HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 003 amend zon opgwindturbine . e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCiINE KBT , ! BY-LAW ¡ No. 2002 . 03 I BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW NO. 76-1 ,BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW FOR THE TOWNSHI OF BRUCE (ONTARIO POWER GENERATION LOT D, CONCESSION 5), MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (FORMER TOWNSHIP OF BR CE) I WHEREAS Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, Chap~er 13 authorizes the Councils of Municipalities to enact and amend zoning by-lar'S which comply with an approved official plan; ! i AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municip lity of Kincardine has enacted By-law 76-13, a zoning by-law enacted under Sect on 34 of the said Planning Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municip lity of Kincardine desires to amend by-law 76-13; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of th$ Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: ! I 1. Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 76-13 as amended, is hereby urther amended by changing thereon from 'Energy Centre Industrial' and Hazard'to 'Energy Centre Industrial Special' and 'Hazard', the zoni g designation of those lands described as Lot D, Concession 5, Municipal ty of Kincardine (former Township of Bruce) which are outlined on the att ched Schedule 'A'. 2. By-Law No. 76-13, as amended, being the Comprehensi e Zoning By-Law for the Township of Bruce, is hereby further amended by changing the following paragraphs 13.1.3 to subsection 'e' to read as lIows: ¡ 13.1.3 r· e) Notwithstanding their 'Energy Centre Industrial' zonin designation, the lands delineated as 'Energy Center Industrial Special on Schedule 'A' to this By-Law may be used for: I . commercial generating system (wind turbine oÞeration) purposes in accordance with the 'Energy Centre Industrial' zone provisions contained in this by-law, ! . for agriculture-related purposes in accordance¡ with the 'Rural-A' zone provisions contained in this by-law, excepting however that: (i) (ii) (iii) maximum height of the turbine towers shal be 150 metres, including the rotor radius. minimum setback of the turbine towers sh~1I be 50 metres. all future development must comply with tie requirements of the by-law. .../2 ·e e e e By-Law No. 2002 - 03 Amendment to By-law 76-13 (Lot D, Con, 5, Ward 3). Page 2 3. That the following lands are hereby subject to Site Plan 90ntrol: (i) Those lands within the 'Energy Centre Indu~trial Special' zone, described as Lot D, Conces ion 5, ~~niciPality of Kincardine and attached as I chedule ! That no person shall undertake any development unleSS~he Municipality of Kincardine has approved of plans, drawings, agreeme ts and other matters referred to in Section 41 of the Planning Act, RS O. 1990, or has passed a By-law exempting the development from such orks. , This By-law takes effect from the date of passage by C04ncil and comes into force and effect pursuant to the provisions of the Pla~ning Act, RS.O. 1990. ¡ I I This By-law may be cited as the "Amendment to By-law ~6-13 (Lot D, Con. 5, Ward 3). ¡ I 4. 5. 6. , , Read a FIRST, SECOND and a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of January 2002. ' CI rk .1 '~~ .~ &1 . II , SCHEDULE 'A' Lot D. Concession 5, Municipality of Kincardine(former Township of Bruce) f.¡ N .-</; ¿o-» {'to ~. <P We . â· o ... , ~ ' - .