HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 155 sale of land hahn lot 41
NO. 2002 -155
WHEREAS Philip Hahn and Marlene Hahn wish to purchase from the
Municipality of Kincardine lands described as Part Block C, Part 2, Part Lot 41,
former Township of Bruce, Municipality of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce.
NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows:
1. That the Mayor and C.A.O. be authorized to execute such documents, on
behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, as may be
deemed advisable to convey the lands described on Schedule "A" and
Schedule "B" attached hereto, to Philip Hahn and Marlene Hahn.
2. That the sale price for the said lands shall be thirty-five thousand dollars
3. That the sale of these lands shall be subject to the conditions outlined in the
agreement of purchase of sale attached as Schedule "A"; and, that fifty per
cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Kincardine
Economic Development Fund; and, fifty per cent (50%), of the net proceeds
from this sale be credited to the Municipality of Kincardine Capital Reserve
4. That this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage.
5. That this By-law may be cited as the "Part Lot 41, Former Township of Bruce
(Hahn) Land Sale, By-law".
this 6th day of November, 2002.
- --~
~..-_t_ -.....
Schedule "A"
By-Law No. 2002-155.
- - - - --
PhUlp Hahn and Marlene Hahn
- . - . - - - - . ji:",illi"õl nOm. Of øu -.u;.ø, .
Municipality of Kincardine
. . - - . i=uIi~~Õfáw.ql - -
_ . _ _ _ _ . _ I agrees to purchase from
8U"11R,. . . .
HLIft,. . . . .
.... PIOPlI1Y.
¡nthe. _ . _ _ .
- -. - - - --
. . . . . . ,th.loIlowing
R.R.. # 3 . fronting on th.. North aide of. . . . . . . . Conc..8.
. Township of Bruce, MunlclpaUty ofKlncardlll8' County of Bruce. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and t!aving a fton.age of. _ . _ _ . _ ~ _ _ . _ _ _ more or less by a depth of. _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ more or less and legally described as
Part .BI~.C. Part 2.. Pt~ Lot 41..Townshlpof Bruce. MuniclpaU~ of Kincardine, .County .of Bru.ce. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (th."p,operty').
~deiCr;j.üõn~Ìand ~-.m.n.. ñoidri.cribed~,·
. Dolla.. (CONS.
. ~.OOO,O.O.
8uyOI'submit. l . upon ac~ep~nce . . I. . .
caah or negotiabl. ch.que payabl. to. . . . . . . . . . RElMAX. Lake Lands .Real~ Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . to b. h.ld in t/\lst pending completion 0'
other ~inøtion of this Agreement and to be credited toward the. Purchase Price on completion. Buyer ogr'88f to pay tNt balance as follows:
Tha JJuyers agree to pay the balance of the purchase price. subJact to adJusbnents. In cash or by certified cheque.
to thie Seller on the completion of this transaction.
. . . . Dolla.. (CONS.
- - - + --
This jOffer is conditional until requisition date upon the property being zoned correctly for a rasldentlal home to be
bullt[lll1d a building permit being permitted from the MunicIpality of Kincardine for the same.
.. .
S~"LE(sl . . . . . . ." A.¡. ~. . . . . . attad1ed henllo Iann(. port al thi./Ig,eement.
: ~~LL..L_...J:0-~_~~2.L~l2.,_2
4. '1IIIIVOCAII1U1Y'Thi.OfIwthallbeiOTØVOCQbl.by.. .:.~r. . . un~1. .6:00. . p.m.onth.. .25~. .dayof. . . ~t~~r.. . '. .~OO~. .'
øfterwhich time, if not accepted, this Offer shall be null and v':.d a~ the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without interest. )'HI')
5.~~DATE.Thi./Ig,~.hallbe"'mpl..edbynalate'than6:00p.m.onth., .~nd. day of. . . . "~ov:e!11.~r . . . . ... .200~ . .
