HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 103 omeifa borrowing water e -- e e lHE CORPORATION OF lHE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC AME IDED/Rfrr~/"'\;;I:D BY Bytþ.' ¡.:o. ,;zoo 4-7 Õ o~ NO. 2003 . 103 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE KINCARDINE TO INVERHURON WATER SUPPL (THE CAPITAL WORKS) BY THE CORPORATION 0 THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (THE "MUNICIP ITY"); TO AUTHORIZE SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION TO TH ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE FIN NCING AUTHORITY ("OMEIFA") FOR FINANCING SUCH APITAL WORKS; TO AUTHORIZE TEMPORARY BORRO ING TO MEET EXPENDITURES IN CONNECTION WITH SUC WORKS; AND TO AUTHORIZE LONG TERM BORROWING OR SUCH WORKS THROUGH THE ISSUE OF DEBENT RES WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001 (Ontario), as amended, (the· t") provides that a municipal power shall be exercised by by-law unless the munici ality is specifically authorized to do otherwise; AND WHEREAS it is now deemed to be expedient to authorize for th municipal purposes of the Municipality the new capital works known as the Kincardine 0 Inverhuron Water Supply Project (the Project) in the amount of the respective esti ted expenditure of $3,365,000 subject in each case to approval by OMEIFA ofthe finan ing for such Project that will be requested by the Municipality in the Application as herei after described; AND WHEREAS in accordance with section 4 of Ontario Regulatio 403/02, the Council of the Municipality has had its Treasurer update its most recent ann al debt and financial obligation limit received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Ho sing (as so updated, the "Updated Limit"), and, on the basis of the authorized expenditur for the Project in the amount of $3,365,000 (the Authorized Expenditure), the Treasur r has calculated the estimated annual amount payable in respect of the Project (the ·Pr Ject Limit") and has determined that the Project Limit would not exceed the Updated Lim' ,and accordingly the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board under the Ontario Municipa Board Act (Ontario), as amended, is not required before any such Project is authorized y Council; AND WHEREAS subsection 405(1) of the Act provides that a muni ipality may authorize temporary borrowing to meet expenditures made in connection with work to be financed in whole or in part by the issue of debentures if, I (a) the municipality is an upper-tier municipality, a lowe -tier municipality in a county or a single-tier municipality and it has a proved the issue of debentures for the work; (b) the municipality is a lower-tier municipality in a regio al municipality and it has approved the work and the upper-tier municip lity has approved the issue of debentures for the work; or , . ./2 e e e - By-Law 2003-103 I Kincardine to Inverhuron Water Supply Construction Autho~ization P~e2~4 I (c) the municipality has approved the issue of deben~ures for another municipality or a school board under section 404; AND WHEREAS subsection 405(4) of the Act provides that a munici~lity may delegate the power set out in subsection 405(1) to the head of council, to the trþasurer, or to both of them; . , AND WHEREAS subsection 401 (1) of the Act provides that a muni~'pality may incur a debt for municipal purposes, whether by borrowing money or in any 0 her way, and may issue debentures and prescribed financial instruments and enter p escribed financial agreements for or in relation to the debt; , AND WHEREAS the Act also provides that a municipality shall a~thorize long term borrowing by the issue of debentures or through another municipality urder section 403 or 404 of the Act; I i AND WHEREAS OMEIFA has invited Ontario municipalities de~'rous of obtaining temporary and long term debt financing in order to meet capital expend tures incurred after December 31, 2002 in connection with eligible capital projects to ake application to OMEIFA for such financing by completing and submitting an appliþation on the form provided by OMEIFA (the "Application"); , AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient for the Municipality to sJbmit an Application to OMEIFA to request financing for the Projects by way of long term borrowing through the issue of debentures to OMEIFA and by way oftemporary borrowing from OMEIFA pending the issue of such debentures and to approve the Projects; . i NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality ~f Kincardine enacts as follows: . 