HomeMy WebLinkAbout24 124 - Council Vacancy Policy By-lawTHE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE
NO. 2024 — 124
Being a By-law to Adopt a Council Vacancy Policy for
The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine
Whereas pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Sections 8 and 9 provides that a municipality
has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of
exercising its authority under this or any other Act; and
Whereas the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25, states when the office of a Member of
Council becomes vacant, Council is required to declare the office vacant and determine
if the seat will be filled by by-election or appointment. A vacancy can occur in several
different ways, including the death or resignation of a Member or when a Member
becomes disqualified from holding office; and
Whereas Section 270 (1) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended,
requires a municipality to adopt and maintain a policy with respect to the manner in which
the municipality will try to ensure that it is accountable to the public for its actions, and the
manner in which the municipality will try to ensure that its actions are transparent to the
public; and
Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine desires to adopt
a Council Vacancy Policy; now therefore be it
Resolved that the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine Enacts
as follows:
1. That the Council Vacancy Policy for The Municipality of Kincardine, attached
hereto as Schedule `A' and forming part of this By-law be adopted.
2. That this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passing.
3. That all other Policies passed by By-law and Resolution inconsistent with this By-
law, be repealed.
4. That By-law may be cited as the "Council Vacancy Policy By-law".
Read a First, Second and Third Time and Finally passed this 11t" day of September,
Kenneth Craig Jennifer Lawrie
Signed with ConsignO Cloud (2024/09/12) �� aOt Gi7��15 signed with ConsignO Cloud (2024/09/12) •
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Council Vacancy Policy By-law
By-law No. 2024 - 124
Schedule `A'
Policy No.: COUNCIL.06
Section: Your Government and People
Policy Title: Council Vacancy Policy
Adopted Date: September 11, 2024
By-law No.: 2024 - 124
Revision Date:
1. Purpose
The purpose of this Policy is to provide for an accountable and transparent
process for filling any Vacancy that occurs on Council.
In accordance with the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25, when the office of a
Member of Council becomes vacant, Council is required to declare the office
vacant and determine if the seat will be filled by by-election or appointment. A
vacancy can occur in several different ways, including the death or resignation of
a Member or when a Member becomes disqualified from holding office.
2. Scope
This Policy applies to any Vacancy on Council during the term of Council.
3. Definitions
Act means the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended.
Appointment means the process of Council appointing a qualified elector to fill a
vacancy for the remainder of the current Council term.
By-election means an election held to fill any vacancy, conducted in accordance
with the provisions of Section 65 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as
Clerk means the Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk of the Municipality of
Kincardine, or their designate(s).
Council means the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine.
Eligible Elector has the same meaning as subsection 17(2) of the Municipal
Elections Act, 1996, namely a person:
(a) who is resident of the Municipality of Kincardine, or an owner or tenant of land
in the Municipality or the spouse of such an owner or tenant;
(b) who is a Canadian Citizen;
(c) who is at least 18 years old; and
(d) who is not prohibited from voting under any other Act or from holding
municipal office.
MEA means the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.
Municipality means The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine.
Regular Election Year means the year established for a regular municipal
election in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended.
Vacancy means when an office on Council is vacant in accordance with Section
259 of the Act, and "Vacant" has a corresponding meaning.
4. Responsibility
4.1. The Clerk is responsible for the administration and interpretation of this
Policy, including advising Council on its application.
4.2. Council is responsible for the enactment of this Policy as well as
complying with this Policy.
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4.3. The Clerk is authorized to make such administrative changes to this Policy
as appropriate to keep the Policy current. Any revision to the intent of the
Policy shall be presented to Council for approval.
4.4. The documents attached to this Policy as Appendices may be updated
under the direction of the Clerk.
5. Policy Objective
5.1. The Municipality of Kincardine is committed to an open, accountable, and
transparent government.
5.2. The Policy shall be used to determine if a vacant Council office will be
filled by by-election or appointment, and to outline the process when
appointing a Municipal Council Member, a Candidate, or an Eligible
Elector to fill a vacancy.