. ~etlon.yocant poss8$SIon of the propertv shall be given to the Buyer unJeø otherwise provideëf fot in this Agreement. yeøf
6. OII~ Vendor hereby appoints the Listing Broker 0$ ~ for the purpose of giving and receiving notices pursuant to this Agreement. Only If the eo-operatlna
........ ...,_ the InlelUll of the Buyer In thIo Ira_A, the BuYe< hereby appoints the Co-øpenmng 8<oket a. Agent 10, the .PU'l'OI. of
gM", and receiving notices pu"uont to this Agreement. My notice relating hereto or prOVIded for herein sholl be in writinq. This offer, any counter offer, notice of
acœlÞlance thereof, or any notice shall be deeined given and received, when hand delWered to the address for seMce provided in the Acknowledgement below, or
'"'- a facsimile n""'..... is pl'OYided herein, when ttansmítted eledronicolly to !hat facsimile number.
FAXNo...... .~1~~~6:-90!~..... ./Fo<-..,oI_IoSollw!FAXNa. ....... 5~~9.a-~?~.. .1fo<_oI_Io"-!
7. GST, ffthi.t,onsadion ;.lUbjectfa Goads and _ Tax (G.S.T.). then such ""'shall be Included In the Purchase Price.
If thi.transodion is not subjed to G.s.T., SeUer agrees to certif)' on or before do.ing, that';" .~~. i~~-:J;(:dõdto~S',:r .
8. TlTUSIARCH'8I1)'01'shall be allowed unril 6:00p.m. on the. . .1.5th . . dayof. . . . . .N.o~~m~r. . . . . '. 2~~2., (Requi.i1ion Dot.) to
examine the title to the property at hi, own expense and unlil the eariier of: (ij thirty days from the later of the Requisih':"bate or the date on which the
conditions in this Agreement al'8 fuJfi,'ed or oftwtrwiH waived or¡ (iQ five days prior to comPøtionA to :Ksfy himself that there are no oulstanding worlc orders
0' delbecienlawfucv nlolices affectuedíng ndthe p_, !hat óts "'"""" .... l . . . . '.3 . . . . . k'oI ,. u ..~_~Id~tl~~ .,. . . .'. . I' . . . hoO .. ... I
may Iy contin a that the princ:ipal building moy be ¡nsUnK! againsl ris l1l1I. .::NIIIer ._-, consents to me mUnlCipa IIy or ot ør governmental
ag....c(es releasing to Buyer details of all outsIanding wOrk orders øffecting the property, and Seller agrees to øecule and defwer such further authorizalions
in this! . rd as 8Uver mar: røasonabfy require,
9. USE: Seller and Buyer agree that 1hftf'8 is no ...,.....lføfion or warranty of any kind that .... future intended use of the property by Buyer is
or will lawful except a. may be specifi<allv pl'ovided lor in ""'~.
1 O. , Pf'OVidecl that the tiIfe to the property is good and free from al registwred reslridions, charges,liens. and encumbrances ~ a8 otherwise specifically provided in
this ~ent and serve and e:ccept for (a) af1y regi...... reshidions or covenants that run With the land providing that sutb aN complied wilñ; (b) 01'1)' registered
muniapal agreements and reg!.8fered agreements with publidyregulated utilities providing such have been compied wit", or NCUtÌty hos been posted-to ensure compliance
and completion, as evidenc8d by a I....... from the relevont municipality or regulated utility; (c) any minor easements for the'~· of cIomestic utility or telephone
aerviœÌ to the property or adjacent p-operties¡ and (d) any eosen:tents fOr draina~1 storm or sønitary sewers, fWb'ic utility li~t_ t8JePhone fines, cabl.television lin8$
or othW seMces which do not materiolly QffecI the present UN of the property. If within Ibe ~ times referr8d to in paragrapn 8 any va1id obiedion to title or to ony
oulsfaiÌding work order or deficiency nøtiœ, or to the fed the said presen' use mO'l not lawfully be continued, or thai the prinåpa' building may nof be insured
against risk of fire is made in writing to Seller and which Seller is unable or unwilling 10 remove, remedy or saIisfy or obtain insurance SQve and except
;join risk of Ii... in fa.!our of the B~r and an)' mortgagee, (with all related costs at the expense of the SeUer), and which Buyer will net waive, thi.s
. t nofwithstandi~_ o.nv intermediate ods or negotiations in resped of such ob\"edions, shall be at an end and all monies paid sholl be ....umed without
~. or deduc:tion and Sellert, µsling Broker and ~opercrling Broker shall not be ¡able for any costs or damages. Save as to any valid objection so made
day and _10, any ooiection goõng to the <001 of the title, 8Il)'Ol' shall be cønclll$ÍveIy deemed fa have aa:eµìed Seller's ~tIe to the property.