1, The Treasurer is hereby authorized to complete or cause to! be completed and submit or cause to be submitted to OMEIFA an Application bylthe Municipality for the financing of the Projects in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $1,800,000 substantially in the form ~ Schedule "A" hereto an~ forming part of this By-law, with such changes thereon as such authorized offjci~1 shall approve, the submission of such Application by such authorized official to be þonclusive evidence of such approval. ' The acceptance of the Application by OMEIFA and the approval by OMEIFA in such Application of the financing requested therein in respect !of the Eligible Category (as such term is used in the Application) to which th~ Project belongs will be hereinafter referred to as "OMEIFA Approval", . 2, 3, Subject to and conditional upon OMEIFA approval: (a) Construction of the Kincardine to Inverhuron Water Suþply (the Project) in the amount of the respective estimated Authorized Expenditure of $3,365,000 is hereby approved and authorized; . (b) I The Mayor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized tq conclude contracts on behalf of the Municipality for the construction of th~ Project in accordance with the Municipality's usual protocol; I I I where applicable, the Engineering firm retained by th~MuniciPality for the design of the of the Project, will forthwith make such pans, profiles and specifications and fumish such information as in the 0 inion of the Engineer is necessary for the construction of the Projct; and (c) , , ./3 e e e e 4, By-Law 2003-103 Kincardine to Inverhuron Water Supply Construction Authori ation Page 3 of 4 where applicable, the construction of the Project shall be ,carried on and executed under the superintendence and according to th~ direction and orders of such Engineer, Upon approval of the Application by OMEIFA, the Mayor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to negotiate and enter into, execute and deliver for and on behalf of the Municipality a financing agreement (a "Fin~ncing Agreem~m~") with OMEIFA that provides for temporary and long term borrowing from OMEIFIA In respect of the Project on such terms and conditions as such authorized officIals may approve, such execution and delivery to be conclusive evidence of such þpproval. Subject to and conditional upon OMEIFA Approval, the Mayor an~ the Treasurer are hereby authorized, pending the substantial completion of a Proj~ct or as otherwise agreed with OMEIFA, to make temporary borrowings pursuant tq section 405 of the Act in respect of the Project, on the terms and conditionsprovidþd in the Financing Agreement and on such other terms and conditions as such autHorized officials may agree, and to sign such evidence of indebtedness as OMEIFA may require (a "Note"); and the Mayor and the Treasurer are authorized to sig~ such certifications as OMEIFA may require in connection with such borrowing, in respect of the Project; provided that the amount of borrowings allocated to t~e Project does not exceed the Authorized Expenditure for the Project. ' (d) 5, 6, Subject to and conditional upon OMEIFA Approval, and SUbjr to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement and such other term and conditions as OMEIFA may otherwise require, the Mayor and the Treasurer a hereby authorized to enter into long term borrowing in respect of the Projects and ~o issue debentures to OMEIFA on the terms and conditions provided in the Finan$ing Agreement and on such other terms and conditions as such authorized ~fficials may agree ("Debentures"); provided that the principal amount of such D~bentures issued in respect of the Project does not exceed the Authorized Expen~iture for the Project, In accordance with the provisions of section 18 of the Ontario ¡Municipal Economic Infrastructure Financing Act, 2002 (Ontario), as security for !the payment by the Municipality of any indebtedness of the Municipality to OMEIFv\ incurred under the Note or any Debentures, the Municipality is hereby authoriz~d to agree in writing with OMEIFA that the Minister of Finance is entitled to ~educt from money appropriated