HomeMy WebLinkAbout99 018 Agree - Fisheries/Oceans r '. ..-.... ~.4 ..... - . . . . THE CORPORATION OF TIlE TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDlNE-BRUCE-TIVERTON BY-LAW BY-LAW NUMBER 1999 -18 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE-BRUCE-TIVERTON A BYLAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGNING OF AN AGREEMENT WITH FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS BRANCH TRANSFER FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine-Bruce- Tiverton deems it advisable to enter into a Transfer Framework Agreement with Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Small Craft Harbours Branch with respect to the future ownership of the lands described in Schedule "A" to this Agreement and known as "Kincardine Harbour" lands; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine- Bruce- Tiverton ENACTS as follows: 1. The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine Bruce Tiverton enter into a Transfer Framework Agreement with Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Small Craft Harbours Branch, for the lands described in Schedule "A" to the Agreement and known as the "Kincardine Harbour" lands; 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign on behalf of The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine-Bruce-Tiverton the Agreement with the Fisheries and Oceans Canada ~ Small Craft Harbours, attached to this by-law and to affix the corporate seal as and when required. 4. That this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 5. That this By-law may be cited as the "Kincardine Harbour Transfer Agreement, By- law". READ a FIRST and SECOND time this 3rd day of February, 1999. READ a THIRD time and FINALL Y PASSED this 3 rd day of March, 1999 (~-- ---=c~ k Clerk '1ffII' . /" <, ... Govemmcnt of Can"da · FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS BRANCH TRANSFER FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT 't;.7 '\"Ç,...... ,,- . <::, . , ~-- .--.:,,~ " "'(/\" '~ ... \ ".', ,,' .ry,\ 'JAN 2 Q RECD · ,.. C;:;" ,. ,~ .' IV t.: .' r ,; rei.. THIS AGREEMENT made as ofthe3....: day of Nìn. rc..1r. AMONG: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA, represented by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (Hereinafter called "Fisheries and Oceans") OF THE FIRST PART - and - THE CORPORA nON OF THE TOWN OF KINCARDINE · (Hereinafter called "The Town") OF THE SECOND P ART WHEREAS the federal real property more particularly described in schedule "A" attached hereto is under the administration of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans; AND WHEREAS all of the Parties are desirous of entering into an agreement with respect to the future ownership of the federal real property; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT that in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the Parties hereto agree as follows: I. Fisheries and Oceans agrees to fund the repair project outlined below and detailed on the noted contract, a copy of which is attached as schedule "8": · Kincardine $(to be determined, upset limit $40,000) (Contract CO-XX) 2. The Town, its successors and assigns agree to approve and administer the repair project, as outlined on the contract attached as schedule "8". 3. The Town, its successors and assigns agree to assume title to the federal real property and covenant to use the federal real property as a public harbour providing uninterrupted access to the public for a period of Ten (10) years from the date of the transfer of title of the federal real property to the Town. 4. The Town, its successors and assigns covenant that if it, its successors and assigns cease to operate the federal real property as a public harbour as provided herein, or dispose of all or part of the real property within the covenant period or should the Town, its successors and assigns wish to have the restrictions removed from the transfer before the expiration of the covenant period, the Town, its successors and assigns shall pay a sum equal to the "appraised value" of the federal real property at the time of transfer plus the value of the contract noted above. · 5. For a period offifteell (15) years from the date of transfer, the commercial fishing industry, presently consisting offour (4) vessels, shall be given priority access at the north pier year round for loading, unloading and berthing. ...2 - ... , 7. . ~ 6. 