11. ARIIANGIMIN1S. Wh... each 01 the SelIet and 8uyOI' _in a Iawve< to compIeIso the AII_nt 01 Purchase and Sale 01 the property, and wh...
the tral'\SOdion will be completed I?r .lectronic tegistration pursuant to Part III of the Land ~ Rifonn Aå. R.S.O. 1990, Chapter L4, and any amendments
th._, the Seller and 8uyw acknowledge and ag_ thot the delivery of _ and the _ theteof to the S.II... and Buyer may, at the /owverJ'
discretítn. (al nol ___ _""",n..ullY with tho 'egistrotion 01 the transfer/deed (and ather <egiaterabl. documentation,) and ¡b be ..uIij.ct to c;ond~;on. whereby
æ ~~.docvmenb and/or money will be toqui<ed to hold them in""" and nol """"'" them except in acc:onlance wIth the tet"" 01 a W1'in.n ag__
!IlIA . rd Form. Do no' aller wh"" prlnllng or reproducing the llanclanl __ portion. .... He. 10' OlIO'
111M. , 1 l1li1 RelMtJ:< Laú LandI Really lid
12. DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGE. Suye' .hall not coli /0, the ønxfudian al a!!l' title deed, _, survey a' ath... evidence of title ta the properly except .uch
01 ato in the possession 0' control 01 Soil... K '"'IuOlled "" 8\J)'01'¡ Seller will .w- any .ketch 0' 'U<VOy of the proper1y within Seller'l 'ôPntrol, ta Jluye' a.
soon as ~bIe and P.rior to the R6quisitåon Dote. If a discfiarve: or a!"Y ChalJl8/~ held by a c:orppration incorPorcited pursuant to tfie Trust dnd loan
Comparues Ad JCana(Ja), Chartered Bankl ,Trust Company, Cricfd Union, Caisse PopUlalre or Insurance Company and which IS not to be assumed by Buyer
on compltJfian, IS not available in registraDlè form on compfSlion, Buyer agrees to accept Seller's I~"'s personal undertaking to obtain, out of the dosing
funds. a dischOree in registrable form and to register some ort title within a reasonable Period of time é:tfter completion, provided that on or before completion
Selle, .hall provtde ta Euy<or a """'- _ ptepel'Od by the mortgagee setting out the balance '"'IUlred ta obtain the dischatge, togeth.. with 0
diredion exeò.Hd by Seller directing payn:'lent to the mortgogee of ttie amount required to otitain the discharge out òf the balance due on completion.
13. INSPECTION; Buyer ocknowled"" having hod tfie ~ ~rtunity to inspect the property ond understands that upon acceptance of this OHer
th... .hall be a binditlg agteement õI putchaaò ond sale betwsien Suyer and Seiler.
14. INSURANCE; All buirdings on the proøertv and all other thi!"Qs being purchased shall be and remain until completion at the risk of Seller. Pending completion,
Seller shall hold 011 insurance potiâes, if anY, and the proceeds thereof in ttust for the parties as their interests may oP.f)eOr and in the event of substantial dW!
Buyer may either terminate this Agreement and have all monies paid returned wittiout interest or deduction or else toke the proceeds of 0!:IY insura
complete the purchase. No insuranœ shall be transferred on completion. If Seller is taking bock a Charge/~ge, or Buyer is assuming a Charge/M a,
8'!l8r shall sup~!ï Seller with reasonable evidence of adequate insurance to preted Selki"'s or other mortgagee's interest on completion.
15. PLANNING ACTI This Agreement shatl be effective to create an interest in the ~perly only if Seller complies with the subdivision centroJ provisions of the
Plannil'lg ~_bv comp~ion and Seller covenants to proceed dil~ntly at his øçense to obtain any necessary consent by completion.
