HomeMy WebLinkAbout99 143 Agree - VON Flu Clinics NO. 1999 - 143 A BYLAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGNING OF AN AGREEMENT WITH VON GREY-BRUCE FOR THE PROVISION OF THE INFLUENZA VACCINE CLINICS WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine- Bruce-Tiverton deems it advisable to enter into an Agreement with VON Grey- Bruce retaining the services of VON to administer influenza vaccines to its employee, who have agreed to participate in the program on a voluntary basis. NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine-Bruce-Tiverton ENACTS as follows: 1. That The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine Bruce Tiverton enter into an agreement with VON Grey-Bruce. 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign, on behalf of The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine-Bruce-Tiverton the Agreement with the VON Grey-Bruce attached to this by-law and to affix the corporate seal as and when required. 3. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 4. This By-law may be cited as the "VON Grey-Bruce Agreement, By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 1 oth day of November, 1999. Mayor Clerk .. '-j ; I " -1- - . AGREEMENT BETWEEN -. -. ..>, .....; -, -, - - ,. VON GREY:'" BRUCE ..AND ..-..,.':-....':.,-.. -"-, ': ,', ,".-' .... ': ','--,-'. .C_.'._ :. _ _ _ _', _,_, TOWNSHIP OF KlNCARDINE-BRUCE-TIVERTON This agr~e:T1ent between the VOl'" GREY - BRUCE and TOWNSHIP OF KIl"CARDINE- BRUCE- TIVF.RTON confirms that TOW~SHIP OF KI:\"CARDINE-BR(jCE- TIVERTON has fetair.ed the services of VON to administer influenza vaccines to its emplo)'ees, who have agreed to participate in the program on a voluntary basis. 11ùiÌ.doc:.trr.cnt will serve as a contract and set out the tenns of rer~rence of the agreement that has been established between the two entities.··':< Responsibilities 0: TO\\'-:-;SHIP OF KI1'íCARDrNE-BRliCE-TIVERTON I. Display publicity materials and circulate infonnatior. about in:1uenza anå the vaccine program to all employees. 1 ~' n.', . 2. Set date(s), time(s) and loca:!on for clinics. -" =i~~:'~ . .::. ..\lTangc sign-up sheets for em-ployces. (Appointments are pre-booked Vltith 16 employees :'ooked per hour per nurse.) ..¡.. TOWNSHIP OF KI~CARDIì\E-BRl'CE-TlVERTON will notifY VON of me ei.ãct number of participants a minimum of one per week prior to the first clinic date. 5. pt;;vìde a suìtable cliniciri'ea:i ',"', 'C," '-',",' . ... .....,...... ... .. .... ", .'.'......'-.... .......:.... ,-.....-...... ..'......... .,........- ,'",,-, ,',- ',-,"',',' . ..-... .., .". .. ..--,-- ,..... R-Ëti;ìgerator to stç're vai:çine S~.and running;Wa~ª,· Des!<!t¡lble to sçti:qt4pµíent on Cha~tor em~~ôyeesi Cot ot'b.t;d fopeinergèncy purposes Garbag~þOIlþiineri " Juice fofè!p/,loyees (optiori.ll!) Access to~telephone .. Designated helper if there is only one Registered Nurse present (9rtIyiftlùs is pq!¡Sible for you to arrange) ~'- ',' ~-~ '^~., ",... '" ...... '-:::'::::::'-, ,':-' :,,,::. '":':-:':::- ,:,:' ::...._..-: :,:'=;: .:....,.. 6. Distribiitèfl~ shÒt inform~iiori sheet, h~~th assessm~rit consent form participants prior to clinic date. (Employees will bring these completed to the clinic.) ,-' ,-' " , . . \\ :'1 . '-~i~:~:~"~ . -2- ~ VON CANßDA . . ..... -. ..... 7. Ensure participants are by the nurse clinic area so that they can be assessed 8. Evaluate the Compa:e absenteeism between groups of immt:nized and unimunizcd emp¡oy~es .-\,;,;ess acceptance level among employees .-\ss.:ss reaction to the vaccine Solicit employee feedback about me project ,',' Responsibilities of VO~ are: ..'''''.. ,r." ...., I. VO;-'¡ will provide TOW~SHIP OF KINCARDr:'IiE-BRl"CE-TIVERTOfi.with promotional materials for the Int1uenza Vaccine P:ogram. 2. VON will provide Registered ~urses to implement the clinics 3. VON nurses wiil set up and dismantle the clinics ·f .:,.:.~'~,:, . :.. .~~~~ .