HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 059 agree harbour purchase
NO. 2002 - 59
WHEREAS THE Municipal Act. Chap. MAS, Section 191 (1) authorizes
municipalities to enter into agreements for acquiring land requi~d for municipal
purposes; :
AND WHEREAS The Council of The Corporation of the I Municipality of
Kincardine deems it expedient to purchase land on Harbour S~reet in Ward 1,
Municipality of Kincardine for landscaping purposes for the I Harbour Street
Development Plan; .
AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Kin rdine, deems it
advisable to purchase those lands as outlined in three "Agreem nts of Purchase
and Sale" with Tommy John's Lakeview Tap and Grill Inc.; Th Erie Belle Ltd.;
and 863469 Ont. Inc., John Bruce King and Michael Joseph E ond, attached to
this by-law as Schedules A, Band C;
NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of th~ Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows: .
1. That the Mayor and CAO be authorized to execute, ~n behalf of The
Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, three Agreements of
Purchase and Sale with Tommy John's Lakeview Tap a d Grill Inc.; The
Erie Belle Ltd.; and 863469 Ont. Inc., John Bruce Kng and Michael
Joseph Emond, attached to this by-law as Schedules A, IB and C, and to
affix the corporate seal as and when required. i
2. That the lands referred to are more particularly set out in the Agreements
of Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedul s A, Band C;
3. The by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its fi al passage.
4. This by-law may be cited as the "Harbour Street Development Plan Land
Purchase By-law·. I
24th day of April, 2002. I
,'4-11- 2 ,12:56PM ,
. I'. AGR~EM.ENT ~=~~~oJt~~SALE
.~ . '" ~nA" TO BY-LAW 2002 - S9
" .
PURCHAt ..·~:;:JJ·~;=:::~:::¡::-·:~~·;:E~~=f:::·~·~·...~~~~·~~t.~!!:....·.......... au.... ..pu..ho.. ~
~~: Kincardine
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PURCI _"I" _, ....~~~¥.....'!þ..~~!!;!!:~~...::::::::::'.;::;::;:::::.:::::::::::::::.:.::::::::::::::::::.::.::-:::-.:::::::::::::::...00110.. (CONS :z..O'.!..~.~.~..:.?.O'............1
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~ ~,"b$ (....................................................) .............._n..nd..................................·..··..·..·...........................Oolla.... (CQN$ ........................................1
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The p~rt~es agree that the consideration of Twe~ty Thousand ($20,000.00)
Dolla~s shall be appl~.ed by the purchaser to reduce .the existing rea1ty
tax arrears by the amount of $20,000.00.
ar~ .. DURHAM co INC.
FORM 101
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sc:...........SJ ......................_........................._...attach<ed h.wcto fOn"t.' port of "b Ag,....nt.
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2. ~E$ IXCWDE,", .......····.......·..·........"1·.............-....·....··..····..·...·..·.......··.............................................................................................................
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3. ~~~:~~::~:~~:~:~~:~~::~;~ir.:~~:~:~~:~:5:~~~:·;::·::~:~=:~;;;¿::~.;...::::.~~::::::
" ......¡-:....un; this. 0II0r _ ... ;,...-obl. by ..lï~.~~.....un., .....~.~..'!.?~...m. -... ..~....day 01 ... ~I?;;:;!;.~..... ~!}13...._..
~. -rch.me·::,::~':;:':m~~by:_~~:::~:::~~.2?..:.. ~~.. ·...........,....l[~~.
u c~IIoI.. "'OCGn' poaeNton of 1h. p¥OpefJy INIIIM 8'" to the Pur'" UftIeaa cMherwhe provldeclliot ift "'is. As (,.-s
6. v...cIot h....by appoints 1M Usff... ..... a. Ae-nt * th. put~ of gM!'S cncI feot~ natIGn plfSUOnf to Ihi. ~. Only If rhe C~ratng
&to ,.~ .. ...........- 01.... ~r In this ~_.4acIiotI. the Purchcu.r ~ ~.. .... Coo~ &roII..t 0$ Ag.rIt Fo.. the pul'poM QF giYiftS ol\d
8 ~. ~I to ..... ~...n.. A.øy noliw ~ h....to 01' provid.d ro, Ni~" .hoD be ... WruinQ. ~his offet. any' counter oø.i. noli" J occopfanc_
the , .' on" rIOIica 5hoI1 II. ~ till"'*' 0ftCI ~. whèñ hørwI deI¡"..-.d fa .... ..,...,.. few ~ pcwIcMd he,.in or. Where 0 focs¡.....1.. numb.r Is ptOll'idecI
I\ef4I . whan tranwnltNd A...,J._'~ ~~ 10 thet foc::5Imit. nu........
FAX t-Io. ..........._.....__.._...................................11'- ........"oIoootI;eI. 10 ~ FAX No. ................n..................................................tfao' dell-v 01 ~ 10 ~
,. - .__.._.~---~.~----- _.....-""'¡'~...,./._--~:;r-
If Ih: tron~So.A is I\Ot _b¡.ct to G.$.T.. Ve"W 00.....10 ptCW5de on or Wo;::bna:. a ~n·' that.... man ~O.S.T~ ~ '-"'""
8. ~~~~:h::~ ..::'.:.;~.r;:;,,":..~J¡~~·1:.~~~bi.. i>õöõ...r:::);¡!;!1;;~~~;-~~~
..._~req"I'" .
UN: ¥eftcIot GItd ~ that tMr. Is no ........1aIÌOft « .....-ranfy ol Q"Y Ic¡nd that 1M ~ ¡nlieNfecl "Ie of.... pl'Gp*l'ty by Puteho_ II Of' wi'
~a.rnçIV"'JIMIC: ~forift"'~nt.
10. ".".... _ ""'.......... _" _ 0...._ ""'" <II ~..4 ........_ ...........IIons....... ...CU_ _ 01........... __Iv
p 1ft fhIt, Aa.......... GI\d IDYll aM .~lot ~ OIly ,..¡fl.reel ,. . Of' c;OWnanb Ihat,.,.. with ...land arcwIdIna that w.;h- Qre cr:Þ"'~_ -l1li; tbI ~
reg =,~~o;;r;,;.;;~:c'..~:~~r:::.~!L.."-rn: :::::r ":'~~ ~ ~~~~.a~..~ hos ~~
:.:t 01 . . ~t.on. MNC. to ... PI'OIM'tv ~ ocI[OCIIØt ~ .., "-= CMdIId) Oft)' 00"""'" t.; dtalrIICIIIe. _Nt ot ~itar)' MWen. pu~1c utnif,o ¡¡~.,..."
~ line. Of' CIIIher....nolcel- _h;,;n do noI .._"-.~ ......... .....m UN of... ~ If -'..In.... ~ 11_ 'OferMIO in ~tvph 8 ~ voIJd
=r~.::~.:..:::r,:rnÍl'- ~~rct.rn~cI~~'n:- ",-~=:s:.~ ~1:S'm% =' ~~:.:;;a:"~~-::d wkt:..~~~~
not Wâi-. lhi, Aør..... loOt :~wIi:"8 ~y 1n........oiOIe ~ ot n .~...........,J iA ~ 01 such ~eclions. shon be of.o.\ -.d Gnd all monlo. aoicI sholl" 1'Ofut1ld'd
~ ~ or ~ --- - 0ftCI-........ USIing 8rotet ond Coooperq ~ thoII not ~ ItaW. fOr any COIf$ ot do~.. So- CIS '0 Qn)l' ..,oIid obioclioft .so- mod.
Iw -" day _ _ lot _ Db_ """" .. .... .- 01'" .~.. ._...... be """""":~:''''''''' .. ..... ãoc.-d"""'" .... ..... _.
11. ca.~1G ",.1IUIG81BN'1'S: W......... õF" Vendor CNId PvtchcIMf ~ a Iø.w.r to c .. Ag,..,...,vcl'Purchoø ond SðIe 01 th.I~. ond
......... tho ÞanIOCIIon w'l1 M eoR~Itf1.1 by .I.cIronIc Mgi..-on ~ 10 Part It! oJ.... tand R.gI$lfClllon .-.. JV:.t. ..$.0. 1990. Cha~ LA; oftd Oft)"
~b~. the ~ añd Purchc:l_ ockl_ ~. oMl ~ thai'" "Ivery <III dOC' .._lis Qncl1he ..t... """-10 .... v...dOr ond P\.wcha.., mov. 011
the . . clillCrctI~...: to) not occur contettlporo....... __It Iho reg~ 01 the 1Tan...../~ ~ other nm~ *Q T' & _lion}. and (bI b. sub¡.c:t 10
lions. ........by the ~ receiving doeu~ ondI« IItIOftey wiI be .......- 10 ho'd ....m u.. trust "nd ...,. ,..... ..... --=-pt In occ~ With the fer"" of
o ~... OSI'<M1'ftOfW .............. tho Iawy.ì,.".
:SI:NI' ts :"nn,,; UUNI.;AN O:>INI:><
4-11- Z ;lZ:b4~M ;
olt1 ;:!
Part of Lot 1, Subdivision of Lot 6, West of Queen 51:reet. Municipality of Kincardine (formerly
Town of Kincardine).. County of Bruce 8nd designated as Part 1 on a draft Plen of Survey
pr..pared by R. F. Dore Surv..ylng Ltd. and dated March 13. 2002.
I Part of Lot 2. Subdivision of Lot e. WeS1: of au....n Street. In the Municipality of Kincardine
(formerly in the Town of Kincardinel. In the County of Bruce and daslgnated as Part 3 on ..
dreft Plan of Survey prepered by R. F. Dare Surveying Ltd. and dated March 13, 2002.