-</; c:::] r / / /j ~ SUBJECT PROPERTY lANDS TO BE ZONED 'ECI, ENERGY CENTRE INDUSTRIAL SPECIAL' lANDS TO BE ZONED 'H - HAZARD' THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW NO. 2002-03 PASSED THIS 16m D~ J 2 MAYOR CLERK 11.1: Z-lCHt,.2I N'f'UCMT: 0nI0ri0................. e¡o ...... r..... MIE: J/I1IIfIIOIJ 2002 t DATE: 0687 PL020164 , May 29, 2002 DE¢ISIONIORDER NO: - Integrated Energy Development Corp. has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 34(19) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, against'looing By- law 2002-03 of the Municipality of Kincardine OMS File No. R020037 APPEARANCES: Parties Counsel*/Aaent Ontario Power Generation M. Flynn-Guglietti* Integrated Energy Development Corp. J. Cook MEMORANDUM OF ORAL DECISION DELIVERED BY J. R. MILLS ON MAY 2.2002 AND ORDER OF THE BOARD .' By-law 2002-03 would allow Ontario Power Generation (OPG) to establish a "wind farm" on its lands which are presently zoned for commercial greenhouse use (By- law 88-5). On consent, OPG went first and its counsel called the County's Director of Planning, in support of the by-law. At the conclusion of his evidence, which was not cross-examined by the appellant's agent, the Board asked several questions of the witness as they applied to the latest correspondence from the appellant to OPG's counsel dated April 22, 2002 (Exhibit 2, Tab 30) which is appended to this decision as Attachment 1. It appeared that a settlement was possible if the commercial greenhouse use was deleted from the by-law. After a brief adjoumment, counsel for OPG advised the Board that the deletion of .. . I the commercial greenhouse use was agreeable to her client and Mr. Cook d\..~ Board that subject to that amendment to the by-law before the Board ÐÇ~, ~ would withdraw from the hearing. Counsel for OPG requested the oppo . ~ ~a~1.! .. . "- -I!!!ff "t- ~ to costs before the hearing concluded. Costs were argued. :¡ ~ 0 ~ -.~ if:;æ. -\ -.::. 'cè> .... __ .-J. = \<9 ); ~-t' P , oAr. '; 'tARDI~: . \¡ .,(' 'n--~., . /' ~~/ - , -. , .--. -2- PL020164 The Board accepts the uncontradicted evidence of the County's Director of Planning that the by-law now before it conforms to the Official Plan and Provincial Policy . Statement and represents good planning. _ c.-..J"~r(t will therefore allow the _ appeal in part and will amend By-law 76-13 with By-law 2002-03 as shown at Exhibit 2, Tab 25 which has been amended by the Board in Section 13.1.3 by adding (i) greenhouses are not a permitted use and renumbering (i)(ii)(iii) to (ii)(iii) and (iv). The by-law as amended will be Attachment 2 to this decision. The Board so orders. Were it not for the appellant's letter to OPG's counsel of April 22, 2002, the Board would have had no hesitation in awarding substantial costs against it. The Board believes that in light of this letter, this hearing could have been avoided. There will be no order as to costs. There is no question that there is bad blood between the parties which has . existed for some time. The Board cautions the appellant that this is the second time it . has appeared at the Board and in the future any municipal planning challenges better be supported by professional planning evidence. - "J. R. Mills" J. R. MILLS MEMBER . :,;¡ , 1...,· ""..'~ ~i - ATTACHMENT 1 , iNTEGRATl1D ENERGY DEVELOPMENT CORP. Pl020164 , : P.o. 13~ 269, )(incaJ'd,Ü'\fI, OnœrlO N2Z 2Y7 Phone: (519)S68-5S56 Fox: ~1 ~E6U .: . , 1: v~ F~ (4J6) 86S-7D48 (2 pages) ·~~.22, :z.ÒCI'l: aJ)' FI,ÝD:D-Gu . M Q·ÌJ·· Œ3~ & SOlfcitDra ~ujœ 3800, 'S~u't1i 'iOwa- oyaJ Bank.~"'· . omnto~ oii.tBiib N5J 217 Dear MS. MBrY. Fl)':!l11-Gugliem: Re: MuniclpaJlry of~c.ardiDe D)'-L.,.r 2002-03 III J_~e to the &pedJ5cs oulliDed ÍD your AprilS, 2002 Jetter, please be að~~:. . . IjntegJ1lted Energy D.rveJopme.n1 Corp.·s (IEDC)-lexisting Greenhouse is œeJosed with ·,2lS",Ilùck.- . _ IFP~ glasS OD the roc>f and .125" (doub1e g1l!2.ed) \J!11empcred glass on side ana cad ~aIls. ; , . . i Appn>xünatc:Jy fort)' (40) employees ÍDel~ ID&n!IgemerJf and ~"'",;nil:tratioø ø ~tø~ ' aiD aVCTage:with seVà-a1 working outside Ibe ~ouse wpptoximaœly fifty (SO) hoUri p~nio~' : *,DlMøy Ihroq.gb N~vember. . : I . . ".. . AJ¡bw:kuo~our appeal w Dy-Law 2002;.03 is not founded on a COIJCCJ11 farice....~~cct;Iþ from the Pr?ÞOsed 'Wù>d fam¡ damaging our ~S,tÎI:Jg Gm:nhouse str¡¡clure or causÌÐg~wr..'ÌÞ '?!zr' ployees. The separa1ian of our existing Gn>enbouse .from the subject lands to :By-I.ini:2002-:P3 b e 6ign!:fj,lID1Iy Widc:IJed municipal !'Dad aJloWlll:1cc SDd an appn>pnete sel-baclC of.p~~ , CD the !!\Jbjc:ct lands will alleviate in ,ODe . this regard, 1 . . . : For clarity: ~C's appeal to By-Lsw 2002.:03 I, founded on the wiDd·feniJ deve!~~.. . action 10 use laDd-use planIDng provisions to lag¡whaf is ck/¡rly AD incompatible use Ôf~M onto lID ~ting pemlÌtte4 use of l/lnd. . Aß additional inf.ormarloD. IEDC nrDng1y endorses hMvestin& w5nd for n:n~J,,~e!V I1cpCl1ltiol:l. TherefoR; hsrl the subjecllands nót :been zoned for greenhouse deveJopnÌ:atµa ~oI1Be to'1be win4~farm developer's prnioU& initiative, IEDC w9"Jd "lilt þ~v.c.pònsi~ realing By.Ùlw 2002..03. . . . . . . .. .~. ! HÞ~e'\Icr; ]µ¡~8 p\ImJUI the e.steblidnnenl ;of a major greenbouse inpUBby ìd:t¥~' .'. . . Enþgy Centre'anD mtegral part ora ßUljor ereigy mtensiVe indu..'"1rial developm,ei1~.~.a:~' -.". A. . -2- PL020164 , .', , . ' .. . !hat the perm.iIi..a:! u5.e òf thi: subject lIInd5 5bcu1d~ ei~,!:t for szeer¡ÞO\lse òev"I~·..it ~~ .. ~_dcvclOJ:lIDent, but net both. Further, IEDC 1ie1ieves tn8t =-\151' pC:I1DHUUJ, aIJOnIc;ca Þy!:be Planning AC\ IIDÒ c:ñ..cted by the Municipality, sbould be JDen ""mprchcn5ivcly ~~ior coxopatìblc w.ea, partic.ularly whc.n the pl1:>poDCDt is ()¡¡Uirlo Fower Generation IDe: adini in its a recent!)' ~lisbed 1brin. .. , I. ~ "~I\g_-"v :5~I\II)'OUl AprilS, ZQ02 ~md further 'clarifies æDC!. ponïioÌi as . dC5Cribed in its Fc'bruæ)l II, 2002 lenet 10 the Municipality of KmcliTdine, J r>=..I';. . . . . Yo\lI'S 1ruly, ¿;L . . " , . ! . . .1 . ,~ K .' ATTACHMENT 2 PL020164 By-Law No. 2002 - 03 Amendment to By-law 76-13 (Lot D, Con, 6, Ward 3). . Page 2 , I , 3. That the following 1ands are hereby subject to Site Plan Control: (I) Those lands within the 'Energy Centre Industrial Special' zone, described as Lot D. Concession 5, . Municipality of Kincardine and attached as Schedule 'A'. . 4. That no person shaU unde~ake anydeveloPl11ent unless ~e Municipality of Klncard!ne has approved of plans, tfrawlngs, asreements arid ot~er matters referred to In Section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.D. 1990, or has passed a By-law exempting the development fl"9m ~uch works. This By.-Iaw takes effect from the date of passage by Council and comes Into force and I'Iffect pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. 5. 6. This By-law may be cited as the "Ainendment to ßy-Iaw 78-13 (Lot D, , Con. 6, Ward 3). Read a FIRST. SECOND and a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 1611\ day of January 2002. "~'_'''''''---..... - .... ~.~ .~ .-.J Clark .1 Cert/Itfd to be a 11\18 IIId ~pHHecoPyofB~Law NUmber J^O:l.- 0'3 . Þ,Y the (ìQIJII~1 01 TIle Cor~~:~: o Ihl MuniCipality, 01 KIncardine oJ! Aha. II..!}-I:. day of _f _rJv.~ _ . :1-001- ~~. Bob'Waram Depuoy CAOIDcpuoy Clcok Municipnl,f" fit Kinçardino