6. Declaring a Vacancy
6.1. In accordance with Section 262 (1) of the Act, Council shall declare a
a. In the case of a death of a Member of Council, at one of the next two
meetings of Council; or
b. In any other case, at its next meeting.
7. Calling a By -Election
7.1. By-law for calling a By-election: In accordance with Section 263 (5) of
the Act, Council shall pass a by-law calling for a by-election within sixty
(60) days of declaring a vacancy. To afford the Clerk sufficient time to
prepare for a by-election, a by-law calling for a by-election shall be placed
on a Council agenda no earlier than the 50t" day after a Vacancy is
7.2. Nomination Day: In accordance with Section 65(4)(1)(i) of the MEA, the
Clerks shall fix Nomination Day to be a day not more than 60 days after
Council passed a by-law calling for a by-election.
7.3. Voting Day: In accordance with Section 65(4)(3) of the MEA, Voting Day
for a by-election shall be 45 days after Nomination Day.
8. Appointment Process
8.1. In accordance with Section 263(5)(1)(i) of the Act, if a Vacancy is to be
filled by Appointment the vacancy shall be filled within 60 days of
declaring the vacancy.
8.2. Vacancy in the office of Mayor/Deputy Mayor: If a vacancy in the office
of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor is to be filled by Appointment, Council may
choose to fill the vacancy by appointing:
a. a current Member of Council;
b. an unsuccessful candidate for the same office in the most recent
regular election; or
C. any other qualified elector.
8.3. Vacancy in the office of Councillor -at -Large or Ward Councillor: If a
vacancy in the office of Councillor -at -Large is to be filled by appointment,
Council may choose the fill the vacancy by appointing:
a. an unsuccessful candidate in the most recent regular election; or
b. any other qualified elector.
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8.4. Appointment of current Members of Council to fill a Vacancy: if
Council chooses to fill a vacancy in accordance with sections 8.2 (a) of
this Policy, the appointment process shall generally be in accordance with
the "Procedure to Appoint a Member of Council to fill a Vacancy" attached
as Appendix "A" to this Policy.
8.5. Appointment of a previous candidate to fill a Vacancy: If Council
chooses to fill a vacancy in accordance with either 8.2 (b) or 8.3 (a) of this
Policy, the appointment process shall generally be in accordance with the
"Procedure to Appoint a Previous Candidate to fill a Vacancy" attached as
Appendix "B" to this Policy.
8.6. Appointment of a qualified elector to fill a Vacancy: If Council chooses
to fill a vacancy in accordance with either 8.2 (c) or 8.3 (b) of this Policy,
the appointment process shall generally be in accordance with the
"Procedure to Appoint a Qualified Elector to fill a Vacancy" attached as
Appendix "C" to this Policy.
8.7. Nothing in this Policy shall be interpreted as denying Council its authority
to do anything permitted or required under the Act.
9. Related Documents/Legislation
a. Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended.
b. Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended.
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Appendix "A"
Procedure to Appoint a Member of Council to fill a Vacancy.
The following procedure will be used when appointing a current Member of Council to fill
a vacancy.
A. Definitions
Chair means the Member of Council presiding at the Council Appointment
Clerk means the Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk of the Municipality of
Kincardine, or their designate(s).
Container means any box prepared by the Clerk to be used in the drawing of the
name of individual nominees as required in these procedures.
Council Appointment Meeting means the regular or Special Council Meeting
where Council will appoint someone to fill a vacancy.
Nominee(s) means an individual(s) whose name appears on the Slate of
Slate of Nominees means a list of all the individuals, who have been nominated
in accordance with this procedure, for appointment to fill a vacancy.
B. General
1. The appointment of a current Member of Council to fill a vacancy in the
office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor shall take place at a Council Appointment
Meeting called within 60 days of declaring the office vacant.
2. Only a Member of Council elected for the term in which the appointment is
taking place will be considered eligible for appointment.
3. At the Council Appointment Meeting, the Chair will advise that Council has
declared an office vacant in accordance with the Act and resolved to fill
the vacancy by appointment of another Member of Council. They will then
provide a general overview of the process.
