HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 102 final notice proc sch c e - e ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW NO. 2003 . 102 BEING A BY.LAW TO PRESCRIBE THE FORM AND M NER AND TIMES FOR THE PROVISION OF NOTICE UNDER THE UNICIPAL ACT, S.O. 2001, C.25, S.251. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, 5.0. 2001, c. 25, S. 251 P vides that where a municipality is required to give notice under a provision of this Act, he municipality shall give the notice in a form and in the manner and at the times that e council considers adequate to give reasonable notice under the provision; AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to set out the reason ble minimum notice requirements for those actions for which the notice requirement are not prescribed under the provisions of the Municipal Act or its regulations; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Muni ipality of Kincardine enacts as follows: DEFINITIONS 1.0 Scope 2.3 This by-law applies to The Municipality of Kincardin and its Boards and Commissions. 2.0 Definitions 2.1 "Act" means the Municipal Act, 2001, S. O. 2001, c. 5 as amended; 2.2 "Clerk" means the Clerk of The Municipality of Kinc rdine; 2.3 "Notice" means a written, printed, pUblished or osted notification or announcement. "Newspaper" described in the Interpretations ct as " A printed publication in sheet form, intended for general irculation, published regularly at intervals of not longer than a week, con isting in great part of news of current events of general interest and sol to the public and to regular subscribers; I I "Published" means published in a daily or weekl~newspaper which, in the opinion of the clerk, has such circulation within he municipality so as to provide reasonable notice to those affected the by, and ·publication" has a corresponding meaning; I 'Web Page" means the Municipality of Ki1cardine'S Web Site www.kincardine.net I I 2.4 2.5 2.6 By-law No. 2003 - 102 Municipality of Kincardine Notice By-law Page 2 of 4 e 2.7 "Electronic" means e:mail, fascimile, cable televisionf and radio. 3.0 Provision of Notice Where notice of intention to pass a by-law or notice of la public meeting is required to be given, the Clerk shall cause such notice to bel given in the manner prescribed in the Act or its regulations and if not so presc~bed, notice shall be given pursuant to the provisions of Schedule "A" Notice I under Section 251 Municipal Act and Schedule "B" Ontario Regulation 244/02, ,ttached and forming part of this by-law. 4.0 Time of Notice Where notice of intention to pass a by-law or notice of la public meeting is required to be given, such notice shall be provided wi~hin the time frame prescribed in the Act or its regulations, and if not so presc~bed, notice shall be given at least once during the seven calendar days prior tOlthe proposed action ~~ta~. . e 5.0 Form of Notice Unless otherwise prescribed in the Act or its regulatio~s, where notice of intention to pass a by-law or notice of a public meeting is ~equired to be given, the form of the notice shall include the following information: I a) A description of the purpose of the meeting, or the ~urpose and effect of the proposed by-law; . b) The date, time and location of the public meeting; c) Where the purpose of the meeting or proposed by-Iaw is related to specific lands within the Municipality a key map showing the _~ffected lands unless the municipal address is not adequate to identify the a~cted lands; d) Contact information of how and where comments a~d objections can be made and the deadline for receiving such comments. i e) The form of Notice shall be as approved by Council an~ in the format shown as Schedule ·C" attached hereto and forming part of thiß by-law. e 6.0 Deferrals , If a matter is not dealt with at a council meeting specifie~ in the Notice given under Municipal Act Section 291 but consideration of the riJatter is deferred, no further notice is required if a public statement is made at Ithe meeting that the matter has been deferred and that Council now intends to dþal with the matter at a later council meeting specified in the public statement. 7.0 Notices Under Other Acts Notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law, where notice þf intention to pass a by-law or notice of a public meeting is prescribed by ~my other Act or its regulations, the provisions of the other Act and its regulation~ shall apply. e e e e e By-law No. 2003 - 102 Municipality of Kincardine Notice By-law Page 3 of 4 8.0 Financial 8.1 Amendments to Budget Where estimates approved in the budget have ~een the subject of quotations and tenders quoting an amount greater than the estimated expenditure for that item, the giving of notice of such amendment to the budget shall be included in a management report an~ the printing of this item on the Council and/or Committee of the Who,~ Agenda, with the notation "Amendment to Budget~ shall constitute suffipient notice. 8.2 New Projects ¡ New projects which have not been included in the a~nual budget shall be detailed in a staff report and notice of such amendme~t to the budget shall be included in the report, "Amendment to Budg~t" shall constitute sufficient notice. , 8.3 Operating Costs Incurred Prior to Budget Approv~l: Normal operating costs incurred prior to the adoption þf the annual budget shall not require notice, and approval of such e~penditures shall be deemed to be ratified upon the adoption of the annual budget. 