16. DOCUMENT ÞREPARAnON; The TransferlDeed shall, save for the Land Transfer Tax Affidavit, be p~red in registrable form at the expense of Seller¡ and
any Chatge/Mortg_ to be given back by the Suyw ta Sell.. at the ex~.. of the Buye,. II ,""ueatãd bv Suyor( Sell.. covenants that the
Ttans/er/Déed ta be delivetod on ã>melelion shatl contain tf1e "atoment. contemplateél bv Sec60n 50 (221 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990.
17. RElIDlNCY': Buye¡r .sholl be crediteCf towards the Purchase Price with the amount, if anyl ntK8Ssory for Buye:r to pay to the Minister of Notionol Revenue to
satisfy 8~r's Jjab~ity in re!JP8Cf of fOx ~ble by Seller under the non-residency provisions of the Income Tax Ad by reason of this sale. Buyer shall not
daim such credit if Seller delivers on com~n the erescribed certificate or ø statutory declaration that Sener is not then a non-resident of Canada.
18. ADJUSTMENTS: Any rents, mortgaøe interest, realty ,taxes induding Jocol tmPf'C?V8rnent rates and unmetered public or ~ utility charges and unmetered cost
olluel a. -'icoble, .hall be apport,Oned and allowèd ta the dO\! 01 completion, the cloy of completion itseK ta be apportioned to S~,.
19. TIME üMifSl Time sholl in all respects be of the essence hereof providèd that the time for doing or completing of any matter provIded for herein may be extended
or abridaed by on agreement in writing signed by Seller ond Buye( or by their res~ I~rs Who may be speëificalty authorized in that regqrd.
20. TENDIIi My tender of documents or mø~ hereunder may be made ~ Seller or Buyer or their respeØive I~rs on the day ... for completion. Money
may be tendeied bv bank doOlt '" cheque c:ertilíed by a Chartered Sank, TO'USf Compony, Province 01 Ontario savings 0IIièe, Cied~ Union ",Caisse Papulaõto.
21. FAMILY LAW Ai:tsSeller warrants that spousal consent is not necessary to this transaction under the provisions of the Family Low Ad, R.S.O. 1990 unless Seller's
~p'ouse has executed the consent hereinoftår prov;ded.
22. UFPI; Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that during the time Seller has owned the p.roperty, Seller has not caused any building on the ptOpsrty to be
insulated with insulation containing ureaformoJdehyde, aoG that to the best of SeJIer's knowIed~ no building on the pl'OPertV. contains or has ever contained
insulation that contains ureoformalàeh~e. This warranty shall survjve and nol ":::i on the comPletion of this transaction, a·nd if the building is part of 0 multiple
unit buildintL. this warro!"tv: shall only applv to that pari of the building whkh is the su ·ed of this transaction.
23. CONSUMER REPORTS. The Buyer to líereby _eel _ a cOIIIumer re containing creellt and/or _onal Infonnallon may IHt referred to In
connection with this Ira_
24. AGENCY: It is understood thai the brokers involved in the transaction represent the parties as set out in the Confirmation of Rer,resentotion below.
25. AGREEMENT IN WRlnNG: If there is conflid between anY. provision added to this Agreement (indueling any Sc:hedu e attached hereto) and any provision
in the standard pre-set portion hereof. the added pI:OVision shall supersede the standard p.....set provision to the extent of such conftid or discre~cy. This Agreement
including any SChedule attached hereto, shall constiMe the entire Ag....ment between Buyer and Seller. There is no representation, warranty, collatèral agreement or
condition, which affects this Ag....ment other than as expressed herein. For the purposes of this Agreement, Seller means vendor and Buyer means puli:haser. This
Agreement shall be read with ãll change:s of gender or number required by the context.
26. SDCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: The neirs, executors. odministrotors, successors and ostigns of the und8f'1igned 01'8 bound by the terms herein.
~tcJ~~D~SEÄlEÓ' . 'DÊLivËRÊDi,;~I)P;~~:' . ¡N·wiTÑ~,;h.têoil:.Iie;.-:<:1y·hánd~.:~I: . . . . . ~. 9~-r:-: .,. . ~.2._
¡w.....¡... '~~""'i""'~~~PhiIlP~"""! DATe.D~~.
