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02 132 sale of land mckague
e - ., e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE KBT ~. BY-LAW NO. 2002 -132 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LAND TO CATHERINE McKAGUE AND ANDREW McKAGUE WHEREAS Catherine McKague and Andrew McKague wish to purchase from the Municipality of Kincardine lands described as Parcel 1-2 Section Con-1, Township of Bruce, Part of Lot 1, Concession 1, being Part 1 on 3R-3504, formerly Township of Bruce, now Municipality of Kincardine, County of Bruce; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor and CAD. be authorized to execute such documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, as may be deemed advisable to convey the lands described in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached as Schedule "A" hereto, to Catherine McKague and Andrew McKague. 2. That the sale price for the said lands shall be thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000.00). 3. That the sale of these lands shall be subject to the conditions outlined in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached as schedule "A"; and, that fifty per cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale shall be credited to the Kincardine Economic Development Fund; and, fifty per cent (50%), of the net proceeds from this sale shall be credited to the Kincardine Capital Reserve Fund. 4. That this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 5. That this By-law may be cited as the "Lot 1, Conc. 1, Former Bruce Twp. (McKague) Land Sale, By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and passed this 4th day of September, 2002. Clerk _ -L __ ill" -'~ &1I-i7-112 't Lla.Ellyat.1..CGA '19'46 SÐWAPDR+++++++ L SERVICE :jl';;16bt:;:~~:¿4 ID-S1937ð9938 4 ..J¡P.." fV' P,&.l..?'O'2 œ ::riAUOII" AO=1f.'t' OF PUROIASEAND IAUi (1'0. 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DoIIan CDtIS . ...... ..~?,,([,JO.OQ ~l \!m!!1~nce ...J.......m'...·............º~.-rn~P.....n..............DoJ""'C""I. .....1,o.oo,op . , .......,~~ =:::;"~.~~~,,..;:..~':;;¡'iõ'..;,;.~'.,r;,jimi¡¡,.~~?æ:ß~~·;;,;;_~,i.f¡¡;¡;~.:-r.:~' '''''' p8n<Öng ...",pIo""" or T'-! IUyer ... to P8V \tie bIII8nœ O! h IIRhase priœ. subject m acljustrnIiiJtl;, in œsh or ~ oertifíed cheque, 10 the ..... on \tie QOfI,pletion of thI8 11..-.6.01' . This 0IIiar shall be conditional for 150 dIrp 8II8r tne CJItI of 1%001....006 Of IIIIs Offer, bv the Seller. ~ the Buyer app¥ng for IIÌd obIUIlng approval to hIwe !he IUIIjIot propeny rHDIIICI IIIIIIIIIIt, to ... regp'" *IIied 10 openIte a senIOrs IIame. This COI,diIIù.11s /ncUfed ftIr the b8rIIit of.... Øuyer end mer'" waMId·. her .. opIIon br notice in writiog 10 f!Iè ..... wllhillhe time period S18I8d hit.... .. .. .Seler shall sign sit ~ doOIIMnIB IhI mIIke aI reasD,18bIe effDrtI¡ to ae!st !he BIqer in her efforts to apply and ,.., epplWl!, and the Bvyer 8h8IIUp8115e ¡¡II costs IIIIIIMIID such a~_ on. Tha peñe& further agree that fouthwith IfIIf obb!Ø1II1g approval to rø-ZllllillIIie SeIIeriBU)'8r shill notify the SeRerf 1l&'1li' _dla."b, and tile IIëIllSllction lhall thl:\!n ~ 21 days aIIIIr notice has been reclMld. SIÍoIdd the Buyer fill in her application then this ~ 8l1li1 becøne iHll and void and ~ ~It. shall ~ retumed to 118!1uyer In fill withOUt IntIrMt 01' penIIlty. .:{ ~ I-~ '1() FurIIer the SeIer agt8ØS to IUppIy and insIaII an ~ IDoaIød fire hydrIInt t . l:" : I c....... . No.!,£....: ..-\1..",.3 (\SI<C:n'\"V<~ ¡:¡, S"~JU'~ fa co.........", Sf ~ a.--~ .\ Ç,.....,. prç,p.< (~"I f""\u" -I- b<.. ~~<C Q. f'OI'" q, ~,,"'. J .~.~ ~..,~..,................. .n........... 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