9.0 General 9.1 No notice shall be required under this by-law where ~ovision of notice will interfere with the ability of Council to conduct busin ss with respect to a matter permitted for a closed session under Section 2, 9 of the Act. Nothing shall prevent the Clerk from using a more corrprehensive method of notice or providing for a longer notice period. . I Notice requirements, established on Schedule "A" with the exception of Section 295 and 397 may be reduced, where d~emed expedient by Council on a case by case basis, by a resolution of qouncil. , 9.2 9.3 9.4 If a matter arises, which in the opinion of the CAO and\Clerk in consultation with the Mayor, is considered to be of an urgent or ime sensitive nature, or which could affect the health or well-being of he residents of the Municipality, or if a State of Emergency is declared, lor if so advised by a provincial ministry, the notice requirements of this by-law may be waived and the Clerk shall make every effort to provide ~s much notice as is reasonable. . 10.0 Responsibility It is the responsibility of the appropriate Municipal Manage$/Department Heads, in conjunction with the Clerk, to ensure notice requiremerlts applicable to their relevant departments are met. 11.0 Schedules to the By-law 11.1 That in the event that Schedule "A" or Schedule "B~' does not include all instances where the Municipality is required to provi e notice, and where the provision of notice and term of notice is not ide tified in the Act or its regulations, the following shall apply: 1) , Advertise in the local newsIÞapers and post on the , Provision of Notice: Web Page. 2) I I Term of Notice: Twenty-one days prior to passing the by-law and seven days prior to holding a public meeting. I e e e e By-law No. 2003 - 102 Municipality of Kincardine Notice By-law Page 4 of 4 12.0 Force and Effect 12.1 This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon i~s final passage , 12.2 This by-law may be cited as the "Municipal Notice By-~w" READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSEQ this 9th day of July, 2003. . z-r"'":-~-- .~~ Clerk - N 0 .... , M 0 0 N Ó Z e ~ ..J , )0- m w 0 ¡::: 0 I!! Z ; W Z 0 C a.. ..... ii ~ a::: Co õ <C 'ü ~ 0 'ë CI) Z 0> 52 ::I '" :i 0- LI.. U 0 ¡¡: ~ 'ü CD ::::¡ Co <C I/) a.. 0 Z e ;:) :i 0 I- ~ W ..J ;:) C W J: 0 I/) - J!I I: III III U E N ~ C') :;:I t!! ...... ...... 0._ : : : : : : : : Z ::I C" III a::: , " .~ ::I gu~ a::: .- ..Q -I'CI III ..Q I: u::lo .- a.. 0'= ~ 01 0) U ~ U ~ Zailll "" "" "" .......: a::: 0 0 "" 0 "" o , z z 0 z 0 CD .2 .2 Z 01 Z Co :ë :ë 0) 2: 0) >0 ::I ::I > 01 ,2: I- a.. a.. ('5 en CJ J!I 'E :J III E ¡:: , , C:EaI iü -01 00 Q 'tJ¡. := 0.s:: Q) ro >._1..... o .s:: ... "C ..... 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Limitation re: Crown , A municipality or local board does not have the power un~er Part XII of the Act to impose fees or charges, , (a) on a class of person that is comprised solely of thelCrown; or (b) on the Crown for ensuring court security under Seqtion 137 of the Police Services Act or otherwise or for escorting a~d conveying persons in custody, , 2. Capital costs 1. 1 A municipality or local board does not have the polojler under Part XII of the Act to impose fees or charges to obtain r~venue to pay capital costs, if as a result of development chargesl by-laws or front- ending agreements under the Development Chargfs Act, 1997 or a predecessor of the Act that was passed or entered I into before the imposition of the fees or charges, payments have ~een, will be or could be made to the municipality or local board to I pay those costs. 2. For the purpose of subsection (1), "capital costs" has the same meaning as it has in t~e Development Charges Act, 1997; 1 "payments" do not include amounts the municipalitY or local board has refunded or is required to refund under the Deyelopment Charges Act, 1997, 3. Planning applications A municipality or local board does not have the power un<ller Part XII of the Act to impose fees or charges for the processing of appliqations made in respect of planning matters under the Planning Act. . 4. Waste (1) A municipality or local board does not have the po. ver to impose fees or charges on a person under Part XII of the -4-ct which relate to the management of waste except on a person v. ho, directly or by means of an agent, disposes of the waste, (a) Through a waste collection service or at a ~aste management facility of the municipality or Iqcal board, as the case may be; or ' (b) Through a waste collection service or at a "'¡aste management facility of any other municipality or local board to which the municipality or local board impcþsing the fees or charges pays costs related to the management of waste, , (2) In subsection (1), the management of waste inclu~es the collection, disposal, reuse and recycling of waste. 