519 396 8288;# 2/ 4
, 4-15- 2 ,11: Þldft ÔJ TO WHITE~
SCHEDULE "A" 'l'O BY-LAW 2002 - S9
S ANÞ OISCNAItGI': Pl.If'ÇholHn' sholl ..of coli for th. ~on of CMY title deed. ofnlrQl;t. IUrvey or oaJ,Or' evõdence of tide to !he ptOpet'Y "'KCeþ' IVI;h
in e potseukJn eM' ~II'OI of v.ndot. If r~ bY. PvrchOa.et'. v.tl'ldor _ill de"""" Cf'y sfr.eIC'" or ""-V of the properfy _ithin venodor', control to Pvrcholer
CIS pouible CMd prkN' 10 ... Requ¡'ition OCto. If 0 Clixhorge of c'!)' Çhc;wQe/~ogtf held by 0 corpo'oHo.., iN:Orpclll"QteG ~r$UOnt 10 rke T"-,st ønd ~OCIn
nl.. .Açt (Cc;Jnod:Jl. C~ &ank, T",Sf C~Y. Credit Union. C:oiaWt P""opuloi... 01 Inklt'OnCe Cotnøany Q"d which Is no' fa be aHUmecl by Purcholer on
'on, Is not OYaMa&l. il\ -.o~b" farm on con\pIetion. Purcha.., ClQrItM to accept Vendor's ~.. ~1'101 ~,ta"ing fa obfoin. out õI the d~~1 ft.¡~
In ~I~ Ioonn and 10 regls,., ICIme on ..... wf....." 0 ~lSOl\Obro petiod oIliIne 0..... completiøn. ptOYid.cI rhot 001 or befo", compllDtton ,. sheila
.., Pun:;hà.... 0 ..~ 0 ø SIII::ItII_"t P-.pc;llI'O!JCl by .... mo'~ ""i~ owt the balance required 10 obcain !he åi-:"~'~¡~.'h" wi'" CJ dlrwcrton --.cuM
clflWCft"IJ ~ to .... morlaoa" Of the ~7~t,,=,',III* to obkì," the discharge OIl' 0I1he ~ dlH' Oft .
: ~.~_ r.;lsD. ñc:.Ving had the t)' 10 ~ lito p~ prior 'O~.. !hiJ Offw- QI'1CI _. ¡r~ ...... "PO" _.i-.-' .¢.. 01.....
MaY_ a binct... ....._._. of purä.c;,se and tole belweel'l PutCha.... ai.d VenàcW.
: All tNlldI... GA .... ~P9rty and all oIh~~:~J being purchclIl.d s.hcII be ond remoirt u"tiI compfetlon ar .... "$Ie. of Vencb'. ~encÞl1g ~OI"..
, shall hold oIlnwranc- eot"lCieS. IF any. otICIlhe !I ~ in IrUlt b 1M pcw1ift CIS Þhelr I...... mov appe;cr ond in the ~ of wbsIcaiiHol cfàmoge.
IÞOV........ tøminote "'II Ag,.....,..nt and hove- QIt tnOtIies ~ tervrnod without ine.r_ 01 cIeduc:tion or el5e take Ih proceeds ðF any inwranceo and complitv
. Na Inaura~ shal be trOnsferred qn com~. .. V."... ¡a klkina back 0 Charae/Morløog... or Purcha.... b assuminG' 0 Chorve/N\o.1Oaga. Pun:N.-r
Vendor wtth. c.~ ....¡den... ot odeQuCIIlo ....SUt'OI'M:O to pratKt-v......s Dr other morlgog..·. in....... on CO~OI'I.
ACT: Thi. AclJ" _..I shall be eR.c:tï- to creaM an 1......., In .... pt'0þ00'ty oro~ rf "-"c:Ior coiñplle, -tth the "..A:d;"¡lion CÐn"d pr'Ov;";ðf\" cI thG Pktn,.,"U
Aa bf' ~ and V.ndor COWOt'CJf'Ia 10 ~ dill.a....,ty ~ hi. e.tI*'I" to obtab1 'lïr;::-uCI.y c:onMiW by co~Hon. .
16. DG'~ I .IT "'PI~.~TION: Th. Tra__/o-d ....0".- _ _ the teind Tran..... ToK . .,. Ibo prapc:llrod I" rogi,1n:tbIe Ionn at the eXfMnw of Venelot'. 0I'd OtIy
o.~~ ..' 10 b.~-=.....bodt by....... _.. Mr h) ~, 011.... ~~~f tho50Pufl"'2h_, '.. If ~~ by PuR S"Oho_.:.:.~r ~ta thollM Trcnsfet/Daed
to _ on QOI'I"Ip eon n . ~r.'O"'.. _',.- . I¡o"I' ~on 0 ,.., '_"'1'1JU Act. .. . vvv. .
17. 1I8SI. NCY: I"urchaMr -"an be c..dhd taword30 1M Purchase Price with the alnOUrlr. any. neceHary fUr Purchcøar to P.CIY to Ih. Mini"" of Notional Revenue JO
JQdsly; Pv~. ItClbtll:fy 11\ ~ 01 -... ?O)"'CIb11l by Vendor under .... nOfWtllsk:lenc:v pl'OlrisJons of the Income Tox AD bY reason of thla .selle. Purehoser thol ~
eDlm credit If \Iendõr .I'-no on comp¡.Non .... ~a:.-I aIftI'ico" or a staIutory _dCII'olCoft that Vendor is. ftO' ~ 0 ItOfM'1II!sident of Conado.
IS. A IN1S: Atw ,.,.... ~ in"""~ ~ ÞQaM includhJø r-c.1 ,!"~"""I NIIieI e.ftd ""~ ~Jc Of' ~ uNtlty chofpt and U"meIeNd coal of
ruel. a eccI1cable. .&.11 be oppotl.ð.1ed and 0If0wreCI to the dew of ~Ion. th. døv aI ~iOn UMIf to .,. CIDØOI1ioned 110 Pvrchcpr.
1Q. 'lIME uMtrS: Time sholl I" all NSp8ds be of.... eaMftCft ~~thallhe lime hw doiña 01' COftIP.leIi"ØJÓt.yMOttel'?ONkIecJ Jot herein may be.~
or b1 0" ØQNMln8n' In 'M'ÌIiItO ~ by Vem:Iot ond PurchaSDl' or bv "-....~ ~a Who II'IC)' be ~CDIIy c:Øho,¡zecI in thai ~.
'20. UN . Any....., of cIoc:Ul'Mftb or ~ heievnder ~ be made upoft ~dot Ot ~ or' the.. fWt.t!...r:tI.. n an Ih. day ... lor comp!eIb'I. Motley
~. -.nd.r.d by boIIk clroft 01 ~ certified by a ChcIrt.r.d lank.. TrusI CompOft)'. PrvvIncø of Ontario Sc:M~. 0 Ic:c. Ctedil U,,1Ot' 0' Co.... ~re.
'21. FAM r LAW ACT: Vender -orron.. t60t spousat c:onseN b ftCl MC:eNOtY ro this ttonJadi¡gn under the pl'O'il'ldona of "'. Fcunltyr Low Ad. It.S.O. t 990 urhu VaI'Idor."
22. PI: V.ndor ~.. or\d WON'OI'ttI to ~aer thai dvring .he lime '10...... hen own.d .... propo.rly. v.ndor h03 nal cou.-l any building on the ~peny 10 "
iMu With InWlotlon contolnl"G ~4)0,f4... _Id t.l:dð~ and thai 10 the best of Vendor'. 11._1 ~ J no ",-,¡reline on the p"?p-rfy contoins or he. .vet CðnfO:IIWId i"""lCItion
.UNCIrvnTIQlde~.' ThI. ~ ahóII IoUrYMi 0ftCf not ~~:' Iho ec>I.~. õf .hi. tfcM8oCIioft. ond if Ih. Duadlng I. part ol 0 multiple unll building.
~ «on .hall only op Y 10 Ihe.t pori: of th. bu~which b the . of "'i. ~ . .. .
23. ItEPORTS: P-d....M.. k'-Wy 1Ih.t. repod _......ä-aw.&t...u............II.k.... . ~... n........ _ C8IIIIIIMIiOn with
241. : It i.. u~ that the ~ involvØ in .... transactlan ~ the ~ 0." out In the Conk.matCl:M. oIlef!-sentallon beI.ow.
2S. MeHT IN 'WRITING: If th.,. I.. conllicr h.Iween 9I'IY provision Cdded to lit!.. Agoa_ _of (inØ.¡dlnø ony ~ ottaèhecI hereloJ ond any provision in 1M.
.~rd ~I ~Hon h.~', Ih. added proooiaiotl 5hoI.~.1he~ ~~ to............. wch -'lief. Th¡., AG............ ifoCr-.x:li"'" ony Schedule
anocW herelo.. ~I ~s.tilute 1M ."Ii... Ag.-.-wnt ~ Pun;ha.er and Vefsdq,. n-. Is no "1"_' ·r . 'WICJImiIft'V. coUøteràl 05t..-ment or condltfon. which
~ thi. AQree""l'It other IhotI os ...pwe&Ñd ........,. ",b "'0'---' ehoI b. -.od _ith 01 ~ 01........ Of" 1'I"","r ~tod by th. conillPlt.
