HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 175 Zon Enb lt 'H' con 11 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE . BY-LAW No. 2006 - 175 BEING A BY.LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY.LAW NO. 2003-25, BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY -LAW FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE AND ZONING BY-LAW NO. 75-13, BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW FOR THE TOWNSHtP OF BRUCE . Ronald Larsen & Morman Rlbey c/o Enbrldge Ontario Wind Power LP, Lot 'Hr, Concession 1" Municipality of Kincardine tgeographlc Township of Bruce) WHEREAS Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, Chapter 13 authorizes the Councils of Municipalities to enact and amend zoning by-laws which comply with an approved official plan; AND WHEREAS the council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine has enacted Comprehensive Zoning By~law 2003-25. a zoning by-law enacted under Section 34 of the said Planning Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality o( Kincardine desires to amend By-law 2003-25; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bruce has enacted Comprehensive Zoning By-law 76-13, a zoning by-law enacted under Section 34 of the said Pfanning Act; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Bruce has restructured to now be a part of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine; . AND WHEREAS the councU of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine desires to amend By-law 76-13; NOW THEREfORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as fonaws: 1. Schedule 'A' to By-law NQ. 2003-25 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing thereQn from 'A2 - Restricted Agriculture' to 'A2-r-H _ Restricted Agriculture Special Holding' the zoning designation of those lands described as Lot 'H', Concession 11, Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Township of Bruce) which are outlined on the attached Schedule 'A-46'. 2. By-law No. 2003-25, as amended, being the Comprehensive Zoning By- law for the Municipality of Kincardine, is hereby further amended by adding the following paragraph to subsection 10.3 thereof: 10.3.16 Notwithstanding their 'A2' zoning designation, those lands delineated as 'A2-r-H' on Schedule 'A' to this By-law may be used for 'Fann Lor purposes in compliance with the 'A2' zone provisions contained in this By-law, excepting however, that i. A 'Commercial Wind Generation System (CWGS)' consisting of no more than three (3) 'Wmd Generating System (WGS)' shall also be permitted; the WGS #83 shall be located within +'- 5 metres of UTM Datum Zone 17 460846 E and 4911350 N; the WGS #64 shall be located within +/- 5 metres of UTM Datum Zone 17 460978 E and 4911650 N; and the WGS #A3 shall be located within ../- 5 metres of UTM Datum Zone 17 461187 E and 4912004 N. . it For the purposes of this By-law the following Definitions shan apply: COMMERCIAL WIND GENERATION SYSTEM (CWGSI: means one or more Wind Generating Systems (WGS). that singly or collectively produce more than a total of 40 kilowatts (kW) based on 'nameplate rating capacity' and are connected to the provincial transmission grid. WIND GENERATION SYSTEM ,WGS): means any device such as a wind charger, windmill. or wind turbine that converts wind energy to electrical energy. Iii. For the purposes of this By-law the following Proviskms and Notes 1, 2 and 3 shall apply: Feature ProvlslonlRenulatlon 'CWGS' Minimum Setback to a 'Rural 600 metres (1968.5 feet) ReSidential Cluster' t+ol8 1 'COOS' Minimum Setback to lands 700 melres (2296.6 teet) within a 'Settlement Area' Nelle 2 WGS' Minimum Setback 10: Residential 1.10 times the 'Total WGS Height' ,., uses or structures designed for human habitation on the same lot as a 'WGS' 'WGS' Minimum setback to: County or 1.25 times the 'Total WGS Height' from Provincial road or Highwav the rlaht-of.wav line 'WGS' Minimum Setback to: Front Yard 'T~:~I WGS Height' minus 10 metres (33 or Exterior Side Yard feet Maximum 'Total WGS HeiQht' 121.0 metres f397 feet SignslAdvertising/Logo$ Advertising signs or logos on any 'WGS' shall be prohibited; a maximum of 2 project identification signs not to exceed 1.49 square metres (16 square feet) in area or 2.44 metres (8 feet) in height shall be nArmitted. Note 1. A 'Rural Residential Cluster' means four (4) or more residential lots, each lot being less than 0.8 hectares (2 acres) in area. that share a common boundary including lots located across a roadway. Note 2. A 'Settlement Area' means any urban area or rural settlement area that is designated in the Kincardine Official Plan or County of Bruce Official Plan for development such as, but not limited to, Underwood, Inverhuron, North Bruce. Shoreline Development Area, etc. Note 3. 