.. _P.~+J-... ... rrJ~. _ ......... ~ DATe.()~jf:r7j
¡w.....1 ~ ~...; Marian ah ,-. 1:'
I, the Undersigned Seller, agree to the above Offer. I hereby in~'- tabt) instruct my I~ to paf di~ 10 the üsting Broker the unpaid balance of the commission
together with applicable GoOds and Services Tax (and ony other tCÐOeS as may h8reofter be appliClable. from the pfcc:eeds of the sale prior to any' payment to the
undersigned on completion, 0$ advised by the listing Broker to my lawyer.
DATED at. . . . . . . . . . . . .~I)~a~<!ill~ . . . . . . _ . . . . . !hi.. . . . _~II~. . cIoyof. .
:~.,D,.S~~ 7'¡:¡~ the r~. IN WITNess whe"'¡ I have h....nta ~ ~y m.: j"d .eal:
,... i\.0 ~... ~O~unlë¡¡'íï~~~ . . .
........ ocr , 2002
.. _.' _. _. _. 0 _. _(yêað'.
DATe. ~.~ -+ . ?-.'- l~cp""è
"_..".. _. - 0.. _ _. _._
¡S.i.i...... -........... -.
.." _·00.." _. _.
SPOUSAL CONSENT: The Undersigned Spouse of the Sener hereby consents to the disposition evKIðnced herein f?ursuant to the provisions of the Family law Act,
R.S.O. 1990, and he",by 09..... with the Suyer that he/.he will execute all necessary 0' õnådental documents ta give lull /O,œ and eIIec:t ta the sale evidenced hetoin.
· DATe
- ...-......-....
¡w......¡ . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . - . . . . . (š.òwO¡' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CONFlRMAnON OF IXlcunONI Notwithstanding Clnything contoined herein to .he COf'Ifrary, I confirm .his Ag....ment with aU chongel both typed ond written was finally executed by
011 parties at. 0 . 0 . 0 a.m. I p.m. thit. _ . . 0 0 _day of. " . . - 0 - . . - . - 0 . '. -CYèori.' . 0 . - - . - . . (siañatUr..ofSeier0ø¡eu;.~ 0 0 . _ _ . _ _ _
I he",by acknowledge ond confinn the Usting Btake, ""to_ the Into...... 01 the I hereby adu1ow1edge and confinn the Ca-opetaling Stak.. ""I'OSO"" the i....
. . . . . . . S~;~~~~. . ~. . in thi.tron.adion. o/the. . . . lSÕU;,,......r _ . . . . . . inthi.ttansaction
SigñøñriofLrsliñgB~~··"· ".0 - -. 0 . SigñafuriofCõ.ÕpêrotingSioltirÒl'åulhoñHd;6pÏ158ê.1føtWe"' "0" _... . 0 -. - .
Nome 01 listing Broker:
. ~~~.La~~ ~nd~ .R.éal~ ~td.. . . .
396-8444 ( 519 ) 396-9070
. . . . . - ~ l=AXÑa:·
Nome of Co-operoting Broker:
o . 0 . . _ . _ . . 0 . . . . . 0 0 _ _ ~ . _ _ .
( 5191
re..Nò. .-
- - 0 _ 0
( )
rtf.Ño: O' . .
... -...
- FAXÑo:-
." - - - 0 _. _..0.0
Qcknowledgereceipf of my signed copy of ttlis occeptedAgreement of Purchase and
Sa.~~~~a~~~~:~:o.~~:TE~~ . . . . . . . . . .
(SoI'oo) Municipality of Kincardine
is.ile~ . . - - - . . - . - - . . . - . . " . . . 0 - . . . 0 .
AddresaforServtœ:~ 0 " . _ _ . _ . _ . . 0 " _ . . . . 0 . 0 _ _ _ . . . .
I acfmow!!dge receipt of my .igned copy of this occer*d Agreement of Purdw:øe and
Sa~ a~, 'm the Asont~lWOnI a copy to my ~ _ An· /
... CI,-.'~. . d;.v0. .DATE.~.... .{rs. ~
1- ;""I-~pH
...R~. . ..~_DATE.{)J.R'lò""t.,
(''''''' Ma ne Hahn f I
AddnÞSS for Service: . . _ . _ . " . . . . . 0 _ _ 0 . _ 0 _ _ 0 _ . . 0 _ . "
.0 _...0_
Address.". o-~~.~. 0... _..... _.
