HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 156 Lt45 Pl445 Licence of Occupation (Seunik) . . . . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2007 - 156 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGNING OF A LICENCE OF OCCUPATION WITH LEZANNE MONTGOMERY SEUNIK IN TRUST WHEREAS Section 8 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that the powers of a municipality under this or any other Act shaH be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality's ability to respond to municipal issues AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Section 9 provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and priviieges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine wishes to enter into an agreement for a Licence of Occupation with Lezanne Montgomery Seunik In Trust for Lot 48, Plan 445 , in the Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Township of Kincardine), County of Bruce; NOW THEREFORE the Councii for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as foHows: 1. That the Mayor and CAO be authorized to sign, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, the Licence of Occupation with Lezanne Montgomery Seunik In Trust, attached hereto as Schedule "A". 2. That this by-law shaH come into fuH force and effect upon its final passage. 3. That this By-law may be cited as the "Lt 45, PI 445 Licence of Occupation (Seunik) By-law". READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 8th day of August, 2007 ~~~ Clerk Mayor READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 8th day of August, 2007. ~ Clerk JUL~SI-m7 01,20PM t FROI.+-GEORGEDGRUEIZ1lER ---_.~ +51Q-3U~461T ".I.:l-~:;jO-:>qqb loom P.OOUDOS F~9U3 T-ijqg P032/00S F-618 " THIS AGREE;MENT made as oflha ,..h day of ~":!~, 2007 BETWEENo mE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPAL TV OF KINCARDINE (hereinafter ea~ed the "Municipality") OF THE F1RST PART This is Schedule" ..LL " to By-Law No,..)"'" J'i} passed the L day ~~_::7~ -andk lEZANNE MONTGOMERY SEUNIK IN TRUST (hereinafter called the "Lie&nseeM) OF THE SECOND PART WHEReAs the Licensee Is the PUn::haser of certain JandG} more tlarticuJarty described as Lot 48., P~n 445, Township of Krncardine (now Munidpality of Kincardine), Count)f of BrLIce (the ~Llcensee's I..ands"). AND WHEREAS the Uc:ensee has requested permissiorl from th8 Municipality to use those lands tJejng that part of the original shoAl: road aUO\Vance lying imm9dU!ite/y to the West of tt}e Ucensee's Land$: and between the Wester1y extensions of the Northerly and $outherfy boundaries of the Lic:ensee's Lands, and having a fiontage at approximately 55 feet, (the ~Licensed Lands"), so that they may occupy, use and enjoy a cottage located th9reon; NOW THEREFORE THiS AGREEMeNT WITNESSES that in consideration of the mutual covenants and agteements hereinafWr (XIntlilned. and subject to the teml$ and condItions hereinafter set out,. the partle$ agree a5 folJO'NS: 1. The MUnicipality hereby grants to the licensee (insofar as the Municipality can legally do $0) licenae and full permi55ion and authority to enter upon, poss~, occupy, use and enjoy the Licensed Lands. 2. The Ucensae will pay to the Munlclptdtty an aMual fee of $2.00. 3. Th6l Licens&e agl'$eS to indemnify and hoJQ f1arml"$ the MunjcIpali1y from and against aU sl.lIt$, judgments. claims, demands, expen:ses actions, causes of action ~nd Iosaes and for any and all liability for damages to property and injury to persons (including death) which the Ml.Inicipa.lity may inCl.lr, otherwise tflaf'l by reason of thlliir own negligence or willful misconduct, .as a result of or iiII'ising out of or in refation to any breaQh of the tenns oftnls Agreement. -Df the Municipality's own negligenoo or willful misconduct. 4. The Licensee shaH put in et'feet and maintain in its name, at its expense, aU the necessaty insurance that would be considered appropriate for iii prudent tenant under1aking this type of operation for the period during which the Agreement is in ~with insu~f5 acceptable to the Municipality, induding: 1. GeneralliabDity Insurance, tor third party bodily injury. pel"$onal injUfY and property dam~e to an indusive limit of not leu than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence. ifle policy shell include: a) The Corporation of fhs Munic:;ipality of J(jncatdlne as an additional Insured.; b) Ct0S6 liability 0) Contents covere.ge on a replacement cost basis for aU property owned by the LiCBl'lSQQ and located on this property d} A thirty (30) day written notice of canceJlatiOll 2. The Lk;ensee shall provide the Municipality with a valid Certificate of Insurance as evldence of the above coverag/iS upon $iQning the Agreement The Wceosee shall provide the Municipality with any renewal JtlI.-81-l001 Ol:W\I fKlJM-lCOJlGC 0 G~UETlNEft +51a-881H511 J-4H P,DDalOU8 F-9D8 j-""il'i t'101Oi5'/Wllfs F-fi7S --... ~~~ .....-=u >' " replacement certificates as may be necessary during the term of the Agreement. 5. This Lice.... may be te1IOl<od at any time by the Muoiclpolily DO 30 days I10tice ill WIiII"" to l!le L.icsnso&. 6. The Construction of any struc:bJre. or WOrks, on the Licenced. Lands shaH Nquire the consent, in writing, of the Municipality mnd the Munk:ipafity may. at any time, require the removal or any struotures on the Ucenced lands (m 3D days notice in writing to the Licensee. Nothing hlltlejo shall be conatru:ed as 9lviOg the Ucensee any more than permiisian to use the Uoert$$d Lands for better enjQyment of tile cottage. Upon the OCCUrrence of any of the follOWing events. name.ly; fa) ltle Ucensee transfer the lieensees' lands to a third party ilnd this Licence is not assigned Of tmnsterred COfItemponsneously therewith; (b) the cottage is removed or demolished; or (e) the Licensee c::onstnJcts- a new dwelling on the Licensee's LandS; then this Uoanse is automatically terminated and the structures on the Licensed Lands ~II bEt removed. 9. The Munit;fpality of Kincardine reserves the right to wtablish a: public walkway to ensure pLlblic access to the water front 7be location of the public walkway, If required, wlU be at the sole disaetion of the Municipality of KinCilrdine. 7. 8. 10. ThatElrm afthis Licence shall expire: (i) Twenty (20) years fi"om the date of passage oftl'<<$. agreement" or provided that, at the expiry of the tenn anet at the Ucensee's request, Council of the Municipality may, at it6 discretion. extend the tenn for such peIiod of time and' on SUQh tBnns and conditions as it deems advisable. 11. Thia Licence shall not be assigned Of transferred without the consent, in wrtting ofihe Municipality and the payment of anyfee required by the MunicJpality, This Agreement shalllBRure to the benefit of and be binding upon the said parties hereto, their heirs, 8X8Ct.ltors, administratms, successors and assigns, respectively. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set thelr hands ancf seals. SIGNED, SEALED and DELM!RJ;D in the presence of