HomeMy WebLinkAbout99 016 Appointing Members --~~ "-' ~ .' . . . THE CORPORATION 6F mE TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDlNE-BRUCE- TIVERTON BY-LAW BY-LAW NO. 1999 -16 BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO VARIOUS ADVISORY COMMITTEES, SPECIAL COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE-BRUCE- TIVERTON WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient that a by-law be passed to appoint members to various advisory committees, special committees, boards and commissions of The Corporation ofthe Township of Kincardine-Bruce-Tiverton; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Township Kincardine- Bruce- Tiverton ENACTS as follows: 1. That elected officials and interested citizens denoted on the attached schedules, be hereby appointed to the various advisory committees, special committees, boards and commissions of the Township of Kincardine-Bruce- Tiverton. 2. That the various schedules attached to this by-law be open to amendment, as approved, from time to time, by the Council of the Township of Kincardine- Bruce- Tiverton. 3. That this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon the date of final passage. 4. This by-law may be cited as the "Consolidated Committee Appointment By-law". READ a FIRST and SECOND time on this 18th day of January 1999. READ a THIRD and final time on this 17th day of February, 1999. ~~~ M r INDEX CONSOLIDATED COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT BY-LAW . ,. COMMITTEE Bruce Area Solid Waste Recycling Association Incorporated (BASWRA) Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Impact Advisory Committee Hydro Liaison Committee The Police Services Board for The Township of Kincardine- Bruce- Tiverton Hydro Electric Commission Public Works Committee Economic Development & Tourism Events Committee Parks & Waterfront Committee . Recreational Services Committee Planning Review, By-Law Enforcement and Building Committee . Planning and Committee of Adjustment Finance & Information Systems Fire Services Committee Roads Committee Airport Committee Emergency Measures Heritage Committee Cemetery Committee Nutrient Management Committee Fish Derby Committee Canada Day Committee Winter Carnival Committee Board of Management Business Improvement Area (BIA) Property Standards Committee Human Resources Fence Viewers Tiverton 1999 Reunion Committee Livestock Evaluators/Pound Keeper/Weed Inspector Community In Blooms . AMENDEDIREPEALED BY BYlAW NO. /y<!1-/2!c DATf:n () cJ r) bo J 3 }(If i SCHEDULE PAGE A 3 B C D E 4 5 6 7 F G H I J K 8 9 10 11 12-13 14 L M N o P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 AMENDED/REPfALED BY BYlAW NO. I 'In -,;;1 DATED Afr, I { )/"1/ AMENDEDIREPEAlED FN BYLAW NO. )'(1'1 - f'~ DATEn I .:.J 1) 9 J'1'l'j . . . .' Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 3 of33 AMENDEDJAEPEALID .., SCHEDULE "A" BYLAWI'IO J '19'1- lti 7 0l\lR' ~ E 1'1(..,b>"" C fY-if BRUCE AREA SOLID WASTE RECYCLING ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED (Reports to Council) Appointee Expiry Date Whitney Crawford November 30, 2000 The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. ~ . . . ". Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 4 of 33 SCHEDULE "B" SAUGEEN V ALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY (Reports to Council) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Robert White (representing 2 votes) Term of Office The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards. commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers, . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 5 of 33 SCHEDULE "C" IMP ACT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Reports to Council) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Howard Ribey Tenn of Office Councillor Ronald Hewitt Tenn of Office Councillor Glenn Sutton, alternate Tenn of Office The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards. commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 6 of 33 SCHEDULE "D" HYDRO LIAISON COMMITTEE Appointee Expiry Date COWlcillor Howard Ribey Term of Office Councillor Bryan Grant Term of Office COWlcillor Sharon Mooser, Alternate Term of Office Ontario Hydro (2) members November 30, 2000 The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 7 of 33 SCHEDULE "E" THE POLICE SERVICES BOARD FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE-BRUCE-TIVERTON Appointee Expiry Date Barry Fuller, Provincial Appointee December 11, 2000 Jack Fullerton, Citizen Appointee Mayor Gordon Jarrell (Council's Representative) November 30, 2000 Term of Office The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 8 of 33 Appointee Mayor Gordon Jarrell Robert Jameson (Elected) John Paulusse (Elected) SCHEDULE "F" HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION (Reports to Council) Expiry Date Term of Office Term of Office Term of Office The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 9 of 33 SCHEDULE "G" PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Who/e) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Bryan