26. __,1ES5ORS AND ~ TN h.lrs, -.ec:utors.. odmil\islftdon,. &ueeeMOI.. Q"d OS'IoM of ¡it. undersigneel ore ~ tiy the let'ml hef'e¡",.
tV'..·.....·t~~:~~~~~~·:·....·..·....·..·..·....·..·....· ~~¡~~¥*~w.............................................. .. DAn ..··~:~~·~..···...····..·..~·~·~2
....·..;;;i·:·..~..····...·"Pcare1'îI!i·II·Eir..·..····......·............. l~..·Ty1!!i'ê0r·t............·......···.......···......·,....···.... .-....n .......................:...."'.'........'....
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~r...~h4..:ßAng.....QE....it................. O~ N ............ .....................................?n ..R~.........~..:.:::.. ..;)00 :L
~!!!,...þ.;;.;~~.;!:~~.*'~.~;~.~.9.....I;?~.~~ePr;.:'.'..:..... ...~....... ...... ........ . ........ ..' .......... :.~ ;".n..:4-:~,~..L.t~.{.~J...
lWI-.sIthè Corporati.on. r ~.'-:;;;; _ '~.'. .~~ -0 (
~ CONSEN1': The UttdersiOI'ltk:t Spouse of the VendOl- h_.JU;·~- ~.§IU;I . ....,.. ___- ,_... _..~"""P'!!'5UÇ1~'RroYi.on' 01 the Faml¡">;1,ow Act.
R.5.0.' 99p. and hereby 09"_ _Ith tit. P~r thut ""h. will _CUfV i:.n nece.l5Qty o,~lèhrnlClr doçumortfS ro gl~ NU fo"-:-'cI ~ to the sale eYl9ar\ùd hereil'l.
, e.v, ". ....
~;¡.................................................. ........ ................ ~;::::·"'ï·....··......·............····........................···..····..·..·t..·..·....0... {s.;..f"~~:..,........,...,.......'......................
CON~ OF IXICUTION: ÑalwUhstandlng onylh1ne ~__"'ID!h. -*-'..1-..11..... ~ ~....... wUholl doo"Ð'"~ ~~.~~:~...."Iy~ I,y
all parti., cf....··.·......··....a...../p.rn. ¡hI. ...... ............day 01 ...-..... .............................. ....... .¡;;;;¡.. ........................~-.;;v.;,..;;;~~.........................
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..... No. MX N9.
POIt OPP use ONLY ClDMMlHION"..... A r " . ft'
To: C~ ..ole... shown on 1M foregai~1 cI fwch_ CMCf. $ole:
In 00ti for the c:o.op.raIin ....,. no.... . ~ eI PVI'Choto and $ole. I hereby decIc.. thoI oM ~ r8C41fved or r.-ivoble by me In _... "'1""1
-"h the 1i neoctiOl" 01 COI'II<ÞTIplo':3 '".. ."'...... ~ --S ÞIy It«ll e..,.. Board.lholl be~. and held in IrUSLthiil ag_nr shalt comtiru.. 0 ComrnIubrI Trust
Ag~ _ .Rn~ I" .... MLS ~uIM oM! WtaI be ..,bi-t 10 gnd ~ b)' ... M.S .... perIo4mng b Carnml'lÛOn Trud.
DATED 05 r.... do. and ~m. or ¡,. Q ~.~ 01 .., b.eoln¡¡' ~ 04 Puft:ha_ and Scft. Adm.ll.o1l ~ by:
sr~'';¡;'ó ¡i~i;.;.~;·;;ö:,·.höri_··::;············~···....······..·..···....··...............
:S~.Nr 1$11""11111:: DUNCAN OSTNER ; 4-11- 2 :12:51PM ; WHlTE~ 518 SS6 8288;# 7/11
. ,<Jj - !-:,. 1J AGREE::::;; :~~~HASE AND SALE =.~~~:=........
CfO'll: use Mol ntI' PROVINCE OF DN'1JIUtiOJ M^ACH 20QQ
~ PUItC.... . ......... H .ç,9.~º~:~~;.:': .::~~~~;~;:'~.;..~~...~~~.~~~t.~!!:.................. og...... .U,_ ""m
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V---.:............:¡;h.~....~~!!!...ª~.~.*.~....~~~.,....~L.~;;¡!N~J';,¡¡~.¡r,.~.¡........................................................................................... ""'-ing
IU!AI. _1IRT't, .
t 0 ~ 2....·..6u:6éïIv":l:ã1:õïï·_·õ:t~~~Õ·¡;··"Bu:?ëiñ·..'ï'errãcë..·~;.~...~~~9"~;'t~;'I.0,
¡¡....a:ã~eëI···Mã:ëfi..·1:·3:;"2·("O·2:..ï....·1·:::';.::.:::õI~¡..~;¡·;..&.:·:.:;;~:¡¡;¡"~"¡r"""i~dicated 'õ,eLow .~. "",,,,,',,...1·
PURCtt........ICII' .Two Dollars together with .the further cons1.deratioD, 'CON$ 2.00...... ............
DEPOS{T: : .'
........"'., "'bm;..I....................._............................'" One ------------------------------ ....10.. (CCN$ .......... 1.00
I ~J\pooo~1
= :m,~~':f~i.q;:.=~:~f;;ï;:~~iJ~~~¡¡~=p~·¡~··;;.-~·:··..
. . -... .
The Parties agree that, in consideration of the conveyance of the lands described
the Purchaser shall ~ovide l at its ~ensei "in kind" landscaping services
'..Axll..llilxll.~...mm'..r....'.I'I6II.lt.I'I!t. to be agreed upo
by;both pårties, in the amount of $5,502.21, such services to be completed by August 1, 2002.
SCH.UUCS) ............~~~._....._.........................attachec:l hltnlfo f'orm(t) port of Ihis Ag:"em_t. .
:: ~~:~~~~:~~~:~::~:::~~::~~~:~ii.::::::::::::~:~~::~~:~~~::~~:::~~~~~~~::~~::~:::~:::~~::~::~~:~:~~::::~:::::~~~:~:~::~:::::::~~::~::~~:~~
3. ~~.~.~.~:~.~.:~::~.~~:;:~~.:::.::.::::'..:~..~.~=..~:':..~..~::'::.~:~~;~:... .. . . ....:..~~.:~~.....
.., fRRIVoCAaIUJ'Y: Thii OfNr IhoR be ¡treYOCab'. by .._~~~......vn.m .....;.~..~.~~p.~ Q" th. ...~:t::~.. y of .;.*.f.....~..
cfle, th~ I""", ir f'Ot accepNå. this oRet sJ,ctll bit ,..,n on 'WOld ¡;¡ dlllposlt .hall be resurftOd roo tho Pu,r;hasar I"
5. æc I meN DAh: Thl, Ae-........, be com"¡""¡ ~ no 10... thoo 6:00 ..... on tho ....üæÞ..iöØ\... .. ... ...... <I.,., .... ...........,.....?-.9.P ?........
~ton. ¥OCO'd JtOMeMfoft of ... prope"" ¡Mil be Oi"" to ... Pun:hoMr uN.SA otherwiM ~ 50t In this Agreemen . b-oI
6. . v....., h~ appo!N5" Li6tÏrtO Bra_ ø. Age"' for .... ~ of CI~ cmd reQ'Mng nodcft ~,..r Po mi. AQt6emenl. Only if th. CO<IpelGfins
. tepr...... .... In......... 01 .... P\rIdto..r 1ft tWs 1ran1ClCtf0ft" Ihe ,"""cho.Rf ~ appoinb she eo.op.ro1ir'9_ 'rokel' ~ Agent Sc" the pwpow of giving O"G
theteeI. ... ony nèfioII &hall be d.erii-' g1Ye" and lOI:4tiv.cl. when hand cleli\.oered IJO the addl'CU for s""" he,.m or. wh.,. Q fodImlJ., ,.,mb.. Is p"",lded
herei4,. ........, ...a'uunl.... "errettJeoIl)" 10 Jhot facsnnil. """,,*,.
FAX No. ·..·....·-..···-····..···..······......··..·.............If_ H'-Y"~ II!;tVillldort FAX~" ........ ...........-............ .............. Fl. PwchG.....
'7. OST: If th;..tronsoctlon 11 .yb¡_1O Goods o"d SeNiceI To¡: (G.S.T.I. tMn such Iaa tho! ........ .... . _.:Ç.~9"'...... .......... . Putcho_ PrIQ.
If th~ frol'l.$ØCIioft ¡" not eub¡ed to G.s. f.# vendor 00..... 10 provide on or ~¡¡; Ihe~ ¡
S. SEARCH, .....h_ _ be..- ...,d 6,00 ..... o. "'..." ..~.....-4or of _.~.!!:!~......... ............. ",-,.._.g.!?.?.. (R,,,,,I,1Kon 0....)..
like "ft. ro '"~ þfCiperiy at his O'w'ft e.~J\:M cmd ","111 the ;;¡¡;;- of: þ. Ihirty do)rIo from the Jote, of Ih. R IfIon eo,. or th. doc.a on which she condltfon" In
"'n'*'!t ON IulflAed or _el"Wiso wcivãd 01': PI) RYe days prioI to c:omplelion. 10 _">' hirMelF thai there are no oubl'=lII,dÎflQ ....ork orc:i.m elf' deRc&.nq ~
nø the p~ty. thot i.. ~MfW \1M {.........-......-................................._............_..........................................:............................................._............1
IGwfUlty çofttInucd orid thai .... principal ,",¡feUn; ft\Oy be itlauted OGf'I:IIlnwt risk 01 fire. Vendor hereloy eOl'lsenb 10 .... munic:ipoli'V or o~r DOwen'IMenllCl1
es releosl"SllG PvtchoMr ~II. of aU OIIUtCIftcliI\Q worÌII orden oflicctt:ng ... ptOfMI'tV. ond. '10.0' ogl'lCa 10 ~.. and cleKl..,. 44.ICh ~ outI\oIi&alJon. ;11
rei os PUféh.... NaY ~ ~ire. .
