and Registrar. [ Statements yyyy mm dd Page 4 of 60 J This notice is tor an indeterminate period Schedule: See Schedules I Signed By John Michael Keip 216 Durham Street, Box 880 Walkerton NOG 2VO acting for Applicant(s) Signed 200801 30 Tel 519-881..3230 Fa~ 5198813595 JOhn Michaei Keip 215 Durham Street, Box 880 Walkerton NOG 2VO acting for Party TO(8) Signed 200801 30 Tet 519-881-3230 Fax 5198813595 I Submitted By WAECHTER, MAGWOOD 215 Durham Street, Box 880 Walkerton NOG 2VO 200801 30 Tel 519-881-3230 Fax 5198813595 l!eeSITaXeSIP;yment Statutory Registration Fee $60.00 Totai Paid $60.00 ~e Number =:=J Applicant Client File Number: 12874 r I I I I ~ .# F:\wp\06138\07Sept19-Lakefield Urban Residential Agreement.doc CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR LAKE FIELD ESTATES SUBDIVISION between 1582679 Ontario Inc. - and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE The Corporation oftbe Municipality of Kincardine 1475 Concession 5, R. R. 5 Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2X6 (0 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE INDEX Section 1 - Interpretation..............................................................................................................2 1.1 Definitions............................... .......................... ............................................ ...............2 1.2 List of Schedules.................. ....... .................................................................................3 Section 2 -- Order of Procedure......................,.............................................................................3 Section 3 -- Installation of Services...................,...........................................................................5 3.1 General........ ................. ................................................ ............ ................... .................5 3.2 Municipality's Legal and Engirteering Costs...............................................................5 3.3 Developer's Engirteer..... ........ ............................. .........................................................5 3.4 Works to be Installed...................................................................................................6 3.5 Approval of Plans ........................................................................................................6 3.6 Notification of Cornmencement...................................................................................6 3.7 Progress ofW orks........................................................................................................6 3.8 Scheduling ofW orks.................................................................................................... 7 3.9 Contractor ........... ..... .............. ........................... .......... ........... ................... ................... 7 3.10 Utility Costs and Charges ............................................................................................7 3.11 Access Roads ...............................................................................................................7 3.12 Movement ofFill ......................................................................................................... 7 3.13 Damage to Existing Plant.............................................................................................8 3.14 Signs......... ............. .............. ....... .... ............. ........... ......................................................8 3 .15 Testing........... ...................... ......:. ................ ............. ................................ ................ ....8 3.16 Erosion and Silting Control..........:..............................................................................8 3.17 Emergency Access .......................................................................................................8 3.18 Construction Refuse and Weeds ......:...........................................................................8 3.19 Dust Control.................................................................................................................9 3.20 Street Names ................................................................................................................9 3.21 Municipal Street Numbers ............:..............................................................................9 3.22 Blasting......... ......................................... ....... ..... ............................ .......................... ....9 3.23 Driveways ....................................................................................................................9 3.24 Contaminants .............................................................................................................1 0 Section 4 -- Acceptance of Works............................................................................................... 10 4.1 Stages of Construction and Services..........................................................................10 4.2 Inspection and Acceptance of the Works................................................................... 10 4.3 Final Acceptance of the Works..................................................................................l0 4.4 Acceptance During Winter Months ...........................................................................11 4.5 Use of Works by Municipality...................................................................................ll 4.6 Replacement of Survey Bars......................................................................................11 4.7 Ownership of Services ...............................................................................................11 Section 5 - Maintenance of W orks ............................................................................................11 5.1 Maintenance ofW orks ...............................................................................................11 5.2 Road Maintenance .....................................................................................................12 5.3 Emergency Repairs ....................................................................................................12 Section 6 - Drainage and Landscape Design:...........................................................................12 6.1 Drainage ....................... ....................... ................ ................................ ................ ...... ..12 6.2 Preservation of Trees ................. ..... ,'.:............................. ........................................... .12 6.3 Lots Unsuitable for Building .....................................................................................13 6.4 Lot Grading ..................... ............ ................................... ................... ....................... ..13 6.5 Maintenance of Lot Grading ......................................................................................15 .. 7 Index (cont'd) Section 7 -- Lands to be Conveyed..............................................................................................15 7.1 Lands for Municipal Purposes ...................................................................................15 7.2 Easements . ................... ........ .............. ....................................................................... .15 7.3 Turning Circles. ............ ...... .............................. ..................... ........... ................. ....... .15 Section 8 - Administration .........................................................................................................16 8.1 Voiding Agreement....................................................................................................16 8.2 Developer's Expense .................................................................................................16 8.3 Phasing.......... ........................................................ ............................. ...................... ..16 8.4 Developer's Liabilities ........... ........... .......... ........................................................... ....16 8.5 Insurance..... ...................................................... ......... .............................................. ..17 8.6 Legal Notice to Developer .........................................................................................17 8.7 Registration............ ............. ...................... ............ ......... ................... ..... ............... .....17 8.8 Mortgages/Encumbrances..........................................................................................17 8.9 Requirements for Building Permits ...........................................................................17 8.10 Requirements for Occupancy.....................................................................................18 8.11 Special Building Permits/Model Homes.................................................................... 19 8.12 Right to Enter into an Agreement ..............................................................................19 8.13 Successors and Assigns..............................................................................................19 8.14 Notification to Purchaser ...........................................................................................19 8.15 Scheduling, Progress and Completion.......................................................................20 8.16 No Municipal Liability ..............................................................................................20 8.17 Assignment ................................................................................................................20 8.18 Conflict.... .......................... ...................... ........ ..........................................................20 8.19 Severability ................... ......... .............. ................. ................. .................................. ..20 8.20 Amendment................................................................................................................20 8.21 Further Assurances.... ...................... .................... .................................. .................... .21 8 .22 Joint and Several........ ......... ..................... ................................................................. .21 Section 9 -- Financial Provisions.................................................................................................21 9.1 Development Charges, Drainage and Local Improvement Charges..........................21 9.2 Securities....... ..... ............. ................... .................................................. ......................21 9.3 Reduction of Securities .......... .... ............................ ........... ...........................................22 9.4 Statutory Declaration of Accounts Paid.....................................................................22 9.5 Construction Lien Act.................................... ........ ....... ......................... ............. .......23 9.6 Partial Release......... ........... .............. ................ ................ ............. ...... ................... ....23 Section 10 -- Special Provisions - See Schedule "M" ..................................................................................................23 Section 11 -- Signatures ...............................................................................................................24 . Index (cont'd) Schedule "A" Schedule "B" Schedule "C" Schedule "D" Schedule "E" Schedule "F" Schedule "G" Schedule "H" Schedule "I" Schedule "J" Schedule "K" Schedule "L" # LIST OF SCHEDULES Description of Lands Being Subdivided..........................................................25 Plan of Subdivision ..........................................................................................26 Municipal Servicing Standards ........................................................................27 Checklist of Works to be Constructed .............................................................39 Itemized Estimate of Costs of Construction of Each Part of the Works..........40 List of Lots Unsuitable for Building Purposes ................................................41 Owner's Final Grading Certificate......... ........ ......................... ................... ......42 List of Lands for Municipal Purposes and Easements to be Granted to the Municipality ..... ... .................. ............ .......... .... ............................ ...........43 No Occupancy Agreement...............................................................................44 Application for Reduction of Security .............................................................45 Form of Partial Release....................................................................................46 Conditions of Draft Approval..........................................................................47 Schedule "M" -- Special Provisions............................................................................................50 r MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE LAKEFIELD ESTATES SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate on the 19th day of September, 2007 A.D. BETWEEN: 1582679 Ontario Inc. hereinafter called the "Developer" of the FIRST PART - and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE hereinafter called the "Municipality" of the SECOND PART WHEREAS the Developer is the owner of the Land described in Schedule "A" to this Subdivision Agreement (hereinafter called the "Agreement") and proposes to subdivide it for the purpose of selling, conveying, or leasing it in lots, by reference to a Registered Plan of Subdivision. AND WHEREAS the Developer declares that it is the registered owner of the lands and has applied to the County of Bruce (hereinafter called the "County), for approval of a Plan of Subdivision (hereinafter called the "Plan"), which is annexed hereto as Schedule "B" to this Agreement. AND WHEREAS the Municipality has been authorized by the County to require the Developer to agree to construct and install certain municipal services as hereinafter provided and herein referred to as the "Works" set out in Schedule ;'D" and to make financial arrangements with the Municipality for the installation and construction of required services before final approval of the Plan by the County. AND WHEREAS the Developer is required to dedicate for public purposes certain portions of the Lands or make a cash payment to the Municipality in lieu of dedicating such land. AND WHEREAS the word "Developer" where used in this Agreement includes an individual, an Association, a Partnership, or a Corporation and wherever the singular is used herein, it shall be construed as including the plural. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) oflawful money of Canada, now paid by each ofthe parties hereto to each of the other parties hereto, (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto hereby covenant, promise and agree with each other as follows: /t:1 2 SECTION 1- INTERPRETATION 1.1 Definitions The terms defined in this Section 1.1 shall have the following meanings unless the context expressly or by necessary implication otherwise requires: "Agreement" means this Agreement titled "Subdivision Agreement". "Business Day" means any day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday in the Province of Ontario. "Certificate of Final Acceptance" means the certificate issued by the Municipality after satisfaction of the conditions identified in Section 4.3. "Certificate ofInspection Re: Readiness for Occupancy" means the certificate issued by the Municipality after satisfaction of the conditions identified in Section 8.10. "Certificate of Preliminary Acceptance" means the certificate issued by the Municipality after satisfaction of the conditions identified in Section 4.2. "Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)" means the Chief Administrative Officer or his/her designate for the Municipality of Kincardine. "Chief Building Official (CBO)" means the Chief Building Official or designate for the Municipality of Kincardine. "Conservation Authority" means the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority and its successors and assigns. "County" means the County of Bruce and its successors and assigns. "Damage/Lot Grading Deposit" means the amount of $2,500.00 per lot or block shall be paid by the Developer or Owner to the Municipality by way of cash or letter of credit as described in Section 8.9 of this Agreement. "Developer" means, collectively, 1582679 Ontario Inc. and their respective successors and assigns. "Land" means the real property which is the subject of the Plan, the legal description of which is attached as Schedule "A". "Municipality" means the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, and its successors and assigns. "Owner" means the Owner of a lot or block and may include the "Developer". "Plan" means the plan of subdivision relating to the Land, a draft copy of which is attached as Schedule "B". "Public Works Manager" means the Public Works Manager or his designate for the Municipality of Kincardine. "Works" means the works and services described in Schedule "D". II 3 1.2 List of Schedules The following schedules are attached to and form part of this Agreement: Schedule "A" Schedule "B" Schedule "c" Schedule "D" Schedule "E" Schedule "F" Schedule "G" Schedule "ff' Schedule "I" Schedule "J" Schedule "K" Schedule "L" Schedule "M" Description of Lands Being Subdivided Plan of Subdivision Municipal Servicing Standards Checklist of Works to be Constructed Itemized Estimate of Costs of Construction of Each Part of the Works List of Lots Unsuitable for Building Purposes Owner's Final Grading Certificate List of Lands for Municipal Purposes and Easements to be Granted to the Municipality , No Occupancy Agreement Application for Reduction of Security . Form of Partial Release Conditions of Draft Approval, Special Provisions SECTION 2 - ORDER OF PROCEDURE 2.1 Upon application to the Municipality for the preparation of an Agreement the Developer shall: (a) Pay to the Municipality the sum often thousand ($10,000.00) dollars as a deposit in respect of the Municipality's legal and engineering costs referred to in Section 3.2 (a) herein. (b) Submit a General Plan outlining the services to be installed. ( c) And may be required to sign a predevelopment agreement which includes: . the intent of the developer; . the intent of the Municipality; . a statement outlining the areas of study that will be required prior to the Municipality agreeing to proceed with the development (by means of a development agreement); . a statement outlining the deposit amount of $1 0,000 and the terms of its use; . a general timeline for review of the development project. 2.2 Prior to Registering the Agreement the Developer shall: (a) Deposit with the Municipality Securities and Insurance as outlined in the Agreement. (b) Pay in full any outstanding taxes or drainage, local improvement charges and charges under the Municipal Act including outstanding sewer rates and/or water rates. /:.z 4 (c) Mutually agree with the Municipality on the parcel ofland to be deeded to the Municipality for parkland or the amount of cash to be given to the Municipality in lieu of Parkland. (d) Pay the amount in lieu of parkland to the Municipality or deposit the Transfers/Deeds of Land for the parkland with the Municipality. (e) Provide proof of postponement of any encumbrances on the lands. (f) Deposit with the Municipality's Solicitor, copies ofthis Agreement executed by the Developer, to be executed by the Municipality and retained by the Municipality's Solicitor forregistration as hereinafter provided. (g) Deliver to the Municipality's Solicitor written authorization to register this Agreement or Notice of this Agreement both before and after registration of the Plan, and a cheque in respect of the cost of the said registrations where upon the Municipality's Solicitor shall register this Agreement. 2.3 Prior to starting construction on tl,1e Services, the Developer shall: (a) Have obtained final approval of the Plan from the County and have obtained Registration of the Plan. (b) Deposit executed deeds to the Municipality, free and clear of all encumbrances, for any lands to be conveyed to the Municipality (and such deeds to be deposited with the Municipality) prior tb the CAD's clearance letter to the County of Bruce. (c) Have submitted and obtained th~ written approval of the Municipality's Engineer for the following all to be done in accordance with the Municipal Servicing Standards of the Municipality: . The Drainage Plan; . The Lot Grading Plan; . The Service Layout Plan for underground electrical services, telephone, gas, etc.; . Final approved drawings for all Works required in Schedule "D" to this Agreement. (c) Submit to the Municipality the Ministry of the Environment's Certificate of Approval for the Water Supply and Distribution System, the Sewage Collection System, and the Storm Sewer System and Storm Water Management Works. (d) Provide written confirmation of having obtained the approval for drainage, road crossings, encroachment, etc. of all road authorities including the Municipality, County, Conservation Authority, the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and any other authority involved. 2.4 Prior to the sale of any lot and/or prior to the issuance of building permits the Developer shall: (a) Have complied with all reqllire):Uents of Section 8.9. 2.5 Prior to any person occupying any building, the Developer shall: (a) Have complied with all the requirements of Section 8.10 of this Agreement. /3 5 SECTION 3 -- INSTALLATION OF SERVICES 3.1 General Upon approval of the Plan by the County, the Developer shall design, construct and install at his own expense and in good workmanlike manner to the servicing standards of the Municipality as set out in Schedule "C" to this Agreement. 3.2 Municipality's Legal and Engineering Costs (a) The Developer agrees to pay the Municipality's cost of the Municipal Solicitor and of the Municipality's Engineer's invoices for the checking of plans and specifications and for supervision and inspection on behalf of the Municipality. (b) The Developer shall be invoiced regularly by the Municipality for all costs incurred by the Municipality with respect to this Agreement. (c) The Developer shall reimburse the Municipality for all costs incurred by the Municipality as referred to in Section 3.2 (a) herein, within thirty (30) days of each billing, failing which the Municipality and its agents shall cease all work with respect to the review of the Subdivision. (d) The deposit referred to in Section 2.1 (a) of this Agreement shall be retained by the Municipality as a float against any unpaid bills and such deposit (or the balance thereof, if any) shall be returned to the Developer at Final Acceptance of the Subdivision by the Municipality and the Municipality being satisfied, in its discretion, that all costs in Section 3.2 (a) herein and any contingencies with respect to the Subdivision have been paid in full. (e) The Developer shall pay to the Municipality, on thirty (30) days written notice from the Municipality, such amount as is necessary to maintain the deposit referred to in Section 2.1 at the sum often thousand ($10,000.00) dollars, failing which the Municipality and its agents shall cease all work with respect to the review of the Subdivision. 3.3 Developer's Engineer The Developer shall employ engineers registered with Professional Engineers Ontario and approved by the Municipality: ( a) To prepare designs; (b) To prepare and furnish all required drawings; (c) To prepare the necessary contract(s); (d) To obtain the necessary approvals in conjunction with the Municipality, the County Health Unit and the Ministry of the Environment, and others as required. (e) To provide the field layout, the contract documentation and the full time supervision of construction. . (f) To maintain all records of construction and upon completion, to advise the Municipality's Engineer of all construction changes and to prepare final "as constructed" drawings. Digital files of the "as constructed" drawings shall be submitted to the Municipal Engineer and the Municipality prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Final Acceptance. Digital files shall be in the format of AutoCAD dxf or dwg files, coordinates ofUTM Nad 27 zone 17 North or UTM Nad 83 zone North with and accuracy of 1 meter or less. (g) To act as the representative ofthe De"eloper in all matters pertaining to the construction. /1 6 (h) To provide co-ordination and scheduling to comply with the timing provisions of this Agreement and the requirements of the Municipality's Engineer, for all works specified in this Agreement. (i) To provide certification that the installation of services was in conformance to said plans and specifications, such certification to be in a form acceptable to the Municipality's Solicitor and the Municipality's Engineer. G) To take such other actions as may be required by the Municipality, acting reasonably, for the completion ofthe subdivision in accordance with this Agreement and good engineering practices. 3.4 Works to be Installed The Works to be installed are set out in Schedule "D" to this Agreement. This schedule is to set out the works in general terms only and shall not be construed as covering all items in detail. If at any time and from time to time during the development, the Municipality's Engineer is of the opinion that additional works are necessary to provide adequately any of the public services required by the Plan, the Developer shall, at his expense, construct, install or perform such additional works at the request of the Municipality's Engineer. 3.5 Approval of Plans The detailed plans and specifications .of all services must be submitted by the Developer to the Municipality's Engineer for endorsement of approval and such endorsement of approval shall in no way absolve the Developer or its consulting Engineers of responsibility for errors in or omissions from such plans and specifications. 3.6 Notification of Commencement The Developer shall not commence the construction of any of the works until the plan has been registered and the Developer has provided 72 hours written notice to the Municipality's Engineer of his intent to commence work. Should, for any reason, there be a cessation or interruption of construction, the Developer shall provide 72 hours written notification to the Municipality's Engineer before work is resumed. 3.7 Progress of Works The Developer shall install all Works in a timely manner, in accordance with the requirements of Schedule "c" and this Agreement. Ifhe fails to do so, having commenced to install the aforesald works, fails or neglects to proceed with reasonable speed, or in the event that the aforesaid works are not being installed in the manner required by the Municipality, then upon the Municipality giving seven (7) days written notice by prepaid registered mail to the Developer, the Municipality may, without further notice, enter upon the said lands and proceed to supply all materials and to do all the necessary works in connection with the installation of the said works, including the repair or reconstruction of fault work and the replacement of materials not in accordance with the specifications, and to charge the cost thereof together with an engineering fee often percent (IO%)ofthe cost of such materials and works to the Developer who shall forthwith pay thl( same upon demand. If the Developer fails to pay the Municipality within thirty (3()) days of date on the bill, the money owing may be deducted from the cash deposit, letters of credit, or other securities. It is understood in the event that the Municipality must enter upon said lands and have works completed or repaired due to situations as outlined above any or all original mylars and specifications prepared by the Developer's Engineer must be turned over to the Municipality's Engineer for his use should he require same. It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that such entry upon the lands shall be as agent for the Developer and shall not be deemed for any purpose whatsoever, as an acceptance or assumption of the said Works by the Municipality. The Municipality, in addition to all other remedies may refuse to issue building permits until such Works are completely installed in accordance with the requirements of the Municipality. /~ 7 Without limiting the obligations of the Developer herein, if the Developer shall default on the performance of any term, covenant or provision of this Agreement and if such default shall continue for ten (10) days after the Developer receives written notice of such default by the Municipality (or such shorter time as may be required in the cases of an emergency or other urgent matters or as otherwise provided for herein), the Municipality may perform that obliga,tion on the Developer's behalf and may enter onto the lands constituting the Plan for this purpose. If the Municipality is compelled or elects to incur any expense in connection with its performance of the Developer's obligations (including any engineering or legal fees incurred in connection with such actions), any reasonable costs so incurred by the Municipality, together with all interest thereon and any damages incurred, shall be payable by the Developer and shall be collectible by the Municipality in like manner as municipal taxes. The Developer also acknowledges and agrees that the Municipality has the right to draw down any Letters of Credit, cash or other security for the purpose of collecting any such expenses incurred by the Municipality. 3.8 Scheduling of Works Prior to the start of construction and prior to the issuance of building permits, the Developer shall supply for the approval of the Municipality's Engineer a Schedule of Works setting out the order in which he considers the various sections of the works within the Plan will be built. The Municipality's Engineer may amend this schedule and the Developer must construct, install or perform the work as the Municipality's Engineer from time to time may direct. 3.9 Contractor The said services shall be installed by a contractor or contractors retained by the Developer and approved in writing by the Municipality's Engineer. 3.10 Utility Costs and Charges The Developer shall deal directly with all Utility companies. He or his Consulting Engineer, shall obtain all approvals and permits and pay all fees and charges directly to the appropriate Utility. 3.11 Access Roads All access roads must be maintained by the Developer in good repair acceptable to the Municipality's Engineer during the time of construction. This shall include the removal of mud tracked from the Subdivision as well as dust control. No roadway outside the limits of the proposed Subdivision may be closed without the written consent of the Municipality. To obtain such consent, the Developer shall advise the Chief Administrative Officer (CAD), not later than 14 days prior to the proposed closure, of the date, time and duration they wish to close a roadway. All costs for advertising the closure and signage shall be borne by the Developer. The Municipality reserves the right to limit or prohibit the useof any existing access road by the Developer. 3.12 Movement of Fill The Developer covenants and agrees that it shall not dump nor permit to be dumped any fill or debris on, nor shall it remove or permit to be removed any fill, topsoil, trees or shrubs from any public lands, other than roads, without the written consent of the Municipality's Engineer. The Developer further agrees that no topsoil shall be removed from the lots and/or blocks except for construction purposes within the development and then such topsoil shall be stockpiled during grading operations and as each building is completed, the topsoil so stockpiled shall be replaced on the ground around each building to comply with the Municipal standards, and the replacing of such topsoil shall include all surfaces not covered by buildings, driveways or pavement within the development. Excess tops'oil may be removed from the site with the approval of the Municipality's Public Works Manager. /(P 8 3.13 Damage to Existing Plant The Developer shall repair any damage caused to any existing road, road allowance or existing structure or plant located on the road allowance as a result of the development and shall pay for any costs involved in relocation of existing service such as hydrants, telephone poles, hydro poles, pad mount transformers, cubicles and pedestals, etc., which may be necessary because of the development. 3.14 Signs Signs at least 1.2 m x 1.8 m shall be erected by the Developer in an approved location at each entrance to the Subdivision. .The signs shall read as follows: "Roads Not Assumed by Municipality - Use at Your Own Risk". These signs shall be installed prior to the start of construction and be removed after all the roads have received a Certificate of Final Acceptance. 3.15 Testing The Municipality's Engineer may have any qualitative or quantitative tests made of any materials which have been or are proposed to be used in the construction of any of the works required by this Agreement, or may require additional television camera or soil tests to be carried out, and the cost of such tests shall be paid by the Developer within ten days of the account being rendered by the Municipality. Nothing herein shall relieve the Developer of its responsibility to carry out any tests required by good engineering practice. 