Grant Term of Office Councillor Sharon Mooser Term of Office Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office Randy Hughes November 30, 2000 Allen Fields November 30,2000 AMENDEOIAI!P!Atm fit BYlAW NO t'( if 1-:;;'1 DAtm ;;/ v' I I 1 /1'/7 , The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. . . . e' Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 10 of33 AMENDED/REPIW;B) B'f SCHEDULE "H" BYlAWNO /'1'/7-;;,/ CAlM A pr- .. I '7 I 9'f9 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM EVENTS COMMITTEE . , (Reports through Committee of the Whole) AMENDED/REPEALED BY BYlAW NO. .;2Nc}-1 G DATEn jd.V1,",-O,'j;]b, ;;lOcO Appointee Expiry Date Deputy-Mayor Gordon Thompson Term of Office Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office Councillor Glenn Sutton Term of Office Councillor Howard Ribey Term of Office B.I.A. Board of Management (1) November 30, 2000 Chamber of Commerce Representative November 30, 2000 Ontario Hydro Representative (1) November 30, 2000 Building and Trades Representative (1) November 30, 2000 Bruce Municipal Telephone System (1) November 30, 2000 Fish Derby Representative November 30, 2000 Canada Day Committee Representative November 30, 2000 Stan Eby (Economic Development) November 30, 2000 Mel Lyons (Economic Development) November 30, 2000 Peter Muschalle (Economic Development) November 30, 2000 Dave Primeau (Economic Development) November 30, 2000 Norman Annetts (Tourism) November 30, 2000 Ken Jackson (Tourism) November 30, 2000 Brad Kirkconnell (Tourism) November 30, 2000 Susan Novak (Tourism) November 30, 2000 Harley Hansler (Tourism-Bluewater Summer Theatre) November 30, 2000 AMENOEDJREPEALEO BY BYlAW NO J.ccc 2'7 DATEn JV\>l€.;J -:JHC! AMENDED~BY BYlAW NO. .:; ("Ie (l -- ;: (J OATEn H(,(r~~ 9 ;;0(;0 AMENDED/REPEALED BY BYlAW NO. ;J2()(j 0 - (; p OATEn /vl,'Y;''/ .2~OO The Mayor is a member by virtije of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. , . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 11 of33 SCHEDULE "I" PARKS & WATERFRONT COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Who/e) Appointee Exoiry Date Main Committee Deputy Mayor Gordon Thompson Term of Office Councillor Ronald Hewitt Term of Office Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office John Miller November 30, 2000 Norm Annetts November 30, 2000 Dave Mennie November 30, 2000 Darryl Burley November 30, 2000 Bryan Walden November 30, 2000 Bev Bryant November 30, 2000 Harbour Management Deputy Mayor Gord Thompson Term of Office Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office David Shaw (Yacht Club) November 30, 2000 John Miller (Yacht Club) November 30, 2000 Brian Grohs (Fishing Club) November 30, 2000 David Mennie (Fishing Club) November 30, 2000 Tom Watson (Citizen at large) November 30, 2000 Bryan Walden (Citizen at large) November 30,2000 Harbour Construction Deputy Mayor Gord Thompson Term of Office Councillor Ron Hewitt Term of Office Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office John Miller (Yacht Club) November 30, 2000 Steve Carvell (Fishing Club) November 30, 2000 Denise Armstrong (Fishing Club) November 30, 2000 David Walsh (Citizen at Large) November 30, 2000 AMENOEOJREPfALED flt SYlAWNO /q99-f( DATED I-, /'1 2/ I q 9'1 , - The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 12 of 33 SCHEDULE "J" Page 1 of2 . RECREATIONAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) AMENDEDJREPEALfD ftt Appointee Expiry Date BYlAW NO. /17<7 - J 7 DATFn Ji fr.! 7 111j , Recreation Main Deputy Mayor Gord Thompson Term of Office Councillor Ron Hewitt (Chair) Term of Office Councillor Sharon Mooser Term of Office Ken Craig November 30, 2000 Steve Marsh November 30, 2000 Tony Hymers November 30, 2000 Stu Mowry November 30, 2000 Jean Clarke November 30,2000 Richard Pym November 30, 2000 P.I. Harston November 30, 2000 . Tiverton Ball Committee Randy Roppel (Chair) November 30, 2000 Bruce Roppel November 30, 2000 Steve Ogilvie November 30, 2000 Sandy MacKenzie November 30, 2000 Scott McPherson November 30, 2000 Ron Simons November 30, 2000 Lori Alexander November 30, 2000 Ken Scott November 30, 2000 Allison Lawrence (Secretary-Treasurer) November 30, 2000 Tiverton Community Centre Whitney Crawford (Chair) November 30, 2000 Dick Weatherall November 30, 2000 Ron Manto November 30, 2000 Heather Ruthven November 30, 2000 . Mary Young November 30, 2000 Randy Roppel November 30, 2000 Don Taylor(Secretary) November 30, 2000 Jean Asselin (Treasurer) November 30, 2000 Tiverton Sports Centre Councillor Sharon Mooser Term of Office Marie Wilson November 30, 2000 Dennis Todd November 30, 2000 Bonnie Plater November 30, 2000 Steve Ogilvie November 30, 2000 Minor Sports Representative (1) November 30, 2000 Brucedale Community Centre Diane Ribey November 30, 2000 Ray Russwurm November 30, 2000 Kenneth lones November 30, 2000 . Sheila Jones (Secretary-Treasurer) November 30,2000 The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 13 of 33 SCHEDULE "J" RECREATIONAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Paisley Recreation Karen Cumming Bruce Township Community Centre Councillor Howard Ribey Art Allen (Chair) Ron Bruce Kenneth Howe Ron Thompson Jean Roppel (Secretary) Expiry Date November 30, 2000 Term of Office November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30,2000 November 30,2000 Page 2 of2 The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 14 of33 '. SCHEDULE "K" PLANNING REVIEW, BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Deputy Mayor Gord Thompson Term of Office Councillor Howard Ribey Term of Office Councillor Bob White Term of Office Councillor Bryan Grant Term of Office . Councillor Ron Hewitt Term of Office . . The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee. Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 15 of33 . SCHEDULE "L" PLANNING AND COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT (Reports to CouncOI Appointee Expirv Date Mayor Gordon Jarrell, Chair Term of Office Deputy Reeve Gordon Thompson Term of Office Councillor Bryan Grant Term of Office Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office Councillor Glenn Sutton Term of Office . Councillor Bob White Term of Office Councillor Ron Hewitt Term of Office Councillor Sharon Mooser Term of Office Councillor Howard Ribey Term of Office . . The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 16 of33 SCHEDULE "M" FINANCE & INFORMA nON SYSTEMS (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Exoiry Date Councillor Sharon Mooser Term of Office The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 17 of33 SCHEDULE "N" AMENDEDIREP91 en fI( BYlAW NO. )"197 - fi A c-r-c' DAwn ,W' I 7 I {7 '1 FIRE SERVICES COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Aooointee Expiry Date Councillor Howard Ribey (Community Representative) - Paisley Fire Services Term of Office Councillor Bob White - Tiverton Fire Services Special Purpose Committee Appointments Keith Roppel Ken Craig Janice Morris Term of Office November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 Councillor Barry Schmidt - Kincardine Fire Services Term of Office The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards. commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 18 of33 SCHEDULE "0" r<r: '; C /1' bfu AMENDE9/RCPCALED BY BYlAW NO. /1 '/'7- ,;'7 DATEn JJ pn I 7. I (r 97 . I' ROADS COMMITTEE (including Culverts, Drains, and Street Lighting) (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Bob White Tenn of Office The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards. commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 19 of33 SCHEDULE "P" , AIRPORT COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Bob White Term of Office Hugh Girvin November 30, 2000 Don Matheson November 30, 2000 Weir Sheane November 30, 2000 . Randy Hughes November 30, 2000 Clarence Ackert November 30, 2000 . . The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. ~. e' "". . . '. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 20 of 33 SCHEDULE "Q" EMERGENCY MEASURES (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Exoirv Date Councillor Glerm Sutton Term of Office The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 21 of33 SCHEDULE "R" (Reports to Council) AMENDED/REPfALfD BY BYlAW NO. / '1 '1' 7'- J '7 DATEn A :>r-, I 7 / yr; J , - - HERlT AGE COMMITTEE Appointee Expiry Date Mayor Gordon Jarrell- Council Liaison Term of Office W.R. Pace November 30, 2000 Robert Bullen November 30, 2000 Pat Cape ling November 30, 2000 Ralph Fillmore November 30, 2000 . Hilda Ekbald November 30, 2000 Vem Fry November 30, 2000 Annette MacDonald November 30, 2000 Dean Netzke November 30, 2000 Raymond Parkinson November 30, 2000 '. . The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. ,..,ji . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 22 of 33 SCHEDULE "S" CEMETERY COMMITTEE (Reports to Council) Appointee KINCARDINE Mayor Gordon Jarrell Ken Davey Carol Little Ken Petrie Jack Pym Ron Cameron Nancy Turcotte (Secretary) TIVERTON Councillor Sharon Mooser - Council Liaison Randy Roppel (Cemetery Superintendent) Dome Fitzsimmons John Taylor Dianne Todd Betty MacKinnon Don MacArthur Pat Plater (Secretary) PORT BRUCE Councillor Sharon Mooser - Council Liaison Randy Roppel (Cemetery Superintendent) Wolfe Kraatz Paul Ellyatt Walter Ravell Pat Plater (Secretary) Expiry Date Term of Office November 30, 2002 November 30, 2002 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2001 November 30, 2000 Term of Office November 30, 2000 November 30, 2002 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 Term of Office November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2002 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. ~ . . . '. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 23 of 33 Apt'ointee Alan Ribbink Ken Craig Paul Bennet Lloyd McGillivray Jamie Reid Rod McGillivray John MacKinnon Keith Roppel SCHEDULE "T" NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (Reports to Planning, By~law & Building Committee) Expiry Date November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 November 30, 2000 AMENOEOIREPEALED fit BYlAW NO. Ii T J- f~ DATED ),....I,,'z~ tiff / AMENDEDJREPEALED fit BYLAW NO. '711- / I~ DATEn .S~O~'/lller 2.1 . I'l'l~ 1 , The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. r Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 24 of 33 SCHEDULE "D" AMENDEDIREPEAlED BY BYLAW NO. /'717.27 DATED /,(Vf" / 7, lr7~ , . FISH DERBY COMMITTEE (Reports to Economic Developments and Tourism Events Committee) AMENDED/REPEAbE) BY BYlAW NO. ;20(jO -/ "C, Appointee Expirv Date DA TE.n ~a." V4c j ;z~, 100,' Bonnie Wilkinson November 30, 2000 AMENDEDIREP&/'t E1" BY BYlAW NO. .;Leer. Vi Dave Guse November 30, 2000 DATEn 4~.. I '01 JcrC Jack Crozier November 30, 2000 Ken Wilkinson November 30, 2000 . Frank Bianco November 30, 2000 Randy Duffie November 30, 2000 Ken Jackson November 30,2000 Kelly Jones November 30, 2000 Matt Luckhart November 30, 2000 Stu Mowry November 30, 2000 Susan Novak November 30, 2000 Stewart Simpson November 30, 2000 . . The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards. commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standardf Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. ~ .~~ -~ Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 25 of 33 SCHEDULE "V" . CANADA DAY COMMITTEE (Reports to Recreational Services Committee) Appointee Expiry Date BlA Representative November 30,2000 Chamber of Commerce Representative (2) November 30, 2000 Opp South Bruce Representative November 30, 2000 Royal Canadian Legion Representative November 30,2000 Fire Department Representative November 30, 2000 . Lions Club Representative November 30, 2000 Recreation Representative November 30, 2000 Brad Kirkcoooell Citizen at large November 30, 2000 . . . The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards. commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 26 of33 SCHEDULE "W" '. WINTER CARNIVAL COMMITTEE (Reports to Recreational Services Committee) Appointees Expiry Date Chamber of Commerce Representative November 30, 2000 Knights of Columbus Representative November 30, 2000 Lions Club Representative November 30, 2000 Gymnastics Club Representative November 30, 2000 V olleyball Club Representative November 30, 2000 . Rotary Club Representative November 30, 2000 Royal Canadian Legion Representative November 30, 2000 . . The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. . . . '. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 27 of 33 SCHEDULE "X" BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA (BIA) (Reports to Council) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Glenn Sutton November 30, 2000 J. Bruce King November 30, 2000 Bill Cameron November 30,2000 Doug Stoffey November 30, 2000 Raj Kozhikott November 30, 2000 Julia Sandel November 30, 2000 i!. e ,Cd"" t;J> _fit 8'4AW NO /l9'1 - .?;t DA"I"I=" J lfflr c. J I I 7 . I'l {i'l AMENDEDJREPEALED fit BYLAW NO. ';CC'(1" :i7 DATFn 1'1",y' O. ;LeN.' The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. .-<t . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 28 of33 SCHEDULE "Y" PROPERTY STANDARDS COMMMITTEE (Reports to Planning, By-Law & Building Committee) Appointee Expiry Date Ruta Wilson November 30, 2000 Gary Claus November 30, 2000 Ken Craig November 30, 2000 Murray White November 30, 2000 The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standard5 Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. ..... . . . -. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 29 of 33 SCHEDULE "Z" HUMAN RESOURCES (Reports to Council) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Sharon Mooser (Chair) Term of Office Deputy Mayor Gord Thompson (Co-chair) Term of Office The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards. commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. ~ Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 30 of 33 SCHEDULE "AA" '. SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS FENCE VIEWERS (Reports to Planning, By-Law & Building Committee) Appointee Expirv Date Glen Brunton November 30, 2000 Ed Woods November 30, 2000 Clarence Ackert November 30, 2000 Lynn Farrell November 30, 2000 . One Citizen to be appointed November 30, 2000 . . The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers_ Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 31 of33 SCHEDULE "BB" . TIVERTON 1999 REUNION COMMITTEE Aooointee Expiry Date Councillor Sharon Mooser - Council Liaison Term of Office Kelly Brown November 30, 2000 Heather Convay November 30, 2000 Maria Mullen November 30, 2000 Dianne Todd November 30, 2000 . Elaine Gossell November 30, 2000 Tracey Johnson November 30, 2000 Kevin Carr November 30, 2000 . . The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. . . . . Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 32 of 33 SCHEDULE "CC" SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Reports to Planning, By-Law and Building Committee LIVESTOCK EVALUATORS Appointee Expirv Date Alvin Thompson (Ward 2) November 30, 2000 Ron Bruce (Ward 3) November 30, 2000 POUND KEEPER Appointee Expiry Date One Citizen to be appointed Ward 2 November 30, 2000 John Thombum (Ward 3) November 30, 2000 WEED INSPECTOR Appointee Expirv Date Lome Robinson November 30, 2000 The Mayor is a memher hy virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standard~ Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. .-- ... . '. .- Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law By-law 1999 - 16 Page 33 of 33 SCHEDULE "DD" COMMUNITY IN BLOOMS (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Norm Annetts November 30, 2000 Denise Foucault November 30, 2000 Mhairi Walsh November 30, 2000 The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. ~~~~ BY-LAW NO. 1999 - 16 BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO VARIOUS ADVISORY COMMITTEES, SPECIAL COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KINCARDINE-BRUCE-TIVERTON WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient that a by-law be passed to appoint members to various advisory committees, special committees, boards and commissions of The Corporation of the Township of Kincardine-Bruce-Tiverton; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Township Kincardine- ENACTS Bruce-Tiverton as follows: 1. That elected officials and interested citizens denoted on the attached schedules, be hereby appointed to the various advisory committees, special committees, boards and commissions of the Township of Kincardine-Bruce-Tiverton. 2. That the various schedules attached to this by-law be open to amendment, as approved, from time to time, by the Council of the Township of Kincardine- Bruce-Tiverton. 3. That this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon the date of final passage. 4. This by-law may be cited as the “Consolidated Committee Appointment By-law”. th READ FIRST SECOND a and time on this 18 day of January 1999. th READ THIRD a and final time on this 17 day of February, 1999. _________________________ __________________________ Mayor Clerk INDEX CONSOLIDATED COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT BY-LAW As Amended by By-Law No. 1999 – 29, No. 1999 – 86, No. 1999 - 126 COMMITTEE SCHEDULE PAGE Bruce Area Solid Waste Recycling Association A 3 Incorporated (BASWRA) Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority B 4 Impact Advisory Committee C 5 Hydro Liaison Committee D 6 The Police Services Board for The Township of E 7 Kincardine-Bruce-Tiverton Hydro Electric Commission F 8 Public Works Committee G 9 Economic Development & Tourism Events Committee H 10 Parks & Waterfront Committee I 11 Recreational Services Committee J 12-13 Planning Review, By-Law Enforcement and Building K 14 Committee Planning and Committee of Adjustment L 15 Finance & Information Systems M 16 Fire Services Committee N 17 Community Policing Committee O 18 Airport Committee P 19 Emergency Measures Q 20 Heritage Committee R 21 Cemetery Committee S 22 Peer Review Committee T 23 (for Nutrient Management) Fish Derby Committee U 24 Canada Day Committee V 25 Winter Carnival Committee W 26 Board of Management Business Improvement Area (BIA) X 27 Property Standards Committee Y 28 Human Resources Z 29 Fence Viewers AA 30 Tiverton 1999 Reunion Committee BB 31 Livestock Evaluators/Pound Keeper/Weed Inspector CC 32 Community In Blooms DD 33 Kincardine Scottish Festival EE 34 Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 3 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “A” As Amended by By-Law No. 1999 - 107 BRUCE AREA SOLID WASTE RECYCLING ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED (Reports to Council) Appointee Expiry Date Peter Sullivan November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 4 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “B” SAUGEEN VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY (Reports to Council) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Robert White Term of Office (representing 2 votes) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 5 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “C” IMPACT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Reports to Council) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Howard Ribey Term of Office Councillor Ronald Hewitt Term of Office Councillor Glenn Sutton, alternate Term of Office ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 6 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “D” As Amended by By-Law No. 2000 - 95 HYDRO LIAISON COMMITTEE Appointee Expiry Date Mayor Gord Thompson Term of Office Deputy Mayor Sharon Mooser, Alternate Term of Office Councillor Howard Ribey Term of Office Ontario Hydro (2) members November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 7 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “E” As Amended by By-Law No. 2000 - 95 KINCARDINE POLICE SERVICES BOARD Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Darryl BurleyTerm of Office (Council’s Representative) Barry Fuller, Provincial Appointee December 11, 2000 