~. (Syringes, alcohol i,wììbs, needles, 4. VON ",ill provide all m!!.redals needed tor the injections. inflt:enza vaccine.) 5. VO!\ will obtain signed medical directives for the administration of both the inf!ue~" vaccine and adrenaline (to be used as needed in the event of anaphylactic reaction) 6. V()N nurses will revie';\"particIpliQtS' hè:althforms, conseÏltforms, administer ~ vaccine andnionitor employee~þost"injection for reaction..}} '¡if] ':;:::~;:':.:::::::, ,.:)}j=!'/- ,_:::>:.:::~-)(:;> ":::.:.uL:':: ",::-?,:·:::·:.-::::':;t::T>:.. , }1~ili 7. VONp.WSes will dOSWnji~~the administration ofthevac9inefot~h participaland note any rë~9ti0ns. Thi~4oc\JIIljintation is the property of the YON an.4Wqludes th~Falth assessm~ compl~ed b*me employee and the signji~ cot1¡¡ent forirti} ~;¡]¡ 8. YON wii¡~~n~ coJ~~~~ali~ of all emPlOY~S'inf°4ation. '·;1111· YON will invo¡¢RTOWNSHIP ÒFKlNCARDINE~BRUCÊ- TIVERTON per'.loyee after the final clinic haS been completed. Cost being: 10-35 employees $13.50 each, 36-711 employees $12.50ji~9Þ.!%8ver 70 c;¡pployee.s$I1.50 each. TOWNSHIPOF~CARDINE-BRUCE- TIVERTON Will be bj~l~1i for alre!J1ploye~s who~ere bo~~ed toä:~p.d th~~Mllc regardless . whetp.rr they receivedi;theYaccin,c::.}, ,ii' ............ ,) 'if . ..' . .'. ."". ...~ON ..PL!~":9;Heål/1 to Work"TM ............. VON CORPQAA TEvVE!;.LNES~¡~ROGAAMS .. -.-'.:..'-. .'n. -:.. Vh ~.~. - -------.--.. . ;¡ ,'I I , , .' ,. . ~~ç:~:~ . , -3- ~ VON CANAD<\ Employees shall sign a consent for ,+?åtIDeritandawaiver. The waiver will state "1 waive any claim for damages that 1 (or anyol'l~'dä:iliûng6nl1).ýþehalf) may have against TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE-BRUCE- TIVERTON and TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE-BRUCE- TIVERTON and their dires!q~'6f.fi.ce(S, empl().yees¡¡n.4~ellts on account of injury or misfortune 1 may suffer 8§årei!tiltofthis vaéi::ination,'\ ...... . . /:<:/<:,::::>:.. ,':':. -:). >:,' :,: - ':: - .C":' -,- ': :::::""::::>':';::-:-:.'«':::::;;:::}>:::: The terr.1 cfthis agree~~~t\..;llc~mmence onthe d~t~~r5¡g;;i.!lg;'d Iermi:1aw on th.: date after' the last scn<:ddeù vaccine clinic. Either par:y shaE hav~ the right to terminate the Agreement with or without cause upon giving ten (lOì days wri¡tcn notice to the other party. TOW:'t(SHIP OF KI:\CARDINI!.-BRL"CE- TIVERTO:\ will reimburse VON for any prcpa)mem of clinic re:a:ed materials. ' Aé!~ffi~¡:¡:¡:;;::::. ',:" . ,_íl_i§taff shall at all times serve TOW~SIßP OF KI:\CARj)(:-;E-BRUCI!i~TO:\" as independent agents, and not employees, pursuant to tl:is agrecĹ“ent and shaH not'lSe etttided to '..ay employee benefits from TO\\lì\"SffiP OF KI~CARDlNE-BRl'CE-TlVI!';J{TOK , . Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, this Agreement cornains the entiré<Mreement between the panies as to [....Ie subject matter, and supersedes all prior Agreements atidi negotiations. No amendments shall be etlèccivc unless it is in \>'Titing and signed hk'both parties. , . 'f·' In [;,e event that any provision in this Agreement shall be deemed void or invalid by,~ court of competentjurisdictiolL, the remainIng provisions shaH be and remain in full force ~:effect. '. ' T3C te::Ttls and conditions and interpretations of this Agreement shaH be governed by the laws of th.:: Province oÌOntario. The above Agreement has been read and agreed to as signed by the following sig~ .:~'--_ !dttJ1g),~~) i1I!r4- ..L'.~~:~,l r" '/c~;:~"llì -<-/ii \. AuthOIg!;9, signature for .' .'. ... AuthonzedslgnlJ.1;I,g¡;;for:: .:.-: Mill ~ :: ':,,:::<,>;::::; ,-::':::-:; .... --. '......~ ..- .... ':::::.?-'_: .:'-C'_:X :>'::\ '-:;}:'" "';::}'}::j::> ~ ::s: :i?'~?t~ - .:. YON GUY - BRUCE' TOWNSHIP oFKIN'è~"B~'CE- .;'0:: Branch TIVERTONii'i --...' .-c;/;:iiL· ~:~- .-"':". -.." :.:.-::: :::::)·::'::;::\¡.1:;::1:-¡:·.:;:\:_:,~-~':/J~}·,:,~>·~~~.~ . ' EXECUTIVEfD1REc'rOR ¿I y". I"'" Title» » . ,>.. Title o"-..)i:¡<:II'IÏ· w11:s:iý'ð?;I!t~J'Æ. ..... w:s!t;Aii¡I!I!! ..' ..' --....-----.