HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 112 Dainage works no. 19 ~ z 2:1 ~ <r: u z f2 ~ o >-- f-< :::i o:i tl Z ~ :?: ~ :r:: f-< ~ o z o ~ o "" ~ o u ~ :r:: f-< e @ ~ ~ ~ CO N .... .... . co o o N d Z W :I: I-W zO -=> mO::: ~oo O:::u.. 00 ~> wI- Clz <(=> zO -0 <(W O::::I: el- <(z 0:::- OW u..~ we co::: -<( >0 Oz 0:::_ ll..~ Ou.. 1-0 ~> <(!::: ...J...J ,<( >ll.. 00- <(0 Clz z=> -:E W 00 <IJ <IJ <IJ .c .c .c -- - '+-..cm o:t:::..c =;:- o 0) C C :J <IJ._ 00- o C Ul CIl <IJ <IJ"O :J .c.....o- _O<IJ o ..... "00 <lJCIli'- C .... .Q CO' en :~.- ~ - .......... <IJ <IJ <IJ 0 0.0_ ,. :J a." <IJ ..... CIl <IJ >co.c 0) CIl 0 CIl .c- C o -.- Ul 0 CIl l... ~O) I.- <IJ ~.O) "0 CCT"""cu ;:5 .>- ooq..o - (/)"0 o <IJ . <IJ L.. ..c e::: c Q) +-' .- .0 .;- ~ ECo"O :J .- <( <IJ C<IJ<IJ..o <IJ .!: 0) Ul :!::::""Crn"'O (/) l- C co: .- CIl.- 0 ::::J () ('0 "- o-c..... <IJ .- 0 "0 .....~ C <IJ CIl <IJ_.c Ul .c0- _ _"0 ,ft >- 0 C w_ CIl <(:=Ul- wCIlCO) ^' .Q..Q C .... 0 .- w.-.!11 ;: .... 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N .!!1 .s:: - c W I- D. o C <( ~ ...J <( Z o ii) > o c::: 0.. ~ o >- ~~ ~ e ~ o N t - o l J .!!1 .s:: - c w (/) (/) <( 0.. >- ..J ...I <( Z u: "0 c: CIl w ::E i= c c::: / J: I- CIl C <( W c::: ~ c 1 ~ .~ l-"" l ~ "- cr ~ -" ... u. o n , ~ ." 15 ~ ~ " 0- '- 3 , .e ""'S ~ .~ '- ~ " ~ , ~ . 1;; o U e Magwood, Van De Vyvere, Thompson & Grove-McClement LLP BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS 215 DURHAM STREET, BOX 880 WALKERTON, ONTARIO NOG 2VO GEORGE C. MAGWOOD, B.A., LL.B. BRIAN J. VAN DE VYVERE, B.A., LL.B. C. HEDLEY THOMPSON, B.A., LL.M. TAMMYW. GROVE-McCLEMENT, B.A., LL.B TELEPHONE (519) 881-3230 E-MAIL wmvt@bmts.com FAX (519) 881-3595 October 31, 2008 Municipality of Kincardine 1475 Concession 5, R.R. #5 Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2X6 Attention: Donna MacDougall Dear Ms. MacDougall: Re: Drainage Act Section 68 Compensation Under Section 32 Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 Further to our previous communication and correspondence I now enclose electronic receipt of registration BR21209 registered October 27,2008. This document confirms the registration of Kincardine Drainage By-law 2006-112 (with the exception of reports, sketches etc.) and Form 9 - Notice of Compensation Paid pursuant to the Drainage Act. These documents were registered as required by Section 68 of the Drainage Act. The documents are registered against Lot 8, Concession 3, former Township of Bruce. The registered owner of the land is Dennis Neil Munro. Please contact me if you have any questions. Yours truly, MAGWOOD, V AN DE VYVERE, THOMPSON & GROVE-McCLEMENT GCM:cm Enclosure ~~_c~~ George C. Magwood ~ a LRO # 3 Application To Register Bylaw The applicant(s) hereby applies to the Land Registrar. I Properties PIN Receipted as BR21209 on 2008 10 27 yyyy mm dd at 11 :31 Page 1 of 4 Description 33288 - 0064 L T PT LT 8-10 CON 3 BRUCE AS IN R59932, R147439, R238857 EXCEPT EASEMENT THEREIN, EXCEPT PT 5,6,7 & 8, 3R3622; KINCARDINE 01114 CONCESSION 2 KINCARDINE Address I Applicant(s) This Order/By-law affects the selected PINs. Name THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Address for Service 1475 Concession 5, R. R. #5 Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6 This document is being authorized by a municipal corporation by Laura Haight, Deputy Mayor and Donna MacDougall, Clerk. This document is not authorized under Power of Attorney by this party. I Statements This application is based on the Municipality By-Law No. 2006-112 dated 2008/07/02. Schedule: See Schedules I Signed By John Michael Keip 215 Durham Street, Box 880 Walkerton NOG 2VO acting for Applicant(s) Signed 2008 10 27 Tel 5198813230 Fax 5198813595 I Submitted By MAGWOOD, VAN DE VYVERE , THOMPSON & GROVE-MCCLEMENT LLP 215 Durham Street, Box 880 Walkerton NOG 2VO 20081027 Tel 5198813230 Fax 5198813595 I FeesflaxeslPayment Statutory Registration Fee $60.00 Total Paid $60.00 I File Number Applicant Client File Number: 12874 ... $ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Certified to be a true and complete copy of Oy-Law No. %CO(,- 11:1.: passed by the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine on the z",d. day of Julu J.cc>S }) T ':. ~ ~~~ ...,0..... Donna MacDo~galJ. JJ:;"".'III. ~ t! .'11 u1...~f" - Clerk ,\".~. ,.......v4'.#~ Municipality of KiL&t;~ '..~~ ~ 0... 0., "r'1 ....~~ C-UK)(' J.. I', ;l<t&: ~ ~ ~ Date ~ 2lil. ....:'-1 : ~ ~ ...., ~ .../"'-. ~ ~ .. '~\ ~. 0.'''. ._-IIti_,\~' 86INGKBY-LAWTO PROVIDE FOR A DRAINAGE WORKS IN_.......~....~~~i. MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE IN THE COUNTY OF BRUCE '~~~~;;:~~~!!,! BY-LAW NO. 2006 -112 WHEREAS the requisite number of owners have petitioned the council of the Municipality of Kincardine in the County of Bruce in accordance with the provisions of the Drainage Act., R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.17, requesting that the following lands and roads be drained by a drainage works: Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine has procured a report and an addendum to that report, both prepared by R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited and those reports are attached hereto and form part of this by-law; AND WHEREAS the estimated total cost of constructing the drainage works is $ 17€J,810.0(); w-\ I I . .) 1't't,iJSO.00 er.-.o, o. o~ hr' 'Z.I",~,OO ~G,IG~lo' AND WHEREAS $294, .06 is the amount to be contributed by the rnutJicipality for construction of the drainage works; AND WHEREAS the Council forthe Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine is of the opinion that the drainage of the area is desirable; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, under the Drainage Act, ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Revised Engineer's Report dated July 2005, and the Addendum to the Revised Engineer's Report dated April 18, 2006, both prepared by R.J. Burnside & Associates, and both attached hereto, are hereby adopted and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth is hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith. 2. (1) The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine may borrow on the credit of the Corporation the amount of $418,846.98 beina the amount f t. f th d' ., 't "6L~ 0 . 00 e.-. oii~ '~lo'i at necessary or construc Ion 0 e ralnage w II\S. J-. ., - (2) The Corporation may issue debentures for the amount borrowed less the total amount of, (a) grants received under Section 85 of the Act; (b) commuted payments made in respect of lands and roads assessed within the municipality; (c) money paid under subsection 61 (3) of the Act; . . . /2 . Page 2 Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 By-law By-law No. 2006 - 112 (d) money assessed in and payable by another municipality, and such debentures shall be made payable within 5 years from the date of the debenture and shall bear interest at a rate not higher than the rate charged by the Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation on the date of sale of such debenture. 3. A special equal annual rate sufficient to redeem the principal and interest onthe debentures s.haH be levied upon the lands and roads as set forth in the schedule to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected in each year for 5 years after the passing of this by-law. J,-k 1:l.I.. <l,lca\()'ij 2. ''1 ltos.oo lJ'''' 4. For paying the amount of $20 1:f:lf:lO.OO, being the amount assessed upon the lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality, a special rate sufficient to pay the amount assessed plus interest thereon shall be levied upon the whole rateable property in the Municipality of Kincardine in each year for 5 years after the passing of this by-law to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected. 5. All assessments of $50.00 or less are payable in the first year in which the assessment is imposed. 6. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 7. This by-law may be cited as the "Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 By-Law". READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 21st day of June, 2006. PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED this 21st day of June, 2006. ~ If. A... ~.~dQQerk Mayor --a Glenn R. Sutton Donna MacDougal~ HIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this dl'\d of ~, 2008. - ---- ~ ~ ---- Donna MacDougall C.O$t e.:>ihno.1~S re.lti~~d t-o i t\C.Orpov.a.t.e Crcle.~~ (\~ ihe. App_l i ri bl.L.Hl.l. ...do "'" , , FROM 9 NOTICE OF COMPENSATION PAID Drainage Act Notice is hereby given that compensation for injury to or severance of lands affected by the "BI!lce Mugi.sj,palDr.aip.Jio..19-:2005 Drainage Works" has been paid to ..... .,~~. ....:___.u_~ the owners thereof in respect of the lands described herein in the amounts set out opposite the description of such lands. Concession Parcel of Land or part thereof Hectares affected Compensation paid 3 Lot 8 3.23 $20,000.00 Dated at Municipality of Kincardine this nth day of October, 2008. Q~ ~~c&Q Donna MacDougall JIIIO:;"/,,/. Clerk - Municipality ofKincardine/~;~. ~:,~!~~~~.~ i ..\":.... '~.-:'J!1t ".::.. ..'I ~ ",' ~"':,........ ~~,.." >..~~ "..... :,>a'h' F,'f' ~ ;..; S ~ '" '- ;;;.h ~ ~." - .. '"~~.' .~","'" """'""' ';:'v ",,-'-' ""'....... . ~I ~~i.. .'" N't - .,~. ~. ,~/\\ -;....g""...H.....~~ tl -""'--, .14?J.L Y\i\jQI1!' "'''''/,ufI/f,/1I · · · · THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2006 -112 BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR A DRAINAGE WORKS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE IN THE COUNTY OF BRUCE WHEREAS the requisite number of owners have petitioned the council of the Municipality of Kincardine in the County of Bruce in accordance with the provisions of the Drainage Act., RS.O. 1990, Chapter D.17, requesting that the following lands and roads be drained by a drainage works: Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine has procured a report and an addendum to that report, both prepared by RJ. Burnside & Associates Limited and those reports are attached hereto and form part of this by-law; AND WHEREAS the estimated total cost of constructing the drainage works is $476,840.00; AND WHEREAS $204,660.00 is the amount to be contributed by the municipality for construction of the drainage works; AND WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine is of the opinion that the drainage of the area is desirable; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, under the Drainage Act, ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Revised Engineer's Report dated July 2005, and the Addendum to the Revised Engineer's Report dated April 18, 2006, both prepared by RJ. Burnside & Associates, and both attached hereto, are hereby adopted and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth is hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith. 2. (1) The Corporation ofthe Municipality of Kincardine may borrow on the credit of the Corporation the amount of $476,840.00 being the amount necessary for construction of the drainage works. (2) The Corporation may issue debentures for the amount borrowed less the total amount of, (a) grants received under Section 85 of the Act; (b) commuted payments made in respect of lands and roads assessed within the municipality; (c) money paid under subsection 61 (3) of the Act; . . ./2 · · · · Page 2 Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 By-law By-law No. 2006 - 112 (d) money assessed in and payable by another municipality, and such debentures shall be made payable within 5 years from the date of the debenture and shall bear interest at a rate not higher than the rate charged by the Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation on the date of sale of such debenture. 3. A special equal annual rate sufficient to redeem the principal and interest on the debentures shall be levied upon the lands and roads as set forth in the schedule to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected in each year for 5 years after the passing of this by-law. 4. For paying the amount of $204,660.00, being the amount assessed upon the lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality, a special rate sufficient to pay the amount assessed plus interest thereon shall be levied upon the whole rateable property in the Municipality of Kincardine in each year for 5 years after the passing of this by-law to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected. 5. All assessments of $50.00 or less are payable in the first year in which the assessment is imposed. 6. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 7. This by-law may be cited as the "Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 By-Law". READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 21st day of June, 2006. PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED this 21st day of June, 2006. ~¡(. ~. Mayor ~~ READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this of ,2006. Mayor Clerk '~JOdBJSI4IUopaseqsuoIPBJOapeWSUOIS!3ap!OllnSaJeseAUl!dpJI41.1ue .lq paJajjns 'Aue!1 'saDewep JOt AIII!qlsuodsBJ ou Sldaooe pa)jw!l Sale!oossv 1iI apIsuJn8 T'lJ 'salued PJI4. 40ns fa Sal~!I!q!suod~aJ 041 aJe '1! ua paseq apew SUOjSloap JO uo OOUl!IIBJ Aue JO 'lJodill sI41 fO sa~l!w Ailed PJI4~ e 40j!jM asn AuV 'UOlleJedaJd fa OW!l 64118 alql!l!e~e uOl18WJoluI 841!O 14DII Uj 1uawo6pn! )saq SloaHallJodill Sl41 uI le!1all!W au 8017 66M :ON al!~ 800l aunr epeue:) OMl ElON NO we~6u!M 0 l X08 Od laaJIS au!~dasor 61717 pal!W!l Sale!~Oss\t 'i1 ap!suJn8T"1:I Aq paJedaJd /Bunqpl/Baddt/ oqlJO SJOpJO pUB DOOl 'OJ /pdt/IO wnpuappt/6U/lBJOdJ03U/ aU!pJe:JU!)Ilo AJ!led!:J!unlAl SOOZ . 6l .ON U!eJO led!:J!unlAl a:JnJB JJodaU S,JaaU!6U3 paS!Aau 030N31A1" 'JG!SNtlflg o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~;;;;;;? : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EO. 66M pal!Wn S81epOSS\f lb> ap!suJR8 T'H SOOZ 'ZI ;"lunf pal!W!l Sale!30SS\f 'lI ap!SUJna T 'II 'pod;"l(I P;"lPU;"lUIlJ S!qllI! ;"llUP Ol dn lqllnOJq U;"l;"lq ;"lA13q Sd!qSl;"lUM.O ;"lS;"lql 'Al!113d!:l!unW ;"lqlJO lS;"lnb;"ll ;"lqll13 'Al11U!PlO:l:lV 'p;"lllUllq:l ;"lA13q Sd!qSl;"lUM.O AlJ;"ldOJd ;"llliOS 'P;"ll13d;"lld S13M pOd;"l(I 113lI!llpo ;"lql ;"l:lU!S Sl13;"lA ;"l;"lJqllSOllil13 S! l! ;"l:lU!S 'uo!lnmsqns Aq ;"lp13lli U;"l;"lq ;"lA13q SlU;"llUpU;"llli13 ;"lql 'sllu!M.13lp ;"lql UO PU13 S;"l:l!pU;"lddV ;"lql U! 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S8l[- Oltl- PI:;)!} lfnnonfl :Y.:lllds )}lOM [uuoP!PPV Ol ZOO 'uH 60'0 Octl- 9lSl- '18UO:) layu "1A Plf W pUZ uO!l~mpOJd 180'1 Ol z-o "H 60'0 Octl- 91Sl- ::louds )[lOM lSaMjO ;)::lUBfB8: Ot 0'[ 9 OS Octl- 91S1- Play ll'i5'noll{l ;xmds )jl0M IBua!HPPY I 091 0'1 9 [ZZ 91S[- LELl- Play lI.\3nollll ~::l1lds ~lOM. pmo1l!PPV OZ9 0'[ Zl LIt S8Zl- LELl- PI~Y q'BnoJtp smJJnq lfI.oa t UD;) 6 1-01 OJUtlW "0 EW I OLtt OS SS:;I';)';)V OOSE ,It LELl- OSll- 'BUpu~::I OlE 0'1 9 Elt LELl- om:- PI~Y lJ'BnoJlp :Y.>uds 31JOM fUuonJPPV 019 0'[ Zl Elt LEL[- OSll- PPY q'BnolljJ sJ::'lJJnq qlog f uO:) g lOl OJlJnW'O lW I Ot9 OSZ 00'[ v DOS 'lSUO:) J::'l:yB 'J.( PJf W puZ u01l:)npoJd lSO'] OSl 00'1 t OOS ':y')llds 'BUppOM Ol PI~Y SSOJOU SSg:)oV 01 l'O O[ Ot OOEl- Ottl- l~uU"l~qo MOlJJ~AO JOJ ~:)Uds 31JOM I Ot 1'0 9 l8S l8S 0 lfsnq lJ'BnoJlll ~,;)llds 31JO M 06 1'0 Zl ,SS o8S 0 qsnq lJ'BnoJlll SJ:;IJJna t uO:) t.. 1-01 {addoll TiI"!'!")!'!".l 1"1 I UO!:w:od u;)dO U!ll.laU!HI-\l IHJO:j.-qnS ($) (w) (w) (w) (w) UO"";lS MOllV "o:j.aHiI Q1P1A\ IIJ5u;}'I 'l::lS 'illS u,as"Q ""UMO UO!.}J"S I uO!lJas .(q uOlpas OO'OOS gJ:)ll/$ OS'SEC'[ :;IJllP::'lq / $ S:;I'alluma I SNOU V'1Il::l'1V::l :>l::lNV MO'1'1V :>l~VWVa - Of NOU::l:>lS I - 9\1- I I I SWOE $ 'IVJ.O.LlHlS I S9n 5Z SS;Xl~V OIt 0.1 9 LIS L8tl 0(61 ppy qilnOllJl aonds )[JOM fBUO!l!PPV I 0,8 0.1 n LIS L8ve 0(61 Play q2nollJ.l1annq lSBa '8lJl.JON Z 110;) 91 W'l'ld !addolI '0 78 '8 LIW Of 0, O.Z 9 Oe 0(61 0161 9I~~1 plwJapfS tClnndplunw 9IW I 5LL SZ 5Say.:ry 05e 0.1 9 Sf, 0161 5LSI Play q2nollll ;};lBds )flOM llluo!l1PPV OOS 0.1 n Sf[ 0161 SLSI PI::'lY qiluOJLJl JaJJuq lSBg 1fJ 11~oN Z liD;) SllO'1'ld Flddo)f 'D 78 'g SlW I 01 01 O.Z 5 Ot 5Lll Z551 f-Z pnoll'UO;) hl!!nd!olullJi\l ,lW IV, SZ SS;}:):)'\f I OIl 0.1 9 5tI llSl LOtI PJay qilnoJlp g:)nds ){lOM \tlUOmppv OIZ 0.1 n IVI ZISI LO,l Play Ij:ihl01lJl1:l]Juq l[lloN (" lIO;) ~1101 [oddo)] .D [lW OLtl 01 (hTIM8UU1) SS;):):)"\? I Ot, 0.1 9 161 LOtI 918 Play: 1]2uOll(l ;):)"Eds )jlOM jTIUOllIPPV 088 0.1 n 165 LOtI 918 ppy q2noJlp J:;lJJuq 1813;} W lplON f liD;) vI WI la;)J.':!')l18'O nw I 015 01 5S;}:):)V OSl 0.[ 9 60l 918 L09 Play lli1noJtIl :;louds "laM pmolHPPV 01, 0.1 n 60Z 918 L09 p(ay q2no.Iql JG]Juq lplON f UO;) fl101 'ld j:laJd')l7'8'D llW I OL(e OD,l [91 L09 9" 2upuad 06v 0.1 "H j'O L09 9tv 'lSlIOO layn ',lil: p1t: 7fI pUl uOll"::lIlpoJd 1-S01 06v o-J "tlH t,.O L09 9tt SPUlIBlj:J pasodOJd pun 'X;} U;};}M1;:)q ~y.mds )[JOA'\, I O( 0.1 9 ,t 68t 9" Pl~g qiinmI[l ::l:mds '1JOM fBuo1l!PPY 09 0.1 n EV 68t 9PV PI::lg l[iinOJl{l J::lJJnq lpJON f UO;) fI WI 'ld A::lSB;)';) tfl oJUtlW '0 01W OL" OS SS::l~~V I 000, VE, 9,v ZIl ~lJPlJgd OLl o-I 9 tEZ 9tv lIZ Pl~g lIiinoJlp g:)Bds )jJOM IBuomppv OS[ o-I n vEL 9PV lIZ Plgg lliinoJI[l SJ;1JJnq qlOH f no;) fI 1O'l 'ld A;1SB;) ';) tfl OJlInW '0 6W I OE,v OS SS;1;);)V 005E np nz VlZ- ilupU::ld OLt 0.1 6 nt 1I, v[,- pJag l['S1l0l41 ;1::JI'lds '1JOM pUB ,l::lJJnq l[JnoS I OL (.0 6 nz nl 0 qsnq ~noJlll ;1;)Bds ){JOM pUB J;11Jnq l[J.ION OVZ 0.) 6 vlZ 0 tle- Pl;1g qilnoll{l g;)Bds )jJOM pUB J;1JJnq q~JON E UO;] 1I 10'1 oJUt1W'O 8W p;}nUnUO;) - UOTJ.lOd uado I Ul8.1Q U!8J\l IU101-qnS ($) (lU) (lU) (lU) (lU) uO!J"';)S M.OllV .IOJ;mi:l lIlP!A\ lIJ::!:O;}'l 'uJS '81S ul..,S;}O .I;)UA\Q uOlpaS I UOTl",);)S Aq UO!paS OO.OOS ;1JOU/$ OnEZ'[ anrpaq I $ safumrna SNOlL V'HlJ'1VJ JDNV MO'1'1V 3DVWVO - Of NOlLJJlS I -N- I ------ I I I 0178'9 $ 'IVLOLHJlS I GlfijcJnllS Il'RlSU! 01 G~'Rds )):101\\ OJ 01 0.1 0, S Ol9S ZI UO;) ZZ lO'l ll!::JGlqIV '31f1 .'1 OIl I Ov9 OS SS:Y.)';)V OS 0.1 l 61, Ol% lOts 'lSUO::J IGlJB .1A P1S 1fl puz uo!pnpold lSO'1 OtS 0.1 Ol 61, 0,% lOts dom qst!~ Ij'i5nollll ::l::J'Rds )):lO 1\\ I ZI lIO;) Il lO'l UOSlGqd::J'RJi\I 'W''11fl 'V'f OIl 01 01 o-z S 01 lOPS [L" ~ 1 pno'U AlUnO;) ~IUEl JO Alllno;) 6L I OOEl OS SS::lo::JV Oll 0.[ , 19v [L[S 0[6v 'lSUO:) l;1lJB 'lA P.lS W PUl uOFpnpOld lSO'1 Ovll 0.[ Ol [9v [L[S 016t dOl:) 11SBO qilnolq} :;):)13ds )jlO M 1 lIO;) lllO'1 UOSl::ll[douW 'TD 8L I 0, 0, 0., S 0, 016v 068t ll-Ol pnOl;1P!S AlHBd!o!ullW LL 001'1 OS SS:'IOOV on n , L6v 068v [6[t .lSUOO l;11JR '1'\ pIS 1fl puz uO!lOnpOld lSO'1 I OEZl 0.1 Ol L6v 0681' [6[v dOlO l[SB~ q'i5nOll}l :'lORds )):lO.M. I UO;) OZ lO'l l:;}Jd:'lll)l.)l1f1'g 9L OS9 OS SS::looy I OS S.O , [tv [6[t OS6[ 'lSUOO l::llJU 'lA pJS 1fl pUl uomllpOld lSO'1 OSS S.O OZ [vv [6[t OS6[ ::lJl1lSnd llE'nollll ::louds )[JoM. I lIO;) 61 lO'l ;1gqM. 'D SL 089 OS SS::lOOV I Oc S.O l OLl OS6E 08L[ .1SlIOO l;1lJ13 'lA Pl( tfl puz uO!lonpo.ld lSCY] 01, S.O Ol OLl OS6[ 08L[ :Ulllst!d 1[13n011[1. Gocds )[101\\ 06 EO Ol [Sl 08L[ 6l9[ l[snq qi11l01ql .xmds )jlO 1\\ O[ S.O , 6ll 6l9[ OOVE 'lSUOO l:;:qp~ '1'\ Pl( 1fl pUl uOjl~mpold lSO'l I 08l S.O Ol 6,l 6,9[ OOt[ GJUlsnd q'i5n0111l ;1~'Rds )j10 M. I UO;) 8llO1 PP'U '178 .WW '0 tL 06L OS SS;10~V I 09 0.1 Z 9t, 90[[ 090[ 'lSUOO l;1lJB .1A PIE 1fl puZ UO!l:Jnp01d lSO'l 019 0.1 0, 9t, 90[1 0901 dOl;) qst!o Ijfi'no1q1 ;1onds )[10 M. OL [.0 Ol 601 090[ [S6 qsnq IJlfno1ql :;Jo13ds )[10 M. l UO;) 81 lO'l UM.OJg 'a tfl B EL I 099 09 S.O l 88v [S6 [9v '15UOO J;1lJU .JA Pl( W PUlllO!pnpOJd lSOl 009 S.O 0, 88v [S6 [9v 'GltllSlJd tlsuO qlfn01l[l. ;1ocds )jJo M l UO;) 81 lOl UMOJa 'Q 78 'H ZL I 089 OS ss:;)o:)V 09 S.O l E9v [9v 0 'lSUOO .lG:lJR '1'\ P1E 79 puZ uOjlonpOld lSOl OLS S.O Ol E9v [9v 0 ':;)JnlSBd qsno qlfnolql ;1ot!ds )):JON1 Z UO;) L.I lO'l Sdl ~ Al!It!d!~!unw II I uOP.lod paso);) lI!luuufllJ\j IUJOl~qns ($) (w) (w) (w) (w) I UO!pJS M.OIlV ,1Opuif qJP!A\ QliJUJ'l 'UlS 'UlS u,Jsaa ,I;}UMO uo!pas UO!lJaS .{q uo!pas OO.OOS ;11::m/$ OS.S[l'l GJU1:JGq/$ sa'i5mma I SNOU V'IIl::>'IV::> :;:r::>NVM.O'I'IV :;:rDVWVa - O~ NOU::>:;:rS I - B\f- OtO't $ 'IY~OHIIlS 0, 0, 00'1 OZ OZ Ot> 0, 0,'0 Z SIt OZ, 0,'0 OZ SIt OE OE OO'Z , ZZ 06Zl Ozl 00'1 Z ,Lv OLII 00'1 OZ ,Lv OZ,] OOZ 00'1 v ,01' OOZ 00'[ I' ,01' DO] 00'] Z Ell' OZOI 00'] OZ HI' OS, 0, 00'] Z tIZ DE, 00'] OZ tIZ IBlol-qns UO!paS ($) MOllY .lOpga (w) (w) qlP!M. ql~n.'I 00'00, .,Jtl/$ Z6,1 Z6,1 tLll Z,II Z,II (w) 'BIS I'Ll I I'Ll I Z,II LL9 LL9 LL9 LL9 t9Z t9Z (w) 'BIS UOn;)as A:q UO!paS 'l{3UlllHJO pm lUuallsctn punam a3uds )flOM.. E uO:) L 110'1 ,.dIBM '0 'lSU03 ml]H '1,.( Plf 18 puZ uo~pnpoJd +501 PPY q~no.ujl.o.ds )jlO M E uO:) 91 10'1 UMOlt[ '0 W 'H 91-,1 pool.P!S Al!Iud!o!unW 'lSUOJ la:jJtl '1,.( Plf tfl puz UOfpnpOld +501 dOl:,) 1.JStl:J l(2no.II[l a013ds )}Jo.M. E uO:) ,I 10'1 ,.ddoll '0 t9Z t9Z 'lSUOO Jayu 'M Plf 18 puZ uon-JupoJd :).501 V I(JUlUg 0+ U!lUa up3W lUOl] Play S50J:)13 sw:)oV 'lSUOO la:Y:B 'JA Plf 7f/ puZ uop::mpOld :}Sol dOlO qseJ q:3noll[l a::reds )flOM E uO:) 1'1 10'1 '..'d ')I W '0 0, 0, 'lSUOO .lanE 'XA Plf tfl puz: uop.JnpOJd :}SO'] dOJClllSBJ ~noJl[l a::mds Y110 fA E uO:) H 1O'1'ld a '..'d ')I W '0 "IJSOJU J"'UMO OS',EZ" .,.poq / $ s.~.umo SNOIl.V'lil:J'lV:J :il:JNV A\.O'l'lV :ilDVWVa - Of NOI.L;):ilS - 6V- I I I I I I I I I ,v I ,v I tv EV I I ZV I IV I U!BJU paso);) V qouulI I UOn:J;ls I I I I I I I I I I I 08z'rz $ ,]V~O~llJlS 08It 08It on L>S L8tl 0[61 Z liD;) 91 lOi'ld pddo"U '0 W 'f{ LIJAl OI," OI,l O,.L ,Et 0161 ,L,I z: UO;) ~l101'ld JOddoll "D 11 .f] ,UAl OEL OEL 00., ,tI l>SI LOtI E liD;) SI 10'1 I~ddolI '0 EIV\! OI6l OI6l OOS 18, LOtI 908 E UO;) PI lO'l .l:;J~Jd ')I W 'D ZIV\! 0,01 0,01 00., 60l 918 L09 t liD;) EllO'l'ld .la;u.'!")JW'0 I IV\! Ole Oll 00., Et 68t 9tv E UO;] fI 1.01 'ld A'JS\'l;J';) W o.lunw '0 OIV\! OlII 088 00., 9LI 9tv OLl OtI on 8t on lIe E liD;) fI 101 'M ,{gS8;:Y;J 7'fJ OJUllW '0 6V\! 090c 066 on L61 ZIl ,I OLOI on tIc 0 tIL- L liD;) '(:1 :).01 OlUl1w'a 8V\! 09Il 09Il 00., lEt tle- "9- EUO;) 111-01 'pn SWJlld I;;lAU;~)I LV\! 001 001 00-, Ol tOL- t6L- E liD;) or l01 Ollll1W'Q ,V\! 09tl 09tl 00., 16t t6L- ,81I- t UO;) OI 101 OlllllW'Q tV\! 06LI 089 00., ,EI ,81I- OlPI- OlII 00.' III 91,1- LELI- E liD;) 6 101 olunw: '0 EV\! 0661 OEDI 00-, ,0, LELI- ,t6I- 096 00., 161 6,61- O,Il- E UO;) 810'1 omllW'O lV\! 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ANV S3:;)N3WWO;) 3:H 3:ll0iT3H ONI.LnIM. NI 3;)I.LON SA va L .LSV3'1 .LV A.LnIOH.LDV aVOil3H.L 3:AlO '1'1VHS ilO.L;)W.LNO;) 3Hl '6 'A1pDl[+nv Plloil :Jll+ Aq p:Jl!nb:Jl Sll :Jq [[1l11s AllM.-JO-+ll'1l!l :Jll1 UO s:Jxoq UO!pun[ pUB S+:J[U! 'SU!Sllqll::Jl1l::J]O do+ :Jll+]O UO!lllA:J[:J :Jll1 pUll 'UO!+B::JO[ ':JdA1 :Jlll '8 Z JO l aIled 3G!SNllilg 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I s6U!MeJO 9 x!puaddV I I <0 I I I NOTES ~ = THIS AREA MAY BE UNDERDRAINED INTO MAIN DRAIN I I I I I I I N.l.___lOHSHAlJ.IIEMa<mND1oelRD"" 'JIIEolQ8_1KI~IlUSTIlERfI'(Ift1I:Ilro;HEEIQIEIR ___lIItw-. rr,gTtE:RE:Sl'llI<!M.JlOf'lHEOJH1RAeT\lRro_HMSUfOf'1HE f'.qJ)T\.OCAllC1ilF.__....lI.IlII1TYF<III~WN.l. 0lIlTES,mM<:ESNIISll'lUCRIR[SWI€IlIDl__0fl8El.OW ,"""",_~1HElI<IRI<.9IC1I_1I<IfiISMOT llECESSNll.1_ON'lHEDAA~_\HJlE_1HE N::OJtW:rtNtlOTIlEWNIN<JWl. a:ui~~n1i~=~ 1U__lIA'JEIlI.\I.lH.lU.CONFOflIlro<:tIT1RO _S1__1!CtlSAMI DIlIl_ lHISDRAMHGAHDAU.AssoaAlEDllOCIJIoIENTATlOH RENAl'l THE SOLE PROPEIlTYI:K R.J. BURNStDE oIIND AS5OaAlESUIolITEll, AHYREPRODUCT1ON WTHOUTlHE: EXl'llESSEO 'IIRlTlel CONSeNT Of" R.J. BURNSlDE& ASSQaATESUloIlTEllISSTRlC1l.YPROHlBITEll. I NO. RE\'IllIONS APP'D DATE - .,lI.lI .lJNEiOOS I I I J.R.DICKSOJi P.ENG. J.UI<lBRIDE P.ENG. BURNSiDE MUNICIPALITY I OF KINCARDINE I PLAN BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No.19 I -~ DRAWN DESIGNED ISSUED CH~KW ~ i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I XI ~f-om o...8:Jf-O 0-0 <( 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 (9 Z I U 0- U VJ W o I E o o MAIN ~~ E If) cD o DRAIN I i E If) o E If) Q) o ~ E o i I OPEN I I T. & K. & . & J. ROPPEL I (368-7443) LOT 7, CONC 3 I , PORTION I /" I /' ,y ~/ /~~p~ .~~~~ ~~W///'.~~ --m~,~ Ol Ol c.: n II (Jl '-- o BOTTOM TRIM EX. CHANNEL 1"8,09m @ .1% o o o + o :::;: o o '" + N 1 I CONSTRUCT OVERFLOl CHANNEL THROUGH MELDER IN THIS AREA AS PER DRAWINGS W99403-10&11A EXCAVATE NEW STRAIGHT I I - CHANNEL WITH 2: 1 SS FOR APPROX. 30m !S 0 LAN & FILL & ~EED OLD CHtNNEL ! J ') I DEEPEN EXISTING ICHANNEL CREATE 400mm DEEP POOLS, I 2.~m LONG @ BENDS @ 50m INTERVALS" SEED SPOIL, I I I I 46t-00m:@ 0"12% I I I 000 000 N n ~ + + + 000 :::;: :::;: :::;: 1 '1 'I o on + + o ~ :::;: ~ N W .. Z "" <( " --' (Jl oj n II (Jl o E n I o o If) + o :::;: ---- ----- I i E ~ D. MUNRO LOT 8, CONC 3 I I I I i BENCHMARKS BM#42: NAIL AND FLAG IN EAST FACE OF 0.3 ~ MAPLE TREE 5m WEST OF CROSSING IN LOT 7 (JOHN ROPPEL)@ STA -2+415 ELEV=40.44 BM#43: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE OF FENCE POST o!s 20m SOUTH OF DRAIN ON F!L P!L OF LOT 6!7 ELEV=38.68 I 7 I EXISTING PRIVATE TILE OIL / / r! ( o o m n II (Jl '-- o o N 0 :g cD + + o 0 " :::;: o '" + N 1 ~I o::l--om D....0...1-0 O-W <(0 I I 42 41 40 39 38 PROFILE BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No.19 MAIN DRAIN OPEN PORTION MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE SCALE: 1: 2500 VERT 1:50 OWG. No. W99403 - 2 DATE: JUNE 2008 "'Joo.."",.",,,.~P.OJl""Q,_om.""I,,,'..HOO.~""'C,,,,,,:Io ' (j""BURNSIDE- : -----' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I XI E E E E E E E E 22>-om o...8:JI---O '<t (J) LO ({) '<t 0 ({) n "-0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ <( I D. MUNRO I I D. MUNRO I LOT 8 LOT 9 48 \ I 1368-7334 , 368- 7334) \ T.&K.&J.&J. ROPPEL LOT 7 (368 7443) 47 46 45 44 43 42 40 39 E E OJ r-- MAIN DRAIN OPEN PORTION I I-- I I BENCHMARKS BM#1: NAIL AND FLAG IN EAST FACE OF FENCE POST ojs 20m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA 0+000 (MID LOT 12) ELEV~50.00 I I I I I I I I I-- BM#34: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE FENCE POST ojs 11m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA -0+214 ELEV=48.88 I-- BM#35: NAIL AND FLAG IN SOUTH FACE OF FENCE POST ojs 10m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA -0+420 ELEV=47.86 I-- BM#36: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE OF FENCE POST ojs 4m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA -0+645 ELEV=46.73 IA 1\ i2______ /~ ./ / 41 81m @ 0.,)470 r- CONSTRUCT NEW'CHANNEL AND FILL OLD CHANNEL I o Z I () o o ({) + ~ I :;:::5 "'"' ++ II o 00 "''<t ++ II o 0", noo ++ II "- () (f) w o '" ...J 00 " "' ...J ...J u. + " " 0 u. u. ...J ::;; " Q. 0 E E E XI E E E E 0 a::>-om N LO n LO '<t r-- r-- "- "->-0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "-w <(0 D. MUNRO KEN VEL FARMS C(P L. HENDRY LOT 10 LOT 11 - 1368-7334) (270-2088) 48 I -I SIDEROAD 10j11 I I I I I BUSH /~ ~/ o o N + ~ I 626m @ 0.34% DEEPEN AND WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL o 0"' ~" +~ II /~ / v /I!, ~ /~~ ,!;o,dwr~ \ ^' f/ /rll!:/ll!.'tII/$//$1jP1V ~ % %wWP~ ~ % /~/B:44.65 'II I I 'I ~ UjS IjV-44.49 /1! II I I ~ DjS D/B=44.45 A 117/; r, '11 l..t V- ----- D jS I/V~44.29 jJ I .'lji1717 ! fill 'l hJP.t- 1111'//1//), I~, ,A' 1"111 ~/;,l;//IIl/; ~7' '7~/1;;7/I/j1//,j.JYf'" 1/ 'l 1f%%Ww~$!jPv- I tw~ W:WWIJPY ~~ @W% ~v- /~ ~ A%1;~fWrfit~~~R ~. ~~~~ V I^I_ /1'4/;w~~~ !~~! /1~~:~~~~ J /,II~I II '111/1111 Ilyr- ~.!(~~ TILE OIL /11/1111 '1/11 "O::J" ill 'II 0 I => A-;b!f0;l; Ifll ~ut/s ~j~=;~:~~ Jljlllll i'--DjSD/B=39.70 'l / /X/Iv I'-- DjS I/V=39.54 ~I I I D jB~39.00 _' 17m @ 1.47% I 10m @ 1..)% I ' NEW 1600mm~ x 2.8mm NEW 1600mm~ x 2.8mm s,sp r.u VFRT SRSP CULVERT 190m @ 0.37% 431m @ 0.39% DEEPEN AND WIDEN DEEPEN AND WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL EXISTING CHANNEL 00000 0 LO 0 0 "'''' 0 0 0 ..---..--- 0 l(l-q. rn CXJ ['-... + + + ';'';' + + + N N N ..--- ..--- ..--- I I I I I I I I ! I BUSH ON SOUTH CONFLUENCE WITH TRIB. FROM SOUTH ~I--" / 47 46 45 44 BENCHMARKS BM#37: NAIL AND FLAG IN SOUTHWEST FACE OF FENCE POST ojs 5m OF DRAIN @STA -1+050 ELEV~44.73 SOUTHWEST 43 BM#38: NAIL AND FLAG IN WEST FACE OF FENCE POST ojs 5m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA -1+285 ELEV~44.32 BM#39: NAIL AND FLAG IN EAST FACE OF FENCE POST ojs 15M NORTH OF NEW CHANNEL @ STA -1+506 ELEV=43.80 42 BM#40: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE FENCE POST ojs 12m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA -1+954 ELEV=43.10 BM#41: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE OF FENCE POST ojs 5m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA -2+154 ELEV~41.05 ...J w...J Zw Zz ~~z +o~ ~3:o Ow . @zQ E0-l a:::>:::::! ",,,,u. >-0 <J')z 6< o z W ~Q---l ",o;<w '" z 'oz oz< @<'" o EQ . OQ.X ",ww w o \ I o o o + ~ I , o o (J) + o I o 0..,. 1i = II ...J w...J Zw Zz <z ~:r:<.( "'0", ~~u Ow . @ZQ E0....J O:J::::! ",,,,u. >-0 <J')z 6< o I E E>- 00'" .w ~0J> Ox5 o 0 -" @EO E< Eoo 0'" ~tOa... -<J') 0;<'" w<J') Z o ..,.0..,. ~~ +++ =0 II I ...J " Q. ...J " u. 41 ...J w...J Zw Zz ~~~ "0", ~3;U Ow . @z(j E t;....J O):::>::::;:! ",,,,u. >-0 <J')z 6< o PROFILE BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No.19 MAIN DRAIN OPEN PORTION MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE / 634m 0.37% DEEPEN AND WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL o 0 o 0 (() J.[) + + o 0 I I DWG. No. W99403 - 3 SCALE: HQRZ 1:5000 VERT 1:50 "' ..,. '" + o I DATE: JUNE 2008 ..9_...SI'.."P_O'"""'<1.'IM.-....,~""'io.NOO"<<leo..od. 1~_.(S"l357_152'f"{SI9)~S'_J62....,....._'J>,,"""'_"9'" ~ BURNSiDE ~ .........J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I XI E Of- E E E E O:::(Lom Q...WI--Q f'- OJ L[) f'- f'- (LO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <( D. MUNRO LOT 12 55 (368- 73341 KENVEL FARMS C/O L. HENDRY I LOT 11 (270-2088) MAIN DRAIN - OPEN 54 I , 48 47 46 o Z I U (L U (f) W o E f'- E f'- PORTION 53 52 BUSH ON NORTH I 51 50 ~ ~ .---- 49 / // -(III A1FIIII /1-- Ii"Vll'i/II.;;; 171;/,1/,/1 I //1 Vljll//;III/f/lll:.t-- --7 "rf III r/;; ;;/IIIJ7.;J.V- g;!;:\~ J17771111r/a Vllliiiv--' ~~~~ trill I I 1IIII V 1I;\l1l II -,. 'VII!,//;;;;//;'IIII u/s D/B-47.35 ~'-<:.~ ./'1 1/1/1111111,1111. '" u/s I/V 47.19 o(f](f]o 1II11 17;/111,'1 ~ DIS D/B 47.20 ~6~~ ~ / III ,////11/ D/S I/V 47.04 0::0 AI.'l'IIIIIIII I I /dVIII Wfl'I-k'lV I / /ve--- ---------- E <D E <D E OJ E E E N L[) n ~ ~ ~ I G. & K. FREER E. HALF LO~113 (368- 7428 E E E XI ~f-om '" 01 01 o..CJI--O ~ ~ ~ (LO <( I 55 E L[) E L[) E <D D. MUNRO & CA CASE W.HALF LOT,13 (368 73341 I I G. & K. FREER LOT 14 (368-74281 I ! .----/ L---- V / ~--------~r171$WVm __________~ ,,~ d /1/l/lm;WW /J~%WV/II0f: ~II II/ I I .,f/;IIIII,'///J./Y'I ~ 1/ ',dllllll/IIL~ g EXISTINGld~XISTINGI / .4111111/jUY ~ PRIVATE PRIVATE I __--+.. fern I I I I / I /1 L.J- d\ TILE OIL TILE O/LI -...; III. '- / ~T71if /P;jJV 0 Y cr7 'T '/ I T1,- II I, 'i/I)I; j.-v I II YI/;III17IIIIIII~ BENCHMARKS II 1-...-,cl;117IVIIIV//I1v ~::J';f:;; BM#l: NAIL AND FLAG IN EAST FACE OF FENCE POST o/s u/ r; II I~ II 1111111/ 5l5l5l5l 20m SOUTH OF DRAIN@STAO+000(MIDLOT12) '111/ / II / 'j..V'~ II II II II ELEV=50.00 , ~I 11111'/11 ,I II I I~ ~<:. <:.~ BM#2: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE OF FENCE POST @ -~ I@WV/iI?//lP i~~ ~~i~I~\~~(~~6.fiT o/s 20m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA 1/1111/ IIJllv- /~ / /' / BM#3: NAIL AND FLAG IN SOUTH FACE OF FENCE POST @ FENCE LINE OF MID LOT 13 POST o/s 20m NORTH OF DRAIN @ STA 0+607 ELEV=51.68 BM#4: NAIL AND FLAG IN WEST FACE OF 0.3~ ELM TREE o/s 1.5m EAST OF DRAIN @ STA 1+157 ELEV=53.59 54 53 52 51 50 49 f- 48 , PROFILE z...)- BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No.19 Ww 13 9 z MAIN DRAIN '"Z d o:;:~ OPEN PORTION @ ~ U MUNICIPALITY . '" Ez OF ~ ~ ~ KINCARDINE ~~~ o o '" + o I 15m @ 1.D070 NEW 1600mm ~ x 2.8mm I SRSP CULVERT 634r'n @ 0:37% I I 9EEPEN AND ,WIDEN p. C~ANNE~ I o ",0 0 o _0 0 n 'f'0J ~ + 0+ + o 10 0 I I I 1 m @ .00% NfW ~6, 2pm~, V~D~~mm I 250m @ 0.39% I DEEPEN AND WIDEN EXISllNG CHANNEL I 135m@ o 38% 197m @ 0.38% DEEPEN CONSTRUCT I AND WIDEN NEW~I IANNEL II _ __ AN FILL I EXISTING -~EXISTIN CHANNEL I CHANNEL 10m @ 1.00% NEW ~'t,O~mn; II~ I;R~.8mm 209m @ 0.38% T DEEPEN AND WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"' i!20 ON "'"' 0 = *~ q; 0 05 o ~ NN ~n ~ <.C(Q r--- ++ + + ++ ++ + ++ + ++ ++ + 00 00 00 =0 CP 000 cP 0 0 ..J 0 ..J '- 0 '- [L + [L 0 <( _un < [L ..J '- "- ............... 374m @ 0.39% DEEPEN AND v.:IDEN EX. CHANNEL I I o 0= OJ~ +++ 0= SCALE: HORZ 1: 5000 VERT 1:50 o o 01 + o o o o + o o o o N + + DWG. No. W99403 - 4 DATE: JUNE 2008 H9 Jo""""',S"..,. e_o.e", w, """""..,,, On'_."'G2WJeoo_ ,..",,,,,,. (51'}~'-15:l1 '0< ('19) 357_"24 .~"""~p.,."",~,,", ..J '- [L <<1 BURNsiDE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 23m @ 0.87% S&I BORED 800mm x 9.0mm SWWSP CULVERT 352m @ 0.20% DEEPEN AND WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL 338m @ 0.28 CLEAN OUT BOTT M I 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 N en 0 0 0 en "'- z n ~ L[) en en ill r--- OJ I + + + + + + + + u ~ 0... U UJ W 0 0.3 % T BO OM 0 0 0 0 0 0 r--- cn<D 0 0 0 0 0 OJ mJ)~ 0 N n ~ ~ +;!:;!: + + + + + + ~ N N N N N N 0 0 0 + 0 --' I LO'-<oO .,-o..-n ..f++.,f L()LOL{)L() 1111 II II m?>m "-.:0"-,,- o -0 "'''' "'''-''-''' ...........0::>............ o ::> 58 57 _ 1/ ;:;: c1j'1O/L RCSP~55.84 D /B~55.60 II . liv Oil BOSS 2000=55.90 IjV I/L RCSP~55.85 I 56 55 BENCHMARKS BM#5: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE OF 100~ ASH TREE o/s 30m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA 1+407 (LOTLINE 14/15) ELEV~55.55 BM#6: NAIL AND FLAG IN SOUTH FACE OF HYDRO POLE ON WEST SIDE OF SIDEROAD 15/16 o/s 75m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA 1+914 ELEV=57.23 BM#7: NAIL AND FLAG IN SOUTH FACE OF 0.3~ ASH o/s 2.0m LEFT OF DRAIN @ STA 2+350m ELEV=57.33 BM#8: NAIL AND FLAG IN SOUTH FACE OF 1.0~ ASH TREE o/s 3m LEFT OF DRAIN @ STA 2+487 ELEV=57.68 54 PROFILE BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 MAIN DRAIN OPEN PORTION MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 13m @ 1.15% NEW 1400mm x 2.8mm SRSP CULVERT 6m x 800mm ~ RCSP @ 0.18% SCALE: HORZ 1: 5000 VERT 1:50 DWG. No. W99403 - 5 DATE: JUNE 2008 "'Jo""".St,..t,~.O,8<.lo.~."""",.,NO"2WOoo'do '''.p'''""(519)~S7_152' r",,(519) JS'-Ji24 w'" """.rpo,n_.oo<1l tj BURNSiDE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I XI E E E E E E E E E E E ~f-O> E E E o..o..f-"-... f'. CXJ CXJ I") L[) CD I") ()) ~ L[) I") I"- ()) 0 W _ 0..0 ~ ~ ~ 01 01 ~ ~ ~ 01 01 01 ~ ~ 01 <{ MUNklPALlTY OF KINCARDINE I I H. & D. BROWN LOT 18, CONC. 2 LOT 17, CONC. 2 (368-7473) I I 23m x 600mm ~ ,CSP @ 0.871' I I I 2187m xI 400nt 000 o 0"' 0 0 -:;j- ~~ L() to + ++ + + o 3S 0 0 -' -' -' 64 I MAIN DRAIN CLOSED OUTLET PIPE DETAIL LO+OOO (2+487) 63 (800m m ~ R CSP ;) 55.84 I/V 0 I~, RCSP ~m~ BOSS 2000 62 I I -'/",55.90 /1 I/V OiL / I BOSS 2000 " ~ A'M' ,D' 55.85 I/V I/L RCSP 61 60 900x1200 JB & O/S -, OICB \ T IjB=59.60 ~ / ~" [FILL ~ ~ / \ //~ 59 MUNICIPALITY WILL COM P LETE CUT IFILL AS SHOWN. 58 ----- ~ ---- ------ - 57 ~ ------ -- -------- I/V I/L=57.45 I/V 0/L=57.40 B/JB=57.10 ~ 56 ------ -- ",-II ?7 ~ : ____----v 1///1 'I III II/V OiL BOSS 2000 55.90 r///I/I / hi ---- I/v I/L RCSP=55.