1iðr a period offive (5) years, the Town will charge commercial fishing vessels the same rates as charged in 1998, After the five (5) year period, the Town will charge no higher than the market value rates. The Town shall not discriminate against any person by reason of race, colour or creed, in any manner whatsoever, pertaining to the operation of the public harbour. Public harbour, for all intent and purposes, shall mean the real property outlined on the property layout plan attached as Schedule "c" 8. The Town acknowledges and agrees that the transfer of title of the federal real property shall contain a covenant retlecting clauses 3,4,5 and 6 of this agreement. 9. Prior to any transfer of federal real property by Fisheries and Oceans, it is acknowledged by the Town that Fisheries and Oceans will deal with the implications resulting from the DelgamulIkw \IS. Croll'/1 court ruling and consultation may be necessary with the local First Nation(s) if it is determined that unextinguished aboriginal title may be present on the federal real property that is proposed to be transferred. 11 is acknowledged by the Town that resolution of this issue will be necessary prior to the finalization of the transfer of the federal real property. 10. In the event that Fisheries and Oceans is unable to resolve the matter of the unextinguished aboriginal title in the federal real property to the mutual satisfaction of Fisheries and Oceans and the local First Nation(s), Fisheries and Oceans shall so notify the Town in writing and this Transfer Framework Agreement shall then be null and void and neither party shall be liable to the other for any costs or damages of any kind whatsoever. II. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties hereto and their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals, attested by the hands of their respective oflicers duly authorized in that behalfas of the day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE-BRUCE-TIVERTON . , ~4 '.'::"~__~ ,G.Q;tdon ell~ ¥~or ~.: ::.:' ..... ~- . . ~ ' W~ ,1,~Lnl'A R05ðl~.,Gr.aRãm. Clerk ....~~---- '-- ~ HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA represented by the Minister of Fisheries & Oceans D. G. Blanchard Director, Small Craft Harbours . · · · . · > .- SCHEDULE "A" Waterlot and lying adjacent to the Town of Kincardine. as shown on Plan dated 1851.05.03 (between Lambton Street and Huron Terrace) and also as outlined in green on Plan TI792 Parcel or tract ofland lying along Huron Terrace, Lot 'E', in the Town of Kincardine on Plan L- 807-5 Part of Town Lot 6 in front of Lots 10 "A" and "B" on Plan Tl792 Waterlot DT 52, Pt of Harbour Reserve in Town of Kincardine Part I, Plan 3R-302 Waterlot DT 53, Pt of Harbour Reserve in Town of Kincardine Part I, Plan 3R-303 (Legal Description to be verified) , . /" . . . - SCHEDULE "8" Attached are the plan and project description (Project No. .......) outlining the repairs to the Small Craft Harbours facility at Kincardine (to be attached when available) (Supply and place armour stone revetments along the entrance channel and east pier as per following) ~ , '~ . SCHEDULE"C" Attached is a property layout sketch which is considered to comprise the federal real property as described in Schedule" A" ----.-- --- II ". 5. 2- .. e .. , '" i i w ~ u.. :! w I 0 .. z g:~ ~I Clu.. ~ ~. ~ ~ 7' ~ I~ ~ ~ S2 ¡ , - I Ii , ~ r I I I I I I I r I I I I L ~\\ J ~ IL I iw I~ill ;1 II !!