HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 064 sale of land mole 'e - e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE NO. 2002 - 64 I A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE ~F LAND TO ¡ WALTER MOLE AND TERESE MOLE I I WHEREAS Walter Mole and Terese Mole wishes to pU~hase from the Municipality of Kincardine lands described as Part Lot 19, in e Municipality of Kincardine (formerly the Town of Kincardine), in the County of B ce; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of tht Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: ! , 1. That the Mayor and CAO. be authorized to execute such documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincarc1,ine, as may be deemed advisable to convey the lands described on SChe~ule "A" attached hereto, to Walter Mole and Terese Mole. ! 2. That the sale price for the said lands shall be forty ~housand dollars ($40,000.00). ' 3. That the sale of these lands shall be subject to the conditio' s outlined in the agreement of purchase of sale attached as schedule "A"; nd, that fifty per cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited 0 the Kincardine Economic Development Fund; and, fifty per cent (50%), of e net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Kincardine Capital Reserve undo i 4. That this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its trnal passage. 5. That this By-law may be cited as the "Part Lot 19 (Mole) Lan~ Sale, By-law". , ! READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME an,] passed this 8111 day of May, 2002. '1 --------- .... -"- AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE (FOR USE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 2002 - 64 Walter Mole and Terese Mole - . . - - - - - . . - . - - . . - (j;JiIégainôm..ÕfoU"BuY-i,· . - . - - . . - . . . - - - Corporation of Municipality of Kincardine . . - . - - - . - - - . - . - - - (fvlileØaínåmÏs~alw¡'¡) - . - . - -. - - - - . - . Cl BUYER.. . . . _ _ _ . _ _ , agrees to purchase from SEUER,...... 'a:~PERtY'. - -... . . . . . . . . . . .the"'lIowing .fron~ng on the. . . .East. . . .söde 01. . . . . ~oderlch Stre~t. .. . . Town of Kincardine -. - - - - - -. - - - - -- ond havil19 a frontage 01. . . . . . . 82.5'. . . . . . . more '" I... by a deplh of. .. ... Irreg!Jlar . . . . . .. mare '" Ie.. and legally d..cribed a. ...... !'t,Lot.19,.~ode~chStreet,.Former.'J:own.o.fKlncardlne!Munlclpallty~!Kln~~rdl.n!t,.C~unty.of.B.rl,lce...... . ......... 'Si:;~ :~~"¡'",,';'¡Òd",";';";"':";"¡""""'''''''''I''' ä¿~' .:;:p~. PURCHAlSIPRla,. . . . . ~~~.THOU~AND .. .. . . . . . m(CON$.... -'.~~:J~. . . . ) DIPOSn, Buyer .ulimits t . -. - -. . Not .Assi~!1ed ¡nth_. . . _ . . _ . . . _ . _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . - -. - - -. -.. - -. - -'. -.. -..' . .uP!lJ:! aç~eptance . . I. ........ .~NE. THOUSAND " ....... Dollars tCONS . (H~h/Upon CICtIIpIonm cash or ""9~ble cheque payable ta. . . . . . . . . . RElMA?' .L.ake Lan.dlS .Realty. Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . to be held in !nisi pending complelian ar other termination of this Agreement and to be credited toward tM Purchase Price on completkm. Buyer agrees to pay the balance 01 follows: The Buyers agree to pay the balance of the purchaae price, subject to adjustments, In cash or by certified cheque, to the Seller on the completion of this transaction. .1 !O.OO,O~ . This offer Is conditional for FOURTEEN (14) days from acceptance upon council of the Municipality of Kincardine approval of this Agreement, failing which this offer shall become null and void and the Buyers' deposit shall be retumitd to them In full without