~5 6m x 8bOmm ~ I I RCSP @ 0.34% I I I J 434T x 690mm I~ BOSiS 200? @ 0'134% 81 01 + o -' 55 o Z I o o o 'OJ- + 01 o qg CO ++ 03 -' + o -' o o o o n + o -' CL o if) w o f"- ro ..;- + '" PORTION y / / / -~ 1/ I 900x1200 I / / IJB //1 ~/V V 1/-- ~/JB=59.90 / /1 S:ii //v gg II II -"-" "" /V / I ~~ /V I 1 Y -I/V I/L=58.00 I I/V 0/L=57.65 B/JB=57.35 ~ 70T @10.73% o o f'. + o -' -" " (L -" " LL I I I T I JBI=63.5~ I I i\ I T I JB=63.50 I T/JB=63.50 \/ V\)"---" I ^ ^/I\ ~~ I /~\ I " Vi \ H 900'x1200 / V . "-----' .--- I I JB I --- I , ~ 900x1200 900X12~g ~ 900x1200 JB I JB ...------- : BURIED , I T/JB 61.35 I V-'" I G. & M. & J. REIO LO:_ 18, CON~. 1 (368 5522 I I I B/JB 60.90 - '- I/V IL 61.20 I/V I/L=61.25 -'- B/JB=60.40 0 <0 I "';"'; 00 """ B/JB 59.80 II II -" -" " " 0- >> ,,:::. - B/JB=60.60 0<0 "'''' 00 "'''' II II -" -" " " 0- >> ,,:::. -,- BENCHMARKS BM#8: NAIL ANO FLAG IN SOUTH FACE OF 1 m TREE o/s 3m LEFT OF DRAIN @ STA 2+487 ELEV=57.68m ~ ASH BM#16: NAil AND FLAG IN SOUTH FACE OF ANCHOR POST ON WEST SlOE OF LANOFILl ACCESS LANE 20m NORTH OF LANE CULVERT. (105m NORTH OF LO+440) ELEV=59.11m BM#44: NAIL AND FLAG IN WEST FACE OF BRACE POST APPROX 150m EAST OF STA LO+951 ELEV=63.89m I BM#19: NAIL AND FLAG IN WEST FACE OF FENCE POST o/s 110m EAST OF DRAIN @ STA 3+400 I ELEV=63.84m I 135m x 525mm ~ BOSS 2000 @ 0.11% o <0 f"- + o -" , 175m x 525mm ~ CpT @ ?.11% o 0 o 0 CXJ ()) + + O' 0 -' -' CD o n + :::J 246m ; 525mm ~ tOT @ 0.10% I ~ 0 0 0 <0 L[) 0 0 0 0 '" ()) '" '" 0 0 ~ N + + + + + + 0 0 -" :::J ::J ~ ~ -' -' -' I W I -" (fJ z (fJ ,,::> <( ::> LL m -" m " " " "I w "I o o ..;- + "' XI ~:;:O.? o...wl-2:: 0..0 <{ 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 PROFILE BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 MAIN DRAIN CLOSED PORTION MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE SCALE: HORZ 1: 5000 VERT 1:50 DWG. No. W99403 - 6R DATE: JUNE 2008 ..,,,,,,,,,h...S\no.,, P.<>-l'o. 10. ""'i',m. 0.'_. NOS 2WO c-". ,..",h"".($")357_'52"..(5'9)JS1_.lUl_~'~m,;,j",,,,,\t ~ BURNSiDE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I XI E E E E E E E E E E E E E ~f-O> CLCLf-"-- 0 CO CO 0 (J) f"- CO f"- lI) N n 0 lI) W _ CLO' N ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ N ~ <( G. & M. & J. REID G. WHITE LOi, 18, CON~. 1 LOT 19, CONC. 1 368-5522 1396-84271 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 193m x 400mm ~ COT @ 0.26% MAIN DRAIN CLOSED I PORTION I I- EXCAVATE AS REQUIRED /~ ~/ ~y T/JB=65.00 ff \ / / .I T/JB=65.25 - '- v UJ ,,; co II > "- ~ 229m x 400mm ~ ~ COT @ 0.37% I I I I I , I 321'1 x 4010mm f COT I@ 0.3y% I I i I 250m x 400mm ~ ---<> , CD: @ 0.y0% , <3 0 0 0 en 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ",0 0 0 0 '" 0 N UJ N Z ~ lI) <D co f"- "co (J) en 0 ~ N I + + + + + ++ + + + + + + u '" "'n '" ... n n n n n ~ ~ ~ CL co ~4 -.J 0 "- U "- -.J '" "- U1 + w -.J "- ::i "- 0 "- SJB' / / / g s8 n m- + ;j:+ ~ ~ -.J "- "- -.J "- "- E E <D f"- ~ ~ B. & K. KUEPFER LOT 20, CONC. 1 '375-19301 - - T / B=69. 5 L!Y, / ./ / / B/JB~66.35 I/V I/L~67.12 I/V 0/L~66.67 BENCHMARKS BM#19: NAIL AND FLAG IN WEST FACE OF FENCE POST o/s 10m EAST OF DRAIN @ STA 3+400 ELEV=63.84 BM#20: NAIL AND FLAG IN SOUTH FACE OF 0.3 ~ POPLAR TREE o/s 30m NORTH OF DRAIN @ STA 3+629 ELEV=65.62 BM#21: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE OF FENCE POST o/s NORTH OF DRAIN @ STA 3+950 ELEV=65.51 BM#22: NAIL AND FLAG IN FENCEPOST o/s EAST SIDE GATE INTO BUSH LOT 19 o/s NORTH OF DRAIN @ STA 4+185 ELEV=65.85 BM#23: NAIL AND FLA IN THE NORTHEAST FACE OF CENTRE BRACE POST o/s 15m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA 4+393 ELEV ~66.93 BM#24: TOP OF PAINTED CROSS ON LARGE BOULDER o/s 10m NORTH OF DRAIN @ STA 4+642 ELEV~69.69 BM#25: NAIL AND FLAG IN WEST FACE OF FENCE POST o/s 22m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA 4+909 (END OF CSP) ELEV=70.47 I I 12m x 400mm ~ CSf @ 0.87% 246m x 3do ~ COT @ 0.87% I<>- 0 0 en- 0 0 ",UJ lI) <D COCO + + ++ ~ ~ ...... -.J "- "- ! i I I I I I I I I XI Of- tt:CLO<" D-wl-,:::- CLo <( I ~ 69 68 67 66 I I 65 64 63 62 PROFILE BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 MAIN DRAIN CLOSED PORTION MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE SCALE: HORZ 1: 5000 VERT 1:50 DWG. No. W99403 - 7 DATE: JUNE 2008 4411""''''""''......~P.O,B'''''".W''gl''...0n\'''''''''G2WOO_ ...<0/>00. (519) J57-'521 I"" (~Ig) l57-302. ... .......~,.,'.."'.,e'm a. BURNsiDE XI XI ~f-O> E E E E E E E E E E Of- erO-Cl;:: O-EJf-~ '" '" (',J II) CD V '" '" OJ OJ D-Wl-_ I [LO ~ ~ (',J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [LO <( <( B. & K. KUEPFtR G.L. MacPHERSON J.A. MacPHERSON ,~ ' ~ I I I I I I i r- LOr 20, CO~~. 1 LOT 21, CONC. 1 Lot 21, Cone. 12 L. & E. ALBRECHT _ I I , I 375-1930 I (368-7617) (368-7944) LOT 22, CONC. 12 i i I , l-r I I I I I I i I , I y SIDEROAD 20/21 I -1 COUNTY ROAD 15-' ! 75 I I I I '1- 75 I~CB1 I I I I MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION I r- I I ~ ~t;=7420 J I I I - r- 74 BENCHMARKS 74 0- VT/JB=73.160 BM#24: TOP OF PAINTED CROSS ON LARGE BOULDER o/s T/JB=73.5~ f-< 10m NORTH OF DRAIN @ STA 4+642 ELEV~69.69 I BM#25: NAIL ANO FLAG IN WEST FACE OF FENCE POST /\ I/v --- -- o/s 22m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA 4+909 (ENO OF CSP) 73 ELEV= 70.47 73 V k~-- I I / --1 BM#29: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE OF FENCE POST B/JB~72. 70 I o/s 5m FROM DRAIN @ STA 5+165 ELEV=71.80 H DICB I / r-- I ~ V BM#30: NAIL ANO FLAG IN EAST FACE OF HYORO POLE I 72 I o/s 10m WEST OF DRAIN @ 5+371 ELEV=74.03 72 1/ \ IH/DICB~71.60 ~~V:_ B/JB=7170 " II > BM#31: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE HYORO POLE L/DICB= 71.3n ./' g ~ ~ ~ V ' ~/ 0", <'i<'i / o/s 25m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA 5+500 ELEV~74.98 I 000:) ""l"- I ...:...: II II 71 /JB=71.50" " _...J ...J 71 JB / V vy I II II "-"- I & o/s 1\ _L....J 0- / V Ld~ ><: I DICB >-"-- T/JB=70.125 ~JB=70.35 /H ;;~ /- 70 70 I V ~ V -~ B/JB=68.85 /' V ",0 -<0 T/JB-69.25 VI' /V cia I "" -- / ...J II I / "-'< 69 'l!.r. / 0_ 69 >> / ~~ I / /V / _B/JB=68.20 / 68 1..-/ - ""' 68 1/ /~JB=68.10 I ~ ~ I 0<0<0 /' L "'1111 ....J...J /y ~":::::" PROFILE 110 >>> I 67 B/JB=66.35 "-~~ BRUCE MUNICIPAL ORAIN No. 19 ~ I/V I/L=67.12 MAIN ORAIN I/V 0/L~66.67 CLOSED PORTION V -I .11 20m x 400mm 12m x 400 ~ I \ 3~200mm ~ SWWSP @ 0.50% / MUNICIPALITY I CSF> @ 0.'39 r- CSP @ 0.53% 93m x 200mm ~ COT @ 0.181 66 12m x 400mm ~ CSP @ 0.87% , , I 6m x 300 ~ CSP @ 0.1,8% OF ; 252~ 1\ 1'20m ; 200mm I 239m x 300mm ~ x 250mm ~ I . ~ KINCARDINE -=---.1 CDT,@ 0.5;3% 197m x 200mm ~ I COT @ 0.53% , CD1; @ 0.61% I I , CDT @ 0.18% , , , , I SCALE: HORZ 1: 5000 <3 0>- 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 ",0 00 VERT 1: 50 "'"' 0 0 0>'cf2 0 0 "'''' 0 0 i::: 05 0>0 .0", <0" Z <0<0 '" OJ = 0 ~ ++ (',J '" "' V'" V'iI) CD", I ++ + + +++ + + + + + +;!; ++ ++ OWG. No. W99403 - 8 U ",,,, "'"' "' I V V "'V'" II) II) II) II) II) "'II) II)"' DATE: JUNE 2008 0.: "~""""'""'st....,.P,<>,~."O''''''oI>om.''''t_IroG200Co_. I U ...J '< '< ,~..,"". (",9).357-152, f" (st,) 35'-~12' _ .....,q,....,;o~'''''' (f) "- I~ BURNsiDE w LL LL LL 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I XI E E E E ~f-O> L[) o...o...f-"-- n r---- r---- CD w _ 0...0 ~ ~ ~ ~ <( D. MUNRO & G. & k. FREER I C. A. CASEY E 1/2 Lot 13 I 58 W 1/2 LOT 13 368-7428 (368-7372) I I , , I BRANCH A I 57 , OUTLET PIPE DETAIL AO+050 55 54 53 52 50 49 56 r 600~m~ RCSP 450mm~ COT /49.40 " ____49.50 I/V O/L RCSP ~ IjV O/L COT " I ,300m,,;, I 49.45 MIN. LAP IjV I/L RCSP 51 /' / o Z I U 0<0 "'"' 00 ++ 00 <<<< 0... U (j) W o --' 0>, ~O- +--' 0' LL --' , 0- E 00 E r---- E r---- E L[) 00 E L[) 00 E L[) r---- E 00 E CJ) ~ ~ G. " K. FREER Lot 14 (368-7428) I I , I BENCHMARKS BM#3: NAIL AND FLAG IN SOUTH FACE OF FENCE POST @ FENCE LINE OF MID LOT 13 POST o/s 20m NORTH OF DRAIN @ STA 0+607 ELEV=51.68 , , I I G. ROPPEL LOT 15 (368-7612) E r---- E L[) N E 00 N i i I I I I -----" , /-0 \ 1/ T/JB=56.~ E ~ N H. & D. BROWN LOT 16 (368-7473) I I y SORO 15/16 I 'o7s' DICB T /JB=55.50 / /V 'I ~// /A/ 1/ BM#9: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE OF FENCE POST o/s 1.5m RIGHT OF DRIAN @ STA AO+280 ELEV=52.17 r ~\ BM#'0: NAIL AND FLAG IN WEST FACE OF 1.0~ ASH TREE o/s 7m LEFT OF DRAIN @ STA AO+475 ELEV=53.94 ____ I ______!-----"' /" i --- ---I -'- B/JB=53.60 -------TII ___ ______S/JB=53.45!: g ~ I ___ ___...-- !"-OJ 1"11"0 ~ . . ll)U1 ___ -- ______ ~ Gi ~ ~ I _--- 1...- II II" _r-- ~ -1-10- /" --- " >- 0- >, I-- --- > > ~- ./' ,~ _'- B/JB=51.90 0", NN NN "'"' II II --'--' " 0- >> ,~ T/JB=55.80-, I O/S DICB \ I \4 EXISTING CHANNEL ~___ , I r;c;-] TO BE FI LLED ...--t --- /t \ ~ .------ ',,/ T/JB 54.30 ':;f!- /--- / ...-/ / / ___f- // /' /1 '/ / ~--- I~ -r I " "' .,. I 0_1- @ 0- I ~-r- , B I I E I I I I E I 0 I 0 I .,. ,L I x I I I 4i5m xI400mlm ~ CIDT @ p.31 % .E i II" , 'N 0 0 0 0 0 0 "0 0 0 0 0 N.,. 0 ~r---- 00 CJ) 0 ~ "''' N + + + + + + ++ + 00 0 0 ~ ~ :;::;: ~ <<<( <( <( <( <( <( ~ --'--' " 0- 0-0- --' --'--' , " LL LLLL . I <5 I "'''' ~l1! I ~~ X 0_ >> " BENCHMARKS BM#'1: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE 0.5~ ELM TREE o/s 20m RIGHT OF DRAIN @ STA AO+677(LOT14/15) ELEV=55.00 BM#12: NAIL AND FLAG IN SOUTH FACE FENCE POST o/s 25m NORTH OF DRAIN @ STA A1+173 ELEV=56.36 BM#'3: NAIL AND FLAG IN SOUTH WEST FACE OF CORNER BRACE POST o/s 7m LEFT OF DRAIN @ STA A1+575 ELEV=56.92 BM#14: NAIL AND FLAG IN WEST FACE HYDRO POLE ON NORTH SIDE CONC 2 o/s 5m EAST OF DRAIN (P /L LOT 16/17)ELEV =56,96 BM#15: NAIL AND FLAG IN NORTH FACE FENCE POST o/s 5m SOUTH OF DRAIN @ STA 2+100 ELEV=57.89 i 418 r 300rm ~ rDT ~ 0.131 000 o 00 0 n ~'<t L[) + ;!: + + ,..- <( ,..- ..-- <( <( <( o Sib iO<D ++ :;:~ <( --' , LL ~ 0- --' , LL XI Of- > 0::0..0, o....wl-::: 0..0 <( 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 PROFILE BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 BRANCH A MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE SCALE: HORZ 1:5000 VERT 1:50 DWG. No. W99403 - 9 DATE: JUNE 2008 44"Joup""""""~P.O,"o<IO._,"".0n""T".~OO2'llOC,,,",d. <<1<0/100. (5'.) 351-'~1 Ie. (~I") 357-3024 w.. ......,I>"'"...~<OO'I m BURNsiDE -- --~ XI ~I :if-om Qfbf--O erf-o I D-D-f- D-o D-W <t <to I I I I I I I I I -I-=! I I , I I I I I I I CROSS SECTION I , I J OVERFLOW CHANNEL LOT 7, CONC.3 J LOT 7 OVERFLOW CHANNEL I I 1 I I jRIPRAP MIN. THICKNESS a.3m jMA TERIAL TO BE REMOVED I ~'J>.</ ~~ ~ % ~ o .T " -<:". F I '- 8.0m 1.5H: 1V SIDESLOPES 42 I I EXCAVATE SOm LONG I FLOOD CHANNEL / APPROXIMATE 600mm DEP TH / EXIS ING TOP OF BANK 41 , BOTTOM OF FLOOD CHANNEL TO c/w CLEAR AND GRUB L I BE AT ELEVAllONS EQUAL TO TOP ~ / I I ' OF BANK OF EXISTING CHANNEL 1"-. ~ ~ ~ Ji- I -- /- EXISTING flTCHBOTTOM I I 40 ~ /" 40 1'\ /:m; /..; / pF I I ?P' I ---- ~ ---- I 39 ~ 39 / y 0 0 I ~ ~ , '" ~ "' !~ d <D II ??7> !Xi ~ --/, "' 38 "- II 0 I '" I !Xi ~ - NEW CHANNEL BOTTOM 38 '" OJ "' I " "' II 0 "' II CD II If! CD 0 I "- 0 I I 0 37 PROFILE I I I I BRUCE MUNICIPAL I DRAIN. No. 19 36 I MAIN DRAIN I OPEN PORTION SEE DWG. 2 OVERFLOW CHANNEL I FOI DET1LS OF CHAN NEL EtAVA ION H RE I I I MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE I I I I I I I I I I SCALE: HORZ 1: 2500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VERT 1:50 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z 0 ~ 0J '" LJ') CD I + + + + + + DWG. No. W99403 - 10 U I 0 0 0 0 0 0 DATE, JUNE 2008 D- U H'Jo_"'"""~?O.""",o.~",oO""'O,N'G2""Cooo"" I if! 1~"'h"'(51')J5J...l511 fc'(~"JJ5;-362''''''__",,,",,,..,o,,, W ~ BURNsiDE 0 JG!SN.W1g UI :;JNJallVJNDI <'10 .uTIVdIJINDYl 61 'oN NIVllU 'IVdIJINDYl :;JJmm I.. J.01 1IVJ,:;JU 800G 3Nnr OOOG :, "', ,.~ 3lVOS "".'~_","'I!'~""'I""_"<("~)"J L/OI-,..-(."I'"'""", """"OO.l """ .0,'0\"0 ...."''''' "<II ""au-, .""l< '~"".r 0>> V" \:Ot66M m ON"DIlIQ T3NNlfHJ NIIfVi .:10 >iN1f8 .:10 dOl HJllfVi 01 ViOll08 l3NNlfHJ MOl.:ld3^0 <'0 IVO 0& 0 , . IV!)",,&> -I 'Y 00; Q <' 0 <Y<YOcYIVOO , /'.p <: i>.p-lO; -Y.p. -I 't'& .,.oct C)~ 6'-'>. :0 /J T I d? ?J? y,,~ &~ 'y B Of :tJ p ON38 .:IJ 30lSNI I W060 I ON38 .:IJ 30lS1nJ S31dlf^ Hld30 c; l~ c;', ~ S3dOlS 30lS 033S S31dlf^ H10IM dOl l3NNliHJ JNld30Nli3Vi HJnOdHl NOIlJ3S SSOdJ lIiJldAl o ~ o. ~, 01 'l b...d @J ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ]G!SNllilg: .v :;INIallVOND! 110 ,UnVdI:JINill'l 61 .ON NIVlIa 1VdIOJNill'l :;IOilllE! 6 ~01 1IV~:;Ia 800G 3Nnr OOOG : ~ li" ['0 IVO O<y 0 c IV I) C 'Iy cfO,; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .~ Q ~ Qi "' "" ~. 31~~S 31V::JS """..".""<t.-~_.,,<-,<;f("'<)")tl<'-'''(OL~)'''.''';'' .""""" OM' """ .""'"0 .w'""~'" ,<>, "'1md -""'S ."........ .'. G~ \:Ot66M m ON"()Iffl ~,,\~ 0,'6" NOI10ntl1SNOJ ~O 31'111 1'v' 3NOO 38 01 ONISSOtlJ M3N .olO ONI1HOIS l'v'nlJ'v' t~"\~ o . Il"" 2<1'0':> ",,,,,, r"\~ \0'" ~ ,,~\~ :0':> Il" \\C,0\~ ,SSO 9\ C)" S\'I-' ') C)"\;: '\'\\!> '\,,,~",~S C\,,'>\ ~ ~ 7 .. JG!SN.llilg: ~ :;INIQ1!VONDl IIO AJ,nVdIOINlll'l 6. .oN NIVlIU 1V dIOINlll'l :;IOlllIEI n O. avOlI:;IG!S 1IVJ,:;IU m 900Z 3Nnr OOOZ:l o . "' ., O~ ~ .., -" " ,w~ :nv:)s w;;;~::~y;; ~:\~':~~'~~ ::~~~'~;;:..(~'~~,:;,:;~: I: l \:Ot66M ON-(l,\\Q o f' 0 ; s 1\10 //feY 0 , V0' " 0'1-<0; !\i..)-y I P 0) o ~ f) '" if if r-- "," ~ if ~ 't 5' !> ~ ~ .),,0 ;p f'o 1\10 OcYO , 1\11) 0, 'ft; O-<O( r8) , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3G!SNllilg 0 :ilNJallV::JNIll dO ,\J,fiVdI::JINflYl 6~ 'oN NIVllU 1VdI::JINflYl :il::Jfl1l8 WO'-'~","~'-U''''"W'''_L<;(.''')''' "..-m, t..<) "",.,,, """"0 "'I """ '0,,,,,,,,, 'w""'~'" 'ilL ""'0". 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O~ St 09 SJ: --1lO...Q 31~S 31VJS """-,,,,,,,,,;,'~q"""-'<;(6t;1'",L""-'"(''')''''''''''' _"'" """ """ -"'''')"0 '~O"'~.~ '01 "'IXld -,..." ,~_,_' &.. gl - \:Ot66M m ON"<IMO -'- , + + + + -'- + + + + , 1\;110 + + + + + (1;& + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + '" + -YIp, 9<,/ +)Z '11s +0 -A 1i'1+./' ~ 038010 C; ~ JIJ0l NIVlIO NIV~ )Z "\ "" <lOIJOO%1.s a f ONc/VI"lJo "'i:[' () cl? "Y"JIJ1. NJ<lO it S<li) y J? !:? & ~ &' :J p I I I I I I I MAIN DRAIN BOTTOM DOWNSTREAM I I I I I I I I I I I I N ro <t + N OUTLET APRON (RIPRAP) N N cj cj Z z a a 0 0 to ~ f- a -' 55.60 f"- ro <t + N MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION TILE WILL OUTLET IN THIS AREA, AS WELL. ELEVATION 20:1 (5%) ROCK CHUTE (RIP RAP) INLET APRON (RIPRAP) N <t u=i Iii + + N N CROSS-SECTION 2H:1V SIDESLOPES KEY PLAN NO= LANDFILL SITE - EXISTING CHANNEL BOTTOM UPSTREAM Atl_~SOOOS"""'"""""'llOIlSlW..laECIlEc.EO^""VEn1EI>ON _"""mo""yo;'__MUS'......tflIIDTOl>lEEHCN;;!R BEFORe:OOIlIIEI<<:III<lHE""""'- OTlSlHEAESPONSlEIUJYt:f"THI' COIImAOT(If> TO....ORIl HJlSElF Of lHE =lOCATIOIIOf,ANO A_..u.uMlUlYFOIl """"""'O.4U. UlU..S._._.....OOlU""""""lIIEl!o\eOIol:GROu"""'....ow GR^DEBmlRECOI.Il/EHCIIII)Il<E""""_>VCI<lHFOII....mNJSNOT ""CESSAIlLY9<O""CtllHE""''''''''''N<<lWllRl'S<Oltl.ll<E AceuI<=CAAHOTBE'.MlW.,l'O>. ",THKSOLEE>":'I'TIONOf'"'BalCIiWAAi<($)SPtCIAIi.YOESalHO fOO "'" ""OLe', NO W:V~11OO """"'lED OR '""""'" ""',,ON ill TO "USE~MAREiEROICEEUVAlIOHFQf!""YMPOSE:. All"""""'''AID''''I.'''''-l.<>lHF''''''''0Ot/;AAlO PMwIa....sr""""""SFlOC!FICJ,Jl(..SAAll""._ THIS DRM\I~G ANI) All ASSOClA1EO OOCUt.lENTATION llEIol,\.IN THE SOLE PROPrnTY 01' R,J. BURNSIDE AND ASS3CIATESU'-lITEO.AAVREPRODUCllON\\lTHOUTTHE EXPRESSED \\llITTEN CONSENT Of R.J. BURNSIP~ '" ASSOCIATESUMITEDISSTRICTLYPROHIBITEO. NO. REVISIONS JJ>P'D DATE J.A.IlcBRIDE P.ENG. .....................0,'..10.,.,,""'...."""""..""2"'''"""'' tj""BURNsIDE-- CLJENT MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE '" DETAIL LANDFILL SITE DROP STRUCTURE BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 DRAv.N DESlC>NEO n.t.s. CHECKED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ct I I I I RIPRAP ON DITCH BANK RIPRAP ON DITCH BANK] .. LANE 0: ROAD .. TOP OF DITCH BANK ~ MINIMUM COVE~ TO BE 450mm ~S TOP OF DITCH BANK I .. LD .. I J~ ~T I ~! ~ X '/'-,~"').:J) - - 'Or A Y ,( RIPRAP ON LANE Sj~~;j,. X ~V ~ )( 'L- I( I( ,( 'i. ~ --- EMBANKMENT _ _ _ 6~v' !l ~=->-~ H ujS H '" "< ~ 1- " Y.." /q~ :00 . FLOW PIPE c..;~;~b'~~ 1\'= ~ ~~-i~OM '--" J':rI " a05~ ~'SJo" \; '{ ~ x " ~~ 'o~ ogg6~i1' - - - - - - - - - - O'q;~,~~~~"2 _ . RIP:AP ON 0 L RIPRAP ON J T DITCH BOTTOM RIPRAP TO BE WELL KEYED AT TOE OF DITCH BOTTOM SLOPES CENTERLINE ELEVATION OF NEW CROSSING TO MATCH ELEVATION OF APPROACHES, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE DjS DITCH BOTTOM DETAILS OF DITCH CROSSINGS TYPICAL CULVERT INSTAllATION WITH RIPRAP N,T.S. CHAINAGE PIPE APPROX. QUANT. CROSSING DESCRIPTION DOWNSTREAM UPSTREAM TYPE L Dia. And Thickness (mm) W S:S LD LU T H OF RIPRAP (m2) NOTES MAIN DRAIN L7, C3 - ROPPEL FARM LANE MO+110 MO+116 - - - - - - - - - - TO BE LEFT AS IS L8, C3 - MUNRO FARM LANE -1+959 -1+942 SRSP 17 1600x2.8 11 1H:1V 4.8 3.2 0.3 2.0 125 SALVAGE & REPLACE L9, C3 - MUNRO FARM LANE -1+511 -1 +496 SRSP 10 1600x2.8 11 1H:1V 4.8 3.2 0.3 2.0 125 SALVAGE & REPLACE SIDEROAD 10-11 CROSSING -0+ 704 -0+684 SRSP 20 1600x2.8 EXISTING EXISTING 4.8 3.2 0.3 1.5 75 SALVAGE & REPLACE L 12, C3 - MUNRO FARM LANE 0+000 0+015 SRSP 15 1600x2.8 11 1H:1V 4.8 3.2 0.3 1.4 75 SALVAGE & REPLACE L 13, C3 - MUNRO FARM LANE 0+260 0+275 SRSP 10 1600x2.8 11 1H:1V 4.8 3.2 0.3 1.3 70 SALVAGE & REPLACE L 13, C3 - FREER FARM LANE 0+816 0+826 .SRSP 10 1400x2.8 6 1H:1V 4.2 2.8 0.3 1.0 55 SALVAGE & REPLACE CONC. ROAD 2-3 CROSSING 1+552 1+575 SWWSP 23 800x9.0 EXISTING EXISTING 4.2 2.8 0.3 1.5 125 BORED SIDEROAD 15-16 CROSSING 1+913 1+926 SRSP 13 1400x2.8 EXISTING EXISTING 4.2 2.8 0.3 2.0 75 SALVAGE & REPLACE * NO RIPRAP IS REQUIRED ON VEGETATED DITCH SIDESLOPES THAT ARE UNDISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION. NOTE: (1) ALL CULVERTS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE INVERTS BURIED TO A DEPTH OF 10% OF THE DIAMETER BELOW THE DITCH BOTTOM. (2) ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN METERS, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. (3) SRSP EQUALS GALVANIZED SPIRAL RIB SMOOTH INTERIOR STEEL PIPE, ARMTEC ULTRA FLO OR EQUAL. KEY PLAN NOTES ...u.~'ANDINF<lRlIA~"',,"All9ECHEC""'__ON llIE J08"""""y_"",,,<S"'usTOl' JltP(IO;TEIl'O ""'""""''''' OO'ME"""""""'lHE"""". lTlS.1HERE5POOSIIIIU1Y<FlH!:OQNmAOTORlOl.."",...Sf1.FoFlHE EAAClI.OC.OTiON Of,AAl'!o$$Jl<(Al.LlWIIUlYFOR 0""''"' TO AIL "1lU..S,sm".IC<S.....SlRUC1l.ftSVIIi<IHEJ<MIOvEGIl~ORaaow (;R.<OE8EFOIlt~ll"_.SU""'"'OlWATI""lSHOl N[C<5SNIl.YSH01lIiOlllllE!lI<A_....cOlPE!>l<l'ON,'IlII' ~C"""'T!Il'(:lJ_T1'rn. ~;:~;%n'tl.E:i'rn;r,=~~~=J~o ""'U""'ASAJlffERffiCEEliVAn"",,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,=- ALl""""_w,""""-.........C<H'''''''TO''''T.,.., PIIQ\t>ClAlSTUlIlAAllSl'WFlCAnONS.....""AtIHGS TliISORAWoNGANDAllASSDCIATEOOOCUMEWTATlDN REIIAINlHESOLEPROPERTYOFR.J.BURNSlDEAND ASSOClATESIJl,lITEO,ANYREPRODUC110NlIll}lOUTlHl: fJCPRESSEO WRITTEN CONs.ENT Of R,J. BURNSlI>E.!o: ASSOClATESlI!.llTEOISSTRlCl1.YPROHIBITED. ". REVISIONS APP'D DATE J.A.McBRJDE P.ENG, .<9 Jo_... S'''',",P"",,", '0. ""gI>om. Qo,_,,,,,,,,,,QCooodo '~",,",,, (51_) J>7_,"" ,,, 1.10) ,,,_,....... '_~""'M""._ ~ BURNsiDE w,m MUNICIP ALITY OF KINCARDINE "M TYPICAL CROSSING WITH RIP RAP BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN NO, 19 MAIN DRAIN MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE COUNTY OF BRUCE ORAYrtl JCM!GAG oW99403 _ 17 OESIGNED PJR!JMt SCALE n,t.s. CHE;CKEO IOATE JUNE 2008 I'SSUE[} «1 BURNSiDE Revised Engineer's Report Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 . 2005 Municipality of Kincardine Prepared by R.J.Burnside & Associates Limited 449 Josephine Street PO Box 10 Wingham ON NOG 2WO Canada July 2005 File No: W99 403 The matBfial in this report reftects best judgement in light of the infonnation available at the time of preparation. Any use whjçh a third party makes of dis repOrt. or any reliance on or decisions made based on it. are the responsibiMies of such third parties. R. J. Burnside & Associates limited accepts no responsibility for damages. if any. suffered by any third party as a resutt of deI:isions made or actions based on this report. Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 Table of Contents Table of Contents.... ................... ........... ..... ....... ........................... ........ ............................ ...............i List of Appendices...................... ............... ....... ............. ............. .................... ............ ......... ........ iii Nomenclature .......... ..... ....... .... ... ......... ......... '" ............ ...... ......... .......... ........ .... ..................... ..... ...iv 1.0 FOREWORD..................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Authorization............................... ...... ............................................................................ 1 1.2 Objectives................... ................ .................................... ............................................... 1 1.3 Recommendations Summ.ary .............. ..................... .................. ............... ...... ......... ...... 1 1.4 Acknowledgements..... ....................................................... ... .......... ...... .. ....... ........... . ....2 2. 0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Preliminary Report......................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Meeting to Consider the Preliminary Design Concepts.................................................2 2.3 Engineer' ~ Report..... ................. .......... ............................................:............................. 2 2.4 Revised Final Engineer's Report ... ................................. ............. ................... ............... 3 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF WATERSHED ..................................................................................3 3.1 Location........... ....... ....................................................... ............................ ........... .........3 3.2 Area................ ................................................................................................................ 3 3.3 Boundary ......... ............................................................................................................... 3 3.4 Soils ............................... ................................................................................................ 3 3. 5 Topography .................................................................................................................... 4 3.6 Land Use.. ....... .................................... ...... ............... ........ ..... ....... ... ......... ........ ........ ......4 4.0 THE DRAINAGE ACT, RSO 1990 and THE AREA REQUIRING DRAINAGE ............4 5.0 DESIGN CRITERIA............................... ................ .................. ................... ............ ..... .....5 6.0 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS..... ......................... ............ ............. ............ ..... ................. 5 6.1 Main Drain - Open Portion....... ........ .................. ........... .............. ..... .............. ...............5 6.1.1 3 Metre Wide Buffer Strips Along Both Sides of the Open Dr~n ........................5 6.1.2 Meandering Portion and Chainage in Lot 7, Concession 3....................................5 6.1.3 Meander Downstream of Lane Crossing in Lot 7, Concession 3...........................6 6.1.4 Overflow Channel in Lot 7, Concession 3.............................................................6 6.1.5 Farm Lane Crossing in Lot 8, Concession 3 ..........................................................6 6.1.6 Mid-Lot Meander in Lot 9, Concession 3..............................................................6 6.1.7 Fann Lane Crossing in Lot 9, Concession 3..........................................................6 6.1.8 Sideroad 10-11 Crossing Realignment - Including Lots 10 & 11, Concession 3 .. 7 6.1.9 Fann Lane Crossing in Lot 12, Concession 3 ........................................................ 7 6.1.10 Farm Lane Crossing in Pt. Lot 13, Concession 3...................................................7 6.1.11 New Channel Alignment in Lot 13, Concession 3.................................................7 6.1.12 Fencing ................ ............. .............................. ........................... ............................. 8 6.1.13 Farm Lane Crossing on Lot Line between Lot 13 and Lot 14, Concession 3........8 6.1.14 Bored Crossing Beneath Concession Road 2-3 ............................................... ...... 8 6.1.15 Bottom Width of Channel Through Lots 15 and 16, Concession 3.......................8 6.1.16 Sideroad 15-16 Crossing.... ................ ................ ........... ................... ........ ..............8 6.1.17 Drop Structure in Lot 17, Concession 2.................................................................9 6.2 Main Drain - Closed Portion.. ....................... ....................... .........................................9 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited Wa9 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 ji 6.2.1 Landfill Site Bypass - Lots 17 & 18. Concession 2 .................... .......................... 9 6.2.2 Junction Boxes for Landfill Site Lane at Stations LO+440 and L +463, Lot 17, Concession 2 ... ....... ...... ............................... ....... ........................ .................. .................. ....... 9 6.2.3 Offset Ditch Inlet Catchbasin at Station LO+440 in Lot 17. Con ession 2............ 9 6.2.4 Junction Boxes on the Landfill Site Bypass Drain in Lot 18. Co cession 2.......10 6.2. 5 Junction Boxes & Catchbasins- Lots 18 to 21, Concession 1...... ....................... 1 0 6.2.6 Junction Boxes & Offset Ditch Inlet Catch Basin - Sideroad 20/ 1 at Stations 4+890 and 4+910 .................... ..................................................................... ....................... 10 6.2.7 Ditch Inlet Catch Basin at Station 5+174 in Lot 21, Concession .....................10 6.2.8 Junction Boxes for County Road 15 at Stations 5+371 and 5+40 .....................10 6.2.9 New Crossing Beneath County Road 15....................................... ...................... 10 6.2.10 Flat Top Catch Basinat Station 5+620 on Lot 20/21 Property Li e, Concession 12 11 6.3 Branch "A".............................. ............................................ .................. ................. n'" 11 6.3.1 Junction Box at Station AO+335 in Lot 14, Concession 3 ............ ......................11 6.3.2 Junction Box at Station AO+677 on Lots 14/15 Property Line in oncession 3.11 6.3.3 Filling of Old Channelin East Half Lot 13 and Lot 14. Concessi n 3 ................11 6.3.4 Filling of Old Channel in Lot 15. Concession 3 ........................... ......................11 6.3.5 Offset Ditch Inlet Catch Basin at Station AO+677 on Lot 14/15 P operty Line, Concession 3 ............ ........ ..... ..................... ..... .......... ............ ...'. .................... ............. ........ .11 6.3.6 Junction Boxes for Sideroad 15/16 at Stations Al + 152 and Al + 74.................12 6.3.7 Offset Ditch Inlet Catch Basin on West side of Sideroad 15/16.... .....................12 6.3.8 Crossing Beneath Sideroad 15/16.. ................... ...... ............. .......... ................... ..12 6.3.9 Junction Box at Station Al+592 on Lot 16/17 Property Line, Co cession 3......12 6.4 Fisheries Issues, DFO Authorization & SVCA Permit.......................... .....................12 7.0 PROPOSED WORK .......................... ........ ................... ....................... ...... . .................... 13 7.1 General... ........ .................. . .. ...... .... ... .... .......... ...... . . . . ...... .. . . ... .. . ... . .. ... . . ... ..................... 13 7.2 Treatment of Excavated MatèriaI from Open Drain .............................. .....................13 7.3 Sediment Controls............ .................... ..... ................ ......... .................... .......... ...........13 7 .4 Working Spaces and Access Routes...................................................... ..................... 13 '7:5 Change Orders............... ..... ......................................................................................... .13 8.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERA nONS......................................... ........................... 13 9.0 APPENDICES ...... ..... ............. .......................... ..................... ..................... .................... 14 9.1 Appendix A - Allowances .................. .............. ....................... ............... ..................... 14 9.1.1 General............................. ..... ........... ......... ........ ......................... ..... .... ........... ..... 14 9.1.2 Section 29................... .......... ............ ........ ....................... ................ .................... 14 9.1.3 Section 30........................................................................................ .................... 14 9.1.4 Section 31..................... ......... ................... ................ ....................... .................... 15 9.1.5 Section 32...... ........................ ........... ................ ............... ................ ......... .... ........ 15 9.2 Appendix B - Cost Estimate.... ........ ........................ ............................... .................... 15 9.3 Appendices C and D - Assessments and Assessment Details ................ ....................15 9.3.1 General.. ................. .."...... ........ ............... .......... .............................. .................... 15 9.3.2 Section 26..... ........................................... ........................................ ".................. 15 9.3.3 Sections 22 and 23 ....................................................................."........................ 16 R.::!. 'BlItl\side & Associates limited W99 403 iii Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 IDA 10.5 List of Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G MAINTENANCE ........... ............................................................................................. 18 General....................................................................................,................ ........ ............ I 8 Cost Distribution.... ............... ............................ ..... .................................. ........ ............ 19 Future U nderdrainage Connections ............................................................................. 1 9 Permanent Sediment Basins....... ........... ........ .... ........................................................... 19 Buffer Strips ....... ............... ......... .....,.... ............. .......................................................... .19 Allowances Cost Estimate Assessments Assessment Details Fisheries & Oceans Canada Authorization Special Information for Tenderers Drawings Dwg. No. W99403-1 - Plan Dwg. No. W99403-2 - Profile - Main Drain - Open Portion Dwg. No. W99403-3 - Profile - Main Drain - Open Portion Dwg. No. W99403-4 - Profile - Main Drain - Open Portion Dwg. No. W99403-S - Profile - Main Drain - Open Portion Dwg. No. W99403-6 - Profile - Main Drain - Closed Portion Dwg. No. W99403-7 - Profile - Main Drain - Closed Portion Dwg. No. W99403-8 - Profile - Main Drain - Closed Portion Dwg. No. W99403-9 - Profile - Branch A Dwg. No. W99403-10 - Profile - Lot 7 Overflow Channel Dwg. No. W99403-11 - Detail- Lot 7 Dwg. No. W99403-12 - Detail- Lot 9 Dwg. No. W99403-13 - Detai1- Sideroad 10/11 Dwg. No. W99403-14 - Detail - Lot 13 Dwg. No. W99403-1S - Detai1- Landfill Site Dwg. No. W99403-16 - Detail - Landfill Site Drop Structure Dwg. No. W99403-1 7 - Detail - Typical Crossing R.J. Burnside & Associates limited W9S 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 iv .,.~ Nomenclature !c - acre (0.4047 ha.) A & I - assemble and install CB - catch basin CDT - concrete drain tile CSP - corrugated steel pipe c/w - complete with Diam. ~ diameter DICB - ditchinlet catchbasin D/S - downstream ea - each FL - fence Line FPPDT - fiJtered perforated plastic drainage tubing FTCB - flat top catch bas in H - horizontal ha - hectare (2.471 ac) HDPE - heavy-duty polyethylene JB - junction box km ~ kilometre I.s. ~ lump sum m - metre mm - millimetre m2 - square metre m3 - cubic metre O/H - overhead 0/8 - offset PDT - plastic drainage tubing PL - property line PPDT - perforated plastic drainage tubing RC8P - riveted corrugated steel pipe ROW - right of way 8 & I - supply and install SPDT - solid plastic drainage tubing Sta. - station (chainage) SWI - surface water inlet SWRSP - smoothwalI rigid sewer pipe SWW8P - smooth wall welded steel pipe T - tonne (2205 pounds) UfG - underground UfS - upstream V - vertical R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited W99403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 1.0 FOREWORD 1.1 Authorization The preparation of this Engineer's Report was authorized in a letter received from Clerk-Treasurer Bob Waram of the Township of Bruce, dated June 15,1998. This letter instructed Maitland Engineering Services Ltd·. to proceed with the engineering work required to address a Petition for Drainage submitted under the Drainage Act for an area consisting of part of Lots 11 to 18. Concession 3 and part of Lots 14 to 18, Concession 4, Bruce Township, without a Preliminary Report. Subsequently, a letter was received from Mr. Waram on June 22, 1998 advising that the owner of Lots 7, Concession 3 had also signed the Petition. In 1999, the Township of Bruce amalgamated with the Township of Kincardine, the Village of Tiverton and the Town of Kincardine and formed what is now entitled the Municipality of Kincardine. Subsequently, a letter was received from Kincardine Public Works Manager Jim O'Rourke, dated May 23,2002, advising that Council had accepted another Petition for Drainage affecting this general area, in which the owners of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 12, of the former Township of Kincardine and the owners of Lots 18, 21 and 22, Concession 1, of the former Township of Bruce requested the extension of the Drain to provide an outlet for those properties. Maitland Engineering (now part ofR. J. Burnside & Associates Limited) was instructed to prepare a report on this Petition for the Municipality. In discussion with the Municipality, it was agreed to address these Petitions with one Report under the Drainage Act. 1.2 Objectives In accordance with the Drainage Act, this Report has the following objectives: 1.2.1 to authorize the construction of a new drainage works, to be known as Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19, that will consist of both an Open Portion and a Closed Portion passing through Lots 7-15, Concession 3, Lots 15-18, Concession 2, Lots 18-21, Concession 1 (all in the former Township of Bruce), and Lots 21 and 22, Concession 12 (in the former Township of Kincardine), that will provide adequate agricultural drainage outlet to the aforementioned lands and those adjacent thereto within the affected drainage area; and 1.2.2 to authorize the construction of a new tributary to the proposed Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19, to be known as Branch A. that will consist of a closed drain passing through Lots 13 to16, Concession 3 and will provide outlet to these agricultural properties as well as the southwest portion of Lot 17, Concession 3. and indirect surface water outlet for portions of Lots 16 t020 inclusive in Concession 2. 