C. Nomination Process
A member of Council does not need to be present at a Council
Appointment Meeting to be nominated. Any Member of Council that will be
absent from a Council Appointment Meeting who wishes to be nominated,
shall submit to the Clerk, a minimum of two (2) days prior to the Meeting, a
signed letter consenting to their nomination. If the letter has not been
provided to the Clerk, the Member of Council will not be permitted to be
2. The Clerk will provide a copy of any letters received to the Chair who will
read aloud the names as Members of Council interested in being
3. The Chair will then request that any Member of Council present interested
in being nominated to indicate their interest by raising their hand.
4. Those Members interested in being nominated will be offered a maximum
of five (5) minutes each, with no extension, to speak prior to the call for
nominations. The order of speakers will be drawn by the Clerk from the
container with the names of all the interested Members.
5. Once the interested members have spoken, the Chair will call for
nominations, subject to the following:
i. Only Members of Council may nominate a member.
ii. Each Member of Council may nominate one or more member(s).
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iii. Nominations must be done by formal motion (i.e. mover and
iv. Members do not need to be present to be nominated.
6. The Chair will call three times for additional nominations. Hearing none,
the Chair will request a motion to close the nominations.
7. Once the nominations are closed, the Chair will read aloud all the names
of the Members of Council nominated.
8. The Chair will request a motion to adopt the names as the Slate of
D. Acclamation Procedure
1. If the Slate of Nominees includes only one (1) Nominee, the Chair will
declare the Nominee elected and the Clerk will prepare resolution or by-
law to submit to Council for consideration.
E. Voting Procedure
1. If the slate of nominees includes more than one (1) nominee, rounds of
voting will be conducted as follows:
i. In accordance with Section 244 of the Act, no vote shall be taken
by ballot or by any other method of secret voting, and every vote so
taken is of not effect.
ii. Pieces of paper with each of the nominees' names will be created
by the Clerk and placed in a container provided by the Clerk. Each
of these pieces of paper will be equal in size and type and will
contain the name of one nominee only.
iii. The Clerk will draw the name of the nominees to be voted on by
iv. Council will vote on each Nominee drawn by the Clerk at the same
time by way of a public vote by show of hands.
V. Each Member of Council may vote for one (1) candidate only in
each round.
2. Round of voting shall continue until a Nominee has received more than
one half (1/2) of the votes of the Member of Council present, or until a tie
is broken in accordance with section E.3.v.b.of this procedure.
3. Where a round of voting does not result in a Nominee receiving more than
one-half (1/2) of the votes of the Members of Council present.
i. In any round of voting, one (1) vote shall be considered the lowest
number of possible votes; and
ii. Where nominees receive zero (0) votes, they will be automatically
excluded from the Slate of Nominees in the next round of voting;
iii. The nominees with the fewest number of votes will be automatically
excluded from the Slate of Nominees in the next round of voting.
Example in a contest with four (4) Nominees and 8 Members of
Council present, a nominee will need a minimum of 5 votes to be
Nominee A — 4 votes
Nominee B - 3 votes
Nominee C — 1 vote
Nominee D — 0 votes
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In the above scenario, as no majority was achieved, Nominee D is
automatically eliminated with 0 votes and Nominee C is eliminated
from further voting, and another round of voting will occur.
iv. The Clerk will record the votes and announce the results verbally at
the end of each round of voting.
V. The Clerk will ask if any nominee present wishes to withdraw their
name from the contest after each round of voting.
vi. Equal Votes for all Nominees: Where the votes cast is equal for all
the nominees:
a. If there are three or more nominees remaining with equal
votes, the Clerk will draw the name from the container of one
nominee to be excluded from the subsequent voting. In other
words, the names not pulled by the Clerk will continue to be
eligible nominees.
b. If only two (2) nominees remain, the Clerk will break the tie
by pulling the name of the unsuccessful nominee. In other
words, the name remaining in the container is the nominee to
be declared elected by the Clerk.