UK: V.ndo.. and ~ oS.... thot rit_ 's ftO repre5e"lOfioft 0' 'oIItrOI"t'Oft'Y of emy kind that the Futvr. 1r11encL,d UM of m. ptoperty by Purchaa... I. 01' W'l1I
be I .~ CLI mçtV \to 'POC~ ptc¥k:led for ill this Mf4oeI"MfU'.
PtO"W" that Ihít .... ~ the P'OP.Ot'tv I.s øocd! I21td fnM from cstl ~sICr'DCI toltdcllons. c:h0r9-. I.n,. and e,.o,unbranCC$ .~~t œ othe,....,¡.. JØ4dG=lfy
p In thfs "''Mftt anc:I SO¥e cnCi ~e;¡t'lor (crt Oft" "'QW.recl nølriCtfon. 01" CI:ÞYeI"IOfJb lhat RIft with the lend prcMdJAa thoI.uch GI4 compl""..d wiih: (b) on)!'
NSJi tnunkipGI agraententl and regi$lll'ecI og,..~ts W'iIh ~ ~ lltilitiø pl'OW'ldIng: such hove bee" compI;.a with. or ...,øy he,. ....n ~ to
e <:01'1 ~lianc:e artd. cotnø&.!tioll. os _rc;fencMby 0' Iette, frc,ñ ... rwlevã"t murddaohtv- or reguWed utllhy: (c:J CIIW ""nor easemon... for th. wø~. ._~
~ or let;ephCNle Mtviees to ::,kropen., Of' adjoccIV PfOP.!tI'IJe-.: and tdl any eo~tt far c:ftaiftaae. 1ttOr"" or 1oOft~ MWfIt.. 'public: Vfi1ity liMl. fe u"~
c~ ""-"'Isla" IN1 or other CI whfch do "at mater!óIY CIINIcr Ihe ~"'I VM 01.... øra~'- I" -whln the søecJf¡.d ti",," ...fetoriMõ!1a In pci:!~ph._~~ -.ralld
obi..;tron 10 title or \0 G"Y ...,'.....dip; WQf"1c. ord... or "Ae&e~~::oa. ot to th. fact th. ICIIâ ~ use '!"OY 1'01' lawfully be COntInwcl. or thai the P1"e~ ~EId¡na
ft'Ia)' 'tOt be ~ ~ ..Isle. 01 If,. I. mad. in w....inCJ .. 0ftId _hlr;h v-cIor Ie ",..w. _ ~..... 10 "0"'_. ~ _ ftIfS'" oncI_h:ch .........-.... _111
"at IV4I.lhr. ~ nofWJllHlOfu:Qng ony Intermedi~ 0Ct40 or negcJÎotiott. Irt ~ 0I1IUCh ~.. s.hoR '" 01 01'1 end and all monl_ pa1d .holl be n=lUf'ned
whh w-tesl Of cr.o... cmd V.ndar. UIIi"S "'.r a..aJ~IIII"Jralfng Broker shøII__ be tooble ~f' ~ cgft$ ordomog.s. SaIfe Ølocrty ¥CIlid oblccrion 50 mc:rd'.
h day ond uc..,. lOr any a~.. ~II'IO 10 1M toOt 01.... tin", PwchoMr sholl be COf\cSuaMill,t ..medro hCI'Oe occeDtMI Vendor', title to the JItOPe'fy.
NO ARRANGIMaN"I'iI;¡ WhOf'e oOdt õF .. Vertdar and Pyn:hoMJt' rctOÎll 00 Io-ver 10 ccmp1'" tIw Agreement oJ. ""'"=hOle oncI Scle of th. pcpeny. and
th. lronsactfOft \MIl bo eompJe:tecI ~ .~.te;'ÏltI'QIÏOc\ put:k,/Ol'\l '10 Pori II of !he \otId Regbtration ..rom. Act. 1.5.0. 1"0. ChoDlet l..~ arid oAy
_16 thereta. Ih$ Vendor Grid p~ ocMow'!tCIQO 4ÞMf ...... that 1M cS.h-ry of docvrne"'. õnd .... NIeos.e theniof to .... Vendor orVi Pwteha..,~, at
, d~: 10) ItGt KCIIr 4:on~neoualy wi'" th. regl"tratIon of....o tro""'-t/cleed Cone:! oIh.r ~~ docv'""ftIOttonJ. end (bJ be wåtl8Cl II:t
lIonl wf¡.".by th. Jc¡,Wyer receM"CIlCIocII~ OItd/cw morley wiD be teq\Jlred to hoJd Ihom In ttusI cmd nc:tI' ...... tMtn .~pt In ocw:afdg;~ With tM terms of
o;,eemøl betwoeen ... Icrwyèt..
518 38~ ~~~~;~ q, q
, 4-11- 2 ; 1 :5SPM , PAGE 2 TO
SCHEDULE "]in TO BY-LAW 2002 - S9
ioQ..09C ØrftS AHO OfSCHAAOa' P"rckowr shaO tMaf c::c:rU for .". produdiOft of 11:1")' firCe d~. ~t. lurvey Qt ot~ evidence of .ilL. 10 ..... ClfQP'i''Y _c::ep ,uc:h
en. ewe ¡ ... ~....o" 0' eonrrol of Vwtdof'. at twq~ by PufdtciMr, ..,..,<:10' ...... doIMtf Ø'ly ,luttc:h c;H' .-vcy of th. pt'Ope~ with¡" Ve"'Cio,''So CO"ttol ~ PUfC"ÞU""
~ !\CI 0$ pe...'We c"tcJ priOr Po the lReq.,MitõOl' Da... tf q 4isdlo'QlII of CI~ Cñc:H'g_/Mct'9000 ~ by Q ~,ar;o" f~p""'6Od ~"W'c:IIM to ttw Trust eatw;l L.oo"
Com .. Act (C~¿¡~'wed lank. TI'\ØI ~y. CtedÓl UnIOflo, Ça;:w.e PO~"lai,. or In~ronc" C:OftIpoo'\y end whidt il nol JO be onuMotd by p""chQ.., on
COIN:'I . í. not cnoa in ,.gõSf'Obfcr form on compllltlollt. IJurchowr ~s. to occ..,. Vel'lÓOr'. to-y...', perSoQllQ undefrolr.¡~ 10 oblclln. QuI' oF m. ~n9 fuftd.,
CI . in 'egt~bIe "' oitd to regiwr ~ on litle wilhi" CI NO~ period of Ii,"_ QA.r coMploetêon. p'ovìcNd ,hot on cn b.f-ø,. ~plertOl'l ~dc:Jt' VtoR
10 Purcftcii..., Q "'-..4 '849'- 1fQ-.....1 ,.....pc;I..d by !'he n'lOttgQS" totti"S out It.. bobAC.. req",¡,od to oblClln the disc:hol"9.. IOSr"h"", _ilh CI ditccliOn .I<CtC\.lr.d
cÞ=,,~~'~) ~ .~ ~~~r~~~ ~;:=,~':""~ rt;:~c:,.. ~~::;-:h~:~t. ~~':I=-M:l~ Jhar ~ ClCCC!9tonœ or.....
vø\ b. a bincrw.g -;r- :.... _ ~ oI'Id betwe.rt p~ oñcI .
: AI b<"iknnS_ on II.... p"":'PÇI'Iy arid aU ~~~:1' boinv ~Md Ihc:rI Qe and I'OrTOQln "nJiI lI;OM~ion <II' th4 ,;~ of Vendor. ~nd¡1'I9 I;Cmþl"ion,
ftÓQ",hoI holcfcúf '"""Qnee pctliciø. IF <11"'1, QI'Ø". :Io1hett!Õl¡I'I '''USf fot I'heparfi,ø CI$ the¡r;~ It10Y QPÞ-Ot O"d In the ~...ntof s...bSICI"rial ~..
__ may .mo., ....-mlftOte rhí, Agtoet'f'lOltnf I:.nd hot. 0" ~ þDÎd relUrned wlthot,f Il'IlOIe... or d.ck.ct1on «eh. fQlc.o the proceeds of CII"'Iin$\.lrgnCe Clnd çQn'lpló..
the ~. No YtsuronCIII shol' be _O"sferted on CCIIIrIþ....on. If Vefldot 3IrQSW"!t/~:a Choroo/Morrgog.... or P..,..chcr,..r ;10 oø"",,,"Q 0 QtQrge/Mortgog.. Purcf\os.efo
sholl ~ ~ with ~cble _idenCJI of ø~rOtIt ÏMuRlN:e 10 prQIed '1 or oIt.e"~~·:Io ¡...,___ on completion.
15. ~ ACT: T'hi'So AgrHl'ftetI1 ahal b-..Jfectfv.... Cf~" ~ in the pr~ 0"1y if v~ c:on."c_ _ÔtI. tI... $Ubdi"¡~QtI control .-o.oi";onlo 0I"-e Planning
Ad by ~iDn ,,*,d v.ftdor COVOI'ICl,"~ 10 ~ cllI~"'" eM his e.-:pel'lMl fa obtai.. CN!Y ~"'.'$O"'I com.eM by <I;Otnp"'lon. .