by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for paymert to the Municipality, or from money appropriated by the Assembly for payment *' the Municipality in respect of specified matters, amounts not exceeding th~ amounts that the Municipality fails to pay to OMEIFA on account of the outst~nding indebtedness evidenced by the Note or any Debentures issued by the Mu~icipality to OMEIFA, and to pay such amounts to OMEIFA. ' 7, i 8, Subject to and conditional upon OMEIFA Approval, for pur¡j>oses of meeting the obligations of the Municipality in respect of the Note and any Debentures, the Municipality shall provide for raising in each year as part oflthe general levy, the amounts of principal and interest payable in each year un4er the Note and any outstanding Debenture, to the extent that the amounts have Inot been provided for by any other available source including other taxes or fees or charges imposed on persons or property by a by-law of any municipality, 9. (a) I Subject to and conditional upon OMEIFA Approval, the Mayor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute and deliv~r the Note, the Mayor and t~e Tr~asurer are hereby authorized to enter int9, execute and deliver the Financing Agreement and to cause Debentures tþ be issued, the Clerk and Treasurer are severally hereby authorized to gen~rally do all things and to execute all other documents and papers in the na~e ~ the Municipality in order to perform the obligations of the Municipali under the Financing Agreement and to carry out the issuance of the Not and Debentures, and the Treasurer is authorized to affix the Municipality' municipal seal to any such documents and papers. ' , , ,/4 - .~ - e e e - By-Law 2003-103 Kincardine to Inverhuron Water Supply Construction Auth rization Page 4 of 4 (b) The proceeds realized in respect of the Note and Debe~tures, after providing for the expenses related to their issue, if any, ~hall be apportioned and applied for the respective Projects and! for no other purpose except as permitted by the Act, ! I 10, The by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final p¡j!ssage. i 11, This By-law may be cited as the "Kincardine to Inverhu~on Water Supply Construction Authorization and Borrowing By-Law", ' , READ a FIRST, SECOND and a THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE P~SSED this 9th day of July, 2003, i' ~'I-: , ~'!"~ -'~'" , Clerk Schedule "A" to By-Law Number 2003 - 103 SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW RO. 2003-103 KIlIICAllDllIE TO IRVEJIHIIIION WATER SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING AUTHORITY 2003 Loan Application Date: 30-Jun-03 A.GENFRALINFORMATION Name o~Municipality: Kincardine M i Address! 1475 5th Cone,. RR #5 Kincardine CodeMMAH: MUNID: 41625 41020 N2Z 2X6 Qu",*ions repnling the information contained in the application form should be addressed to: Na..e: Tel"hone: FaxiNo.: HIIail: Brenda 1-519-396-3468 1-519-396-8288 treasurer@kincardine.net French ,_i~ Application form must be siped by an alltloorized oflldal N~me of Clerk or Clerklfreasurer: Brenda French Telephone: 1-519-396-3468 SiKl'ature: ~. ~4.- ~ 'fí;'4-~ Date: -J-. I 3" :z.oø..3 , B. B~K ACCOUNT INFORMATION - to be completed by borrowing Municipality Acc"pnt Information for Direct Deposit: Na~ of Bank: CIBC Branch Transit #: 05252 Street Address: 822 Queen Street Ace't. #: 68-00114 Kincardine N2Z 2Y6 ~~nt Information for Direct Withdrawal (if different from above account): .... of Bank: Streo¡t Address: Branch Transit #: Ace't.#: ... PI_ attach a 'Void Cheque' cornapoadlng to the above mentioned accounts··· ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING AUTHORITY C. PROJECT INFORMATION u.,œr the Eligible Category column, indicate one (or more if applicable) of the following categories related to the ApI'pject: Clean Water Infrastructure, Sewage Treatment Facilities, Municipal Roads, Municipal Bridges, Public Transit, ~aste Management Infrastructure and the borrowing Municipality, FClrthe financing tenn, please note that the length of the tam cannot exceed the useful life of the project - max. 40 year u~der sub-section 408 (3) of the Municipal Act. Mu~icipality Name: Kincardine M ProjectlD EIJ&ible Category Clean Water Infrastructure BeneOting Municipality (may be 100"' tban one) Kincardine M Total OMEIF A Borrowing Requested ($) $1,800,000,00 . . ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING AUTHORITY D. T$MS OF FINANCING (Short Term) OME/F A provides both short-term borrowing (interim financing while the project is under construction) and long-term borrowing (fimllfing when the project is complete). Please provide information in either one or both sections, based on your borrowing needs, li",pality Name: Kineardlne M TEMPORARY BORROWING FOR WORKS (INTERIM FINANCING) Øeneflting Municipality , , I I Eligible Category Estimated Construction Dates Start Finish Year Months Estimated Drawdcnm Amount , . ~neliting Municipality I I . 1 Eligible Category Estimated Construction Dates Start Finish Year Months Estimated Drawdown Amount Kincardine M Clean Water Intiastructure 15-Aug..o3 31-Dec-03 2003 September $530,000,00 Kincardine M Clean Water Inftastructure 15-Aug..o3 31-Dec-03 2003 October $540,000,00 Qeneflting Municipality Kincardine M Eligible Category Clean Water Inftastructure . Estimated Start IS-Aug..o3 Construction Dateo Finish 3]-Dec-03 Year 2003 Months November Estimated $365,000.00 Drawdown Amount ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING AUTHORITY Øenef'di"l Munidpality Kincardine M . EII¡ibIe Category Clean Water Inftastructure Eoti..ated I SOrt 15-Aug-03 COIIItnIction o.tes Finisb 31-Dec-03 Var 2003 Months December Estimated $365.000.00 Drawdown Amount D. LONG TERM FINANCING For th¡. financing tenn, please note that the length of term cannot exceed the useful life of tbe project, or a maximum of 40 years under sub-~on 408 (3) oflbe Municipal Act Mu";clpality Name: Kincardine M .e'tinll Municlpalality: Kincardine M , I Eliglt Ie Cateflory Clean Water Infrastructure Amo~nt of Loan ($) $1,800,000,00 Date ~ben Funds are Required Req.ted Term of Loan (yars) Type~fLoan (Am~ng or SeI'ÙlI) I-Jan-04 IS Amortizing . ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING AUTHORITY E. PROJECT FINANCING ···'f applying on behalf of one or more municipalities, complete separate copies of the next three pages for each additional muajicipality , . MUNICIPALITY OF: Kine.rdine Total combined project costs, Proposed OMElF A loan amount. Difference between total combined project costs and OMEIF A loan amount, $3,365,000,00 I $],800,000.00 I $],565,000.00 I ~URCES OF FINANCING: Revenue Fund Contributiona: Taxation $0,001 so,oo I SO.OO I User Fees and Service Charges Sub-Total (ineludl... other Revenue Fund Sources) Reserves & R....rv... Fuads Contribution.: . Reserves & Reserve Funds (excluding Development Charges) Development Charges Reserve Funds Sub-Total $0,00 I $0.00 I SO.OO I Grants: Provincial Grants Federal Grants Sub-Total $648,500,00 I $98,500.00 I Other FinanciDI!!': Please specitÿ: Please specitÿ: Please specitÿ: Sub-Total Internal loan/municipal contribution $8] 8.000,00 I . $818,000.00 I you plan to repay a portion of the OMEIF A loan through water or sewer charges. please provide a brief description of w you plan to do this?: above project represents an expansion of watcnnaillS and distribution systems from a current water treatment system. The o IF A lIOn will be repaid by collecting a proportionate amount from the new benefiting ratepayers on their taxes as a local i provement charge for the same period of time as the loan. This will ensure that only these ratepayers bear these costs, ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING AUTHORITY F: FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL GRANTS ~nld...6ty Kincardine .E¥&ible Category: NI'me of Funding Program Clean Water Inftastrw:ture OSTAR ~..tus of Application Applied for Funding I Yesl Funding Approved I No Allocation Received I Nol To"l Project Cost I $295,500,00 I Allocation of Funding Fedeml Contribution I $98,500.00 I Provincial Contribution $98,500.00 Municipal Contribution I $98,500.00 I Snbto1al I $295,500.00 I . PROGRAM AMOUNT Other Provincial Funding Parks Ontario I $550,000,00 Subtotalll $550,HO,OO I G, QEOT SUMMARY I 2001 I I 2002 I I 2003 To..IIDebt, as oUan I: I $1,040,497,00 I I $1,949,650,00 I I $1,712,440,00 I , New ~ Foreeast: $1,072,500,00 I I $12,900.00 I I $1,830,000,00 I Debt Jletired: I $163,347,00 I I $250,110,00 I I $255,899,00 I TO..IIDebt, as of Dee 31 I $1,949,650.00 I I $1,712,440,00 I I $3,286,541.00 I -I I I I I ! 