HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 120 agree lt 58 robinson/nor / e e e e TIlE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE NO. 2002 -120 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGNING OF AN AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE FOR LAND REQUIRED FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES (ROBINSON· NORMAN) WHEREAS THE Municipal Act. Chap. M.45, Section 191 (1) authorizes municipalities to enter into agreements for acquiring land required for municipal purposes; AND WHEREAS The Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it expedient to purchase land located on Part of Lot 58, Concession A, former Township of Kincardine, now Municipality of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce, designated as Part 7 on Reference Plan 3R-3036; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, deems it advisable to purchase those lands as outlined in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale with the Estate of Murray Archibald Robinson, Jessie Marie Anastasia Robinson and Helen Elizabeth Norman, attached to this by-law as Schedule A; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor and CAO be authorized to execute, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with the Estate of Murray Archibald Robinson, Jessie Marie Anastasia Robinson and Helen Elizabeth Norman, attached to this by-law as Schedule A, and to affix the corporate seal as and when required. 2. That the lands referred to are more particularly set out in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule A; 3. The purchase price for the said lands shall be seven thousand four hundred and forty-six dollars ($7,446.00) plus GST; 4. The by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 5. This by-law may be cited as the "Lot 58 Ward 2 (Robinson - Norman) Land Purchase By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this i" day of August, 2002. Clerk r " ~~ ~ , AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE (FOR USE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) PURCHASER, The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine agrees to purchase from VENDOR, Estate of Murray Archibald Robinson, "essle Marie Anastasia Robinson and Helen Elizabeth ~!",an llie~bMngREALPROPERTY Part of Lot 58, Township of Kincardine (now Municipality of Kincardine), In the County of Bruce, designated as Part 7 on Reference Plan 3R-3036 and shown In blue on the sketch of survey attached her,to as Schedule "A" (the "property'~ PU!t:HASE PRICE: SEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY SIX Dollars (CDN $7,446.00) DEPbSIT: Purd18ser submits FIVE HUNDRED Dollars (CDN $500.00) C8sh Or negotiable cheque payabloto the Vendor's solicitor to be held in trust pending completion or other termination of this agreement and to be credited toward the Purchase Price on completion, Purchaser agrees to pay the balance, subject to the usual adjustments. by cash or certified cheque on the date of completion of this transaction, The parties acknowledge lliatthe property is-subject 10 (a) numerous regislered rights-of-way and (b) a possible unregislered righl-of-way in lavour of David G. Nordin, and Iha Purchaser agrees 10 accept tille notwithstanding lhe exislence of Ihese rights-of,way, provided Ihal such righls-of-way do not prevent the Purchaser from installing a waler line on the property. The parties further agree Ihallhe Purchaser shall pay all legal feas. disbursements and survey costs of Ihe Vendor and Purchaser arising oul of this sale Iransaction. a! parties acknowledge lliat llie Purchaser has also entered Into an agreement 10 purchase the lands shown in green on the sketch ~ed hereto as Schedule "N, The completion of this transaction is conditional upon llie simultaneous completion by llie Purchaser of The l/Urchaser of the lands shown in green, SChEDULE "A" attached hereto forms part of this Agreement. 1. CHATTELS INCLUDED: None - Vacant Land 2. FIXTURES EXCLUDED: None 3. RENTAL ITEMS: Tha following equipment Is rented and not included in lhe Purchlse price. Tha Purchlser agrees to Issume the rental con1 act(s). W Issumlble: None. 4.. IRREVOCABILITY: This Offershallbe Irr8V0C8ble by the Vendor until 11 :59 p.m, on the 8th day of August. 