HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 279 Reunion Park Phase 3 (Bomar Landscaping) Tender Acceptance . . . . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2007-279 BEING A BY-LAW TO ACCEPT A TENDER FOR PHASE 3 OF REUNION PARK (Bomar Landscaping Inc.) WHEREAS Section 11 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001. S.O. 2001, c. 25, authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws with respect to matters within the sphere of jurisdiction of culture, parks, recreation and heritage structures; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Sections 8 and 9 (1) provide that the powers of a municipality under this or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality's ability to respond 10 municipal issues and has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authorify under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS the Council for the Municipality of KIncardine deems it expedient to accept a tender for Phase 3 of Reunion Park. Municipality of Kincardine with "Bomar Landscaping Inc."; NOW THEREFORE the Council for the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the tender of Bomar Landscaping Inc., for Phase 3 of Reunion Park, Municipality of Kincardine, in the amount of $283,567.00. excluding GST, be hereby accepted. 2. That the Mayor and CAG be hereby authorized to sign, on behalf of the Council for the Municipality of Kincardine, any contracts and other documents required to authorize such work to commence. 3. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. /2 . . . . Page 2 Reunion Park, Phase 3 (Bomar Landscaping Inc.) Tender Acceptance By-law By-law No. 2007-279 4. This by-law may be cited as the 'Reunion Park, Phase 3, (Bomar Landscaping) Tender Acceptance By-law" READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 19th day of September, 2007 J:;:-;:~? ~ \;,h"",,",11'=-~ READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of September 2007. ~ ....--- ..... . I ~ ~-~~ Clerk'.\ , , . THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE TENDER RESULTS CONTRACT NO. 2007-_ Opened: IS, ~3 C"Dtraclorl Date Tender ~:~ified Agr.To Signed Bidder Roeewed Amount C "' Boo' borna r u.,d5cGF1'J ~pt I>YN,'1D1.@ v' V 11~7~~~ ,;:;u..J..p" II ,:>;}fH'-l '3 APPENDIX "D" MUNCIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Tender Checklist (Purchases of$20,OOO and above) I. TenderNameandidentification J).oUi"\J.'Cf'r- -Par~ r~_-::s 2. BudgdedAmount: $()~ d I 't57_ 0<:-) 3. Tenderdocuments/planspreparedby 4. Tender specifications attached (mltial): 5. Tender advertisement attached (initial): 6. List of prospective bidders attached (initial): 7. Tenders Close at: I) NN;rJ s.,pl- fr, J-C()-:; 8. Date and Time of Tender opening: IJ f\:J0()N ~1)t- ! 'if/ d--QCI7- 9. Attendees: flare" ~'cHe'-- Name tPlease Print) (Dept. Head) )~ i-a~ Signature ~~~7- <44-~ 'gnatu (Treasurer) e(pleasePrint) Name (Please print) SigoalUre 10. Successful Tender: P-r')f"N:>-1 J r:lJv\<.t5rof~ !AC Company Name d,~'63, :Jp. VV Tender Amount Tender Results form attached (initial): II. Letters maIled 10 r'ompanyName Date Initial Low Tender Second Lowest Tender Third lowest Tender Balance with cheque Date Initial 12. Complete documentation pwvided to Clerk's department. ;';'0+/7/07 y,c I 13. Report provided to Clerk's department Report#, ;JC07 -It COW Meeting Do.te: ~ /1,J-r:-JQ 7 14. Council Resolution Awarding Tender - meeting date: Reso1ution#: 15. Perfonnance Bond or Agreement to Bond (ifrequired) Received: Sent to Engineer/Consultant: Appwved by EngineerfConsultant/Department Head 16. Certificate of Insurance from WSIB Received: Sent to EngineerfConsult:lllt: Approved by Engineer/ConsultantfDepartment He~d 17. Proof of Compliance with Retail Sales Ta.-x Received: Sent to Engineer/Consultant: Approved by Engineer/Consultant/Department Head 18. Municipality of Kincardine Occupational Health & Safety Compliance Form Received: Sent to Engineer/Consultant: Approved by Engineer/ConsultantIDepartment Hen.d 19. Certificate of Insurance from Brokernnsurer(Liability coverage) Received: Sent to Engineer/Consultant: Approved by Engineer/ConsultantIDepartment Head 20. Contract signed by Municipality 2L Deposit cheques retumed to three lowest bidders: Company Name n., Initial FORM OF TENDER REUNION PARK-RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS-PHASE 3 TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE FT-' TENDER FOR REUNION PARK- RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE 3 Project No. 07-041 FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Tenderer'sbusinessname~OrYlo..