~!!=!~I!!! - ./ ---.Jl j:JV..4f! ~;; --. -- '7>; Ii! Ó .<: o .., en ..; ~ 15 u. (J Ir Il. :I: (J I/) "- o is IE -< .- . ¡ . e 1- ..p- O Q;- ./.) .,p. g I I I ¿ <r ....þp. ;> E o ~- ~I a I . Ld I' I! . -.. It Ii :11 . ,,' 'i I~ ' ~ --------~-_._-_._--------_.__._._----,._--------_.__.--.-..---- .~, ".~ ""4!'fIf"'_ "'<";ó;, "'vv·",·~ ~ ~~ Transfer/Deed of Land Farm 1 - Land Ro.,þt>_ R-.n Act A 001111/8$ 1.00 (I) D. ....... TIIIII..: property 0 property 0 ~ ~.....7i....... Fi1It Parcel Hørbour Reserve -1, Section 'iiíiíIii ofKinœrdne being Part of the Herbour R_. Townplot of panatangore, formerly In the Town of Kincardine, now In the Munlclpaiiy of Kincardine, County of Bruca dalllgnated 88 parIB 6 and 7 on Plan 3R-7165. Secondly: All of Kincardine Harbour, Munlclpallty.car· Coun of Bruca designated as Parta 1 & 2 on Plan 3R·7165 <',.,..,. Thirdly: Part of the Harbour Reserve of the Town ot 0 anefen e an a of Lot 10, R...,Iob.6d Plan No. 77, formerly In the Town of Kincardine, now in the Munlclpaiiy of Kincardine, County of Bruca de8lgnated . PartI8 3, 4 and 5 .JXI Plan 3R-7185. ..-.... 0 }-:#''"-5'r~,...K>~J,.Y ~~~;'£)~N ."..,»,¡. =..... LiwD ~ ~ B ¡¿He:¿ f',JP':7 : (b) ScIHåJIe lor: (7) _e Tranlferred ¡ DsocrIpUon 0 =- 0 Other ŒJ Fee Simple :r:1" R.ò. -03502 9 ~ L·-r; . L/O ý~9"'32- CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION BRUCE (3) NALKERTON ~. z o w '" ::I W o ¡¡: .. o a: o .. '00 JUN 29 Pl'l12 ~6 ~ /l,l , v.;.G'-4.t:- NewP REGISTRAR -.oJ: - - ..oIio alkIfta (l)TbIs (s) IMo-I 6.n DacumsnI New EsssmsnI 0 ConIaIns -- ,.,,~~~ 1m! & DURHMI CFI POI.MIS ... (1) RegIstIy ~ (3) Property ldenllllsrtl) III (2) 1'9 1 of Property 3 Land TIIIu - Addl_: ~hedUIe 0 (4) ConsIdsIaIIon One--OOl100 o ~ (8) TrsIISfaW(s) The_.......,_..._Io..~_....._snd_II1II..._ilot_..-_oIdondthal .V!'I!~~~.~~~~~.............................................................. . &~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~................ ·:..\À~~I~~· i 2~¡~:: ......................... ................. r~~d~.;CenIraI&ArdIc-RegIon""""" r" ... · repr_..... ~ the _ of FiIIhIrIes and Oceans : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<:::::::::: ~>e~:-i;:~:::: :2~~:¡:~1~~: · , _ 5(8) of the Fedsr8I _ Property Act , , (8) .......-el) of,..... .flrtMts) 1 hlNlll'CIIIW81I1D1hIs ~--, Nsms(e) "0-.0."" ) Dele of SI¡J1Ibn ....._.,1 Y . M. 0 , , , , , " .......""".....,.,........ ,."....'.,... , " , " , " "",.........."""""",.",...""... . (10) TI"lSfaW(s)~ Flsherias and Oceans Canada, 3027 Harvester Road, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4K3 for s.vtce (11) TI....al..M(s) ntF.~AA1:rÇ>t>I.Ql:'mE.~~f' .IÇI.PAL!1Y........................................ . OF KINCARDINE ........................................................................ Dele of Birth Y M D i , . , , , ,I, , , · , · , . . . , 'I' , . , , , , , , , . 'I' , , , , , .............""..,............".....,........'""" '.,...."""""", (12J::::s)Addr888 707 Quean street, KIncardine. Ontario (11) TI..b£......(.. The__thoI 10"_"''' ~_....._'IIIIII. .,....' ... _,"__II1II___. _10"''' ..........Aot. Dele of SIgn8IIn Dele of SI JIIIunt Y:M:D: :V:M:O , . I I t t I SIgnIba'e.."""",.""....... .1.,.. .I",,!.. .I,~....,.""""""",.., .f,....!.. ",.., oJ IIaIIcIIor for T~e) 1 """" expIIIln8d the effect of __ 50 of the I'IInr*V Act III the Ir8nsI8ror end I hIMI...œ 1"",** of Ihe tnnel8ror III 00( Mo....... th8Ilh1s Ir8n8fIjr daee 1101_ th8I_ and _ CO! the """",oaIb.1IU I IIIed ~the 1r8n8Ieror, to the beot of In)' ..-go and ã belli, fti8....... daee 1101 CoÂ6_00 th8I_. 18111.. 0I1Iart0 8CIIIcIIar In goad eIandIng. Dele of S~1I8Iure ~ 5=r S'-Ln., .."."...,...,""',.,.!..~,,!...!.,~, ~ " (11) ~ forT~")I_In, ..... ·..tIIIololNs_sndto'-ng___ondlomllOllslledthallho1lllo_ è J ,- 110_.... ..soICJUlIn "'11011,...110 1221 (ol~"1'IomI!181d onCI"'Io" boot "'my laoaoIiIodge and belloIlhil_ .. bi _nal_..