16. OOC[@'ENT....fl'ARATtON:""'r,CII-'-/0Md1lhaIl,....._1Io.tQ"dT_sle,TChoAffódo¡...'."P.paJ'edOnnøgb.ttOblero..... Gllbe _~ ~rV.l'ldor. and on'i
Cho MOf'~ 10 bo sa,...." bocll. by !he Purc:hcaMr 10 ~ at h eXPlI'IM ~ lhoe P""c:ho:ur. If NIqVe,ted \,y ~rChaør. Vendor c_non~ rhoIlf,.. Tton$Ñr/o..d
I'll" ... Co",,*,1on shCII COM:iin .....~.. co,,~1or:td ~ ~ SO (2:2' of)he PScInn~ Act. I.S.O. 1990.
17. _ : Pu!'CIotOS*' thall be et<tdiled lawan:h. th. P\trchoø Pric. with the arnoq"'. if cny. l'~~ry fO.. ~r to ~ to Ihtir Mi,,¡.r of Nol1oiI\CIl Rove"... 10
......ry I .<hø__'~ tkJbI'1'f In ~ t:I ~ P.OYObCe by Vet\óQr uncIefo ~. ttOtH~ ~sia"1Io of th. Incq,"'o To" Act bY I'eCDOft gf ....¡. 1Ote. p,.r'Chcnet shall not
cfDIm Mh c,.dlt if "-"dot doG...ett ~ co"""let4vn ... pr-.cribed certiFi=te or a llalutory dodotaIioft that v.ndot ¡. "01 I~ CI nCln-rc~¡d.hr oJ Canada.
18. ADJUIISTMSHTS: Ñ"I ref\1't.. ""Of1flOg. ~,.. ....., IICJMIII h\dvcA~ Ic:ÞcoIlmp.c.....II.nI I'QIIn Clnd ","MOksrwd p"bllc: Of' pl'iYaht vIiIiry d'lor9" Q"d "nnuKereò CO$l oE
. !Vel. .. ícoble. .holl t:,e ap~ onc:l ~ to tho .., 01 f;O~. the doy of COfI'Ip~on ilMlf to M oJIIIPQl'tÏon.d to Pun:"'oser.
f 9'. TIME : Tim. she" in 011 ,..pec:rs. boo of "'. es_nce "'ereof S)l'o.röQec:l1hot ."- ti_ £or doM\c or ca"'~teting oJ any matter 'pfO'oIldeci for hef.oin I'tIO'f b. ..,*,cMf!
0' 0 eel bot an ~'"nMnt m writing 'SoIgne by Vendot and PuI'Chcaw Of' ~~;, ""$peCI¡";' G""")feI's ....ho moy be s¡:seeifôco..,.. oulhoNzed In thoIr~::;
20. . A!'Y tender J doc:u"*,,, or rnone,r her..,ftde. ~ be ~ UØOft or PurçhCMf or thei, ~¡". ~I"S on tI-t. 00'1 101 for eCM n. Motte)/'
MOY tof'd.fftd bv bonk drcft or ~ com~ by 0 0.0",,",114 Ictnll. Tru" ec-pany. ProwIrM;'e of Of'tlOtÎo s.a.,.¡..g, Office. G-.ctft UniOft 04" CO;$r.e p"pylqi...
21. 'AMI Y LAW ACT: V'<!IndOf'-atl'Ortts thc;It tpOIoItcd CQnWft''a f\Of nillC.ssorylO this vonsacliol'l under the provision. cd !he FClJ'I\Î\y Law Act, 11:.$.0. 1990 u/'II... Vðndor"<¡
~.... hca e~cI II-te co""''''' ....r."'ah.r proYicl.d.
22. Uffl:tV....d« ~plCsenll and WQI'I'(:Ir\I'I to ~ that duriftg the lime v...... hen own-d "'. proøeny ~ hot. "or c:auaec:l c:wtY a..,I\c:Itng on the proøeny Iø be
¡"...rät.d -,,,, (nW4atlon conta'"'1ISI. uteofoHf'O~. and ma¡ ~.. best ofv.ndc:K·slmcwleda. .,o·bI.,¡(d"D on the P"?P.M''Y ccwnains Of' hoa a...., CCrdO,nod Õt1~on
.ot .1iI;t1". vroo~~.. Thl~ wcrran'Y ,hciIf "',.,....., ol'td not merge an ... cort'IpletiOft Õf"ia 1m"~c:Þft. o~ if tho bvildi"9 b port of Q muhiple ""nil bviWf\g,
Ifoi. 'tGfI"I "'otf 0"'" kt !hat pan of lhe 'bu~uït. which ia _ Mlbied oIlhiilo fn::rMQdion
23. C UMER UI'OR'TS: ..rot....,... hw.Iry that. con.....,. rwpM't <........ ~ _rtd/_...,.......t W~ ....." 1M ~.. In ~n....;ø.
24. AGI : Þ r. "'....... .4Od ,ho. th" ~" Inwciwtd In the ItefttoeIÏon '''~' .... ",oni.1Uo en. lOt out i" rh. CaÞf\rmotlOf\ of RotØ...-se"ft;lII,,:,n below-.
23. &M8NT IN wttmHG: If !f,ere n conR"=t btttweeft ony pro.ti:lion 0dcI8cI to .hl. Ag~.nt Iiroc:luding arty Sc:::hedulo oflOChed "".rel ond -.y pl'O"'lllon In the
S pteoMt portiCM't hereof. 1"- added Pfw.oon ~ w~... UGnÓl=lrcl Phil·... ~."'" to !he .lI.te"1 <01 ....c.. ~ßio;:t. Thl. ~"'I TncNditl9 0")1" $c.;h..JoAe
_AltO. sholl çonstituflll ~ O"!Kre AQr....... ~ Pvrc~ Cll'\d v.ñdor. '"'_. IS 110 rep'e&efttation. worrCII''>'. coUottarèl ~OI'ftfn'aJÙ or c:Oncfi,;on. whff;h
~,...,....,' other thon .. Olllpo'..ãct her..". Thla ......,.".", tÅaI be .eod ....hh on chong_ oF send.r ot numb*' ~uited by lhe =1"1"'1.
26. 5 S I4#4D ASSIGNS: The heir". .x.eculO",. adIn"'~. $UCt8uon end 0$1'9"' of 4he under)Îgn.d or. boi,Il'Id by the relms herci".
g~~~~1~~~~gY1i\Lt~~{"·~iff.'!"'" "~'~Öf~~:~~'~~;'''''''~:~~'''''''''~;;¡'~'''''' ";¡'~:~2
.w;;.;;;¡¡·"~·b·rñd""tì:i"ë··"ëorporãl;:ië;-ñ·;·· . r)·Rz.;;;I"·;:SO¡Y{i~·"(í"ÆT;/IIIò.r~ DAT! .........................tJ................
=:~:~ !.,~~~~~~~lCbQ:k9br.~~. -
DAnD oI...M\H1..;I..Ç!,j.¡;¡i!\¡J.j;y....ºt...Jç,tlJ".«.~.g.~.!).!!!....................,. .........±f.'!:...::........... 01 ..........~~~......"..........=...c... \....~. .Q.;?
$.IGNIiO.!:¡!ALEO ANO De.weRED in ... pqlMftC4J <*- IN WfI1'o.IESS 61S61Qft?-rfririllllM6C. 1::~rc:."\ase~r ¡nas::: ew
~Måì.~.~h!:!&ga¡~8E.:.r!€.$.::~.~:... Õ~OR.P ...~...9.::....~~...~~.==.~.:. ~q 0..... ...~O., .~....-:t:!. ..;?IX>:L
............ ftaYQr and C~..rl<.. Per: G- ,- . . . If\ -, ':\. ' \
~t*~..·~~~~Ufõ·~~·..:!?·?--~·~per:U:X.i..· .' . . .....,... ... ..................... ~ o..re .r.:\ 9'-' -:;)..*~.l.
SPOUÛ.L COHSIENTf nw.- Un~ned s.~ <Of th. V..sndc:l, ;.JI1;;tri.. .. c:øêi-''''...,n putwc:rntà tM.J;!t'OYi:loions of rh. FClf'I'Itly \.0..... ,l.ct.
1t.$.O.~O. ortå "....by 08""" with h Puré;hoser whOI' he/$¡". will ftUICI,I.. 0'11 "'OC:elSClry or Ifti¢ldental dOC\lmel'lls 10 g;...e fuU foraÂfÌMff.a to lhe _~ e-oidel\Cðd here$n.
.~ '. '
~r!"'''': -................................................. ..-........... csa.;.:;¡,;;r· .................................................. :.......................,........ ($ft(1 OÁÍ&'.".:.,~............,............... ..............
.CONFl~N 0fI1CŒCU'I1OH: t-lor-.-il6..1I_ J'." ~f'g cOfIIcIôfo.ed ",-.!fin 'o~ =""='"r.' ~ìrl'\ !hi, Ao¡~......th an ø-.g_I1:iQ;1h "rPeCi end~.. -.. f¡,ftOIy _~ by
0/1 ~ øl.....................o.m./p.m. mill ....................da,. of .........................:....................... ......,...
I t,....,¡
I he'teb~oc/IIcl'Ml)WreOg. QMd ~ !he Ullirtg ItoIIlft '...._ the ~ oJ ,hoe 1 h.,.by ~ ond conR"", rIM. COoOpIIf'IQIing 8tolctlr f'IePI'..nIl dolo """r..., of....