Interest or penalty, This condition Is Included for the benefit of the Seller and may be .....oved by them at their sole option within the time period allowed, .1 S,lIer further warranta that all costa assoclatad with the municipal services. all Impost fees, all Public Utilities ê rg.s Bnd all lot levies have been paid and that any outatandlng costa or chargaa, fees or levies will be paid by the seller on or before closing and that the subject lot Is serviced with municipal sanitary sewer and water. Buyers to pay any connectlon~sts. The Seller agrees to execute and reglstar a discharge of all existing mortgages, liens and encumbrances on the sUbJe.t Iota at his own expenses on or before closing, The ~lIer agrees to have the postal kiosk on the property located to the southwest comer of the subject lot prior to cl~lng, 1. "A&B" SCHIDULE(SI. . . . . . . . . . . . . attached hefeto !ann(.) part 01 thi. Agreement. C~TTILS INa.UDED.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " -.......... -..' - -.. - - -. -- ..... - -... -... -'.. -. -.... -... -.... -... - - -.. - -". -. -'. - - -. -" -.. - -.. - -'.. -. : ::=;"':'~.;";;.~E;;.';''''; $)~ ~...;¡ :;;.J:!l~:, 4. i"ivòCÅaiLirfITh;.Offe;.¡";IIb.·i';";';"~;~.·.· J-",~,'.' .·~n'¡I.·.~:·~O.·. ·p:m·.~n;h~. ~~ti! . ·tai.·.·.·.;:;l:·.·. '.~:~~~.' .', . . which ~me, if not accepted, this 0fI0r .hall be null and void and the depa.~ shall be retumed to Ihe Buyer in IvII withaut ""-t. - . COMPLmO~DATE'Thi'Agre;ementshallbecomoletedby.nalaterthan6:00r..m.anthe,. ~6th. day~...... .~1.!I~...... ... .2~~~. . U.AO_" completion/vacant po......on of the property sholl be gIVen to the Buyer un es. otherwise provideCt for in thIs Aereement. ()'801' 6. NClmCES, Vendar he~ appoints Ihe Um'!ll'Eraket a. ~nt lor the purpo.e 01 giving and reœiving notices pursuant to this Agreement. Only" th. Co-opefatfng B....... ...p.....m thei 1_ ef th. Buyer In thlo Ira_ctlon, the Buyer hereby appoints the Ca-aperoti".!! Broker a. Agent lor the .P«rpas8 01 SM. ng and rec;eiving notk:e. pursuant to this Agreement. Any notice relating hereto or provided for herein .holl b. in writinS{. This offer, any counter offer, notice of ~nce thereof, or any notice ,hall be deemed given and received¡ when hand delivered to the acldren for service provided, in th~wledgem.nt below. or where a facsimile number is provided herein, when transmitted electronically to that facsimile number. ~ é-f <--.. FA lNo...... .5~~.~96-~~7~..... .1fao.........oI_.....FAXNa. .. 'p"" ~~9..~9.6:9~?,....... .r.._..oI_"suy« 7. GST. If thi. transaction i. .ubject to Goad. and Serviœs Tax (G.S.T.), then SIICh tax .hall be. 1'-:' ./1'1 ~~! ~?!. ! .~. ~'. . the Purchase Price. If this transadÍon ¡s not sub¡.ct to G.S.T " Sell.r agrees to certify on or before dosing. that the transaction is not subied to G.s1 B. TITLESEARCHIBuyer."';llbeallowedumI6:00p.m.onlhe.. .1.2~h. , . dayal, . . . . . . ~~Iy. . . . . . . '. ~~O.2., jRequi.ition Dote) to examine the litl. to the property at hi. own expense and until the earlier of: (i) thirty day1 from 1M later of the RequÌ:IÌtIJ:"bate or the date on which the cof'Ktitions in this Ag....ment ore fulfilled or otherwi.. waived orj (ii) five days prior t.i com..øletion, to satisfy himself thQt the... are no outstanding work orden or deficiency notice. ~ffecting the praper1y, t\>at its ~ use t . . , .. .... .1:I.lngrl! fam!1}t ~!tI!IJ:!( ~lId!n.g.I~~ , . . . . . . . . .' I ~ be laWfully continued and that the pnncipal building may be Insured against risk of fire. Wer heia6y consentI to th. muniapalíty or ather govemmenta ncies relfKISing to Buyer detail. of all outstanding work orden affecting the property, and Seller agrees to eøc:uN and deliver suCh further authorizations in his ard 01 B~er may reasonably require. 