__.._IIO"'............1d.I i.1I ........"'Ihìt_r..r..~_..r.._{o)...I......~_lngo>cd__. ! -I I p.= ~end II =of VI Date 01 SIgnature Y . M, 0 I , , .. SIgnebn. . . . . , , , . , . . . . . . . , , , . . . . ,', . , , , ! , . .1, , , RaII....- leer. .-.. ... .- ow. . --- I . , I : Not Aa8Igned of I , , I -0.01 R ¿ ·".F. t1 (11) MunIdpaI Addre8s of Property (17) ÐJ , . PUr -<Illy: I I.8ncIT_T.. NotAsslgned Department of Justice Canada 2 First Canadian Place Box 36. Suite 3400 Toronto, Ontario M6X 1K6 ToIel V 'v-o J&,(ProvInœ c.:æ:D of _ Ontario Schedule Fonn 5 - Land Ret- -... Ad DYE'DlØ4AM CF8 PO..ANS 1_ s Page 2 AddIIIonIiI "'-"Y -er(5) 5nd/or Other InfonnaUon COVENANT BY TRANSFEREE . The Transferee covenants on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns not to use the lands described herein for any purpose other than a public harbour facility for a period of ten years from the date of registration of this Transfer. In the event that the Transferee, at any time within ten years from the date of registration of this Transfer, ceases to use the lands described for a public harbour facility or disposes of all or any part of the public harbour facility, the Transferee shall forthwith pay to the Transferor the sum of Two Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars ($240,000.00). For a period of fifteen years from the date of registration of this Transfer, the .ansferee covenants on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns to provide priority access to the north pier situate on the lands described herein to commercial fishing vessels of the purpose of loading, unloading and berthing. The Transferee covenants on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns for a period of five years from the date of registration of this Transfer to charge commercial fishing vessels the berthing rates in existence at the date of registration of this Transfer. Thereafter, the Transferee covenants on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns not to charge berthing rates which are higher than the then current market rates for commercial fishing vessels. , , ~ ,CO.INc__Form No. 500 .......ApIiI1.. Minister of of Kincardine Municipalitv of Kincardine. '___klft<I MAKE OATH ANO SAY THAT: 1. I am (pIøce.c/eIII"**..........ØþpØIIietfMIønred..fOIIøIM1ng,.,..,....,.......C1If*IIYDI...depønønq's) : (Meinstruc:fion2J o lat A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed; o (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed: o Ic) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; o (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting in this transaction for (lnsørt I8nI!I(8) of pri1IdpaI(s}) ~ describedinparagraph(s) (a), (bl. (c) above;(sttfØOUfI'l!lf8rMce8IO~pIII'IIgnIphsJ (j lei The ~W,9iR~~euthorizec tpectfor __.._~......-.¡¡ T e orPõrãtIon Of the Mun~c~pa~~ty of K1ncard~ne deocribed In peragraphlldXJOltXJIIIt (e) obove; _... _.. __J o (f A transferee described in paragraphl I (lnsettonlyoneDl"""""'tøJ, tb)«{t:J abrMr,.......) and am making thissffidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of ,...,,..,,. DI..-J who is my spouse described in paragraph ( J tt-fonl.rontof(Jltlf(1fllPh(aJ. (b ot(c)af:Iøw,.Ø(JIlIk:Øe) and as such, I.have personal knowledge of 'the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To be œmp/,rtld ......Ihe MIIue 01... COI .. JkM for ",. eonw)'IIIICØ aceed8 NJO.DOO). I have reed and considered the definition of "single family resktence" set out in clause 1 (1) Ija) of the Act. The land conveyed in the above-described conveyance o contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. NøaI: CI... 2{ 1) (dl imposes an additloœl tax at the rate of o...half of one per ÇJ., does not COntain a single family resklence. cent upon the nlue of consideration in 8XCIII of . $400.000 where .the COJW8y. rntalns more than two single family residences. .... ØfIuCIfGn 3) .... contains at .... one and not more than two ....... family residences. 