1 e e 8. e 9. e Page 2 of 6 Schedule "S" to , Municipality of Kincardine Notice By-Law No. 2003 f 102 i , , (3) Subsection (1) does not prohibit a municipality fro~ imposing fees or charges on a person which relate to the clean Uw or collection of litter or other waste which has been illegally disposþd of on any land. I 5. Elections (1) A municipality or local board does not have the po*er to impose fees or charges on another municipality or local bo~rd under Part XII of the Act which relate to the conduct of an eleqtion under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. . (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the power of a m~nicipality or local board to impose fees or charges on another munic~pality or local board which relate to the conduct of an election un~er the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 to obtain the opinion of the ele4tors on a question the other municipality or local board requi¢es to be submitted under subsection 8 (1) or (2) of the Muniþipal Elections A~1~~ ! Taxes for school purposes i A municipality or local board does not have the power to i~pose fees or charges on the Crown or on a school board under Part XI~ of the Act which relate to the collection of real property taxes for school pu~poses, 7. Taxes for upper-tier purposes 6. A municipality or local board does not have the power to i~pose fees or charges on an upper-tier municipality under Part XII of th~ Act which relate to the collection of real property taxes for the purposes of the upper-tier municipality. I Sewage, water capacity A municipality or local board does not have the power to irlnpose fees or charges under Part XII of the Act on a person which relatd to the allocation of sewage and water capacity. i Board of Management (1) A board of management established by a municipa ity for an improvement area under section 204 of the Act is a local board for the purpose of Part XII of the Act. (2) A board of management described in subsection (1~ may only impose fees or charges under Part XII of the Act o~ the following classes of persons: ¡ ! Owners of rateable property in the improverrjent area for which the board of management was establi~hed, if the property is a prescribed business property cl~ss for the purpose of Part XII of the Act. Tenants of owners described in paragraph 11 if the property leased by the tenant from the owner is a pre~· cribed business property class for the purpose of sections 20 to 214 of the Act in the improvement area for which the bard of management was established. 1. 2. - --~ Page 3 of6 Schedule "B" to Municipality of Kincardine Notice By-Law No. 2003 102 e 10. Telecommunications services and activities i (1) A municipality and a local board do not have the pqwer under Part XII of the Act to impose a fee or charge on a persoih who owns or operates a telecommunications business carrying ~n business in Ontario for services or activities, costs or the use of property with respect to wires, cables, poles, conduits, equipmerlt, machinery or other works which, (a) are or will be located on a municipal highway; and (b) are or will be used as part of the telecommunications business. ' e , (2) Nothing under subsection (1) prevents the impositi~n of fees or charges to recover the reasonable costs of the mu~icipality or local board for issuing permits with respect to the worksl described in subsection (1). (a) to place the works on a municipal highway; ê!lnd (b) to cut the pavement of or otherwise dig up a'municipal highway for the works, (3) For the purpose of this Regulation, "telecommunications" have the same meaning as iih subsection 2 (1) of the Telecommunications Act (Canada). I ! 11. Electricity and gas services, activities A municipality and a local board do not have the power under Part XII of the Act to impose a fee or charge on a generator, transmitter, distributor or retailer, as these terms are defined in section 2 of the Ele(:tricity Act, 1998, or on a producer, gas distributor, gas transmitter or stora. ~e company, as these terms are defined in section 3 of the Ontario Energ Board Act, 1998, for services or activities, costs payable or the use 0 property with respect to wire, cables, poles, conduits, pipes, equipmentl machinery or other works which, . - (a) (b) are or will be located on a municipal highway; and ¡ are or will be used as part of the business of the g~nerator, transmitter distributor, retailer, producer, gas distri~utor, gas transmitter or storage company, as the case may ~e. i 12. Conditions re: waste, water e (1) This section applies only to the power ofa municipþlity or a local board under Part XII of the Act to impose fees or c~arges for the use of a waste management system, the use of a ~ewage system or the consumption of water. ¡ (2) The amount of fees or charges for the use of a wa~te management system, for the use of a sewage system or the con~umPtion of water shall not exceed the cost of providing the wa te management system, the sewage system or the water system, a the case may be. Page 4 of 6 Schedule "S" to , Municipality of Kincardine Notice Sy-Law No. 2003 -1102 ¡ e (3) A by-law, if not repealed earlier, expires on Decem~er 31 of the year following the year in which the by-law was pas~ed. Despite subsection (3), in the case of a by-law whiqh was in force on the day this Regulation comes into force, the bY11aw expires on December 31 of the year following the year in whictl1 this Regulation comes into force. (4) (5) Amendments to a by-law under Part XII of the Act ~o not affect the term of the by-law under subsection (3) or (4). ' (6) Sefore passing a by-law imposing a fee or charge, the municipality or local board, as the case may be, shall, ' , , (a) hold at least one public meeting at which an* person who attends has an opportunity to make representation with respect to the matter; , (b) ensure that a minimum of 21 days notice of "e public meeting is