Jack Fullerton, Citizen Appointee November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 8 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “F” As Amended by By-Law No. 2000 - 95 HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION Appointee Expiry Date Mayor Gord Thompson Term of Office Robert Jameson Term of Office (Elected) John Paulusse Term of Office (Elected) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 9 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “G” As Amended by By-Law No. 1999 – 29, 2000 - 95 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Deputy Mayor Sharon Mooser Term of Office Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office Councillor Bob White Term of Office Councillor Ron Hewitt Term of Office Councillor Howard Ribey Term of Office Randy Hughes November 30, 2000 Allen Fields November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 10 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “H” As Amended by By-Law No. 1999 - 29, 2000 - 10, 2000 – 30, 2000 – 68, 2000 – 88, 2000 - 95 ECONOMIC & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Sandy Donald Term of Office Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office Councillor Glenn Sutton Term of Office Councillor Howard Ribey Term of Office B.I.A. Board of Management (1) November 30, 2000 Hans Nilsson (Chamber of Commerce Representative) November 30, 2000 Building and Trades Representative (1) November 30, 2000 Bruce Municipal Telephone System (1) November 30, 2000 Fish Derby Representative November 30, 2000 Canada Day Committee Representative November 30, 2000 Stan Eby (Economic Development) November 30, 2000 Mel Lyons (Economic Development) November 30, 2000 Peter Muschalle ( Economic Development) November 30, 2000 Dave Primeau (Economic Development) November 30, 2000 Norman Annetts (Tourism) November 30, 2000 Ken Jackson (Tourism) November 30, 2000 Brad Kirkconnell (Tourism) November 30, 2000 Susan Novak (Tourism) November 30, 2000 Harley Hansler (Tourism-Bluewater Summer Theatre) November 30, 2000 Robert Cottrill November 30, 2000 Peter Humble November 30, 2000 Wendy Putnam (Tourism-Kincardine Scottish Festival) November 30, 2000 Charles Edey (Ontario Power Generation) November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 11 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “I” PARKS & WATERFRONT COMMITTEE As Amended by By-Law No. 1999 – 81, 2000 - 95 (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Parks & Waterfront Committee Councillor Darryl Burley Term of Office Councillor Ronald Hewitt Term of Office Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office John Miller November 30, 2000 Norm Annetts November 30, 2000 Dave Mennie November 30, 2000 Darryl Burley November 30, 2000 Bryan Walden November 30, 2000 Bev Bryant November 30, 2000 Harbour Advisory Committee Councillor Sandy Donald Term of Office Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office John Miller (Yacht Club) November 30, 2000 Steve Carvell (Fishing Club) November 30, 2000 David Mennie (Fishing Club) November 30, 2000 Tom Watson (Citizen at large) November 30, 2000 Bryan Walden (Citizen at large) November 30, 2000 Harbour Management Liaison Councillor Darryl Burley (Harbour Management Rep.) Councillor Barry Schmidt (Harbour Management Rep.) Les Harrison (Yacht Club Rep.) Bill Hayley (Yacht Club Rep.) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 12 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “J” Page 1 of 2 As Amended by By-law No. 1999 – 29, 2000 - 95 RECREATIONAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Recreation Main Councillor Darryl Burley Term of Office Councillor Ron Hewitt Term of Office (Chair) Deputy Mayor Sharon Mooser Term of Office Ken Craig November 30, 2000 Steve Marsh November 30, 2000 Tony Hymers November 30, 2000 Stu Mowry November 30, 2000 Jean Clarke November 30, 2000 Richard Pym November 30, 2000 P.J. Harston November 30, 2000 Tiverton Ball Committee Randy Roppel November 30, 2000 (Chair) Bruce Roppel November 30, 2000 Steve Ogilvie November 30, 2000 Sandy MacKenzie November 30, 2000 Scott McPherson November 30, 2000 Ron Simons November 30, 2000 Lori Alexander November 30, 2000 Ken Scott November 30, 2000 Allison Lawrence November 30, 2000 (Secretary-Treasurer) Tiverton Community Centre Whitney Crawford November 30, 2000 (Chair) Dick Weatherall November 30, 2000 Ron Manto November 30, 2000 Heather Ruthven November 30, 2000 Mary Young November 30, 2000 Randy Roppel November 30, 2000 Don TaylorNovember 30, 2000 (Secretary) Jean Asselin November 30, 2000 (Treasurer) Tiverton Sports Centre Deputy Mayor Sharon Mooser Term of Office Marie Wilson November 30, 2000 Dennis Todd November 30, 2000 Bonnie Plater November 30, 2000 Steve Ogilvie November 30, 2000 Ken Craig November 30, 2000 Brucedale Community Centre Diane Ribey November 30, 2000 Ray Russwurm November 30, 2000 Kenneth Jones November 30, 2000 Sheila Jones November 30, 2000 (Secretary-Treasurer) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 13 