..........~................................... ................................._.... hi. IfQItraclÔOft. ..._..._.............._.~__......_.__............. ........_........_...._.......In !hla WQn~1oOft.
j ~¡v...., QI'Od ... VWifCM-t fY-dor""-'-ïhowl
jtii;;töi¡:,·¡;;;¡¡;;¡,;;_~~·-;;ÕÏ''ïÙ~ïi:ï:·...···...·· ....._......-..-.-~....._._~....-.. ~¡;;;;·èlê;;¡¡~·4·'··:;ã·¡;;,;¡,.-;;;õû·~,.;~;;;,;-····....············..·..·......................-.-..
~.Ij~ ...,.... .-..-......-......,........-....,...--..........-.........................__....._._.. f'ofo"'.otC:~.~ ......_........................_............._..._.._......_..__.............................
I ._....J ._...__.........._.......__........_.........{.............J ......__._..___...................... 1.-.......-1 ......................__........_......__._.......1 ......., ......\ .............................._......__..........
W~ ~~ ~~ ~~
AotCKNo.r ...2DCRM8NT
v....j, ~., ............._..............._...._...._.._._.................._..._...._........._._..........
~ ...-..............-..-...........--.....---...--.-......................-.......-.....-..................
t ..._ ......1 ,........... ...... ... ...... ..._ .......... ._...........t ....._.......: ........... ....... ...._........._... .......
T.r..... 'AJt N..
t oc:knowIedog. "-""p' 01 Ifty ~ copy' 01 thia ocçe,;rtod ÅI""'-"' of Purd'\gM olld
Sale ond I øulhori... 1.... ~Þo ~ OC-tIP)' to rrry~.
......._.._.__....__...,............................_............_...".... CAT! ._..................-.....__............._..
¡p;;;~;¡__...__.......,............................_........_.._...... DA11!......._..................._................__
......._..... Soø_':' _.__._.._._.._._...................................:........_._....._._......___..._...........
_........ .. ._. ....._..... ...._................__....,...._..'-1. No. t .....,....J....................._.._..__.._..__.
fIwc__', ~ ...........................,............_._._..............__............,_....._..........,..........__.....
I __.._.~. .--_..·_-....·:._.........._..._.........._..~I ........~....J ___.........,.....................................
W........ I'AXNo.
¡t01 'IC! UU ONLY "'O"'-U"ON nwsr AGRIIMINI'
To: rali"" troIo.... Ihowot 01\ '"" Jor-goi.. ~ of p~ and Sole: .
~ tcIrioft lOt !he C:~'II lroI.r ~ ... ~oif\g "'-_...... _ "'-'chaM .oct ScN~ I h.r.bv doacfon, IhoI oft -on.". roc.w.d 0/' ..-cei_ble by m. 11\ ~_~
wilh /tI.e TfOtI"~...4 co.rtl~ _. J h. .... Mt.S R...... 0A4 re.gu1Clllions. Q¡ nw leal e~ Soord shaI be rw;:ewab'- 0I'Id hoekI i--. "".... n.,¡. OC........... $høI C~"'.. e C:~n'_ r."..
"1"1' 0.. I" M "-"LS R\,Iq CIn4I ...... b. ~ to and ;__..... r:.,- he MlS 1lIfI.. pertoi'*'g fa C:O--1aaiClO'l TfUSt. .
o _ 01 !t>oI .... ond "'- of rhe gCC~ 01 ... ror.oa4,.g Agt'~ 01 "-<'haM GI'Ic:I Sol.. Ackl1D IId¡Bd by:
s:¡..~ï...·.;.;·i¡;t¡-;.;;¡·w;~ï;;;::,h,;~··~:.;;···_·········....···..··................. Sïe;."oNëöfê:·.i········,···::ä;:t:·;;;·.;:;,¡;,;ri;:;;¡;~...·········..·····.............
~ k . _,;.
between The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine (the "Purchaser") and
The Erie Belle Ltd. (the "Vendor")
The legal and survey costs incurred by the Purchaser in connection with this transaction shall be
borne solely by the Purchaser and shall not be the included in detemùning the value of the "in kind"
landscaping services.
518 386 8288;# 4/11
4-11- 2 ;12:48PM ;
1_ USIIN ..... POt....-_ CItOONTARIO'
SCHEDULE "c" 'to BY-LAW 2002 - S9
......CHASER. .............:m!=....ç.º~º~~~2.~L.9.~...~:~U?-~~.s.¡;;'k~,p::!....g.~...~?:.~~~~~~.................. au-'" ........... "-
, ¡noll__....-.
863469 Onto xnc., John Bruce ~~n9, M~chae~ Joseph Emond .
VWNDOR, .;._...........40....................................................-..........¡;;.v....;,;,,;.:;¡-:.r;:lï..........-..............-................-........_.................................._.... tit. lioIIorwuI8
RCAL ~III'IY: ,.....,..,
. i1rV1li''1IR!'.....................................................~_~~'Q<.........................................................X~:>'r&............. <1_""",,,
..............._....._...AgX.~.mM\n~.....................:¡.:;:.:;.."1.:::..n:·..";-.;;:¡l·.;¡.................;¡;=..........................................................................._þ... ..........,.,.
...... __ -............ ~_1· .
PU......_......,.: ..~~...~;::':.~~~....~?~.'!~.!!'.~._~~.t.:~....~.~....!:.~~~.~E:.~~~:~.~.:.~.~~~;U.~~...~~.:.':~..I
"""""'" "1'-"' ( ..¡ One ------------------------- Cob (CONS 1. QO I
r: ........~-.....:.....;.ï..-... .....-........-...........-.....-.......-................................................" ........~.. ...........................
cash _ negDHaw. ch~ pct')'CI~ to~:....~~.~...y~.~.~9:~~._._.......................__...........:...__......................._..........10 1M held i" h'ust.,...dlng completion Ot
011\0, tetmt~ of thi. "o.g.........n' onc::IlD '- modi_ __rei th. Purcho.. P,,« on ;4.. pl....À:IIR. "'-J...~~-Å:f....:tR _~~
crt. . OURfotloM CQ. INC.
~; "A" ~n,d. "'D" .
UU(S) ....................._, .................................. '-- .....(01 ..... 01.......-.
1. <:H INCWDID: ..........................Ñ11...............-...-..........................-.....-......................................-:.._...........................~... ......... ......
...... . _........................_...................-:..._."....~..._._.._..__..........~.........._....................................._~.... ... ..................... . ....", ðl-
:z. ~......;........~~.:::::::::::::::::::::*:n:::~~::::=--=::==::=:::~:::::~.....:::::::::::::::::::::::::.. =::::::.. ...~...:::.::.... . ::::::?
4. I~: -n... 0«.. ,""U be "'-blab( ...Y.~.~!:!F...............I .....!-.!-..;.;i..?p.... _..... ....~it~ :!!:p.;!;.!±.r.....~.º.º ~.._. .
-tt"cIo ..... ~ - ":"_01. "'¡. OHw....U)oo...... o.=-~ de..."" "'011 be'- to.no ""........,. ~ ~
5. C~' ON DAft: -n... _.. ,""II be _.....1.... by _10... "'., 6:00 p.... _.... ...~..~..~ 0I...~.t.....~.º.!J;!........
lJpc COntpIetIon. voc;QnI' pNMsdon of'" ØfOpoefIy ãhaII ... eN!t" to lite Putchaør uÑeu othoerwi.. liWoñd.c fø1' In Ihl ........ tr-t
6. N CIS: v...... h-.GV appo!''''' the ü.... ...... OS ...... r. tho. £I""~ of 80.,1 o..d ,-.twins "OficM tJ" Ao¡~. Only iF m. Co-opHQIi
lna_ "......,.Is 1M in""" 01 Ñ'I. Purchoiirr r... tllillf04 1:1 CII'-c- -. the Pun;hoaet ~ qppo;Ns .. Co-oø-raffng Bto 01 Açerd rv, .. ~IO 01 g¡""ing a
~""~ notIoN ~.. th¡. Aw-4_JI ."'. A..,., ..... ..~ ~ _ ptO'I'ided ra". he;eï.t than b. in ".,.,",.. Thla oRW. any COY"_ ofIWi. ftOtice of
~. 0' 0fIy rtotfao than '- c:t.om.; 0""" end ~ ~ hand cWl~ 110...... For senolce I"O'O'ided h.,.¡,. 01', wheN: 0 D:sImí'- Nlmber ¡a ~
--..~. ~ t._._.tI:--.J ~iceliy to thot b:simil. ~.
FAX.,.... ......................................-.......-.....................-.......... .AX~.....:c.........._............_......:._.......t.... .~--..i'
7. 0S1'~ ~.h" ---.......1-' to Good............... Tea G,S.T~. "'_ ouch _ ~~S\~. .~.º.~,;;..~;.. ... ......... ~ ~._.
tf ......twanMcrlon .. ftOl1Uåi'" to G.S:t.. v.ndor ~ to pNlñde Oft or U Q ......rw.'L:....... thot .. ftOI .... G.S. .
. æ._.-.-~_·_- UL ._-~. ~_..... '.In.\. Ar...i.1 .2!;.- .__1 2002 1....."';-:-. I
'. ~ ~:h~"';:"" '::;:':;~~o:.. ~;i:~ cIeY.~·.:¡;.;;·;¡·¡:;R~:··· ··1i7.;:;·o~ d;;;';;.·::htCh ~·::dil~. =
thb ......... aN MfïIt.cI- Oil óeh.rwI.. ............ or: ~ .,.. ørior to compa....... to IOfiJy h""..u: fhot ..,. QN ouIIII:øId~ work OrCIwt CM" åefideftC)' ~_
_rto-: td _ PurCheMr IftCIy ~n .., ,..".... .