4. Upon conclusion of voting, the Clerk will note the nominee receiving the
votes of more than half of the number of voting members or the candidate
selected through section E.3.v.b.
5. A by-law confirming the appointment of the successful candidate shall be
enacted by Council immediately after the conclusion of the voting and the
new member shall take their Declaration of Office before taking their seat
on Council.
6. Council shall declare the Council office of the successful nominee vacant.
F. General Voting Rules
1. Each piece of paper used by the Clerk to draw the names of candidates in
accordance with the requirements of this Procedure will be created by the
Clerk and will be equal in size and type and will contain the name of only
one nominee.
2. Only the Clerk or the Clerk's designate may handle the pieces of paper
and the container referenced in this procedure.
3. Records will be retained per the Municipality of Kincardine's Record
Retention By-law.
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Appendix B
Procedure to Appoint a Previous Candidate to fill a Vacancy
The following procedure will be followed by Council when appointing a Previous
Candidate to fill a vacancy.
A. Definitions
Chair means the Member of Council presiding at the Council Appointment
Clerk means the Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk of the Municipality of
Kincardine, or their designate(s).
Container means any box prepared by the Clerk to be used in the drawing of the
name of individual nominees as required in these procedures.
Council Appointment Meeting means the regular or Special Council Meeting
where Council will appoint someone to fill a vacancy.
Nominee(s) means an individual(s) whose name appears on the Slate of
Previous Candidate means a candidate who ran in the last regular election and
was not elected to office.
Slate of Candidates means a list of all the individual candidates.
Slate of Nominees means a list of all the individual candidates, who have been
nominated in accordance with this procedure, for appointment to fill a vacancy.
B. General
Council may decide by resolution to fill a vacancy by appointment of a
Previous Candidate.
2. To be considered for appointment, a Previous Candidate must meet all the
requirements to hold a vacant office and must not otherwise be
disqualified from holding that office.
3. It is the Candidate's sole responsibility to meet any deadline or otherwise
comply with any requirement established by the Council or the Clerk as
part of the appointment process.
C. Method of Selection of Candidate to Fill a Vacancy
1. Council may decide by resolution, how the appointment process shall be
conducted. Council may:
i. Choose to appoint the Previous Candidate which received the
greatest number of votes in the previous election; or
ii. Fill the vacancy in any way that is in compliance with the legislation.
D. Notice Process
Notice of Council's decision to appoint a Previous Candidate shall be
provided as follows:
i. Notice of the vacancy shall be posted by the Clerk on the
Municipal Website and in local newspaper(s); and,
i. Notice will also be provided to the last known address of the
Previous Candidate(s).
2. The notices will identify Council's intention to appoint an eligible Previous
Candidate to fill the vacancy, and
i. The eligibility requirements to fill the vacancy;
ii. Any requirement established by the Clerk, including but not limited
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a. Application forms or written expression of interest;
b. Statement of qualifications form;
C. Declarations of eligibility; and
d. Deadline for submissions.
E. Application Process
A Previous Candidate consenting to be considered for appointment to fill
the vacancy shall complete and sign the prescribed Council Vacancy
Application Form, a Council Vacancy Declaration of Qualification, and a
written expression of interest.
2. Forms shall be submitted in person at the Municipal Administration Centre
during the Application period as determined by the Clerk.
3. All applicants must provide the Clerk with government issued identification
and proof of eligibility within the municipality when filing a nomination.
4. The surname on the application and the surname on the identification
must be the same. Some flexibility will be given subject to the approval of
the Clerk.
5. An unofficial list of persons who have submitted forms will be prepared
and updated as soon as practicable after receipt of the required forms.
This list will be posted on the Municipality of Kincardine's website
F. Review of Applications
The Clerk shall examine all forms received from the Previous Candidates
by the deadline to ensure the eligibility of the candidate. At a minimum, the
Clerk shall ensure that the candidate has:
i. Complied with any requirements established by Council or the
i. Was a certified Candidate in the previous regular municipal
election; and
iii. Is eligible under the Municipal Act, the Municipal Elections Act,
1996, or any other legislation, to hold the office that has been
declared vacant.