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “J” Page 2 of 2 RECREATIONAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Paisley Recreation Karen Cumming November 30, 2000 Bruce Township Community Centre Councillor Howard Ribey Term of Office Art Allen November 30, 2000 (Chair) Ron Bruce November 30, 2000 Kenneth Howe November 30, 2000 Ron Thompson November 30, 2000 Jean Roppel November 30, 2000 (Secretary) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 14 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “K” As Amended by By-Law No. 2000 - 95 PLANNING REVIEW, BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Deputy Mayor Sharon Mooser Term of Office Councillor Howard Ribey, Chair Term of Office Councillor Bob White Term of Office Councillor Ron Hewitt Term of Office ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 15 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “L” As Amended by By-Law No. 2000 - 95 PLANNING AND COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Appointee Expiry Date Mayor Gord Thompson Term of Office Deputy Mayor Sharon Mooser Term of Office Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office Councillor Glenn Sutton Term of Office Councillor Bob White Term of Office Councillor Ron Hewitt Term of Office Councillor Howard Ribey Term of Office Councillor Darryl Burley Term of Office Councillor Sandy Donald Term of Office ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 16 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “M” As Amended by By-Law No. 2000 - 95 FINANCE & INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Deputy Mayor Sharon Mooser Term of Office ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 17 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “N” As Amended by By-law No. 1999 – 29, 2000 - 95 FIRE SERVICES COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Howard Ribey Term of Office (Community Representative) Deputy Mayor Sharon Mooser – (Alternate) Paisley Fire Services Councillor Bob White – Term of Office Tiverton Fire Services Special Purpose Committee Appointments Keith Roppel November 30, 2000 Ken Craig November 30, 2000 Janice Morris November 30, 2000 Councillor Barry Schmidt – Term of Office Kincardine Fire Services ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 18 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “O” As Amended by By-law No. 1999 – 29 COMMUNITY POLICING COMMITTEE Appointee Expiry Date Ainslie Martyn November 30, 2000 William Cameron November 30, 2000 John Farrell November 30, 2000 Ronald Tout November 30, 2000 William Tennyson November 30, 2000 Ed Roberts November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 19 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “P” AIRPORT COMMITTEE (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Bob White Term of Office Hugh Girvin November 30, 2000 Don Matheson November 30, 2000 Weir Sheane November 30, 2000 Randy Hughes November 30, 2000 Clarence Ackert November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 20 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “Q” EMERGENCY MEASURES (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Glenn Sutton Term of Office ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 21 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “R” As Amended by By-Law No. 1999 – 29, 2000 – 95, HERITAGE COMMITTEE (Reports to Committee Of The Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Darryl Burley – Council Liaison Term of Office W.R. Pace November 30, 2000 Robert Bullen November 30, 2000 Pat Capeling November 30, 2000 Ralph Fillmore November 30, 2000 Hilda Ekbald November 30, 2000 Vern Fry November 30, 2000 Dean Netzke November 30, 2000 Annette MacDonald November 30, 2000 Raymond Parkinson November 30, 2000 Peter Humble November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 22 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “S” As Amended by By-Law No. 2000 - 95 CEMETERY COMMITTEE (Reports to Committee Of The Whole) Appointee Expiry Date KINCARDINE Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office Ken Davey November 30, 2002 Carol Little November 30, 2002 Ken Petrie November 30, 2000 Jack Pym November 30, 2000 Ron Cameron November 30, 2001 Nancy Turcotte November 30, 2000 (Secretary) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 23 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “T” As Amended by By-Law No. 1999 – 86, 1999 - 116 PEER REVIEW COMMITTEE (For Nutrient Management) (Reports to Planning, By-law & Building Committee) Appointee Expiry Date Alan Ribbink November 30, 2000 Ken Craig November 30, 2000 Paul Bennett November 30, 2000 Lloyd McGillivray November 30, 2000 Brad Allen November 30, 2000 Rod McGillivray November 30, 2000 John MacKinnon November 30, 2000 Keith Roppel November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 24 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “U” As Amended by By-law No. 1999 – 29, 2000 – 10, 2000 – 44, 2000 - 95 FISH DERBY COMMITTEE (Reports to Economic Developments