2002 after WhiCh time; W not acoopted. this Oller shin bs null and void Ind Iha depos" shall bs retumed to the Purchaser In lull without Interest. 5.' COMPLETION DATE: This Agreemenl shill be completed by no later Ihan 6:00 p.m, on the 21- day of October, 2002, Upon ~letion, vacant possession of the property shall be given to the Purchaser unless otherwise provided for In this Agreement. 6., NOTICES: Any notice releting to Ihis Agreemant or provided for herein shall be in writing. This offer. any counter offer. notice of acooptance the....f. or any notice shan be deemed given and received, When hand dellvsred 10 Ihe address lor service provided herein or. Whare alacsimlle number is PfO'ÌIded herein. When trlnsmitted electronically to that facsimile number. FAX No. (519)396-81544 (For delive!y 01 nollces to Vendor)FAX No. (For delivery of notices to Purchaser) t*, " GST: Ilthis Iransaction Is sub octlo Goods and Sarvlces Tlx (G.S,T.). then such shill be In addition to Ihe Purchase Price. Wthis transaction " subject to G.S.T., Vendor Igrees 10 provide. on or before closing. a certifICate that the transaction Is not subject to G.S.T. . : TITlE SEARCH: Purchaser shall be allowed unlll 6:00 p.m, on the 30th day of September, 2002 (the "Requisition Date") 10 a,,","lne the IIUe to the property at his own expense and untlllhe eartler 01: (I) Ihlrty days from lhe later of the Requls"lon Date or Ihe date on Which lhe coröItions in this Agreemenlare fulfilled or otherwise waived or; (II) five dlYS prior to completion. 10 satisfy himself that there are no oulstandlng wort< orders or <jefictency notices affecting the property, that"s present use ( ) may be lawfully continued and that the principal building may bs insured against risk of fire. Vendor hereby consents 10 the municipality or other governmental agencies releasing to Purchaser details 01 aø ..,..tandlng wort< olde'" affecting the property. and Vendor agrees to execute and deliver such further authorizations In Ihls ragard as Purchaser may re...,nably require, 9.! FUTURE USE: Vendor and Purchaser agree that there Is no representation orworranty of any kind Ihalthe future Intended usa olthe property by ~urchaser Is or will be lawful except .. may be specifically provided lor In this Agreement. 10; TITLE: Provided that the 1"18 to the property Is good and free from all reglstared restrictions. charg.., liens, and encumbrances axcept as ~ spaclflcally provided In this Agreement and lave and""""'" for (a) any regis_ IfttrIcUOns or covenanta that run with the land providing Ihat su\ ll are complied with; (b) any registered municipal agreemants and registered agreements with publlcty regulated utllnles providing such have been COI 1pIIed with. or security has been posted to ensure compliance and completion, as _need by alotter from the relevant municipality or regulated utility; (c) ¡any minor easements for the supply of domestic utility or telephone _10 the property or edjacent properties; and (d) any eesemenls for drainage, sIo!m or sanllery sewers, public utility lines, telephone lines, cable \e-.on lines or other _ Which do not materially afleet the present use of Ihe prriperty, If within Ihe specified times referred to In _raph 8 any valid objedIon to tIIIe or 10 eny outstanding work order or defICIency notice. or 10 the lact the said present use may not lawfully be continued, or Ihat the prIncIpet butldlng may not be Insured againsl risk of fire Is made in wrlling to Vendor and Which Vendor Is unable or unwilling to remove. remedy or sotisfy and which Purd18ser will not wolve, this Agreement notwithslandlng any Intennediate acts or ns ¡oliationsln respect 01 such objections, shall bs at an end and a. monies paid shall be returned without intsrest or deduction and Vendor, Listing Broker and ClH)peraling Broker sha' not bs liable for any costs or damages. Save.. to any yalld objection so made by such day and except for any objection going 10 he root of the title, Purchaser shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted Vendor's title 10 !he property. 