2. The Clerk will certify a list of all Previous Candidates who are eligible for
appointment. Candidates that do not meet the eligibility requirements will
be notified in writing, and their names shall be provided to Council for
information purposes only.
3. The Clerk shall provide Council with a Certified List of Previous
Candidates eligible for appointment, prior to the Council appointment
meeting which shall include the Candidates name, and the number of
votes received by the Candidates in the previous regular municipal
4. The Clerk shall provide notice to the certified list of candidates of the date
and time for the Council Appointment Meeting. Candidates are solely
responsible for attending any Council Appointment Meeting which will not
be rescheduled due to a Candidates conflict.
5. Any Council agenda documentation related to Candidates will be
published in alphabetical order by surname.
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6. An official list of certified Candidates will be posted on the Municipal
website once applications have been certified and the application period
has expired.
7. A certified Candidate may withdraw their application by filing a written
withdrawal on the prescribed form in the Clerk's Office before a date set
by the Clerk. The candidate shall appear in person with identification in
order to withdraw the application.
G. Freedom of Information Release Form
1. All application forms and expressions of interest are collected under the
authority of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and will be included in the
Council Agenda, as well as being made available for public inspection in
the office of the Clerk until the next regular election.
2. The entire Council proceedings related to the Council Vacancy will be
dealt with in open session of Council.
3. A Freedom of Information (FOI) Release form is required to be filled out by
H. Nomination Process
1. At the Council Appointment meeting, the Chair will outline the following:
i. Council has declared a seat vacant in accordance with the Act and
resolved to fill the vacancy by the appointment of a Previous
ii. A general overview of how the appointment process will be
2. The Clerk will read out the names of all the Previous Candidates certified
to be eligible (alphabetically by surname). These names constitute the
official Slate of Candidates eligible for nomination.
3. Each of the Candidates on the Slate of Candidates will be offered ten (10)
minutes each to speak prior to the nominations. The order of speakers will
be drawn from the container by the Clerk.
4. Candidates not presenting shall be sequestered in a separate area until it
is that persons' turn to speak.
5. Once a Candidate has finished speaking, each Council member may ask
a maximum of two (2) questions per Candidate. No scoring system shall
be used in considering the answers to the questions. It is not mandatory
for Council to ask any questions or for any candidate to participate in
answering any or all of the questions.
6. Once all of the candidates have spoken, the Chair will call for nominations,
subject to the following:
i. Only Members of Council may nominate an individual candidate
from the Slate of Candidates.
ii. Each Member of Council may nominate one or more candidate(s).
iii. Nominations must be done by formal motion (i.e. a mover and
seconder are required).
iv. Candidates do not need to be present to be nominated.
7. The Chair will call three times for further nominations. Hearing none, the
Chair will request a motion to close the nominations.
8. Once the nominations are closed, the Chair will read aloud all the names
of the Candidates who have been nominated.
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9. The Chair will request a motion to adopt the names as the Slate of
I. Acclamation Procedure
1. If the Slate of Nominees includes only one (1) Nominee, the Chair will
declare the Nominee elected and the Clerk will prepare motion or by-law
to submit to Council for consideration.
J. Voting Procedure
1. If the Slate of Nominees includes more than one (1) Nominee, rounds of
voting will be conducted as follows:
i. In accordance with Section 244 of the Act, no vote shall be taken
by ballot or by any other method of secret voting, and every vote so
taken is of not effect.
ii. Pieces of paper with each of the Nominees names will be created
by the Clerk and placed in a container provided by the Clerk. Each
of these pieces of paper will be equal in size and type and will
contain the name of one nominee only.
iii. The Clerk will draw the name of the Nominees to be voted on by
iv. Council will vote on each Nominee drawn by the Clerk at the same
time by way of a public vote by show of hands.
v. Each Member of Council may vote for one (1) Nominee only in
each round.
vi. The Clerk shall tabulate the results.
2. Round of voting shall continue until a Nominee has received more than
one half (1/2) of the votes of the Member of Council present, or until a tie
is broken in accordance with section J.3.v.b of this procedure.