3. I have read and considered the definitions of "non-resident corporetioo" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses 1 (11 (f) and (gl of the Act and 8ICh of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a "non-resident corporation" or a "no"..,esident person" as set out in the Act. _ ~ If snd I) None 4. THE TOTAL CONSIOERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS fOLLOWS: 1.00 la) Monies paid or to be paid in cash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " $ Nil. Ib)M~ (II Assumed __--....-___ . .. . . '. $ UiIGlvenbecktovendor ...,..................... $ (e) Property transferred In exchange __ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ (dl$ecuritiestransfetredtothevalueof(WW"..,.., ..................... $ Ie) Lien.. legacies. ennuities and maintenance charges to which transfer·is subject . . . . . " $ (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (tIIW..,., ............ $ (g) VALUE OF LAND. BUILDING. FIXTURES ANO GOOOWILL SUBJECT TO 1.00 LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total offal to If)} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " $ (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS· Item, of tangible persona' property _-...."_011.....",..."'____ ..".,.,.,.ør"'·"""SIfeITø~,R.S.O.f-'c.4M,as~······························. $ (I) Other consideratio'n for transaction not included In (g) or (hI above ........................... $ (j) TOTAL CONSIOERATION ....."..........,................................ $ 5. If consideration Is nominal, describe relationship between transferQr and transferee and state purpose of conveyance. t-1nstrut:tJon" NIA e. .consideration is nominal. is the lend IUbjeç!j:o any encumbrance? N/A 7. ",""rk"ndaxpla",lfio",.~n_ry. Tne Transferee has covenanted herein that it, its successors and aS~1gns will not use the lands described herein for any purpose other than a ub11c harbour facilit for a eriod of ten ,e'arsf!IÐm' e date o reg1strat10n 0 t 1S Transfer. .,............ .....1/', Swornbeforemeatthe Municipality of Kincardine.J.k,~' :.:..1;11,:;.:--.... "~'I " ¡nthe County of Bruce ," . ~~..:.., .....'.,,\ ". .' ", ..' . ./~' ¡ thl, day of June, 2000 (yea<) , ,". :-:è. '. ¡.... ' h ~-:- 'It Ø:l1IIL -.. .... II -- ') ~~~.5~,Ji,.~vrf/ ~"q,:,,-~!~~lI;j...j",etc. ..:~~~ John 'de~s~n~J :.:,.; , ~ Jii:'..~_~ IIiIíiij i , For' ~ UeeOnIy ·"~tIt~. Deed ''':T,-:T~' A. Describe nature of instrument: Regislralion NÞ. ' " B. III Addreaofpropertybeingeonveyed/B'_ Municipality of Kincardine County of Bruce Not Available N1.l N1.l N1.l N1.l N1.l ..- Must". _In. IlI$/Hf"NII" $ 1.00 ...... Nil N1.l 1.00 _. Oil Assessment Roll No. (II......) C. Meiling address(es) for future Notice, of Assesvnt!nt under jhe Apssment Act for profJ'ef1y being convayod(see_7) MUn1C1pa.l~ty ot K1nCardine, 7u7 Queen Street, Kincardine, Ontario D. ( ) Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed r-Ø/tItI//tJbItJþ Not avail. ~egøl description of property conveyed: Same as in D.(O above. YesO No 0 Not known g¡ E. ~bJ end ecldress(es) of each transferee's solicitor WHITE, DUNCAN, OSTNER & LINTON 4~ ~rD street EaSt Waterloo. Ontario School Tax Support (Voluntary ElectIon) See __ for A .. ..... (a) Are all individual transferees Roman Catholic? vesD No 0 (b) If Yes. do all individual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters? VesD No 0 (c) Do all individual transferees have French Language Education Rights? VesO NoD (d) " Yes, do all Jndividual transferees wish to support the French L.anguage ~I ~... . .".(wtIere establi!.héd)1 vesO No 0 NOTE: As 10 (e) and (d) IIIe land -... _ wit be assigned IoIIIe F~ _ -.. '" _....... olhenorise direc1ed in (a> .... (b). __ __..__n____ -......- lBnd RegIstry 0fIIce No. 04490 (90-09'