1.3 Recommendations Summary Firstly, it is recommended that the downstream portion of the Main Drain be constructed as an open drain, commencing in the meandering section in Lot 7, Concession 3 and following the existing open channel easterly and southerly through Lots 8 -10, Concession 3, across Sideroad 10-11, through Lots 11 -15. Concession 3, across Concession Road 2-3, through LoUS, Concession 2, across Sideroad 15-16, and through Lot 16, Concession 2, to end at the Lot 16-17 property line. This open channel portion of this Main Drain will be approximately 5220 metres in length and will vary in depth and width to provide a combined underdrainage and surface water outlet for all affected lands and roads. Secondly, it is recommended that the upstream portion of the Main Drain be constructed as a closed drain. commencing at the west side of Lot 17, Concession 2 (the Municipal Landfill Site property). R.J. Burnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 JUly 2005 2 bypassing the licensed landfilling portion of this property by extending it northe sterly into Lot IS, then southerly tJ:u-ough Lot 18, Concession 2, to intersect the existing route of an ld tile that extends across the northeast corner of Lot 18 Concession, continuing southeasterly thro 1 Lots 19 and 20, Concession I, across Sideroad 20-21, southeasterly through Lot 21, Concessio I, across County Road IS, through the northeast corner of Lot 21, Concession 12, to end at the ot 21-22 property line. This closed portion of the proposed Main Drain will provide out! t for agricultural underdrainage flows from the lands through which it passes and will have a len of approximately 3526 metres and be constructed of concrete drain tile, except through the Lan fill Site property, where solid, smoothwall storm sewer pipe will be used, to prevent shallow groun water infiltration, and except through the bush in lot 18, Concession 3 where solid, smoothwall sto m sewer pipe will be used, to prevent the migration of tree roots into the tile. Thirdly, it is recommended that a new Branch A Drain be constructed easterly fro the Main Drain, commencing at the midpoint of Lot 13. Concession 3, extending across Lots 13-1 , across Sideroad 15-16, across Lot 16, to end at the Lot 16-17 property line in Concession 3. This Branch will provide underdrainageand a surface water outlet for Lots 14-17, Concession 3, d some surlace water outlet for north portions of Lots 16 to 19, Concession 2. Branch A is pr osed to be 1542 metres in length and be constructed of concrete drain tile. A Summary of the Assessments for this project is as follows: Privately Owned Agricultural Land Privately Owned Non-Agricultural Land Municipal Lands (Roads) Municipal Lands (Landfill Site) Municipal Lands (Bruce County Road 15) Total Estimated Assessments $ 492,917 $ 520 $ 83,837 $ 120,818 $ 24.508 $ 722,600 1.4 Acknowledgements Burnside would like to acknowledge the assistance and co-operation of the Ian owners directly involved with this project, as well as the Municipal Public Works Committee ofC uncil, the Public Works Manager and staff and the Municipal Treasurer. 2.3 Engineer's Report An Engineer's Report was prepared and delivered to the Municipality on July 2S, 2 4. This Report R.J. 1Mr'ff§irft! & A'SSbèi¡it'lls limited W99 403 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Preliminary Report A preliminary report was not prepared for this project. 2.2 Meeting to Consider the Preliminary Design Concepts Based on the information gathered, preliminary design concepts and preliminary cos s were prepared. Various design options were investigated to provide the most practical design for b th the operation of the Municipal Drain and the landowners affected. On September 18,2003, a eeting was held w.ith most of the affected landowners and the Municipality at which time the de . gn options and associated costs were discussed. Landowners absent from the meeting were subseq ently contacted to discuss this information. Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 3 was considered by Council and referred back to Burnside for revision. 2.4 Revised Final Engineer's Report As a result of reconsidering the July 2004 Report and additional discussions with the Public Works Committee, a number of the affected landowners and the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), the proposed works, costs, and allowances contained herein are intended to reflect a drainage project that will address the concerns of all affected parties. All proposed work is described in this Report or in the Appendices and on the drawings. 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF WATERSHED 3.1 Location The Municipality of Kincardine is located in the southwest quadrant of the County of Bruce, with Lake Huron as its westerly boundary. The former Township of Bruce portion is located in the north half of the Municipality while the former Township of Kincardine is located in the south half. The downstream end this Municipal Drain is approximately 3 ki10metres east of Village ofTiverton and the Drain extends to approximately 5 kilometres west of the Village of G1ammis. The Municipal Drain is mainly located in Concessions I, 2, and 3 of the fonner Township of Bruce, with the upstream end extending across Bruce County Road 15 into Concession 12 of the former Township of Kincardine. 3.2 Area The entire watershed is approximately 759 hectares in area and consists of approximately 16 hectares of road allowance, approximately 24 hectares of municipal landfill site, of which 14.8 hectares is wooded, and approximately 718 hectares of agricultural land, of which 121 hectares is wooded. These lands and roads can be seen on the Plan. 3.3 Boundary The exterior watershed boundary and the interior watershed boundaries are indicated on the Plan (Dwg. No. W99403-1) and have been confirmed as part of the work undertaken in preparing this Report. To establish these boundaries, aerial photographs and Ontario Base Mapping were reviewed, the boundary established in 1968 for the Fourth of Bruce Drain was examined, and field investigations were undertaken. 3.4 Soils The Bruce County Soils Map indicates that the predominant soil types in this watershed are Elderslie Silt Loam, Perth Clay Loam, and Berrien Sandy Loam, all three with imperfect natural drainage. These three soil types make up approximately 75% of the watershed area. The soil types that form the remaining 25% of the watershed area are Chesley Silty Clay Loam, Brookston Clay Loam, Burford Loam, Huron Clay Loam, and Bottom Land. The characteristics of these soils are displayed in the table below. The majority of these soils have an agricultural capability rating of Class 1 with no significant limitations in use for crop production. There is a band of Class 2 soil present with "soil characteristics" as the limitation, which indicates moderate limitations that restrict the range of crops or require moderate conservation practices. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited W99 403 ..I Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Orain No. 19 July 2005 4 Table 3.1 Soil Characteristics Approx. % Symbol of Natural Drainage Series Type Topography Watershed Area B.L. 4 ariable Bottom Land Variable Vari ble Huc 3 Good Huron Clay Loam 8m oth, moderately sloping Bg 3 Good Burford Loam Sm th, gently sloping Bc 5 Poor Brookston Clay Loam Sm th, very gently sloping Csc 10 Poor Chesley Silty Clay Loam Smo th, very gently sloping Bes 20 Imperfect Berrien Sandy Loam Sma th, very gently sloping Pc 25 Imperfect Perth Clay Loam Smo th, gently sloping Esi 30 1m erfect Elderslie Silt Loam Smo th, gently sloping 3.5 Topography . The Bruce County Soils Map, the Ontario base Mapping and our observations in icate that all areas within the watershed are smooth and very gently to moderately sloping with resp ct to topography; therefore, none of the agricultural land within the drainage area is too steep to r strict agricultural operations. 3.6 Land Use Except for the roads, four small, rural residential properties, and the Municipal L ndfil1 Site, all of the land within this watershed is privately owned and is used for agricultural pu oses. 4.0 THE DRAINAGE ACT, RSO 1990 and THE AREA REOUlRING DRAINAGE This Report is being prepared in accordance with Section 4 of the Drainage Act as wo new Petitions have been received by Municipal Council regarding this drainage situation. Tl e initial Petition generally describes Lots 11 to 18 Concession 3 and Lots 14 to 18, Concession 2 as he area requiring drainage. The Second Petition generally describes Lot 18 to 21 in Concessio 1 of the former Township of Bruce and Lots 21 and 22 in Concession 12 ofthe former Township of Kincardine as the area requiring drainage. Burnside concurs that these descriptions are accur te. As a result, Council used Section 8(4) of the Act to request one Report to be prepared with r spect to the two Petitions. In both cases, we have determined that the Petitions properly describe c ntiguous "areas requiring drainage" and initially declared them adequate to allow this project t proceed under Section 4(I)(a) of the Act. Part way through this process, the owners of Lots 16, oncession 3 and Lot 18, Concession 2 indicated their desire to have their names removed from th Petitions, but it was detennined that this removal would not affect the validity of the Petitions, so ork continued to complete this proposal. Based on the survey information obtained, it was necessary to continue the roposed works downstream of Lot II, Concession Jinto Lot 7 in order to reach a location along th natural channel where it is considered that "sufficient outlet" will be obtained, to comply with S etiol1 15 of the Drainage Act. At this point, the natural valley is quite wide and not used for era production. R.J. Burnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 5 5.0 DESIGN CRITERIA The applicable sections of the "Design and Construction Guidelines for Work Under the Drainage Act", as prepared by the Government of Ontario, and the applicable sections of the "Drainage Guide for Ontario", as published by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, have been used for the design of this Municipal Drain and will be used for the construction as well. A drainage coefficient of 12.7 millimetres (112 inch) in 24 hours was used to determine the underdrainage requirements of the cleared, worked, agricultural land within the watershed and the minimum capacity of the proposed new closed drains. The closed Main Drain proposed to be installed across the Landfill Site property has been designed to carry the underdrainage capacity from all lands upstream plus an additional 12.7 millimetres in 24 hours from the affected parts of Lots 18, 19 and 20, Concession 2 as surface water. Similarly, Branch A from its outlet to the downstream side of Sideroad 15-16 has been designed to carry the underdrainage capacity from part of Lot 14, Lots 15-16 and part of Lot 17 all in Concession 3, plus an additional 12. 7 millimetres in 24 hours from Lots 15 and 16, Concession 3 and parts of Lots 16-20, Concession 2 to accommodate some surface water. In accordance with the Guidelines, the open drain has been designed to accommodate surface water runoff from the two~year rainfall event, as a minimum. The Open Portion of the Main Drain has been proposed deeper than normal through Lot 15, Concession 3 and Lots 15 and 16, Concession 2 in order to accommodate underdrainage from those portions of Lots 15 & 16, Concession 2 that are south of the interior watershed boundary, as shown by the hatching on Dwg, No. W99403-1. 6.0 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 Main Drain - Open Portion 6.1. t 3 Metre Wide Buffer Strips Along Both Sides of the Open Drsin The establishment of "buffer strips" along open Municipal Drains has been an accepted "best management practice" for a number of years. These buffers reduce soil and nutrient movement into the Drain from adjacent fields and prevent cropping too close to the Drain. In the case of this new open Municipal Drain, the DFO Authorization (Appendix E) also requires the creation of these buffers. Accordingly, buffer strips, 3 metres in width along both sides of all of the Open Portion of the Main Drain, are hereby established and shall not be worked or disturbed in any way without the approval of the Municipal Drainage Superintendent. Allowances for this land "taken" by the Drain have been provided, as described in Section 9.1.2. 6.1.2 Meandering Portion and Chsinsge in Lot 7, Concession 3 At the time of the preliminary design, it was proposed to eliminate the meanders in the natural channel through the Lot 7, Concession 3 in order to maximize the efficiency of the proposed outlet and, as much as possible, eliminate backwater that may accumulate in Lots 7 and 8. As a result, the survey was conducted with a straight alignment to facilitate the proposed design. However, as a result of significant opposition from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada as the design progressed, it was determined that the meandering portion of the open channel must be maintained in the design to protect the fish habitat that was determined to eX,ist in the natural channel. Subsequently, a second survey was conducted along the meandering alignment of the channel through Lot 7 to complete a design to maximize the efficiency of the meandering outlet. As a result. R.J. Burnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Orain No. 19 July 2005 two different chainages are used though Lot 7, Concession 3: . the Original Chainage, following the straight alignment is negative nd originates from Station 0+000 in Lot 12, Concession 3, for example -2+500, and . the Meandering Chainage has an "M" before the numerical value, s ch as MO+OOO. At the downstream extent of the design, -2+500=MO+000, and at the Lot 7 8 property line, - 2+154=MO+582. See Dwg. W99403-11. 6 6.1.3 Meander DowRstream of laRe Crossing in lot 1, Concession 3 Presently, a meander exists in the alignment of the open charmel immediately do stream of the lane crossing in Mid-Lot 7, Concession 3 from Station MO+070 to MO+llO. Wi h the approval of Jennifer Thomas of the Departm~nt of Fisheries & Oceans Canada, a new ch nnel alignment is proposed to eliminate the meander and provide an improved outlet. The new ali ment requires the excavation of a new channel approximately 30 metres in length, and reduce the length of the existing channel by approximately 10 metres. See Dwg. W99403-11. 6.1.4 Overflow Channel in lot 1, Conmsion 3 The excavation of an Overflow Channel has been allowed in the design sin the meandering aligmnent in Lot 7, Concession 3 is being preserved and other fisheries compens tion measures are being included in the scope of work of this Municipal Drain. The Overflow Ch nel is designed to 'short circuit' floodwaters through the large meander when the meandering porti of the channel is flowing at full capacity. The Overflow Channel will have a 4 metres wide b ttorn and will be approximately 40 metres in length, extending :f:Ìom Station -2+340 to -2+300. T e entire length of the Overflow Channel must be protected with riprap to control erosion and preven it from becoming the low-flow channel in the future. See Dwg. W99403-1O and 11. 6.1.5 Farm lane Crossing in lot 8, Concession 3 During the design ofthis Municipal Drain, it was detennined that the existing far lane crossing in Lot 8, Concession 3 (Station -1+947) was adequate to facilitate the design fl ws and provide sufficient outlet for the land requiring drainage upstream; however, the 1ando ner requested an Ilmetre (35 feet) crossing top width to accommodate larger equipment in the fut e. In this case, it '¥iflS kss ~f'ðl1sive to replace the crossing than to extend the existing corrugate steel pipe arch. Accordingly, the above·mentioned crossing will be replaced with a 17 metre Ion section of 1600 millimetre diameter Corrugated Steel Pipe complete with riprap, and the landown r will be assessed accordingly. See Dwg. W99403-17. 6.1.6 Mid·lot Meander in lot 9, Conceøsion 3 Presently, a meander exists in the existing channel in the middle portion of Lot , Concession 3, inhibiting the direct flow of the water downstream. It was originally proposed to realign the short section of meandering channel with a large gentle "s" curve. That proposal was go ng to shorten the channel by 75 metres, which the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada fou d unacceptable. Subsequently, a shorter realignment was proposed and accepted that will result in length reduction of 60 metres. See Dwg. No. W99403-'12. 6.1.7 Farm lane Crossing in Lot 9, ConcBSsion 3 During the design of this Municipal Drain, it was determined that the existing dri e~through farm R.J. Burnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 7 lane Crossing in Lot 12, Concession 3 was not acceptable due to fisheries concerns. Accordingly, the above-mentioned crossing will be replaced with a 15 metre long section of 1600 millimetre diameter Corrugated Steel Pipe. At the landowner's request, the drivable portion of the crossing shall be 11 metres wide, rather than the normal 6 metres, and the extra cost has been assessed accordingly. Riprap shall be placed at the inlet and outlet of the proposed crossing. See Dwg. W99403-12 & 17. 6.1.8 Sideroad 10· t 1 Crossing Realignment· Including Lots 10 & 1 t, Concession 3 Culvert realignment is required through Sideroad 10-11 to eliminate the flow restrictions that are caused by the sighting of the existing culvert. See Dwg. W99403-13 & 17. It is proposed to place a new culvert on a skew through the Sideroad and introduce approximately 70 metres of new channel downstream and approximately 40 metres of new channel upstream of the Sideroad to facilitate the new alignment. Downstream of the Sideroad, approximately 30 metres of new channel is proposed immediately upstream of the South Tributary Confluence to eliminate the right angle, and the remaining 40 metres of new channel is proposed to eliminate the right angle bend immediately downstream of the existing culvert. Upstream of the Sideroad, approximately 40 metres of new channel is proposed between the inlet of the new culvert and the upstream bend. 6.1.9 Farm Lane Crossing in lot 12, Concession 3 Dwing the design ofthis Municipal Drain, it was determined that the existing farm lane crossing in Lot 12, Concession 3 (Station 0+004 to 0+014) was not adequate to accommodate the design flows or provide sufficient outlet for the land requiring drainage upstream. Accordingly, the above- mentioned crossing will be replaced with a 15 metre long section of 1600 millimetre diameter Corrugated Steel Pipe. The drivable portion of the crossing shall be 11 metres wide and 450 millimetres of cover will be provided over the proposed pipe. This 11 metre top width has been specially requested by the landowner and the extra cost has been assessed accordingly. Riprap shall be placed at the inlet and outlet of the proposed crossing. See Dwg. W99403-17. 6.1. to Farm lane Crossing in Pt. Lot t 3, Concession 3 During the design of this Municipal Drain, it was determined that the existing farm lane crossing in the west half of Lot 13, Concession 3 (Station 0+262 to 0+272) was not adequate to accommodate the design flows or provide sufficient outlet for the land requiring drainage upstream. Accordingly, the above-mentioned crossing will be replaced with a 15 metre long section of 1600 millimetre diameter Corrugated Steel Pipe. The drivable portion of the crossing shall be 11 metres wide and a minimum cover of 450 millimetres over the proposed pipe will be provided. This 11 metre top width has been specially requested by the landowner and the extra cost has been assessed accordingly. Riprap shall be placed at the inlet and outlet ofthe proposed crossing. See Dwg. W99403-l7. 6.1. t t New Channel Alignment in lot 13, ConcBssion 3 Presently, the two existing open channels that are proposed to become the Main Drain and Branch "A" join at Station 0+463 in the worked field along the east side of the west half of Lot 13, Concession 3. See Dwg. W99403-14. The location of this confluence is not favourable for agricultural production. Accordingly, it is proposed to relocate the confluence to Branch "A", Station AO+050, which will also be approximately Station 0+489 on the proposed Main Drain alignment. The new channel for the Main Drain will continue upstream, immediately adjacent to the R.J. Burnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 JUly 2005 8 fence line within the westerly half of Lot 13 and merge with the existing charm I at approximately Station 0+607, still along the fence line. The new alignment of the channel wi I allow for a larger portion of the land to be accessible for agricultural use. The abandoned ch nnel will have an underdrainage tile laid in it to connect any existing field drains and will be fill 6.1.12 Fencing After construction, livestock access to the Open Portion of this new Municipal completely prohibited; fencing on both sides will be required, beyond the 3 m ide buffer strips, if livestock pasturing is to take place on any property that has the Open Drain p ssing through it. Accordingly, during the design stage of this project, the landowners were conta ted regarding the requirements for livestock pasturmgalong the Open Drain on their properties. hose landowners who indicated a need for pasturing and fencing on their properties where given damage allowance for fencing, approximately equal to the cost of installing a new three trand electric fence along one side of the Drain. The landowner is responsible for the cost of he fence on the other.side of the Open Drain and·for supplying and installing the required fence on both sides. 6.1.13 Farm Lane Crossing on lot Line between Lot 13 and Lot 14, Concession 3 During the design of this Municipal Drain, it was determined that the existing far lane crossing on the line between Lots 13 and 14, Concession 3 (Station 0+816 to 0+826) wa not adequate to accommodate the design flow or provide sufficient outlet for the land requiring ainage upstream. Accordingly, the above-mentioned crossing will be replaced with a 10 metr section of 1400 millimetre diameter Corrugated Steel Pipe. The drivable portion ofthe crossin shall be 6 metres wide and a minimum cover of 450 millimetres will be provided over the proposed ipe. Riprap shall be placed at the inlet and outlet of the proposed crossing. See Dwg. W99403-1 . 6.1.14 Bored Crossing Beneath Concession Road 2-3 During the design of this Municipal Drain, it was determined that the existing Co cession Road 2-3 Main Drain Crossing (Station 1 +552 to 1 +575) was not adequate to provide suffi ient outlet for the land requiring drainage upstream. Alower crossing is required to provide the la ds upstream with sufficient fall for adequate drainage. Accordingly, it is proposed to install a23 m re section of 800 mHJimetre diameter Smoothwall Welded Steel Pipe below and off to the side ofth existing pipe by the horizontal boring and jacking method. The new pipe will provide adequate utlet for the low flow condition and together the two pipes will provide adequate capacity for the de ign flow. Riprap shall be placed at the inlet and outlet of the proposed crossing. See Dwg. W994 3-17. 6.1.15 Bottom Width of Channel Through Lots 15 and 1~ Concession 3 The bottom width of the existing open channel through Lots 15 and 16, Concess on 3 varies from approximately 1.5 metres to 2.5 metres, which is more than adequate for th portion of the Municipal Drain. Accordingly, it is necessary to only trim the bottom of the chan el and make the grade specified on the profile, as oppose to deepening and widening. 6.1.16 Sideroad 15-16 Crossing During the design of this Municipal Drain, it was determined that the existing Sideroad 15-16 Crossing (Station I +913 to 1 +926) was not deep enough to provide sufficient 0 ¡tIet for the land requiring drainage upstream. A lower crossing is required to provide the land upstream with R.J. 'Burnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 9 sufficient fall for adequate drainage. Accordingly, the above-mentioned crossing will be replaced with a 13 metre section of 1400 millimetre diameter Corrugated Steel Pipe. The drivable portion of the roadway shall be the same as the existing conditions. Riprap shall be placed at the inlet and outlet of the proposed crossing. See Dwg. W99403-17. 6.1.17 Drop Structure in Lot 17, Concession 2 Currently, there is a significant difference in elevation between the ditchbottom in Lot 16 and in Lot 17. Additional deepening proposed in Lot 16 will increase this difference. In order to mitigate the potential of erosion caused by the sudden drop of flowing water from Lot 17, it is proposed to construct a drop structure, completely protected with riprap, at a gradient of 5% (20H: 1 V) here. Due to the existence of a very large tree close to the top of the ditchbank at this location, it may be necessary to make some minor adjustments in sighting ofthis structure at the time of construction. 6.2 Main Drain - Closed Portion 6.2.1 Landfill Site Bypass· Lots 17 & 18, Concession 2 The existing drainage facility through the Landfill Site property is an open channel. The preliminary design for the Municipal Drain was also as open drain, with substantial deepening to accommodate the flows from the upstream lands. At the request of the Municipality and the landowners, a second design was done with a closed drain following the natural route through the property. After discussion at the September 18, 2003 meeting to consider these preliminary designs, the Municipal representatives requested that, if possible, the Drain actually completely bypass the old and active landfill site areas of the property and be constructed of watertight closed drain tile to eliminate the possibility of environmental concerns due to leachate from the Landfill Site. Accordingly, a closed drain Landfill Site Bypass has been incorporated into the design of the Drain with watertight Boss 2000 pipe across the full width of Lot 17 and concrete drain tile through Lot 18, Concession 2, connecting with the existing natural route of the Drain at the rear of Lot 18 at the Concession 1/2 property line. Consequently, a new chainage, beginning with the letter "L" was created, where Sta. 2+487 = Sta. LO+OOO and Sta. LO+306 = Sta. 3+400. All ofthe extra cost of this bypass has been assessed to the Lot 17. 6.2.2 Junction Boxes for Landfill Site Lane at Stations LO+440 and LO+463, Lot 17, Concession 2 It is proposed to install junction boxes on both the upstream and downstream sides of the Landfill Site access lane. The downstream junction box at Station LO+440 will be available for inspection and for the connection of an offset ditchin1et catchbasin. The upstream junction box at Station LO+463 will be available for inspection and for the connection of any underdrainage outlet tiles ITom Lot 18, Concession 2. The above-mentioned structures will be 900 millimetres by 1200 millimetres in dimension to accommodate the large pipe and tile sizes. 6.2.3 Offset Ditcb Inlet Catcbbasin at Station LO+440 in Lot 17, ConcBssion 2 It is proposed to install an offset ditch inlet catchbasin approximately 85 m north of Station LO+440, immediately downstream of the lane surface water culvert. This catchbasin will intercept some surface water to reduce the amount of overland flow across the properties in the Branch A sub- watershed. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited W99 4D3 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 10 6.2.4 Junction Boxes on the landfill Site Bypass Drain in lot 18, Concession 2 Due to the length and grade changes associated with this Drain in Lot 18, it is I ecessary to install junction boxes at the following locations: Sta. LO+750, a buried box; Sta. LO+ 25, at an existing fence line; Sta. Ll+060, at the edge of the bush area; and Sta. Ll+306 or 3+4000 the original Main Drain chainage, at the property line at the rear of Lot 18. The above-mentione structures will be 900 miIlimetres by 1200 millimetres in dimension to accommodate the large pip and tile sizes and are also available for tile connections and inspection points. 6.2.5 Junction Boxes & Catchbasins·lots 18 to 21, Concession 1 Generally, a junction box or a catchbasin will be installed at the downstream sid and in the middle of each of these properties. These structures are available as tile connection an inspection points and allow grade changes for the MainDrain tile. These structures are proposed 0 be placed at the following locations: Sta. 3+629, at bush edge; Sta. 3+950, at Lot 18-19 property I ne; Sta. 4+200, in approximately the mid point of Lot 19, as a catchbasin; Sta. 4+393, at the Lot 1 -20 property line; and Sta. 4+651, at the upstream side of the farm lane in Lot 20. 6.2.6 Junction Boxes & Offset Ditch Inlet Catch Basin· Sideroad 20/21 at Stations +890 and 4+910 It is proposed to install junction boxes on both the upstream and downstream ides of Sideroad 20/21. An offset ditchinlet catchbasin will be connected to the downstreamjunct on box at Station 4+890 and the upstream junction box at Station LO+463 will be available for the onnection of any underdrainage outlet tiles from Lot 21, Concession 1. The ditchinlet catchba in will be offset approximately 24 metres south of the proposed drain, directly in front of the out et of the existing road culvert to intercept some of the surface water from the culvert to reduce the ount of surface water flow downstream. Since the natural slope of the west ditch is to the nor h, riprap will be placed over the disturbed area between the two structures to prevent any erosion. 6.2.7 Ditch Inlet Catch Basin at Station 5+ 174 in lot 21, Concession 1 The Drain through Lot 21, Concession 1 consists of approximately 449 metres of oncrete drainage tile and 12 metres of corrugated steel pipe; therefore, a structure is recommended t divide this long reach for inspection purposes. Accordingly, it is proposed to place a ditchinlet atchbasin on the field side of the feDceline at Station 5+ 174. At this location, the structure II provide a tile inspection point, it will permit a change in tile grade, and it will allow for the rainage of some surface water. 6.2.8 Junction Boxes for County Road 15 at.Stations 5+371 and 5+401 It is proposed to install junction boxes on both the upstream and downstream side of County Road 15. These junction boxes will provide an inspection point for the pipe beneath the ounty Road and the upstream box will also be available for the connection of any underdrainage ou let tiles from Lot 21, Concession 12. 8.2.9 New Crossing Beneath County Road 15 During the design of this Municipal Drain, it was determined that the existing COUl y Road 15 Main Drain surface water culvert is not deep enough to provide sufficient outlet for tl1 upstream lands requiring drainage. Accordingly, it is proposed to install a 30 metre length 0 200 millimetre diameter Smoothwall Welded Steel Pipe, at a lower elevation, between the a ove.-mentioned R:J. Burnside & Associates Limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 11 junction boxes by the horizontal boring and jacking method or by directional drilling. The new pipe will provide adequate outlet for the design flow. 6.2.10 Flat Top Catth Basin at Station 5+620 on Lot 20/21 Property Line, Concession 12 It is proposed to place a flat top catchbasin along the fenceline at Station 5+620. At this location, the structure will provide a tile connection point for either Lot, it will act as an inspection point at the upstream end of the proposed Closed Portion of the Main Drain, and it will allow for the drainage of some surface water from the low area at this location. 6.3 Branch A 6.3.1 Junction Box at Station AO+335 in Lot 14, Concession 3 The Drain through the east half of Lot 13 and Lot 14 consists of approximately 615 metres of concrete drainage tile and 6 metres of corrugated steel pipe under the fann lane; therefore, a structure is recommended to divide this long reach for inspection purposes. Accordingly, it is proposed to place a junction box at Station AO+335 where it will provide a tile inspection point and a point to make any underdrainage tile connections. 6.3.2 Junction Box at Station AO+677 on Lots 14/15 Property Line in Concession 3 It is proposed to place a junction box at the above-mentioned location where it will provide a tile inspection point, a point to make any underdrainage tile connections for Lot 15, a point to connect the offset ditchinlet catchbasin and where it will pennit a change in tile grade. 6.3.3 Filling of Old Channel in East Half Lot 13 and Lot 14, Concession 3 It is proposed to replace the existing ditch across the East Half of Lot 13 and Lot 14 with the closed Branch A tile Drain. Accordingly, it is proposed to fill the existing ditch across these properties with some of the material excavated from the Main Drain on these properties. In addition, the owner of these properties has requested that topsoil be placed over the clay material that will be used to fill the ditch, for the entire top width of the existing ditch. To accommodate this request, a limited amount of topsoil will be salvaged from the bottom of the existing ditch. The remainder of the requested topsoil will be purchased from an external source and placed. Some ofthe cost to supply and place the additional topsoil will be assessed to this property accordingly. 6.3.4 Filling of Old Channel in Lot 15, Concession 3 It is proposed to replace the existing ditch across the west half of Lot 15 with the closed Branch A tile Drain. Accordingly, it is proposed to fill the existing ditch across the west half of this property with some of the material excavated from the Main Drain on this property. A limited amount of topsoil will be salvaged from the bottom of the existing ditch to place over the clay material that will be used to fill the ditch. As per the owner's request, no additional topsoil will be imported here. 6.3.5 Offset Ditch Inlet Catch Basin at Station AO+677 on Lot 14/15 Property Line, Concession 3 A new ditchinlet catchbasin with berm will be offset approximately 6 metres north of the proposed Drain at Station AO+677. This basin will be located along the property line in the low run to intercept some surface water and reduce the overland flow across the downstream lands. R.J. Burnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Broca Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 12 6.3.6 Junction Boxes for Sideroad 15/16 at Stations AI + 152 and AI + 174 It is proposed to install junction boxes on both the upstream and downstream sides of Sideroad 15/16. The junction box at Station Al + 152 on the downstream side of the ro d will provide an inspection point for the Drain and a point to connect an offset ditchinlet catchba in. The upstream junction box at Station Al + 174 will also provide an inspection point for the rain and will be available for the connection of any underdrainage· outlet tiles from Lot 16, Con ession 3. 6.3.7 Offset Ditch Inlet Catch Basin on West side of Sideroad 15/16 A new ditchin1et catchbasin will be offset approximately 6 metres north of the roposed Drain at Station Al + 152. This basin will be selin a low berm, directly in front of the exist ng road culvert, to intercept some surface water to reduce the amount of overland flow across the wnstream lands. 