HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 069 sale of land cameron e . e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW . NO. 2002 - 69 BEING A BY·LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LAND TO DAN CAMERON WHEREAS Dan Cameron wishes to purchase from the MuniCiPa ity of Kincardine lands described as Plan 210 Part Lot 59 King Street, westsid~, on Reference Plan 3R-196 Municipality of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce; I NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor and CAD. be authorized to execute suc documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardi e, as may be deemed advisable to convey the lands described on Sche ule "A" attached hereto, to Dan Cameron. 2. That the sale price for the said lands shall be thirteen Jhousand dollars ($13,000.00). ¡ 3. That the sale of these lands shall be subject to the conditiols outlined in the agreement of purchase of sale attached as schedule "A"; ¡nd, that fifty per cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited 0 the Kincardine Economic Development Fund; and, fifty per cent (50%), of he net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Municipality of Kincardine Capital Reserve Fund. 4. That this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its Inal passage. 5. That this By-law may be cited as the ·Part Lot 59 (Cam ron) Land Sale, By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND, and a THIRD time and DEEMED 0 BE PASSED this 22nd day of May, 2002. Clerk ~ ""..... Reid Zñaito A......U.. AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE (FOR USE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) œ IIUYER. ______________ _____u_____________ --~-u---~-~I)-~~~~!l~I(a1f~)- __________________n________________ ,agrees to purchase from SEUlI, __. u.... u. u. m.... u. u. u. u. .... ufll1.lI!1J~~l~Y.!>fJÇi_'!~~l~u. u. u".. u. u. u..... u. __.... u.... u. u. u , lhe following !FulllegalrtQ~ofoBSeI"') _~~:V~m..... u 1 J. .C( n!l.II~./lI( !>~ .~ve,. u.... u..... __... frnntlng on lhe. u. ..w~ u. u .,Ide of........ ~( _,!ql!E:JfIlOOlIl;'''_E:J,.. u... In the. u u. u... u. __.... u. u. u..... __. __...... MII!1J~pIII.ity. ( f. !Çi_'!Ç!I.~ll)E:JL ç:olln!Y.( t ~rI!~.... __. u.m u.. u... __. u. u.....u..... and haY;ng afronlageof.umm~.5..qo FE.I;!uuu.nmoreor I.., bya deptho!.. ..u.__J.4!1,~.'='.E!;T . u.uumo,eo, I.., and legae~~ j muu, u.m.mmm ·__umm!,!!!n 210.I>L~()!.~!!..~ng ~LVV(~.R~.!!64nlm.~-:sCthe'~y um ,"uuummuuu. UUU'ummm 1L.õ;Î,¡,;,;,;~;,¡¡,;;¡;~I"";Ôg..::.;.:.A~~...o.hòô¡.f\/~..um.4.t:3,ðOb pe y') :=~ PR!CI'n.__munmu. __..~san~.h.~~-Lc~t.h<!~Dolla" (CDN$ mnß,966,!1I!...n) Buys< submól, L.mnn.$1.IJQ,Q!L..mmL.. nummm.9.N.EI-IIJJ~J?J~!;[)nunnm nnmDolla" (CONS nunnç:!!!!adia'/)..mm ) (H....-itIVUpon atœpfance) _ca~~otóabl.ch",!"ef'?~leto . n R( 1aLLeJ:laJle-Ex~a_')g~.~~ª!!Y.CO,mucm.nnc.1o bo held ón IrlJOt pending oo"""etlon or " < .1 T" ..IflIfIb ". '~j1l!l.1J rA .-loB,...... I~'" ITa ..tJUlUoM:t rnl:8 on compler1on. 8i.1yer agrees to pa'ythe botanc:e as follows:" . The Purchaser agrees to pay the balance of the Purchase Price, subject to adjustments, in cash or certified cheque to the Vendor's Solicitor on completion of this transaction. This ~er is conditional for a period of (5) five days from the date of acceptance of this offer, upon the Purchaser arranging, suitable financing, failing which this offer shall become null and void and the Purchaser's deposit shall be retum4ld to him in full without interest or pena~y. This condition is for the beneftt of the Purchaser and may be waived by him at:anytime during the above period. 