HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 113 tile drain roach e e e - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE NO. 2002-113 A BY-LAW IMPOSING SPECIAL ANNUAL DRAINAGE RATES UPON LAND IN RESPECT OF WHICH MONEY IS BORROWED UNDER THE TILE DRAINAGE ACT WHEREAS owners of land in the municipality have applied to the Council under the Tile Drainage Act for loans for the purpose of constructing subsurface drainage works on such land; AND WHEREAS the Council has, upon their application, lent the owners the total sum of $2,600.00 to be repaid with interest by means of rates hereinafter imposed; NOW THEREFORE the Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1 . That annual rates as set out in the Schedule 'A' attached hereto are hereby imposed upon such land as described for a period of ten years, such rates to be levied and collected in the same manner as taxes. 2. This By-Law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 3. This By-Law may be cited as the "Roach Tile Drain Loan By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of August, 2002. --- -- Clerk ¡g/ลก' ¡g , ;tI i ,0 ',.: .'< "" .... N t>;I N 't>;I · >1 · :a I' :>0: D :>0: ,'" ....'" .... '" I' ... I' 'rt r> r> I» If I» , ;tI >1 >1 ,0 Z · ~~ Øo ,~ I! .... :¡ I' :T I' ':T '" '" .. ., · [ · ,I» I! ,I' ::> 0 0 ,Øo a- Z Z I! <-. '<-. a- 0 ,0 a- Z..: z ,,< I N ~ N r> N N :'" Nt"' N 't"' SI. ~~ M '~ .,. :1' ~ ;tI :i5' ::> 0 .. I» ,I» .. ~ r> ::T f 'n ~ n '0 '0 'I' I' 'I' .... ,r> .... ,r> · r> ,. r> ,. -- ~. 'N .... '", 't: II> I» .... :êi .... :êi .... .... .., ~ , ;tI rt , ;tI c 5' '< 't"' 't"' I Q. 0 '0 0 '0 i ,." ,rt ... ,rt n .. ~ :>0: :O' ~ :O' '! .... .... .... ,N a. I' I' 0 CD r> 'rt r> 'rt ::> J I» ,0 I» ,0 SI. >1 >1 Øo O' Øo O' j¡' ~ .... 'N .... '", ¡¡¡ I' I' ::> '" '" a- D> ffi a- ::> iI a- i eJ 5' .. L.n a- þo .. :-' c 3 '" .. '" ::r >1 i rt :::I .... 0 , ::> '- '" '" '" '" 't: ''t: 'V rt ... ¡; m ~ SI. 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The principal amount of this debenture is the aggregate of individual loans applied for and each loan is not more than 75 per cent of the cost of the drainage Work constructed. An inspector of drainage, employed by the Corporation. has inspected each drainage work for which the Corporation will lend the proceeds of this debenture and each has been completed in accordance with the terms of the loan approval given by council, A copy of the Inspection and Completion Certificate (Form 8 of the regulations under the Tile Drainage Act) for each drainage work, for which the Corporation will lend the proceeds of this debenture, is · attached hereto, AUlNst 12. 2002 Dale Cor{Jl>rate Saai ~~Cì ~"1.. d-... Signature of Treasurer · ~:::::-.. "";:a X" .,!! ,; . . r:å u_ ~U ~t "'- .. ' o .. '" w a::: :3 t- Z W m w c w CJ c( z CC a::: c w -I - t- ~ ~ ~ ~]. H U ~ .S n '" 0' I' N· a, o N' ö z 0' 0' 0, 0, :5' .' 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(.~I'u.v I'-.x; · ~A" ~ I haVe inspected the drainage work nstructed on land described as . t, , ~ 8JWJ OWMd by t.:'"' ~ Ρ) f~ ~ ~ n I/.; .G for whlc appllcat n for a was m am dated . P"gNÆ :fJ ,_ Çí tJ . .....itify that circumstances prevail with respect to the drainage wolk as indicated below. The:drainage work is iIJ. (enter either a O. 1 or 2) 1. 8S described on the application for loan and is completed. 2. QÓri1pleted but differs slgnillcantly from that described In the application for loan In the followl~ respects: 0, oompleted but haS the following defects: DESCRIPTION -The area actually drained is ~ This drainage work is æ (enter either a 1 or 2) 1. an Improvement of an existing system. '2. a completely new system, The actual cost of the completed drainage work is as tollows: MATERIAL -1 = plastic 2 = clay 3 = concrete hectares approximately The installation Is LJ (enter either a 1, 2 or 3) 1. systematic 2, random 3. combination ...., T... _ ....... 1»"""" mehI ~~~ o [IT] ITIIIJ o [ill ITIIIJ o ITJJ ITIIIJ o [TI] ITIIIJ INSTALLATION COST: ~__" 12~ SUNDRY: (Specify)L.:?,J~~' ~, J~f"fU'j .* INSPECTION FEES .' TOTAL COST: AMOUNT OF LOAN: Cool Contractor nam~1/ /fø j-M.ðL¿¡ . Licence No. '.'~ ~ntractoraddressJfR" :1 t6Ø~4:.R 1",It, ðA!J .!/7Ø ~/, . Machine Licence No. under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act ~ C .n:.i .. / j(e of maalÍne j)l¡JlN /'f;:; (T£'R Signature of inspector of drainage / . .( /' SIgnature of landowner {w/Ietø___bylhe_Illillt__J Date of Inspection :J (~~JI, 7' 11 ~' SHADED ~;:;::":;::TRY . ¡nrarmalion _011 an iii.","". ~_" lie 7Jo ~Ac:I'" be used lor... _ d IhoI lid, CIIeII'.... should be ..,...........1'1........ "" .., CoonIh_ .11"" 1noI....... 'hi ' ....... Ita, AGI. . ' . .J ORIGINAL WHiTE - allaCh II> Ollar II> SoIl COPY BLUE - Clerk C('~' ~I\NM:¡Y -' ~PI>Iicøn' copy PINK -Inopector