and Tourism Events Committee) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Sandy Donald Term of Office Jack Crozier November 30, 2000 Randy Duffie November 30, 2000 Ken Jackson November 30, 2000 Susan Novak November 30, 2000 Mat Luckhart November 30, 2000 Rob Young November 30, 2000 Don Enright November 30, 2000 Jennifer Webb November 30, 2000 Boyd Jeffrey (Chamber of Commerce Rep) November 30, 2000 Jamie Agnew November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 25 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “V” CANADA DAY COMMITTEE (Reports to Recreational Services Committee) Appointee Expiry Date BIA Representative November 30, 2000 Chamber of Commerce Representative (2) November 30, 2000 OPP South Bruce Representative November 30, 2000 Royal Canadian Legion Representative November 30, 2000 Fire Department Representative November 30, 2000 Lions Club Representative November 30, 2000 Recreation Representative November 30, 2000 Brad Kirkconnell Citizen at large November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 26 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “W” WINTER CARNIVAL COMMITTEE (Reports to Recreational Services Committee) Appointees Expiry Date Chamber of Commerce Representative November 30, 2000 Knights of Columbus Representative November 30, 2000 Lions Club Representative November 30, 2000 Gymnastics Club Representative November 30, 2000 Volleyball Club Representative November 30, 2000 Rotary Club Representative November 30, 2000 Royal Canadian Legion Representative November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 27 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “X” As Amended by By-law No. 1999 – 22, 2000 - 57 BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA (BIA) (Reports to Council) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Glenn Sutton November 30, 2000 Julia Sandel November 30, 2000 Kevin Bradley November 30, 2000 Laura Hawkins-Doerr November 30, 2000 Barb Jackson November 30, 2000 Peter Humble November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 28 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “Y” PROPERTY STANDARDS COMMMITTEE (Reports to Planning, By-Law & Building Committee) Appointee Expiry Date Ruta Wilson November 30, 2000 Gary Claus November 30, 2000 Ken Craig November 30, 2000 Murray White November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 29 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “Z” As Amended by By-Law No. 2000 - 95 HUMAN RESOURCES (Reports to Council) Appointee Expiry Date Deputy Mayor Sharon Mooser Term of Office (Chair) Councillor Barry Schmidt Term of Office (Co-chair) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 30 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “AA” SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS FENCE VIEWERS (Reports to Planning, By-Law & Building Committee) Appointee Expiry Date Glen Brunton November 30, 2000 Ed Woods November 30, 2000 Clarence Ackert November 30, 2000 Lynn Farrell November 30, 2000 One Citizen to be appointed November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 31 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “BB” TIVERTON 1999 REUNION COMMITTEE Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Sharon Mooser – Council Liaison Term of Office Kelly Brown November 30, 2000 Heather Convay November 30, 2000 Maria Mullen November 30, 2000 Dianne Todd November 30, 2000 Elaine Gossell November 30, 2000 Tracey Johnson November 30, 2000 Kevin Carr November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 32 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “CC” SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Reports to Planning, By-Law and Building Committee LIVESTOCK EVALUATORS Appointee Expiry Date Alvin Thompson November 30, 2000 (Ward 2) Ron Bruce November 30, 2000 (Ward 3) POUND KEEPER Appointee Expiry Date One Citizen to be appointed Ward 2 November 30, 2000 John Thornburn November 30, 2000 (Ward 3) WEED INSPECTOR Appointee Expiry Date Lorne Robinson November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 33 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “DD” COMMUNITY IN BLOOMS (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Norm Annetts November 30, 2000 Denise Foucault November 30, 2000 Mhairi Walsh November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 34 of 34 By-law 1999 - 16 SCHEDULE “EE” KINCARDINE SCOTTISH FESTIVAL (Reports through Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Dave MacKenzie November 30, 2000 Jim McArthur November 30, 2000 Sheila Mickle November 30, 2000 Vicki Farrell November 30, 2000 Jim Meldrum November 30, 2000 Jim Pannell November 30, 2000 Susan Novak November 30, 2000 Ken Jackson November 30, 2000 Bob Moore November 30, 2000 Neil McLaughlin November 30, 2000 Ron Heasty November 30, 2000 Gord Rodgers November 30, 2000 Andy Burgess November 30, 2000 Ron Boulton November 30, 2000 Rob Ferguson November 30, 2000 Norm Taylor November 30, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers.