HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 125 agree von grey-bruce fl e e e . TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE R. BY-LAW NO. 2001 -125 A BYLAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGNING OF AN AGREEMENT WITH VON GREY-BRUCE FOR THE PROVISION OF THE INFLUENZA VACCINE CLINICS WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it advisable to enter into an Agreement with VON Grey-Bruce retaining the services of VON to administer influenza vaccines to its employee, who have agreed to participate in the program on a voluntary basis. NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine enter into an agreement with VON Grey-Bruce. 2. That the Clerk be authorized to sign, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine the Agreement with the VON Grey-Bruce attached to this by-law and to affix the corporate seal as and when required. 3. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 4. This By-law may be cited as the "VON Grey-Bruce Agreement, By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 24th day of October, 2001. ~ \ . ¿.... -::r<=o Clerk _...-,.-_.,- , \. " - . ~" .-}, ) .. -1- . m ~__..._.._____ _-,"___.". AGREEMENT BETWEEN VON GREY - BRUCE AND MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE This agreement between the VON GREY - BRUCE and MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDUŒ confirms that MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE has retained the services of VON to admi,nister inl1uenza vaccines to ita employees, who have agreed 10 participate in tile program on a ^~~'b . ' v~J' aslS. " ',' . ~. " ~~ : -ri;'is '~~lmt will serve as a contra,,"! and set out the lerms of relerence of the agreeœe~t Lhat bas heen Þl8blisbed between the two entities."" ' Res JØlIsibilities of MUNICIPALITY OF KIl'"CARDINE "./ '(i~;:·.:': ~i: ~!\:: :'.,' " .'~ '. I. Display publicity materials and circulate infonnation about influenza alxUbe V.ne program to all en1pJoyees. ' . ': "~: ' ~'. 2. Set daœ(a), time(s) and location for clinics. ~. ~~. ~'.1 3. ,\mU1ge sign-up sheets for employees. (:\ppointmenL~ are pre-booked with approximately 12- 14 employee~ booked per hour per nurse.) 4. MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINK..will notify YON of the exact nwnber of participants a niììmÎlwn of (lr..: per week prior to the first clinic date. -.:.,.:::.;.;.:.,.:. ::::,;;:',::::::{ \~·::::(.:~t: 5. Pro~¡a suitable clinic area: ":~:::%:n :::~::::::::::<': >:N:':'>:'" - Retgifrmor to store vaccine SinkiJii¡,d running water Des~le LO set equipment on Chairs'fur employees Cot or bed fnr emergency purposes Garbage container Juice for employees (optional) :Fl;J~~ :." \("." '::-::,:::3 ;::.:,,,.:.:d::~r·:·;· _1 .' ~l .,.". " -2- ~ VON CANAQb. 6. Distribule flu shot information sheet, health assessment form and consent form to participants prior to clinic date. (Employees will bring these completed to the clinic.) 7. Ensure participants are ......paœd to remain in the flu clinic area so that they can be assessed by the nurse throughout a 20 minute waiting period 8. Evaluate the sueeess of the pA)gram: ~1r¡~fk~;~ Compare absenteci~m between groups of immunized and unimuni7.ed~~ees " Assess acee~tance level ~ong employees ~';I~'t.. .; Assess reactlon to the vacclße4...Æ...", .;~ ." ..;~ :., _,,, , SQlicit employee feedback about the project ~:. . . . RespQl1Sibilit:ies ofVO!\ are: < >,' ,.,;~i2:;~! , "'~1':' :~~ .~~ ;],.'{,~. :'i,''' I. v:ðN:!Witl provide MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE v.ith ~ø.mterials for the lufluenø Vaccine Program. 2. VON wiII provide Registered Nurses to implement the clinics . ":~ . .~/,,:. .~~ . , .J. VON nurses will set up and dismantle the clinics 4. VO:-.r will provide all materials needed fi)r the injcctions. (Syringes. alcohol swabs. needles, influenza vaccine.) ::~::?:~n::, ~t* 5. V<i!lIy.-ill ohtain signed medical directives for the administration of both the inBenza vaccine ancflrenalinc (10 be used as needcd in the event of anaphYlactiereaction)¡~11 ~ ~ ~ 6. VON'Ìwrscs will rc\it:w participants' health fonns. consent formiÍ~~ster.ivaccine and monitor employees post-injection for reaction.,'lilll!" ill 7. YON nurses will doeument the administration of the vaccine lor each p-'pnd note any reactions. This documentation is the 'property of the. VON and includes thd. assessment completcd by the employee and the signed consent fonn·'''iIf¡J 8. YON \\;\1 maintain confidentiality of all employees' information. VO]\; will invoice :\IlJN1CIPALITY OF KINCARDINE pcr employee after the final clinic has been completed. Cost being: S84.00 per hour (one nurse). MUNICIPALITY OF KI:'liCARl>lI'iE will he hilled a minimum of2 hours regardless of the number of employees that rec::eive vaccinations. A cancellation fèe of 2 hours (SI68.00) will be charged ifless than 24 hours notification is provided to YON Grey-Bruce. . .) .. -" - . -3- ~ VON CANADA. VON "Putting Health to Work"TM VON CORPORATE WELLNESS PROGRAMS Employees shall sign a CODSeI1t for tteatment and a waiver. The Yo'8Ïver will state "1 waive any claim for damages that I (or anyone claiming on my behalI) may have against MUNICIPALITY OF KINC~INE and VON GREY· BRUCE and theit directors, officers, employees and agents on account of injury or misfortune I may sufier as a result oelhis \'3£cinatiot'l." The term of this agrcement ",ill commenœ on the date of signing and tenninate on ¡he datc aner ¡he last ~heduled vaccinc clinic. _~:party ~hall have the right to terminate the Agreement with or withmn Caulll: upun g¡, II:~ ten (10) 415 \\o1'Ïtten noticc to the other party. MUNICIPALITY OF KI:\(,'ARDI""E \\ ill reirn.burse VON fur any prepayment of clinic relatcd materials. . . ,'" ',:i\::, '. , . <:" ->,,~.tì1'~~: The VOK,staffshall at all times scrve ..MlJ~ICIPALlTY OF KINC ,~$8iIependent agentìl. arid mu employee¡;, pursuant to this agreement and shall not be entirh!4':' ''''*" employce hcncfits from MtiNICIPALlTY OF KINCARDINE. '. , ,," ' L ix.cept as expressLy poo"ided in this Agreement. this Agreement contáin$ tho eniitè~rccment between the partie~ as to the subject matter, and :;uperscdes all prior Agreenier$:iä~egotiations. :-;-0 amendments shall be effèctive unless it is in writing and signed by ~th partie.. , .: , . r n the event that any provision in this Agreement shall be deemed void or invalid bye. court of compelcntjurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall he and remain in fiJlL force and etTect. The ~and eonditions ~:~te~JFtAPonsof~~~:eme~~r~1 be governed lWhe laws of the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ... .......... . CLERK ..... ~~..,,,:-:'-:... It e TItle .... "'~..u_..··' ß~L{ '·Wi~Þy ..." ",-.:. ··:-n:~,:,. w. :,.".:." WitnØsed b ¡j Y & ' ':=::::': ::: . . -'-" . -, ":"':" ,::::: .... .... .....-,. .-. .... ...... .-. .. ...... ... Q,t:¡,?!J t Date . ,... pctober,j¡ I, Date ¿OOI