3. Where a round of voting does not result in a Nominee receiving more than
one-half (1/2) of the votes of the Member of Council present.
i. In any round of voting, one (1) vote shall be considered the lowest
number of possible votes; and
ii. Where Nominees receive zero (0) votes, they will be automatically
excluded from the Slate of Nominees in the next round of voting;
iii. The Nominees with the fewest number of votes will be
automatically excluded from the Slate of Nominees in the next
round of voting.
Example in a contest with four (4) Nominees and 8 Members of
Council present, a nominee will need a minimum of 5 votes to be
Nominee A — 4 votes
Nominee B - 3 votes
Nominee C — 1 vote
Nominee D — 0 votes
In the above scenario, as no majority was achieved, Nominee D is
automatically eliminated with 0 votes and Nominee C is eliminated
from further voting, and another round of voting will occur.
iv. The Clerk will record the votes and announce the results verbally at
the end of each round of voting.
v. The Clerk will ask if any nominee present wishes to withdraw their
name from the contest after each round of voting.
vi. Equal Votes for all Nominees: Where the votes cast is equal for all
the nominees:
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a. If there are three or more Nominees remaining, the Clerk will
draw the name of one Nominee from the container to be
excluded from the subsequent voting. In other words, the
names not pulled by the Clerk will continue to be eligible
b. If only two (2) Nominees remain, the Clerk will break the tie
by pulling the name of the unsuccessful Nominee. In other
words, the name remaining in the container is the Nominee
to be declared elected by the Clerk.
4. Upon conclusion of voting, the Clerk will note the Nominee receiving the
votes of more than half of the number of voting members or the Nominee
selected through section J.3.v.b.
5. A by-law confirming the appointment of the successful candidate shall be
enacted by Council immediately after the conclusion of the voting and the
new member shall take their Declaration of Office before taking their seat
on Council.
K. General Voting Rules
1. Each piece of paper used by the Clerk to draw the names of candidates or
nominees in accordance with the requirements of this Procedure will be
created by the Clerk and will be equal in size and type and will contain the
name of only one candidate.
2. Only the Clerk or the Clerk's designate may handle the pieces of paper
and the container referenced in this procedure.
3. Records will be retained per the Municipality of Kincardine's Record
Retention By-law.
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Appendix C
Procedure to Appoint an Eligible Elector to fill a Vacancy
The following procedure will be followed by Council when appointing an Eligible Elector
to fill a vacancy.
A. Definitions
Candidate means an Eligible Elector who has submitted an application for
appointment to the Clerk, in accordance with this procedure, and who has been
certified as a candidate by the Clerk.
Chair means the Member of Council presiding at the Council Appointment
Clerk means the Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk of the Municipality of
Kincardine, and their designate(s).
Container means any box prepared by the Clerk to be used in the drawing of the
name of individual nominees as required in these procedures.
Council Appointment Meeting means the regular or Special Council Meeting
where Council will appoint someone to fill a vacancy.
Eligible Elector means a person who is a qualified elector in accordance with
the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.
Nominee(s) means an individual(s) whose name appears on the Slate of
Slate of Candidates means a list of all the individual candidates.
Slate of Nominees means a list of all the individual candidates, who have been
nominated in accordance with this procedure, for appointment to fill a vacancy.
B. General
Council is required to declare the office vacant in accordance with the Act
and may resolve to fill the vacancy by the appointment of an eligible
2. Council, in consultation with the Clerk, will fix the date of a meeting when
this decision will be made — the Council appointment meeting.
3. To be considered for appointment, an eligible elector must meet all the
requirements to hold a vacant office in the Municipal Elections Act and
must not otherwise be disqualified from holding that office.
4. It is the eligible elector's sole responsibility to meet any deadline or
otherwise comply with any requirement established by the Council, the
Clerk, the Municipal Elections Act or the Municipal Act as part of the
appointment process.
C. Notice Process
Notice of Council's decision to appoint an Eligible Elector shall be
provided as follows:
i. Notice of the vacancy shall be posted by the Clerk on the Municipal
Website and in local newspaper(s).