6.3.8 Crossing Beneath Sideroad t5/16 During the design of this Municipal Drain, it was determined that the existing Side oad 15/16 surface water culvert is not deep enough to provide sufficient outlet for the land r qui ring drainage upstream. A lower crossing is required to provide the lands upstream with ufficient fall for adequate drainage. Accordingly, it is proposed install cut a 22 metre length f 400 millimetre diameter Corrugated Steel Pipe on a slight skew between the above-mentioned j tion boxes by the open cut method. The new pipe will provide adequate outlet for the design flo 6.3.9 Junction Box at Station A 1+5!J2 on Lot 16/17 Property Line, Concession 3 It is proposed to place ajunction box at the upstream end of Branch A at Station Al +592. At this location, the structure will provide a tile inspection point and a point to make any derdrainage tile connections from Lot 17. 6.4 Fisheries Issues. DFO Authorization & SVCA Permit Du~ to this being a "new" Municipal Drain project, it was necessary to have an in pection made by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) at the beginning of the process. As a result fthis inspection, (DFO) identified that the open channels on the proposed Main Drain likely were 'fish habitat". In order to determine the quality of this habitat, it was necessary to undertake a "Fish Habitat Assessment"which was done by a ~ub':'consultant, Mr. Ray Barnard of Mild may. This assessment did reveal that fish habitat existed and, as a result, in order to be able to alter an eliminate these channels, it has been necessary for the Municipality to obtain an "Autborizatio "from DFO. In order to obtain this Authorization, certain "compensation" and "mitigation" me sures have to be incorporated in the project. A copy of this Authorization is enclosed in Appendi E to this Report. There was no fee associated with the application for this Authorization. DFO is now requiring that periodic status reports be prepared and filed with the during and after these projects. These reports can be prepared and filed by the Drainage Superinte ent; however, if the drainage engineer is required to do so, the costs associated therewith will be n addition to the regular fees and will be considered part of the project cost and eligible for any rant that may be available. It has also recently been determined that a Permit will be required from the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SYCA) to "Alter a Watercourse" under their Ontario Regtlation # 169 RRO - 1990. Since the Authority has been involved with this project throughout the s ¡rvey and design process, it is unlikely that there will be any issues of concern with the proposed wo k. A copy of this R.J. Btltmlml & Asstlciate~ limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincerdine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 13 Report will be submitted with the Application and should provide sufficient information for the Authority's review. There is a $400 fee associated with this application. 7.0 PROPOSED WORK 7.1 General In accordance with Section 8 (1) (a) of the Drainage Act, the Plans and Profiles of the proposed works are included in Appendix G of this Report while the Specifications and construction details are included in Appendix F. The reader is asked to refer to these Appendices for details of the work proposed on each property. 7.2 Treatment of Excavated Material from Open Drain The spoil material excavated from the Open Portions of the Drain will be spread on the lands adjacent to the new Drain to a depth of 200 mm in cleared, worked areas and to a depth of 600 mm in non worked areas. The spoil is not to be placed in the 3 metre buffer strips along the edges of the new Drain. 7.3 Sediment Controls Proper sediment control has been an accepted "best management practice" for open drain construction for a number of years. In order to comply with this practice, both permanent and temporary sediment control devices will be incorporated as part of this project. The proposed locations of these devices are shown on Dwg. W99403-1 and a description of them in included in Appendix F. 7.4 Working Spaces and Access Routes The working space widths being provided to the Contractor to undertake this work are described on the detail sheet entitled "Working Space" included in Appendix F. This working space shall also be available for future maintenance. Access to the working space is to be negotiated by the contractor with the engineer prior to the commencement of construction. Appropriate allowances have been provided to the various properties in this regard. 7.5 Change Orders Ifunforeseen circumstances are encountered after the adoption of this Report, the engineer may issue Change Orders as required to have the works properly constructed. 8.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS On the portions of the Open Drain deemed fisheries habitat by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, appropriate measures will be employed to protect this habitat or compensate for it where it is damaged or destroyed. In addition, sediment and erosion controls will be installed, buffer strips will be created and pool habitat will be created to reduce the environmental effects of this project. Regarding the new closed drains, for the most part they will be installed through cleared agricultural land and road allowance and, where they are to be installed through bush, the working space has been kept as narrow as possible. This should keep any significant adverse environmental effects to a minimum. R.J. Burnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 14 9.0 APPENDICES Four of the appendices to this Report, namely Appendix A - Allowances, Estimate, Appendix C - Assessments, and Appendix D - Assessment Details following sub~sections. ppendix B - Cost e described in the 9.1 Appendix A - Allowances 9.1.1 General In accordance with Section 8 (1) (d) of the Drainage Act, this Appendix provides breakdown of the allowances provided under Sections 29,30,31 and 32 of the Act. Allowances wi I be deducted from total assessments, in accordance with Section 62(3) of the Act. The methods of c lculating the areas used for determining these allowances are described in the following sections an details regarding working space can be found in thespeciflcations. 9.1.2 Section 29 The Act states "The engineer in the report shall estimate and allow in money t land that it is necessary to use, (a) for the construction or improvement of a drainage works; (b) for the disposal of material removed from drainage works; (c) as a site for a pumping station to be used in connection with a drain e works; or (d) as a means of access to any such pumping station, if, in the opinion of he engineer, such right of way is sufficient for the purposes of the drainage works, the valu (?I'any such land or the damages, if any, thereto, and shall include such sums in the estimat s of the cost qf the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of the drainage wor . R.S.o. 1990, s. 29. " The allowances for land taken or right-of-way given have been calculated usin a base value of $6,200 per hectare of workable land and have been provided to the properties on hich the Drain is to be constructed or improved. In the case of the open portions ofthe Drains, thes allowances were calculated based on a 6 metre width of land taken for the buffer strips pI us the amo nt that the actual top width of the channel is widened. Regarding the tile drains, a maximum of one hird of this value was applied to a 10 metre width, on the basis that this land can still be used for agri ultural purposes. In both cases, factors were applied to the land value to represent the particular typ ofIand affected. 9.1.3 Section 30 The Act states "The engineer shall determine the amount to be paid to persons e titled thereto for damage, (I' any, to ornamental trees, lawns, fences, lands and crops occasioned the disposal of material removedfrom a drainage works and shall include such sums in the estim ltes of the cost of the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of the drainage work'i. R.S. . 1990, c. D.l?, s. 30." The allowances for damage to lands and crops have been calculated using a base v lue of$I,235.50 per hectare of workable land. This assumes a complete loss of the crop for the ye r of construction for the entire width of the working space. This value was also applied to the wid hs designated as access routes to the working space. This same base value allowance was given fo the loss of crops during the years following construction. This assumes that the total loss of crop during the years following construction is equal to the complete loss of crop for a single year. The allowances provided for damage to fences was determined from current fence onstruction and R.J. Burnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 15 material costs obtained from two local fencing contractors and applied to the lengths of Open Drain on the subject properties. 9.1.4 Søction 31 The Act states "Where an existing drain that was not constructed on requisition or petition under this Act or any predecessor of this Act is incorporated in whole or in part in a drainage works, the engineer in the report shall estimate and allow in money to the owner of such drain or part the value to the drainage works of such drain or part and shall include such sum in the estimates of the cost qf' the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of the drainage works. R.S. 0. 1990, c. D.l7, s. 31." Allowances under this Section have been provided to the properties that have existing channel that is beingasswned as part of the Open Portion of the Main Drain. at a rate varying from $2.50 to $7.50 per lineal metre. 9.1.5 Section 32 The Act states "Where, in the opinion of the engineer, the cost of continuing a drainage works to a sufficient outlet or the cost of constructing or improving a drainage works with sufficient capacity to carry off the water will exceed the amount of injury likely to be caused to low-lying lands along the course of or below the termination of the drainage works, instead qf continuing the works to such an outlet, or making it of such capacity, the engineer may include in the estimate of cost a sufficient sum to compensate the owners of such low-lying lands for any injuries they may sustain from the drainage works, and in the report the engineer shall determine the amount to be paid to the owners of such low-lying lands in respect of such i,!;uries. R.S. 0. 1990, c. D.l?, s. 32. " An allowance under this Section has been provided to Lot 8, Concession 3 since, due to fisheries habitat concerns, the Drain will not be constructed through Lot 7 so as to provide "sufficient outlet" to the westerly portion of Lot 8 that is adjacent to the Open Drain. 9.2 Appendix B - Cost Estimate In accordance with Section 8(b) of the Drainage Act, this Appendix provides a breakdown of the total estimated cost of $722,600 for this proposed project, which includes all materials, construction, administration, and allowances. 9.3 Appendices C and D - Assessments and Assessment Details 9.3.1 General In accordance with Section 8(c) of the Drainage Act, this Appendix is the distribution of the total estimated cost over the lands and road involved. These assessments are made in accordance with Sections 22,23, and 26 ofthe Act. All affected private lands that are agricultural within the meaning of the Act should be eligible for any provincial grants that may be available through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 9.3.2 Section 26 Section 26 of the Act states "In addition to all other sums lawfully assessed against the property (?!Ú public utility or road authority under this Act, and de~pite the fact thctl the public utility or road authority is not otherwise assessable under this Act, the public utility or road authority shall be R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 JulV 2005 16 assessed for and shall pay all the increase of cost of such drainage works cause the works of the public utility or road authority. R.S 0. 1990, c. D.1?, s. 26. " In accordance with this Section, assessments have been made to Sideroad 10-11, Sideroad 15-16, Sideroad 20-21, Concession Road 2-3, and County Road 15 for the six Drain cr sings being made. 9.3.3 Sections 22 and 23 Section 22 of the Act states "Lands, roads, buildings, utilities or other structure that are increased in value or are more easily maintained as a result of the construction, improvem nt, maintenance or repair of a drainage works may be assessedfor benefit. R, S. 0. 1990, c. D.1?, s 22." Section 23 of the Act states "(1) Lands and roads that use a drainage works as an outlet, or fo which, when the drainage works is constructed or improved, an improved outlet is provid either directly or indirectly through the medium of any other drainage works or of a swal , ravine, creek or watercourse, may be assessed for outlet liability. (2) If, from any land or road, water is artificially caused by any means to flow upon and irifure any other land or road, the land orroadfrom which the water is c used toflow may be assessed for injuring liability with respect to a drainage works to re ¡eve the 'irifury so caused to such other land or road. (3) The assessment for outlet liability and injuring liabilityprovidedfor "n subsections (1) and (2) shall be based upon the volume and rate of flow of the water art ficially caused to flow upon the injured land or road or into the drainage works from th lands and road\' liable for such assessments. (4) The owners of the lands and roads made liable to assessment only un er subsection (1) or (2) shall neither count for nor against the Petition required by section unless within the area therein described. R.S. O. 1990, c. D.l?, s. 23." The costs have been assessed to all affected lands and roads, in accordance wi the appropriate Sections of the Act, following the "T odgham. Method". This is a method of detennining assessments that is generally accepted by the drainage profession as being fair and equitable. The basics of this method are explained here, whereas examples of the details of the assessments for this Drain are included in Appendix D. Any interested party can obtain all of the assessment details upon request. a) Equivalent Areas - In order to confonn to Section 23(3) of the Act, all lands w~thin the drainage area had an "equivalent area factor" applied to them. This factor is established r each parcel of land within the drainage area and is dependent on the particular characteristics oft t land, the prime characteristics being land use and topography. In this way "...the volume and rat of flow of water artificially caused to flow...into the drainage works"." is established on a relativ basis for "".the lands and roads liable for such assessments." The equivalent area factors that have een used for this Drain are as follows: cleared, worked agricuIturalland 1.0; bush 0.5; gravel roads 3. ; surface treated roads 4.0; asphalt roads 5.0. Using this information, a Section Data Table is prep ed for the entire drainage area and each sub-drainage area. b) Sections of the Drain - Based on sub-drainage areas and property lines, the ubject Drain or Drains are divided into various Sections for assessment purposes, normally with S ction 1 being at the downstream end. These Sections are shown on Dwg. W99403-SECT. The quivalent areas within and upstream of each Section are also determined. c) Costs for Each Section - The total project cost for each Section is calculated and includes ¡11I costs, such as; materials, construction, allowances, and administration. The total these sectional R.J. ßUrnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 17 costs must equal the total project cost including any special assessments made in accordance with Sections 24 and 26 of the Act. The section costs for this project are shown in the Final Section Costs table included in Appendix D. d) Benefit Assessment - To completely understand the assessment process, the reader must be aware of the definition of "benefit" contained in the Act. Standard practice is to make an assessment for benefit only to those properties upon which the work is actually done or to the properties adjacent to where the work is actually done, when the drain is located on or near the boundary between one or more properties. e) Outlet Liability Assessment - An understanding of "outIet liability", as defined in the Act, is also required to comprehend the assessment process. Standard practice is to make an assessment for outlet liability to any and all lands and roads that are within the drainage area since, in some manner, water from those lands will use all or part of the Drain as an outlet. 1) Direct Outlet Assessment - This term is used to describe the assessment for outlet made to those lands within each section of the Drain that outlet directly into that section. For example. If there are 15 equivalent hectares within the sub-drainage area of Section 3 of the Drain, these 15 equivalent hectares gain direct outlet to the Drain somewhere within the length of Section 3 and shall be assessed for the outlet obtained within that section. This assessment is not separately defined in the Act and is usually included with benefit when assessments are calculated. g) Variation of Assessments throughout the length of the Drain - When engineers calculate assessments, they must decide (1) what portion of the cost of each section will be assessed as benefit and direct outlet to the land upon which the Drain is being constructed and (2) what portion will be assessed as outlet to the lands and roads upstream of that section. It is generally accepted that the benefit and direct outlet portion of a downstream section is comparatively low, since most of the capacity of the Drain is being provided as outlet for the upstream lands. Conversely then, the benefit and direct outlet portion of an upstream section is normally high, since most ofthe capacity there is being provided for the land upon which the Drain is being constructed. Therefore, normally, for a downstream section of the Drain, the portion of the cost assessed as benefit and direct outlet is low and the portion assessed as outlet is high; while, for an upstream section of the Drain, the portion of the cost assessed as benefit and direct outlet is high, and the portion assessed as outlet is low. Taken to the extreme, that is to the last upstream property in the drainage area, all of the cost of any work done on that property would be assessed as benefit and direct outlet, since there are no other lands upstream thereof that can be assessed for outlet. h) Actual Assessment Calculations for a Typical Section ofthe Drain - The process used for the calculation of the assessments for each section of the Drain is generally the same. A brief description of this process follows. Reference to the examples of a typical "Sectional Assessment Worksheet" included in Appendix D should assist the reader with this description. 1) CostlEq. Ha. from DIS - This figure is the cumulative outlet assessment per equivalent hectare that is brought forward from the previous section (where applicable). 2) Total Section Cost - This is the total sectional cost, as previously explained. 3) Specific Costs - These are costs for specific items that are considered to apply (in whole or in part) only to a particular property or road and not to all the lands within the drainage area. These costs can be Section 24 Assessments, Section 26 Assessments, or "specific" benefit assessments. These specific assessments are then posted to the particular property or road in the Summary Table and the total of them is deducted from the Total Section Cost to leave the "Remainder to Assess". R.J. Burnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 18 4) Normal Outlet - At this point in the process, the engineer uses professi nal judgment and experience to establish the percentage of this "Remainder to Assess" that sh uld be assessed as Normal Outlet to the lands and roads upstream of this section. The balan e will then be the amount to be assessed as Normal Benefit and Direct Outlet to the lands and r ads in this section. 5) Equivalent Area Drained - This is the equivalent area that is upstr of the subject section ofthe Drain. The portion of the cost that has been determined to be a essed as outlet for this section is then divided by this equivalent area. This results in the amo nt per equivalent hectare that is to be assessed as outlet to those upstream lands and roads for this section. This amount is then transferred to the "Cumulative Cost/Eq. Ha. carried VIS" ite at the bottom of the worksheet. 6) Remaining for Normal Benefit and Direct Outlet - This figure is the be assessed after subtracting the outlet assessment amount. 7) Direct Outlet - At this stage, the engineer uses professional judgment d experience to establish the length of this section of the Drain that is used by each parcel f land within the section. The calculation, as shown on the worksheet, is then made to dete mine the "Direct Outlet" assessment for each on these parcels. These "Direct Outlet" ass ssments are then transferred to the Summary Table. The "Total of Direct Outlet" amount is th n subtracted from the previous sub-total to provide the amount "Remaining for Normal Benefi ". 8) Remaining for Normal Benefit - This figure is the Normal Benefit ssessment levied against the lands within this section. It is then transferred to the appropri te location in the Summary Table. 9) Summary Table - In Section - This is the listing of the parcels of land ithin this section of the Drain. The assessments determined for each of these parcels are post d in this table. 10) Summary Table - U/S ofSeetion - This is where the properties that us only this section of the Drain, and those downstream, are listed and the outlet assessments app icable to each are posted. These assessments are calculated by multiplying the equivalent ar a of each by the Cumulative CostlEq. Ha. carried VIS. 11) Sub - Total- This is the total of the assessments levied within this sec ion of the Drain 12) Cumulative Total- This is the total of all the assessments levied to this point on the Drain. i) Initial Reconciliation of Total Assessments - When all sectional assessments have been completed, they are reconciled and the totals established per property. j) Final Fairness Test - The engineer then reviews the reconciled totals from bove, comparing each one with all of the others, to ensure that, in his opinion, each property has bee dealt with fairly as compared with every other property. If any unfairness appears, this is adju ted out until the engineer is satisfied that all assessments are fair and in balance, having in mind th actual conditions in the field. . k) Schedule of Assessments - When the engineer is satisfied with the final assessments, the schedule of assessments is prepared. This is included in Appendix C of this Re ort. 10.0 MAINTENANCE 10.1 General While the Municipality of Kincardine will be responsible for the maintenance f this Drain after construction is complete, the sections of the Drainage Act dealing with obstruct n of, damage or injury to, and pollution of a Municipal Drain, namely Sections 80, 82, and 83 respectively, are brought to the attention of aU ofthe landowners. As can be seen from these sectim s,the landowners ItJ. Burnside & Associates limited W99 403 Municipality of Kincardine Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 July 2005 19 and the Municipality have responsibilities to ensure that a Municipal Drain is properly maintained and not abused. Proper maintenance of the proposed works described here will be necessary to ensure that all parts continue to function properly. The maintenance and integrity of open drains and grassed waterways are especially important since these channels often provide an outlet for either the closed portions of the municipal drain or for private drainage systems. This maintenance should include regular inspections and necessary work along the entire length of the Drain and should ensure that all structures, tiles, open drains, and grassed waterways remain unobstructed by debris or sediment and are cleaned on a regular basis. As well, any areas of washout, settlement, or erosion should be attended to immediately. Landowners involved with this Drain should make regular inspections of the portion on their property and immediately report any problems to the Municipality so that the Drainage Superintendent can take proper action. 10.2 Cost Distribution Future maintenance costs incurred on this new Municipal Drain shall be distributed in accordance with the terms of the Drainage Act using only the Outlet (Section 23) portions of the Assessment Schedules contained in Appendix C, until such time as they are varied in accordance with the Act. 10.3 Future Underdrainage Connections After construction, new private tile drains shall not be connected directly to the Municipal Drain tile. Any such future connections to the Municipal Drain tile must be made at the approved locations indicated in this Repor4 such as junction boxes and catchbasins. It is recommended that tile outlets into the Open Drains be minimized by the use of drain headers, rather than each lateral entering the Drain. All outlets into the Open Drain must be protected with riprap. 10.4 Permanent Sediment Basins The permanent sediment basins that have been created on the open portion of this Drain will have to be cleaned out on a regular basis by the Municipality as part of the maintenance program for this Drain. Landowners should regularly monitor these basins and advise the Drainage Superintendent when a cleanout appears to be required. These c1eanouts should be done at a time when crop will not be damaged. The material excavated from these basins shall be loaded and hauled away to a suitable disposal site as part of the maintenance work. 10.5 Buffer Strips Maintenance of the buffer strips shall be the responsibility of the landowners upon whose property they are located. R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited Respectfully submitted, J. Andrew McBride, P. Eng. R.J. Burnside & Associates Linited W99 403 . '.:~" . i' .. .' . , .,:~.... ;'''.k. ,~. .j.. '''"., ;t~~'1~:"" ;' ,~,~. ,:'~\', ~(~~~,:,),)"I,:\~:i;,'~\".¡ '~!1~:;\' \.~\:):::;. ':':',1' '" " - A 1 . APPENDIX A - ALLOWANCES FOR: Bruce MunIcIpal DrØI No. 1. ·2005 MlNClPAUTY: KIncardIne DATE: July 2005 PROJECT: WH403 Drain Lot RIghI 01 Way Damages Already Insufflctent & o..n.r {SecL291 1Sect.301 ConsIrudId Outtet Totals Cone. 1Sect.311 1s.c1.321 MAIN DRAIN . OPEN PORTION Lot 7 Can 3 J. RoppeI 130 580 - 710 Lot 8 Con 3 D.Munro 650 4.620 1,_ 4.600 11.780 Lot 9 Can 3 D.MurIIV 1.090 5.640 1,790 8,420 Lot 10 Con 3 D. Munro 1,040 5,855 2.580 - 9,455 sIœrœd 10-11 MunIdpIoIIy 01 KInc9nIne - 30 · - 30 Lot 11 Con 3 KeoMI Fann5 Ud. 1.130 1.785 2,180 · 5.075 Lot 12 Can 3 D. Mum 1.120 4.990 2.080 8,170 IV PI. LoI13 Can 3 D. MunnI 1,2110 5,620 1,320 - 8,200 E PI. LoI13 Con 3 G. & K. "'- 640 850 1,050 · 2.240 Lot 14 Con 3 G. & K. Freer 1.580 1.730 2,910 - 6,220 LoI15 Con 3 B. AoppeI 380 435 730 - 1.545 leon. Road 2-3 Municlpøllyol~ - 10 - 10 PI. Lot 15 Con 2 B. & G. RoppeI 870 485 2,510 - 3,865 SIderœd 16-16 Munk:IpaIty 0I1<IncadIe - 30 - - 30 PI. LoI16 Con 2 B. & G. RoppeI 1,450 795 4,180 · 6.425 AI.LOWAHCES MAIN DRMI . OPEN PORTION $ 11.140 $ 33.165 $ 23.210 $ 4,600 $ 72.155 I MAIN DRAIN . ClOSED POR11ON Lot 17 Con 2 MunIcIpøIty 01 KInc9nIne 480 680 - 1.180 Lot 18 Con 2 H. & D. BRMn 1,120 1,450 - 2.570 Lot 18 Con 1 G. & M. ReId 570 680 · - 1.260 Lot 19 Con 1 G. While 480 660 · - 1.110 Lot 20 Con 1 B. & S, WOOdIIsOn 720 1.400 · - 2.120 $tderœd 16-16 MunicIpdty 01 KIncardine 30 20 - 60 Lot21 Coo 1 D.S. & G.L. MIH:PheI8on 670 1,300 - 1,970 County Road 15 County 0I8Nce 40 10 60 Lot 21 Con 12 JA & L.M. Mad'I1eISOn 320 640 - 980 LoI22 Con 12 L. & E. Albreçhl - 10 10 ALLOWANCES MAIN DRAIN . CLOSED PORTION $ 4,410 $ 6.640 $ · $ · $ 1U50 BRANCH "A' . CJsED DRAIN E PI. Lot 13 Con 3 G.&K.Fr.- 260 680 - 630 LoI14 Con 3 G. & K. Freer 480 1.520 2.000 Lot 15 Con 3 B. RoppeI 550 1.2!10 1,640 SIderoad 16-16 Munlclpaiiy 01 KIncardine 30 30 - 80 Lot 16 Con 3 H. & D. BlOwn 350 570 920 Lot 17 Con 3 D. WaIper - 50 60 ALLOWANCES BRAHCH "A" . CLOSED DMIN $ 1.810 $ 4.040 $ $ $ 5.700 TOTAL ALLOWAHCES $ 17.110 $ 44,035 $ 113,1180 $ 4.600 $ 89,105 -A2 SECTION 29 - LAND ALLOWANCE CALCU ATIONS Right-of-way $/ hectare 6,200 $ / acre 2,5 0.00 Section by Section Section Owner Desc'n Sta. Sta. Length Widened Fa tor Allow Section (m) (m) (m) (m) ($) Sub-total Main Drain Open Portion Ml J. Roppel Lot 7 Con 3 Open drain through bush 0 582 582 3.0 .100 110 New Overflow Channel -2340 ~2300 40 7.0 .100 20 130 M2 D. Munro Lot8 Con 3 (See Section 32) -2150 -1950 200 Open drain through field -1950 ~1737 213 0.0 .700 0 Buffers ~ 2 @ 3 m through field ~ 1950 -1737 213 6.0 .700 550 550 M3 D. Munro Lot 9 Con 3 Open drain through field -1737 -1285 417 0.0 0 Buffers ~ 2 @ 3 m through field ~1737 -1285 417 6.0 1090 1090 M4 D. Munro Lot 10 Con 3 Open drain through bush -1285 -1075 210 0.0 0 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m ~1285 -1075 210 6.0 160 Open drain through field -1075 -794 281 0.0 0 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m through field -1075 -794 281 6.0 730 890 M5 Open drain through field -794 -704 90 0.0 0 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m through field -794 -704 90 6.0 150 150 M6 Municipality Sideroad 1O~11 ~704 -684 20 0.0 0;000 0 0 M7 Kenvel Farms Ltd. Lot 11 Con 3 Open drain through field -684 -265 419 0.0 0700 0 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m through field ~684 -265 419 6.0 0700 1090 Open drain through bush -265 -214 51 0.0 0200 0 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m thorogh bush -265 -214 51 6.0 0200 40 1130 M8 D.Munro Lot 12 Con 3 Open drain through field ~214 212 426 0.1 10 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m through field -214 212 426 6.0 1110 1120 M9 D.Munro W Pt. Lot 13 Con 3 Open drain through field 212 446 234 2.1 210 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m through field 212 446 234 6.0 610 820 MIO Open drain through field 446 607 161 l.l 0.00 80 Buffers ~ 2 @ 3 m through field 446 489 43 6.0 0.00 110 Buffers - 1 @ 3 m through field 489 607 1I8 3.0 O. 00 150 Buffers ~ 1 @ 2 m through field 489 607 118 2.0 O. 00 100 440 See next page... -A3 SECTION 29 - LAND ALLOWANCE CALCULATIONS Right-of-way $ / hectare 6,200 $ / acre 2,500.00 Section by Section Section Owner Desc'n Sta. Sta. Length Widened Factor Allow Section (m) (m) (m) (m) ($) Sub-total Main Drain Open Portion - Continued MIl G. & K. Freer E Pt. Lot 13 Con 3 Open drain through field 607 816 209 0.0 0.700 0 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m through field 607 816 209 6.0 0.700 540 540 MI2 G. & K. Freer Lot 14 Con 3 Open drain through field 816 1407 591 0.2 0.700 40 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m through field 816 1407 591 6.0 0.700 1540 1580 M13 B. Roppel Lot 15 Con 3 Open drain through field 1407 1552.5 145.5 0.0 0.700 0 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m through field 1407 1552.5 145.5 6.0 0.700 380 380 M14 Municipality Con. Road 2-3 1552.5 1575.5 23 0.0 0.000 0 0 MIS B. & G. Roppel Pt. Lot 15 Con 2 Open drain through field 1575.5 1910 334.5 0.0 0.700 0 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m through field 1575.5 1910 334.5 6.0 0.700 870 870 M16 Municipality Sideroad 15-16 1910 1930 20 0.0 0.000 0 0 M17 B. & G. Roppel Pt. Lot 16 Con 2 Open drain through field 1930 2487 557 0.0 0.700 0 Buffers - 2 @ 3 m through field 1930 2487 557 6.0 0.700 1450 1450 SUBTOTAL $ 11,140 - A4 SECTION 29 - LAND ALLOW ANCE CALC ATIONS Right-of-way $ / hectare 6,200 $ / acre 2,5 0.00 Section by Section Section Owner Desc'n Sta. Sta. Length Widened Fa tor Allow Section (m) (m) (m) (m) ($) Sub-total Main Drain Closed Portion T1 Municipality - LFS Lot 17Con2 Closed drain thorugb pasture 0 463 463 10.0 .167 480 480 T2 H. & D. Brown Lot 18 Con 2 Closed drain tborugb field 463 951 488 10.0 .233 710 710 T3 H. & D. Brown Lot 18 Con 2 . Closed drain thorugh bush 951 1060 109 10.0 .067 50 Closed drain thorugh field 1060 1306 246 10.0 .233 360 410 T4 G. & M. Reid Lot 18 Con 1 Closed drain thorugh field 3400 3629 229 10.0 .233 330 Closed drain tbomgb bush 3629 3780 151 10.0 .067 60 Closed drain thorugb field 3780 3950 170 10.0 .167 180 570 T5 G. White Lot 19 Con 1 Closed drain tborugh field 3950 4393 443 10.0 460 460 T6 B.&S. Woodason Lot 20 Con 1 Closed drain thomgh field 4393 4890 497 10.0 720 720 T7 Municipality Sideroad 15-16 4890 4910 20 10.0 30 30 T8 D.S. & G.L. MacPhe Lot 21 Con 1 Closed drain thorugh field 4910 5372 462 10.0 670 670 TP tCeurtty &f Bruce County Road 15 5371 5401 30 10.0 0.233 40 40 no J.A. & L. MacPhers( Lot 21 Con 12 Closed drain thorugb field 5401 5620 219 10.0 233 320 320 SUBTO AL $ 4,410 - AS· SECTION 29 - LAND ALLOWANCE CALCULATIONS Right-of-way S I hectare 6,200 S I acre 2,500.00 Seetion by Section Section Owner Desc:'D Sta. Sta. Length Widened Factor Allow Seetion (m) (m) (m) (m) (S) Sub-total Branch A Closed Drain Al G. & K. Freer E Pt. Lot 13 Con 3 Dosed drain through field 50 264 214 8.0 0.233 250 250 A2 G. & K. Freer Lot 14 Con 3 Dosed drain through field 264 677 413 8.0 0.233 480 480 A3 B. Rappel Lot 15 Con 3 Dosed drain through field 677 1154 477 8.0 0.233 550 550 A4 Municipality Sideroad 15·16 1154 1172 18 10.0 0.233 30 30 AS H. & D. Brown Lot 16 Con 3 Dosed drain through field 1172 1592 420 8.0 0.167 350 350 SUBTOTAL S 1,660 · A6- SECTION 30 - DAMAGE ALLOWANCE CALCUL TIONS Damages $1 hectare 1,235.50 $ lacre 500.00 Section by section Section Owner Desc'n Sta. Sta. Length Width actor Allow Section (m) (m) (m) (m) ($) Sub-total Main Drain Open Portion MI 1. Rappel Lot 7 Con 3 North buffer through bush 0 582 582 3 0.1 20 Work space through bush 0 582 582 7 0.1 50 Work space for overflow channel -2340 -2300 40 10 0.2 10 Access across field to working space. 500 4 1.00 250 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after const. 