9. . USiIl: \llødor aMI PUn:tlOMI''''''' ltIot..... hi ... "'..,...."1......... or...,.,.....ry 01 ClAy kind 'Ihc3r the ",""". ¡,,1Iend-f UN of the pI'Opet1y by Pun:hoMr &to Of will
be I -P.I as "'CIY '- ~iRcally ~ r. h'llhi. ~rfMI"".
10. PI"ÞId.ä thot tN rill. 10 the ptaP.M'tv ¡.. aood ond ".-. r..o... cd1.:f::;...cI ~ cha..... 11.", OMI ~tOlC_ eøccept en otMtwise SlMCiFfcal....
p In thl. As,........' cmd IGYe <1M eJtCeØtìor 101 any qg¡lIIwed . M~"'" that"'" wöth Ihe Iottd ~... that au" 0f1t ~htd wiih: Ib) 0""
Nfl ..... ....õciiãI...._..... ....õ..,.c ..._....... - ....bIIdv ~ ........ poowIdI.... ouch ....... bee, _"" wi"'. o. .....1Iy.... """" ........ ..
~enä onc1 CClIt'1I1I.tIon. 0" ~ Þv 0 ...., ftoM Ihe ........'" .......icioolW" or .....ura..ó utiUtv: I~ any ....... eo......... r- .... 1UpaW 01 d~
aor ",&iiphone Mlf¥Ic.. tal .... plO~ 0' od...... ...~1fi4!t: ond (dt OIIV~"""" far drainooe. IIOC!", or sønltary ~.':: ...tdlty Ii.,... i.re~ II,....
. t.&.vit.- IIH" <H other ..,..,¡-_ .....h1ch do not .......'oI1y affect IN ~ ..... 01_ ~. IF 'WIth6n the 1fMC~...... 10 in ~ph 8 ~ oIQlid
... .. title or Ia any ~~ worfI: atdø 01 delic;iMCY ~.. _ .. thw foci 1M -'d pnIMI'I vae ~ not hIwtuII1_ GOftriMled. Of thOt the ",ncipal bUlldl"~
"'Oy.__ '" 1_...... OIJOI". .1'" of IIN I. ~ ¡It -rIll,. fo Vendor CIftd which v.-.. .. ...nabl. .- unwilll,.. .. ~. ~ _ ....fy and .......lCh ~h._ ~i~
nor woiwe, thilo "".......... ftOtWith.-ncling any ,,,.."".... ods or ~. Nt 'ettMCI of-=" ~~ IhoII b. ot...... attel 011 manJea DOid thall "~,-
~wt.......... _ ~Ii... 0... v...åcø. U.....g BtoUr ond CoaMt'G .,..., thall MIt M I~ fò, 0"" COIb ot ~ $oooe _ Ia Oroy' dd ~CÞCIion ~ mod.
b¥ .... ~ _ ---lIlt for 11ft.,. ~ ~ 10 the tOOt of ,... IhIe, ., sholl b. c~::: ....... Ia .... ~ Vendor's t. to tM~. __...I
II. CI.Q5INO ".--JGCMaNT5a Where oõdt 01" V4Indor ond PutehoIer ~ ° b...,.., 10 ... the Agree,"", oI'frur.chcr.. <I'" $eM cI,.,. ~. -
. the ItO"soctfoft will .. ~~ by eI.dron5e ~iat~ ~ to P,,!_ II of the Lørtd legtlffOtio" ......... /Iw:I. 1.$-0, 19QO. Che.JÞ"M' 1...... oN CIt'If
0"... .....nfl IhetefO. .... v...... aftd 'utchõMr _kue .... ond ~ !hat "'- ~ of doc""*",,, Qftd Ihe ,.&eo.. ......., IG the v..,dor Gf"Id PurchOMt may, at
th,. 'S' dI~lOn: fat NIl OCCUt CClftte...po~ .... .. regf....li.. 01 the ttoftJ.,/cI...:I (oRd other ,..i.....,..w. cIocur-nllaHoRl, oIIoCI IbI b. ....t ~
ç: ¡flo,n ~ th. """"'t nItC.IYt"t docuft-..... tMd/ø ......,. wiD be requ¡,.d to hold Ih..... i,., IfIM .... ftot ,.-.. ....... __pi in occ:ofåonc. with the ..,.",.. CII"
Q ..., Iften OV,..m<eÑ betww... .. ~..
4-11- 2 ;12;49PM ;
519 396 8288;* 5/11
SCHEDULE "C" TO BY-LAW 2002 - 59
Part of Lot 1, Subdivision of Lot 5, West of Ou_n Street and P"rt of Lot 2, Subdivision of Lot
,5. East of Huron Terrace. Municipality of Kincardine (formerly Town of Klncardinel. County of
Bruce end designated a" Part 4 on a draft Plan of Survey prepared by R. F. Dora Surveying Ltd.
and dated March 13.2002.
! Part of Lot 2. Subdivision of Lot 5. East of Huron Tarrace and Part of Lot 2. Subdivision of Lot
14. EaS1: of Huron Tarrace, In the Munlclpali"ty of Kincardine (formerly In the Town of
i Kincardine), in the County of Bruce and designated as Part 6 on e dra1t Plan or Survey
,prepared by R. F. Dare Surveying Ltd. and dated March 13. 2002.
_ ~ _ , "r.mmm"'C" 'In BV_T.AV 2n02 - 59
12. DCpC:UMI!NTS AND DISCHAROl: P\lf'cho.... thol ""ò1'ëëS11"f&"'C piõcWcnÕÁ õfõ...yii.li"~ ab,,,oet. 1""'-1 or OM ..nd.nce of ,,;,Ie 10 the ProøertY ...c..,. wch
'4U~ If! th. ~ulc" 01 conft'Ol of v....dor. If requnMd by l'uI'ChciMl. v.~ _it! dttti___ 0")' "'efch Of wn.ey tOt .... ¡ÞtOpet.... _~il"l Vendor', co"iIPoJ 10 P..rchowt'
crt 0' ~ aMI ptiof to Ihe ~1'''101'l 00tII If 0 dJlCho.. GI CI'tY Chotge/~Ogd held by Q c:otl'CHafÍOfI incotpCll'Clt..d pr.rl~"' to the Trull' ond lc:Ion
C' i.. Ad tconadal. Charte,,, eo"., Tru. C:ompc¡mr. C....lI"ÎOtI, C;oiH* Jl'cpulai... or ImuraFMå Company aMI which ¡, no' to btI ou..-.d bv Pu,choMr on
'-""", Is ... awtilaW. in ~i~ lOt", Of't COf""'OOft, ~ 09"""" If) Me.~" Io....y.,..·s ~ol undertoklne tQ obJrC;ft, out oJ th.: c:1o.itoa futlda.
~ "' ~Wabl. form oñcI fo '..¡.... loCI," Of! ..II. _ilhO.o rMlsoftobIos Pfl'00d of IÒft'IO ofrvt co"'~. P'qwkMd Jhot on Of' "to,. eõmpletion v.ncJor ahalt
irht Ie ~ a 1IIOt'000* ~ PNP4!I_ ..., .... if_ a::-"".. ...."0 oul th4 "lane. reqt.!i,ec:l1O oblOin .... diMhot... 109.tho, .....ilh ~ dlraoction -.cv...ø:
'v.ndcM- cfi~~..:L~fh;e~~ r~~~~~:.:.t~~~~O:~~It~~:~O~~I=~. Ihg,.....,..., ~ncealth¡.
........... '-0 ~ og._::.:;T ~ and.........,. P\øoCho....oñd .
NCII: All building' Oft .... f"O~ly orw:t 011 .-.. thmas _tng purdtowd ,Viall bot OM ...rnoln IJntiJ ~ 01 rM risk 01 V.ndor. P."ding ca~on.
r -"01 had cdIlnMl"~ _iaø. if any, ortd the ~oecf. NtoõI k'I IrUst fo, 1M porfift O. t"'" In~sn. ,.,oy o~ar and in the ~t of aubaton'iol dCnnov-.
moy oitMt' ....",..... this ~"t and hv- Call ...ort'-spokl ~ without i,.... or deduc:tion Of' else IOke rho proceeds. ot OIly insuronçe artd ~PIete
~. No inllUt'GltCe shell be IIfOftJ... ocI OC'I COfI'IpA.tion. If v..dor la taki"S!l bodr a Chorael . or Putc:hoter i. .Mtlmlng a Choroel/iAlMtgoge. Pur~
. ~ v.r.doio with NClIOnO~ -.CÑftCe 01 ad-qUa.. I~ frO ~. v.~. __ oiftelo IftO _'it in.... Of' earn""';o",
..fíItNG ACT: Th. Ag,..."...,. sholl be ~..,. to CHHIIO an -...sr In .. ra..-y oo"v If v.r.dar ~a wi'" .... ....bd....ltion coMrol pfOYilÎOf'ls eI the "ann'''tiII
= ~:o... and v.ndot c~n" 10 ~ d~ at'" ......... 10 n GI!Y ~UO'V on...- by ~cWtiOtl.