2. The notices will identify Council's intention to appoint an Eligible Elector to
fill the vacancy, and:
i. The eligibility requirement to fill the vacancy;
ii. Any requirement established by the Clerk, including but not limited
a. Application forms and/or written expression of interest;
b. Statement of qualifications form;
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C. Declarations of eligibility;
d. FOI Release Form; and
e. Deadline for submissions.
D. Application Process
Any Eligible Elector wishing to be considered for appointment to fill the
vacancy shall complete and sign the prescribed Council Vacancy
Application Form and a Council Vacancy Declaration of Qualification.
2. Forms shall be submitted in person at the Municipal Administration Centre
during the Application period as determined by the Clerk.
3. All applicants must provide the Clerk with government issued identification
and proof of eligibility within the municipality when filing a nomination.
4. The surname on the application and the surname on the identification
must be the same. Some flexibility will be given subject to the approval of
the Clerk.
5. Applicants shall also submit to the Clerk by the closing time of the
nominations period an expression of interest, including the applicants
background information, relevant qualifications and why the person is
interested in the vacant office. Expressions of Interest will be typewritten
on letter size (8'/z x 11) paper, shall not exceed two (2) pages in length
(one sided), and will include the applicants name and address.
6. Expressions of Interest that do not meet the requirement as set out in
section D 5 shall not be included in any Council meeting agenda or
provided to Council by the Clerk.
7. An unofficial list of persons who have submitted forms will be prepared
and updated as soon as practicable after receipt of the required forms.
This list will be posted on the Municipality of Kincardine's website
E. Freedom of Information Release Form
1. All application forms and expressions of interest are collected under the
authority of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and will be included in the
Council Agenda, as well as being made available for public inspection in
the office of the Clerk until the next regular election.
2. The entire Council proceedings related to the Council Vacancy will be
dealt with in open session of Council.
3. A Freedom of Information (FOI) Release form is required to be filled out by
F. Review of Applications
The Clerk shall examine all the application forms received from the
applicants by the deadline to ensure the eligibility of the applicant. At a
minimum, the Clerk shall ensure that the applicant has:
i. Complied with any requirements established by Council or the
i. Is eligible under the Municipal Act, the Municipal Elections Act, or
any other legislation, to hold the office that has been declared
2. The Clerk will certify a list of all Candidates who are eligible for
appointment. Applicants that do not meet the eligibility requirements will
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be notified in writing, and their names shall be provided to Council for
information purposes only.
3. The Clerk shall provide notice to the certified list of Candidates of the date
and time for the Council Appointment meeting. Candidates are solely
responsible for attending any Council Appointment meeting which will not
be rescheduled due to a Candidates conflict.
4. Any Council agenda documentation related to Candidates will be
published in alphabetical order by surname.
5. An official list of certified Candidates will be posted on the Municipal
website once applications have been certified and the application period
has expired.
6. A certified Candidate may withdraw their application by filing a written
withdrawal on the prescribed form in the Clerk's Office before a date set
by the Clerk. The candidate shall appear in person with identification in
order to withdraw the application.
G. Nomination Process
1. At the Council Appointment meeting, the Chair will outline the following:
i. Council has declared a seat vacant in accordance with the Act and
resolved to fill the vacancy by the appointment of an Eligible
ii. A general overview of how the appointment process will be
2. The Clerk will read out the names of all the individuals certified to be
eligible for nomination (alphabetically by surname). The Chair will call for a
motion from Council to constitute the official Slate of Candidates eligible
for nomination.
3. Candidates will be permitted participate remotely.
4. Each of the Candidates on the Slate of Candidates will be offered the
opportunity to address Council for a period of not more than ten (10)
minutes. The order of speakers will be drawn by the Clerk from the
5. Candidates not presenting shall be sequestered in a separate area until it
is that persons' turn to speak.
6. Once a Candidate has finished speaking, each Council member may ask
a maximum of two (2) questions per Candidate. No scoring system shall
be used in considering the answers to the questions. It is not mandatory
for Council to ask any questions or for any candidate to participate in
answering any or all of the questions.