3t(t-- t S. ...s v b~ e d to", -\ ~ 40 ~ ~\..-....'-~ ð.ff.e. r ('V"\ VV'\ '- ~ ,pC!.. , L L.-[ 2002... ~ vv--...~' 1. SQlEDULE(sL . ___ m m u__ CII IITTEU INCLUDED'nmum.u';n _ _~_attached hereto form(s) part of this Agreement. ~ .nmmnlm.1\~~~antl'.E!~!~~I}!i.I1IJ:~II!llIi.r!gJOL . mumm n...mnn -------------~----~--------------------------------------------------~-----~------------------ 2. ~.:~:_::c::::::::::::::::::::.n::;St:~~::::.....::::N/~:::::::::X~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3. RlNTAL ITEMS: The following equipment is rented and no. included in the Purchase Price. The Buyw agrees to assume the rental contrad(s), if assumable: 4. ;."ÕW;jjTY;T¡,;;Off~~h;.;I~ó;;e:';,~·bl~·~.~~~;,,}j~Õ:j:iM.~.;,;.;;.·t;,:.::-.JJ;i:':~~i:::::::~~ï:::::::;:::?~Õ~:::: ahr which time, if hot accepted, this Offer shall be null and ;id and t :1e deposit shall be returned to lhe Buyer in full without interest. (year) E;'..E1ION DATE. ThósAg,eomenl ,hall bocompleted by";lolerthan 6,00 p.m.onthemn~1 . ndayo(_____..mn~~n..__mun' .:¡O.02.___.. completion,vocant possession of the property sholl be given to the Buyer u",ess otherwise prOVIded for in this ~reement.' (year) CIS: Vendor hereby appoints the üsting "Broker os 'Agent for the purpose of giving and receiving notices pursuant to this Agreement. 0",," the Co-operatlng 8rroker represents the........... of the Buyer In this transaction, the Buyer hereby appoints the Co-operating Broker as AQenI for the _purpose of giving and receiving notices pursuant to this kreernent.1vr; notice fE!illaling hereto or provided for herein shall be in writing. This offer, any counter offer, notice of acceptance thereof, or any notice shall be deemed given aÍ1d received, when hond delivered to the address for service provided in the Acknowledgement below, or where a facsimile number is provided herein. when tronsmiUed electronically 10 that faaimile number. FAXNo.___nn....~1~.~~?~.~?nnm..nl""dol...,"........S. ..1 FAX No. .mmmm~1!!.:3~?ª_~Lm.m.... 1""""_"_"_ 7. eaT: If this transodion is subject to Goods and Services Tax (G.5.T.), then such lax sholl be___ ___ ------(irM:Jl2a~.9~-~-n ___u____ __'he Purchase Price. If this transadio" ts not subject to G.5. T. Seller agrees to certify on or before dosing, that the transaction is not subject to G.5. T. 8. 1I1LE lEAIICJI. Buyer ,hall boallo_ until 6,00 p.m.onlhemu?!!!humdayol...unmnn~!l1m..n.___...' u?ll!l~... (Requl,ll;on Date) 10 examine the title to the property at his own expense and until the earlier of: (i) thirty days from the later of the Requisit~rJDate or the dale on which the cor:'lditions in this Agreement are fulfilled or otherwise waived or; [ri) five days p'rior to completion, 10 satisfy himself that there are no outstanding work orders :t:~'ìì';'~~n~:th:~~~~rmïdì\i;l;,~~~"tJïIi·l~caï&~¡r·~i.t~!tial.b.~iI2J.~j .~~..cJ'~1 ~~'<Wim.n¡oI aglanåes releasing to IkIyw details of aU outstanding wOtic oñ:ters afJeding the properly, and !;8jler agrees 10 execvtê and deliWIll' such further authOrizations in this regard as 8uver may reasonably require. 9. PUlURE USE: Seller and Buyer agree that there is no representation or warranty of any kind that the future intended use of the property by Buyer is or will be lawful except as may be specifically provided for in this Agreement. 