1 t CLOSING ARRANGEMENTS: Where aach of the Vendor and Purchaser retain a lawyer 10 complete the Agreemenl 01 Purchase and S. of Ihe property, and where the transaction will be completed by electronic registration pursuant to Part 111 01 the Land Registration Refonn Act. RS.O, 1~, Chspter 1.4. and any amendmants thereto, the Vendor and Purchaser acknowfedge and egree that the delivMy of documents and the release thereof \oìIhe Vendor and Purchaser may. at the lawye"" discretion: (a) nol occurcontemporaneouslywilh the regislration of !he Iransfer_ (and olher registerable ~tation). and (b) be subject to condnions whereby the lawyer receiving documents and/or money will be required to hold them in trust and not release e>«:eplln accordance with the tenns of a written agreement between !he Iawye"'. .. DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGE: Purchaser shell not call for lhe produc\lon 01 any title deed, abstract, surveyor other evidence of '"Ie 10-"'" property except such as are in Ihe possession or control of Vendor. If requested by Purchaser. Vendor will deliver any skelch or survey of the property ""In VendOl's conlrollo Purchaser as soon as possible and prior to the Requisition Date, If a discharge of any ChargelMortgage held by a corporetion ~aled pu",uant to the Trust and Loan Companies Act (Canada), Chartered Bank, Trust COmpany. Credn Union, Caisse Populalre or Insurance $pany and Which is nollo be assumed by Purchaser on completion. Is not available In registerable fonn on completion, Purchaser egrees to accept V ndor's lawye(s parsonal undertaking 10 oblain. out of Ihe closing funds, a discharge in registerable fonn and to register same on '"Ie within a reasonable riod 01 time after complelton. provided that on or before completion Vendor shall provide to Purchaser a mortgage slatemenl prepared by the mortgagee 1 " t~ " , -2- seUl'1l out the bal.nce required to obtain the discharg., togeth.r with a direction ...cuted by V.ndor directing payment to th. mortgag.. of the amount requhd to obtain the discharge out of the balance due on completion. 13. INSPECTION: Purchaser act<nowIedges having had the opportunity to Inspect the property prior to submlUing this Offer and und.rstands that uIXI"'acœptance of this Offer there shall bs a binding agreement of purche.. and sale batween Purchaser and Vendor. 4:. INSURANCE: All buildings on the property and all other things being purchased shall bs and ramain until compl.tion at the risk of Vendor. . mIIng completion, V.ndor shan hold al insurance policies, K any, end the proceeds thereof in trust for the parties as their interests may appear and in the of substantial damage, Purcha..r may .nher terminal8lhis Ag_land have all monies paid retumed without Interest or deduction or else take . e proceeds of any insurance and complete the purchaae. No insurance shall be transferred on completion. If Vendor is taking back a Charge/Mortgage, or P\frchase, is assuming a ChargeJMortgage, Purchaser shall supply Vendor with reasonable evidence of adequate InlunlnC8 to pl'ðtect Vendor'. or other m0rttegee's Interest on completion. 15. PLANNING ACT: The Agreem.ntshell ba .ffectiv. to creele en interest in the property only if Vendor compiles with the subdivision control prov Slons of the Plenning Act by completion and Vendor coyenent. to proceed diligently 81 his expsn.e to oblein any ""ce..ery coneent by completion. 16. , DOCUMENT PREPARATION: Th. Tran.far/Deed sheH, save for the Land TransforTaxAffidavn, be prepared in regist.rabl. form at the e'æse of Vendor, and any ChargeIMortgag. to be given beck by the Purchaser to Vendor at the expsnse of the Purchaser. If requ.sted by Purchaser, V. or COY.nents that the TranSfarlDeed to be d.livered on completion shell contain th. stat.m.nts contemplaled by Section 50 (22) of the Planning Act, R.S .1990. 17. ' RESIDENCY: Purchas.r shall b. cr.dited towards the Purchese Price wMh lhe amount, if any, neces..ry for Purchaser to pay to the Minister of N,tk:Jnal Revenue to satisfy Purchaser's Hability in respect of tax payable by Vendor under the non-residency provisions of the Income Tax Act by reason of th" sale. Purchaser shall not claim such credil if Vendor delivers on completion the prescrI:MKI certificate or a statutory declaration that Vendor is nol then a nolHesident of Canade. 18. . ADJUSTMENTS: Any rent., mortgage interesl, reallytaJeeslncluding locellmprovemant rales and unmet.red public or privale utility charg.s and unm.lered cost of fuel, as applicable, shall be apportioned and allowed to the day of completion, Ihe day of completion llself to be apportioned to Purchaser. 