3.16 Erosion and Silting Control The Developer must take all necessary precautions to prevent erosion and sediroentation of sewers, ditches, culverts, slopes, etc., both within the Development and downstream during construction and completion of servicing. Failing adequate precautions being taken, the Developer will be responsible for correcting any damages and paying all maintenance costs resulting therefrom. 3.17 Emergency Access The Developer shall at all tiroes during construction and development of the Works maintain emergency access to the land to the satisfaction of the Municipality's Engineer. 3.18 Construction Refuse and Weeds The Developer, and each subsequent Owner of Lots or Blocks within the Plan, shall regularly dispose of all construction refuse, debris or weeds whether it be from site servicing or house building or any other source related to the development of the site, in an orderly and sanitary fashion. If the Developer or subsequent Owner of the Lots or Blocks within the Plan fails to remove and dispose of construction refuse, debris or weeds to the satisfaction of the Municipality's By-law Officer, the Municipalitymay give written notice to the Developer or lot Owner. Ifthe Developer or each subsequent Owner of Lots or Blocks within the Plan fails to dispose of the refuse, debris or weeds within forty-eight (48) hours after receiving a written request from the Municipality to do so, the Municipality may, without further notice, undertake such removal and disposition and the cost thereof shall be paid by the Developer or each subsequent Owner of the Lots or Blocks within the Plan forthwith upon demand, which costs shall include all expenses incurred by the Municipality in carrying out such removal and disposition. The burning of construction refuse, debris or weeds, whether it be from site servicing or house building or any other source related to the development of the site on any lands within the Plan is prohibited. // 9 3.19 Dust Control Until the Final Acceptance of all Services to be constructed under this Agreement, the Developer shall use such reasonable method to prevent any dust problem to traffic or home occupants as the Municipality shall deem necessary and for this purpose the Public Works Manager shall notify the Developer in writing from time to time of the requirements of the Municipality. 3.20 Street Names The Developer shall name all streets within the Land forming part ofthe Plan with names approved by the Municipality.. . 3.21 Municipal Street Numbers (a) All Lot, Block or building numbers for use within the Plan shall be allocated by the Chief Building Official (CBO). To obtain such allocation, the Developer shall furnish the CBO with a copy of the Plan as registered upon which the CBO will designate the proper numberS for each Lot, Block or building. (b) The Developer shall display by m.eans of a legible sign at least l' xl' to be erected on each Lot or Block within the Plan, the Lot or Block number as shown on the Plan and the street number and Lot or Block number for each Lot or Block prior to the issuance of a Building Pennit for that Lot or Block which sign shall remain until such time as the building on such Lot or Block is occupied in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. (c) Each Owner shall cause the street number so provided to be placed and maintained in a conspicuous position in the front ofthe property upon occupancy. 3.22 Blasting The Developer agrees that no blasting will be undertaken without the written consent of the Municipal Engineer. 3.23 Driveways The Developer hereby agrees that the driveways for all lots will be in a location and have a width and design as may be approved by the Municipality. Without in any way limiting the discretion of the Municipality, the location of the driveways may be further limited by special revision in Schedule "M" of this Agreement. Further, all driveways for all lots in the plan should be located in a manner that will minimize the amount of snow that will accumulate in the lot's driveway. The location of driveways is particularly important with respect to all comer lots located in the plan, as these driveways entrances must be located as far as possible from the street comer to minimize the amount of snow that will block these driveways during the Municipality's efforts to remove snow. Further, the Developer hereby agrees that he will be responsible for, or will provide for agreements with subsequent owners, with respect to responsibility, to complete all driveway entrances, for their full width, with a hard surface consisting of asphalt or concrete pavement. This hard surface shall extend to the edge of the municipal road allowance. /fS. 10 3.24 Contaminants In the event the Developer discovers any waste, contaminants, pollutants, hazardous substances or any other similar substances that may be detrimental to the environment during the development of the lands constituting the Plan, the Developer hereby agrees to notifY the Municipality and the Ministry of the Environment immediately and take all necessary steps and remedial efforts required by the Ministry of the Environment and the Municipality to remove such waste, contaminants, pollutants, hazardous substances or other substances that could be detrimental to the environment. In taking such action, the Developer shall fulfill all legislative requirements for the remediation and clean-up oflands constituting the Plan and shall comply with all legislative requirements regulating the removal, transportation and disposal of such waste, contaminants, pollutants, hazardous substances or any other similar substances from the said lands. SECTION 4 - ACCEPTANCE OF WORKS 4.1 Stages of Construction and Services The Municipality will grant Preliminary or Final Acceptance of servicing based upon three (3) stages of construction; and when the development is phased, within the whole of each phase as approved by the Municipality. Stages of construction are as follows: (a) Stage I - consists ofall underground Works including storm sewers and storm water management facilities, sanitary sewers, watermains and the completion of Granular "B" road base and a portion of the Granular "A" for a riding surface. (b) Stage 2 - services shall include the balance of the road works including granular, curbs and gutter, base asphalt, grading of boulevard areas, construction of all drainage swales and outlets, sidewalks, installation of street and traffic sigus, conduits, piping and facilities for the completion of electrical servicing, street lighting and other utilities such as gas, telephone and Cable TV. (c) Stage 3 - services including the final coat of asphalt, topsoil and sodding, trees, fencing and any other requirements of this agreement. 4.2 Inspection and Acceptance of the Works When all of the services in any stage of servicing as identified above have been completed and the Municipality's Engineer has been given written certification by the Developer's Engineer that such services have been constructed in each stage in accordance with the approved plans and specifications in this Agreement and upon satisfactory inspection by the Municipality's Engineer, the Municipality's Engineer will recommend that the Municipality grant a Certificate of Preliminary Acceptance. This Certificate may include a list of minor deficiencies which the Developer must repair. The services shall then be subject to a guaranteed maintenance period as described in Section 5.1. 4.3 Final Acceptance of the Works On receipt of a written request from the Developer for final inspection and final acceptance following completion of the guaranteed maintenance period outlined in Section 5.1, the Municipality's Engineer will complete an inspection and if there are no deficiencies, will recommend to the MUnicipality that the Certificate of Final Acceptance be issued. This Certificate will be issued provided that the Developer has paid all accounts to the Municipality and the Municipality is: . Satisfied the applicable services have been completely installed; . Satisfied all repairs or maintenance work on the applicable services have been completed. /9 11 and the Municipality has: . Approved the formal certification of final completion from the Developer's Engineer certifying that all Works and services have been installed; . Received as-built drawings as detailed elsewhere in this Agreement. 4.4 Acceptance During Winter Months The Municipality will not be required to provide Certificates of Preliminary or Final Acceptance during the winter months or any other time of year when inspection of the Works and services is impractical due to snow cover or other adverse conditions. 4.5 Use of Works by Municipality The Developer agrees that: (a) The Works may be used prior to acceptance by the Municipality, or other authorized persons for the purposes for which such works were designed. (b) Such use shall not be deemed an acceptance of the Works by the Municipality. (c) Such use shall not in any way relieve the Developer of his obligations in respect of the construction and maintenance ofthe Works so used. 4.6 Replacement of Survey Bars Prior to the final acceptance by the Municipality, the Developer shall deliver to the Chief Building Official (CBO) a statement from an Ontario Land Surveyor that after the completion of the work, he has found, in satisfactory condition or replaced all survey monuments and iron bars as shown on the registered plan. 4.7 Ownership of Services Upon the issuance to the Developer of the Certificate of Final Acceptance, the ownership of the services described shall vest in the Municipality and the Developer shall have no claim or rights thereto except those occurring as an owner of the lands abutting the streets where such services are installed. SECTION 5 - MAINTENANCE OF WORKS 5.1 Maintenance of Works The Developer will be responsible for the repair and maintenance of all services including hydro costs for street lights, until a Certificate of Final Acceptance is issued by the Municipality. This maintenance period shall extend for two (2) years from the date of the Certificate of Preliminary Acceptance for each Stage of the Works. During this maintenance period, a 10% security holdback shall be retained by the Municipality in accordance with the provisions of Clause 9.3 (e) of this agreement. If during this period, the Developer fails to carry out maintenance work within seventy-two (72) hours after receipt ofthe request from the Municipality, then the Municipality's Engineer or Public Works Manager may, without further notice, undertake such maintenance work and the total costs of such work, including engineering fees, shall be borne by the Developer. If the Developer fails to pay the Municipality within thirty (30) days of the date of billing then the money owing may be deducted from the deposited securities. Towards the end of the Maintenance Period, the Developer shall make written request to the Municipality for a final inspection to be made in respect to the issuance ofthe Certificate of Final Acceptance. d<O 12 5.2 Road Maintenance The Developer will be responsible for the maintenance of the roads until final acceptance. Summer maintenance shall include grading, dust control and general clean-up of the site. Winter road maintenance shall include all plowing, sanding and salting to assure proper vehicular access within the Subdivision. In the event that proper maintenance or snow removal is not provided by the Developer, the Municipality, through its servants, contractors or agents may provide maintenance and/or remove snow without notice to the Developer. Such work will be carried out at times deemed to be an emergency by the Public Works Manager. All costs of such work shall be paid by the Developer within thirty (30) days of date of billing or otherwise may be deducted from the deposited securities. The Developer further agrees that any work done by the Municipality pursuant to this contract before the roads are accepted by the Municipality shall not be deemed in any way, to be an acceptance by the Municipality ofthe roads in the said Subdivision upon which such work is done. The Developer acknowledges that the Municipality, in providing maintenance or during snow removal, may damage or interfere with the works of the Developer and cause damage to such works and the Developer hereby waives all claims against the Municipality that he might have arising therefrom and covenants that he will make no claim against the Municipality for such interference or damage. Representation may be made requesting that the Municipality consider entering into a separate Agreement with the Developer to undertake the winter toad.tuaintenance within the Subdivision. 5.3 Emergency Repairs Employees or agents of the Municipality may enter onto the Land at any time or from time to time for the purpose of making emergency repairs to any of the Works. Such entry and repairing shall not be deemed an acceptance of any of the Works by the Municipality or an assumption by the Municipality of any liability in connection therewith or a release of the Developer from any of his obligations under this Agreement. SECTION 6 - DRAINAGE AND LANDSCAPE DESIGN 6.1 Drainage All Lots and Blocks within the Plan and all lands abutting the Plan shall be graded to drain in accordance with the Drainage Plan as approved by the Municipality's Engineer. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the drainage of surface waters on the Lots and Blocks in the Plan, are the sole responsibility of the Developer and subsequent purchasers, and they.shall provide and maintain adequate drainage of such surface works. Satisfactory drainage outlets shall be provided. Drainage outlets shall be constructed from the limits of the Subdivision to a sufficient outlet in accordance with the approved engineering drawings. 6.2 Preservation of Trees The Developer shall strive to preserve healthy trees, except for the actual area of roadway construction, the installation. of services, or the areas within the building envelope. No additional trees shall be removed without the Public Works Manager's written permission. 52/ 13 6.3 Lots Unsuitable for Building Any lot which will require special attention in order to be serviced will be listed in Schedule "F" of this Agreement. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any lot listed in Schedule "F", the Developer's 'Engineer must submit a letter to the Municipality's Engineer outlining the measures to be taken to correct the problems on the lots. This proposal must be approved prior to applying for a building permit. 6.4 Lot Grading All Lands shown within the Plan shall be graded in general conformity with the Lot Grading Plan, including fill and excavation as required for the full width and length of the grades and levels, and to the specifications, requirements and satisfaction of the Municipality's Engineer; provided that for residential lots and blocks, grading must be brought within zero decimal five (0.5) metres of the final grade and such further residential development may complete the grading. All work done by the Developer must be of such a nature as to ensure that the integrity and intent of the overall grading plan is functional until the Lands are fully developed. (a) Obligation to Grade According to Lot Grading Plan The Lands shall not be graded except in general conformity with the grades and elevations shown on the Accepted Grading Plan. The Plan shall bear the signature and seal of an Ontario Professional Engineer holding a Certificate of Authorization from Professional Engineers Ontario or who is employed by a partnership or corporation h,qlding such Certificate of Authorization to offer professional engineering services to the pnblic (hereinafter called a "Professional Engineer") or it Registered Ontario Land Surveyor who certifies thereon that the Plan generllJly conforms with the Lot Grading Plan attached to the Agreement or filed witIithe Municipality's Engineer. (b) Certified Building Lot Site Plan Subject to Section 8.9 herein, no building shall be constructed on a Lot or Block within the Plan until a Building Lot Site Plan certified by a Registered Ontario Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer has been filed with and approved bv the Chief Building Official of the Municipality. The Building Lot Site Plan shall show: . the proposed finished elevation of these lands at each comer of the lot or block; . the proposed finished elevation of these lands at the front and rear of the building; . the proposed finished elevations of the underside of the footings and the proposed finished height of the foundation of the building; . the proposed fmished elevation of any retaining walls, the proposed elevation of any walk-out onto these lands from the basement of the building, and the proposed fmished height of the foundation of the building; . the proposed finished elevation and slope of any driveway and the proposed location of any swale or rear yard catch basin; . the location of eavestrough downspouts; no downspouts will be allowed to discharge in a sideyard between residences; . any abrupt changes in the proposed finished elevation of these lands; . the service locations and the invert elevations of all municipal services . the Lot and Registered Plan number, the municipal address for the subject Lot or Block and the proposed location ofthe building thereon in relation to the Lot or Block boundaries. The Developer hereby agrees that the existing property line grades abutting developed lands are not to be altered or disturbed, except as approved otherwise by the Municipality's Engineer. ~2 14 The Developer shall complete such other actions as may be required by the Municipality, acting reasonably, to ensure that the subdivision is developed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and good engineering practices. (c) Owner's Final Grading Certificate . The Owner's Final Grading Certificate must be completed in the form attached as Schedule "G" bearing the signature and seal of a Professional Engineer or Registered Ontario Land Surveyor that the actual finished elevation and grading of these lands generally conform with the Lot Grading Plan and the Certified Building Lot Site Plan. . If occupancy occurs between November I and May 31 next and an Owner's Final Grading Certificate is not filed prior to occupancy with the Municipality's Chief Building Official, then the Owner shall provide the Municipality's Chief Building Official with a written undertaking to file the said Owner's Final Orading Certificate with the Municipality's Chief Building Official by the following June 1. . When the Owner's Final Grading Certificate is accepted by the Municipality's Chief Building Official that the Lands generally conform with the Lot Grading Plan and the Certified Building Lot Site Plan, the Damage/Lot Grading Deposit referred to in Section 8.9 (h) is returnable to the Owner subject to this Section and Section 8.9 (h) ofthis Agreement. . The Owner agrees that, should drainage rectification become necessary in the absolute discretion of the Municipality, and the Owner fails to make such rectification when so instructed by the Municipality, the Municipality may, at its option, undertake the correction of such drainage and all costs over and above the two thousand, five hundred dollar ($2,500.00) deposit shall be charged back to the Owner and shall include a management fee of 15% of the cost oflabour and material shall be a charge against the Lot or Block for which regarding was carried out and shall be payable forthwith. The Owner agrees that neither it nor its successors or assigns will alter the grading or change the elevation or contour of the Land except in accordance with drainage plans approved by the Municipality. (d) Obligation to Maintain Grading After the building or Block is graded in accordance with the Lot Grading Plan and the Certified Building Lot Site Plan, no change shall be made to the actual fmished elevation and grading of the building Lot or Block in any way that results in a material alteration of drainage on or across the building Lot or Block or adjacent lands from that shown on the Lot Grading Plan for the adjacent lands or the Owner's Final Grading Certificate for the building Lot or Block. (e) Prevention of Surface Water Flow The Developer and each subsequent owner shall not block, impede, obstruct or prevent the flow of surface water as provided for in the Drainage Plan, the Lot Grading Plan or the Certified Building Lot Site Plan over any Lot or Block by the construction, erection or placement thereon of any danuning device, building, structure or other means. ;?3 15 (t) Erosion Control The Developer shall construct silt fences or other facilities as required during construction to control overland flows from this Subdivision to ensure that mud, silt, construction debris, etc. does not adversely affect abutting properties, all to the specifications of the Municipality's Engineer. 6.5 Maintenance of Lot Grading All lot grading and drainage facilities and works required by Section 6 or elsewhere in this agreement shall be provided and maintained by the Developer or subsequent owner of each individual lot from time to time, in perpetuity at such party's sole risk and expense. Should, for any reason, the Developer or subsequent Owner fail to maintain that lot grading, they acknowledge that the Municipality, in receiving certified lot grading certificates as required in this agreement, absolves itself of any further interest or responsibility for such lot grading save and except for those works on registered easements. SECTION 7 - LANDS TO BE CONVEYED 7.1 Lands for Municipal Purposes The Developer shall convey in fee simple a good title free from encumbrances to the Municipal lands for municipal purposes other than roads, which shall be mutually agreed upon by the Owner and the Municipality, or to make a cash payment in lieu thereof as stipulated by the Municipality and also to convey to the Municipality in fee simple, the 0.3 metre reserves and other lands required by the Municipality. The deeds for the said lands are to be approved by the Municipality's Solicitor and thereafter forthwith registered and deposited with the CAO. The cost for preparation and registration of the said deeds shall be paid by the Developer. A list oflands for municipal purposes to be conveyed to the Municipality shall be set out in Schedule "H" of this Agreement. 7.2 Easements The Developer agrees to grant at his expense all such easements and right-of-ways as may be required for the installation and supply of services to the Subdivision. A list of easements and right-of-ways to be granted to the Municipality shall be set out in Schedule "H" of this Agreement. 7.3 Turning Circles The Municipality may require the installation of temporary turning circles. Where such are required, the Developer shall convey the appropriate blocks to the Municipality for the purposes of providing the Municipality with sufficient land to construct said turning circle(s). The block(s) conveyed to the Municipality shall only constitute that portion of land required by the Municipality for the actual roadway of the turning circle. The temporary turning circle shall be constructed in accordance with Schedule "e" ofthis Agreement. The Developer and the Municipality acknowledge that the block(s) conveyed to the Municipality for turning circles shall be reconveyed to the owners in the event that the street is connected in the future. Such conveyance and reconveyance of the block(s) shall be completed at no expense to the Municipality. A list of said blocks is included in Schedule "H" of this Agreement. c?-1 16 SECTION 8 - ADMINISTRATION 8.1 Voiding Agreement In the event that the Plan is not registered within one year from the date of the signing of this Agreement, the Municipality may at its option declare this Agreement to be null and void. All costs incurred shall be deducted from the deposit paid by the Developer to the Municipality pursuant to this Agreement or any other agreement between the Developer and the Municipality referred to herein. 8.2 Developer's Expense Every provision of this Agreement by which the Developer is obligated in any way shall be deemed to include the words "at the expense of the Developer" and "as approved or accepted by the Municipality", unless specifically stated otherwise. 8.3 Phasing (a) The Municipality may instruct the Developer to construct the Works in particular phases suitable to it and the Developer must comply. If the Municipality does not so instruct the Developer, before commencement of any of the Works, he may request the Municipality's permission to divide the area into convenient phases. (b) If the construction of the Works is to be phased, then in lieu of furnishing securities as required by Section 9 of this Agreement for the whole of the Works the Developer may furnish the required securities for that part of the Works to be constructed in each phase(s). (c) The Land upon which the Works is to be constructed in a future phase shall be made subject to a specific Holding Zoning ("H") provision by means of a by-law to be passed by the Municipality under Section 36(1) of the Planning Act, R. S. O. 1990 c. P. 13 at the Developer's expense. (d) Prior to the commencement of the construction of the Works within the Land made subject to a Holding Zoning ("H") provision and after the deposit with the Municipality ofthe securities as set out elsewhere in this Agreement for such Land along with a written request from the Developer, the Municipality shall at the Developer's expense pass a by-law under the said Section 36 to remove the Holding Zoning ("H") provision. ( e) Before proceeding with an additional phase the Developer shall obtain the written approval of the Municipality and no Works shall be permitted to be installed and no building permits issued until this approval has been given in writing by the Municipality. (f) Subject to Section 8.15 herein, commencement of construction within subsequent phases of this subdivision, or other subdivisions of the Developer herein within the Municipality, may not proceed. 8.4 Developer's Liabilities Until the Municipality has issued the Certificate of Final Acceptance for the Works, the Developer hereby indemnifies and saves harmless the Municipality against all actions, causes of action, suits, claims and demands whatsoever which may arise either directly or indirectly by reason of the Developer undertaking the Plan. cPb 17 8.5 Insurance The Developer shall insure against all damages or claims for damage in an Insurance Company satisfactory to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAD). Such policy or policies shall be issued in the jointnames of the Developer, the Municipality and the Municipality's Engineer and the form and content shall be subject to the approval of the Municipality. The minimum limits of such policies shall be $2,000,000 all inclusive, but the Municipality shall have the right to set higher amounts. The said insurance policy shall include a provision that requires the insurance company to provide the Municipality with thirty (30) days notice of termiuation of such policy. The policy shall be in effect for the period of this Agreement including the period guaranteed maintenance pursuant to Section 5 of this Agreement. The issuance of such a policy of insurance shall not be construed as relieving the Developer from responsibility for other or larger claims, if any, for which he may be held responsible. 8.6 Legal Notice to Developer Any notice required to be given hereunder may be given by registered mail addressed to the Developer at his principal place of business and shall be effective as of the date of the deposit hereof in the Post Office. 8.7 Registration The Developer consents to the registration of this Agreement upon the title to the Land both before and after registration of the Plan at the sole discretion of the Municipality and at the expense of the Developer. 8.8 Mortgages/Encumbrances The developer covenants and agrees to obtain and register, at its sole cost and expense, a postponement from each encumbrancer with a charge registered against title to the Land (or part thereof) so that notice of this agreement shall be registered in priority to any such charge. Further, the mortgagee, if any, agrees that in the event of him assigning or transferring the mortgage on the lands, the assigoment or transfer shall be subject to the terms hereof in the same manner as if the assignee or transferee had executed this Agreement. 8.9 Requirements for Bnilding Permits The approval of the Plan by the Municipality or the acceptance by the Municipality of the Works shall not be deemed to give any assurance that Municipal building permits, when applied for will be issued in respect of the Lots or Blocks shown on the Plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Developer agrees that it, or anyone claiming titled from it or under its authority, shall not apply for any building permits for Lots or Blocks within the Plan until all requirements hereinafter set out have been carried out to the satisfaction of the Municipality. It is agreed that a copy of this Section 8.9 shall be delivered by the Developer to each and every Purchaser of Land within the Plan and to each and every Builder obtaining a Building Permit for any Lot or Block or part of a Lot or Block within the Plan and the Developer shall extract a covenant similar to this covenant from all such Purchasers and Builders. The Municipality shall have the right to refuse any such application until: (a) Preliminary Acceptance has been granted by the Municipality for Stage I servicing for that phase of the Subdivision. (b) The Developer has provided sufficient documentation to the Municipality's Engineer confirming that electrical distribution and street lighting and the remaining underground services, telephone, cable t.v., and gas are being scheduled for installation; and will be completed within six (6) weeks or the date of issuance of the building permit. . ~(p 18 (c) Approval of the Municipality has. been obtained for the construction of any buildings to be erected on Lots or Blocks that may be listed in Schedule "F" hereto. (d) A certificate has been given by the Municipality's Chief Building Official that the building location is in compliance with the zouing by-law of the Municipality. ( e) The signs denoting "Unassumed Roads" have been installed at the entrances to the Subdivision. (f) All dead trees within the limit of the Plan have been removed. (g) All street identification signs required by this Agreement have been installed and are in place; (h) Payment to the Municipality in the amount of $2,500.00 as a Works Damage/Lot Grading Compliance Deposit (herein "Damage/Lot Grading Deposit") per Lot or Block in the Plan of which the sum of$IOO.OO is non-refundable. The balance ofthe Damage/Lot Grading Deposit shall be refundable in whole or in part after the building has been constructed, an Owner's Final Grading Certificate has been filed with and accepted by the Municipality's Chief Building Official and the required service connections have been made and all damages to the Works which form the subject matter of this Agreement resulting from house building and/or landscaping activities on the subject Lot or Block have been repaired to the satisfaction of the Municipality's Chief Building Official and Municipality's Works Superintendent. (i) With respect to repair of damage to the Works, in the event that the Owner fails to repair the damage to the Works when so instructed by the Municipality's Chief Building Official or the Municipality's Works Superintendent, the Municipality may, at its option, undertake the repair of such damage and all costs over and above the $2,500.00 deposit shall be charged back to the Owner and shall include a management fee of 15% of the cost oflabour and material. This shall be a charge against the Lot or Block for which repairs were carried out and shall be payable forthwith. G) Payment to the Municipality the amount of the current applicable Development Charge(s) per Lot or Block in the Plan under the Development Charges By-law of the Municipality, or The Water and Sewer Contribution to Capital Policy. (k) A Certified Building Lot Site Plan has been filed with the Chief Building Official of the Municipality pursuant to Section 6.4 (b). (1) The Developer agrees that the preceding requirements in this Section 8.9 are in addition to and not in substitution of the requirements of the Ontario Building Code Act as amended and regulations thereunder with respect to the issuance of Building Permits. 8.10 Requirements for Occupancy Subject to Section 8.11 herein, no building erected on the Lots or Blocks within the Plan shall be occupied until a Certificate ofInspection re: Readiness for Occupancy has been issued by the Municipality's Chief Building Official and the said Certificate shall not be issued until: (a) Preliminary Acceptance has been granted for Stage 2 servicing for the phase of the Subdivision including the Lot or Block. (b) The roadway from the entrance of the Subdivision to and including the lot or block of which the building is apart, has received the base course asphalt. '?-7 1'9 (c) The electrical distribution plant including street lights have been installed and approved by the Utility. (d) The traffic and street signs have been installed and approved by the Municipality's Engineer. (e) Subject to Section 6.4 (c), the final grading ofthe Lot or Block is in conformity with the overall grading plan or such variances therefrom as have been approved by the Municipality's Chief Building Official pursuant to Section 6.4 (c). (f) The telephone lines, cable T.V. and gas mains have been installed and approved by the Municipality's Engineer., , (g) The Developer agrees that the preceding requirements in this Section are in addition to and not in substitution of the requirements of the Ontario Building Code Act as amended and regnlations thereunder with respect to certificates for occupancy. 