500 4 1.00 250 580 M2 D. Mumo Lot 8 Con 3 North buffer through field -2150 -1737 413 3 1.0 150 Balance of north work space through field -2150 -1737 413 9 1.0 460 Logt production 2nd'& 3rd yr. after const. -2150 -1737 413 9 1.0 460 Fencing -2150 -1737 413 3500 Access 50 4620 M3 D. Munro Lot 9 Con 3 North buffer through field -1737 -1285 417 3 1.0 150 Balance of north work space through field -1737 -1516 221 17 1.0 460 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after const. -1737 -1516 221 17 1.0 460 Balance of north work space through field -1516 -1420 50 4 1.0 20 Balance of west work space -1516 -1420 0.09 Ha. 0.2 20 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after const. -1516 -1420 0.09 Ha. 0.2 20 Balance of north work space through field -1420 -1285 135 17 1.0 280 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after canst. -1420 -1285 135 17 1.0 280 Fencing -1737 -1285 452 3800 Access 50 5540 M4 D.Munro Lot 10 Con 3 North buffer through bush -1285 -1075 210 3 0.3 20 Balance of north work space through bush -1285 -1075 210 4 0.3 30 North buffer through field -1075 -794 281 3 1.0 100 Balance of north work space through field -1075 -794 281 8 1.0 280 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after const. -1075 -794 281 8 1.0 280 ,FIIIOÎIIg -1285 -794 491 4100 4810 M5 D. Munro Lot 10 Con 3 North buffer through field -794 -704 90 3 1.0 30 Balance of north work space D/S of Sd. Rd. -794 -704 90 8 1.0 90 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after const. -794 -704 90 8 1.0 90 Balance of south work space DlS of Sd. Rd. -794 -704 0.03 Ha. 0.2 10 Fencing -794 -704 90 800 Access 2S 1045 M6 Municipality Sideroad 10-11 -704 -684 20 6 2.0 30 30 M7 Kenvel Farms Ltd. Lot 11 Con 3 South work space UlS of Sideroad 10-11 -684 -645 0.08 Ha. 0.2 20 North buffer through field -684 -214 445 3 0.5 80 Balance of north work space through field -684 -645 40 4 1.0 20 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after const. -684 -645 40 4 1.0 20 Balance of north work space through field -645 -265 380 17 1.0 800 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after canst. -645 -265 380 17 1.0 800 Balance of north work space through bush -265 -214 51 10 OJ 20 Access 25 1785 See next page. . . - A7- SECTION 30 - DAMAGE ALLOWANCE CALCULATIONS Damages $/ hectare 1,235.50 $/acre 500.00 Section by section Section Owner Desc'n Sta. Sta. Length Width Factor Allow Section (m) (m) (m) (m) ($) Sub-total Main Drain Open Portion - Continued M8 D. Munro Lot 12 Con 3 North buffer through field -214 212 426 3 0.5 80 Balance of nortb. work space through field -214 212 426 13 1.0 680 Lost production 2nd &. 3rd yr. after consl -214 212 426 13 1.0 680 Fencing -214 212 426 3500 Access 50 4990 M9 D. Munro Pt. Lot 13 Con 3 North buffer through field 212 446 234 3 1.0 90 Balance of north work space through field 212 446 234 20 1.0 580 Lost production 2nd &. 3rd yr. after const. 212 446 234 20 1.0 580 Fencing 212 446 234 2000 Access 50 3300 MI0 D. Munro Pt. Lot 13 Con 3 North buffer through field 446 489 43 3 1.0 20 Balance of north work space through field 446 489 43 4 1.0 20 Work space between ex. and proposed channe1s 446 607 0.4 Ha. 1.0 490 Lost production 2nd &. 3rd yr. after const. 446 607 0.4 Ha. 1.0 490 Fencing 446 607 161 1300 2320 Mll G. &. K. Freer Pt. Lot 13 Con 3 North buffer through field 607 816 209 3 1.0 80 Balance of north work space through field 607 816 209 10 1.0 260 Lost production 2nd &. 3rd yr. after consl 607 816 209 10 1.0 260 Access 50 650 M12 G. &. K. Freer Lot 14 Con 3 North &. east buffer through field 816 1407 591 3 1.0 220 Balance ofnortblcast work space through field 816 1407 591 10 1.0 730 Lost production 2nd &; 3rd yr. after const. 816 1407 591 10 1.0 730 Access (Laneway) 50 1730 M13 B. Rappel Lot IS Con 3 North buffer through field 1407 1552 145 3 1.0 SO Balance of north work space through field 1407 1552 145 10 1.0 180 Lost production 2nd &. 3rd yr. after const. 1407 1552 145 10 1.0 180 Access 25 435 M14 Municipality Con. Road 2-3 1552 1575 10 5 2.0 10 \0 MIS B. & G. Roppel Pt. Lot 15 Con 2 North & east buffer through field 1575 1910 335 3 \.0 120 Balance of north/east work space through field 1575 1910 335 4 1.0 170 Lost production 2nd &. 3rd yr. after consl 1575 1910 335 4 \.0 170 Access 25 485 M16 Municipality Sideroad 15-16 1910 1930 20 6 2.0 30 30 MI7 B. &. G. Roppel Pl Lot 16 Con 2 North &. east buffer through field 1930 2487 557 3 1.0 210 Balance of north/east work space through field 1930 2487 557 4 \.0 280 Lost production 2nd &. 3rd yr. after const. 1930 2487 557 4 1.0 280 Access 25 795 SUBTOTAL $ 33,155 - AS- SECTION 30. - DAMAGE ALLOWANCE CALCUL TIONS Damages $ I hectare 1,235.50 $/acre 500.00 Section bysectîon Section Owner Dese'n 8ta. Sta. Length Width Fetor Allow Section (m) (m) (m) (m) ($) Sub-total Main Drain Closed Portion T1 Municipality - LFS Lot 17 Con 2 Work space through cash pasture. 0 463 463 20 0.5 570 Lost production 2nd & 300 yr. after const. 0 463 463 2 0.5 60 Access 50 680 T2 H. & D. Brown Lot 18 Con 2 Work space through cash pasture. 463 951 488 20 0.5 600 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after canst 463 951 488 2 0.5 60 660 13 H. & D. Brown Lot 18 Con 2 Work space through bush 951 1060 109 20 0.3 70 Work space through cash crop 1060 1306 246 20 1.0 610 Lost production 2nd & 300 yr. after const. 1060 1306 246 2 1.0 60 Access 50 790 14 G. & M. Reid Lot 18 Con I Work space through pasture 3400 3629 229 20 0.5 280 Lost production 2nd & 300 yr. after const. 3400 3629 229 2 0.5 30 Work space through bush 3629 3780 151 20 0.3 90 Work space through pasture 3780 3950 170 20 0.5 210 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after const. 3780 3950 170 2 0.5 20 Access 50 680 1S G. White Lot 19 Con 1 Work space through pasture 3950 4393 443 20 0.5 550 Lost production 2nd & 300 yr. after const. 3950 4393 443 2 0.5 50 Access 50 650 16 B. & S. Woodason Lot 20 Con I Work space through cash crop 4393 4890 497 20 1.0 1230 Lost production 2nd & 300 yr. after canst. 4393 4890 497 2 1.0 120 Access 50 1400 17 Municipality Sideroad 20-21 4890 4910 20 5 2.0 20 20 18 D.S. & G.L. MacPherson Lot 21 Con I Work space through cash crop 4910 5371 461 20 1.0 1140 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after const. 4910 5371 461 2 1.0 110 Access 50 1300 19 County of Bruce County Road IS 5371 5401 10 5 2.0 10 10 110 J.A. & L. MacPherson Lot 21 Con 12 Work space through cash crop 5401 5620 219 20 1.0 540 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after const. 5401 5620 219 2 1.0 50 Access 50 640 110 L. & E. Albrecht Lot 22 Con 12 Work space to install structure 5620 5 20 \.0 10 10 SUBT AL $ 6,840 -A9 - SECTION 30 - DAMAGE ALLOWANCE CALCULATIONS Damages $ I hectare 1,235.50 $/acre 500.00 Section by section Section Owner Dese'n Sta. Sta. Length Width Factor Allow Section (m) (m) (m) (m) ($) Sub-tota] Branch A Closed Drain Al G. & K. Freer E Pt. Lot 13 Con 3 Work space through cash crop 50 264 214 20 1.00 530 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after const. 50 264 214 2 1.00 50 580 A2 G. & K. Freer Lot 14 Con 3 Work space through cash crop 264 677 413 20 1.00 1020 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after canst. 264 677 413 2 1.00 100 Access across field frôm Main Drain to Branch A 405 4 1.00 200 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after canst 405 4 1.00 200 1520 A3 B. Roppel Lot 15 Con 3 Work space through cash crop 677 1152 475 20 1.00 1170 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after canst. 677 1152 475 2 1.00 120 1290 A4 Municipality Sideroad 15-16 1152 1174 22 5 2.00 30 30 AS H. & D. Brown Lot 16 Con 3 Work space through field 1174 1592 418 20 0.50 520 Lost production 2nd & 3rd yr. after canst 1174 1592 418 2 0.50 50 570 A5 D. Walper Lot 17 Con 3 Work space around upstream end of Branch. 20 20 1.00 50 50 SUBTOTAL $ 4.040 - AiO - SECTION 31 - EXISTING DRAIN ALLOWANCE CALC ATIONS Maximum existing drain value S/m 7.50 Section by Section Section Owner Desc'n Sta. Sta. Length Value Allow Section (m) (m) (m) ($) ($) Sub-total Main Drain M2 D. Munro Lot 8 Con 3 ·2150 -1959 191 5.00 960 -1942 -1737 205 5.00 1030 1990 M3 D. Munro Lot 9 Con 3 -1737 -1516 221 5.00 ! 1110 -1420 -1285 135 5.00 680 1790 M4 D. Munro Lot 10 Con 3 -1285 -794 491 5.00 2460 2460 MS D. Munro Lot 10 Con 3 -794 -704 20 5.00 100 100 M7 Kenvel Fanns Ltd. Lot 11 Con 3 -645 -214 431 5.00 2160 2160 M8 D. Munro Lot 12 Con 3 -214 0 214 5.00 1070 15 212 197 5.00 990 2060 M9 D. Munro Pt Lot 13 Con 3 212 260 48 5.00 240 275 446 171 5.00 860 1100 M10 D. Munro PI. Lot 13 Con 3 446 489 43 5.00 220 22() Mil G. & K. Freer Pt. Lot 13 Con 3 607 816 209 5.00 1050 1050 M12 G. & K. Freer Lot 14 Con 3 826 1407 581 5.00 2910 2910 M13 B. Rappel Lot 15 Con 3 1407 1552 145 5.00 730 730 M15 B. & G. Roppe1 Pt. Lot 15 Con 2 1575 1910 335 7.50 2510 2510 MI7 B. & G. Rappel Pt. Lot 16 Con 2 1930 2487 557 7.50 4180 4180 SUBTOTAL $ 23,260 - Al1 - SECTION 32 - INSUFFICIENT OUTLET ALLOWANCE CALCULATIONS Section Main Drain M2 Land $ / hectare 6,200 $ / acre 2,500.00 Section by Section Factor Owner Desc'n Sta. (m) D. Munro Lot 8 Con 3 -2150 Sta. Length Area (m) (m) (Ha.) -1950 200 0.700 1.1 Allow ($) 4600 GRAND TOTAL $ 4,600 J .. . , . .~:... , '.' . ., 'f .. ,'." 'I" - 81 - APPENDIX B - COST ESTIMATE Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 - 2005 MUNICIPALITY: Kincardine MAIN DRAIN· OPEN PORTION 40 m of overflow channel complete with riprap 80 m2 of rlprap at confluence with SOuth Tributary and bend at Bta. 0+489 2176 m of deepening and widening of existing open drain with spoil treatment 1684 m of deepening of existing open drain with spoil treatment 612 m of dltchbottom only clean--out of existing open drain with spoil treatment 293 m of new open channel with spoil treatment 421 m of filling existing channel 974 m of clearing and grubbing 946 m of grubbing 17 m of 1600 mlllimetre conugated steel pipe farm crossing with riprap 15 m of 1600 milllmetre conugated steel pipe farm crossing with riprap 20 m of 1600 millimetre corrugated steel pipe skewed road crossing with riprap and salva! 15 m of 1600 milllmetre corrugated steel pipe farm crossing with riprap 15 m of 1600 millimetre corrugated steel pipe farm crossing with riprap 10 m of 1400 millimetre corrugated steel pipe farm crossing with riprap 23 m of 800 millimetre bored smooth-wall welded steel pipe road crossing 13 m of 1400 mlllimetre corrugated steel pipe road crossing with riprap Dltchbottom only clean·out of excavated channel 1 yr. after construction Buffer strip markers MAIN DRAIN· OPEN PORTION - MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MAIN DRAIN· CLOSED PORTION 200 m2 of riprap for Landfill Site drop structure 136 m of ditchbottom only clesn--out of existing open drain with spoil treatment 6 m of 800 millimetre rivetted corrugated steel ouUet pipe 434 m of 600 millimetre Boss 2000 pipe 135 m of 525 millimetre Boss 2000 pipe 84 m of 300 milllmetre Boss 2000 pipe 421 m of 525 millimetre concrete drain tile 1280 m of 400 milllmetre concrete drain tile 485 m of 300 mlllimetre concrete drain tile 252 m of 250 millimetre concrete drain tile 410 m of 200 millimetre concrete drain tile 23 m of 600 milllmetre corrugated steel pipe lane crossing 12 m of 400 mlllimetre corrugated steel pipe lane crossing 20 m of 400 millimetre corrugated steel pipe road crossing 12 m of 400 mlllimetre corrugated steel pipe lane crossing 6 m of 300 millimetre corrugated steel pipe lane crossing 30 m of 200 millimetre bored smooth-wall welded steel pipe road crossing 3 Ditch inlet catchbasins complete with birdchage grates and riprap 2 Flat top catchbasins complete with blrdchage grates and riprap 5 900 x 1200 milllmetre junction boxes complete with flat grates and connects 1 Buried 900 x 1200 millimetre junction box complete with concrete lid and connects 8 600 x 600 millimetre junction boxes complete with flat grates and connects 260 m of clearing and grubbing MAIN DRAIN· CLOSED PORTION - MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION DATE: July 2005 PROJECT:W99403 $ 8,800 2,400 18,400 8,800 1,600 2,900 2,300 4.200 2,100 12,700 11,800 15,500 10,100 10,000 6,400 13,700 10,900 4,000 1,000 $ 147,600 $ 6.000 $ 400 1,200 42,700 10,800 2,900 18,800 40,400 10,500 4,600 6.200 3,400 1,200 2,100 1,200 600 8,000 4,500 2,600 8,000 1,600 9,300 1,200 $ 188,200 See next page... ... - Cl - APPENDIX C - ASSESSMENTS Main Drain - Open Portion FOR: Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 - 200S DATE: July 2005 MUNICIPAUTY: Kincardine PROJECT: W99403 Affected Benefit Outlet Special Lot . Cone. Owner Roll No. Area Assess't Assess't Assess't Total (Ha.) (Sect.22) (Sect.23) (Sect.26) Main Drain - Open - Lands 7. Cone. 3 J. ROPPEL 1-140 6.50 $ $ $ $ 8, Cone. 3 D.MUNRO 1-141 17.76 14,365 805 15.170 9, Cone. 3 D.MUNRO 1-142 22.78 13,365 1.802 15,167 10. Cone. 3 D.MUNRO 1-144 36.51 8.271 3,613 11,884 pt. 11. Cone. 3 KENVEL FARMS LTD. 1-145 40.15 4.789 5.338 10.127 Pt.ll, Cone. 3 W. &. B. COLUNS 1-145-01 0.25 32 32 12, Cone. 3 D.MUNRO 1-146 40.35 15.196 5.752 20.948 Pt. 13. Cone. 3 D.MUNRO 1-147 20.17 15.844 3,714 19.558 pt. 13, Cone. 3 G. &. K. FREER 1-148 20.23 2,022 4.415 6,437 14, Cone. 3 G. &. K. FREER 1-149 40.47 10.715 9,614 20.330 pt. 15. Cone. 3 B.ROPPEL H50 38.95 1,733 10.278 12,011 Pt. 15, Cone. 3 F. ABELA 1-150-01 0.19 58 58 Pt. 16, Cone. 3 H. &. D. BROWN 1-151 a. 1-152 29.10 6,748 6,748 pt. 17. Cone. 3 D. WAlPER 1-154 14.70 3,409 3,409 11, Cone. 2 D.MUNRO 1-090 0.78 101 101 12, Cone. 2 P. &. A. TUFT 1-091 22.54 1,557 1.557 13, Cone. 2 N. &. P. CAMPBEll 1-092 36.28 4,397 4.397 pt. 14. Cone. 2 B. &. G. ROPPEL l-09HO 38.37 4.797 4,797 Pt. 14. Cone. 2 T. TYRELL HJ93 1.32 171 171 Pt. 15, Cone. 2 R. MacKINNON 1-095 10.12 1,313 1.313 pt. 15, Cone. 2 B. & G. ROPPEL 1-094 &. 1..()96 30.23 5,046 6.005 11.051 pt. 16, Cone. 2 B. &. G. ROPPEL 1.()97 39.53 9,260 8.781 18.041 Pt. 16. Cone. 2 D.SHELlEY 1.()97-o1 0.79 259 259 17. Cone. 2 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 1-098 40.47 9,668 9,668 18, Cone. 2 H. &. D. BROWN 1-099 37.93 10,474 10,474 19. Cone. 2 D. &. J. BROWN 1-100 17.56 3,860 3.860 20. Conc. 2 J. BROWN 1-101 3.54 504 504 17. Cone. 1 G. a.M. &.J. REID 1-031 4.76 1,103 1,103 18. Cone. 1 G. &. M. REID 1-032 13.18 3,619 3,619 19, Cone. 1 G. WHITE 1-033 24.53 6,596 6,596 20, Cone. 1 B. &. S. WOODASON 1-034 32.58 9.850 9.850 21. Cone. 1 0.$. &. G.L MacPHERSON ¡"(J35 28.81 9,979 9,979 pt. 22. Cone. 1 0.5. &. G.L &. J.A. MacPtfERSON 1-037 6.80 2,374 2.374 21. Cone. 12 lA. &. L.M. MacPHERSON 3-1n 2.18 761 761 22, Cone. 12 L. &. E. AlBRECHT 3-173 9.52 3,324 3.324 23, Cone. 12 1518339 ONTARIO LTD. 3-174 8.06 1.874 1.874 Pt. 24, Cone. 12 M. COLWELL 3-175 3.23 751 751 TOTAL ON LANDS 741.21 100.609 147,699 248.308 Main Drain - Open· Roads SO. RD. 10-11 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 2.05 5,741 810 15,950 22,502 SO. RD. 15-16 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 3.66 3,870 2.218 11.490 17.578 SO. RD. 20-21 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 2.04 2,137 2,137 CONC. RD. 2-3 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 6.48 5,015 4,904 14,240 24,159 CTY. RD. 15 COUN1Y OF BRUCE 3.63 6.338 6.338 TOTAL ON ROADS 17.86 14,626 16,407 41.680 72,713 TOTAL MAIN DRAIN - OPEN PORTION - lANDS AND ROADS 759.07 $ 115,235 $ 164,106 $ 41,680 $ 321,021 Notes: (1) All lands a~ agricultural. within the meaning of the Drainage Act, exeept for the following Roll No.'s: 1-145"( 1. 1-150"( 1, 1-093. l-097..( 1 &. H198. - C2- APPENDIX C - ASSESSMENTS Main Drain - Closed Portion FOR: Bruœ Munldpal Drain No. 19 - 2005 DATE: July 2005 MUNICIPALITY: KIncardine PROJECT: W99403 ~ Benefit OUtlet Spedal Lot 8r. Cone. Owner Roll No. Area Assess't Assess't Assess't Total (Ha.) (Sect.22) (Sect.23) (Sed:.26) Main Drain' Closed - Lands Pt. 16. Cone. 2 B. & G. ROPPEl 1-097 3.16 $ $ 6 $ $ 6 17, Cone. 2 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 1-098 31.71 108.531 56 108,587 18, Conc. 2 H. & D. BROWN 1-099 37.93 10,551 6,736 17.288 19, Cone. 2 D. & J. BROWN 1-100 17.56 1,782 1.782 20, Cone. 2 J. BROWN 1-101 3.54 37 37 17. Cone. 1 G. & M. &J. REID 1-031 4.76 7 7 18. Cone. 1 G. & M. REID 1-032 13.18 23,070 1,409 24.479 19, Cone. 1 G. WHITE 1-D33 24.53 19,819 3.482 23,301 20. Cone. 1 B. & S. WOODASON 1-034 32.58 20.813 6,325 27.138 21. Cone. 1 D.S. & G.L MacPHERSON 1-035 28.81 16,626 7.886 24,512 Pt. 22, COne. 1 D.S. & G.L & lA. MacPHERSON 1-037 6.80 1.876 1,876 21, Cone. 12 J.A. & LM. MacPHERSON 3-1n 2.18 3,337 702 4,039 22. Cone. 12 L & E. ALBREOiT 3-173 9.52 4,853 3.838 8.691 23, Cone. 12 1518339 ONTARIO lTD. 3-174 8.06 2,164 2.164 Pt. 24. Cone. 12 M. COLWELl 3-175 3.23 867 867 TOTAL ON lANDS 227.55 207,600 37,174 244,774 Main Drain - Closed - Roads SO. RD. 20-21 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 2.04 1.0:n 1.580 3,478 6,089 CTY. RD. 15 COUNTY OF BRUCE 3.63 3.533 5.338 9.298 18.170 TOTAL ON ROADS 5.67 4.564 6,918 12,777 24,259 TOTAL MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED POR110N -lANDS AND ROADS 233.22 $ 212,164 $ 44,093 $ 12,777 $ 269,033 Notes: (1) All lands are agriCultural, Within the meaning of the Drainage Act, except for the following Roll No.'s: 1-098. - C3- APPENDIX C - ASSESSMENTS Branch A FOR: Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 . 2005 DATE: July 2005 MUNICPAUTY: Kincardine PROJECT: W99403 Affected Benefit Outlet Special Lot 8& Cone. OWner Roll No. Area Assess·t Assess't Assess't Total CHa.) CSect.22) CSect.23) (Sect.26) Branch A . Lands pt. 13, Cone. 3 G. & K. FREER 1-148 10.18 $ 10,300 $ 1,471 $ $ 11.771 14, Cone. 3 G. & K. FREER 1-149 20.66 22,718 4,580 27,298 Pt. 15, Cone. 3 B. ROPPEl 1-150 22.34 21,306 8,079 29,385 pt. 16, COne. 3 H. & D. BROWN 1-151 & 1-152 29.1 13,051 13,637 26,688 pt. 17, COne. 3 D. WAlPER 1-154 14.7 2,653 9,850 12,503 pt. 16, COne. 2 B. 8& G. ROPPEl ' 1-097 1.61 471 471 17, cone. 2 HUN. OF KINCARDINE 1-098 8.76 2,563 2,563 18, COne. 2 H. 8& D. BROWN 1-099 28.79 6,793 6,793 19, Cone. 2 D. 8& J. BROWN 1-100 17.56 3,273 3,273 20, COne. 2 J. BROWN 1-101 3.54 427 427 TOTAL ON LANDS 157.24 70,027 51,145 121,173 Branch A . Roads SD. RD. 15-16 HUN. OF KINCARDINE 1.65 1,239 2,178 3.672 7,089 CONC. RD. 2-3 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 2.44 4,284 4,284 TOTAL ON ROADS 4.09 1,239 6,462 3,672 11,373 TOTAL BRANCH A - LANDS AND ROADS 161.33 $ 71,2&6 $ 57,607 $ 3,672 $ 132,546 Notes: (1) All lands are agrlœltural, within the meaning of the Drainage Act, except for the following Roll No. 'S: 1-098 . ,,·..f: ~¡"! ~ I' ~ , ..\ :: \,\ . ';..'", ., ,'I' '.' I "',;~i~1;;tí' ~'~"'~ ,.., ~ , !"'~:""'~~I,I, ;_,t '0.. ' . . ...; .~,~,:.:'r;;r.N':'~'/;'i~'.':' ",I" .^ ... ;.... ,.. '^,;' :r~;¡s:~"~.~:,:"· .' ,r.· '·.'·,'··f" ,::"..". UNDERSTANDING DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT (Revision ofFactsheet, "Understanding Drainage Assessment," May 1976) Sid Vander Veen, P. Eng. Resources Management Branch The Drainage Act provides a legal procedure by which an "area requiring drainage" may have an outlet drain con- structed to dispose of excess water. The drainage work is initiated by interested individuals within an "area requiring drainage" who will benefit from the construction of the drain. A petition fonn. obtained from the municipal clerk. is signed by interested landoWners. In order to be valid or sufficient. the petition must be signed by the majority of the owners in the "area requiring drainage" or by owners that represent at least 60% of the lands in this area. The "area requiring drainage" is usually described by lot and concession. or other legal land description. By tak- ing this action. it is presumed that the owners signing the petition' have made a decision that the drain will be of bene- fit to them and that the probable cost will be lower than the anticipated benefits. The initial benefit-cost deCision is made at this point by the landowners, not the engineer or Council. The petition is presented to and considered by Council. If the petition represents a proper "area requiring drainage", that is a real drainage basin, and appears to be valid, the Council may decide to proceed. Council then notifies each of the petitioners of this decision as well as any other munic- ipality affected and the local Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources. Council then appoints an engineer. The engineer is an employee of Council, hired to design this specific drain. Under The Drainage Act. Section 9(2), the engineer is required to hold an on-site meeting to detennine (I) the area requiring drainage, (2) if the petition is valid. (3) the drainage needs of the area. The engineer is then required "to make an examination of the area requiring drainage as described in the petition and to prepare a report which shall include, (a) plans, profiles and specifications of the drainage works; (b) a description of the area requiring drainage; (c) an estimate of the total cost thereof; (d) an assessment of the amount or proportion of the cost of the works to be assessed against every parcel of land and road for benefit, outlet liability and injur- ing liability; (e) allowances. if any, to be paid to the owners of land affected by the drainage works and (1) such other matters as are provided for under this Act." The engineer's report is presented to CounciJ, who then notifies all persons assessed and calls a special meeting where the report is considered. General objections to the report may be raised at this time. At this meeting signatures may be added or removed from the petition and this deter- mines if the project wiJI continue. Unresolved problems, depending on the subject. may be appealed to the Court of Revision, the Ontario Drainage Tribunal or the Drainage Referee. Details on appeal procedures may be found in The . Drainage Act'" or in Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Factsheet, Drainage Legislation. The engineer's report includes two important items: 1. The estimated cost of the 'Work: No matter how indi- vidual assessments are anived at, this total estimated cost must always be equal to the total amount assessed. otherwise the work cannot proceed. 2. The assessment liability: This may be spread over several pages ü an owner owns sevem parcels of land and if there are branch drains. It may be sum- marized. Let us examine the obligations regarding this assess- ment. Responsibilities Under Common Law A natural watercourse is defined generally as a stream of water which flows along a defined channel. with bed and banks, for a sufficient time to give it substantial existence. This may include streams that dry up periodically. A riparian landowner (owner of lands that abut upon a natural watercourse) has the right to drain his or her lands into the natural stream, but may not bring water in from another watershed. He or she can collect water in ditches and drains and discharge it into the watercourse even though it results in an increase in volume and rate of flow. Where a natural watercourse becomes a part of a drain. it is no longer a natural watercourse. When this occurs, the riparian rights, as described earlier. are lost. Surface water not flowing in a natural watercourse (Le. not having discernible bed and banks) has no right of drainage; an owner of lower land may. at his or her own choice. either allow the water from higher land to flow over it or by dams or banks, keep such water off his or her prop- '" The Drainage Act may be found in the Revised Slatutes of Ontario 1980. Chapter 126, available in mosl public libraries. Individual copies may be purch¢ed from lhe Ontario Government Bookstore, 880 Ba.Y Street, Toronto. erty. No owner has the right to collect such surface water by ditches or drains and discharge it on lands of anotber. He or she has a responsibility to take this watertoa sufficient out- let, i.e" a natural watercourse or a drain constructed under The Drainage Act. Since there is no right to drain surface water, the owner of each parcel of land in the watershed is generally assessed for "outlet liability". In other words, his or her Common Law liability is removed by paying for the increased size or cost of the drain due to the volu111e of water which is dis- . charged from his or her property, even though the drain may. not provide a direct outlet for this water. The authority for this liability is set out in Section 23( 1). Since, through Common Law, a landowner is also liable for any damage he or she may cause from water which he or she collects in drains and discharges on other land without a sufficient outlet, he or she may be assessed for relief from such "injuring liability" if the new drain serves as an outlet for his or her drains and prevents this injury from occurring. The authority for this liability is set out in Section 23(2). Injuring liability is frequently difficult to distinguish from outlet liability, consequently many engineers' reports do not concain.sucban item. . The assessment for outlet liability and injuring liability is based on the volume and rate of flow of the water artificially caused to flow from an owner's property. Generally, the assessment is based upon a unit value per hectarage. Owners at higher elevations on a watershed may have a higher unit charge than those owners near the outlet since the water from their land makes use of a greater length of drain. A difference may be made in the unit outlet charge due to varying types of soil or land use, or the distance to the drain. Responsibility Under The Drainage Act In addition to the Common Law responsibility, an owner' may also be assessed for benefit.' . Benefit will vary between different lands, according to their differences of elevation, quantity of water to be drained from each, distance of undrained land from the course of the proposed ditch, and the presence or absence of existing drains. and other like factors. To consider whether a parcel of land will receive any benefit from the construction, it is proper to consider whether any enhanced financial value will accrue to it as a result of the drain construction. This may occur through the increased productive power of the land or by rendering it more saleable and at a better price, or by preventing water from entering on to it. If the proposed drainage works can be of no possible ben- efit to the owner, or is of no commercial or agricultural value, the Act does not authorize a contribution for benefit. Sometimes, an owner has an undeveloped area that he or . she intends to leave in this condition. The owner may feel that he Or she should not be assessed since the drain will be of no benefit. However, the property could change hands and the new owner might want to drain and develop it. It is with this in mind that the engineer must make an assess~ ment, regardless of the present owner's intentions. It is the duty of the engineer to detennine whether or not aparc~n o'fland will benefit from the project. When appealling a benefit assessment, the landowner'must prove that the land has no benefit from the drain. An owner has no responsibility for work done uPStreaÎn from bis or her property unless th work provides a benefit by "cutting ofr' a haîmful flow of ater across the prOperty. In some instances, a "special be efit assessment" may be levied against the property. This value usually represents , the differenc;e in cost between' t at which was originally designed and the increased level f design requested by a landowner. For example, a close or tile drain where open ditches would ordinarily suffice or the construction of ponds beside the drain, or oth special requests by a landowner specifically for'this nefit. The authority for this liability is set out in Section 2 Engineer's Report The Engineer's report should c ntain a plan and profile of the drain, as well as details on the drain design and the assessment schedule. The plan shows the location 0 the watershed. The profile show the drain and the present and pro specifications give details on ho structed. The Schedule of Assessment . ntains several columns. The first group contains the names of owners with a descrip- tion of each parcel of land assesse The hectarage shown in the sch dule for which an owner is assessed is only approximate. survey is made to accu- rately establish the watershed bou dary or fann areas. Any minor error in hectarage assesse is not a valid basis for appeal nor does it greatly affect e assessment. The other columns in the Schedule set forth t e assessment liability for each drain and/or branch drain. ese values are only esti· mates. The final value will not be nown until the construc· tion work is finished. The assess ent will then be prorated to recover the actual cost. I . · Allowances to lands injured byi the work are set out in a separate schedule by the engin:~r. Authority for this is Sections 29 to 33 of tbe Drainage ~ct. Damage to crops during con truction and disposal of waste material will vary with the time of year the work is constructed. Crop damage due to preading the spoil on the banks is based on a decreasing ye rly loss of crop over sev- eral years. All or part of the co of access bridges from a public road to the Pl"9perty may assessed to the property owner. Farm bridges are constructed a part of the work. In certain circumstances a severanc allowance may be paid instead of building the bridge. e allowance will depend upon the value of the land severe ,or the cost of the bridge that would be required. The cost, r part of the cost of fann bridges or the severance allowanc may be assessed against the property. Where private drains are ineo rated into the new drain,ca nominal allowance may be paid based on any saving that may result from using the private drain. These allowances may not be included in the Summ ry of Assessments but are usually shown in a separate Sched Ie of Allowances. drains and the limits of ground elevations along sed drain bottom. The the drain is to be con- l{~'ì] ISSN 0225-7:~ Version ançaise également offerte ç r C· (......".. , . (,. l. l iHlS AREA MAY BE UNDERORI\INED INTO MI\IN DRAIN BURNSiDE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE SECTlOHAL PLAN BRUCE )(UNIC1PAL )IWN No.19 - D1 - Final Section Costs Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 . 2005 Date: July 2005 Municipality: Kincardine Project; W99403 SeåIon Drain StnICtures Culverts AIJowances Sub-Total Special Admin. TOTALS Engineering MAIN DItAIN . OPEN M1 14,600 - - 710 15.310 8,300 6,240 29,850 (MO+OOO to MO+582) M2 3.551 - 12.700 11,760 28.011 1,245 11,417 40.673 (-2+150 to -1+737) M3 4,393 . 11,800 8,420 24,613 45 10,032 34,690 (-1+737 to -1+285) M4 7,236 . - 8.160 15,396 45 6,275 21,716 (-1+285 to -0+794) M5 1,398 - - 1,295 2,693 - 1,098 3,791 (-0+794 to -0+704) M6 - - 15.500 30 15,530 - 6,330 21,860 (-0+704 to -0+684) M7 5,613 - - 5,075 10,688 - 4.356 15,044 (-Q+684to -0+214) M8 4.465 - 10.100 8,170 22,735 45 9.266 32,046 (-Q+214 to 0+212) M9 1.955 - 10,000 5,220 17.175 20 7.000 24,196 (0+212 to 0+446) M10 3,676 - - 2.980 6,656 - 2.713 9.368 (0+446 to 0+607) Ml1 928 - - 2,240 3.168 - 1.291 4,459 (0+607 to 0+816) M12 3,645 - 6,400 6,220 16,265 - 6,629 22,894 (0+816 to 1+407) M13 958 - - 1.545 2,503 - 1,020 3,524 (1+407 to 1+552) M14 - - 13.700 10 13.710 - 5.588 19,298 (1+552 to 1+575) M15 1,269 - - 3.865 5.134 1,000 2,092 8.226 (1+575 to 1+913) M16 - - 10,900 30 10.930 - 4,455 15,385 (1+913 to 1+926) M17 2.812 - - 6,425 9.237 1,000 3,765 14.002 (1+926 to 2+487) SUBTOTALS 56,500 - 91,100 72.155 219,755 11,700 89.566 321,022 MAIN DRAIN· CLOSED n 56,600 3.300 - 1.160 61.060 6,700 24.886 92.646 (lO+OOO to 1.0+463) 1'2 19,000 5.000 - 1.370 25,370 - 10.340 35.710 (LO+463 to LO+951) T3 20,200 1,700 - 1.200 23.100 - 9,415 32.515 (LO+951 to L1+3(6) T4 18,000 2,300 - 1,250 21.550 - 8,783 30,333 (3+400 to 3+950) 15 14.000 2.400 - 1.110 17,510 - 7.137 24.647 (3+950 to 4+393) 16 11,700 4,300 - 2.120 18,120 - 7,385 25,505 (4+393 to 4+890) 17 2,100 1.100 - 50 3.250 - 1.325 4.575 (4+890 to 4+910) 111 8,800 2.400 - 1,970 13,170 - 5.368 18,538 (4+910 to 5+371) 19 8.000 1.100 - SO 9,150 - 3.729 12,879 (5+371 to 5+4(1) no 3,800 2,400 - 970 7,170 - 2.922 10.092 (5+401 to 5+620) SUBTOTALS 162.200 26,000 - 11.250 199.450 6.700 81,290 287,440 See next page. . . - - 02 - Final Section Costs BruœMunidpal Drain No. 19 M 2005 Date: July 2005 Munlclpallly : KIncardine W99403 section Drain structures Culverts Allowances Sub-Total Special TOTALS Engineering ...Contlnued BRANCH "A" ; A1 12,600 830 13,430 1,000 I 5,474 19,904 (AO+OSO to AO+264) A2 21,400 2,700 2,000 26,100 2,000 10,638 38,738 (AO+264 to AO+677) A3 16,400 2,800 1,840 21,040 1,000 8.575 30,615 (AO+677 to A1+154) A4 2,300 1,200 60 3,560 1.451 5,011 (A1+154 to Al+1n) AS 9,000 2.300 970 12,270 2,600 \5.001 19,871 (Al+172 to A1+S92) I SUBTOTALS 61,700 9,000 5,700 76,400 6,600 ß1.139 114,139 TOTALS $ 280,400 $ 35,000 $ 91,100 $ 89,105 $ 495,605 $ 25,000 $ 2011.,995 $ 722,600 Project Number: W99403 Section Number ;: M4 - D3 - EXAMPLE Municipal Drain sectional Assessment Worksheet Project Name : Bruce Muniåpal Drain No. 19 - 2005 [1] Cost/Eq. Ha. from D/S = 107.96 DATE: July 2005 [2] Total section Cost = $ 21,716 [3] Spedfic Costs 50% of the fendng cost, plus administration to lot 10, Concession 3 ;: * 50% of the fendng cost,. plus administration to other lands in and upstream of SectIon M4 ;: Extra engineering cost to resolve fencing issue with owner of lot 10, Cone. 3 = 2,886 2,886 45 Total S fie Costs '" 5 816 Remainder to Assess ;: 15,900 I [4] Normal outlet . - .......... ""'" """" [5] Equlv't Area Drained = 73 % 27 % 663.70 Ha. @ $ 17.49 per Eq. Ha. for Normal Outlet;: 11,607 [6] Remaining for Normal BenefIt and Direct Outlet = 4,293 [7] Direct outlet e area in this Section uses 50% of its length '" 261 Total of Direct OUtlet :: 261 [8] Remaining for Nonnal Benefit = 4.032 SUMMARY TABLE LOT I OWNER EQ. AREA ACTUAl BENEfIT (See 22) Sect. 26 OlITLET (See 23í TOTAL [9] In 5edion CHa.) AREA (Ha.1 Specific Normal Direct Normal 10, Cone. 3 D.MUNRO 29.82 35.39 2,931 4,032 · 261 3,220 10,443 [10] U/S of Sedion 11, Cone. 2 D.MUNRO 0.78 0.78 - - - - 101 101 12/ Cone. 2 P. &. A. TUFT 12.00 22.54 - - · - 1,557 1,557 13, Cone. 2 N. &. P. CAMPBELL 33.88 36.28 - - - - 4,397 4,397 pt. 14, Cone. 2 B. &. G. ROPPEL 36.96 38.37 - · - - 4,791 4/797 Pt. 14, Cone. 2 T. TYRELL 1.32 1.32 - - - - 171 171 pt. 15, Cone. 2 R.MacKINNON 10.12 10.12 - - - - 1/313 1,313 Pt. 15/ Cone. 2 B. &. G. ROPPEl 5.18 8.67 - · · - 150 750 pt. 15, Cone. 2 B. &. G. ROPPEl 11.11 16.67 - - - . 1/443 1,443 SD. RD. 15-16 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 4.56 1.52 · - - - 592 592 Pt. 16/ Cone. 2 8. &. G. ROPPEL 13.37 20.05 - - · - 1/735 1,735 CONC. RD. 2-3 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 13.16 3.29 · - - - 1,108 1,708 10. Cone. 3 D.MUNRO 0.75 0.19 - - - - 97 97 SD. RD. 10-11 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 3.93 1.31 - - - - 510 510 Pt.1l, Cone. 3 KENVEL FARMS LTD. 23.48 23.48 · - - - 3,048 3.048 pt.ll, Cone. 3 W. &. B. COLUNS 0.25 0.25 - - · - 32 3l 12, Cone. 3 D.MUNRO 13.96 13.96 - · - - 1/812 1.812 Pt. 13, Cone. 3 D.MUNRO 5.31 5.31 - - - - 689 689 Pt. 13, Cone. 3 G. &. K. FREER 3.80 3.80 - - · - 493 493 14 Cone. 3 G. &. K. FREER 2.84 l.84 ~ - - - 369 369 [11] Sub ~ Total = $ 36,058 [12] Cumulative Total = $ 66,395 * Adding specific costs for fendng to Eq. $/Ha. from (5] above. Cumulative Cost/Eq. Ha. carried U/S = $ 129.80 - D4 - EXAMPLE Project Number: W99403 Muni~øalDrain Sectional Assessm~nt Worksheet Project Name : Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 . 2005 DATE: JuIV 2005 . 