-.' -. - -..
J. .1
..." -..."
- 0 0 _. _._
!... .1
Tel. No.
.. -..."...
J. .1
".. - 0
_. _...0 _.
!. _..1
To: Co-operating Bmbr shown on the foregoing Agreement of Purct~ ond Safe: .
In consideration for.he Co..of*.'ati~ Broker procuring the foregoing Âgrøment of Purd1o.. and Sale, I hereby dec:lore that all moneys received or receivable by mf in connection
with the Tronsoction os contemploted in the MLS Rules and Regulations of my RøallSstate Boord .hall be receivable and held in trust. This agreement shall constitute 0 Commission
Trust Ag....ment os defined in.he MLS Rtlles and skoll be subject 10 and governed by the MLS Rules pertaining to Commission Trust.
DATED 01 01 the date ond 6_ 01 the occeplance of the Iotegaing As- 01 P=hase and Sa~.
AdcnowIedged by,
ñaiurëoiuitl· iirciceirioÜtnõriieci
~ . . . - . " . . . . - - . . 0 . .
..0 _.0 _"
.... a.tab
Ontario Real Estate Association
. Philip Hahn. and Marlene Hahn
Municipality of Kincardine
.~h,! "an.action on the P,operty known os: . . . .. ...... R.R. # 3, Municipality of Kincardine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. hne-following information is confirmed by the undersigned Listing Broker, and Co-operoting Broker (if applicable). If a Co-operating Broker is involved in the
;transodion. the brokers agree to co-operate, in consideration of, and on the terms and conditions as set out below.
The listing Broker repre$tlf'lfs the interests of the Seller in this transaction and is providing customer service to the Buyer.
DUAL AGENCY: The Listing Broker has entered into a Buyer Agency Agreement with the Buyer and represents the interests of the Seller
and the Buyer, with their consent, as a Dual Agent in negotiating the terms of this transaction. The ListinQ Broker must be.importial and
equally protect the interests of the Seller and the BuyG( in this transaction. The listing Broker has a duty of full disclosure to both the Seller
and the Buyer, induding a requirement to dísclose all fadual informatíon about the property known to the üsting Broker.
However, the listing Broker shall not disclose:
That the Seller may or will accept less than the listed price, unless otherwise instruded in writing by the Seller;
That the Buyer may or will pay more thon the offered price, unless otherwise instructed in writing by the Buyef;
The motivation of or per$O:Oal information about the Seller or Buver, unl,.. otherwi=¡e instruded in writing by the party to which the
information applies, or unless failure to disclose would constituté fraudulent, unlawtul or unethical pradlce;
The price the Buyer should offer or the the Seller should accept;
And; the Listing Broker shall not disclose to the Buyer the terms of any other offer.
However, it is understood thot fadual market information about comparable properties and information known to the listing
Sroker concerning potential uses for the property will be disclosed to both Seller and Buyer to assist them to come to their own
The Co-operating Sroker is a Buyer Broker representing the interests of the Buyer in this transadion. The Co-operating Sroker waives any
offer of sub-agency with the üsting Broker and/or Seller, and is providing customer service to the Seller. It is further understood and agreed
that the listing Broker will pay the Co·operating Broker
o The commission as indicated in the MLS information for the property
or, if not an MLS listing,
o a commission of_ _ _
- - - -,-
plus applicable Goods and Services Tax, from the amount paid by the Seller to the üsting Broker, on any trade wherein the Co.operating
Broker has obtained an accepted Agreement of Purchase and Sole, option to Purchase or Agreement to Exchange and/or lease. Said
payment of commission will not moIC:e the Co-operating Sroker either the agent or sub-agent of the Seller or the Lilting Broker.