10. n1LE: Provided thQt the title to the property is good and free from all registered restridions, charges, liens, and encumbrances except as otherwise specifically provided in thit ~reement and save and except for (a) any registered restridions or covenants that run with the land providing that such are complied with; (b) any registered municipal agreements and registered agreements with publicly regulated utilities providing such have been ttJmplied with, or $6OJrityhas been posted to ensure compliance and completion, as evidenced by a letter from the rel$Vant muniåpality or regulated utility; (c) any minor easements for the supply of domestic utility or telephone ser¡vices to the property or adjocenl properties; and (dJ any easements for drainage, storm or sanitary sewers, public utility lines, telephone lines, coble television lines orplher services whict, do not materially affect the preaeri use of the property. tfwithin the specified times referred to in paragraph e any valid objection to title or to any outstanding work order or defiåenty notice, or to the foct lhe said present use may not lawfully be oonlinved, or that the principal building may not be insured agbinst risk of fire is made in writing to Seller and which Seller is unable or unwilling to remove, remedy or satisfy or obtain insurance save and except against risk of fire in favour of the Buyer and any mortgagee, (with all, related costs at the 8IIpef1S9 of the Seller), and which Buyer will not waive, this , notwithstanding any intermediate ads Of negotiations in resped of such objections, sholl be at an end and all monies paid sholl be returned without ; est or deduction and Seller, Usting Broker and eo·operating Broker shall not be liable b any costs or damages. Save as to any valid objection so made such day and except for any objection going to the root of the title, Buyer shall be conclusively deemed to have ac:c:epfl/Kl Seller's title 10 the property. CLOSING ARRANGEMENTSf 'Nhere each of the Seller and Buyer retain Çt lawyer to complete the Agreement of Pórchase and Sale of the property, 000 where ,';: the transadion will be completed by electronic registralion pursuant to Part III of the Land Registration Reform Þd, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter L4, and any amendments f"'eto, the Seller and Buyer acknowledge and agrse that the delivery óf docurnIants and the release lhereof to, .the Seller and Buyer may, at thE. lawyers' diKrelion; {aJ not occur contemporaneously with the registration of the transfer/deed (and other registerable documentatiQn,) and (b) be subject to conditions whereby f'bj lawyer receiving documents and/or money will be required 10 hold them in trust and not release them except In aecorCianœ with the terms of a wriHen agreement ~ the lawyers. \. gIlA llanda"" Fonn: Do not alter when printing or .....roduång the standard pre-set portion. Jonn No. 101 01/01 ... fOIIIIS"IMI 11101 Royal LePage Exchange Rsalty Co. --.---------- ~ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- J. :' ,. . . ,:-"'J. 12. DOCUMENIS AND DISatAIGE: Buyer shall not coli for the produdion of any title deed, abstrad, survey or other evidence of tille to the property ~.~ such .. as are in the possession or control of Seller. If request.d ~ ~ Seller will deliver any sketch or survey of the property within Seller's controf to. Ekiver _ soon as ~ible and prior to the ReQuisition Date. If a d'lSd1arge ;,¡ any Q,arge/Mortgaee held by a corporation incorporated pursuant to the Trust and Loan CompanIes Ad jCanoda), Chartered Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union, Caisse PopulOlre or Insurance Company and which IS not to be assumed by Buyer on completion, IS not available in nrgistrable form on completion, 8uyw agrees 10 accept Seller's la~s personal undertaking 10 ob1ain, out of the closing funds, a discharee in registrable form and to register same on title within a reasonable period