5 ·on Number = M17 [1] Cost/Eq. H . from DJS = 325.58 [2] Total $ 14,002 [31 Specific Costs Extra engineering cost to resolve underdrainage outlet issue with owner of lot 15, Cone. 2 == [4] Normal Outlet Nannal Benefit and Direct Outlet [5] Equiv't Area Drained == 35 % 65 % 192.89 Ha. @ $ 23.59 per Eq. Ha. for N al Outlet == 1,000 1000 13,002 [6] Remaining for Normal Benefit and Dir ct Outlet = 8,451 4,551 [7] Direct Outlet 3.18 Ha. of the area In this SectIon uses 10% of Its length := 8 15.25 Ha. of the area In this Section uses 50% of its length == 183 SUMMARY TABLE lOT OWNER [9] In Section Pt. 16, Cone. 2 B. & G. ROPPEl Pl 16, Cone. 2. B. & G. ROPPEl Pt. 16, Cone. 2. B. & G. ROPPEl pt. 16 Cone.2.D.SHELLEY [10] UJS of Section 17, Cone. 2 MUN. OF KINCARDINE pt. 16/Cone. 2 . '& G. ROPPEL 17, Cone. 1 G. & M. & J. REID 18. Cone. 2. H. & D. BROWN 19, Cone. 2 D. & J. BROWN 20, Cone. 2 J. BROWN 18. Cone. 2 H. & D. BROWN IS, Cone. 1 G. & M. REID 19. Cone. 1 G. WHITE 20. Cone. 1 B. & S. WOODASON SD. RD. 20-21 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 21, Cone. 1 D.S. & G.l. MacPHERSON Pt. 22, Cone. 1 D.S. & G.l. & J.A. MacPHERSON CTY. RD. 15 COUNlY OF BRUCE 21, Cone. 12 J.A. & L.M. MacPHERSON 22, Cone. 12 L. & E. ALBRECHT 23, Cone. 12 1518339 ONTARIO LiD. Pt. 24 Cone. 1 M. COLWELL [8] 24.30 2.48 3.16 12.66 6.10 0.80 7.06 10.37 18.89 28.21 6.12 28.58 6.80 18.15 2.18 9.52 5.37 2.15 31.71 3.16 4.76 2B.79 17.56 3.54 9.14 13.1B 24.53 32.5B 2.04 28.81 6.80 3.63 2.18 9.52 8.06 3.23 Sect. 26 191 8,260 TOTAL 14.226 784 1Bl 259 8,314 8,314 866 866 1,103 1,103 4,422 4,422 2,131 2,131 278 278 2,463 2,463 3,619 3,619 6,596 6,596 9,B5o 9,850 2.137 2,137 9,979 9,979 2,374 2,374 6,338 6,338 761 761 3,324 3,324 1,874 1,874 751 751 [11] Sub Total = $ 82,632 [12] Cumulativ Total = $ 321,021 Cumulative Cost/Eq. Ha. car ed U/S '" $ 349.18 - D5 - EXAMPLE Municløal Drain Sectional Assessment Worksheet Project Number : Project Name : Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 - 2005 Section Number ;;0 T5 [1] Cost/Eq. Ha. from DfS = 163.63 [2] Total Section Cost = $ 24,647 W99403 DATE: 3uly 2005 [3] Specific Costs I Total Specific Costs - . Remainder to Assess ;;0 24,647 [4] Normal Outlet 18 % Normal Benefit and Direct Outlet 82 % [5] Equiv't Area Drained = 107.08 Ha. @ $ 41.43 per Eq. Ha. for Nonnal Outlet;;o 4,436 [6] Remaining for Nonnal Benefit and Direct Outlet = 20,210 [7] Direct OUtlet The area in this SectIon uses 50% of its length ;;0 391 I Total of Direct Outlet ;; 391 [8] Remaining for Normal Benefit = 19,819 SUMMARY TABLE LOT OWNER EQ. AREA ACTUAL [9] In Section CHa.) AREA CHa.) 19, Cone. 1 G. WHITE 18.89 24.53 BENEFIT (See 22) Sœcifle Normal . 19,819 Sect 26 OUTLET (See 23) Direct Normal 391 3,091 TOTAL . 23,301 [10] UfS of Seålon [11] Sub ~ Total = $ 23,301 I [12] Cumulative Total = $ 23,301 Cumulative Cost/Eq. Ha. carried U/S = $ 205.06 - D6 - EXAMLPE Municiœl Drain SectIonal Assessment Worksheet Project Number : W99403 Sectio Number :::: A3 Project Name : Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 - 2005 [1] Cost/Eq. Ha. f om D/S = 340.10 DATE : July 2005 [2] Total Sed on Cost = $ 30,615 [3] Specific Costs i 50% of the offset ditch inlet catch basin cost, plus administration to Lot 15, Concession 3 = ! 1,130 * 50% of the offset ditch inlet catchbasin cost, plU$administration to other lands in and upstream of Section A2 = 1,130 Extra engineering cost to resolve underdralnage outlet issue with owner of Lot 15, Cone. 3 :::: ! 1,000 Junction box at west side of Lot 15 assess to Lot 15 1.694 I Total Spec ifle Costs :::: 4.954 Remainder :0 Assess = 25 662 i [4] Normal Outlet Norm81 Ðeneftt and Direct Outlet [5] Equiv't Area Drained = 30 % 70 % ¡ ! 89.33 Ha. @ $ 86.18 per Eq. Ha. for Nor~al Outlet = 7,699 [6] Remaining for Normal Benefit and Dlrec Outlet = 17,963 [7] Direct Outlet irhe area in this Section uses 25% of its length :::: 481 n Total of Dir ct Outlet :::: 481 [8] Remaining for Norma Benefit = 17,482 SUMMARY TABLE LOT I OWNER EQ.AREA ACTUAL BENEFIT (See 22) Sect. 26 OUTLE See 23) TOTAL [9] In Section (Ha.) AREA (Ha.) SDeclfle Normal Direct Normal pt. 15, Cone. 3 B. ROPPEL 22.34 22.34 3,824 17,482 - 48 7,598 29,385 [iOi u¡,s.rSection CONC. RD. 2-3 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 9.76 2.44 . - - - 4,284 4,284 pt. 16, Cone. 2 B. & G. ROPPEl 1.07 1.61 . - - - 471 471 17, Cone. 2 MUN. OF KINCARDINE 5.84 8.76 - - - - 2,563 2,563 18, Cone. 2 H. & D. BROWN 15.48 28.79 - - - - 6,793 6,793 19, Cone. 2 D. &J. BROWN 7.46 17.56 - - - - 3,273 3,273 20, Cone. 2 J. BROWN 0.97 3.54 - - - - 427 427 [11] Su - Total = $ 47,191 [12] Cumulati e Total = $ 86,266 Cumulative CoSt/Eq. Ha. ca ried U!S :::: $ 438.92 ::; = ! i ... N ... .... . e . I i ~ õ I I I - z I! 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Burnside & Associates Ltd. 449 Josephine Street, PO Box 10 Wingbam, Ontario NOG 2WO Dear Mr. McBride: SUBJECT: Authorization for the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat pursuant to subsection 35(2) of the Fisheries Act The harmful alteration, disruption or des1ruction of fish habitat arising from the Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 drainage works on an unnamed tributary of the Little Sauble River in the Municipality of Kincardine is hereby authorized pursuant to subsection 35(2) of the Fisheries Act. This Authorization shall be conditional upon implementation of mitigation and compensation measmes specified on the attached docmnent. The environmental impacts of this undertaking have been reviewed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. This review concluded that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects if the mitigation and compensation measmes specified are implemented. FailW"C to comply with any of the conditions specified on the attached Authorization may result in a contravention of section 35 of the Fisheries Act. NOTE: None of the foregoing should be taken to imply Authorization of this undertaking in accordance with any section of the Fisheries Act ~ than section 35. Also note that Authorization under the Fisheries Act does not release the proponent from the requirements of any other federal, provincial or municipal legislation. Please contact Dana Boyter at (905) 639-0042 should you have any questions or require additional infonnation. SinCèrely, ~ cf) / ..---- // /ì :; ,/., //~,(/r . ,./ 6----~ b ~Ralph District Manager, Bmlington Office Ontario Great Lakes Area copy Cindy Flegel, SVCA; Kathy Dodge, OMNR-Owen Sound Jim O'Rourke, Municipality of Kincardine ~~~~) ( \ )0 \Ç\\ ~;t4 - \\~S \,) 1., '\ <1 ~ \\'\\. ~~'\ ,\, .. \.....~ Canada ]-'~J Fisheries and Oceans Pêches et Océans Canada Canada DFO File No. I 0. de dossier MPO : BU.QO-o073 Referral File No. I N°. de la soum ion: Oo-HCAA-CA4-OOO-OO0073 Auth rization No. I N" de 'autorisation AUTHORIZATION FOR WORKS OR UNDERTAKINGS AFFECTING FISH HAS TAT AUTORlSATlON POUR DES OUVRAGES OU ENTREPRlSES MODIFIANT L'HABITAT U POISSON Authorization issued tol Autorlsation délivrée -à : Municipality of Kincardine c/o Andy McBride R.J. Burnside & Associates Ltd. 449 Josephine Street POBox 10 Wingham, Ontario NOG ZlNO Phone: (519) 357~1521 F~:(619}357-3624 Location of Project I Emplacement du pro jet The Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 Is located on an unnamed bibutary of the Little Sauble River, unicipality of Kincardine from lot 7. Concession 3 upstream to Lot 17, Concession 2 in the former Township of Bruce. Th drainage work will include work ona branch running from Lot 13, Concession 3 to lot 17, Concession 2. (UTM Zone 17, No, hing 4902834, Easting 459579 to Northing 4902153, Easting 461505). Valid Authorization Period I Période de valldlté The valid authorization period for the harmful afteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat ssociated with the Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 drainage works is from July 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006; valid authorizati n periods for other conditions of this authorization are as set out below. Description of Works or Undertakings (Type of work, schedule, etd.) Description des ouvrages ou entreprises (Genre de travail, calendrler,letc.) The work~101unicipal Drain No. 19 Involves; 2 erosion-proof flood control channels, cannel deepening for approximately 580 m and channel realignment at four locations. The harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fISh habitat will occur as a result of the loss of c annellength, the alteration to the bottom substrate and ¡nstream cover and removal of riparian vegetation. Compe sation will be in the form of a parabolic shaped low flow channel, pool habitat at regular intervals along the channel, three me r buffer strips along the entire length of the drain and an increase in valley width in two locations of channel realignment. Conditions of Authorlzation/Conditlons de ,tautorisatlon 1.0 The conditions of this Authorization notwithstanding, should the above works or undertakin ,due to weather conditions, different soil or other natural conditions, or for any other reason, appear. in the pinion of Fisheries and Oceans Canada ("DFO") likely to cause greater impacts than the parties previously contem latad, then DFO may direct the Proponent, and its agents, and contractors, to suspend or alter work~ and activiti s associated with the project. to avoid or mitigate adverse impacts to fisheries resources. DFO may also direct th Proponent and its agents, and contractors, to carry out at the Proponent's expense any works or activities d mad necessary by DFO to avold« müiøøtefi:trthitri1dverse impacts to fisheries resources. In cirçumstances where D 0 is of the view that greater impacts may occur than were contemplated by the parties DFO may also modify or rescind this authorization. -2- If the authorization is to be changed the Proponent will be given an opportunity to discuss any proposed modifications or rescission. 2.0 All works shall be undertaken in accordance with the following drawlng(s) and/or document(s): 2.1. The submitted plans dated November 10. 2003 and February 10,2004, prepared by Andy McBride, R.J. Burnside & Associates Ltd. 2.2. The submitted drawings-; W99403--M dated Sept 2002, W99403-NOF dated Oct 2003 and W99403--L7, L9, L 10 and L 13 dated Feb 2004, prepared by Andy McBride, R.J. Burnside & Associates Ltd. 2.3. A Fish Habitat Assessment For the Proposed Municipal Drain #19 In the Municipality of Kincardine, Bruce County, July 2000, produced for Maitland Engineering, A Division of Burnside & Associates Ltd., prepared by Raymond J. Barnard, Aqua Terra. The above drawing(s) and/or document(s) are hereafter referred to as the Plan. Where contradictions exist the most recent version shall apply. 3.0 To compensate for the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat the following shall be implemented, as indicated in the Plan: 3.1. Channel deepening shall be carried out ensuring a parabolic bottom low flow channel remains to allow a deeper narrow channel for fish. The parabolic bottom shall be done in reaches where the channel is 1 meter or greater in width. 3.2. Pool habitat shall be created approximately every 50 meters at an outside bend in the channel from Station MO+070 to MO+582. The pools shall be 300 to 450 mm deep and approximately 2 to 3 meters long. 3.3. A wider valley width shall be created from Station MO+070 to MO+110 and In Lot 9, Concession 3. 3.4. Three meter buffer strips shall be established from the top of bank, on both sides, on the entire length of the drain. 3.4.1. Buffer Sbips shall be clearty marked to prevent encroachment 4.0 To mitigate any additional harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat the following shall be implemented: 4.1. No In-water work shall occur from April 1 to June 30 to protect local fish populations during their spawning and nursery periods. 42. All materials and equipment used for the purpose of site preparation and project completion shall be operated and stored in a manner that prevents any deleterious substance from entering the water. 4.2.1. Any stockpiled materials shall be stored and stabilized away from the water. 4.2.2. Vehicle and equipment re-fuelling and/or maintenance shall be conducted away from the water. 4.2.3. MY part of a vehicle and/or equipment entering the water shall be free of fluid leaks and externally deanedldegreased to prevent any deleterious substance from entering the water. 4.2.4. Only clean material free of fine particulate matter shall be placed in the water. 4.3. Sediment and erosion control measures shall be implemented prior to work and maintained during the work phase, and until the site has been stabilized, to prevent entry of sediment into the water. 4.3.1. All sediment and erosion control measures shall be inspected daily to ensure that they are functioning properly and are maintained and/or upgraded as required to prevent entry of sediment into the water. 4.3.2. All disturbed areas of the work site shall' be stabilized immediately and re-vegetated as soon as conditions allow. 4.3.3. Sediment and erosion control measures shall be left in place until all areas of the work site have been stabilized. 5.0 A monitoring program shall be implemented from July 1, 2005 to July 1, 2007 to ensure that the compensation and mitigation measures are installed, maintained and function as intended. The monitoring program shall include, but not be limited to, the following: -3- 5.1. The success of all vegetative plantings·shatl be assessed not less than once each spring an fall during the monitoring program. If at anytime during monitoring any plantings are dead or dying, meas res shall·be Implemented to reduce the risk of future failure and the plants shall be replaced, and mon° ring continued. 5.2. A photographic record showing that all works and undertakings have been oornpleted acco Ing to the approved Plan and terms of this Autha'iZ'ation, shall be prepared. 5.2.1. The photographic record shaØlnClUde, but not be limited to, a record of existing con ltions, the work phase including sediment and erœlcn control measures, and completed works Incl ding compensation measures, site stabilization and restoration. 5.2.2. The photographs for each perIOdcfdocumentation shall be taken from the same poInt(s), dlrecuon and angle of view. 5.2.3. All photographs shall be clearlylabeJled with the date,locatIon and viewing direction. locations and vlÐwlng directIonS shall be Indicated on a plan view drawing of the work indexed to the photographs. 5.3. A written report and the photographic reccrdsummarlzlng the above monitoring results be submitted to Fl$hertes and Oceans Canada - Ontario Great Lakes Area on or before July 1, for each y of the monitoring program. 6.0 Any deviation from the approved plan. work scheduJe or compensation, mitigation and monltor1ng easures stated above, shall be discussed with and approved in writing by FISheries and·Qœans Canada- Ontario rest Lakes Area, prior to implementation. 7.0 All canpeneation. mitigation andmonitorlngmeesures shaD be implemented to the satisfaction of Oceans Canada - Ontario Great Lakes Area. The hoJder of this authorization Is hereby authorized amder La d61enteur de fa présente est autorisé en vertu the authority of section 35(2) of the Flshérles Act. RAC., paragraphe 35(2) de fa Lei sur 198 Dêches L.R.C. 1985, c.F. 14, to carry out the work or undertaking descrtIed F. 14, à upIoIter Ies ouvrages OU entreprIses herein. pr6enes. This authorization Is vaßd only with respect to ftsh habitat and for no other purpoaes. It does not purport to release the appIIoant from any obligation to obtain permission from or to comply with the requirements of any other regulatory agendas. Failure to comply with any condItfcn of this authorlzaUon may t8édIt1n t'I.~ being laid underthe Fisheries AI::t. L'autorIsatIon "'est vaIide qu'en ce qui conceme I tat du poisson at pour aucune autre tin. EUe ne pas Ie requ4rant de 1'obIlgatlon d'obtenlr fa pennlsslon d' utres organIsme8 l'êglementaJres concemés ou de se à leurs exIgences. En vertu de Ia Lei sur lea cêches. des accusatlo être portées contre ceux quI ne respectent pas I conditions prévues dans Ia présente autorIsatIon. Cette autortaaUon dolt être conaervée sur Ies Ue des travaux, at lea êquipes de travail clevralent en con ftre 188 conditions. This auItIortzatfon form should be held on site and work crews should be made lammar with the conditions attached. Date of Issuance: May 12, 2005 Approvéd b~_.O Title: ~r General Central & Arctic Region Fisheries and Oceans Canada BUR:NSiDE Appendix F Sp~ciallnformation for Tenderers -Fl- SPECIAL INFORMATION FOR TENDERERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 - 2005 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE SPECIFICATIONS This Specia1lnfonnation, along with Section F "Project Specifications for the Construction of a Municipal Drainage Works", together with the Drawings, shall apply to and govern the construction of the various sections of Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 - 2005. EXTENT OF WORK Location The Municipality of Kincardine is located in the southwest quadrant of the County of Bruce, immediately adjacent to Lake Huron. The former Township of Bruce is now part of the Municipality of Kincardine and is located in the north half of the Municipality. Similarly, the former Township of Kincardine is now part of the Municipality of Kincardine and is located in the south half of the Municipality. The site of this Municipal Drain extends from approximately 3 ki10metres east of Village of Tiverton at the downstream end to approximately 5 ki10metres west of the Village of Glammis at the upstream end. The Municipal Drain is mainly located in Concessions 1, 2, and 3 of the former Township of Bruce, with the upstream end extending across Bruce County Road 15 into Concession 12 of the former Township of Kincardine. Description Main Drain - Open Portion The work to be undertaken on this portion general1v includes: · the excavation of approximately 40 m of overflow channel complete with riprap; · the supply and placement of approximately 80 m2 of riprap at confluence with South Tributary and bend at Sta. 0+489; · approximately 2176 m of deepening and widening of existing open drain with spoil treatment; · approximately 1684 m of deepening of existing open drain with spoil treatment; · approximately 612 m of ditchbottom only clean-out of existing open drain with spoil treatment; · the excavation of approximately 293 m of new open channel with spoil treatment; · approximately 421 m of filling and grading of existing channel; · approximately 974 m of clearing and grubbing; · approximately 946 m of grubbing; · the supply and installation of 17m of 1600 millimetre corrugated steel pipe fann crossing complete with riprap; · the supply and installation of 15 m of 1600 millimetre corrugated steel pipe farm crossing complete with riprap; · the supply and installation of 20 m of 1600 millimetre corrugated steel pipe skewed road crossing complete with riprap and salvage of existing pipe; · the supply and installation 15m of 1600 millimetre corrugated steel pipe fann crossing complete with riprap; · the supply and installation of 15 m of 1600 millimetre corrugated steel pipe fann crossing complete with riprap; · the supply and installation of 10 m of 1400 millimetre corrugated steel pipe farm crossing -F4- ·SOCTION A - Main Drain - Open Portion AI. Lot 7, Concession 3 - Sta. MO+OOO to Sta. M0+582 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · clear and grub the working space where required, for approximate1 576 metres from Station MO+OQO to M0+582 and for approximately 40 metres throu the large meander from Station -2+340 to -2+300; · deepen the existing channel for approximately 536 metres trom S ation MO+OOO to MO+070 and from Station MO+ 116 to MO+582 (Lot 7/8 property lin ), including spoil leveling. Approximately every 50 metres, over-excavate the channel proximately 0.30 to 0.45 metres in depth for a length of 2 - 3 metres and half the cannel width with tapered sides, whenever the bottom width is greater than 1 meter; · excavate a new channel, with the same proposed bottom width an sideslopes as the section of channel immediately downstream, for approximately 3 metres between Stations MO+070 and MO+ 110, immediately downstream of the xi sting crossing, including spoil leveling;. · fill and grade the existing chánnel with excavated material for approx mate1y 40 metres from Station MO+070 to MO+ 110; · excavate and construct a new overflow channel approximately 40 me es in length with a 4 metre wide ditchbottom and IH: IV sides10pes, complete wi the supply and placement of approximately 280 square metres of200 to 300 millime e diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotextile, through the large meander from S tion -2+340 to- 2+300, including spoil leveling; and · supply, install and maintain erosion control measures at the downstre extent to of the work site until all disturbed areas of the work site have been stabiliz d. A2. Lot 8, Concession 3 - Sta. -2+150 to Sta. -1+737 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · deepen and widen the existing channel for approximately 396 metre property line to the downstream side of the existing crossing (Station +150 to -1 +959) and trom the upstream side ofthe existing crossing to the Lot 8/9 prop rty line (Station - 1 +942 to -1 +73 7), including spoil leveling; · remove and salvage existing crossing between stations -1 +959 and - +942; · supply and instal117 metres of 1600 millimetre diameter 3.5 millimetr gauge corrugated steel pipe from Station at -1 +959 to -1 +942, with well compacted Gr u1ar A bedding, Granular B backfill to within 150 millimetres of finished grade d Granular A to finished grade, complete with approximately 125 square metres of20 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotextile; · excavate a permanent sediment basin approximately 0.5 metres deepe that the proposed ditch bottom, approximately 5 metres in length and with the same ideslopes as the proposed adjacent channel from approximately station -1 +969 to ~ 1 964; and · supply, install and maintain erosion control measures at approximate y station -1 +964 (downstream of crossing) until all disturbed areas of the work site ha been stabilized. A3. Lot 9, Concession 3 - Sta. -1 +737 to Sta. -1 +285 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · deepen and widen the existing channel for approximately 356 metres from the Lot 8/9 property line to beginning of the meandering portion (Station -1+73 to -1+516) and from the end of the meandering portion to Lot 9/10 property line (St tion -1 +420 to - -FS- 1 +285), including spoil leveling; · grub work space where required, for approximately 96 metres along the length of the existing ditch to be filled, from Station -1 +516 to -1 +420; · excavate a new channel for approximately 35 metres within the meandering portion between Stations -1 +516 and -1 +420, including spoi11eveling; · supply and instal115 metres of 1600 millimetre diameter 3.5 millimetre gauge corrugated steel pipe from Station -1 +511 to -1 +496, with well compacted Granular A bedding, Granular B backfill to within 150 millimetres of finished grade and Granular A to finished grade, complete with approximately 125 square metres of200 to 300 mi1limetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotextile, within the above-mentioned section of new channel; and · fill and grade the existing channel with excavated material for approximately 96 metres within the meandering portion between Stations -1 +575 and -1 +420. A4. Lot 10, Concession 3 - Sta. -1+285 to Sta. -0+704 For the lump sum price bi~ the Contractor shall: · clear and grub work space where required, for approximately 21 0 metres from Station - 1+285 to -1+075; · grub work space where required, for approximately 371 metres from station -1 +075 to- 0+704; · deepen and widen the existing channel for approximately 491 metres from the Lot 9/10 property line to the South Tributary Confluence (Station -1 +285 to --0+794), including spoil leveling; · excavate a permanent sediment basin approximately 0.5 metres deeper that the proposed ditch bottom, approximately 5 metres in length and with the same sideslopes as the proposed adjacent channel immediately downstream of the South Tributary confluence from approximately station -0+805 to -0+800; · supply and place approximately 50 square metres of 200 to 300 millimetre diameter quany stone riprap on approved geotextile at the confluence of the Main Drain and the South Tributary at Station -0+794; · deepen and widen the existing channel for approximately 20 metres within the meandering portion between the South Tributary Confluence and the Sideroad 10-11 culvert outlet (Stations -0+794 and 0+704), including spoil leveling; · excavate a new channel for approximately 70 metres in the meandering portion between the South Tributary Confluence and the Sideroad 10-11 culvert outlet (Station -0+794 and -0+704), including spoi11eve1ing; and · fill and grade the existing channel with excavated material for approximately 80 metres in the meandering portion between the South Tributary Confluence and the Sideroad lO- Il culvert outlet (Stations -0+794 and -0+704). AS. Sideroad 10-11- Sta. 0+·0+704 to Sta. -0+684 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · remove and salvage the existing newer road culvert; · remove and dispose of any old culverts, if applicable; and · supply and instal120 metres of 1600 millimetre diameter 4.2 millimetre gauge corrugated steel pipe on a skew through the road, with well compacted Granular A bedding, Granular B backfill to within 150 millimetres of finished grade and Granular A to finished grade, complete with approximately 75 square metres of200 to 300 millimetre -F6- diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotextile. A6. Lot 11, Concession 3 - Sta. -0+684 to Sta. -0+214 For the lump sum price bid. the Contractor shall: · grub work space where required. for approximately 419 metres fto the new Sideroad 10-11 culvert inlettothe edge of the heavier vegetated area downstre of the Lot 11-12 property line (Station 4684 to -0+265); · excavate a new channel for approximately 40 metres from the ne Sideroad 10-11 culvert inlet to the bend directly upstream of the new aligmnent (betw en Station -0+684 and -0+645). including spoil leveling; · fill and grade seed the existing channel with excavated material for approximately 65 metres between Stations -0+684 and -0+645; · deepen and widen the existing channel for approximately 431 metres om the proposed upstream end of the new alignment to the Lot 11-12 property line (S tion -0+645 to ~ 0+214), including spoilleveling; and · clear and grub where required, for approximately 51 metres at the ups (Station -0+265 to -0+214). A7. Lot 12, Concession 3 - Sta. -0+214 to Sta. 0+212 . For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · deepen and widen the existing channel for approximately 411 metres om the Lot 11-12 property line to the outlet of the proposed Munro DoWnstream Crossi g {Station -0+214 to 0+000) and ftom the inlet of the proposed Munro Downstream C ossing to the Lot 12/13 property line (Station 0+015 to 0+212), including spoil1evelin ; · remove and salvage existing concrete culvert at the Munro Crossing Station 0+009); · supply and install 15 metres of 1600 millimetre diameter 3.5 millimetr gauge corrugated steel pipe fÌ'Om Station at 0+000 to 0+015, with well compacted Gr u1ar A bedding. Granular B backfill to within 150 millimetres of finished grade d Granular A to fmished grade, complete with approximately 75 square metres of200 0300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotextile; · grub work space where required. for approximately 60 metres tto the inlet of the Munro Downstream Crossing to the edge of the heavier vegetated ar a downstream of the Lot 12/13 property line (Station 0+015 to 0+075); and · clear and grub where required. for approximately 137 metres at the up tream end of Lot 12 (Station 0+075 to -0+212). A8. West Half Lot 13, Concession 3 - Sta. 0+212 to Sta. 0+607 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · deepen and widen the existing channel for approximately 262 metres om the Lot 12/13 property line to the outlet of the Munro Crossing (Station 0+212 to 0+ 60) and ttom the inlet ofthe Munro Crossing to the new confluence with Branch A ne the Mid-Lot 13 property line (Station 0+275 to 0+489), including spoil leveling; · remove and salvage existing concrete culvert at station 0+267; · supply and install 15 metres of 1600 millimetre diameter 3.5 millimetl1 gauge corrugated steel pipe from station 0+260 to 0+275, with well compacted Gr ular A bedding, Granular B backfill to within 150 millimetres of finished grade a d Granular A to finished grade, complete with approximately 70 square metres of200 0300 mil1imetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotextile; -F7- · excavate a new channel for approximately 118 metres between Station 0+489 and 0+607, including spoil leveling; · remove and salvage any other existing crossing in this section; · fill and grade the existing channel with excavated material for approximately 140 metres between stations 0+446 and 0+607; · supply and inStall approximately 140 metres of 1 00 millimetre perforated plastic drainage tubing, complete with connections to existing field drains and riveted corrugated steel outlet pipe to pick up field tiles out1eting into existing channel to be filled between stations 0+446 and 0+607. · supply and install approximately 30 square metres of 200 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotexti1e around bend at station 0+489. · excavate a pennanent sediment basin approximately 0.5 metres deeper that the proposed ditch bottom, approximately 5 metres in length and with the same sides10pes as the proposed adjacent channel from approximately station 0+250 to 0+255; and · supply, install and maintain erosion control measures at approximately station 0+255 (downstream of crossing) until all disturbed areas of the work site have been stabilized. A9. East Half Lot 13, Concession 3 - Sta. 0+607 to Sta. 0+816 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · mainly deepen and widen some sections of the existing channel for approximately 135 metres from the upstream end of the new alignment in the west half of Lot 13 to the downstream end of the Freer Main Drain Crossing on the Lot 13/14 property line (Station 0+607 to 0+816), including spoil leveling of material not used to fill existing Branch A ditch (see Section C1); and · supply, install and maintain erosion control measures at approximately station 0+485 (downstream of Branch A outlet) until all disturbed areas of the work site have been stabilized. AI0. Lot 14, Concession 3 - Sta. 0+816 to Sta. 1+407 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · remove and salvage existing corrugated steel culvert at Station 0+821; · supply and instal11 0 metres of 1400 millimetre diameter 3.5 gauge cOlTUgated steel pipe from Station 0+816 to 0+826, with well compacted Granular A bedding, Granular B backfill to within 150 millimetres of finished grade and Granular A to finished grade, complete with approximately 55 square metres of200 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotex.ti1e; and · mainly deepen and widen some sections of the existing channel for approximately 581 metres from the inlet of the Freer Main Drain Crossing to the Lot 14/15 property line (Station 0+826 to 1 +407), including spoil leveling of material not used to fill existing Branch A ditch (see Section C2). All. Lot 15, Concession 3 - Sta. 1+407 to Sta. 1+552 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · mainly deepen and widen some sections of the existing channel for approximately 145 metres from the Lot 14/15 property line to the outlet of the Concession Road 2-3 culvert (Station 1 +407 to 1 +552), including spoil leveling of material not used to fill existing Branch A ditch (see Section C3); · excavate a pennanent sediment basin approximately 0.5 metres deeper that the proposed -F8- ditch bottom, approximately 5 metres in length and with the same sides10pes as the proposed adjacent channel ftom approximately station 1 +542 to 1+5 7; and · supply, install and maintain erosion control measures at approximat ly station 1+547 (downstream of road crossing) until all disturbed areas of the wo k site have been stabilized. A12. Concession Road 2-3 - Sta. 1 +552 to Sta. 1+575 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall supply and install 3 metres of 800 millimetre diameter 9.0 miIlimetre gauge smoothwall welded steel pipe through the road from Station 1+552 to 1+575, using boring techniques, complete with a proximately 125 square metres of riprap on approved geotextile. A13. Lot 15, Concession 2 - Stâ.1+575 to Sta.1+913 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall ditch bottom-only cle out the existing channel for approximate1y338 metres from the inlet of the Concession R ad 2-3 culvert to the outlet of the Sideroad 15-16 culvert (Station 1+575 to 1+913), includ g spoil leveling. A14. Sideroad 15-16 - Sta. 1+913 to Sta. 1+926 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: . remove and salvage the existing culvert; · remove and dispose of any old culverts, if applicable; and · supply and instal113 metres of 1400 millimetre diameter 4.2 millirnetr gauge cOlTUgated steel pipe through the road, with well compacted Granular A bed ing, Granular B backfill to within 150 millimetres of finished grade and Granular A 0 finished grade, complete with approximately 75 square metres of200 to 300 millime diameter quany stone riprap on approved geotextile. A15. Lot 16, Concession 2 - Sta. 1+926 to Sta. 2+487 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · ditch bottom-only cleanout the existing channel for approximately 27 metres from the upstream end of the Sideroad 15-16 culvert at Station 1 +926 to app ximate1y Station 2+200, including spoil leveling; · deepen the existing channel for approximately 287 metres from app ximate1y Station 2+200 to the Lot 16/17 property line at Station 2+487, including spoi leveling; and . supply, install and maintain erosion control measures at approximat 1y station 2+485 (downstream of Closed Drain outlet) until all disturbed areas of the w rk site have been stabilized. A16. Buffer Strip Markers For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall supply and install "T -bar' posts, 2.4 metres in length, offset 3 metres from the top of each bank into the adjacent field a all property lines and at intervals not less than 200 metres along the entire length of the op n drain. SECTION B - Main Drain - Closed Portion Bl. Lot 17, Concession 2 - Sta. 2+487 to Sta. 2+504 and Sta. LO+OOO to S a. LO+463 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · excavate and construct a drop structure at a gradient of 5% (20R: 1 V), H: 1 V sideslopes -F9- and 0.6 metre bottom width for a length of approximately 17 m in the open channel upstream of the Lot 16/17 property line (Station 2+487 = LO+OOO), complete with approximately 200 square metres of200 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotexti1e. Due to the existence of a very large tree close to the top of the ditchbank at this location, it may be necessary to make some minor adjustments in sighting of this structure at the time of construction; · ditch bottom-only c1eanout the existing Landfill Site channel for approximately 136 metres ftom the upstream end of the drop structure at station 2+514 to match the existing ditchbottom elevation at approximately Station 2+650, including spoil leveling; · supply and install 6 metres of 800 millimetre 1.6 millimetre gauge riveted corrugated steel outlet pipe ftom Station LO+OOO (2+487) to LO+006; · supply and install approximately 434 metres of 600 mi1limetre diameter bell and spigot Boss 2000 pipe from the aforementioned outlet pipe at Station LO+006 to the fence1ine downstream of the Landfill Site lane at Station LO+440; · supply and install a 900 x 1200 millimetre junction box, complete with a flat grate on the aforementioned fenceline at Station LO+440; · supply and install a ditch inlet