given, including giving 21 days nqtice to every person and organization that has, within five Iyears before the day of the public meeting, given the cler~ of the municipality or secretary of the local board, ~s the case may be, a written request for notice of the passin~ of the by-law containing a return address; e (c) ensure that notice under this section, (i) (ii) e sets out the intention of the municipality or local board to pass the by-law and whether the by-law would impose any fee or charge which was ~ot in effect on the day the notice is given or change /ilny fee or charge which was in force on the day Ithe notice is given, and ¡ ¡ , sets out the information described in 41ause (d) or states that the information will be maqe available at no cost to any member of the public ~pon request; and (d) shall make available to the public informatio~ setting out, (i) (ii) (iii) e a description of the service or activity pr other matter for which the fee or charge is being i~posed, , an estimate of the costs of providing t~e waste management system, the sewage sy*em or the water system, in respect of which the fee or charge is being imposed, (iv) the amount of the fee or charge, and the rationale for imposing the fee or c~arge. e 13. e e - Page 5 of6 Schedule "S" to Municipality of Kincardine Notice By-Law No. 2003 102' Conditions re: police or fire purposes (1) This section applies only to the power of a municip~lity or local board under Part XII of the Act to impose fees or c~arges for inspections or the issuance of permits for police or fire purposes. The amount of the fees or charges for inspections $nd the issuance of permits for police or fire purposes shall not exce,d the cost of providing the police inspection and permit system qr the fire inspection and permit system, as the case may be.1 A by-law, if not repealed earlier, expires on Decem~er 31 of the third year following the year in which the by-law wa~ passed, (2) (3) (4) , Despite subsection (3), in the case of a by-law whicjh was in force on the day this Regulation comes into force, the by+law expires on December 31 of the third year following the year in þhich this Regulation comes into force. ' i (5) Amendments to a by-law do not affect the term of t~e by-law under subsection (3) or (4). i i (6) Before passing a by-law imposing a fee òr charge, 'he municipality or local board, as the case may be, shall, ! 1 (a) hold at least one public meeting at which an~ person who attends has an opportunity to make represe~tation with respect to the matter; (b) , ensure that a minimum of 21 days notice of the public meeting is given, including giving 21 days nqtice to every person and organization that has, within five ~ears before the day of the public meeting, given the clerkl of the municipality or secretary of the local board, ~s the case may be, a written request for notice of the passin~ of the by-law containing a return address; I (c) ensure that notice under this section, (i) sets out the intention of the municipality or local board to pass the by-law under Part XII of th~ Act and whether the by-law would impose anYlfee or charge which was not in effect on the day the I notice is given or change any fee or charge which wa~ in force on the day the notice is given, and sets out the information described in c'ause (d) or states that the information will be mad~ available at not cost to any member of the public ypon request; and (ii) e e Page 6 of 6 Schedule "B" to Municipality of Kincardine Notice By-Law No. 2003 102 (d) shall make available to the public informatior setting out, (i) a description of the service or activity ¡or other matter for which the fee or charge is being intJposed, an estimate of the costs of providing t~e police inspection and permit system or the fi e inspection and permit system, in respect of whic the fee or charge is being imposed, (ii) (iii) (iv) the amount of the fee or charge, and ¡ the rationale for imposing the fee or c~arge. 14. Notice (1) Before passing a by-law under Part XII of the Act t~ impose fees or charges, a municipality or local board shall ensure 1hat notice of the intention of the municipality or local board, as the c,se may be, to pass the by-law at the council meeting specified in ~he notice is given to every person and organization that has, within five years before the day of the council meeting, given the cle!1< of the municipality or secretary of the local board, as the ~ase may be, a written request for notice of the intention to pass th$ by-law containing a return address. ' (2) This section does not apply to fees or charges to w~ich section 12 or 13 applies. ¡ 15. Revocation Ontario Regulations 26/96,217/96, 382/96, 352/97, 32/98J 34198, 86/98 and 61/01 are revoked. ' 16. Commencement e This Regulation comes into force on January 1, 2003. e e . e e -'......., By-law No. 2003 -102 Municipality of Kincardine Notice By-law SCHEDULE "C" "Sample of a Notice" Municipal Crest The Corporation of the Municipality of KincardiRl1 , i Notice "Quote appropriate section of the Municipal Af;t" i "Description of the purpose of the meeting and effect of the proposed by-law" "Date and timing of meeting" "Location of meeting" "Map related to specific lands (if applicable)" "Name and address of person accepting written comments & deadline r applicable)" Clerk Municipality of Kincardine Address E:mail Dated at Kincardine this of .20_. L oonleeutive weeks) .J:.