of time after completion, provided that on or before completion Seller shall proVIde to Buyer a mortgage statement prepared by the mortgagee setting out the balance required to obtain the discharge, together with a direction ~ed by Seller directing payment 10 the mortgagee of tns amount required to obtain the discharge out of the balance due on completion. INSPEenoN: Buyer acknowledges having hod the opportunity to inspect the property and understands that upon acceptance of this Offer there shall be 0 binding agreement of purchase and sole between Buyer and Seller. INSURANCE: All buildings on lhe property and 011 other thi':'Qs being purålased shall be and remain until comptetion at the risk of Seller. Pending completion, Seller shall hold 011 insurance policies, If any, and the proceeds thereof in trust for the parties as their interests may appear and in the event of substantial damage, Buyer may either terminate Ihis Agreement and have all monies paid returned without interest or dedudion or else lake the proceeds of any insurance and complete the purchase. No insurance shall be transferred on completion. If Seller is taking back a Charge/Mortgage, or Buyer is assuming a o,arge/Mort9. ~ shall supply Seller with reasonable evidence of adequate insurance to ~roted Seller's or other mortgagee's interest on completion. ..... PLANNING ACT: This Agreement shall be effective to creole an interest in the property only if Seller complies with the sUbdivision control provisions 0 ... Planni':'Q Ad by compLetion and Seller covenants to proceed diligently at his expense to obtain any necessary consent by completion. DOaJMENT PRIPARAnON: The Transfer/Deed shall, save for the Land Transfer Tax Affidavit, be prepared in registrable form at the expense of Seller, and qny Charge/Mortgage to be given back by the Buyer to Seller at the 61CpenSe of the Buyer. If requested by Buyer, Seller covenants that the Transfer/D9ad to be delivered on completion shall contain the statements contemplated ~ Seelion 50 (22) of Ihe Planning Ad, R.S.O. 1990. RESIDENCY: ~r shall be credited towards the Purchase Price with the amount, if any, necessary for Buyer to pay to the Minisler of National Revenue to satisfy Buyer's iabiJity in respect of tax P.C!)'Oble by Seller under the nonMresidency provisions of the Income Tax Ad by reason of this sale. Buyer shall not daim such credit jf Seller delivers on comp1eflon the prescribed certificate or a statutory declaration thai Seller is not lhen a non-resident of Canada. ADJUSTMIN1S: Any rents, mortgaQe interestl realty taxes including local improvement rates and unmeterecl public or private ulility charges and unmafered cosf of fuel, CD applicable, shall be apportioned ana allowed to the d~ of completion, the day of completion ilself to be apportioned to BuYer. nME UMl1S: Time shall in all respects be of the essence hereof provided that the time for doing or completing of any moRer provided for herein may be S)dended or abridBed by an agreement in writing signed by Seller and Buyer or by their respective lawyers Who may be specifically aulhorlzed in lhat regard. RNDIR: Ariy tender of documents or money hereunder may be made upon Seller or Buyer or lheir respedive lawyers on the day sa! for completion. Money may be tendeied by bank draft or cheque certified by a O'ICuter8d Bank, Trust Company, Province of Ontario Savings Office, Credit Union or Caisse POpulaire. PAMlLY LAW ACT: Seller warrants that spousaJ corøenI is not.