HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 106 agree leasing microsoft e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2002 -106 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND TREASURER TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH MICROSOFT CORPORATION FOR THE LICENCING OF MICROSOFT OFFICE SOFTWARE WHEREAS the Council for The Municipality of Kincardine deems it advisable to enter into an Agreement with Microsoft Corporation; AND WHEREAS this Agreement provides for the licencing of Microsoft Office Software provided through the reseller SaltSpringsSoftware Inc.; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine enter into an agreement with Microsoft Corporation for the purchase of licences for Microsoft Office software. 2. That the Mayor and Treasurer be authorized to sign, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, the Enrollment Form with Microsoft Corporation attached to this by-law and to affix the corporate seal as and when required. 3. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 4. This By-law may be cited as the "Microsoft Office Software Licencing Agreement, By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 17th day of July 2002. ~ -' -?-.~n". Clerk - \--- r · · · . .' Enrollment Number Select Agreement Expiration Date Re.eller ","., """'pkle lite follDw;"g: Microsoft Business Agreement Number Select Agreement Number MICROSOFT SELECT ENROLLMENT This MICROSOFT SELECT ENROLLMENT is entered into between the following eompanies as of the effective date identified below. If di (ferent from the main contact information, any notices must be addressed to the contact and ~OCalions outlined in the notices section below. We will notify you in writing ifouraddress information changes. You must notify us in writing ¡fyour address changes. Company Name Name and address of contracting Microsoft affiliate Corn. of Municinalitv of Kincardine MSLI, OP Slreet Address and/or post olli.. box Street Address aocllor post ollice box 1475 Concession 5 6100 Neil Road RRil~ Suite 210 City and State I Province City and State I Province Kincardine, Ontario Reno NV Country and Postal Code Country and Postal Code I Canada N2Z 2X6 USA 89511-1137 Contact Name ~- _L Phone Number Phone Number (519)396-3468 775-823-5600 Fax Number Fax Number (519)396-8288 775-826-7287 Email Address Email Address . ,~o~~.nø nø> Selquest@ microsoft.com For the AtlentÎon of: For the Attention of: Brenda French Dept. 5S I, Volume Licensina The aaRelDeat aDd attacbed dOCllmeots sbould be Hot to the Customer Nollees lafo.....don (\ f dlft'ereal from above) above addresa for aooroval alld oroeessla.. Company Name All NOT1CES should have Capy To: Microsoft Comoration Law and Coroorate Affairs Street Address and/or post olli.. box One Microsoft Way City and State I Province Redmond W A Country and Postal Code USA 98052 Contact Name Phone Number Fax Number 425-936-7329 Eonail Address ¡¡¡¡Microsoft.com For lhe Attention of: For the Ar:tcntion of: Volume Licensin. Attornev Micl'OIIOjI StlI«:r EtIIOI/nmoJ (MSLI) vJ.1 (North Amerl<tm) FebnKlry I. 1001 Cover Page Page 1 016 , , . . .' " .. Terms used in this enrollment shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Microsoft Select Agreement identified above. By signing this enrollmen~ you represent and warrant that: .. You have read and understood the Microsoft Business Agreement and Select Agreement identified above. including any addenda and amendments to that agreement (specifically including but not limited to the current version of the product use rights), and agree to be bound by those terms. b. You are either the entity that signed the Select Agreement identified above or its affiliate. c. You expect to acquire licenses equivalent to at least SOO points during the term of this enrollment. This enrollment consists of(\) this cover page, (2) the Slipping Information Form, (3) the Reseller Information Fonn. and (4) .he Product List By signing below you agree that you are bound by the terms of the Select Agreement identified above and the product use rights applicable to products ordered under this enrollment. By signing below, you also represent that the information that you provide on each ortbe attached forms is accurate. N.me of Compaay (Entity N....): Corp. of Municipality of Kincardine By: Name: (Si Larry (printed) Mayor Title: ..... Date: Name of Company (Eottty Name): Cor . By: (Signa/lire) Name: Brenda French (printed) Treasurer Title: Date: Micr'OM1/i Sekcl EnnII_ (MSL/) vS.1 (North A....