catch basin offset approximately 84 metres north of the aforementioned junction box, complete with a birdcage grate, approximately 84 metres of 300 m.illimetre diameter bell and spigot Boss 2000 pipe, benn and approximate1y20 square metres of 200 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotexti1e; and · supply and instal123 metres of 600 millimetre diameter 2.0 millimetre gauge corrugated steel pipe beneath the existing Landfill Site lane from Station LO+440 to L0+463. B2. Lot 18, Concession 2 - Sta. L0+463 to Sta. Ll+306 (Sta. 3+400) For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install a 900 millimetre x 1200 mi1limetre junction box, complete with a flat grate on the Lot 17/18, Concession 2 property 1ine/fenceline, at Station L0+463; · supply and install a 900 millimetre x 1200 millimetre buried junction box, complete with a concrete lid in the field at Station L0+750; · supply and install a 900 millimetre x 1200 millimetre junction box, complete with a flat grate on the fenceline at Station LO+925; · supply and install a 900 millimetre x 1200 millimetre junction box, complete with a flat grate along the south edge of the bush at Station L 1 +060; · supply and install approximately 287 metres of 400 millimetre diameter concrete drainage tile from the junction box at Station LO+463 to the buried junction box at Station LO+ 750; · supply and install approximately 556 metres of 525 millimetre diameter concrete drainage tile ftom the buried junction box at Station L0+750 to the junction box at Station L0+925, from the junction box at Station LO+925 to the junction box at Station Ll +060 and from the junction box at Station Ll +060 to the junction box at Station Ll+306 (please note the depth of the tile across this property); and · clear and grub the working space where required, for approximately 109 metres from Station L0+951 to L1+060. B3. Lot 18, Concession 1- 8ta. 3+400 (Ll+306) to Sta. 3+950 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install a 900 millimetre x 1200 millimetre junction box, complete with a flat -F10- grate on the Lot 18, Concession 1-2 property line/fenceline, at Statio Ll +306 = 3+400; · supply and install ajunction box, complete with a flat grate along the dge of the bush at Station 3+629; · supply and install approximately 550 metres of 400 millimetre iameter concrete drainage tile from the junction box at Station 3+400 to the juncti n box at Station 3+629and from the junction box at Station 3+329 to the junction bo at Station 3+950; and · clear and grub the working space where required, for approximate1 151 metres from Station 3+629 to 3+780. B4. Lot 19, Concession 1- Sta. 3+950 to Sta. 4+393 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install a jooction box, complete with a flat grate on th line/property line, at Station 3+950; · supply and install a flat top catch basin, complete with a bi approximately 10 square metres of200 to 300 millimetre diameter q stone riprap on approved geotextile in tbe10w area adjacent to the bush, at Station 4 200; and · supply and install approximately 443 metres of 400 millimetre iameter concrete drainage tile, the downstream 150 metres of which will be ough the field, approximately 90 metres will be along the edge of the bush and th balance will be through the field. B5. Lot 20, Concession 1 - Sta. 4+393 to Sta. 4+890 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install a junction box, complete with a flat grate on the Lot 19/20 fence line/property line, at Station 4+393; · supply and install a junction box, complete with a flat grate on the up tream side of the Woodason Lane, at Station 4+651; · supply and install approximately 485 metres of 300 millimetre d ameter concrete drainage tile from the junction box at Station 4+393 to the conug ted steel pipe at Station 4+639 and ftom the junction box at Station 4+651 to the juncti n box at Station 4+890; · supply and install 12 metres of 400 millimetre diameter 1.3 millimetre auge conugated steel pipe beneath the existing W oodason Lane Crossing ftom Station +639 to 4+651; and · supply and install a ditch inlet catch basin offset approximately 24 m tres south of the proposed drain alignment, complete with a birdcage grate, 24 metres f 250 millimetre diameter bell and spigot Boss 2000 pipe, benn and approximately 15 quare metres of 200 to 300 millimetre diameter quany stoneriprap on approved geote tile. B6. Sideroad 20-21- Sta. 4+890 to Sta. 4+910 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install ajunction box, complete with a flat grate on the west dge of the Road Allowance, at Station 4+890; · supply and install approximately 30 square metres of 200 to 300 mil imetre diameter quany stone riprap on approved geotextile in all disturbed areas ofth roadside ditch; and . · supply and insta1120 metres of 400 millimetrediameter 1.6 millirt1etre auge corrugated -Fl1- steel pipe through the Road from Station 4+890 to Station 4+910. B7. Lot 21, Concession 1- Sta. 4+910 to Sta. 5+371 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install a junction box, complete with a flat grate on the east edge of the Road Allowance, at Station 4+910; · supply and install approximately 252 metres of 250 millimetre diameter concrete drainage tile from the junction box at Station 4+910 to the corrugated steel pipe at Station 5+162; · supply and instal112 metres of 400 millimetre diameter 1.3 millimetre gauge corrugated steel pipe beneath the existing Lot 21, Concession 1 farm lane from Station 5+162 to 5+ 174; · supply and install a ditch inlet catch basin, complete with a birdcage grate and approximately 10 square metres of200 to 300 mi1limetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotextile on the field side of the fenceline, on the upstream side of the Lot 21, Concession 1 farm lane, at Station 5+ 174; and · supply and install approximately 197 metres of 200 mi1limetre diameter concrete drainage tile from the ditch inlet catch basin at Station 5+ 174to the junction box at Station 5+371. B8. County Road 15 - Sta. 5+371 to Sta. 5+401 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install a junction box, complete with flat grate on the north property line of the Road Allowance, at Station 5+371; and · supply and install 30 metres of200 millimetre diameter 6.0 mi1limetre gauge smoothwal1 welded steel pipe through the road from Station 5+371 to 5+401, using boring techniques. Please note the special instructions with respect to these structures on the Structure Details sheet. Larger holes for the SWWSP should be provided to allow for some error when installing the SWWSP by the boring method. The extra space between the SWWSP and the holes in the structure should, subsequently, be filled with grout. B9. Lot 21, Concession 12 - Sta. 5+401 to Sta. 5+620 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install a junction box, complete with a flat grate on the south property line of the Road Allowance, at Station 5+401; · supply and install approximately 213 metres of 200 millimetre diameter concrete drainage tile from the junction box at Station 5+401 to the downstream end of the corrugated steel pipe at Station 5+494 and from the upstream end of the corrugated steel pipe at Station 5+500 to the flat top catchbasin at Station 5+620; and · supply and install 6 metres of 300 millimetre diameter 1.3 millimetre gauge corrugated steel pipe beneath the existing Lot 21, Concession 12 access lane from Station 5+494 to 5+500. BI0. Lot 22, Concession 12 - Sta. 5+620 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install a flat top catch basin, complete with birdcage grate and approximately 10 square metres of 200 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved -F12- geotextile on the Lot 21/22 fencelinelproperty line, at Station 5+62 ; and · grade the area immediately adjacent to the above-mentioned strnc e to eliminate the possibility of ponding. SECTION C- Branch "A" C1. East Half Lot 13; Concession 3 - Sta. AO+OSO to Sta. AO+ 267 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install 6 metres of 600 millimetre diameter 1.6 millim tre gauge riveted conugated steel outlet pipe, complete with approximately 30 square etres of200 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotexti1e from tation AO+050 to A0+056; · salvage topsoil sediment from bottom of the existing ditch on this p perty; · relocate approximate1y280tonnes of the excavated subsoil material & m the Main Drain to fill the existing Branch A ditch to within 0.3 metres from the sounding ground elevation (access between the Main Drain and Branch A shall be obt . ed by travelling the Lot 14 farm lane and a special access route across the east part 0 Lot 14 and along the west side of the Lot 14115 property line); · move and grade the salvaged topsoil to fill the top 0.3 metre depth of · supply, place and grade "approximately 295 tonnes of topsoil to fill th top 0.3 metre depth of the existing ditch; and · supply and install approximately 208 metres of 450 millimetre iameter concrete drainage tile from the upstream end of the outlet pipe at Statio AO+056 to the downstream end of the corrugated steel pipe at Station A0+264. C2. Lot 14, Concession 3 - Sta. A0+267 to Sta. AO+677 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · salvage topsoil sediment ftom bottom of the existing ditch on this pr perty; · relocate approximately 355 tOMes of the excavated subsoil material fÌ1 m the Main Drain to fill the existing Branch A ditch to within 0.3 metres from the sounding ground elevation (access betweènthe Main Drain and Branch A shall be obt ed by travelling the Lot 14 farm lane and a special access route across the east part 0 Lot 14 and along the west side of the Lot 14115 property line); · move and grade the salvaged topsoil to fill the top 0.3 metre depth of e existing ditch; · supply, place and grade approximately 480 tonnes of topsoil to fill th remainder of the top 0.3 metre depth of the existing ditch; · remove and salvage of existing corrugated steel pipe beneath the farm ane ftom Station A0+264 to A0+270; · supply and install 6 metres of 600 millimetre diameter 1.6 millimetre auge corrugated steel pipe, beneath the existing farm lane ftom Station A0+264 to AO 270; · supply and install a buried junction box, complete with concrete lid i the field on the- south side of the existing ditch, at station AO+335; · supply and install approximately 407 metres of 450 millimetre d ameter concrete drainage tile on the south side of the existing ditch, from the ups earn end of the con-ugated steel pipe atStation AO+270 to the junction box at Station 0+335 and from the junction box at StationA0+335 to the junction box at Station AO 677; and · supply and install a ditch inlet catch basin offset 6 metres north of th junction box at Station AO+677, complete with a birdcage grate, approximately metres of 200 millimetre diameter bell and spigot Boss 2000 pipe, berm and approxi ately 10 square -F13- metres of200 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry' stone riprap on approved geotextile. C3. Lot 15, Concession 3 - A0+677 to Sta. Al + 152 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · salvage topsoil sediment from bottom of the existing ditch on this property; · relocate approximately 335 tonnes of the excavated subsoil material from the Main Drain to fill the existing ditch on this property (access between the Main Drain and Branch A shall be obtained by travelling the Lot 14 fann lane and a special access route across the east part of Lot 14 and along the west side of the Lot 14/15 property line); · move and grade the salvaged topsoil onto the filled ditch; · supply and install ajunction box, complete with a flat grate on the Lot 14/15, Concession 3 property line, on the south side of the existing ditch, at Station A0+677; · supply and install approximately 475 metres of 400 millimetre diameter concrete drainage tile from the junction box at Station A0+677 to the junction box at Station Al+152. · clear and grub the working space where required, for approximately 183 metres from station A0+677 to A0+860. · supply and install a ditch inlet catch basin offset 6 metres north of the junction box at Station Al+152, complete with a birdcage grate, approximately 6 metres of 200 millimetre diameter Boss 2000 pipe, berm and approximately 10 square metres of200 to 300 mi1limetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotexti1e. C4. Sideroad 15-16 - Sta. A1+152 to Sta. Al+174 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install a junction box, complete with a flat grate on the west property line of the road. allowance, on the south side of the existing ditch, at Station Al+152; and · supply and install 22 metres of 400 millimetre diameter 1.6 millimetre gauge corrugated steel pipe through the Road, from the junction box at Station Al + 152 to the junction box at Station 1+174. C5. Lot 16, Concession 3 - Sta. Al+174 to Sta. Al+592 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: · supply and install a junction box, complete with a flat grate on the east property line of the road. allowance, on the south side of the existing ditch, at Station Al + 174; and · supply and install approximately 418 metres of 300 millimetre diameter concrete drainage tile from the roadside junction box at Station Al +174 to the junction box at Station Al +592.t C6. Lot 17, Concession 3 - Sta. Al+S92 For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall supply and install a junction box, complete with a flat grate on the Lot 16/17 fence line/property line, at Station Al +592. SECTION D - PROVISIONAL IT~MS This Section covers work that may be required for this project. These items shall apply only as and when approved by the engineer. -F14- D1. Connecting Existing Tile to the New Municipal Drain Tile Normally, connections to the new Municipal Drain tile will NOT be allow d; however, this item may be used in unusual circumstances, but only with special written pe mission from the engineer. For the lump sum price bid for each, the Contractor shall supply all lab , equipment and material required to connect any unlmown existing tile drains encountered during onstmction to the new Municipal Drain tile using only PROPER FITTINGS, as follows: a) 100 nun; ) 150 mm; and c) 200 mm and larger. D2. Reconnecting Existing Tile Nonnally, unknown existing tile drains encountered during construction will e reconnected to themselves, above the new Municipal Drain tile. In these cases, for the lump sum rice bid for each, the Contractor shall supply all labour, equipment and material required to reconn t the tile to itself, in accordance with the appropriate specification in Section F. This does no include any tile mentioned in other items. Rigid pipe MUST be used for all of these tile reconn ctions as follows: a) 100 mm; b) 150 nun; and c) 200mm and larger. D3. Riprap For the unit price bid per square metre, the Contractor shall supply and install a 40 nun thickness of 200 mm to 300 nun diameter quarry stone riprap: a) with filter cloth; and b) wi out filter cloth. D4. Special Installation Techniques For the additional unit price bid per lineal metre of trench, the Contractor shall in tail the CDT with a hydraulic excavator instead of a trencher, as follows: a) with drainage stone co p1ete1y wrapped with an approved geotexti1e; and b) without drainage stone. The Contractor shall note that this unit price is in addition to the lump sum price bid for the applicable CDT Items in other Sections. This item shall be used only when e soil conditions encountered are such that a trencher cannot, in the opinion of the engineer, be u ed effectively to install the tile; however, the Contractorì"fUST receive written approval from the engineer prior to using either of these techniques. The drainage stone required for this special inst 1ation shall be a minimum. of 150 nun in thickness and of adequate width to properly support the size of tile being installed. The Contractor shall note that joint wrapping still applies under the 0 ginal items. D5. Topsoil For the unit price bid per tonne, the Contractor shall supply, place and grade c1e topsoil, where required along the length of the proposed Drain. SECTION E - OTHER El. Working Space The Contractor shall contain his construction operations to as narrow a width as ossible, so as to prevent damage to lands, crops, bush, etcetera, but in no case shall they exceed th widths indicated on the page entitled "Working Space". The Contractor shall be entirely responsib for any damage to lands, crops, etcetera, beyond the widths and locations of both the access route and the working spaces specified, caused by him, his subcontractors, or his employees while unde aking the work. E2. Utilities The Contractor MUST verify the location of all underground and overhead tilities prior to commencing work on this project. He shall also work in accordance with the re uirements of the -F15- various utility companies. The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for any damage to utilities caused by him, his subcontractors, or his employees while W1dertaking the work. E3. Bench Marks The benchmarks for this project are as listed on the Profile and all elevations shall be established onlv from these benchmarks. E4. Materials Unless specified otherwise, the Contractor shall supply all materials for this project. The Contractor shall provide written certification from the tile manufacturer that the tile supplied and delivered to this project has been tested. For concrete tile, the Contractor shall provide the engineer with a copy of the test results for the 3-edge bearing test and the concrete strength test prior to the delivery of any tile to the site. E5. Time for Completion In the Tender, the Contractor shall specify a date of commencement and a date of completion for this project. E6. Tender Deposit and Contract Surety A certified cheque in an amount equal to $ 40,000 shall be submitted by the Tenderer as a Tender Deposit with the Tender. This cheque shall be held by the Municipality as Contract Surety and will be returned to the Contractor upon substantial performance of the project. E7. Insurance As per Article B.12.a) of the Project Specifications, the Contractor's Liability Insurance for this project shall be $ 5,000,000 minimum and shall comply with Article B.12 e) regarding collapse. E8. Sediment Controls The Contractor shall be entirely responsible to undertake proper sediment control procedures throughout this project, in order to conform to the current requirements of the local Conservation Authority and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The cost for all of these sediment control measures shall be included under the appropriate item of work. - F16 - OPEN DRAIN DETAILS FOR: #19 Municipal Drain 2005 DATE: June 2005 MUNICIPALITY: Kincardine PROJECT: W99403 STATION LENGTH BOTTOM SIDE GRADIENT OTHER (m) WIDTH SLOPES (%) (mm) (H:V) MAIN DRAIN MO+OOO to MO+070 70 Existing Existing 0.10 Clear, grub & deepen existing c annel. Between MO+070 30 1000 1.5H:1.0V 0.33 Clear and Grub & construct neVI channel, as directed. and MO+110 fill old channel. MO+110to MO+116 6 - - - existing crossing to be left as is MO+116 to MO+582 466 600 Existing 0.19 Clear, grub & deepen existing cl annel. -2+340 to -2+300 40 4000 2.0H:1.0V 0.85 Construct riprapped overflow ch nnel, as specified. -2+150 to -1+959 191 800 2.0H:1.0V 0.37 Deepen and widen existing char nel. -1+959 to -1+942 17 - - 1.47 S & I new 1600 mm diam. x 3.5 nm CSP culvert. -1+942 to -1+511 431 800 2.0H:1.0V ·0.37 Deepen and widen existing char nel. -1+511 to -1+496 15 - - 1.50 S & I new 1600 mm dlam. x 3.5 [1m CSP culvert. -1+496 to -1+420 76 800 2.0H:1.OV 0.34 Grub & construct new channel, a ~ directed. Fill old channel. -1+420 to -1+285 135 800 2.0H:1.0V 0.34 Deepen and widen existing chan rei. -1+285 to -1+075 210 800 2.0H:1.0V 0.34 Clear, grub & deepen and widen existing channel. -1+075 to -0+794 281 800 2.0H:1.0V 0.34 Grub & deepen and widen eXlst~ channel. -0+794 to -0+704 70 600 2.0H:1.0V 0.34 Grub & construct new channel, directed. Fill old channel. I -0+704 to -0+684 20 - - 1.00 S & I new 1600 mm dlam. x 4.2 ~m CSP road culveri. -0+684 to -0+645 39 600 1.5H:1.0V 0.37 Grub & construct new channel, a~ directed. Fill old channel. i -0+645 to -0+265 380 600 1.5H:1.0V 0.37 Grub & deepen and widen exlstir g channel. -0+265 to -0+214 51 600 1.5H:1.OV 0.37 Clear. grub & deepen and widen existing channel. -0+214 to 0+000 214 600 1.5H:1.OV 0.37 Deepen and widen existing chan lei. 0+000 to 0+015 15 -- - 1.00 S & I new 1600 mm diam. X 3.5 r ~m CSP culvert. 0+015 to 0+075 60 600 1.5H:1.OV 0.37 Grub & deepen and widen existln Þ channel. 0+075 to 0+212 137 600 1.5H:1.0V 0.37 Clear, grub & deepen and widen ~xisting channel. 0+212 to 0+260 48 600 1.5H:1.0V 0.37 Deepen and widen existing chan el. 0+260 to 0+275 15 -- - 1.00 S & I new 1600 mm dlam. X 3.5 r m CSP culvert. 0+215 to 0+489 214 600 1.5H:1.OV 0.38 Deepen and widen existing chan el. 0+489 to 0+607 118 600 1.5H:1.0V 0.38 Construct new channel, as direct d. Fill old channel, as specified. 0+607 to 0+816 209 600 1.5H:1.0V 0.38 Deepen and widen existing cham el. 0+816 to 0+826 10 - - 1.00 S & I new 1400 mm diam. x 3.5 IT m CSP culvert. 0+826 to 1+200 374 600 1.5H:1.0V 0.39 Mainly deepen and widen some s 9ctlons of existing channel. 1+200 to 1+552.5 352 600 1.5H:1.0V 0.20 Mainly deepen and widen some s ections of existing channel. 1 +552.5 to 1 +575.5 23 --- -- 0.87 S & I bored 800 mm diam. x 9.0 n m SWWSP culvert. 1 +575.5 to 1 +913 338 600 1.5H:1.0V 0.28 Bottom-only cleanout. Sediment c þntrols. 1+913 to 1+926 13 --- - 1.15 S & I new 1400 mm diam. x 4.2 m n CSP culvert. 1 +926 to 2+487 561 600 1.5H:1.0V 0.32 Bottom-only cIeanout. NOTES: (1) Working space for all sections of open drain shall be on east and north sides In the future, unless specified ( helWise. (2) A 3 m wide buffer strip shall be left or established on each side of the open drain for its full length. (3) Spoil levelling is Included as part of the open drain WOrk,unless indicated otherwise. - F17 - TILE DRAIN DETAILS MAIN DRAIN FOR: Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 -2005 MUNICIPAUTY: Kincardine DATE: July 2005 PROJECT: W99403 STATION LENGTH SIZE 'TYPE GRADIENT COMMENTS 1m' Irnm' 1%' MAIN DRAIN LO+OOO LO+006 6 800 RCSP 0.18 New 1.6 mm RCSP outlet cJw 15 sq m riprap. La+006 LO+440 434 600 Boss 2000 0.18 Install new Boss 2000 pipe In Lot 17, Cone. 2 as directed. LO+440 - - - -- See Structure Details. Offset LO+440 84 300 Boss 2000 0.60 Install new Boss 2000 for OIS DICS as directed. Offset La+440 - - - - See Structure Details. LO+440 LO+463 23 550 CSP 0.87 Insta" new 2.0 mm CSP thmugh Landfill lane as directed. L0+463 - - - -- See Structure Details. lO+463 La+750 287 400 COT 0.73 Install new COT in Lot 18. Cone. 2 as directed. LO+750 - - - - See Structure Details. LO+750 L0+925 175 525 COT 0.11 Install new COT In Lot 18, Cone. 2 as directed. LO+925 - - - - See Structure DetaUs. LO+925 L1+060 135 525 CDT 0.11 Install new CDT in Lot 18. Cone. 2 as directed. L1+060 - - - - See Structure Details. L1+060 L1+306 246 525 CDT 0.10 Insta" new CDT In Lot 18, Cone. 2 as directed. L1+306 "'3+400 - - - - See Structure Details. 3+400 3+629 229 400 CDT 0.37 Install new COT in Lot 18. Concession 1 as directed. 3+629 - - - - See Structure Details. 3+629 3+950 321 400 CDT 0.33 Install new COT through bush as directed. 3+950 - - - - See Structure Details. 3+950 4+200 250 400 CDT 0.30 Install new CDT on south side of bush as directed. 4+200 - - - - See Structure Details. 4+200 4+393 193 400 COT 0.26 Install new COT on south side of bush as directed. 4+393 - - - - See Structure Details. 4+393 4+639 246 300 COT 0.87 Install new CDT in Lot 20, Concession 1 as directed. 4+639 4+651 12 400 CSP 0.87 Install 1.3 mm CSP below lane, into the JB as directed. 4+651 - - - - See Structure Details. 4+651 4+890 239 300 COT 0.53 Install new COT In Lot 20, Concession 1 as directed. 4+890 - - - - See Structure Details. Offset 4+890 24 250 Boss 2000 1.46 Install new Boss 2000 for 01S DICS as directed. Offset 4+890 - - - - See Structure Details. 4+890 4+910 20 400 CSP 0.39 Install new 1.6 mm CSP between new structures. 4+910 - - - - See Structure Details. 4+910 5+162 252 250 CDT 0.53 Install new CDT in Lot 21, Concession 1 as directed. 5+162 5+174 12 400 CSP 0.53 Install 1.3 mm CSP below lane, into the DICS as directed. 5+174 - - - - See Structure Details. 5+174 5+371 197 200 COT 0.61 Install new CDT in Lot 21, Concession 1 as directed. 5+371 - - - - See Structure Details. 5+371 5+401 30 200 SWWSP 0.50 6.0 mm thick bored or directionally drilled crossing. 5+401 - - - -" See Structure Details. 5+401 5+494 93 200 COT 0.18 Install new CDT in Lot 21, Concession 12 as directed. 5+494 5+500 6 300 CSP 0.18 Install new 1.3 mm CSP beneath lane as directed. 5+500 5+620 120 200 CDT 0.18 Install new CDT in Lot 21, Concession 12 as directed. 5+620 - - - - See Structure Details. - F18· TILE DRAIN DETAILS BRANCHES FOR: Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19·2005 DATE: July 2005 MUNICIPALITY: Kincardine PROJECT: W99403 STATiON LENGTH SIZE TYPE GRADIENT COMMENTS 1m} lmm} (%) BRANCH A AO...050 AO+056 6 600 RCSP 0.42 New RCSP outlet cIw 15 sq m rfpra~. AO+056 AO+264 208 450 COT 0.42 Install new CDr in Lot 13, concessl~n 3 as dlreçted. AO+264 AO+270 6 600 CSP 0.42 Install new 1.6 mm CSP beneath lar e as directed. AO+270 AO+335 65 450 COT 0.42 Install new CDr in Lot 14, Concessi n 3 as directed. AO+335 - - - - See Structure Details. AO+335 AO+677 342 450 COT 0.42 Install new cor In Lot 14, Concessi n 3 as directed. AO+677 - - - - See Structure Details. Offset AO+677 6 200 Boss 2000 3.33 Install new Boss 2000 for 0/5 DICS ;Is directed. Offset AO+677 - - - - See Structure Details. AO+677 A1+152 475 400 COT 0.31 Install new COT In Lot 15, Concessic n 3 as directed. A1+152 - - - - See Structure Details. Offset A1+152 6 200 aoss 2000 3.33 Install new Boss 2000 for 0/5 DICB s directed. Offset A1+152 -.. -- - - See Structure Details. A1+152 A1+174 22 400 CSP 0.455 Install new 1.6 mm CSP between ne..., structures. A1+174 _.- - - - See Structure Details. A1+174 Ai +592 418 300 cor 0.13 Install new CDT in Lot 16, Concessio 3 as directed. Ai +592 -- - -- - See Structure Details. · F19- STRUCTURE DETAILS MAIN DRAIN FOR: Broce Municipal Drain No. 19 ·2005 MUNICIPALITY: Kincardine DATE: July 2005 PROJECT: W99403 MINIMUM APPROx. APPROX. STATION TYPE SIZE DEPTH ELEV'N OUTLET INLE'r COMMENTS INSIDE I'wlth sumD: OF TOP MAIN ORAlN LO+440 JB 900 x 1200 3.2 59.6 W 600 Boss 2000 E 550 CSP Sat on lane side of F/L. x 115 mm @ 56.70 @ 56.75 N 300 COT @ 56.75 Offset 85m DlCS 900 x 1200 W High 0.9f W High 57.90 S 300 COT None Set and grade to allow surface N of LO+44O x 115 mm E Low 0.65 E Low 57.60 @ 57.25 water entry from landfln lane culvert. L0+463 JB 900 x 1200 3.25 59.9 W 550 CSP E 400 COT Sat on lane side of FIl. x 115 mm @ 56.95 @ 58.00 LO+750 JB 900 x 1200 1.55 61.35 N 400 COT S 525 COT Loœte JB with GPS prior to backfilling. (Bunied) x 115 mm @ 60.10 @ 60.50 L0+925 JB 900 x 1200 3.1 63.5 N 525 COT S 525 COT Set on FIl. x 115 mm @60.70 @ 60.75 L1 +060 JB 900 x 1200 2.9 63.5 N 525 COT S 525 COT Sat out of fiak! area, Just into edge of bush. x 115 mm @ 60.90 @ 60.95 3+400 JB 900 x 1200 2.65 63.55 N 525 COT S 400 COT Set on Cone. 213 PIl. FIl. = l1+306 x 115 mm @ 61.20 @61.25 3+629 JB 600 x 600 2.45 64.25 W 400 COT E 400 COT Set out of field _. just Into edge of bush. x 115 mm @ 62.10 @ 62.15 3+950 JB 600 x 600 2.35 65.25 W 400 COT E 400 COT Set on Lots 18119 PIl. FIl. x 115 mm @63.15 @63.15 4+200 FrCB 600 x 600 1.4 65 W 400 COT E 400 COT Set and grade to alow surface water enby. x 115 mm @ 63.90 @ 63.90 4+393 JB 600 x 600 2.6 66.7 W 400 COT E 300 COT Set on Lots 19120 PIl. FIl. x 115 mm @ 64.40 @ 64.45 4+651 JB 600 x 600 2.9 69.25 W 300 COT E 300 COT Set on UlS side of fann lane. x 115 mm @ 66.67 @67.12 4+890 JB 600 x 600 2.15 70.25 W 300 COT E 400 CSP Set on DlS PIl. x 115 mm @ 68.40 @ 68.40 S 250 Boss 2000 @ 68.45 Offset 24m olea 600 x 600 W High 1.5C W High 70.00 N 250 Boss 2000 None Set and grade to alow surface S of 4+890 x115mm eLaN 1.30 E Low 69.70 @ 68.80 water entry from ditch and ItISd culvert. 4+910 JB 600 x 600 2.15 70.35 E 400 CSP W 250 COT Set on utS PIl. x115mm @ 68.47 @ 68.75 5+174 olea 600 x 600 N High 1.75 N High 71.60 N 250 cor S 200 COT Place on field side Of FIl (UIS Of lane) x115mm SLow 1.45 S Low 71.30 @ 70.15 @ 70.60 Set and grade to allow surface water entry. 5+371 JB 600 x 600 2 73.5 N 200 cor S 200 SWWSP Set on D1S PIl. x 115 mm @ 71.80 @ 71.85 For SWWSP, drill 400 mm diameter hole with Invert 0.10 m lower than listed. 5+401 JB 600 x 600 1.9 73.6 N 200 SWWSP S 200 cor Set on UlS PIl. x 115 mm o 72.00 @ 72.20 For SWWSP. drill 400 mm diameter hole with Invert 0.10 m lower than listed. 5+620 FTCS 600 x 600 1.5 74.2 N 200 cor None Set on FIl. x 115 mm @ 73.00 Set and grade to allow surface water entry. ANY VARIATION FROM THE ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF THESE ST~UCTURES MUST BE APP~OVED BY THE ENGINEER. STRUCTURES NOT MANUFACTURED AS SPECIFIED MAY BE REJECTED FOR USE ON-5ITE AND SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. NOTES: (1) All structures sl1all have a minimum sump Of 300mm unless otherwise noted. (2) AI catchbaslns shaH have birdcage grates 10 suit and rlprap for 1 m around structure. (3) Provide posts and mamrs for ALL sttuctures. (4) AU grates and covers must be fastened to the structure In an approved manner. (5) AI structures shan have ptugged inlets In those sides not utlUzed by the drain 200 mm in diameter and 0.10 m above the outlet. unless otherwise noted. All plugged Inlets (knock-outs) must be Identified on the Inside of the strocture, in an approved manner. (6) AI connections made to structures must be made using rigid pipe which must span from the structure to undisturbed native SOil. (7) Where 900)( 1200 stru:tures are specified, the Municipal Drain Inlets and outlets shaH be Instaled in the 1200 mm walls and the plugged inlets shall be Installed In the 900 mm walls. -F20. STRUCTURE DETAILS BRANCH A FOR: Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 ·2006 DATE: July 2005 MUNICIPALITY: Kincardine PROJECT: W99403 MINIMUM . APPROX. APPROX. STATION TYPE SIZE DEPTH .ElEV'N OUTLET INLET CC MMENTS INSIDE with sumD1 OF TOP BRANCH A AO+335 JB 600 x 600 1.20 51.60 W 450 CDT E 450 CDT Locate JB with GP prior to backfilling. (Bunied) x 115 mm @50.7 @ 50.75 AO+671 JB 600 x 600 2.40 64.30 W 450 CDT E 400 CDT Set on Lot 14/15 PI . X 115 mm @ 52.20 @ 52.25 N 200 Boss 2000 @ 52.25 Offset 6m DICB 600 x 600 W High 1.~ W High 64.00 S 200 Boss 2000 None Berm along P/L am grade to allow surface N of AO+677 x 115 mm E Low 1.65 E Low 53.70 @ 52.45 water entry from ea t. A1+152 JB 600 x 600 2.35 65.80 W 400 COT E 400 CSP Set on road side of /L. x 115 mm @ 53.75 @ 53.80 N 200 Boss 2000 @ 53.80 Offset6m OICB 800 x 600 W High 1.M W High 55.3 S 200 Boss 2000 None Set and grade to al ~ surface N of A1+152 x 115 mm E low 1.30 E Low 55.00 @ 64.00 water entry from Jœ culvert. A1+114 JB 600 x 600 1.85 55.50 W 400 CSP E 300 COT ' Set on road side of fl. x 115 mm @ 53.90 @ 53.95 A1+592 JB 600 x 600 2.30 55.50 W 300 CDT None Set on lot 16/17 PII. X 115 mm @ 64.50 ANY VARIATION FROM THE ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF THESE STRUCTURES MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. STfWCTURES NOT MANUFACTURED AS SPECIFIED MAY BE REJEC ED FOR USE ON-8IT1!: AND SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. NOTES: (1) All structures shaH have a minimum sump of 300mm unless otherwise noted. (2) All catchba6lns shall have birdcage grates to suit and rfprap for 1 m around structure. (3) Provide posts and markers for ALL structures. (4) All grates and covers must be fastened to the structure In an approved manner. (5) All structures shaH have plugged Inlets In those sides not utiliZed by the drain 200 mm In diameter and 0.10 m above the ouIIet. unless othÐlWise nofsd. All plugged Inlets (knock-outs) must be Identified on the Inside ofthe structure,ln an approved manner. (6) AU connections made to structures must be made uSing rigid pipe which must span from the structure to undisturbed native soil. (7) Where gOO x 1200 stnJdtunes are specified. the Municipal Drain Inlets and ouUets shaH be Installed in the 1200 m 11 walls and the plugged inlets shaH be installed In the 900 mm walls. - F21 . WORKING SPACE FOR: Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 ·2005 DATE: July 2005 MUNICIPALITY: Kincardine PROJECT: W99403 STATION MAXIMUM COMMENTS WIDTH (m) MAIN DRAIN· OPEN PORTION MO+OOO to MO+582 10 Working space may be altered on-site by Engineer. -2+340 to ·2+300 10 Working space may be altered on-site by Engineer. -2+150 to -1+737 12 On north side of Drain through field. -1+737 to -1+516 20 On north side of Drain through field. -1+516 to -1+420 7 On north side of new channel through field. -1+516 to -1+420 - Entire area between existing meader and proposed new channel. -1+420 to ~1+285 20 On north side of Drain through field. -1+285 to -1+075 7 On north side of Drain through bush. -1+075 to -0+704 11 On north side of Drain through field. -0+704 to -0+684 10 Working space may be altered on-site by Engineer or Works Superintendent. -0+684 to "'()+645 7 On north side of Drain through field. -0+684 to "()+645 - Entire area between existing meader and proposed new channel. ..()+645 to "()+265 20 On north side of Drain through field. -0+265 to -0+214 13 On north side of Drain through bush. -0+214 to 0+212 16 On north side of Drain through field. 0+212 to 0+446 23 On north side of Drain through field. 0+446 to 0+489 7 On north side of Drain through field. 0+446 to 0+607 - Entire area between existing channel and proposed new channel. 0+607 to 1 +552 13 On north and east sides of Drain through field. 1 +552 to 1+575 5 WOrking space may be altered on-site by Engineer or Works Superintendent. 1+575 to 1+910 7 On north and east sides of Drain through field. 1+910 to 1+930 10 Working space may be altered on~slte by Engineer or Works Superintendent. 1 +930 to 2+487 7 On north and east sides of Drain through field. See next page... - F22 - WORKING SPACE FOR: Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 ·2005 DATE: July 2005 MUNICIPALITY: Kincardine IPROJECT : W99403 STATION MAXIMUM COMMENTS WlDTH(m) ... Continued MAIN DRAIN· CLOSED PORTION LO+OOO to L 1 +306 20 3+400 to 4+890 20 4+890 to 4+910 5 Working space may be altered on-site by Engineer or Road Authority. 4+910 to 5+371 20 . 5+371 to 5+401 5 Working space may be altered on-site by Engineer or Work: Superintendent. 5+401 to 5+620 20 BRANCH A WOlting space 10 include now tile and existing ditch 10 be fll~d. AO+050 to A1+152 20 I A1+152 to A1+174 5 Working space may be altered on·site by Engineer or WOrk$ Superintendent. ¡ A1+174 to A1+582 20 NOTES: (1) The engineer's approval MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE exceeding the maximum widths Indicated here; otherwise, the ContractorshaU be responsible for damages beyond these widths. (2) Access to the working space shall be from public roads, farm lanes, or as specified. All routes must be approved by the landowners and the engineer prior to construction. · BuRN~iDE App~ndix G Drawings .. iHlS AREA MAY BE UNDERDRAlNED INTO MAIN DRAIN. y¿~"HñF=-.r.= 1"w"":\L!& _.~"Ia.