The Co.operating Broker is a Buyer Broker representing the interests of the Buyer in this transadion. The Co.operating Broker waives any
offer of sub-agency with the listi"9 Broker and/or Seller, and is providing customer service to th. Seller. h ís further understood and agreed
that the Co-operating Broker will be receiving payment directly from the buyer in this transaction
The Co.operating Broker accepts the offer of sub·agency from the Seller and/or Listing broker and represents the interests of the Seller in
this transadion while offering the Buyer customer service. h is further understood and agreed that the Listing Broker will pay the
Co-operating Broker
o The commission as indicated in the MLS information for the property
or, if not an MlS listing,
o a commiS$ion of. _ _
plus applicable Goods and Services Tax, from the amount paid by the Seller to the listing Broker, on any trade wherein the Co-operating
Broker hal obtained an occepled Agreement of Purchase and Sale, option to Purchase or Agreement to Exchange and/or Leose.
2. Additional comments and/or disclosures by listing Broker (See explanation on back of form):
~tional comments and/or disclosures by Co-operating Broker (See explanation on bock of form):
For the pu~ of this Confirmation of Co..operation and Representation, a "Seller" includes a vendor, a landlord, or a prospective vendor or landlord and a
-Buyer" inclUdes a purchaser, a tenant, or a prospective purchaser or tenant.
CO/IMIUSSlON TRUST AGREEMENT: If the above information indicates that a GO-Operating Broker willl'8C8ÎYe commission other than directly from the Buyer, then the agreement
between lJ.ting Brdœr and Co.oøerating Broker further include. a Commission TI'I.Æt ÂRrHment, the consideration for which is the Co-operoting Broker procuring an offer for
a trade of the. P,fOperty, acceptable to tfie Seller. This Commiaion Trust Agreement shalrbe subject to and ~ by the MLS rules and regulations pertaining to commission
truns of tI.\e WstIl"!Q BrOker's [ocal real estate board. if the local boards MlS rufes and regulations so pn:wíôe. OtherwiN. the provisions of tIie OREA recommended MLS rules
~nd reg~ sMII opf?l)' to this Ço.mmission Trust J\greement. for the purpose of this CommissiOl1 TI'1Æf ~reement. the Commission Trust Amount shall be the amount noted
In pal"OQ~ 1 c} or e) abOve. The Limng Broker hereby a.clares that all monies received or receivable in connection with the trode shall constitute a Commission Trust and thall be held,
in trust, fol'the Co-operating Broker undei the terms of the applicable MLS rules and regulations.
¡NaoM o'f ë~.op;.~i~g B..ok~l·
- - - - - - --
RElMAX Lake Lands Realty Ltd.
¡N~';'eoÍListi"gårÒk;"¡ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
768 Queen Street, Kincardine
iAdd,e..·oi ¡j.ti-:Õk~'1 . . . h . . . . . . . . . . .
(Si9';"¡0~ø.;¡,ß~rj"'" ate,. .o.C:T:23%~
(Add,...· ¡.i éo:'¡";"';';ng' B;"¡'~) .
. Oate:_
¡signed ;,,; Bèha~ ~ Có.óp;.';'6ng ¡j,~k~rl
~ived, read, ~ undentand the above information.
. . . . .'.. .. .'0-J~ Date: Çb;¡ .?- )(ó ~
Ifr'~of Ip Hahn
... .~.. .N.~. . Dote:. Q.èf~~}'L'
(Signatursl of .....ne Hahn
~Ji~' Date:. f\19V. ~$l zeciL
. of Kincardine
(Sig~ Òf SOII~~'
-. - - - - - - --
- - - --
- - - --
OREA .......... Form. Do not alter when printing or reproducing the standard p_ portion.
... PC ~ .... tIIIl
'orm No. 112 01101
RelMax Loù Lantb ReoJty Ltd
~1/I':V1ð;¿ Ið';:..:s'(
~UG--D8-::D2 )1W 18: 48
1l.Il, ~ ' Hanover. ON
N4Nj 3.. ea..ada
Tel SlI9- )'.4- US
fu $ '-364·'''0
..1. AMamkOf""
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M:uDiçipa1ity of~
R.R. .5
mz 2X6
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Pu :¡
, ·1
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C SC#€DtlLe: '8 '~
BY-LAW NO. 2002-155
Steve Munav. ~ṃ\ Devcl~
Dear Mr. Muuay:
Jœ: QcMRIll1q11Ù)< Repntins ~ Owaod ...u~
Part Blode "Co· Pan Lot 41, Lake :RanF (!coD Poàt)
Ai __RøUNo.S-U6-Q
FOdII«T01ImIõhip ofBc1lcco
Muni"~UIV afKi,...-
Tbl.s ~"'¥C is to t'o\low-1Ip the Saugt;CID eo-vatioa
A\JIbodty's leIbIr of Apti116, 2002 JCp¡dIng the abovo uOtIIId poperty.