8.11 Special Building Permits / Model Homes Pursuant to Section 8.9 building permits are not obtainable until certain services are installed and approved by the Municipality's Engineer. The Municipality agrees that if the Developer or Owner wishes to obtain a building permit prior to the installation of services, as set out in Section 8.9, a permit may be issued provided the Developer or Owner has executed a No-Occupancy Agreement (Schedule "I") and the Municipality may require a deposit or Letter of Credit as a gnarantee of no-occupancy. In the event that the Developer or Owner fails to meet all the requirements set out in Section 8.9 or 8.10 for any building permit that is issued pursuant to the Developer's delivery ofa No- Occupancy Agreement, the Developer hereby acknowledges that the deposit shall be immediately forfeited to the Municipality. Such failure to meet the obligations shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and the Municipality may immediately draw down any security held under this Agreement to complete any work required or fulfill any other requirements of Section 8.9 or 8.10 for any model home that was built pursuant to this Section 8.11. 8.12 Right to Enter into an Agreement The Developer agrees not to call into question directly or indirectly in any proceedings whatsoever in law or in equity any administrative tribunal, the right to the Municipality to enter into this Agreement and to enforce each and every term, covenant and condition herein contained and this Agreement may be pleaded as an estoppel against the Developer in any such proceedings. The Developer acknowledges that the Municipality is entering into this Agreement and approving the Plan on the express representation of the Developer that it and its successors and assigns shall observe and perform all the provisions of this Agreement and that the Municipality is of the opinion that the Plan would not be in the public interest if the Developer, its successors and assigns, the owner or owners from time to time of the land within the Plan were not obligated to observe and perform all the provisions hereof except to the extent the Municipality may lawfully change them. 8.13 Successors and Assigns The covenants, agreement, conditions, and undertakings herein contained on the part of the Developer shall run with the land and shall be binding upon it and upon its successors and assigns as owners and occupiers of the said lands from time to time. 8.14 Notification to Purchaser The Developer shall in every Agreement of Purchase and Sale or Offer to Purchase pertaining to any Lot or Block within the Plan notifY each purchaser of all of the payments to be made by the purchaser to the Municipality pursuant to this Agreement and all of the provisions of this Agreement which shall continue in force after the completion of the sale. Further, the Developer shall furnish a list of those services included in the purchase, specifYing those installed and those to be installed at no additional cost. ,72$ 20 8.15 Scheduling, Progress and Completion The Developer shall commence construction of services within eighteen (18) months of the signing of this Agreement or the registration of the Plan whichever is earlier. Within eighteen (18) months ofthe date of commencement of the servicing of any phase, the Developer shall complete the installation of the Stage 1 services. In any phase, the top coat of asphalt shall be completed within twenty-four (24) months of preliminary acceptance of Stage 1 of the services; unless written consent altering this condition is received from the Municipal Engineer. Failure to adhere to the above schedule may result in the Municipality completing the Works in accordance with Section 3.7 of this Agreement. If the development is phased, the date for commencement of construction on the balance of the phases may be delayed for up to five years. Failure to commence construction within the time schedule above may result in the Municipality declaring this Agreement to be null and void, and the Municipality may deem the property not to be a Plan of Subdivision. 8.16 No Municipal Liability This Agreement and the provisions herein do not give the Developer or any person acquiring any interest in the land within the Plan (each hereinafter in this clause called "such person"), any rights against the Municipality or the Municipality's Engineer with respect to the failure of the any such person to perform any obligations under this Agreement or the failure of the Municipality to force such person to perform any obligations under this Agreement or any negligence of any such person in the performance of the said obligations. The only duty and responsibility of the Municipality's Engineer arising out of this Agreement is to the Municipality and this Agreement. Any work or services done or performed by the Municipality's Engineer under this Agreement do not in any way create any liability on the part of the Municipality's Engineer to the Developer or any person acquiring any interest in the land within the Plan. 8.17 Assignment The Developer shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Municipality, which consent may not be unreasonably withheld. 8.18 Conflict In the event of any conflict between or among the plans and specifications relating to the construction of the Works, the Municipality's Engineer shall decide which provisions shall prevail. 8.19 Severability If any term, covenant or provision of this Agreement shall be found or declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable or ultra vires, such term, convenant or provision shall conclusively deemed to be severable from all other terms, covenants and provisions of this Agreement and the remainder of this Agreement shall be and remain in full force and effect. 8.20 Amendment Without in any way limiting the rights of the Municipality, the Developer agrees that the Municipality may, with the consent of the then registered owner of any land within the Plan, amend this Agreement insofar as it specifically affects such land or any part thereof. . . c52'( 21 8.21 Further Assurances The Developer agrees that it shall and will, on the request of the Municipality, make, do, execute or cause to be made, done or executed all such further and other deeds acts , , things and assurances to ensure the full implementation of this Agreement and to satisfY the intention of the parties as set out in this Agreement. 8.22 Joint and Several All terms, covenants, provisions and obligations ofthe Developer in this Agreement shall be joint and several. SECTION 9 - FINANCIAL PROVISIONS 9.1 Development Charges, Drainage and Local Improvement Charges Development Charges shall be paid in .accordance with the current Development Charges By-law of the Municipality. The Developer agrees to pay for all arrears of taxes outstanding against the property herein described before the approval of the said Plan is obtained. The Developer further undertakes and agrees to pay all taxes levied on the said lands on the basis and in accordance with assessment and collector's roll entries until such time as the lands herein being subdivided have been assessed and entered on the Collector's Roll according to the Registered Plan. Before the Plan is approved the Developer agrees to commute and pay all charges made with respect to the Drainage Act, the Local Improvement Act, and the Municipal Act, including but not limited to charges or rates outstanding in respect of the Lands under any sewer rate and/or water rate by-law which are assessed against the property on the Plan. Before the Plan is approved the Developer agrees to commute and pay the Municipality's share of any charges made under the said Drainage Act, the said Local Improvement Act and the said Municipal Act presently servicing this property and assessed against it. 9.2 Securities Prior to registering this Agreement, the Developer shall deposit with the Municipality to cover the faithful performance of the contract for the installation of the said services and the payment of all obligations and contingencies arising thereunder the following securities: (a) Cash in the amount of One Hundred Percent (100%) ofthe estimated cost of the said all works as set out in Schedule "E" and as approved by the Municipality's Engineer and Municipal Council, or (b) An irrevocable Letter of Credit from a chartered bank, issued in form and content satisfactory to the Municipality's Solicitor, in the amount of One Hundred Percent (100%) of the estimated cost of all works as set out in Schedule "E" and as approved by the Municipality's Engineer Or (c) Some combination of cash and Letter of Credit, totaling 1 00% of the Schedule "E" estimate. (d) Prior to depositing the securities, the Developer's Engineer shall submit an estimate of the cost of the Works to the Municipality's Engineer for approval. When the cost estimate has been approved it will be set out in Schedule "E" of this Agreement and will become the basis for the limits of these securities. " ~() 22 (e) All Letters of Credit shall be for a minimum guaranteed period of one (1) year or such longer time as the Municipality may decide. All Letters of Credit referred to in this Section 9.2 shall contain the following clause: "It is a condition of the Letter of Credit that it shall be deemed to be automatically extended without amendment from year to year from the present or any future expiration date thereof, unless at least thirty (30) days prior to the present or any fUture expiration date, we notify you in writing by registered mail that we elect not to consider this Letter of Credit to be renewable for any additional period. " (f) Unless each and every Letter of Credit is renewed as noted above, the Municipality shall have the absolute right to refuse to issue building permits and to prohibit occupancy of homes, whether partially or fully completed, from the said date thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of that Letter of Credit. 9.3 Reduction of Secnrities An application for the reduction of the security on deposit with the Municipality pursuant to Section 9.2 herein may be made no earlier than thirty (30) days after the commencement of construction of the Works and every thirty (30) clear days thereafter. (a) To obtain a reduction in security the Developer shall file with the Municipality's Engineer a written application in accordance with Schedule "J" attached hereto. (b) The application shall include written confirmation from the Developer's Engineer: . describing the Works constructed as at the date of the application and a calculation of the cost thereof. . confirming that the Works have been installed by the Developer with full time supervision of the Developer's Engineer and in accordance with the requirements ofthis Agreement and schedules hereto. . describing the Works remaining to be completed as at the date of the application and a calculation of the estimated cost thereof. (c) The value ofthe reduction shall be determined by the Municipality's Engineer who shall give a certificate to the CAO and the Developer confirming the amount of the reduction of the security and the amount of the security remaining on deposit with the Municipality. (d) The value of the reduction shall be based upon the value ofthe Works remaining to be completed by the Developer plus ten percent (10%) of the value of the Works completed to the date ofthe application. (e) Subject to any outstanding deficiencies or contingencies, the Municipality throughout the maintenance period shall hold as security the greater of ten percent (10%) of the estimate of the cost of the Works as set out in Schedule "E" or twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). 9.4 Statutory Declaration of Accounts Paid The Developer agrees that upon applying for a discharge of securities or for a Certificate of Preliminary Acceptance for the services, he shall supply the Municipality with a Statutory Declaration that all accounts for work and materials for said services have been paid except normal guarantee holdbacks and that there are no claims for liens or otherwise in connection with such work done or materials supplied for or on behalf of the Developer in connection with the Subdivision. , $/ 23 9.5 The Construction Lien Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. C.30 The Developer agrees that it will hold back in its payments to any Contractor who may construct the services, such sums as are provided in accordance with the Construction Lien Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.30, and will otherwise indemnifY and save harmless the Municipality against any claims, actions or demands for construction liens or otherwise in connection with the works and all costs in connection therewith, and on the demands of the Municipality's Solicitor will forthwith take such steps to immediately discharge all Liens upon the services. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Developer hereby agrees that the perfecting of any liens pursuant to the said Construction Lien Act, with respect to the land described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, shall constitute a default by the Developer of the termS of this Agreement and shall entitle the Municipality to draw on any or all of the security referred to in Section 9.2 of this Agreement and to utilize said draw to make payment into Court of the holdback together with costs. 9.6 Partial Release Upon completion of all the requirements of this Agreement, the Municipality will execute a partial release of this Agreement, which partial release shall be in the form attached hereto as Schedule "K". The completion and registration of such partial release shall constitute a full and fmal release of the obligations of the Developer, with the exception of lot grading requirements included in Section 6 of this Agreement, as established hereunder with respect to the lot named therein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the CAO shall not be required to execute a partial release until the various services have been completed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the plans and specifications provided for herein. SECTION 10 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS 10.1 The Developer and the Municipality agree that the provisions set forth in the attached Schedule "M" form an integral part of this Agreement. 24 ~.;:z , SECTION 11- SIGNATURES THIS AGREEMENT shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED this 19th day of September A.D. 2007 PrZt.,3tInco ( if (Dale Walden ( IJW e have authority to bind the Corporation ( ( THE CORPORATION of THE MUNICIPALITY OF (KIN IN ( ( ( ayor ~ ( ~.At..D ~ 6:---...6 IOU bief Administrative Officer- John deRosenroll ( We have authority to bind the Corporation Developer's Address: c/o Dale Walden, P.O. Box 351, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2Y8 Developer's Telephone: 519-395-3342 Developer's Facsimile: 519-395-3374 > 25 SCHEDULE "A" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. DESCRIPTION OF LANDS BEING SUBDIVIDED Part of Lots A, Band C, Concession A, Geographic Township of Kincardine, Municipality of Kincardine, County of Bruce. (Note: This Agreement is for Lots 1-37 and associated blocks, part of File 41 T-2007.02.22). ??3 26 SCHEDULE "B" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. PLAN OF SUBDIVISION A complete copy of the draft Plan of Subdivision prepared by Ron F. Dore, O.L.S. dated January 12, 2007, can be reviewed at the office of the Clerk ofthe Municipality of Kincardine. 37 3~ 27 SCHEDULE "C" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schednle forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. MUNICIPAL SERVICING STANDARDS 1.0 GENERAL Service Layout Plan A copy of the General Plan shall be submitted to the Municipality identif'ying the proposed locations of Bell Cables, electrical servicing, gas mains, co-axial television cables as well as watermains, storm sewers and sanitary sewers. All locations must be established and resolved by the Developer's Engineer in conjunction with the Utility companies and following the locations shown on the Municipality's Typical Cross- Section. 2.0 PLANS AND DRAWING REQUIREMENTS Plan and profile drawings must be prepared in a digital format, which is compatible with AutoCAD Release 14, and on velum or mylar, for all new streets within the Municipality. These digitized files and drawings, and also digitized files and drawings showing details of special structures, etc., shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer and tumed over to the Municipality as a permanent record prior to the acceptance of services required to be provided by the developer. The following standards shall be adhered to in preparation of these drawings: (a) All profiles must be shown to the geodetic datum which is noted on each drawings. (b) In general, East-West streets shall have zero chainage at their Westerly limits and North-South streets shall have zero chainage at their Southerly limits. Chainages on Plan and Profile shall increase from left to right. (c) Drawings shall be of a consistent size - 594 mm x 841 mm. (d) Scales shall be as follows for drawings:- General Layout Plan Scale Ratio Plan-Profile Drawings Horizontal Vertical or Horizontal Vertical Ratios shall be shown on all drawings. - 1:1000 - 1:250 - 1:50 - 1 :500 - 1:100 ( e) When the plan must be broken because of curvature, etc., the profile shall be broken as well, so that, insofar as possible, chainage points in plan and profile will coincide vertically. (f) The beginnings and ends of curves must be shown on the plan and profile with the radius of curvature shown on the plan. Chainages of points of curvature shall be calculated. (g) The chainage and names of intersecting streets shall he shown in plan and profile. The drawings shall show clearly the proposed profiles, road widths and cross- sections, ditches, ditch gradients, curb gradients if different from the proposed services, north sign and limits of the proposed work. The plan shall show any required off-street drainage and separate profiles shall be prepared for drainage easements. All detail for intersecting streets including grades must be shown for a distance of 50 metres from the intersection of the intersecting street. All street lines, for drainage or services, shall be shown and all easements. ~0 28 (h) The Municipality shall be named.in the title block which shall be placed in the lower right corner. (i) On completion of the work, and prior to acceptance of the services, the drawings shall be completed "As Recorded" and dated before turning over to the Municipality. The Municipality shall be consulted as to the manner of showing information not set out in these requirements. The Developer's Engineer shall add his Professional Engineer's seal to all final drawings. 3.0 ROADS 3.1 General All roadways shall be serviced by storm sewers and concrete curb and gutter. Road allowances shall be a minimum of20 metres wide. The edge of the roadway paved surface shall have a minimum radius of 9 metres at intersection. Access roads not owned by the Municipality, leading to the area of the development, shall be maintained to a standard equal to the standards for roadways within the development. On all streets, horizontal and vertical sight distances and vertical curves shall meet Ministry of Transportation (M.T.O.) requirements. Street allowances on cul-de-sacs are to have a minimum radius of 20 metres. Edge of pavement radius on cul-de-sacs are to be a minimum of 13 metres. Minimum road asphalt width shall be 8.5 metres. The finished roadways shall have a crossfall of 2% from the centerline to each curb line, and the boulevards shall have a finished crossfall of a minimum of 2% and a maximum of 8% from the top of curb to back of boulevard, draining towards the curb. 3.2 Clearing and Grubbing Trees shall be removed so that the specifications for sight distances, grading, ditching, etc., may be met. All stumps, logs, brush, boulders, debris, etc. shall be removed from the entire street allowance. Unless noted otherwise, all healthy trees not obstructing visibility or installation of services shall be preserved. The Municipal Engineer may give special permission to leave trees on the street allowance, providing that they are situated more than 1.5 metres behind the curb. 3.3 Grading A 2 metre boulevard area behind the curbs shall be graded at a minimum of 2% towards the curbs. The area from the edge of the road boulevard to the street line shall be graded with a side slope not exceeding a slope of 3 metres horizontal to 1 metre vertical to meet the original ground. All side sloped ditches and boulevards to the street line shall be protected with nursery sod over a minimum depth of 100 rom of topsoil. 3.4 Road Construction All road construction shall conform to applicable standards of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications (OPSS) and the Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings (OPSD). The granular roadbase shall consist of a bottom course of 300 rom minimum depth consolidated Granular "B" full width across the roadway and a top course of 150 rom of Granular "A" full width between concrete curbs. The granular materials shall be spread in layers of ISO rom maximum compacted depths, and each layer shall be thoroughly compacted. No granular base of surface material shall be placed until the grade on which it is to be laid has been inspected and approved by the Municipal Engineer. During and between construction seasons, the granular base shall be maintained suitable for vehicle and pedestrian traffic, including dust control by calcium chloride and renewed if required to the satisfaction of the Municipal Engineer. Road subdrains shall be provided in accordance with OPSS 405.05. The subdrain shall include filter wrap (non-woven type) Class 1 and F.O.S. Of 130 - 100. ~? 29 3.5 Roadway Surface Asphalt As soon as the granular base has been completed, it shall be thoroughly compacted and shaped and the base course of asphalt placed. The base course shall consist of 50 mm minimum thickness of HL-4 Base Course Asphalt. The surface coat of asphalt may be placed upon the approval of the Municipal Engineer which shall not be given for at least one year from the date of placement of the base course of asphalt or until 50 percent of the houses have been constructed. The surface course asphalt shall consist of 40 mm minimum thickness ofHL-3 Surface Course Asphalt. Asphalt work shall conform in all respects to OPSS 310. 3.6 Curbs Concrete curb and gutter, of cross-section approved by the Municipal Engineer, shall be provided along all edges of paved roadway surface. Terminations at the limits of the subdivision shall be either joined to existing concrete curbs or rounded to reduce hazard to traffic. Construction shall conform to OPSS 353. 3.7 Accessibility As part of construction of any concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks or other surface structures, the Developer will be responsible for construction in accordance with the Municipality's current accessibility standards to provide full access where possible, to all individuals in the community. 3.8 Driveway Aprons The Developer will provide at each driveway, or will cause to be provided by subsequent Owners, a driveway apron from the back of the curb to the face of the sidewalk or where there is no sidewalk, to the limit of the property line. This driveway apron should be hard surfaced with either 50 mm of asphalt pavement or a minimum of 100 mm of concrete pavement over the granular base, consisting of a minimum of 100 mm of granular "A" and 200 mm of granular "B". Alternatives to these surfaces may be considered subject to the approval ofthe Municipality. 3.9 Turning Circles Where construction is phased, the Municipality may require the installation of temporary turning circles. These turning circles will be constructed in accordance with the requirements for cul-de-sacs in Section 3.1 of this Schedule. Elsewhere in the Agreement are provisions for conveyance of blocks for the construction of said circles. 4.0 STORM DRAINAGE/STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 4.1 Approval of Design and Plans Storm sewers shall be provided to serve the whole ofthe subdivision. Drawings shall consist of an overall plan, a plan and profile of each storm sewer, drawn to the same scale as the roads, pipe bedding, manholes, and other appurtenances. Desigu of the proposed works must be submitted to the Municipal Engineer and applicable government agencies for approval. Plans of the entire systenJ. shall be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment for approval. Approval for construction will not be given until the Certificate of Approval for the sewers has been received from the Ministry of the Environment and all other applicable government agency approvals has been received. 3g 30 4.2 Stormwater Management Report A Stormwater Management Report setting out the existing and proposed drainage pattern together with a Lot Grading Plan and an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the MQIlicipal Engineer, the local Conservation Authority and the Ministry of the Environment. The stormwater management requirements within the Municipality shall be those of the local Conservation Authority or as listed below. The general requirements are as follows: . Quality and quantity control- as dictated by the local Conservation Authority and MOE requirements in accordance with the MOE "Stormwater Management Practices Planning and Design Manual" or the most recent version thereof. Quantity control shall restrict post-development runoff flows to pre-development flows between the 5 and 100 year events. · The design storm for the minor systems shall be the 5 year storm for local storm sewers and the I 0 year storm for trunk facilities. · Sediment and erosion control measures associated with the stormwater management requirements shall be identified on the drawings for works to be included during the construction and for permanent measures. 4.3 Connection to Municipal System The storm sewers shall be connected to the Municipal storm sewer system or discharged to a natural watercourse as approved by the Municipality and the Ministry of the Environment. 4.4 Design Criteria The stormwater management system shall be designed by using MIDUSS version 4.72.1 or an alternate approved hydrologic model. The Developer's Engineer shall consult the Conservation Authority as to the appropriate storm distribution and duration to be used. The Developer's Engineer shall advise the Municipal engineer in writing as to the Authority's requirements. The minor system (storm sewer) shall be designed to convey the 5 year design storm, while the major system shall be designed to convey the 100 year design storm. Post-development runoff flows shall be controlled to pre-development levels for rainfall events with return periods between 5 and 100 years. The design of the stormwater management system shall be in accordance with the newest version of the "Stormwater Management Practices, Planning and Design Manual", as prepared by the Ministry of the Environment. 4.5 Location The storm sewer shall be located within th.e street, with lateral connections to catch basins located along the gutter lines. 4.6 Sewer Pipe Material Sewer pipe material shall be Concrete Pipe, or approved alternate, complete with rubber gasket connections Class CI4 ES or reinforced concrete pipe of the class required for the depth of cover. The minimum size, including catch basin leads, shall be 300 rom. The Municipality may require a larger storm sewer size on parts of the subdivision than required for the subdivision alone. ~! 31 4.7 Storm Sewer Construction Storm sewer construction and pipe bedding shall conform to the requirements of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications for sewer construction. Pipes shall be bedded in approved granular materials. Catch basin leads shall be connected to the main sewer with a manhole except where the main sewer size exceeds 450 mm diameter, in which case the lead can be connected directly to the main sewer using a factory mannfactured "Tee". 4.8 Manholes and Catch Basins Concrete manholes shall be provided at all changes in direction of the sewer and at all street intersections, but no further apart than 120 m. Manholes shall be 1200 mm diameter or larger, conforming to opsb Series 700. Benching shall be provided in all manholes. Catch basin manholes shall contain a sump or minimum depth of 300 mm below lowest invert on sewers up to and including 450 mm diameter. Frames and covers shall be OPSD 401.01 Type A, or approved equal, set on not less than three (3) layers nor more than six (6) layers of brick which shall be parged on the outside face. Catch basins shall be provided on both sides ofthe street at all low areas but no further apart than 90 m. Catch basins for depth up to 2 m from ground level to invert shall be 600 mm square concrete conforming to OPSD 705.01. For greater depths, catch basins- manholes shall be used conforming to OPSD 701.03. 4.9 Private Drain Connections Private drain connections to the storm sewers shall be provided for each residential unit. A 100 mm diameter connection suitable for receiving pumped sump flow from footing drains will be placed at a depth of 1.4 metres at the property line on each lot. 5.0 SANITARY SEWERS 5.1 Approval of Plans Plans of the entire system shall be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment and the Municipal Engineer for approval. This submission shall consist of an overall plan, a plan and profile of each main sewer drawn to the same scale as the roads, together with typical details of house service connections, pipe bedding, manhole covers, all special bends and connections and other appurtenances. Approval for construction will not be given until the Certificate of Approval for both sewers and sewage treatment facilities has been received from the Ministry of the Environment. 5.2 Location The main sewers shall be located along the centre of the street allowance. House connections shall terminate at the property line at the centre of each lot. 5.3 Material Main sewers shall be P.V.C. or approved alternate. House connections shall be P.V.C. or approved alternate. All joints shall be of the rubber gasket type as approved by the Municipal Engineer. Approved caps shall be provided for service lateral terminations. 5.4 Size The minimum size for main sewers shall be 200 mm diameter. House connections shall be a minimum of 125 mm in diameter. For multiple dwelling, industrial or commercial buildings, the service connectious shall be sized to accommodate the flow. ~() 32 5.5 Sanitary Sewer Construction Sewer construction and pipe bedding shall conform to the requirements ofOPSS 410 for sewer construction. A minimum 2.0 metre depth of cover shall be provided over all sanitary sewers and service laterals. 5.6 House Connections Plan locations and invert elevations, for all house connections at the street line, shall be shown on the drawings. Minimum fall on house connections shall be 2%; maximum 8%. Where the depth of sewer is excessive, a riser may be used over the main sewers. Shop manufactured "Tee" connections shall be used for house connections to the main sewer. A cap of approved manufacture shall be installed on each service lateral termination at the street line and made watertight. The ends of all services shall be marked by a 50 mm x 100 mm wood post extending from the service to 300 mm above the surface of the ground and the top section painted fluorescent green. Connections to manholes shall enter the manhole no higher than 0.5 m above the lowest invert, except as otherwise approved by the Municipal Engineer. 5.7 Manholes Concrete manholes shall be provided at all changes in direction of the sewer and at all street intersections, but no further apart than 120 m. Manholes shall be 1200 mm dia. Conforming to OPSD 701.010. Benching shall be provided in all manholes. 5.8 Testing and Flushing of Sewers The complete sewer system, including hpuse connections, shall be tested and flushed in accordance with OPSS 410, including the requirement for camera inspections. The Developer shall arrange the tests for sections of sewer between manholes and shall inform the Municipal Engineer when a section is on test and ready for inspection. Any sections of sewer which fail to meet the requirements of this section shall be repaired and retested. 5.9 Completion and Acceptance The complete sewage collection system installation must be approved by the Municipal Engineer prior to the issuance of building permits for the subdivision. 6.0 WATERMAINS 6.1 Approval of Plans Plans of the entire system shall be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment and the Municipal Engineer for approval. This submission shall consist of an overall plan, a plan and profile of each watermain drawn to the same scale as the roads, together with typical details of house service connections, pipe bedding and other appurtenances. Approval for construction will not be given until the Certificate of Approval for the watermain system has been received from the Ministry of the Environment. 6.2 Locations Watermain: The watermain shall typically be installed within the boulevard of the street, in accordance with the Municipality's Typical Cross-Section. Service Lines: In general, house services shall not be installed in driveways. Where the driveway location is unknown at the time ofwaterrnain construction, service connections shall terminate at the property line at the centre of each lot. Main Valves: To be located at the extension of property line, where the valve is being installed at intersections. r// 33 Curb Stops: To be provided for each service connection and to be located at the lot line. 6.3 Connection to the Municipal System In general, the watermains shall be looped to existing municipal systems. 