7. Once all of the Candidates have addressed Council, the Chair will call for
nominations, subject to the following:
i. Only a Member of Council may nominate an individual candidate
from the Slate of Candidates.
ii. Each Member of Council may nominate one or more candidate(s).
iii. Nominations must be done by formal resolution (i.e. a mover and
seconder are required).
iv. Candidates do not need to be present to be nominated.
8. The Chair will call three times for further nominations. Hearing none, the
Chair will request a motion to close the nominations.
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9. Once the nominations are closed, the Chair will read aloud all the names
of the Candidates who have been nominated.
10. The Chair will request a motion to adopt the names as the Slate of
H. Acclamation Procedure
1. If the Slate of Nominees includes only one (1) Nominee, the Chair will
declare the Nominee elected and the Clerk will prepare a motion or by-law
to submit to Council for consideration.
I. Voting Procedure
1. If the slate of nominees includes more than one (1) nominee, rounds of
voting will be conducted as follows:
i. In accordance with Section 244 of the Act, no vote shall be taken
by ballot or by any other method of secret voting.
ii. Pieces of paper with each of the Nominees names will be created
by the Clerk and placed in a container provided by the Clerk. Each
of these pieces of paper will be equal in size and type and will
contain the name of one nominee only.
iii. The Clerk will draw the name of the Nominees to be voted on by
iv. Council will vote on each Nominee drawn by the Clerk at the same
time by way of a public vote by show of hands.
v. Each Member of Council may vote for one (1) Nominee only in
each round.
2. Round of voting shall continue until a Nominee has received more than
one-half (1/2) of the votes of the Members of Council present, or until a tie
is broken in accordance with section 1.3.v.b of this procedure.
3. Where a round of voting does not result in a Nominee receiving more than
one-half (1/2) of the votes of the Members of Council present:
i. In any round of voting, one (1) vote shall be considered the lowest
number of possible votes; and
ii. Where nominees receive zero (0) votes, they will be automatically
excluded from the Slate of Nominees in the next round of voting;
iii. The nominees with the fewest number of votes will be automatically
excluded from the Slate of Nominees in the next round of voting.
Example in a contest with four (4) Nominees and 8 Members of
Council present, a nominee will need a minimum of 5 votes to be
Nominee A — 4 votes
Nominee B - 3 votes
Nominee C — 1 vote
Nominee D — 0 votes
In the above scenario, as no majority was achieved, Nominee D is
automatically eliminated with 0 votes and Nominee C is eliminated
from further voting, and another round of voting will occur.
iv. The Clerk will record the votes and announce the results verbally at
the end of each round of voting.
v. The Clerk will ask if any nominee present wishes to withdraw their
name from the contest after each round of voting.
vi. Equal Votes for all Nominees: Where the votes case is equal for
all the nominees:
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a. If there are three or more Nominees remaining, the Clerk will
draw the name of one Nominee to be excluded from the
subsequent voting. In other words, the names not pulled by
the Clerk will continue to be eligible Nominees.
b. If only two (2) Nominees remain, the Clerk will break the tie
by pulling the name of the unsuccessful Nominee. In other
words, the name remaining in the container is the Nominee
to be declared elected by the Clerk.
4. Upon conclusion of voting, the Clerk will note the Nominee receiving the
votes of more than half of the number of voting members or the Nominee
selected through section 13 v b.
5. A by-law confirming the appointment of the successful Nominee shall be
enacted by Council immediately after the conclusion of the voting and the
new member shall take their Declaration of Office before taking their seat
on Council.
J. General Voting Rules
1. Each piece of paper used by the Clerk to draw the names of candidates or
nominees in accordance with the requirements of this Procedure will be
created by the Clerk and will be equal in size and type and will contain the
name of only one individual.
2. Only the Clerk or the Clerk's designate may handle the pieces of paper
and the container referenced in this procedure.
3. Records will be retained per the Municipality of Kincardine's Record
Retention By-law.