-::essary to Ihis transaction under the provisions of lhe Family law Ad, R.S.O. 1990 unless Seller's spouse has executed the consent hereinafter provided. UFFb Seller represenls and warrants to Súy¡w. that duri lar has owned the 0 er has t co an building on the ro la_be inslAated with insulation conlaining ureaforrnaldeh, 0 - . ~', [,- insulation that contains ureaformaldehyde. This warrant)" shall survive and nof merge on the comp etion of this transaction, and If the building is part of a multlP e unit building, this warranty shall only apply to that pari of the building which is the subjed of this transadion. CONIUMD REPORTSI The au,. is ....., noIthcI that a contIU.... report containing aeclil and/or personal Information mar be referred to in cor..l8dÎon with this .raMCldÎon. AGINCY': tI is understood that the brokers involved in the transodion represent the parties as set out in the Confirmation of Representation below. AGItIIMENT IN WRmNG: If there is con8id between any provision added to this Agreement (including any Schedule altad'lE!d hereto) and any provision in the standard pre-sel portion hereof, the added provision sholl supersede the standard pre-set provision 10 the extent of such conflid or discrepancy. This Agreement including an}' Schedule altoched hereto, shallconstitule the entire Agreement between Buyer and Seller. There is no representation, warranty, collateral agreernenl or condition, which affects Ihis Agreement ofher than as expressed herein. For the pl.Kposes of this Agreernenl, Seller means vendor and Buyer means purChaser. This AQreement shall be reed with all changes of gender or number required by the contS)d. SUOCEffORS AND ASSIGNS: The neirs, executors, administrators, suc:œssors and assigns of the undersigned are bound by the terms herein. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. DATED alu.... __. __.... n. n~I1~!tIjl1~,. º.I!t.!!~.C1.... n. n. n. n. m ,thl,. n. n. J!h........ .day oln.... n. n. u M!!Y..... u..... 2002 :~~.DL~nuINI:E~~~~ron ! DATE.Z.PZ~~ .. mmuu __.. . n.nnmUnnum nmmmmmn . DATEunmmuuuuuuu.__. ¡w,¡ño;;¡mmm ·m.·mmmnmu 1.....1 m n 1'*'1 I, the Undersigned Seller, agree to the above Offer. hereby irrevocably insfrud my lawyer to pay direclly 10 the Listing Broker the unpaid balanœ of Ihe commission together with applicable Goods and Services Tax (and any other laxes as may hereafter be applicable), from the proceeds of the sale prior 10 any payment 10 the undersigned on completion, os advised by the Listing Broker to my lawyer. DATED al. n. n. u. u. uu.. .Kin~!tIin~..º!!I.~.C1...... mum uu .th"n...mm. n. u. u .day of. n n. n.... }JI.!!L. m n.. n..' .. u ~W2... ~~~r~nnINz:~;)i;;;~:~;~~õn ! DATEu~~nlOJ-;g?~ . DATEmuu......m....nmm ~....:.:...::.:..:.:...:::.:..::........:....:.:::::."-'~.=.::.::::·::=·'··;;':·::C:··:::··::··~iÄNiÄ - SPOUSAL CONSINTI The Undersigned Spouse of the Seller hereby consents 10 the disposition evidenced herein pursuant to the provisions of the Family law Ad, R.S.O. 1990, and hereby agrees with the Buyør that he!she will exøc:ute all neœssary or inådental docurnenls 10 giw full bee and effect to lhe sale evidenced herein. . DATE mnUU ~~M_________________________________.__M__M__M ~____________________.~MM___M____________________ (~ ___________________ ----------------- No_.m.... ..oIœr. n. m R( y.!!th~~g.~~ç!1.an.!le.RE:J~~. ç!>... n.. NgmeofCo.operaIing Broker: _ _ _ _R.QyªtkE!~~~çt1_~lJ9ç_ R~~~Y_Q9.:_ ___ ( 1 T~~ Ñ'"o~ _n_ - -- - -- - ~ ( ) --- ---------ï:ÃXt.b:"---------------------~-- ( ) T;r~Ñ~.