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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 105 Quote diesel generator · · · · THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2006 - 105 BEING A BY-LAW TO ACCEPT A QUOTATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 32 kW DIESEL GENERATOR FOR THE BRIAR HILL WELL UPGRADES, MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (TIVERTON WELL SUPPLY) (Cummins Eastern Canada LP) WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has enacted the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, O.Reg. 170/03, to protect human health through the control and regulation of drinking-water systems and drinking-water testing; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.D. 2001, c. 25 Section 11 (2) authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws respecting matters within the sphere of jurisdiction of public utilities which includes water production treatment and storage; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Sections 8 and 9 (1) provide municipalities with powers of a natural person to enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it necessary to upgrade the Briar Hill Well in the former Village of Tiverton; AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine has deemed it advisable to purchase a 32 kW diesel generator set for the Briar Hill Well upgrades from Cummins Eastern Canada LP at the quoted price of $23,300.00; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the tender of Cummins Eastern Canada LP for the purchase of a 32 kW generator for the Briar Hill Well Upgrades at a cost of $23,300.00, plus applicable taxes, be hereby accepted. . . ./2 . . . . Page 2 By-law No. 2006 - 105 Briar Hill Well Generator Quotation Acceptance By-law 2. That the Mayor and CAD be hereby authorized to sign, on behalf of the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine any contracts and other documents required to purchase the required generator. 3. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 4. This by-law may be cited as the "Briar Hill Well Generator Quotation Acceptance By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of June, 2006. ~¡f. ~ Mayor Ç)~ ~~ lerk ., ~ ,......,.-- engineering better communities BMROSS B. M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Consulting Engineers 62 North Street, Goderich. ON N7A2T4 p. (519) 524-2641 . f. (519) 5244403 May 23, 2006 Jim O'Rourke, Public Works Manager Municipality of Kincardine 1475 Concession 5 e.rlrf /If.. R. R. #5 Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6 Dear Jim: e_ D ""'* a "'NO: cow a eAO c""" 'I'll"'" p""r", WaIM F iaMlngl8l111 Re~ Em""""" -- CCI/pOf" s.v-. MC Pellal 8-'- HOOIIIII."'" T_ HumM ....... or- .... RE: Tiverton Well Supply Briar Hill Well Construction Prepurchased Diesel Generator File No. 06012 ~\"()rJ' D MAY 2 9 2006 SC~J~NEO Six (6) reputable manufacturers of diesel generator equipment received quotation documents for the proposed equipment at the Briar Hill Well. On May 16th, three (3) bids were received as follows: Proponent Cummins Eastern Canada LP Total Power Ltd. Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. * Excludes taxes Generator Ratin 22 31 25 Cost * $22,000 $25,091 $26,960 Upon reviewing Cummins' proposal, we detected the proposed generator did not meet the specified minimum rating of2S kW for the equipment. Mr. Rick McWatt, Cummins' sales consultant for our area, is confident the proposed 22 kW unit is suitable for the application. In fairness to the other proponents, BMROSS requested Mr. McWatt provide a quote for a unit meeting the specified minimum rating. On May 18,2006 Cummins proposed a 32 kW diesel generator at a cost of $23,300, plus taxes. sí6'ß. . A copy of the four proposals is enclosed for your review. BMROSS has worked with Cummins on many similar projects weviously and found their products reliable and their field services very professional. Regarding Cummins' proposed equipmeñt, we suggest the 32 kW - 2- unit at a cost of $23,300 plus taxes be accepted by the Municipality. The unit meets the specifications and provides some flexibility for future power requirements at the site at a low incremental cost. Please advise us of your decision and we will notify the proponents respectfully. All of which is respectfully submitted. Yours very truly, B. M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Per BP:es Encl. ,...:' ,..," \.. "" · ":~~f"'"")'"\.",,,...: .,,, .~..., ':.':-:.'''. ., .~'."17..¡'<; JUL-10-0S 15:37 FROM-B.M. RDSS & ASSDciates Lilited 519 524 4403 T-71 0 P.002/DD4 F-79S .....