9. F SII Sell... and Buyer _ that there is no ~otion or warranty 01 any kind that the future intended use 01 the property by Buyer i. or will be lawful ....pt .. may be .pÕcifically praYided lor in th~ Aareement. . 10. ntu:1 Proviåd that the title to the proper1y is good and frM from an registered nmrictions, chargea, liens, and encumbrances except 01 otherwise sP8Cifically provided in this ~reement and save and ....pt far ta) any regiotered restriction. ar _ that run with the land praoiding that .uch are complied with; (bl any registered "",niapal ~nts and registenKI agreements with publicly regulated utilities providing such hov. been compiedwith, or ItIÇUrity has be.n posted to ensure com~ance and completion, CIS evidenc:eCI by a I..... from the relevant munlåpal~ or regulated utility; (c) any minor eaun..I. for the suøølv of domestic utility or telephone services to the property ar adjacent .P~"; and lei) any easements fOr drainage, dorm or sanitary lewert, ~ic utirlly lirMl!( telePhone lin.., cable te!twilion lines oroth.r services which do not mcrktrially affect the present use of the property. If within the specified timel ~ to in parogropn 8 any valid objection to titI. or to any outstanding work order or defidenc:y notice, or to the fact the said present UM may not lowfully be continued, or that the principal building may nol be insured aGainst risk of fire is mode in writin¡ to Seller and which Setler is unable or vnwilling to remove, ~ or IIOflsfy or obtain in.uranOl .erve and except . aqain" risk of fire in favour of the ~ and On)' m~, (with 011 related costs at the ~.. of the Seller), and which Buyer will not waive, this A l'4IIement notwithstanding a~ irrtermedloht ods or negolÏOliof,J in respect of such obiection., sholl be at an ....d and all monies PO¡d shan be returned without " ,in rest or dec:ludion and Seller, üsting Broker and Co-oP.WGting Broker shott not be \iable for any COIft or ~. Sav. os to any valid objection so made '. . b .uch doy and except lor ony abieclian going to Ihe raat ófthetitte, Buyet.hall be conclusively d-*l to have a-..ied Sell81's titteto1he property. 11. OIlNG ARRANGEMINTS. Where eGch Of the Seller and 8uyer _in a lawyer to complete Ihe Agreement 01 Purcha.e and Sale 01 the property, ond where transodian will be completed by eJ4IdrorIic regiltrQtion punuant to PortlU of the Land Registration R~ Ad, R.s.O. 1990, Chaøter W, and any amendments , the Seller and Buyer acIcnawIedge and agree that the deIiYery 01 documents and the rel_ Ihereof to the Seller and Buyer may, ot the lawyers' dilcrelian; (al not occur contemporaneouslY with the registration of the _sler/deed (and other registerable documentotian, and jb be .ubject to condition. whereby thp ~r receiving documents and/or money will be required to hold them in trust and not ~8CI" them except in occordanc:e wìth the terms of a wriffen agreement batweenthelawyers. 21EA Standard Form. Do not alter when prlnll... or ...producl... the otandard p......, p.rtlon. __ Ho. 101 01101 iIIIII. ~"'I 01101 IWMœt Lokø LantU Røalty LId , . 12. DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGEI Buyer .haU not call fa< the production of 01))' 6~e deed, ab_d, ''''''8)' a< ather evidence 01 tille la th_r1Y -,lfuch os are in the possession or control of SelI,r. If req",øted by 8uye" Sell... will deliver any .Jc.tch Of' IUNe)' of the property within S.II..... control to Buyer as soon as ~ible and prior to the ReQuiaifion Date. " 0 diKtiarge 0 Qny Charge/MonA8 held by a ~ion incorporated pursuant to the Trust and Lóaò Componle. Ad lCanøCJa), Chartwed lank Trust Company, Credit Union, Caisse PopúJ.. or tnlUranø Company and which II not to be QlSumcad by Buyer on completion. IS not ova~abJ. in registrable form on completion, Buyer 0S,ees to acxept Sell.,.. ~r'. peltonal undertaking to obtain, out of the ,Io.mg funds, a disc:horøe in regiltroble form and to register .ame on titl, within a realOnClbt. period of time after completion, p'rovicft¡B that on or before completion Sell.r shall provtde to BU)f!r 0 mortgage statement ~epar'd i?Y the mortgag.. aelting out the balance requIred to obtain the dilcharge, together with a direction executed by Seller dirtding payn:lent to Ihe mo 09" of die amount ~uired to ø6tain the discharge out of the balance due on completion. 13. JN$PICTION~ Buyer acknowledges having had I e opPØ!funity 10 insped the property and understands. that upon acceptance of this Offer there shall be a binding agreement õf purchase and sole between Buyer and SeUer. , 4. INSURANCEs All buirdings on the property and all other things being purchased shaU be and remain until completion of the risk of Seller. Pending completion, SeUer shall hold all insurance P.OIicies, if anY and the proceeds Ihereof in trust for th. partie. as their interests may ap'p8Qf and in the event of substantiahWd Buyer may' either terminate tl1is Agreemant and have 01/ monies paid returned without interest or dedudion or else toke the proceeds of a~ insura . complete the purchase. No insurance shall be transferred on completion. If Set/er IS talång back a Charge/Mortgage, or Buyer is assuming a Charge/ , Buyer sholl sUPP'tv Seller with reasonable evidence of adequate insurance to prote" Sellel"s or other mOftQagee's interest on comPJetion. . 1 S. PLANNING Actl This Agreement shall be effective to ame an interest in the prope~ only if Seller complies with the subdIvision control provisions of the Planning Ad by complation and Seller covenants to proceed diligently at his ~se to 06tain any necessary consent by completion. , 6. DOCUMENT ÞREPARATIONs The Transfer/Deed shall, save for the land Transfer Tax Affidavit, be pr.pqred in registrable form at the expense of Seller, and any Charge/Mortgage to be given back by the Buyer to Seller at the 8XP.t!nst of th. Buyer, If requestšd by: B~er{ Sellel' covenants that the Transfer/Deed to be delivered on completion shoJI contain the statements contemplafeCI bv Section 50 (22) of the Planning Ad, R.S.O. 990. 17, RESIDINCY, Buy8lr shall be creditea towards the Purchase Price with the amount, if any, necessary for BUyer to pay to the Minister of National Revenue to sotisfy Buver's liability in re~ of tax payable by Seller under the non.residenCVl.rovilNons of the Income Tax Ad by reason of this sale. Buyer shall not daim sudi credit if Seller delivers on completion the prescribed certificate or a statutory eclaration that Seller is not then a non·.....dent of Canada. 18. ADJUSTMENTS: Any rents, mortgQP8 inlerest, realty taxes ¡ndueling local improvement rates and unmetered public or ~I. utility charges and unmeter.d cost of fuel as applicable, thall be apportioned and allowèd to the dO);' of completion, the day of completion itself to be apportioned to Bu~.r. '9. TIME ÜMITS: Time shall in all respects be of the "s&nee hereof provided that Ihe time for doing or completing of any matter provided for herein may b. extended or abl'idged by on Q.areement in writing signed by Seller and Buyer or by their respedive ICMYers who may &e speCificalJy authorized in that regard. 