2004 2105 2006 i $3,286,541.00 I $2,952,376,00 I I $2,609,134,00 I TotaIIDebt, as oUan I: New ~t Forecast: $30,000.00 I $30,000,00 I I $30,000,00 I Debt tetired: $364,165.00 I $373,242,00 I I $266,955,00 I Total'Debt,.s ofDec 31 $2,952,376.00 I $2,609,134,00 I I $2,372,179,00 I ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING AUTHORITY Gl. DEBT SUMMARY FOR BENEFITING MUNICIPALITY M.~peUty Name: . T~I Debt,.. of Jan I: N~ Debt Foreast: ~ Retired: T.¡taI Debt, as of Dee 31 TClÞI Debt, as oUan I: N'" Debt Forecast: , oft Retired: T~IDebt,asofDee31 Kincardine 1801 I 1801 2803 $1,040,497.00 I I $1,949,650,00 I $1,712,440,00 I $1,072,500.00 I I $12,900.00 I $1,830,000,00 I $163,347,00 I I $250,110.00 I $255,899,00 I $1,949,650,00 I I $1,712,440,00 I $3,286,541.00 I 1014 1005 2006 I $3,286,541.00 I $2,952,376,00 I $2,609,134,00 I $30,000.00 I $30,000,00 I $30,000,00 I $364,165,00 I $373,242,00 I $266,955,00 I $2,952,376.00 I $2,609,134,00 I $2,372,179,00 I .IjnGATION Is ~re any litigation threatened or existing which would affect any projects or substantially impair the applicant's ability to pay deb1l service costs on its general obligation indebtedness? Please indicate yes or no, If yes, please attach a summary of such liti8flion including its current status, : ¡NO I i I, N0f'i-REPA YMENT OF LOANS OR DEBENTURES I , In tIje last 10 years, have you ever failed to make a loan or de~re repayment on time to any lender, including the Pro~incia1 Government? If yes, please provide details, INO J, PRþVINCIAL GRANTS AS SECURITY PI,.., note: Section 18 of the Ontario Municipal Economic lrifrastructure Authority Act, ]00] states: as 'ty for the payment by an entity ofan amount that the entity has agreed to pay to the Authority or a related entity, as deli in subsection (3), on account of the indebtedness of the entity to the Authority or related entity, the entity may agree in wri ng with the Authority or related entity that the Minister is entitled to deduct from money appropriated by the Assembly for pe ent to the entity, or from money appropriated by the Assembly for payment to the entity in respect ofspecifiOO matters, amcfmts not exceeding the amounts that the entity fails to pay to the Authority or related entity on account of the indebtedness, 2OOf' c. 22, Schoo, A, s, 18 (1 )." ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING AUTHORITY K. ATTACHMENTS (P1eue indicate by a eheekmark those boxes which are applicable): MUJ!iICIPALlTY: Kincardine .' , GE!'tERAL , V.. Certified copy of by-law authorizing the project bolTOwing V.. Certified copy of by-law authorizing CIeri< or ClerklTreasurer to apply for a loan, V", Certified copy of project bylaw and environmental assessment V'" Ceritificate of no litigation OM8 approval if exceeding debt repayment limit '" Updated Annual Repayment Calculation (to incorporate proposed OMEIFA loan) '" Detailed Project Infonnation which would nonnally be prepared to support a loan No I Other ¡ I I FO"- WATER, SEWER AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECfS I~s I An explanation of the public health and safety concerns addressed by the proposed project using a Project Evaluation Schedule, .1' es I Copies of any supporting studies or investigations, or copies of the Environmental Study Report, if required under the Environmental Assessment Act, ro~ 'r" o Bridge Inspection Report , Identification of posted bridges FO$ TRANSIT ~ Council Resolution! Approval Any supporting reports. if applicable o Implementation schedule F~ ROîDS o Engineer design report . ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING AUTHORITY L, FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS · ~et Revenue Fund Reveuues 1et Debt Cb8rges umber of Households opulation , I I I I 2002 I I $9,913,000,00 I I $271,169,00 I I 5,3291 I ]0,9481 I i ~et Revenue Fuud Revenues zoes I I $] 0,415,000,00 I I $418,]51.00 I I 6,0631 I ]2,4581 I "'et Debt Charges "'umber of Households I opulation 2003 II $13,786,000,00 I I $259,852.00 I I 5,56311 11,430 II 2004 $]0,210,000,00 I $417,657,00 I 5,8081 ]],9131 2006 I $]0,625,000.00 I $296,670,00 I 6,330 I 13,005 I ,,"s the Ontario Municipal Economic Infrastructure Financing Authority (OMEIF A) is subject to the provisions Within the Freedom of l'!formation and Protection of lndividwl Privacy Ad, R,S,O, ]990, c, F, 31, infonnation 'ned within this loan application may be subject to disclosure and access by a member or members of the eneral public, · · --"'"...,_....