19. : TIME LIMITS: Time shall in all respects bs of the essence h.reof provided thatth. tlm. for doing or compl.ting of any matter provided for he" may bs .><tend.d or abridged by an agreement In writing signed by V.ndor and Purd18ser or by th.ir respectlv. lawyers who may be specifically a~ in that regard. 20. ' TENDER: Any tender of documents or money hereunder may be made upon Vendor or Purchaser or their respedive lawyers on the day set for """'I>Ieti<>n. Mon.y may be tend.red by bank draft or cheque certified by a Chartered Bank. Trust Company, Province of Ontario Savings Office, Credn Union or Caisse Populaire. 21. FAMILY LAW ACT: V.ndor warrants that spousal consent is not necessary to this irensaction under the provisions of the Family Law Act, R.S.o. 1990 unless Vendor"s spousa has .xecuted the consent hereinafter provided. .. UFFI: Vendor represenls and warrants to Purchaser that during the time V.ndor has owned the property, V.ndor has not caused any building ilia pI'Operty to be insulated with insulation containing ur.a formaldehyd., and that to the best of Vendor's knowtedg. no building on Ihe property contains or "*5 ever contained insulation that contains urea formaldehyde. This warranty shall survive and not merge on the completion of thrs transaction. and if the building is part of a multipte un. building, this warranty shall only apply to that part of the building which is th. subject of Ihis transaction. 23. CONSUMER REPORTS: Th. Purchaser is hereby notilied that a consumer r.port containing credn and/or personal information may be refwred to in connection with this transaction. 24, AGENCY: It is understood that the brok.rs involved in the transection repres.nt the parties as set out in the CO",Kmation of R.pres.ntation below. 25. AGREEMENT IN WRITING: Iflh.re is confticl bslween any pI'Ovislon _to this Agreement (inctuding any Schedul. attached hereto) and eny provision in the standard pre-set portion h.reof, the added provision shall supersede the standard pre-set provision to the .xtent of such conflict. Thl$ Agreement, Including any Schedule attached h.reto, shall conslltutalhe entire Agreement between Purchaser and Vendor. There is no r.presentation, walY8nty, coilateral agreement or condllion which aff.cts this Agreement other than as expressed herein. This Agreement shall bs r.ad with all changes of Q8nder or number required by ths context. 26.: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: Th. heirs, .xecutors, administrators, successors and assigns of the und.rsigned ere bound by the terms h....In. D4rED at Kincardine, Ontario this 1st day of August, 2002. SI$NED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of: IN WITNESS whereof the undersigned Vendors have hereunto set our hands and seals Estate of Murray Archibald Robinson ,. (Seal) (Date~'....L\ 0 \.. fÀuJfJ \ \ (¡ \. (Date) ,. (Seal) *' (Seal) '\..... (Seal) TIle Undersigned Purchaser hereby agrees to the above Offer. DATED at Kincerdine, Ontario this 7th day of August, 2002 SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED " the presence of: . IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal The C . n of . 'pa' of Kincardine (\/IIitness) ¡ -....'<:- " '\~-..: l!i;¡sust 7, 2002 '- ~ãl) (Dãiêi\:- "'=. ~_... ....~~ per: ~:* ,~ 1ò.~t 7, 2002 Jo e osenroll, CAO ;:: -= :<Seal)~ate) :'=:': 2:- We have author~y to bind the Corporat~ '. :,.... ~. -~.. ......~'.\. ";::.- "'.. ..... ..;¡..~ ,\" ":..J>~,..';"oro.".... ~>:~ ,+. ~\""'''"'.'..'' -~~~.. (Witness) " ,I. \.!. IT;lt." , ~. -3- ~I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Ecknow!edge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted eament of purchØ88 and Sale and I authorize my Agent to d a copy to my lawyer. I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted Agreement of Purchase and Sale and I aulhorize my Agent to forward a copy to my lawyer. Vendor Add!"ess for Service: Van Jor's Lawyer: Date Purchaser Date Address for Service: Purchaser's Lawyer: Telephone Number Fa. Number Telephone Number Fax Number . tl . " .' , . i ~ .' " , I , " . . .',. . .. ~ r' ,'" ,. I, 'I, I . ~/ . j ! ., f'" ,I, Jh~,' .' , --. ..... ., ' , . ·1. ;..:.ft ( ~~' ~~ VI I D 1....1 (0:. 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