6.4 Material and Size Watermain: Gate Valves and Boxes: Fittings: Hydrants: Services: Watermain material shall be Polyvinyl Chloride PVC-C-900 Class 150 (DR-l 8). Pipe joints shall be bell and spigot with rubber gaskets. Valves shall be resilient seated gate valves. Main line valves to be MJ type with standard operating nut. Hydrant valves to be MJ to MJ gate valve with standard operating nut. All valves to be supplied with "0" ring packing for water use and open counter-clockwise. Valve boxes shall be Canada Valve screw type with No.6 base. Tapping valves and sleeves must meet with approval of the Operating Authority. Resilient-seated gate valves shall be in accordance with A WW A C509 All fittings shall be ductile iron cement mortar lined mechanical joint (MJ) type with adaptors to suit other materials, where necessary. All fittings must be suitably thrust blocked using concrete thrust blocking as per OPSD 1103.010 or 1103.020. A polyethylene barrier shall be used to prevent a bond between the fitting and the concrete. Ductile iron fittings shall be in accordance with A WW A ClIO and the rubber-gasket joints for ductile iron fittings shall be in accordance with AWWA Clll, pressure rating 1035kPa. Fire hydrants shall be the Mueller Canada Valve New Century type or approved McAvity equivalent. Hydrant specifications as follows: . 2-64 mm hose connections . B pumper connection . Hydrants shall open counter-clockwise . Colour shall be REJ) . Operating nut shall be standard . Hydrant length shall be such that the bottom of the upper barrel shall be 100 mm above finished grade . Bury depth 1.7 m. Dry-barrel fire hydrants shall be in accordance with A WW A C502. Min. 19 mm, Max. 50 mm . Corporation stops - Mueller, C.C. thread inlet! compressionjoint outlet. . Curb Stop - Mueller, compression joint inlet! compression joint outlet or approved equivalent. . Pipe - to be 19 mm Type "K" copper tubing. . Service Boxes - Model No. D-l by Concord-Clow or Mueller equivalent. Service box and stem (1.4 m to 1.7 m) with 25 mm dia. steel upper section. Box lids shall be regular ribbed with brass pentagon plus c/w standard stationary rod. . Service saddles - Model No. 2616 by Robar Industries Inc., stainless steel, double bolted, broad band. "'12 34 Underground service line valves and fittings shall be in accordance with A WW A C800. Model numbers shall be stamped on all valves and materials. Anodes: 5.5 kg; zinc casting with a galvanized steel core, packaged in a cardboard or cloth bag of minimum diameter of 100 mm. Gypsumlbentonite backfill material (electrical resistivity <50 ohm cm wet). Insulated copper wire brazed to core wire. Tracer Wire: All PVC watermain to be provided with a No. 10/7 strand copper cable having TWH insulation. 6.5 Watermain Construction All watermain and appurtenances to be installed, bedded and backfilled in accordance with current Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications and to the satisfaction ofthe Municipality. Minimum 1.7 metre depth of cover over all mains and services. Main valves and hydrant sets shall, generally, be located at a maximum spacing of 200 metres and 120 metres, respectively. At main intersections, a main valve shall be provided at each direction from the intersection, less one. Zinc anodes to be supplied and installed on services. 6.6 Flushing, Testing and Disinfection All watermain shall be tested, flushed, swabbed and disinfected. Such procedures shall be in accordance with OPSS 701 for pressure testing and A WW A C651-99 for disinfection and connection to the waterworks system. The Developer shall inform the Municipal Engineer when the watermain is to be tested and disinfected. Bacteriological testing will be completed by the municipal operating authority. The Developer will be billed for any testing or retesting required. Any failure of the testing and disinfecting shall require the Developer to reflush, retest and/or redisinfect the watermain until the watermain has met the requirements of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications and the MOE, to the satisfaction ofthe Municipality. 6.7 Completion and Acceptance The complete water distribution system installation must be approved by the Municipality prior to the issuance of building permits for the subdivision. 7.0 SIDEWALKS A 1.5 metre sidewalk shall be constructed on one side of each street within the development. Sidewalks shall have a minimum depth of 125 mm and shall be bedded in granular in accordance with the currept OPS standard details. /1_3 3.5 8.0 UTILITIES AND STREET LIGHTING 8.1 Telephone Telephone service shall be underground and shall be installed by B.M.T.S. or Hurontel. The Developer must bear the cost of any surcharges for underground installation made by the Utility and must grant the Utility any easements for their services. 8.2 Electrical Underground electrical installation shall be completed to the satisfaction ofthe local power supplier based on their most current specification. 8.3 Cable T.V. Developers shall arrange to have Cable T.V. installation completed by the local supplier. 8.4 Street Lighting The minimum standard for street lighting shall be 100 watt High Pressure Sodium Lamps set on 9 metre poles, or as directed by the Municipality. Each light must be controlled by a dusk to dawn photo-electric cell. Power feed shall be completely underground. The lights shall generally be placed to the outside of curved roads. The maximum allowable spacing along the street between the lights shall be 50 metres but may be increased, at the Municipality's direction, to a maximum of75 metres (in special instances). The poles must be installed at the location as shown on the Municipality's Typical Cross-Section. Particular care shall be taken to adequately illuminate the intersections and cul-de-sacs. 9.0 LOT GRADING 9.1 Honse Lot Grading Generally, all lots shall be excavated or filled so that the whole of the lot area from the street line to a line at least 3 metres beyond the rear of the building shall have an elevation not less than 0.5 metres or more than 2 metres higher than the fmished crown of the road opposite the centre of the lot. In situations where the slope of the land justifies different requirements, the Municipal Engineer may permit variations of the above. A plan showing proposed lot grades and house floor levels shall be submitted to the Municipal Engineer for his approval, and the Engineer retains the right to amend any of the grades proposed if the Engineer considers a particular situation so warrants. 10.0 LANDSCAPING Boulevards along each street shall be topped with a minimum of 100 mID oftopsoil. Seeding shall be completed in all boulevard areas. A tree shall be planted in the boulevard in front of each lot within 1 year of the date of completion of the Stage 2 services. Trees shall be 60-70 mID diameter measured 500 mID above the ground. All trees shall be No. I nursery stock. The type of trees shall be approved by the Municipality. These shall be staked to Municipal specifications. Trees shall be watered at the time of planting and every two weeks thereafter and the Developer shall warrant trees for a period of one year from the date of planting. Planting shall be limited to the spring and fall seasons. /j~ 36 11.0 EROSION CONTROL During construction the Developer shall ensure that surface runoff from the lots and blocks as well as the roadways is protected from erosion by the use of silt fences, straw bales and other measures designed to minimize such erosion. Temporary outlets at culverts or catch basins shall be checked to prevent silts from entering into storm sewers or water courses. Such erosion control measures shall be shown on the drawings for approval by the Municipal Engineer and the Conservation Authority. 12.0 WALKWAY All walkways shown on the plan of subdivision shall be constructed by the Developer. Walkways shall be constructed of a 150 mm minimum depth of Granular "A" on a properly constructed foundation and shall be paved with a concrete sidewalk to a minimum width of 1.5 metres and a minimum depth of 125 mm. A standard 1.5 m high chain link fence shall be placed along both sides ofthe right-of- way with posts placed at each end to prevent vehicular traffic from using the walkway. 13.0 PARKLAND IMPROVEMENTS The area of land deeded to the Municipality for Public purposes, other than highways, shall be carefully graded, care being taken to preserve any trees. The whole area shall be top dressed with a minimum of 100 mm of topsoil and shall be seeded with approved lawn seed mix (OPSS 572). The Municipality may ask and provide details within this agreement for additional Parkland improvements as might be warranted. 14.0 TRAFFIC AND STREET SIGNS 14.1 Proposed street names shall be subject to the approval of the Municipality 14.2 Street Name Signs and House Numberiug At each intersection there shall be erected an approved double unit street name sign. The signs and posts will be provided by the Municipality at the Developer's expense. 14.3 Traffic Signs Traffic signs and posts will be provided by the Municipality at the Developer's expense, following the passing of a by-law for their installation. 14.4 Guide Posts On Fills higher than 2 metres, timber guide posts or guard rails shall be installed conforming to OPSS and OPSD Standards. 15.0 PAYMENT TO SUBDIVIDERS The Municipality shall not be liable for any costs arising out of the construction of services except under the following conditions. a) Where a storm sewer is larger than required, the Municipality may pay the difference in cost for supplying the larger size pipe and any additional manholes required for completion of the system. . 37 b) When a sanitary sewer in excess of 250 nnn diameter is required, for lands outside the subdivision, the Municipality may pay the difference in cost for the supply of the larger size pipe. c) When a watermain in excess of200 nnn diameter is required, for lands outside the subdivision, the Municipality may pay the difference in cost for the supply of the larger size pipe and fittings. 16.0 TYPICAL ROAD CROSS SECTION A typical urban road cross section is attached. /iZ? ~ ~ I~ORTH OR WEST STREET LINE 1/) h FUTURE 1.5 cmJc. SIDEWALK (WHERE REQUIRED) 1.0 )f \~ \ S/w 2~ ^,-rjt~, -7'" .0- r~... ::;;0 II Z GAS '" (FUTURE) II '" 0.5 U 3.0 .1 PRIMARY AND SECONDARY HYDRO, BELL &. CABLE TV. 4.0 '- ROW 10.0 10 4.25 I CONe CURB AND GUTTER O.P.S.D 600.100 (BOTH SIDES) -2% !~i '1I~' 'i'~ : ::"-.;:: .:,.,.,"....; ,.1 :~;, .... :.":.~ .,.r.-., _, ,"hl ",.i!' ~ /;/ /; ,/ -3% (( II II II II IL L_ 150mm GRAt.J. 'A' .300mm MIN. GRAN, 's' 10.0 '- CB. C~~ 4.25 1.0 HL-J ASPHALT SURFACE HL-4 ASPHALT B~,SE 2~ --- 0.10 TOPSOlL AND SOD B% MAX. :.,.;,,:., / ;f~ C!~ ~ ~ ':':'::"'\:1 '":"'-'1>1.' ".'" / / /'/ 3%_ I CA'1CH BASnJ --I L J I L_:'J STORM SEWER WAlERMAI~J - I ()-- SANITARY SEWER PRIMARY Al'JD SECONDARY HYDRO, BELL & CABLE TV. 4.55 N01FS: 1. TOPSOIL 10 RE~O'oED TO 115 FULL DEP'Di ALONG ENTIRE YllDTH OF ROAD B~ CURBS. 2. BOULEVARD TO BE FULLY SODDED AS SPECIFIED. 3. ROAD CROSSINGS DEP'Di5 FOR UTlUlIES - HYDRO 1.2 MIN. - BEUL TELEPHONE. UNION GAS, CABLE TV 1.0 MIN. - WATER 1.7 MIN. ~. ALL WA'fER SER'IICE BOXES TO BE SET AT PROPERTY UNE. 5. ROAD RECONSlRUClION DESIGN TO BE CONFIRMED BY GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN @ i<i)\fC.A'~IN[ ~fll'l' .tmNg~ bohmr...rllihl' 2..5 l 4.25 Municipality of Kincardine Typical 20 meter Urban Subdivision Sec:llon and Service locations Local Residential Streets SOUTH DR EAST STREET ur~E FuruRE '.5 CONe. SIDEWALl< (WHERE REQUIRED) 1.0 @ S/W '" . e. L d~ 0.5 GAS (FUTURE) 3.0 4.0 DATE OF REVISION. April 21, 2005 @!rm~!.! //1 39 SCHEDULE "D" OF AGREEMENT Note: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. CHECKLIST OF WORKS TO BE CONSTRUCTED 1. Road restoration, complete with asphalt paving and curb and gutter Ii'! 2. Storm Water Management Plan, storm sewer system, modifications and private drain connections. Ii'! 3. Sanitary sewers building connections to the lot line Ii'! 4. Water distribution system building connections to the lot line Ii'! 5. Grading and requirements of a site grading plan Ii'! 6. Underground electrical service Ii'! 7. Utility obligations - telephone, cable t.v. Ii'! 8. Sidewalks Ii'! 9. Topsoil and sod on boulevard from property line to curb Ii'! 10. Lot house number signs. Ii'! Note: Works Required Denoted by Ii'! 40 .1ft SCHEDULE "E" OF AGREEMENT Note: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF COSTS OF CONSTRUCTION OF EACH PART OF THE WORKS Road Works Water Servicing Sanitary Servicing Drainage Works Electrical Subtotal 134,000 99,300 68,200 180,000 77.700 559,200 Engineering Subtotal GST (6% rounded) 28.000 587,200 35.300 $622,500 41 SCHEDULE "F" OF THE AGREEMENT Note: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule fOTITIS part of the Muuicipality's Agreement. LIST OF LOTS UNSUITABLE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES - CLAUSE 6.3 None 47 ,1>0 42 SCHEDULE "G"OFTHEAGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. OWNER'S FINAL GRADING CERTIFICATE The undersigned hereby certifies to the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine (the "Municipality") that the foundations of the buildings and structures and any openings in any such foundation walls constructed on the following property: STREET NO. STREET MUNICIPALITY LOT/BLOCK REGISTERED PLAN NO. Have been constructed, at or above the elevations illustrated on the overall Certified Building Lot Site Plan (as approved by or on behalf of the Municipality) referred to in the Agreement registered against the title to the above property as shown on the as-built gradiug survey attached. The undersigned further certifies to the Municipality that: I. The final grading of the above referred to property has been completed in substantial compliance with the Certified Building Lot Site Plan referred to in the Agreement. 2. The grade elevation of all lot boundaries and corners including the front lot corners of the property are in substantial compliance with the Certified Building Lot Site Plan; and 3. The above lot has been graded to provide positive drainage in the front, rear and sideyard and that there is no area of the property which is subject to ponding of water; and 4. That in all cases, the final grading conforms to the intent of the grading plant. This certificate is given and delivered to the Municipality in full knowledge that the Municipality relies on this certification in providing a release of the applicable Agreement affecting this property. DATED at , Ontario this day of ,200_. Signature ofOLS/Professional Engineer NOTE: Copies of this Owner's Final Grading CertifICate are available at the Municipality's Building Department. ~-) 43 SCHEDULE "H" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. LANDS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES TO BE CONVEYED TO THE MUNICIPALITY Block 98 (or such block as may be renumbered between Lots 24 and 25. LIST OF EASEMENTS TO BE GRANTED TO THE MUNICIPALITY Easements for rear yard catch basins between Lots 5 & 6, 10 & 11, and 14 & 15. g;-":2-.. 44 SCHEDULE "I" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. NO OCCUPANCY AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar oflawful money of Canada, the Parties hereto mutually covenant and agree as follows: 1. In consideration of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine issuing a building permit to the Owner for , the Owner covenants and agrees that it will not apply for an occupancy permit until the above referred to services have been installed to the satisfaction of the Municipality; 2. The Municipality hereby acknowledges that it has a cash deposit from the Developer in the sum of and will use its best efforts to see to it that the above referred to services are completed by THIS AGREEMENT shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED This day of , 200 _. ( ( ( ( DEVELOPER (NAME OF DEVELOPER) ( ( THE CORPORATION OF THE ( MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE ( ( ( Mayor ( ( ( CAO ( We have authority to bind the Corporation. 