'Total WGS Height' is measured from average grade to the uppermost extension of any blade, or the maximum height reached by any part of the turbine whichever is greater. iv. The 'WGS' Minimum Setback to an 'Interior Side Yard' or 'Rear Yard' shall be no less than '1.0 times the Total WGS Height [1.0 x Total WGS Height}' excepting however the setback may be reduced to 0 metres (0 feet) provided that a. the abutting landowner is the same registered owner as that of the lands to which approval for a 'WGS' applies; or b_ the abutting landowner has also signed both an option agreement and has a lease/easement agreement permitting the erection of a 'WGS'; or c. the abuUing landowner has also signed both an option agreement and has a lease/easement agreement permitting the construction of project infrastructure i.e., access roads andlor electricity transmission line on the abutting lands; or d. the 'Interior Side Yard' or 'Rear Yard' abuts the Hydro One rtght.of-way 230 kV transmission corridor. v. The 'H - Holding' provision may be removed once the following conditions have been met: a. An 'Operational Protocol and Emergency Services Plan' for dealing with Extreme Weather Conditions to include potential Icing and High Wind situations has been filed with the Municipality of Kincardine by Enbridge. b. A 'Site Plan Agreement' as per Section 41(7)(c) has been registered as per Section 41(10) of the Planning Act, RS.O. 1990 as amended. c. A 'Stage 2 Archaeological Study' has been prepared, submitted, reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, and any recommendations of the Report andlor Ministry have been implemented. d. A 'Decommissioning Plan' ouUioing the anticipated costs of turbine removal and site remediation and to include the anticipated obligations of the landowner andlor Project operator has been submitted and approved by \he Municipality of Kincardine, e. A letter certifying that the conditions as per clause iv) above have been met has been filed with the Municipality of Kincardine by Enbridge. f. A copy of the Environmental Screening 'Statement of Completion' has been deposited with the Munidpality of Kincardine. g. A 'Dispute Resolution Protocol' for dealing with turbine noise complaints within the project area has been filed with the Municipality of Kincardine by Enbridge. vi. Where one or more zoning regulations applicable to a 'WGS' results in a conflict, the most restrictive or higher regulation shall apply. The area shown as 'Lands to be Zoned' on Schedule 'A' to this By-taw, shall meet the minimum setback regulations for a 'WGS' prescribed herein. 3. Schedule 'A' to By.law No. 76-13 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing thereon from 'A - Rural' to 'A-9o-H - Rural Special Holding' the zoning designation of those lands described as Lot 'H', Concession 11, Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Township of Bruce) which are outlined on the attached Schedule 'A-47'. 4. By~law No. 76-13, as amended, being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the geographic Township of Bruce, is hereby further amended by adding the following paragraph to Section 5.0 thereof: 5.44 Notwithstanding their 'A' zoning designation, those lands delineated as 'A-SO-H' on Schedule 'A' to this By-law may be used for 'Rural' purposes in compliance with the 'A' zone provisions contained in this By-law, excepting however, that i. A 'Commercial Wind Generation System (CSGS)' consisting of no more than three (3) 'Wind Generating System (WGS)' shall also be permitted; the WGS #83 shall be located within +/- 5 metres of UTM Datum Zone 17 460846 E and 4911350 N; the WGS #84 shall be located within +J- 5 metres of UTM Datum Zone 17 460976 E and 4911650 N; and the WGS #A3 shall be located within +/- 5 metres of UTM Datum Zone 17 461187 E and 4912004 N. ii. For the purposes of this By-law the following Definitions shall apply: COMMERCIAL WIND GENERATION SYSTEM fCWGS): means one or more Wind Generating Systems (WGS), that singly or collectively produce more than a total of 40 kilowatts (kW) based on 'nameplate rating capacity' and are connected to the provincial transmission grid. WIND GENERATION SYSTEM (WGS): means any device such as a wind charger, windmill, or wind turbine that converts wind energy to electrical energy. iii. For the purposes of nus By-law the following Provisions and Notes 1, 2 and 3 shall apply: Feature ProvislonIRe ulation 'CWGS' Minimum Setback to a 'Rural 600 metres (1968.5 feel) Residential Cluster' HoMo 1 'CWGS' Minimum Setbacl< to lands 700 metres (2296.6 feet) within a 'settlement Area' Note 2 'WGS' Minimum setback to: Residential 1.10 times the 'Total WGS Height' COT uses or structures designed for human habitation on the same lot as a 'WGS' 'WGS' Minimum setback to: County or 1.25 times the 'Total WGS Height' from Provincialroador~~~av the riaht-of-wa\l line 'WGS' Minimum Setback to: Front Yard 'Tolal WGS Height' minus 10 metres (33 or Exterior Side Yard feeO Maximum 'Total WGS He"""f,;t\t' 121.0 metles f397 feen Signs/Advertising/Logos Advertising signs or logos on any 'WGS' shall be prohibited; a maximum of 2 project identification signs not to exceed 1.49 square metres (16 square feet) in area or 2.44 metres (8 feet) in height shall be oermitted. Note 1, A 'Rural Residential Cluster' means four (4) or more residential lots, each lot being less than 0.8 hectares (2 acres) in area, that share a common boundary induding lots located across a roadway. Note 2. A 'Settlement Area' means any urban area or rural.setUement area thai is designated in the Kincardine Official Plan or County of Bruce Official Plan 101 development such as. but not limited to, Underwood, Inverhuron, North Bruce, Shoreline Development Area, etc. Note 3. 