HomeMy WebLinkAbout99 153 Agree-C of Br/Wnter Main ·. ,. -. .0 .' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDlNE-BRUCE- TIVERTON BY-LAW NO. 1999 -153 A BYLAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGNING OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE-BRUCE-TIVERTON AND THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF BRUCE FOR PROVISION OF WINTER MAINTENANCE WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine-Bruce- Tiverton deems it advisable to enter into a Agreement with The Corporation Of The County Of Bruce for the undertaking of plowing and sanding of a small section of Bruce Township's Sideroad 25/26 and permit purchase of winter sand and salt. NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine- Bruce- Tiverton ENACTS as follows: 1. That The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine Bruce Tiverton enter into an agreement with The Corporation of the Township of The County of Bruce for the provision of winter maintenance. 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign, on behalf of The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine-Bruce-Tiverton the Agreement with The Corporation of the County of Bruce attached to this by-law and to affix the corporate seal as and when required. 3. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 4. This By-law may be cited as the "County of Bruce Winter Maintenance, Agreement By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 8th day of December, 1999. 7 . \-- ........ ~' .... .:::!!' -'. '. lIr ~ ...,.. - ."~"''-4''IVI. VI. o~o VO~ O,OO.~ ¿I ~ '4U 4;.U 0.10.1 . "·4'S'1.~ . .....vun I r VI'" DKl.Jl,.C- SC'I""MOLJ!: "A" TOWNSHZP OF ItDlCAJtD%NE-BRUCE-TZV'JUlTON 'J!. WI:N'1'l!:R ~ANCJ!: AGRBZKII:N'1' -"i PARTY OF THE FIRST PART and PARTY OF THE SECOND PART C01\P01\AT:tON OF THE C01\P01\AT:tON OF THE COONTY OF IUU.JCE address TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDJ:NE-BRUCE-TJ:VZR'J'ON address WALKERTON. ONTARIO 707 QUEEN ST.. K:INCARJ:DNE phone (519) 881-2400 (519) 00J.-16J.9 (519) 396-0208 phone (519) 396-3468 :fax fax representative representative BR:rAN KNOX JAMES O' ROURKE It is he,reby agreed by both parties to exchange winter mllintenanc. activities as £o11oWG: 1. Bru.ce Township Sideroaci 25/26 The Second Party requests that the First Party undertake the plowin< and sanding of a small section of Bruce Township's Sideroad 25/26 'l'he Second Party recognizes and agrees that tlJe Fl.c'at; Party ahal, conduct this work Collowiug winter malntenancø work on the adjacen1 Bruce County Roads. The Second Party recognizes and agrees w~th tho appJ.icabJ.e Winter Ma.intenance Leve~ Of Service. The Second Part: shall conduct the necessary patrolling, 'ice blading and snow blowin. on this section of road. A value of $100 per month has bee, established for the work. This value shall be offset by the County'; purchase of winte:t' sand and salt L'rom the Bruce TO,wnship facility. . .,.,~ The Second Party is road including the drains. respons.ih~e for thfl' drainage JUll.lntellanc.:e o( t.hl clearing of ditches. catch basins, and stor! 'rhe Second Pa..c:Ly :5bêl~l be L:espcnsib~e r-or Lhe .t:oöd 8uJ::.LaC;e 1[\2:11nLan~n<..:\ inc~uding the repair of pot ho~e3, cr~ck3 Dnd depreG5ion3. 2. 8upp1y of W~nt:er Sand and 8a1t: The Second Party agrees to permit the First party to purc.hase winte sand. and sa-J.t from the Bruce Township Municipal Yard~ The First Part shall record the amount of material taken and sha.ll SUbl,Lit to th- Second Party this amount: on December 31st. 1998. The FLt'st Party shal rei~urse the Second Party to offset the value of winter maintenanc activity under Item 1 at the fo~~ow1ng rates: Winter Sand $10.00 per cubic yard loaded Winter Salt - $50.00 per cubic yard loaded 3. 1egaJ. desor1.pt.i.on o£ ·,vnt: .;re a. £011ows: thi: s1.11)ject: t:o the The aq;re ;roadway Bruce Township Sideroad 25/26: Road allowance between Lots 25 and 2 for approximately 600 feet north of County Road 20 (Ontario Hydr Road) _ .:)L;J'I ,.a.~L), "nftU'U...I'&VI. VI. ....... _... ...... . .. ..._..... . ........ r . .~ 4. XnQ.-~ific:at~on .!t . ~ ............... .... ................. --- --- ---~.,' .... ... By this Agreement. the First Party indemnifies the Second Party an, saves it harm~ess from a~l liability, al~ manner of actions, cause, o'f action, suits, c::J..aims. demands and co:sL::s whatsoever arising frOI any acti.ons of the j:-irGt pa.rty, i.ts personne~ empl.oyees, representa.tives or agents, done in pursu;:¡nca~ of this Agreement_ By this Agreement. the Second Party indemn~£ies the First Party an. save$- it harm~ess fx·om. 8.11 liabili.ty, ð,1..l manner of actions... cause; of action, suits, claims, demands and costs whal...o.."..r arising frol any actions of the Second Party, its per30nnol., cmp1.oyees rcpresent&tives or agents, done ~n pursuance of this ~9reemp.n~. 5. 3:nsUZ'ance Each party to thia Aqreement covenant.s and agrees to maintai comprehensive Municipal LiabiJ.ity Insurance, with limits of at leas $1.0,000,000 inclusive per occurrence, protecting against 1~ab1~it arising from ac~s done in pursuance of this Agreemenl.. Each of th parti.es shal~, at the request of the other, provide ev:idence 0 coverage as provided for in this clause. The undersigned parties hereby aqroc to aQide by the above conditions fo the winter season November 1. 1999 to Dec@mber 31st. 2000 or until notic to withdraw from this agreement is .c5.pprcpriately gi.ven by one party Lo th other. '"' ~tgn..d and sealed this r~ day of ~ Zr:x::P , .-r9-_ FOR THE PARTY OF d)~~~ Signed ~~~ Department Councillor 0.:::::Sr =' Signed'" ~/~~ ëOUñty Engineer ~ ~~/C$::) Date FOR THE PARTY OF THE SECOND PART '-/ ~ , r- ~~.,,- = -, -- Clei"k -'--"'- --=::.:-:::- .-....--:. :::- ~:--, -:::- . ..'/"~ ~",~- .:::- ~~ ~ ~......~..-" ,~ .".... '~#.# J~~. \:-'S.Q,':" ,~~>'" 2..o~- "",... ~.. r-.l..lA Date 1"7 ) ,.,.-