53 45 SCHEDULE "J" OF AGREEMENT Note: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. APPLICATION FOR REDUCTION OF SECURITY To: (Name of Municipality's Engineer), Engineer, Municipality of Kincardine Developer: (Name of Developer) Agreement: (Date of Agreement) Property: (Legal Description of Property) Application No. (Specify number of application) The undersigned, (Name of Developer's Engineer) being the Developer's Engineer, hereby confirms that the Works constructed as at the date of this Application have been installed by the Developer under the full time supervision of the Developer's Engineer and in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement between the Developer and the Municipality. The Works installed to the date hereof and the calculation of the cost thereof are detailed in the schedule attached hereto. Further, the undersigned Developer's Engineer hereby confirms that the Works remaining to be constructed as at the date of this Application and the calculation of the estimated cost thereof are also detailed in the schedule attached hereto. This Application is given and delivered to the Municipality's Engineer with full knowledge that the Municipality's Engineer and the Municipality will rely upon the information contained herein in granting a reduction of the security held by the Municipality pursuant to Section 9.2 of the said Agreement affecting the above property" DATED at , Ontario this day of ,200_" Signature of Developer's Engineer Name of Developer's Engineer ::>-i 46 SCHEDULE "K" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part ofthe Municipality's Agreement. FORM OF PARTIAL RELEASE: PARTIAL RELEASE IN FAVOUR OF: Herein called the "Owner" WHEREAS the Owner entered into certain obligations in favour of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine under an Agreement registered against the lands hereinafter described as Instrument No. AND WHEREAS the Owner has satisfied and fulfilled all of those obligations. NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine releases the Owner from the obligations contained in the said Agreement, with the exception of the lot grading provisions in Section 6.5 in said Instrument No. _, as amended, and certifies that all other provisions of that Agreement, as amended, are no longer binding with respect to the said lands. The lands released hereby are: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract ofland and premises situate, lying and being in the Municipality of Kincardine ( ), County of Bruce and being composed of Lot _ Registered Plan -' the Municipality of Kincardine has, by Bylaw , registered in the said registry office as Instrument No. , provided that this Partial Release shall be executed by the CAO and sealed with its seal. DATED this day of ,20_ 47 ,- t?--:<' SCHEDULE "L" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL The Conditions of Draft Approval for File No. Bruce as attached hereto. for the Corporation of the County of CONDITIONS OF DRAFT PLAN Of SUBDIVISION APPROVAL Owner: FileNo: Municipality: Subject Lands: 1582679 Ontario Inc., c/o Kelden Developments 41T-2007,02.22 Municipality of Kincardine Part of Lots A, 8, and C, Con A, Municipality of Kincardine (former Town of Kincardine) June 22, 2007 Date of Draft Approval: The Approval Authority of the Corporation of the County of Bruce hereby issues Draft Approval to Subdivision File No. 41T-2007-02.22, which pertains to Part of Lots A. B, and C, Con A, Municipality of Kincardine (former Town of Kincardine). The following conditions have been established by the County of Bruce and must be met prior to the granting of final approval: No. ConditIon Identification 1. That this approval applies to Plan of Subdivision File 417-2007.02.22 for 1582679 Ontario Inc., c/o Kelden Developments Part of Lots A. B, and C, Con A, Municipality of Kincardine (former Town of Kincardine) prepared by R.F. Dore Surveying Limited (Project No, 30469-Revision #3) dated 2007.01.10. Public Roads and Walkwavs 2. That the road allowances shown on this Plan of Subdivision shall be dedicated on the finat plan as a public highway to the appropriate road authority. 3. That the street(s) shall be named to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Kincardine. 4. That any dead ends and/or open sides of road allowances created by this Plan of Subdivision shall be terminated in 0.3 metre reserves to be conveyed to and held, in trust, by the Municipality of Kincardine until required for future road allowances or the development of adjacent land. Parkland/Ooen Space 5. That the owner conveys land in the amount of 5% of the land included in the Plan to the Municipality of Kincardine for park purposes pursuant to the provisions of Section 51(5)(a) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13. Alternatively, the Municipality of Kincardine may accept cash-in-Iieu of the said conveyance and under provisions of Section 51(8} of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 the Municipality of Kincardine is hereby authorized to do so. Subdivision Aareement 6. That the owner enter into an agreement with the Municipality of Kincardine to satisfy all the requirements, financial and otherwise, of the municipality concerning the provision of roads, installation of services, facilities and drainage. 47 ~6 , .' SCHEDULE "L" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL The Conditions of Draft Approval for File No. Bruce as attached hereto. for the Corporation of the County CONDITIONS OF DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPROVAL Owner: FileNo; Municipality: Subject Lands; 1582679 Ontario Inc., c/o Kelden Developments 41T-2007,02.22 Municipality of Kincardine Part of Lots A. B, and C, Con A, Municipality of Kincardine (former Town of Kincardine) June 22, 2007 Date of Draft Approval: The Approval Authority of the Corporation of the County of Bruce hereby issu es Draft Approval to Subdivision File No. 41T-2007-02.22, which pertains to Part of Lots A, B, and C, Con A, Municipality of Kincardine (fanner Town of Kincardine). The following conditions have been established by the County of Bruce and must be met prior to the granting of final approval: No. Condition Identification 1. That this approval applies to Plan of Subdivision File 41T-2007.02.22 for 1582679 Ontario Inc., c/o Kelden Developments Part of Lots A, B, and C, Con A, Municipality of Kincardine (former Town of Kincardine) prepared by R.F. Dare Surveying Limited (Project No. 30469-Revision #3) dated 2007.01.10. Public Roads and Walkwavs 2, That the road allowances shown on this Plan of Subdivision shall be dedicated on the final plan as a public highway to the appropriate road authority. 3. That the street(s) shall be named to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Kincardine. 4. That any dead ends and/or open sides of road allowances created by this Plan of Subdivision shall be tenn/nated in 0.3 metre reserves to be conveyed to and hetd, in trust, by the Municipality of Kincardine until required for future road allowances or the development of adjacent land. Parkland/Ooen Soace 5. That the owner conveys land in the amount of 5% of the land included in the Plan to the Municipality of Kincardine for park purposes pursuant to the Provisions of Section 51(5)(a) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13. Alternatively, the Municipality of Kincardine may accept cash-in-lieu of the said conveyance and under provisions of Section 51(8) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 the Municipality of Kincardine is hereby authorized to do so. Subdivision Aqreement 6. That the owner enter into an agreement with the Municipality of Kincardine to satisfy all the requirements, financial and otherwise, of the municipality concerning the provision of roads, installation of services, facilities and drainage. ., 48 51f ,2../ 7. That the subdivision agreement is registered by the Municipality of Kincardine against the land to which it applies and a copy of the registered agreement be forwarded to the County of Bruce prior to final approval of the subdivision plan. 8. That the draft approval for Plan of Subdivision 41T-2007-02.22 in the Municipality of Kincardine shall lapse on (three years from date of draft approval) unless it has been extended by the County of Bruce. Easements 9. That such easements as may be required for utility or drainage pUrposes shall be granted to the appropriate authority. Services 10. The applicant agrees to make satisfactory arrangements with Westario Hydro for the provision of permanent or temporary electrical services to this plan. 12. The applicant agrees to make satisfactory arrangements for the provision of permanent or temporary telephone services to this plan. Zonino Bv-Iaw 13. That the County of Bruce be advised by the Municipality of Kincardine that the Plan of Subdivision conforms with the Zoning By-law approved under the Planning Act. Sauneen Vallev Conservation Author/Ix 14. That prior to final approval by the County, the owner shall submit for review and approval of the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority a stonnwater management plan prepared by a technically qualified consultant. The plan shall detail the methods that will be used to control stormwater and erosion and sedimentation within the development lands and abulling properties dUring and following construction. The report shall also detail the methods that will reduce any negative impacts to water quality. 15. That prior to final approval by the County, the owner shall submit for review and approval of the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority a lot grading plan prepared by a technically qualified consultant. 16. That the Subdivision Agreement between the owner and the municipality contain the following provisions with wording acceptable to the SVCA: a) the owner agrees to carry out or cause to be carried out the works recommended in the storrnwater management plan and lot grading plan to the satisfaction of the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority. b) the Municipality of Kincardine will assume ownership, operation and maintenance responsibility for the storm water works, including detention and/or retention facilities in perpetuity. . Clearance Conditions 17. That prior to the granting of Final Approval, the County of Bruce is to be advised by the Municipality of Kincardine that Conditions Nos. 2 to 13 inclusive have been carried out to their satisfaction. The clearance letter from the Municipality of Kincardine shall include a brief but complete statement detailing how each condition has been satisfied. 49 //5 6" " 18. That prior to the granting of Final Approval, the County of Bruce is to be advised by the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority that Conditions Nos. 16 to 18 inclusive have been carried out to their satisfaction. The clearance letter shall include a brief but complete statement detailing how each condition has been satisfied. Notes to Draft Approval: Subdivision File No. 41T-2007-02.22 1. It is the Owner's responsibility to fulfill the Conditions of Draft Approval and to ensure that the required clearance letters are forwarded by the appropriate agencies to,the County of Bruce Planning and Economic Development Department quoting the appropriate subdivision file number. 2. Inauguration, or extension of a water works or sewage works Is subject to the approval of the Ministry of the Environment under Se,ction 52 and Section 53 of the Onterio Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990. 3. We suggest that you make yourself aware of section 144 of the Land Titles Act and subsection 78(10) of the Registry Act. Subsection 144(1) of the Land Titles Act requires that a Plan of Subdivision of land that is located In a land titles division be registered under the Land Titles Act. Exceptions to this provision are set out in subsection 144(2). Subsection 78(10) of the Registry Act requires that a Plan of Subdivision of land that is located only in a registry division cannot be registered under the Registry Act unless that title of the Owner of the land has been certified under the Certification of Title Act. Exceptions to this provision are set out in clauses (b) and (c) of subsection 78(10). 4. Clearances are required from the following agencies: Municipality of Kincardine 1475 Concession #5 RR#5 Kincardine, ON. N2Z 2X6 Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority R.R. #1 Hanover, ON. N4N 368 Ministry of Culture Southwest Anchaeological Office gOO Highbury Avenue London, ON. N5Y 1A4 5. Note that you will not be advised in writing of the lapsing date of the Draft Plan Approval. It is your responsibility to provide the approval body with the required infonmation and fees to extend this draft approval. Should the infonmation and fees not be received prior to the lapsing date, the Draft Plan Approval will lapse. There is no authority to revise the approval after the lapsing date. A new subdivision application under Section 51 of the Planning Act will be required. Please note that an updated review of the plan and revision to the Conditions of Approval may be necessary if an extension is to be granted, 6_ Draft Approval may be reviewed by the County of Bruce from time to time to determine whether draft approval should be maintained or conditions amended andlor added. 7, The Owner is advised that Draft Approval is not a commitment by the MunIcipality of Kincardine to water or sanitary servicing capacity. To secure this commitment the Owner must contect the Municipality of Kincardine directly. 8. Final Plans - When the survey has been completed and final plan prepared, to satisfy the requirements of the Registry Act, they should be forwarded to the County of Bruce. If the plans comply with the terms of approval, and we have received the required agency clearances, the County's stamp of approvai will be endorsed on the plan and it will be forwarded to the Registry Office for registration. The following is required for registration under the Registry Act: One (1) Five (5) original mylar white paper prints (10 include 1 print for OLS) 'I · 57 50 SCHEDULE "M" OF AGREEMENT NOTE: It is understood and agreed that this Schedule forms part of the Municipality's Agreement. SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Phased Registration This Agreement is for Lots 1-37 and associated blocks, Draft Plan 41T-207.02.22. A subsequent Agreement will be required for the balance of the lots. 2. Parkland Dedication The Developer and the Municipality agree that the parkland dedication will be satisfied within the Agreement and upon registration of the balance of the subdivision. 3. Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority a) The Developer agrees to complete any works required by its "Stormwater Management Report", "Lot Grading Plan" and "Erosion Sedimentation Control Plan" in accordance with approved plans by the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority. b) The Developer agrees to notify the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority at least 48 hours prior to the initiation of anyon-site development. 4. Servicing Prior to Registration a) Notwithstanding Clause 2.3 (a) of the Agreement, the Developer may, subject to written authorization from the Municipality, at his own risk, start construction prior to registration of the plan provided the Municipality has been satisfied that: i) Securities for the work have been received. ii) Liability insurance has been received. iii) Municipal, Ministry of Environment and Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority approvals of the design drawings have been received. iv) The draft of the registered plan has been approved by the Municipality. b) If the Developerreceives authority to proceed under Section 4 (a) above, it acknowledges and agrees that such servicing work is done at its sole risk and the Developer agrees to indenmify and save harmless the Municipality with respect to any claim, demand, action, cost, suit or loss by anyone whomsoever which may occur as a result of the registration of a plan of subdivision. 5. Road Construction and Restoration The Developer will be reconstructing a portion of Penetangore Row to lower the grade for drainage purposes. All costs associated with modifications to the storm sewer, road reconstruction and paving, curb replacement, sidewalk replacement, if warranted, and restoration of boulevards and driveways, will be borne by the Developer. As the Developer will be cutting into the asphalt in other areas on Penetangore Rowand Saratoga to install municipal services, the Municipality and the Developer have agreed that the Developer will remove all of the asphalt and provide a base course of asphalt to municipal standards along the fulllengtb of disturbance of those two roads. The Municipality has agreed that they will, as part of their annual paving program, provide the surface course of asphalt on these roads so as to avoid the disruption of the many patches that would be required. '( 'r. ... 00 51 6. Servicing Drawings The following is a list of servicing drawings that have been reviewed or are currently under review by the Municipality, for this development. Drawing No. Rev. Description Revision Date No. SPl 1 Site Plan Sept. 10,2007 Cl 1 200 Lane Sent. 10, 2007 C2 1 Penetangore Row Sept. 10, 2007 C3 1 Penetangore Row Sept. 10, 2007 C4 1 Saratoga Road Sent. 10, 2007 C5 1 Saratoga Road Sept. 10, 2007 C6 1 Lot Grading Plan Sept. 10, 2007 C7 1 Miscellaneous Details and Sept. 10, 2007 Tvoical Cross-Sections C8 1 Phase II Servicing (Preliminary) Sept. 10, 2007 C9 1 Miscellaneous Details Sent. 10, 2007 ClO 1 Phase II Servicing (Preliminary) Sept. 10, 2007 El 0 Electrical Servicing Layout Not complete