-. -, FQ-l FOR1\f OF QUOTATION By an equipment supplier in respect of a. Quotation for supplying, delivering,. and checking the insuùlation of equipment. (Equipment supplier to enter his name and address b~low) C (i/ ;" ~ l,v $ VE';9S;-;:;Z /1.1 CI'1 A/ -'9- ;:>~ 7/7S- ?ßC~F=lc, c.lllC.£E /Î'J,SSI5SAM4A C?NJß-2fO To - Municipality ofKincarùine c/o B. M. Ross and AssoCÍ8les Limited Consulting Engineers 62 NOM Street Goderich, Ontario N7A2T4 RE: MunieipaHty ofKinc:ardine Tivuton WeD 5upply Project No. 06012 We. the above named equipment supplier, bavin& carefully examined the quowion documentS issued by the Consulting .Engineer, ~ith submit in duplicate and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the aforemendoned docwnents our quotation for the equipment listed hereafter. We agree that, in case of any conflict between any of the terms and conditions set out in the documenlS which we submit together \\-ith this Fonn of Quotation and tbe terms and conditions set out in the quotation documents issued by the Consu1úng Engineer~ the provisions of the latter docwnents shalI take precedence and shall govern. We declare Ù18t our quotation for the equipment lisœd below is made without any eonnection, comparison offigwes or arrangements with. or knowledge or. 8DY other corporation, fizm or person making a quotation for similar equipment Cor this project and is in all respects fair and wkhout collusion or ftaud. .: 1'~, ~ J,-\'~~T~:' ,,~:~;r:"~ c;T"^'-' ."'''':':.,..-',' . .-:'~¡~';<),,,,,~:\~,,¡."::~~""'~~.,:~~"" '. ,"~ ,.~~~~ JUL-l0-0S 15:!7 FROM-B.M. ROIl' AllOGiatel Lilited 519 524 440! T-710 P.00!/004 F-T96 - . . FQ-2 We undenake to keep our acCOJDpaDYÍng quowion valid and open to acceptance for a period of three cn months after the date set for closing of quotations and to accept y.;thin the said period an order based upon our accompanying quotation, witb such amendments. if any. as may be agreed upon b)' the Engineer and oUJSeI~ for the supply, deHvelY. and supet\isioD of installation of the equipment listed in the order. the price ofwhÌch shaU be the sum oime relevant individual item prices as staled in me following table~ subject to any adjustment in price as JD8,V be made in accordance wñ:h Ù1e terms of the saìd order. We expressl)' warrant and guarantee to the MunicipaJity of Kincardine that in the event of the equiþment. or a pan thereof: offered by Ù1e equipment supplier in this quotation being selected by the Municipality of Kincardine, such equipment, or part thereof. when supplied pursuant to a purchase order, will be deemed to have been supplied. upon the terms of Ihe quotation documents issued by the Consulting Engineer and mis quotation, with suçh amendulents, if any, as may be agreed upon in wriûng by the equipment supplier and the Consulting Engineer before the issuance of me said purchase order. 1. Equipmcut List (Supplier to Complete) Jtem Quantity Oesc:ripdon Unit PrIce Toml Price Delive¡y Period Required S Can. sCan. (weeks after -..tif' 8'Jllll"Øh8!e '--L--" I ~ ?- .I:Þ;;>. dr.JI'J. c::... 1. One -ti' kW sa:andby diesel generaror set ~3"" ;2~ ?()() 3$"' 10 - /2. TOTAL PRICE (excluding PST &. OS]) 5;23', :?()tl S Ij ~6.~ s 1..£5/ ~. Provineial Sales Tax Goods & Services Tax '." ':.':' JUL-10-0& 15:37 T-TI0 P.004/004 F-79& ~:~.. :"::':"'¡'~~';r; . FROM-B.M. Ross & Alloeiates Lilited 519 524 4403 2. Shop Drawings Estimated time required for submission of shop drawings after receipt of purchase order is ~ - 3' w~ks, 3. Commissioning Time No, of man days in 'total price (!)..v f£ It /Ó!/t/ Iday Extra price per man day for further commissioning NOTE: (1) "hem No"~ to be as in preceding Equipment list, (2) ··Description·· to give description of components if applicable. (3) ··Rate of Imp OR Duty" 10 be at date ofsubmissioD of quotadon. (4) "Rate of E.'"(chanF" to be at date of submission of quotation. 4. Altemali,,'e Proposal (if an,,) !l/t/fV1E' rJ2~ SignatUre of Authorized Signing Officer Narw::2 C '" /J? C U/ ~ p- Date: IY/ 19 Y /? /t? 6" / FQ-3 .~:,,,"":'J JUL-l0-06 16:36 FROMHB.M. ROil & Allociatll Li.itld 519 524 4403 T-Tl0 P.001/004 F-T96 BMROSS engineering better çommunities B.IL ROSS AND ASSOCIATES UIIITED CorJsuIfq Enginem¡ 62 Nonh 8neI. GocIeItch. ON N7A 214 p. (519)524-2641 . f. (519)S24-44Ð3 Fax Transmittal TM~ Fro.: ~ AJ() ~~ Re; ~IAe- tt\LL ~~ Cow to: Fax #: 39lo - cf)2..l.Y2J File: Pages: Y- Date: ~UL'i-Jciolo Mes.age: ~o IS T~ ~t2.-iV\ ~ G>uaïmIO;) FoL -ntE ~(L ~lL ~tZJnãn. 4\f SUbv\ f"tT"'b 0 'ð-f C ~I"'\ (\1\ \ ~ S · -:D~ œLL \'F í#ea.-f -ARÆ ~~ ~IOI.$. ~~