'I1åS leIta sboWd be read In coqþmcdoa wi1b the Apñ116. 200Z lc:\tor fex
the JCIDCI'8I i~ on 1bø subject ""v¡oðt7 ad is spceifo 10 'Ibis
fIrUPI:RY·ODly. '
Au:t2IoIity staff c:oadvcœd a 11cld sunay 011 J_ 17. 2002 of the
veg~- community em the ebovenoteO property. The _~ ofthc
iDsp, CIioD W8II to pt'O'4Iid.1bc ml1JÙCiJl8lity with the A\1!barity's apiDíou as
to whcIbcr tbe fcabns or fIIDçI!oaa ottbe ANSI would be Deptivel)r
..tr"<lœd by lIlY new ~ besc4 on 1Iut review aød catalo&\ÙDg of
the pIaIIt ~ em the..
AWIority lid' i~ 21 difI'eIent species ofYaS·.,..I- p1aD.ts, 9
~ 11*_ of sIIrA1Is aød vines, aød, 7 díIfemIt JpCICÍeS ofu-. 'Ibe
5J'I'CIÍ" i~fiM within the fon.sted Vl'1"~_ c:om¡nuait)o were common
~ _..__ ~<J<orcd to be of~ øipM.--~ local
sigaúfi.cuce Of øœ wit'biu. tho Cowlty ofBrw:e.
1ft Iðditiœ. Autbørity sWrlDvemorie41he lau4s b.:t_..t¡f), the.
aartherIy I1mit of the f'o,..ny BUd the _-III8de caIIÙ. 1'bis area is a
small WCIÙ~ aœa to the raodh of the r......lood COIIIIINXIity. Based on our
review. the vascw. plants, IIJI8ll tlees 8Dd ihtubs CIItaJogued. in 1his _
are DOt CODJidered to be ofprts'YÏDLIW ";8"Ifi~ 10aal 'Òp~ or
n.re within 1110 Co1mty ofB'tUCe.
I ~
: ~
08/0'3102 09:~
,AUG-OBt02 THU 16: 48
I'UIl C I F'I'L I TY. CF'. K I NCARD I o£ -+ 3969Ø7Ø
SAUGEEN cœsERV AUTH FAX NO. 15193846990
, .
iM1micipali1:y ofr..... wdino
Au¡ust S, 2002
he. 2
~ gf2-
I The ~ is of the opinion tbIa for IbiJ ~ md, buað on our micw IIDd
i»..-ry oCtile pIIID\$ 011 \be site. 'die faI.\1:nIG14 t\mctioos vfSootts Point Area ofNatural8Þd
. ~<: IDta\Ist 'Will not be edv«sIIly impade4 by 18 ~ of1bc øubjc:ct .,.u¡,oe:.ny.
A11bøoV- 110 sipÜiGlllt 8pIIICiÙIS _ fo1lll4 011 siœ by Autbority ~ the ....~ docs
IIavo iD.herart eøvixon.......~ atIrÏbuII:B tJ.t _ worth retainina as much aJ JIO'sib1e. The
Awhof~ _...0!nd!I tbat .w cIowlopment RII:8iD .. mœh of the oxiJdbIr tno cover as is
; W.1Iusubis iDiormatiClft is Dtis1iactmy. lfyovnquirec1arit'ic:ldiOJl. on 1be Jø£A.....otinp
j þroVided. or have any I¡UOSÛODS, do 110\ bcsitarc to '"<!IJÞWIf this ot1iœ
YO\Ø'lsiaccnlJy .
ErJviR1lØlllA1ll PIanniI1B TDChIIJøiaD
00; Deny1 Burtoy. Dicwctor. SVCA.
Døid Smith, O:nmty ofØrœo PI_I"I! Deplltl..eM, WaIIœttao
{ ~
\ ~