-Icøn) FebrrMuy I. 2002 , , Name of coatradlng Microsoft affiliate: MSLI, GP By: (Signature) Name: (pri~t Administrator Title: (printed) Effecûve Date: ;- I Co..,.p. P.ge2of6 , , I · ^ . . Shipping Information Form Licensc Confirmations and Select CD-ROM subscriptions will be shipped to the following address. If the CD-ROM shipping address diffcrs from the License Confirmation shipping address, please complete the Initial Fulfillment Kit/CD-ROM Shipment Contact address section below. License Confirmation Sbl 0 Infonn.don (If diffe",,,' rom lid dress 0" lite cover IIge) Company Nama Company ConIoct Email Add.... S_ Address Phooe Number S.... Address Company ConIoct Languase (If di/fer<nl'ho. /0_ of t/oú.......,..,) Initial Fulfillment Kill CD-ROM Shipment Contact (If differ."'fro,,, Lice".. Co"firmlllio" co"'lIcllI60,",) · Company Nama Contact Nama · City and Stale I Province Country and Postal Code CooIacI Name Microøoft Account Manager Name Phooe Number Microsoft: Office Location Fax Number Microso Conlac! Email Address (iføppÜcah/e) City and State I Province and Postal Code Fax Number Country Email Ad..... Microso}/ Se/rct EnroIIntenI (MSL/) v5. / (NUI'th A..eri<øn) F""",,,'Y /.10//1 Shipping lnfiN-Jion Fonn PogeJ of6 . · , " ..' CD Kit Order Form Unless you mark one of the boxes below, upon the acceptance of this enrollment we will ship your starter CD kit for each product group you designate In the table below containing products in the language(s) you select. We will provide updates in the form of CDs, or upon reasonable notice by electronic download or similar other means. If you need additional CD kits and updates, you may order these through your reseller for a fee. D I do not wish to receive a CD D I do not need another complete set. but would like to receive kit kit or kit updatea. updates. ....- ...... - T_ ............ - ...... "'*" """'" F_ G... · -- - - ....... - ...... - - ... - "" ....- · MkrÅ“ofl Select EnroIlmelll (MSL~ .,./ (Norrh America.) FebnMuy /. ]00] CD Kit Order For", Puge40fð . ~i . , . Reseller Information Form · (R_ller slto"ld co"'pMellte followillg sections.) ReseUer Rea uarter Information Resell" CoIl1JllllY Name SaltSpring Software Inc. Headqoarters _ Address """.. post office box 123 St. George Street #200 City and State I Province and Postal London, Ontario N6A 3A 1 Cowttry Code Canada Cootact Name JeffEllioIt _ N 519-673-6618 X227 FaxNIUIIbe< 519-673-0696 EmaiJ Address jelliott@sallspring.ca Email Address Distributor Information (If" 'P1;clJble) Disttibutor Company Name Headqoarters _ Address and/or post office box City and State I Province and Postal Code Country Contact Name _Nwnber Fax Number · The undersl ed eonflrms that the Reaeller and Distributor Information Is correct. Name ofReseller: Name of Distributor (ifoppropriote): SaltSpring Software Inc. By: By: (Signature) Name: Jeff Elliott Name: (printed) (Printed) 'Title: Select Administrator Title: (Printed) (Printed) Date: July 17, 2002 Date: · MiC1'08Ojl Select Enrollment (MSLI) v5./ (NorÙlAmerican) February J, 2002 Reseller Information Fonn Page 5 of6 I . · · · . , . . Software Assurance Election Form 1. Softwant Assurance I/Iember8hlp election: To become a Software Assurance Member, you must agree to purchase and maintain Software Assurance or Upgrade Advantage for all copies of all products licensed under tl'is enrollment from at least one product pool. For a description of benefits resulting from marking one or more boxes below and additional details regarding the Software Assurance Membership program, please consult your reseller or Microsoft account manage r. Mark the eppllcable box(es) next to each product pool for which you ara committing to purchase and maintain Software Assurance or Upgrade Advantage for ell copies of all products licensed from that pool under this enrolmant. Product Pools I V Applications Systems Servers Mic.....ft Sel"", Enrollment (MSU) .J.I (Nonh A..ericøn) FebnMuy I. 2002 Software Assurrurce Election Form Page hId , , ;,.'¿ ~' ,{ .' . . ~ Volwne Licensing Customer, Welcome to the Microsoft V olwne Licensing Program. This notification is intended to provide information relating to your new Microsoft V olwne Licensing Agreement, which Microsoft has received and accepted from your organization. If you have not received electronic confirmation of agreement acceptance. please use this registration message to access Microsoft Volume Licensing Services, a website where you may view information regarding your Microsoft Volume Licensing agreement(s) and access Volume License Product Keys online. Please find detailed instructions on how to access this secure, online and confidential information relating to the accepted agreement below: . ACCESS INSTRUCTIONS . To register, go to the Microsoft Volume Licensing Services site. You may be prompted to sign on to Microsoft .':IET P~rt befQre proceeding1O the site. Follow these steps to sign in: 1. Go to httDS:/fIicensine.microsoft.comleLicenseIL1033/acceotaereement.aso 2. If prompted, sign on to Microsoft .NET Passport. 3. Complete the Volume Licensing Registration page and click Register. If you still cannot access the site, please contact mvlshelna@MSDirectServices.com for assistance. This site contains confidential information about your agreements, including Volume License Product Keys and data about your license transactions with all Resellers associated with your license agreement(s). Because you will be held responsible for unauthorized use of product keys issued under your agreement, you should only permit authorized individuals within your organization or authorized third parties to access the site. A Volume License Product Key is required when you install Office XP components, Microsoft Visio or Windows XP acquired through Volume Licensing or MSDN. The Microsoft Volume Licensing Services site provides an easy, secure method for obtaining the Volume License Products Keys for your organization. If you have any further questions, please contact your Large Account Reseller.