~------- ( 1 -----------------FÃ:i~~---------- ----------------- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I odcnowIedge receipt of my signed copy of this ocœp1ec1 .Agreement of Purchase and Sale and I authorize the Agent to forward a copy to my lawyer. DATE Îs~lÏ"Mun¡âpa¡ftý· Ór· Kiñcaidine ·f¡veifõñ· bAi!! ¡.;,,¡;¡.,"nmm m m.mmÑÏÀr'~iA Address for Service:__ _______ ___ ___ _________ _______ 4i I acknowled~~~Y signed copy of this accepted .Agreement of Purchase and ~~hJt~;.:~//.m~?- lã';;;'ï:~:- n.~.'·.:·:"è. ... c..c ·N¡ANiÁ·DoOJE'··~~·oo...~.n ..00.--... Address for Service: ---------------- -------------------------- ------------- ----------" ---------------- ------------ mmmnn.n.u.u..um__.nn TeLNo·C.m.L.n.nm.nmu s.1I...,Lawye'~mN~~...n__ ....................................... T~.No.(......L....... Buyer, lawye< u ~ m .k(1o.A."'/"" v:.-l:.u m m m. Address ----------------------------------------------- Add.... ----------------------- --------------------------------- [unuLm. T~.No. --------- ....... ...I....u.1.u.u.n.n FAX No. Cum.1 T~.No. ----------------- ..L.....1.n. ... .u....u.u FAX No. FOIlOFFICE USE ONLY COMMISSION TRUST A8 ß To: Co-operaling Broker shown on the fof-egoing ~l1!IEIment of Purchase and Sale: In consideration for the Co-.Operating BroIcw procuring the foregoing Agreement of Purchase and Sole, I hereby dødare thai all moneys received or receivable by me in connedion with the Transaction as contemplated in the ML5 Rules and Regulations of my Real Estate Board snail be receivable and held in trust. This ogreemenl mall constitute a Commission Trust ~reement as defined ¡nthe MLS Ruaes and shall besubied to and g~ byth. MLS Rules pertaining to Commission Trust. DATED as of lhe date and lime of the acceptance of the fcregoing Agreement of Purchase and Sole. AckncwIodgod by, ---------------- ---------------------------- ---------------. --;,{¿;-------~k;~~~-- --- --- ------------ Sinatl.nof" Bmbr or authoriad .. Ontario Real Estate Association WAIVER IB REALTOR" ~~ ILeal ...... ¿.....u.. BUYER...............................................................................ºªIJ..ç:ª!!!!!æn............................................................................ SEI.LfR,......................................h..............................M\!IJ.i!;i~IJ!Y..~.I9.IJP!!rII!n!!.................................................................. ~ PROPERTY:.........1~..~.Q!:1Q!!!!!'9ººº.~~IJI,I.I[I,.M!!!'!!çj~.!1f.!S!~i~.(~~.Y!l'ªg!!.!1fJ!...I[I.®!:1),.çº!!nty.!1f.~!),I!;!!......... _______________________________________________n___n________________________________________...........+++___..________....______________n_________._________________ In accordance with the """" and conditions aI the Ago_ 01 Purch..... and Sal. daIec!....................~ªI!JJ~L?ºº~....................., regarding the above pr<>perty, 1-'- hereby waive the condition(o) which read(,) œ follows: This Offer is conditional for a period of (5) five days from the date of acceptance of this Offer, upon the Purchaser arranging suitable financing ·i--. it· ..- . 0- _..,,,~::'i:i/.,,'.;..,·,:¥~, 0·'·_. ,. All other terms and conditions in the aforementioned Agreement of Purchase and Sale remain unchanged. WAIVED ;kmÄNi)~~.~~:p..-.œc,¡;"'" o:""~JdE~o.m p.m., ;'í8L')¡£d~~"r: af..............M!ly..............., .Æ~~.. ¡¡::ð....~..... ~. .. .. "'~Caiiieroil ! DATEjcjm4ýÛd>.- . .~ ~........................................................... ¡SôiIôii',.!!ly......·.............m................................... _ .............................. __.mj};r)<>_m...-8'~mmmL'+ff7·:;;·2....·······mm'.'!'!!1.. '" Print Name:....':b..Cl..h........a..I::1ð...tk.r.o..h...................Signature:....~..~...~........... .... _."4 _ Do _ _ _ prt....... or..... odud,. .... -...lard __ portion. ... Me. .2> "111' .~_IIIIII . r --""'''\'''' - .,..