. T ,..--aAYION: n,. TlQ""'JD.-d sha.. ""'" Cor.. Lo~ T_ To. AfJõcJoW. '"' AId in ~1""aW. form at thCl o"P8"" of v.""r. 0"'11 OIlY
C ~""1ortIl~a. 10 be øi~ back by .... Pwchoser 10 v.ndor aI II. e~M 01 the~. If by p~..,. Venc:IoI' CQWI"aF'ls that tho rranJer/DeHI
to ä.1I_..a 011 c~tiotI shaM _tam !he ___n" con~ ~ s.cøo.. 50 122) <Of .. Plan Act. R.S.O. 1990.
17. U NCY: JlurchcnØ thoU be CNCIhd 1OWOt'CIa.... Pvrchosel'fb wilh.... ClI'I"-.vIt. if o..y. ~_ fõr PUfcha.., 10 f!I!O'I to.e.. Mini"., 01 NotIOf'OI R__nuo to
Jy ............. Iksblaay In ~ 01 __ ~ fõJ,o "-dctr ~ .... ___..klency ~1ÌOft' of . Income TOW Act bY reoson oIlhlS sale. PutdtoMr shall noI
such c:...." Vendõt ~,._ _...A-I~n the prescribecj...iIicato 01' a 'I1aN1I:try -' :':.. :.N~1 v.ndor ¡. not lheft a _sid.nt of CoftOda.
MII'NTS: Ar!Y ,..... mongoge I......... ,...,.... ~ IoeaI ~rMf't fQfea aftd un p'ubI~ Of' pÀWItII utility charS-- and u~ed co.. of
a. ØDDI,ca..... Mal '- .,""_N~_~ and oIow.d to the day 01 ~~"A ~. the day of t;OØIp&etian If ro bo" __ 1.4.4:1 to PUl'Che",.
UMIIS: lime........ 01_ beol...._ _.......,............."_ fo. doõng:;.c:"......... 0I~_d.d r",...... ....,. be...-dad
cIaad by a.. ~........ In ~fIng algned ..." Vandar and P\in:hoMl 01 ~~ ~.. wIoo mD)' '- outhoriøc:l in Ihot N!9Ord.
IIf: -Á!eY IeNei of docuIMrm. 0I1'ftOftey hef........ ~ IwIllOde 1410" _ Pl,¡¡rchaaer or ....Ir re&fMCl'ÎYO . 01" tho defy ... Jet compl.tion. Money
be ~ by belft. ...,. 01' cheque "i1ified b,. a '=' ......... laftle. Trust eo"",ony. ~ 01 Qnlorio SGYf!'P Cedir Uft>Gft ~ Coi... Pop,da,",.
-:r LAW ACT: VeMlot WOI'rants INd 'SpOUsal ~.. net MCIeUCIry 10 mia tronilClldlon""""" pfO"'iaioft, of IN FaMily I.ctw Act. It.S.O. 1990 unltiss v.ndot-'.
Š§hllQ.ICaCU** th.~.......1ftaIt.; ~
22. : ~ fttP,...n_ onc:l \ooIIOftOI'ItI. to Pureha_ that during IN lime v.ndor ho. own.d the ~ty~ v.ndor hot nor COUMd ony building on tho pl"o~rty to be
with Iniulaltor. '="kllnlnca ......£<101.. CI·d.'-yçte.oncJ1hai_"beSlaf~·. ~.110 ~Icfing on" ~OD....¡n.or hoII...,.ceNo,"" 1nv.rloHon
COI'IfOin' ~rmaWehvåe. "'is warranty shOll ~ and not.,.... on .... ~ion õf this tranSDClion. arid If .... building i. port 01 a fl'll.llriøle uftit building.
IN wan'OI"lV ,hoD Oftly aPØho 10 that part 01 .... -,ildifta which ia .. "*iect 01 !hi. m.$QI;tiDft .
23. C MBR "'CRT5~ .. Pl.... _.. ~........... _........ l ...... CNdIt -.41_......... ~..~....... ~..,..,........ '" ~ft with
~ 't.
NC'Y': Ir i& ""i>dc"'lIðd Wtot lit. brok.rs ~" lit the 1fCU'I~ reøreMnt .... DQriIn 05 _I aut In th. Conlinnaricwl 01 a........INÕO" "Ia-.
IN WRfnNG: If ___ q conII&cr ~ em., ~" Odded tg thl" As_ftt (incJW¡ng Oft)" Schedule eltCMhod ........,. _d any praYlslCItI I" flu.
~ Jl9riiart hereof. thot oddecI JII!"OWÎ_ian .holl~"" itlOftClo,d ~ ~ to It- ___ of -..ch conIIkt. This Ag---m ioo\cludi"9 ow, Sch.cIuIa
hetefO. ahel con~ the enfl,. ~t ~ f\,rdtcø.r GIRd v.ftcIor. TheM i. no repreJenklliolt. """"""Iy. coI~ ag,.,.,nent or c;Õnclitlon. which
Ihia . othw then a~ ~ h.r.i". 11111. AgrMCftOft' thoIIlM n;.od ......... d cha~_ 01 ."... 0' number ~..d bo;o ,Ite CQntoxI.
26. AND ASSIGNS: Dte heirs. .....:uIOr~ odrni~ IUCCeUOI'\ and auigns of Iha ...ftd6rloigned are bouncll:ty .... term. heYein.
.X/W have aut . y to bind the OOrpora~~on.
0.-0 ~ ...~~~£~. ....Y....9.f....~~~s¡.~~.~~!L.............ohõ& ...........¿:±....._........~ 0I..........~.P.;ç:,1,.:!.........._._.................. ..?.º.º.~...
1111~~CI... no. ~--= ''- ...,mYhand......: 'ñq~ ""',......~p..""~.!..?j72().()2
.=·~..·::....~..\1ra1'i.·.e~........·..·........··...... >NõI;aJr"Cven ðhae;t·...~o......Ph·· ~I DATE ....~.~~~.~...;7........~.~.~2
E... . ....- ..... i>o-~ n. ',¡x",¡ 6..d -
. ~=j=~~~~:ir:r~ ,~;¡¡¡~;..HiÍè_
..-..;r ~W"..i%t;f~Jo1õ;*";;;oQ.£;:;!<~9;Ç:ll~~~šš-·....·........¡· ......._~. .........;..·~~~:~~~~liä~e;.·;~'ä..i...l~£.~ur.
~E~~:~~i!~:!~,S·~·~·~:t... ~ORP ¡¡......n...~. ....:..........;...................,.. Ii: ...8·r·L~.~,d...QR.L
~~....~t*:...~~;~@~~Uõ*;...þ.~~~1?er'\IIKx.r........... ~...... ...... ................. . ......... ..-.... ~ DAte .~.I;...L...a:3:..,..)..o.¢.:L
SPOUSåL eOHSIfNT: 1h. u~.... ~.. of "'- v...- ~ -_~ao-"_n·P"o!'SUQ&....... P.!O"'iar'ø..s 01 the Fomily-t.ow' Iu:t.
11:.5.0.1"0. and h..by ogNft wirh .~ PvrCh..... thcI hus'- will ____ 011 nec:euory or ncidentol ~ts 10 gi_ ft.. ~ ,efr.c, ro ..... 5Cl1e evidenC;od herein.
Rl1.... . Apri1 2002'
.... ................................................................................ ø;::..."j".......·........·....··'·..·..·........................·1!:IIIõí'iëf·........· M_ ~,. ..............................................
~ '--'
I "'by ......owfedoe end coÑirnt the u..mg 5n*er ,.pre__ Ihe i.......... 01... I heNby ~ åncI COftli,m ..... C:~ng Broe- r~ts. the In....... 0I1he
..........-t......~..;.";;;;;r-..:...:;;;;..h;~....._........n...¡", tWa ~_. ......__..__...__._~;¡;.~;~.................................... thi. ..""aoclioft.
Siï¡;.¡,-;;"¥¡¡;¡~¡;if~;;·~..:··-··.-ï..·······..·····..···_·····...-.-.............--....- ~.;;·;¡·if···..·_·:4i··;;·~·ö,;.·~_-::p;i.·.i.·¡:i;"·:.-·......-........-....--..................'.-........
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~~: ~~ ~~ ~N~
c ....allllUft'
I ac~... _.............. .......__...._..._
ond $aletMII I ~ /hie ...... to tor-ord a CDfJ'Y 10 ..-y ....,..,.
..-......... ........-...................__............_.................. ....... I ·.......·...··1-..........._..__.......
~a ....................................................._.__......_..................................._........
~.:. .:::~:::~::..:::::::~::::::::~:...:::::::~:::.~..~=~;:=::::::=:~.=:~.~.....~::=:....:.....~.::~~:::~=:.::..:..
r.l.Ne. : MxNo.
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Sale and I ~_ .... ...,.,., 10 fotworcI 0 copy 10 My .
."'..=__.,............._.____......__................._....._.... DATI' ..._._........._........._............_.._
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In coni' for ... Coo,.,..,. e-r.. CWCIC\Jring .... ña,..."", AQr.-.r 01 ~.. Qnd Sale. .......... d.dcwoIIlhGI all --.., ~ eM' f40C*t.oobl. by .... i" ,c__ -
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between The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine (the "Purchaser") and
863469 Ontario Inc., John Bruce King, Michael Joseph Emond (the "Vendors'')
The legal and survey costs incurred by the Purchaser in connection with this transaction shall be
borne solely by the Purchaser and shall not be the included in detennining the value of the "in kind"
landscaping services.
The agreement is conditional upon the parties entering into an agreement satisfactory to the Vendors
to exempt the Vendors and their successors-in-title from providing payout in lieu for I8 parking
spaces for any future development of the remaining lands owned by the Vendors, which agreement
shall be registered on title on or before the closing of this transaction.