'Total WGS Height' is measured from average grade to the uppermost extension of any blade, or the maximum height reached by any part of the turbine whichever is greater. iv. The 'WGS' Minimum Setback to an 'Interior Side Yard' or 'Rear Yard' shall be no less than '1.0 times the Total WGS Height [1.0 x Total WGS Height]' excepting however the setback may be leduced to 0 metres (0 feet) provided that: 8. the abutting landowner is the same registered owner as that of the lands to which approval for a 'WGS' applies; or b. the abutting landowner has also signed both an option agreement and has a lease/easement agreement permitting the erection of a 'WGS'; or c. the abutting landowner has also signed both an option agreement and has a lease/easement agreement permitting the construction of project infrastructure i.e., access roads andfor electricity transmission line on the abutting lands; or d. the 'Interior Side Yard' or 'Rear Yard' abuts the Hydro One right-of-way 230 kV transmission corridor. v, The 'H - Holding' provision may be removed once the following conditions have been met: a. An 'Operational Protocol and Emergency Services Plan' for dealing with Extreme Weather Conditions to indude potential Icing and High Wind situations has been filed wilh the Municipality of Kincardine by Enbridge. b. A 'Site Plan Agreement' as per Section 41(7)(c) has been registered as per Section 41(10) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amended. c. A "Stage 2 Archaeological Study' has been prepared. submitted. reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture. and any recommendations of the Report andlor Ministry have been implemented. d. A 'Decommissioning Plan' outlining the anticipated costs of turbine removal and site remediation and to include the anticipated obligations of the landowner and/or Project operator has been submitted and approved by the Municipality of Kincardine. e. A letter certifying that the conditions as per clause Iv) above have been met has been flied with the Municipality of Kincardine by Enbridge, t A copy of the Environmental Screening 'Statement of Completion' has been deposited with the Municipality of Kincardine. g. A 'Dispute Resolution Protocol' fOf dealing with turbine noise complaints within the project area has been filed with the Municipality of Kincardine by Enbridge. vi. Where one or more zoning regulations applicable to a 'WGS' results in a conflict, the most restrictive or higher regulation shall apply. The area shown as 'Lands to be Zoned' on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, shall meet the minimum setback regulations for a 'WGS' prescribed herein. 5. This By-taw takes effect from the date of passage by Council and comes into force and effect pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. R.S.O.1990. 6. This By-law may be dted as the "Amendmenl to Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2003-25 and Comprehensive Zoning By-law 76-13 (former Bruce) (lot 'H', Con 11, Municipality of Kincardine {geographic Township of BruceD By-Iaw.~ APPROVED BY Ontario Municipal Board Decision/Order No. 1989, dated July 16,2007. READ. FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this day of 2007. Mayor Clerk SCHEDULE 'A-46' Lot 'H', Concession 11, of Kincardine eo ra hic T ownshi .' I \ . / / / I ..........~ / .....,/ /1 /1 /1 !I /i II 1/ /1 '__ /i ',// -'.... ........... ....._'...', ........ -......... ..... c,;;;:;,..... t ~'~~~ /// // / , Turbine # 85 if ....... ..~/\ 1'''-'- / ..... I I / / I I / I / / I / I I / / I I f..; .....-.......... G ............... Co / ~77 I '1 : '. , , I 50 , . $0 1IJlIIII(1lltS , ! ; j ,I , C 1 r/// //,,'ll SUBJECT PROPERTY ... TURBINE LOCATION LANDS TO BE ZONED 'A2-r-H, RESTRICTED AGRICULTURE SPECIAL HOLDING' THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A-46' TO THE ZONING BY-LAW NO. 2006-175 DAY OF COMPREHENSIVE PASSED THIS MAYOR CLERK fU:: r.&]~06.U ~:~L_,,__""'c/.~OnIot.__"" DI'Il,s..I_~ Prepared by 161 Group February 2007 , " ' " / " ~ ,. ,f / b /;'.. /' I / / / , , / "'" I"~ " , / " // I I ,/ ;/ ;l " // i/ " // "~. it .._~~'/( , '",- '",- " t .~"'~ "~ / ~ "'- . "'- '-....J '--..'<::''''- r-.- // // , / i " ",'--..G ~, '-...... '" , ,.. IDDlIIIE'IItS , . I I 1/://////1 SCHEDULE 'A-47' Lol'H', Concession 11, of Kincardine eo ra hic T owns hi , , , I , Turbine # 85 " .1 "'- V ........." 1\ 'I,\'" . "'- / / / / / / / / I / / / / / ,I / / Iy Co / ~77 J /( ,. / / / I SUBJECT PROPERTY ... TURBINE LOCATION LANDS TO BE ZONED 'A-90-H. RURAL SPECIAL HOLDING' THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A-47' TO THE ZONING BY-LAW NO. 2006-175 DAY OF MAYOR CLERK COMPREHENSIVE PASSED THIS ~(, l-6)-06_:2I Prepared by IBI Group February 2007 Al"PUCAHr,.........t....-.__...,~/.~O'l.....__'" 0II'1t,$opI_2l105