-r. Lo..-n~CCt-p~".5 ~L Type of business: Proprietorship 0 appropriate box) corporallon0 Partnership 0 (placec/>eckma"'," Business address Po 2SD, % Sto\"t12 Rd G-v..Lfh ON N\G 'tT4 G.S.T.Number 'b7~b'; 3/IS TO THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KlNCARDINE Clause No. 1. The Tenderer has carefully examined the locality and site of the proposed works, as well as the Contract Documents related to the works, including the Tender, Special Provisions, Ontario ProvinClal Standards for Roads and Municipal SelVices, Volumes 1- 4 mclusive, Contract Drawings, and Addenda No. --=- to - Inclusive", relatmg to thesaidContract(s). 2. The Tenderer hereby accepts and agrees that the rtems referred to in (1.) above form part of the Contract(s) 3. The Tenderer hereby submits his Tender and offers to enler Into a Contract{s) to construct all that is setout in the Contract Documents on the Terms and Conditions and under the provisions set out or called for m the Contract Documents for the Total ContractPriceoffl11o hu..ndre6 r1..ULe...-J:j €.t3l-vt +housc...n.cI, ~ h..u..n.d.-W .... Cl-i-\e "'Dollars ($2%,90/.0) , being made up as shown In the Schedule of Items and Prices - Form of Tender. . The Tenderer Will insert here the number of the Addenda received by him during Ihe tendering period and taken into account by him inpreparing hiS Tender. FORM OF TENDER REUNION PARK-RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS-PHASE 3 TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE FT-2 .. 4. Enclosed with the Tender is a bid deposit in the amount of idS,ODo 5. TheTendererproposes.:!k. (':MJara-vU-.fi'.. ('oQ.~~ (name of Bonding Company) which is willing to become bound with the Tenderer In accordance with Clause 18- InfonnationforTenderers. 6. If awarded the Contract, the Tendereragrees to substantially complete the work within fd:.Lworkingdays. ' 7. The Tenderer declares that: (a) No person, firm or corporallon otherthaf) the Tenderer has any interest in this Tender or in the proposed Contract for wtlich this Tender is made. (b) This Tender is made without any connection, knowledge, comparison offiguresor arrangements with any other person or persons making a Tender for the same work and is in all respects fair and WIthout collusion or fraud (c) No appointed officer or employee of The Municipality of Kincardine is, will be, or hasbecomejnterested, directly or indirectly, asa contracting party, partner, shareholdef;i!uretyorothelWiseintheTenderorlntheproposedcontractorin any portion of theprofilsthereof,orofanysupplieslobe usedlhereln, orin anyoflhe moneys to be derived there from. (d) The several matters stated in the Form of Tender are in all respects true. Dated at (;.., "4"^ i)'f~ this Is"L day of 200r '- Tenderer's Business Name: 0-("" L-o...x-\.ds. L\>\.c. (print name) Person authorized 10 bind tenderer: D<>-.v<. ~+-+ Person's position wilh tenderer: <;3.e.C-lte...:u Witness' J')ebbi< zlUs ~QQN (print name) (Signature) FT3 FORM OF TENDER REUNION PARK_RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS-PHASE 3 TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE SPNO. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY "'" PRICE TOTAL PRICE PART A_SlTEPREPARATION ^' S" Bondiogand\nsurance. Lurnpsum 3SOrr 3500" A2 SP2 Supply, install and maintain for duralion of 80 I,m. \120.0 projecl1.5mhighsnowfen~estyle 14-,,0 hoardinglence. TOTAL PART A '+"2000 I PART B -: PAVIUON CONSTRUCTION " SP3 provide all materials, equipment and .L.umpsum [OO,7"!/{ IOOi")'{~- labour required to construclthe pavil;onas " oullined on the draWlngs and specifJCations,includingbutnotlim~edto: - exc:avatiOn and backfilling concretefoolingsandfoundanons concrete flooring concrete block walls roof trusses and roof assembly postshlldbeamS - glas::t lock windows hollow metal doors . - ceiling, soffit and Iacia - mechanlCalpiping,equlpment , wood and pipe screen lasteners,plumbingfixturesand finishes B2 '" Supply and in6ta1l aU etectncal conduits, Lump sum 5'+50- boxes, panels, w,nng, fixtures, bulbs and all other malerialsand equ'prnenl IleCeS6aryto complelellleetectrical componenlforlllePavihonasoull,nedon Ihe drawings and specifications. TOTAL PART B 1010141- PART C _ MECHANICAL SERVICES c, Spe PrOVldeaumaterials,equipmentand 3001m. 1:::15' 37, SOD - labourrequiredtoinSlal1100mmwateriine from Huron Terrace, down Albert Street 10 new pavilion, inciudingronnectionsand making good asphallremovals. TOTAL PART C 37,501) FORM OF TENDER REUNION PARK_RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS-PHASE 3 TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE SP NO. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY FT4 1 I UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE PART D _ ELECTRICAL SERVICES "' 'P6 Supply and mstall all materials, equipment, Lump sum wiring and connections required to ';950- energizenewlightfixturesasperWeSlario power regulations. D2 'P7 Supply and mstaU new light fixtures, poles 5~ 301b' andooncrele bases as manufactured by \'5,3to- Lumec, Candela Series, Model No. 100HPS CAND1_RR3D_120V-CN1_1A_ APR4F-15- GN-PH,completewithbulb and electrical work 10 energize. , 03 'P6 Remove old fixlure and pole after new Lump sum SOlI ' flxlures are energized and return 10 Town of Kincardine public woli<.s yard. De- energize system and abandon existing wlnng ami bury below grade. '" 'P9 Supply and install conduit and wiring 10 Lump sum 3(,<60 Elec\lica\pa~elinpaVi\lonfromexisling ElectncalP!! elal Playground mcluding excavalion and backfilling. , TOTAL PART D ;)'f,~W PART E - SITE AMENITIES " SP10 Supply and installof1.5m high black vinyl 445\m. 00- ;,J,7DD- chain link fence including concrete post footings and all hardware " SP11 Suppiyand mstall Concrete Seat Walls 5cu.m. 'f50- 2250' ,ncludingexcavalion,backf"III,forming. concrete,reinforclngandfinishes. e2 SP12 Supply and instatl Concrete CurblPlay 381.m. 120- '15,,0' Edge at play area ,ncluding excavalion, backfill,forming, concrete and finish. E3 SP13 Suppiyand install Concrete Surtace 100sq.m. IJY 1,,000- aroundPavltionincludmgexcavabon, granuiarsub-base,forTllIng,concreteand finishing. FORM OF TENDER REUNION PARK-RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS-PHASE 3 TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE ITEM SPNO. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED NO QUANTITY FT-5 UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE " SP14 Supply and install crushed limestone palh 76sq.m. 35 ' 2~<"O on granular sub-base. E' SP15 Supply and install the following site fumrture: Benches ,~. ;(\50' L\-30D TOTAL PART E 4<",410 - PART F - LANDSCAPING "' SP16 Supply and install lhetollowing plant material:tosi"esasnotedondra~i~ns Botanical Name Q~. Tre~ , Acersaccharinum 8 "<0' 3(.,00- Gleditsiatriacanthosvar.lnermis , '100' 1000- Populustremuloides , 200- '800- Shrubs Juniperushori<:pntalis'GlaUca' " 4,- 14-'fO - Rosa rugosa 'Nearly Wild' " . 30' 120~ Thujaoccldentalis'Nigrn' " ~~ ' 4100 ", SP17 Supply and install'Gro-Bark'wood chip Lump sum 2200 ' 2200- muk:h 10 all shrub beds and aI bases of all lreeslo depths noted on details "3 SP18 Supply and Install 100mm screenedtopsoJl Lump sum .-, 17500 ' and fine grading as required to repair all \"$)0 damaged areas due to construction of pavilion,installalionofWaterUneand ElectricalL,ne. "' SP19 Supply and install ood as requIred to repa,r 800sq.m. s- 4000- all damaged areas due to construction of Pavihon, installation of Water Line and Electrical Line. TOTAL PART F :6,960- FORM OF TENDER REUNION PARK-RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS-PHASE 3 TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED NO. QUANTITY SUMMARY TOTAL PART A:. SITE PREPARATION TOTAL PART B: PAVILION CONSTRUCTION TOTAL PART C: MECHANICAL SERVICES TOTAL PART 0: ELECTRICAL SERVICES TOTAL PART E SITE AMENITIES TOTAL PART F LANDSCAPING TOTAL TENDER PRICE GST (6% OF TENDER PRICE) CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE SIGNAGE ALLOWANCE (SP 20) " TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE ., SEPERATEPR1CES FT~ 1 . . , UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE '1-1020- 1010,\'1'1 - 37,500- 24-.<;<1~ - %,"'0- 35"~0- . 255.5<07 - 1'5,33lt-.OL-- $25.000.00 $ 3.000.00 ?-9B,'10\.O'>- <ca"Yf<",vardtoFT-1l Separate Prices are not 10 be included in the Tender Price. Show the amount of add~ional work 10 the Tender Pnce for the following Items. Seoarate Price No.1 Supply and instalt 1mwlde black vinyl cham link fence man gate. $ 40000 oooh