20, TENDERI Any tender of documents or mon!)' hereunder may b. made u~ Seller or Buyer or the" respective o'!IYen on the day set for completion. Money may be tendered bv bank draft or c:h~ue certified by 0 Chart_éd Bank, Trust Company, Province of Ontario SOvings Office, Credit Union or Caisae Populoire. 21, FAMILY LAW Acts Seller warrants that spousal consent is not n8C8$sary to thi, transaction under the provisions of the Family law Ad, R.S.O. 1990 unless Seller's ~pc:luse hos executed the consent hereinafter provided. 22. U'Fh Sell.r represents and warrants te Buy.r that during the time Sell.r has owned the property, Seifer has not caused any building on the property to be insulated with insulalion cantainina ureafonnaldehyde, anë:lthat to the best of s.n..... knoWIeclQe no building on the property contains or has ever contained insula ion that contain. ureaformolCfehyde, Thï. warranty shall survive and not merge on the completion of this transadion, and íf the building is port of a multiple unit buil~i!'l-'lt thi. warrct!1lY. shall only apply to thai part of the building which is the subject of this transaåion. 23. CONSUMlR REPORTS, Tho !'}'er .. fiereby notified that 0 conaumor repart cantalnlng credit and/or penona' lnIannotlan moy be reforred to In connection with thll traRlactkÑ1. 24. AGENCYllt is understood that the brokers involved in the transaction represent the parties as sel 0 in the Confinnation of Representation below. 25. AGREEMENT IN WRlnNG, If the,.. is conflid between çany provision added 10 this Agre8m t ~nduding any Schedule attoc:hed hereto) and any provision in the standard pre-set portion hereof, th. added provision shaJl supersede the standard pr..sets", ision to the extent of such conflid or diacrePÇ!RC)'. This Agreement induding any Sèheclule attached hereto, sholl c:onstitute the entire Agreement betwHn Buyer an 1181'. T.... is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition, which affects this AQreemlN'lt other than as expresnd herein. For the purposes of this reement, Seller m8Gns vendor and Buyer means purChasei'. This Agreement shall be read with ã/I chan~ of gender or number required by the context. 26. SUCCESSORS AND A5SIGNS~ ,.... tieirs, executors, administrators, succeuors and -SN of the dersigned are bound by the terms herein. DATED at, , ' , , , , , , , , , ,~II1C?8!~I!1~, ' , , , , , , ".-=-.iJ.~~.:..:L~ ,,' dayol, , , , ' , , ~prll, ' , , , ' , ", ,~~~02 , ~I~NE~.,~AI. AN~~E~I~~~7~res:ceol: -:-~N,~~7~',~, , ~ ~, __ O"'~..',~ .., ,IT. r>iÆ'~ 1'-1 Walter Mole jw~"~"~~~' !DA, ",~9dQO.;( I, the Undersigned Seller, agree to lhe above Offer. I hereby irrevocably instrud my I~r to pay dir Iy to the listing Broker the unpaid balance of the commission together with applicable Gõøds and Services Tax (and any other taxes as may hereaft.r be applica e), from the prcx:eecls of the sol. prior to any payment to the undersigned on completion, 01 advised by the Listing Btoker to my lawyer. DATED aI, , ' , , , ' , , , , , .I~II1C?8,r~I!1~, ' , , , ' , , ' , , , .thi., ,if9fl:-: , ,dattYOf , , , SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of: IN E5S whereof I have hereunto.et my h nd and. I: ¡w;...~ " "',"','" 'ii-;~k¡:¡o,~~~pa Klncardin'" !,p~l~ 2002 Ap~J~~7:~ _ DATE, (tool) jwii"",i ' , ' , , , ~""j , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , ' , , , ' , , , , " ! DATE"",,"""'" SPOUSAL CONSENT: The Undersigned Spouse of the Sillier hereby consenl. to the di~ition' h.....n p'ul'$uant to In. provisions of the Family Law Ad, R.S.O. 1990, and hereby agrees with the Buyer thai he/she will exea.lt. all McøslClry or incidental docum nts to give full force and effect 10 the tal. evidenctld herein. jw'"",i ' , ' , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , 1ipô.