HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 108 sale of land tatich · e e - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE R. BY-LAW NO. 2002 -108 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LAND TO BORO TATICH WHEREAS Boro Tatich wishes to purchase from the Municipality of Kincardine five residential building lots, former Village of Tiverton described as North side of Elizabeth Street, Tiverton, Part 14, Part Lot 61, Plan 210, RP 3R 196, North Side of Herbert Street, Tiverton, Part 21, Part Lot 59 King Street, Plan 210, RP 3R- 196, South side of Herbert Street, Tiverton, Part 26, Part Lot 59 King Street, Plan 210, RP 3R-196, West side Conquergood Street, Tiverton, Part 29, Part Lot 59 King Street, Plan 210, RP 3R-196, East side Conquergood Street, Tiverton, Part 46, Part Lot 59 King Street, Plan 210, RP 3R-196 Municipality of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor and CAO. be authorized to execute such documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, as may be deemed advisable to convey the lands described on Schedule "A" attached hereto, to Boro Tatich. 2. That the sale price for the said lands shall be forty thousand dollars ($44,000.00). 3. That the sale of these lands shall be subject to the conditions outlined in the agreement of purchase of sale attached as schedule "A"; and, that fifty per cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Kincardine Economic Development Fund; and, fifty per cent (50%), of the net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Municipality of Kincardine Capital Reserve Fund. 4. That this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 5. That this By-law may be cited as the "Elizabeth, Herbert, Conquergood Streets, Tiverto¡:1 (Tatich) Land Sale, By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND, and a THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 7th day of August, 2002. r I . ' aM OlttariO _.,1 ~~te A~1oD Ontario Real Estate Association AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT III mwj.NI BIIYI!vnNANT" AND, Boro Tatich ~LANDLORD', íit A¡¡rèement of Purchase and Salel Agreement to lease between the Seller and Buyer, o><ocuted the, , The Corporation oUhe Municipality of Kincardine, 27th , day of June , " 2002 1- _, concerning the property known os:_ See Schedule "A" - ~ as ~ particukJrly described in the aforementioned Agreement. THE ~YÐ(S)/TENANT(s) AND SEUER(S)/lANDLORDIS HEREIN AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS TO THE AFOREMENTIONED AGREfMENT, ~I Purohue Price: $40,000.00 Irrevocable Date:t June 28, 2002 Cl08lng Date: August 16, 2002 Reqlllsition Date: August 6, 2002 Final acceptance of this offer by the Seller Is conditional for a period of fourteen days from this acceptance upon the .pproval of the Councii for the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine... I_, J ~ _, rcihase Price: .'O,06ð.110 ~ I-J.I..j, 0 0 0 . . f (Ø ~1IIOC8ble Date: July 15, 2002 CI~ng Date: August 30, 2002 Reqlllsltlon Date: August 21, 2002 ~~rz.- Final acceptance of this offer by the Seller Is conditional until the 8th day of August, 2002, upon the approval of the Çouncil for the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine... For th,t purposes of this Amendment to Agreement, -Buyer" ¡ndudes Tenont, "Seller" includes landlord and "Agreement of Purchase and Sole" includes on Ago~taLease. Ttme ~ in all respects be of the essence hereof provided that the time for doing or completing of any molter provided for herein may be extended or ~ by an agreement in writing signed by SeUer and Buyer or by their respective solicitors who are hereby expressly appointed in 'this regard. ALL OfHfR TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THE AfOREMENTIONED AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE TO REMAIN THE SAME. ~~~DANòDilÑERE1.i~m~.;.;,¡~ ' iN-"YrrÑ~';...h.;.,;¡?2th. . . . ~:;',;ha~d'a,;«(.èal~ ¡w~.., J'..:-:.'.'..''... í.';";~~~~h'" f,f--.--------' , ! . Jul)' , 2002 - - - -'-. - - - -- 1- DATE. -' ~ .s1 J-l!¡ C!:>;" jwh.oj . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- . (8001) ! DATE",.,...., .~.' .' .;......J__'~ "." ,thi.", . 12th.", day of. ".,.,. .J/Ju!)' ...'(::~. .:,.:S.(,.~ 2... IN WITNESS whereof I hove hereunto set my hand and seal: ,:y,_ _"'~ ...'" '"'. --31IiD)Ç:. ~ "~'-- -''"'"''''=- ( ..... , ., ,,,,,,,' C.)l.-..~ -Ç> -..,-<--0 "", , ,~ - DATE,' ,~<:.~ lZ Z~ (:MtIIII iN ...Iratlon af"1Fièih.~iitYõf Ki-ncardl~ _ _~I :. ~ '. -- , - -;..:, _~ DAV-._.;~~_ ::::..~... -~':::':\. ~-:.-:,...._ ......- ~t\\;. -::.... -.. ....- "....-~. ''';' -~v'..:í ,~""--:-.~ ,"~- .'I'~ "<"-'/ 4J.....~_. ,:,........'./ ~......-~::;./"'~,¡...,Þ'/ . DATE......" (8001) - (s~ITØnãnlf .. - - - - - - - -.. DATe~ at Kincardine ~NÒ.ÒE?=~~~tèP:-';'~ ¡Sei.;;låndiofd)- - - - - - - -- The lhIersigned Spouse of the Seller hereby consents to the amelKlments hereinbefore set out. jwh.oj - - - - - - - - - - - - -- . - - - - -- '" ¡,,;..;.¡' - - - -- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I ocknow\edge receipt of my signed copy of this Amendment 10 Agl'Hment ond I autholf- the Agent to foreward a copy to my solicitor. I acknowledge rec$ipt of my signed copy of this Amendment to Agreement and I authorize the Agent to forward a copy to my solicitor. , DATE ¡.j -~~ iU-l;ofthe-MunldpelltyofÎ<Jncardlne . , DATE ¡"'¡";~I' ~..-- ... , -- .. ~Soficitor,... I Addrei!s. . . , , . . . . . , , . . DATE, 6uyerfTenant) Boro Tatich .DAR (BuyerfTenant) Ad,..... . , , Tel. No,( , L Graham Mahood - - - - -- BU)'8I"sSolicitor , . Tel. No.1. .I. . , Ted Wilson - - - - - -.. - - -- - - - - -- Add"", ,- - - -- 1 ,I."... ·T~:¡¡;'. - . . . , , ' . . . . " FAX No, - - - - - - -- I .I. Tel. No. . - - -- . , . . .I. . . FAX No. o~ -.ciani Fonn, Do not _. wIMn prinllng 0. reproducing !he __ __ portion. .Jc.....11III1 Fonn No. 115 01101 RølMax IAIƓ Lands &oily Ltd . I ...... 1.....~ . . ."t':, - '~~ . '<IV SCHEDULE "A' VARIOUS LOTS MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE SALE DATED JUNE 24, 2002 . - . 1. # 3, N.side Elizabeth Sl, Tiverton, part 14, pllot 61, plan 210, RP 3R 196, 1l0-feetX 82.5·feet, more or less 2. N. side ofHerbert Sl, Tiverton, part 21, pllot 59 King, plan 210, RP 3R-196, 75-feet X 135-feet more or less 3. #2, S. side Herbert Sl, Tiverton, part 26, pllot 59 King, plan 210, RP 3R-196, 7S-feet X 135-feet more or less 4. #15, W. side eonqurgood St., Tiverton, part 29, part lot 59 King Sl, plan 210, RP 3R- 196, 70-feet X 140-feet more orIess 5. #18, E. side Conquergood Sl, Tiverton, part 46, part lot 59 King Sl, plan 210, RP 3R· 196, 70-feetX 140-feetmoreorless