~C .."" ¥.:rS'.f . §~~..zI'I, .......~.... ,.. _ AMI III. _118 ~"'1\ON =...=~1.:~~1IIE ~=~r~" JIll. _ AW1I!Iift ¡...IØCI:!IDII P.IIIIL u.~ P.JIIQ. BURNSiDE MUNICIPAliTY OF KINCARDINE pLAN :BRUCE ){UNlCIPAL D!WN No.ll1 1 ~ I -@ eo O.L Hld30 'XO~dc:IV wv'L -- wç:' L - wO'L- wg6'O wgO'L wgg'O ,.., 0<> ~~ 2cd dI- g ~ 0.., . ~... d'" ~9 b9: ~\!s ~~¡ ~~ ~I~ ~~ i5ß:¡: ",l5 iIi~ët ~¡ ~~~ ~: ~~i ~ e ~~I:I ¡~= ~"' !ó zsm SH! i;~ --. - 1-'- -- - ~ --f--- -- --- - .- '" I! ~- ~ ......1-_ :z; 9 0 ~ - --- E-t ~ ----.-- 0 ::1.¡ :z; ~I---- J";:a;:l ::1.¡ o - ----- ~,-. , :z; --~, 1- -- ~ --- -- -- Ç¡ _1- ..,. -~ , ,... I _--1_ .< ~_-L- I '~I . I: J,..:¡ I I - '--"".----+ -- -\--tl' t- fL....-· I ! 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OJ' OVERFLOW CHANNEL BOTTOM TO MA TCH TOP OF SANK OF MAIN CHANNEL (0;-0. ~ ð u1-.-?, ~ co~ 0 C,j> - MIOq,tG&D SCALE OWo.NO W99403_11 DETAIL - Lor 7 BRUCE JlUmCIPAL DRAIN No. 19 AlUNtCIP ALITY OF IalVCARDINE BURNsiDE 1111.. = 50. """Iõ .. 1: 2000 ""æ JUL y 2005 - ""J~ ~'4ht 10. ~ OIIktrlf" NIIt1ZI1(1 (;~ ~ t."" ,ur..fS21 lflii I'''' J$7-å2.t Wþ .....,.~dø.~ '-of 4f. l} Ü,y~ # COI{I¡ 0 C'''' AClUAL SlGHl1NG OF NEW CROSSING TO BE DONE AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION oØ~G ,\~:\~ ~ ;% ,,\",,~~""'''~ "t.... tr'2.° ,\"" SCAlL SICMl -- W99403- 12 1: 2000 1I1U: DETAIL - InT 9 BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 ~Q ~t\~ ~S'\\t\G =mtStOt' II ..~ GAtt "-... -- --.... ---- ..-...- $trnI. iI'.Q..IvoI III. ......... ~ ~ 'l1li ~~ ~ C"I) ."-I,il ~ ("il »1'-JUt. _ -,~-ÇIÇI"" at BURNSiDE I.of 4.f¡ '0 Ü-1t.o I eTO 011t. C'J' # Q)'t' ..f.,.. I t ~~ q,ø -T"<t4' Ol'~ " ~ I Cb~4(.s' 'rC' 1.1.> ~ . SCALE SCAI.£ ..... 00 W99403 - 13 1 :2öOO JULY 2005 nl\.£ DET'A" SIDE ......... ROAD 10 .11 BRUCE MUNICIP At DRAIN No. 19 MUNICIP AlJTY OF KINCARDINE .... ~ s~ t~ I~~. OII!III:Q, NO:; 2M) :qooq¡ ~ ltItiGIIiIifI. C~I.t )&7-lstf _ r~ ~) 357&J4¡~.. __ .....'.bol...t<H,,;.... D. œ BURNSiDE D æ ø ~ so. ..~ lrþD ~ 1': '1..0 ~,y~ ì '030 · Co ~C .1 aþ.S\~ ø,y0'1 "tR\A~E~1 êJ(¡S.,.,~ G D/ìC¡"¡ ìO 8. 8R~/1¡¡ 't F"¡ll..£'D C¡..¡ ~ Ì/I..ê ê' Þß ~ . I.. 0 if. P'JrJ '.1 ~êÞ · Cdf ~c .j ~ aiD$&1010 IS "m 1: 2000 1I1t.£ DETAJL - !DT 13 ::"=;;-01";'::':: :.:=-.:=:.::..= BRUCE KUNlCIPAL DRAIN No. 19 fA RT TÐ)Jc::in1=" _lID W99403 - 14 SCALE ...-r t. ~ú AI IV, íttl 01 ¡Ù 04 4t. I\t D f:'; t? DIl\;,l l'r 1 It.t. ê OJ' .> 0'1 , C . 1'(' °I\tC '< MAIN DRAIN CLOSED 6>t?0 "Þ1\t )P""q~ 7810<1$30"'0 78 SCALE 15 DETAIL- LANDFIIJ.. SITE BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No.19 MUNICIPAIJTY OF KINCARDINE BURNSiDE 1111£ ..., ,_ sc.w¡ 1: 5000 ....tE JULY 2005 ~ ":.~:, ."\ ~ ~::i ; ¡::~ % If) ~< 0:: . 0L5 ~~ ~!a dF .æ ¡~ 25õ %::1 ~!i 1m; d!> ~il ;¡ v ~ç+z ~¡ ~!.~ag+z Z '::>NO::> 'l.~ 101 Z '::>NO::> '9~ 101 ! ¡ -ðl!! f ~Ii!~ g L8t+Z J Ii 51 a Z8?+Z ~Ii I ~t:J øw 3&£ Iß:::I cui It:w °õ ~g za:: :S8: < ~:S~ ~~~ ~¡; I.¡Jl.¡Jo ~¡¡jo æ*~ I:!:!þ::o ~<õ r$;:¡¡æ (#-1- - ~ 'I ~~~ .... E ð ';!1 w m ...J ::r: :::E o 65 a.m .... i§ æõ 5~ 1(!::5 0010 :s ~ !:( o ~g¡ ~~ w m ~ ~ a:: I~i III, ~ - ~:~!i:~:i'~i¡ ¡ ~:fh R1 ¡ : I ' , ; ~:~\~¡~!~:~I~¡ ì '~!~:~!~'~;~i~fO ;~!~:~i~i9:9¡~j~ F,CQ'WÜJ!èi5'èi5,èi5,CIJ ¡..;~'.c ¡ I I : : : ¡ 'I .s. I ¡ ¡ Ii; : I I 91 : IU')/U') ¡ ; 1 :U)i J æ I iNN! ei¡e'RilBiN¡ Ii: D. i ¡....¡....¡ ! ' ; i-I :I i2 , : : ¡ , ,; ) !- ~ ! I ¡ ¡ ì f : i ~ 0 'i i : j : : i _ I lo'ol~I~IM:O'~1 - ',-,,~, . "'j', . 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'ff¡f3·f3if3: t3:f3 t3 'WN" "c<)!å "a:î:m,b!;.-:~~:.....: ;..J,;':¡'.:.J.CI),.:J.;. .-J. ~ CD ~ Õ w ~ ~ 9 ILl CD m w :¡¡ :$ o ILl F!: ~ ~ u. o ~ o < g. S¡, æ;i ~ffi ~5 ~ê ~() t.J- F!:~ F!:¡:¡ ;:~ §~ ...Jctf ~!II: VI~ ZW -::¡; ~~ ;jw <~ ~VI ~ã a::/ñ ~~ ~;;! 00 :::1:::1 « z o o W 0::: ä w !II: ~ ~ 01: Q. æ o z ......-- _N ............ ~ o z * Jean Roppel 05/0212006 04:55 PM To: Andy-McBrlde@~bumside.com cc: Subject: Drain No. 19 Hi Andy: Bob Woodason property now owned by Ben Kuepfer, R.R.#1, Tlverton, Ontario, NOG 2TO. I thought you would like to update your records. Jean ') R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited 449 Josephine Street PO Box 10 Wingham ON NOG 2WO Canada telephone (519) 357 -1521 fax (519) 357·3624 web www.rjburnside.com tb BURNSiDE [T H E D IFF ERE' N C E ISO U R P E 0 P L E ] April 18, 2006 Municipality of Kincardine 1475 Concession 5, R. R. #5 Kincardine ON N2Z 2X6 Attention: Public Works Committee Re: Addendum to Revised Engineer's Report Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 . 2005 File No.: W99 403 Dear Chairman and Members, Further to Council Motion 2006/150 of April 5, 2006 which referred the Revised Engineer's Report for this proposed Municipal Drain back to me for reconsideration and, further to our various meetings over the past few months and, more specifically, your meeting on March 13,2006 attended by Mr. D. Boyter of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), I submit this letter with attachments as an Addendum to my July 2005 Revised Engineer's Report regarding Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19. Please consider this Addendum as part of the Report, specifically as it relates to work proposed in Lot 7, Concession 3. The meeting to consider the Revised Engineer's Report was held on July 28, 2005. Due to landowner concerns expressed at that time, 1 was asked to contact DFO and negotiate with them further in an attempt to obtain approval for additional and/or alternate works through Lot 7 to provide a better outlet for the proposed Drain. These negotiations have been ongoing since August 2005 and culminated in the meeting with the Public Works Committee and DFO on March 13, 2006. As a result of the negotiations with DFO, the following additional and alternate work will be undertaken through Lot 7, Concession 3 as part of this project: · in addition to the deepening originally proposed, the existing channel will be widened, on the inside of bends, with the new side slope at 5H: I V and a parabolic bottom width of approximately 900 mm; · these new side slopes will be seeded to establish vegetative cover; · the overflow channel already proposed will be widened fr0111 a 4 metre to a 6 metre bottom width; · if considered necessary in the future, a second overflow channel may be established through the large meander, under the same terms as the initial channel, with costs assessed to aJlupstream lands and roads in accordance with the Outlet Assessment portion of the Main Drain - Open Assessment Schedule; and Municipality of Kincardine March 27, 2006 Page 2 of Z . the scrub trees (hawthorns) that exist in the floodplain shall be removed, as di¡'ected by the engineer on site at the time of construction, in order to reduce obstruction to high flows. Please see drawing W99403-1 ] A attached with respect to this additional/altered work. The DFO "Authorization for Works or Undertakings Affecting Fish Habitat" that has already been obtained for this project will have to be amended or reissued to accommodate this additional work. Application will be made in this regard. I do not feel that this additional work will result in any further damage to Lot 7, Concession 3; accordingly, no additional allowances are required. The scrub tree removal and the widening of the low flow and overflow channels will result in some additional cost but not an excessive amount (approx. $5500), as work is already proposed at these locations. The contingency allowance already included in the cost estimate will be more than sufficient to cover any additional cost; accordingly, changes to the Cost Estimate are not required. As this additional work will occur in the extreme downstream reach of the Drain (Section M 1 on page D 1), any additional cost wi II be assessed to all the affected lands and roads as outlet assessment, as were the original costs of work in this Section; accordingly, no changes to the Assessment Schedule are required as a result of this additional work. In addition to this Addendum, changes to the specifications for this additional/altered work are attached hereto and will also be issued at the time of tendering the project. I recommend that this addendum along with the attached drawing W99403-ll A and "Addendum to Specification AI" be circulated to all the project stakeholders, with a notice of another meeting to consider the Report, and that the procedure to move this project forward be continued. I shall await your further instructions regarding this Municipal Drain. Yours truly, R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited ~~p'Eng. I" TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION THROUGH MEANDERING CHANNEL TOP WIDTH VARIES SEED SIDE SLOPES -I 1~ I. ~U:SIDE .1... O.90m L I... OF BEND - DEPTH V ARIES INSIDE OF BEND -I " &' c.¡ A... ~& ~ iIj Ii ..1.. 1/ (§~# g:~ ø t.o I.{ ~ l' > O,ò.,<:¡ · C ~ 0'1;. o~ t.o D. l' <9 4t Ú I\t, · c ~o °IVO ..) OVERFLOW CHANNEL BOTTOM TO MATCH TOP OF BANK OF MAIN CHANNEL -.- W99403 11 A 1IU - ...to$O II .. 1: 2000 DETAIL LOT 7 . BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 .........--......P.AaiM... ..........~__c... .......... ..._ tilt (till" __31M .. ~ SCALE SCIU ......"'""',. nl"'III·'"'' ,nft.fT"'m., T'I'V ,..'" """f'. DnT....T1i' m BURNSiDE 0A1t R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 449 Josephine Street PO Box 10 Wingham ON NOG 2WO Canada telephone (519) 357·1521 fex (519) 357-3624 web www.rjburnside.com tj BURNSiDE [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPlE] ADDENDUM TO SPECIFICATION At OF THE SPECIAL INFORMATION TO TENDERERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 - 2005 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE This specification is hereby amended as designated by the bold type included below. · Deepen and, where so indicated, widen the existing channel for approximately 536 metres from Station MO+OOO to MO+070 and from Station MO+ 116 to MO+582 (Lot 7/8 property line), with a 900 mm bottom width and side slopes of 1.5H:IV and 5H:tV, as indicated on Drawing W99403-11A, including spoil levelling and seeding of new si4e slopes. Approximately every 50 metres, over- excavate the channel approximately 0.30 to 0.45 metres in depth for a length of 2 - 3 metres and half the channel width with tapered sides, whenever the bottom width is greater than I meter; · excavate and construct a new overflow channel approximately 40 metres in length with a 6 metre wide ditchbottom and I H: I V sideslopes, complete with the supply and placement of approximately 360 square metres of 200 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotextile, through the large meander from Station -2+340 to -2+300, including spoil levelling; · In addition, the working space for the section Main Drain from Sta. MO+OOO to MO+582 is increased from 10 metres to 15 metres. Page 1 of I Issued by: R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited. Wingham. ON Date: April 18,2006 ,1.'£/1" R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited 449 Josephine Street PO Box 10 WinDham ON NOG 2WO Canada telephone (519) 357·1521 fax (519) 357·3624 web www.rjburnside.com tb BURNSiDE [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE] April 18, 2006 Municipality of Kincardine 1475 Concession 5, R. R. #5 Kincardine ON N2Z 2X6 Attention: Public Works Committee Re: Addendum to Revised Engineer's Report Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 . 2005 File No.: W99 403 Dear Chairman and Members, Further to Council Motion 2006/150 of April 5, 2006 which referred the Revised Engineer's Report for this proposed Municipal Drain back to me for reconsideration and, further to our various meetings over the past few months and, more specifically, your meeting on March 13,2006 attended by Mr. D. Boyter of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), I submit this letter with- attachments as an Addendum to my July 2005 Revised Engineer's Report regarding Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19. Please consider this Addendum as part of the Report, specifically as it relates to work proposed in Lot 7, Concession 3. The meeting to consider the Revised Engineer's Report was held on July 28, 2005. Due to landowner ccmcerns expressed at that time, I was asked to contact DFO and negotiate with them further in an attempt to obtain approval for additional and/or alternate works through Lot 7 to provide a better outlet for the proposed Drain. These negotiations have been ongoing since August 2005 and culminated in the meeting with the Public Works Committee and DFO on March 13,2006. As a result of the negotiations with DFO, the following additional and alternate work will be undertaken through Lot 7, Concession 3 as part of this project: · in addition to the deepening originally proposed, the existing channel will be widened, on the inside of bends, with the new side slope at 5 H: I V and a parabol ic bottom width of approximately 900 mm; · these new side slopes will be seeded to establish vegetative cover; · the overflow channel already proposed will be widened from a 4 metre to a 6 metre bottom width; · if considered necessary in the future, a second overflow channel may be established through the large meander, under the same terms as the initial channel. with costs assessed to all upstream lands and roads in accordance with the Outlet Assessment portion of the Main Drain - Open Assessment Schedule; and Municipality of Kinçardine March 27. 2006 Page 2 of 2 . the scrub trees (hawthorns) that exist in the floodplain shall be removed, as directed by the engineer on site at the time of construction, in order to reduce obstruction to high flows. Please see drawing W99403-11 A attached with respect to this additional/altered work. The DFO "Authorization for Works or Undertakings Affecting Fish Habitat" that has already been obtained for this project will have to be amended or reissued to accommodate this additional work. Application will be made in this regard. I do not feel that this additional work will result in any further damage to Lot 7, Concession 3; accordingly, no additional allowances are required. The scrub tree removal and the widening of the low flow and overflow channels will result in some additional cost but not an excessive amount (approx. $5500), as work is already proposed at these locations. The contingency allowance already included in the cost estimate will be more than sufficient to cover any additional cost; accordingly, changes to the Cost Estimate are not required. As this additional work will occur in the extreme downstream reach ofthe Drain (Section Ml on page Dl), any additional cost will be assessed to all the affected lands and roads as outlet assessment, as were the original costs of work in this Section; accordingly, no changes to the Assessment Schedule are required as a result of this additional work. In addition to this Addendum, changes to the specifications for this additional/altered work are attached hereto and will also be issued at the time of tendering the project. I recommend that this addendum along with the attached drawing W99403-ll A and "Addendum to Specification A I" be circulated to all the project stakeholders, with a notice of another meeting to consider the Report, and that the procedure to move this project forward be continued. I shall await your further instructions regarding this Municipal Drain. Yours truly, R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited ~~p'Eng. r TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION THROUGH MEANDERING CHANNEL TOP WIDTH VARIES SEED SIDE SLOPES "I DEPTH VARIES 1.5 .1 .1. 090m .1. INSIDE OF BEND OUTSIDE OF BEND èt 6~ G t:~ ~~ ~c! /iì I ~ 1/ ~# g.tS '/. ¡ffø 1.0 r.( b r ;. ro,O,O , C ~ 0llt. OJ <0 D. l' (] 4tÚI\l, , c ~O 01\1, OJ OVERFLOW CHANNEL BOTTOM TO MATCH TOP OF BANK OF MAIN CHANNEL _III W99403-11 A mu: sc..u: """'" DETAIL LOT 7 . BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 fIt BURNSiDE ... --- ...... ...... .. ........ --- - - ~ ......... (IIItt 3»-'" * "'.. ~ .. ....,------ .... 1: 2000 .ao..I. . ""1t UTTm~'PA'.T'I'V OF KlNr.ARnTNF. An.." ")/'\/'\1:1 R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited 449 Josephine Street PO Box 10 Wingham ON NOG 2WO Canada telephone (519) 357-1521 fax (519) 357-3624 web www.rjburnside.com æ BURNSiDE [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE] ADDENDUM TO SPECIFICATION At OF THE SPECIAL INFORMATION TO TENDERERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 - 2005 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE This specification is hereby amended as designated by the bold type included below. · Deepen and, where so indicated, widen the existing channel for approximately 536 metres from Station MO+OOO to MO+070 and from Station MO+ 116 to MO+582 (Lot 7/8 property line), with a 900 mm bottom width and side slopes of 1.5H:1V and 5H:tV, as indicated on Drawing W99403-11A, including spoil levelling and seeding of new side slopes. Approximately every 50 metres, over- excavate the channel approximately 0.30 to 0.45 metres in depth for a length of 2 - 3 metres and half the channel width with tapered sides, whenever the bottom width is greater than 1 meter; · excavate and construct a new overflow channel approximately 40 metres in length with a 6 metre wide ditchbottom and IH: 1 V sideslopes, complete with the supply and placement of approximately 360 square metres of 200 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotextile, through the large meander from Station -2+340 to -2+300, including spoil levelling; · In addition, the working space for the section Main Drain from 8ta. MO+OOO to MO+582 is increased from 10 metres to 15 metres. Page I of 1 Issued by: R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited, Wingham, ON Date: April 18, 2006 I ?éro . R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited 449 Josephine Street PO Box 10 Wingham ON NOG 2WO Canada telephone (519) 357·1521 fax (519) 357-3624 web www.rjburnside.com tb BURNSiDE [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE] April 18, 2006 Municipality of Kincardine 1475 Concession 5, R. R. #5 Kincardine ON N2Z 2X6 Attention: Public Works Committee Re: Addendum to Revised Engineer's Report Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 . 2006 File No.: W99 403 Dear Chairman and Members, Further to Council Motion 2006/150 of April 5, 2006 which referred the Revised Engineer's Report for this proposed Municipal Drain back to me for reconsideration and, further to our various meetings over the past few months and, more specifically, your meeting on March 13,2006 attended by Mr. D. Boyter of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), I submit this letter with attachments as an Addendum to my July 2005 Revised Engineer's Report regarding Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19. Please consider this Addendum as part of the Report, specifically as it relates to work proposed in Lot 7, Concession 3. The meeting to consider the Revised Engineer's Report was held on July 28, 2005. Due to landowner concerns expressed at that time, I was asked to contact DFO and negotiate with them further in an attempt to obtain approval for additional andlor alternate works through Lot 7 to provide a better outlet for the proposed Drain. These negotiations have been ongoing since August 2005 and culminated in the meeting with the Public Works Committee and DFO on March 13,2006. As a result of the negotiations with DFO, the following additional and alternate work will be undertaken through Lot 7, Concession 3 as part of this project: · in addition to the deepening originally proposed, the existing channel will be widened, on the inside of bends, with the new side slope at 5H:] V and a parabolic bottom width of approximately 900 mm; · these new side slopes will be seeded to establish vegetative cover; · the overflow channel already proposed will be widened from a 4 metre to a 6 metre bottom width; · if considered necessary in the future, a second overflow channel may be established through the large meander, under the same terms as the initial channel. with costs assessed to all upstream lands and roads in accordance with the Outlet Assessment portion of the Main Drain - Open Assessment Schedule; and Municipality of Kincardine March 27. 2006 Page 2 of 2 . the scrub trees (hawthorns) that exist in the floodplain shall be removed, as directed by the engineer on site at the time of construction, in order to reduce obstruction to high flows. Please see drawing W99403-11 A attached with respect to this additional/altered work. The DFO "Authorization for Works or Undertakings Affecting Fish Habitat" that has already been obtained for this project will have to be amended or reissued to accommodate this additional work. Application will be made in this regard. I do not feel that this additional work will result in any further damage to Lot 7, Concession 3; accordingly, no additional allowances are required. The scrub tree removal and the widening of the low flow and overflow channels will result in some additional cost but not an excessive amount (approx. $5500), as work is already proposed at these locations. The contingency allowance already included in the cost estimate will be more than sufficient to cover any additional cost; accordingly, changes to the Cost Estimate are not required. As this additional work will occur in the extreme downstream reach of the Drain (Section Ml on page 01), any additional cost will be assessed to all the affected lands and roads as outlet assessment, as were the original costs of work in this Section; accordingly, no changes to the Assessment Schedule are required as a result of this additional work. ·In addition to this Addendum, changes to the specifications for this additional/altered work are attached hereto and will also be issued at the time of tendering the project. I recommend that this addendum along with the attached drawing W99403-11 A and "Addendum to Specification A I" be circulated to all the project stakeholders, with a notice of another meeting to consider the Report, and that the procedure to move this project forward be continued. I shall await your further instructions regarding this Municipal Drain. Yours truly, R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited ~1f!::f: P.Eng. r TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION THROUGH MEANDERING CHANNEL TOP WIDTH VARIES SEED SIDE SLOPES 1~ I. ~~:SIDE .1 D.9Dm .1.. OF BEND ~ - DEPTH VARIES INSIDE OF BEND ·1 ð' f o ~& ~'Q iJ~ /;fi / .1. II (t~# ~¿ ~ 1.0 ~ Ir, r > 0,0,0 · C ~ 01\1(' .) t.of 41, <9 Ü 1\I,l'I · C 'rO °1\10 .) OVERFLOW CHANNEL BOTTOM TO MATCH TOP OF BANK OF MAIN CHANNEL -... W99403 11 A n! zs.20t51OS0 .. .... 1: 2000 DETAIL IDT 7 . BRUCE WNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 .... ........ ..... ..... ... ..... ..... _ _ CiiMIIIII ....... (ItI) .3P-.... .. (11'1.3157---" ... -~ SCAlE """"" A nnll "')fU":: UTT1\TTrTP AT.1'I'V nTi' J(JNr: A RnTNF. œ BURNSiDE ....... R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited 449 Josephine Street PO Box 10 Wingham ON NOG 2WO Canada telephone (519) 357·1521 fax (519) 357·3624 web www.rjburnside.com (l1 BURNSiDE [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE] ADDENDUM TO SPECIFICATION At OF THE SPECIAL INFORMATION TO TENDERERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 - 2005 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE This specification is hereby amended as designated by the bold type included below. · Deepen and, where so indicated, widen the existing channel for approximately 536 metres from Station MO+OOO to MO+070 and from Station MO+116 to MO+582 (Lot 7/8 property line), with a 900 mm bottom width and side slopes of 1.5H:IV and 5H:IV, as indicated on Drawing W99403-l1A, including spoil levelling and seeding of new side slopes. Approximately every 50 metres, over- excavate the channel approximately 0.30 to 0.45 metres in depth for a length of 2 - 3 metres and half the channel width with tapered sides, whenever the bottom width is greater than I meter; · excavate and construct a new overflow channel approximately 40 metres in length with a 6 metre wide ditchbottom and I H: 1 V sideslopes, complete with the supply and placement of approximately 360 square metres of 200 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotextile, through the large meander from Station -2+340 to -2+300, including spoil levelling; · In addition, the working space for the section Main Drain from St8. MO+OOO to MO+582 is increased from 10 metres to 15 metres. Page 1 of 1 Issued by: R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited, Wingham, ON Date: April 18, 2006 J fé(j' R. J. Burnside I: Associates Limited 449 Josephine Street PO Box 10 Wingham ON NOG 2WO Canada telephone (519) 357-1521 fax (5191 357 ·3624 web www.rjburnside.com (b BURNSiDE [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE] April 18, 2006 Municipality of Kincardine 1475 Concession 5, R. R. #5 Kincardine ON N2Z 2X6 Attention: Mr. Jim O'Rourke Public Works Manager Re: Addendum to Revised Engineer's Report Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 . 2005 File No.: W99 403 Dear Mr. O'Rourke, Please find enclosed 43 copies of an Addendum to the Revised Engineer's Report for the above-mentioned Municipal Drain for distribution as follows: · Municipality of Kincardine, fifteen; · Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs, one; · Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority, one; · Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, one; · County of Bruce, one; and · Landowners, twenty-four. The Fisheries and Oceans Canada copy is to be sent to the following address: Fisheries and Oceans Canada Burlington District Office Ontario Great Lakes Area P. O. Box 85060 3027 Harvester Road, Suite 304 Burlington, ON L7R 4K3 Attention: Mr. Dana Boyter We suggest the SVCA copy should be sent to the attention of Mr. Gary Senior. We understand that you will be scheduling a meeting to consider this Addendum and the Revised Report with all the stakeholders, in front of the Public Works Committee, J. O'Rourke, Municipality of Kincardine April 18. 2006 Page 2 of 2 in the near future. Please contact me well in advance to reserve the date and time for said meeting. Accordingly, we shall await your further instructions regarding this Municipal Drain. Yours truly, R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited J. Andrew McBride, P.Eng. Enclosures R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited 449 Josephine Street PO Box 10 Wingham ON NOG 2WO Canada telephone (519) 357·1521 fax (519) 357-3624 web www.rjburnside.com {It BURNSiDE [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE] April 18, 2006 Municipality of Kincardine 1475 Concession 5, R. R. #5 Kincardine ON N2Z 2X6 Attention: Public Works Committee Re: Addendum to Revised Engineer's Report Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 . 2005 File No.: W99 403 Dear Chairman and Members, Further to Council Motion 2006/150 of April 5, 2006 which referred the Revised Engineer's Report for this proposed Municipal Drain back to me for reconsideration and, further to our various meetings over the past few months and, more specifically, your meeting on March 13,2006 attended by Mr. D. Boyter of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), I submit this letter with attachments as an Addendum to my July 2005 Revised Engineer's Report regarding Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19. Please consider this Addendum as part of the Report, specifically as it relates to work proposed in Lot 7, Concession 3. The meeting to consider the Revised Engineer's Report was held on July 28, 2005. Due to landowner concerns expressed at that time, I was asked to contact DFO and negotiate with them further in an attempt to obtain approval for additional andlor alternate works through Lot 7 to provide a better outlet for the proposed Drain. These negotiations have been ongoing since August 2005 and culminated in the meeting with the Public Works Committee and DFO on March 13,2006. As a result of the negotiations with DFO, the following additional and alternate work will be undertaken through Lot 7, Concession 3 as part of this project: · in addition to the deepening originally proposed, the existing channel will be widened, on the inside of bends, with the new side slope at 5H: 1 V and a parabolic bottom width of approximately 900 mm; · these new side slopes will be seeded to establish vegetative cover; · the overflow channel already proposed will be widened from a 4 metre to a 6 metre bottom width; · if considered necessary in the future, a second overflow channel may be established through the large meander, under the same terms as the initial channel, with costs assessed to all upstream lands and roads in accordance with the Outlet Assessment portion of the Main Drain - Open Assessment Schedule; and Municipality of Kincardine March 27. 2006 Page 2 of 2 . the scrub trees (hawthorns) that exist in the floodplain shall be removed, as directed by the engineer on site at the time of construction, in order to reduce obstruction to high flows. Please see drawing W99403-IIA attached with respect to this additional/altered work. The DFO "Authorization for Works or Undertakings Affecting Fish Habitat" that has already been obtained for this project will have to be amended or reissued to accommodate this additional work. Application will be made in this regard. I do not feel that this additional work will result in any further damage to Lot 7, Concession 3; accordingly, no additional allowances are required. The scrub tree removal and the widening of the low flow and overflow channels will result in some additional cost but not an excessive amount (approx. $5500), as work is already proposed at these locations. The contingency allowance already included in the cost estimate will be more than sufficient to cover any additional cost; accordingly, changes to the Cost Estimate are not required. As this additional work will occur in the extreme downstream reach of the Drain (Section Ml on page DI), any additional cost will be assessed to all the affected lands and roads as outlet assessment, as were the original costs of work in this Section; accordingly, no changes to the Assessment Schedule are required as a result of this additional work. In addition to this Addendum, changes to the specifications for this additional/altered work are attached hereto and will also be issued at the time of tendering the project. I recommend that this addendum along with the attached drawing W99403-11 A and "Addendum to Specification AI" be circulated to all the project stakeholders, with a notice of another meeting to consider the Report, and that the procedure to move this project forward be continued. I shall await your further instructions regarding this Municipal Drain. Y ours truly, R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited J. Andrew McBride, P.Eng. ,. TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION THROUGH MEANDERING CHANNEL TOP WIDTH VARIES SEED SIDE SLOPES 1 - DEPTH VARIES 1.5 J O.90m .1· INSIDE OF BEND .1 OUTSIDE OF BEND # ð J.... ~& .;¡ ~ If .1.. It ~~# g:¿ 1# <0 I.{ l' > I?o..o..o · c <Q 0¡v, OJ' <of ~ & Ü1'~ · Oqt'.0 OJ' OVERFLOW CHANNEL BOTTOM TO MATCH TOP OF BANK OF MAIN CHANNEL _ID W99403-11 A nr IO. 1: 2000 DETAIL LOT 7 BRUCE YUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 _........-.......,......ML~-.__CiIiIIIIM ........ CISIfJ 3D-UiZI ... (IØ) ~ .. ............... ..... ~aoe.101. IS SCAlE ...u .a""'~li nl"\^~ \IT T"nf'TD AT T'I'V nv Tn1toJI'" A en'1J. m BURNSiDE ....... R. J. Burnside 8t Associates limited 449 Josephine Street PO Box 10 Wing ham ON NOG 2WO Canada telephone (519) 357-1521 fax (519) 357-3624 web www.rjburnside.com ~ BURNSiDE [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE] ADDENDUM TO SPECIFICATION Al OF THE SPECIAL INFORMATION TO TENDERERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BRUCE MUNICIPAL DRAIN No. 19 - 2005 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE This specification is hereby amended as designated by the bold type included below. · Deepen and, where so indicated, widen the existing channel for approximately 536 metres from Station MO+OOO to MO+070 and from Station MO+116 to MO+582 (Lot 7/8 property line), with a 900 mm bottom width and side slopes of 1.5H:IV and 5B:IV, as indicated on Drawing W99403-11A, including spoil levelling and seeding of new side slopes. Approximately every SO metres, over- excavate the channel approximately 0.30 to 0.45 metres in depth for a length of 2 - 3 metres and half the channel width with tapered sides, whenever the bottom width is greater than 1 meter; · excavate and construct a new overflow channel approximately 40 metres in length with a 6 metre wide ditchbottom and 1 H: 1 V sideslopes, complete with the supply and placement of approximately 360 square metres of 200 to 300 millimetre diameter quarry stone riprap on approved geotextile, through the large meander from Station -2+340 to -2+300, including spoil levelling; · In addition, the working space for the section Main Drain from Sta. MO+OOO to MO+S82 is increased from 10 metres to 15 metres. Page 1 of 1 Issued by: R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited, Wingham, ON Date: April 18, 2006 Levi & Elmina Albretch RR#1 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO 1518339 Ontario Ltd. 66 Milan Place London, ON N5Z 5A2 Henry Voskamp RR#2 Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X4 John H. Roppel RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Mr. Dennis Munro RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Kenvel Farms Ltd. C/O Lloyd Hendry RR#1 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO "Wellington "& "'Bonnie Collins RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Mr. Frank Abela P.O. Box 296 Ripley, ON NOG 2RO Gary & Kathleen Freer RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Bruce & Gail Roppel RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Howard & Dorothy Brown RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Douglas Walper P.O. Box 417 Grand Bend, ON NOG 1 TO Roy & Audel Tuft RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Norman & Paul Campbell RR#3 Port Elgin, ON NOH 2C7 Tim Tyrrell RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Robert Hugh MacKinnon RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO David Shelley RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Donald & Jowilla Brown RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO James Brown RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Gordon, Maxine & James Reid RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO -..---..- Gordon White RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Bob & Shirley Woodason RR#2 Tiverton, ON nJJr.· NOG 2TO ~' !dø D. Stuart & Grace MacPherson RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO J. Alexander & L.M. MacPherson RR#2 Tiverton, ON NOG 2TO Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural -Affairs 3m Floor 1 Stone Road West Guelph, ON N 1 G 4Y2 Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority RR#1 Hanover, ON N4N 388 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Burlington District Office Ontario Great Lakes Area P.O. Box 85060 Burlington, ON L7R 4K3 County of Bruce mtention: "Mr. Dana Boyter J~\ + ~, ~Vt- r"'\ ~rv Ý