Ñ ' , , ' , , ' , , , ' , , , , , , , ' , , , ' " ! DATE"",,"""'" CONFIRMATIO~ " ~CUTlONI Notwithltanding anything contained h.,..in to tht contrary, confirm this Ag,..ment wilh all cha~ ~.,2.nd written ~exeCuted by allparii..at ,&f~/), pttt(./p,m. this, Åc/ ,day of. ,,' ¡µ.~"" ,,~~ """"~, ~~""" ,'" . . '1 ./ ~ ISiIilnah.nofs. .rot~ CONFIRMATION OF REPRESENTAnON I hereby acknowledge and confirm the üsting Broker representslhe interests of the I hereby adcnowledge and confirm the Co-operaling Broker represents the int\!,r~s , , , ' , , ,~~:u'l~~~~, , inthistransaction. oIthe, , , , ,.............1' ' , , , ' , , inlhistransadion . Sighafuri of Liti,¡g 8rObi oi oüthõrii.cfrejriaeñlaliYi ..". - -.... $igñofuri of CO-ôpcWafini 8ioür ór õuthoñzid;~ . . - -.. -. -'" -... Nom, of ¡,¡,¡;... -." , ' , ,~M!,?, ,~~I! I,.~n,d~ ,R,e!,l~ ~t!l., , , , Nome of Co.opwolino 1toØr: . -.... -. -....... -...... -- ( 519 ) T;'I."Nò. .. 396-8444 ( 519 ) -;AX Ño." 396-9070 ..... . I." ,1" T"'No, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - -.... - -. -. ( ) -PMÑo.U -............ - ..' -".' I acknowledge receipt of my ,iSMd copy of this or:cephld AgrHmenl of ~ and Sale and I authorize the Agent to forward a copy to my Jowy.r. DATE i~ÎIp: Òf ¡he i.!üñlcipilitŸ òf i<J¡'éaidi... ' -.."....... . I acknowledge NCtipl of my ,igned copy of this accepted Agrøment of Purchase ond Sale a~q',('~riu~e~~pylo my lawyer. . ~¡:; 2-/ ZA' ¡i4.f;í/~r'M{¡e'·' , , , :, ,DATE,.t, ,,7, , , ' , '«'~..l..€. :::??7r4 ,DATE, ~~~.;),étc:;o, 18..... Teres. Mole ~- y , Addre" for Service:. . . _ . _ . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . - - iSeile~ . . - . . . - . . Add,.., for Service:_ . . . . -.. - -. ,DATE ..... -.. - - -. .... - -. - . . . ~ . . - . - . . . . . . , , , ' , , , ' , , , , , , ' , , , ' , ,Tel.No,1. , ' i, , ' , , , ' , , , Sell,f' Lawye', G¡z'~ , ,~ðtlvr.t /? : , , ' , , , , ' , , , , , , , ' , , , ' , , , ' , , , Tot.No.I, , , J, , , , ' , , , ' , Buyef,Lawyer, , :H~ ","""~L.~"" ",,', Ad"- ... -............... Add.... . -.... - -.'. - -............. -.. -..- I", .1 T,I. No. .I." .1 FAX No. ............. . I." .1 Tot. No. .... -.......- .I", ,J FAX No. -.. - -... -..... FORO FI E use NLY COMMISSION TRUST AGRIIMINT To: Co·operating Brobr shown on the foregoing Ag....ment of Purchase and Sole: In conliderotion for the eo.Operaling Broker procuring the fore;oing Agreement of Purd'lal, and Sale, I hereby declare that all moneys rectÎved or receivabte by me in connection with the Tral'lløction os contemplated in lMe MLS RtAN and Regulotiol'll of my Real Estoft, Board thoU b. recelvabl. and Mid in fruit. This og....m.nt shall constitute a Commiuion Trust Agre.m.nt a' defined in the MLS RuWs and shøll be subject to and govern.d by the MLS ~ pet1aining to CommÌAion Trust. DATED os of the date and time of the ac:c:eptance of the fof'egoing Ag~ of Purchas. and Sale. Ac:knowledged by: š¡ ñaiutÕoiuitïñ iroic.ioi~ŽecÍre- ................ . 'of' ·BrÕbr~õuthorrudr; ~. . -.. -... SCHEDULE "A" TO THE AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE (FOR USE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) SCHEDULE "A" TO BY::LAW NO. 2002 - 64 Ii This Schedule ¡. attached to and form. part of the Agreement of Purchase and Sol. between: 6""""""" Walter Mole and Terese Mole and ...... - - - - - - - -......................... -..... -.. - - - -. - - - _., SlWR" , , , , , , , , ' , , , , , ' , , , ,C,or Joratlo.nof M,u!,lcl )ality,of Kincardine, , , , , , , , ' , . ' , ' , , -... -. ..,-,/"~~ ...,-- lor 'he purchase and .ale af. , , , , , , , , , , , ,Not ,Assløned , . - - - - - -.- . . - _..~... - ~è.'-· ..-.. . .. . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . . . . -. -. -........ -...... - - - - - - - - -- , .. .. , . , , .. . ø' .. .. .. .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0~¿cz--' This o'er Is further conditional for sixty (60) days following the removal_of thll.P.~vJ~s condition by the Seller upon the Seller co-operatlng with the Buyer In securing, at the cost of the , ã;¡{1tióY variance or other remedy or rem,dles as necessary, which will enable a building permit to be Issued allowing for the construction of a single family dwelling as shown on Schedule "B" attached hereto, failing which, this offer shall be null and void and the Buyers' deposit returned In full, without Interest or penalty. This ol'fer Is further conditional upon the Seller providing to the Buyers a new O.L.S. sketch of survey showing four cQrners of the subject property more or less as shown In Schedule "B" attached hereto or of greater dJmen~lons, as soon as possible and prior to the 12th day of July, 2002, failing which, this offer shall be null and void a~ the Buyers' deposit returned to them In full, without Interest of penalty. "e two conditions are Included for the benefit of the Buyers and may be removed by them at their sole option, within the time period allowed, .1 (NOTE: Th¡' form must be ini~aUed by aU parti.. 10 the Aø_t 01 Purchase and Sale.) "~,~~~'"~~",,,, .~~~,¿~~~.d/""" {"". ?'~ter Mole ~ratlon of the Munclpallty Of Kincardine i'';''~'~~šè2770'''''''''''''' '¡s;.;,""""""""""""""""'" ORIA SIa"dard Fam" 00 not alter when printing or ..producfnø the otanclard pro-eet portion. Ua roW...1 1.101 PomI No. 101. 01/01 R,¡Mœt LoIœ Ltmtb Realty Lid. ~ SeIIedale "B", P.t, Manlelpa6ty of KlDeardble lit Mole, pt. ~~ St., Kblcanllne f "",.m~"",,,.. .,,_ i I C:OIIIII- --' ~1"c".': '" """ - · I: ~ ? . ., . ë Wo' i It> '" , · ¡f. ~Jt· I.,. \,. "'I!f!' .,.. .. .... _.... .....0.'''''\ "',.C': · ft ., ,. : '" ~ , ~ , ~ .~.....:> ;, :.&.: ;: 1- .. ! !! N..,: '!J ft ~ . I A..~ao~:- .w '.t 2'. ", ~ «or "'. ~ . , ,. e...........c..K. S' ~ott. - .IIt-l(".... ~ â ft ... ft ...10 · . 't ~ '~ "- .~ . CD i .~ ..-... i . . ... I ....... .... 1....'" .. _ . ""'40~" """'I..,.ft· ..I.' I....¡. ~ ¡ :i ~ I 1+!6'¥~1 -~, ~ . ,', ..., .~ _.r _ _,,,·..··(u·ø.., '~fI(f' ,..)., . I....·......·" ....,." II" _ST_ .."" .. , .. '0 '" ¡ )j ft · · ::1 ,'t' lit · ,. ¥I ~I.' ~ a '. !: : . . ~ J. VI I ¡ . Ii I ; , I îi . · £1 i II ~ .. · · : lif".{ 1_ ~ c: 'I' · · : i = ¡ .<J4' ... c:: ? 'f) :z: . ¡: __ I- :..J- a: .. < ~ ~ '" .-- · ê <r .. · ZlÞII v ... ? r' ~ --- .2.ør6' · £ ,- If) '" 3: ~ I r- .. 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S de í ¡..1 , ..,. .~( '.) ~ ' ..~ J -~I' '", ·i '~r '" .. b, ,1 " ... .' \I' I 't ·~I .. ·.al ~ ,( I ~ I tiedale "B", P. 3, MaRle/pllllty otKlneardlne lit Mole, pt. 19 Goderleb St., KIncardine . f--··..·,·_'-' I . f/I..., .(l _..L-r ,,,. ,.....f.L . _...~..___4~9.·. .......,...__... . ,-, ...... .. ,-,."I,'-~.'.'I~.' '" ,.. .._~',......., , ... I ' I ........,~..!'~~ .........¡ £L. . ...__.),1 ,LJ q",,:=:_ ., , ff.~,..'1'1___.., . , ~I I .. 1, "'" ~ ' ... J_~e.fZ,. ~ ~ ~? n~"-'I <í1 It ,.'.,t -G ¿, · -."! S. .." ".-..., -.. . ...:~ ....".k ,'t r , "'õ :g,..!fI2 !..2: . -..".... ..' . . ;.I"~ ~tJ.. --,..~1...~P~.. ...---- .... ..' "- -,¡ ... :J ''II . , ~ ~ ..' .... . " .. ,J 1-. ~. ."-th' · I ,,,.r.J.~.¡{ ~ '. ... ". f tl .... ,);'-.:1' ~ I.. .. ¡ ! RoJ 9 ~ .. .. J . , 'II 'ot 0 ,\ I 'f, '; ,A .. .. ~ ,f> ] C 1:: I ~ :rH ell ¡t.. "'A Q II ,.."....." 3 ¡i ~II . '''~ .1 J?.l 'y ,..'..~ 1.1 II t' ·r' 'i·..·:· ......-1 ~... .\~ ~ i '± [ "d.""..., \ ~ , , . t::",~.~~;.'!~... .. 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