HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 109 tender-resurfacing roads · · · · THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2006 - 109 BEING A BY-LAW TO ACCEPT A TENDER FOR THE RESURFACING OF VARIOUS LOCATIONS WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (Lavis Contracting Company Limited) WHEREAS Section 44 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.D. 2001, c. 25, provides that a municipality that has jurisdiction over a highway or bridge shall keep it in a state of repair that is reasonable in the circumstances; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Sections 8 and 9 (1) provide municipalities with powers of a natural person to enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it expedient to accept a tender to complete the resurfacing of various locations throughout the Municipality of Kincardine, which includes the resurfacing of Saratoga Road, in cooperation with the Township of Huron Kinloss and of Bruce County Road No. 15, in cooperation with the County of Bruce; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the tender of Lavis Contracting Company Limited for Contract No. 06076, as detailed in Report No. PWM 2006 - 23, in the amount of $755,086.00, excluding all applicable taxes, be hereby accepted. That the Mayor and CAD be hereby authorized to sign, on behalf of the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, any contracts and other documents required to authorize such work to commence, and to affix the corporate seal of The Municipality of Kincardine. 2. 3. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 4. This by-law may be cited as the "Lavis Resurfacing Tender Acceptance 2006, By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of June, 2006. ß1t..-t~~ Mayor f'w 6 /.-1 ¿.- uJ D Æ?-I< pit(.) rn að.O ~. JUN 2 1 2006 COUNCIL 'tern /I: IB·7 If THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE TENDER RESULTS CONTRACT NO. 2006 Paving - Contract No. 06076 Closed: June 5th, 2006 - 12:00 Noon Opened: June 5th, 2006 - 12:00 Noon CONTRACTORl DATE TENDER CERTIFIED AGR. TO SIGNED BIDDER RECEIVED AMOUNT CHEQUE BOND E.C. King Contracting June 5/06 $900,503.91 $45,000. Yes Yes 9:15 a.m. inel. taxes Lavis Contracting June 5/06 $891,422.35 $45,000. Yes Yes 11:10 a.m. inel. taxes . AGREEMENT TO BOND ¡JO. rOO ~ t¡..7 z - ¥-~ -mE- ~ Il. A-tJ-rE.E ~Pfr-NV of lJoA.:rll 1Þt1.E/l~ "'* WOOD $"'t'bMl. oAJ 7"'A-Il.:t:o Date: ~ 5' , 20 oh CONTRACT NO. 0 i:J 0 .., I:, TO: 71-<'E- t!.IJ(UJoM-rrolJ ()F 71IE... MU. AJ+'c.+: PA-i..+-ry 0/= K:t=/JC!A-P-IJI=AjE.. Dear Sirs: RE: In consideration of "'TUE. d..oILPot~¡J of TRE. NU.M:ç::.C:¡:.PA-L.+:T'Y ðF KR::N6+ÆOFNE. (hereinafter referred to as lithe Owner") accepting the tender of and executing an Agreement with: LltV';'Š .é.olJ'?:"fLfr<!""f'":F.d 6- ~p lWJy J..;~~J) (hereinafter referred to as "the Tenderer") for the construction of !foo 6 PPr-V:t=Aj Go subject to the express conditions that the Owner receive the Performance Bond in accordance with the said tender, we the undersigned hereby agree with the Owner to become bound to the Owner as surety for the Tenderer in a Performance Bond in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price or other such greater amount as may be determined by the Owner, in the fonn ofPerfonnance Bond provided and in accordance with the said tender, and we agree to furnish the Owner with said Bonds within seven (7) days after notification of the acceptance of the said tender and execution of the said Agreement by the Owner has been mailed to us. Yours very truly, /J r. ~ (!~p. (Seaf1l() \j NOTE: This Agreement to Bond must be executed on behalf of the Surety Compa.'lY by its authorized officers under the companýs corporate seal. Of the two fonns boUnd herein, one shan become a part of the tender and the other shall be retained by the Surety Company. . *. Enter the name and address of the Surety Company at the top of the page. F:\wp\Contracts\Fonns\AgToBond~ 1 bond.doc , -. T~l FORM OF TENDER Municipality of Kincardine 2006 Paving Contract No. 06076 Tender by iAVI5 ~ 12. 1:/::J. (Óu71lltcr IAl6 to. LIAflrGI> residing at tl-lAlTrJAI . . ðA/ T/t1L I (J POP( I L 0 a company duly incorporated under the laws of IJA/I/fJe 10 and having its head office at ~R "If; ;J. e./.../A/ïrJAI . oAlr~/ø A/OM I~C hereinafter called the "Bidder" To -- Municipality of Kincardine JJWe LI1e/15 ~t· tON r;,A'erl#6 Cd. LI '" 11"'/Gp having carefully examined the locality and site of the proposed works and all contract documents relating thereto, including the Plans, Specifications, Drawings, Profiles, Form. of Tender, Information to Bidders, General Conditions, Special Provisions, Form of Agreement, Form of Contract Bond and Addendum! Addenda Numbers "'0- to -e- * inclusive, hereby tender and offer in accordance therewith to enter into a contract within the prescribed time, to construct the said work in strict accordance with the contract documents and such further detail drawings as may be supplied from time to time, and to furnish all labour, materials, tools, plant, matters and things necessary therefor, complete and ready for use within the time specified for the sum of !;'(;HT . I-!WNI)I¿EJ) Hf'l1J NJ/IJE7"1 - OAlE. 7Ho1L$lt-ÞJ ð , Fé",1t. IIUllltJ¡2.£t) ,fAft:' , IWúJï"l" TIAJt> /)~I-LAliS "IN" 7'HIJeN - F/lJ£ tENTS - ($ 39 ~ ¿¡¿:¡,:J" $,5'" ) or such other sum as is determined from the actual measured quantities at the unit prices set forth in the Tender. . The bidder will insert here the number of the Addenda received during the tendering period and taken into account when preparing the Tender. T·2 THE AFORESAID SUM IS MADE UP AS FOLLOWS: SCHEDULE OF ITEMS AND PRICES The unit onces are to be shown for each type of asohaIt removal. Only the method selected by the Tenderer is to be extended to the "Amount" column. The final selection of asphalt removal methQd will be made bv the Owner. and the lowest price will not necessarilv be selected. Item Spec. # Description QtyJUnit Price Amount 6/6.& 7'fr/KA ;1 .", ¿H>c..· ROADWORK / r(- ~ 1m - '* 1 310,SP Hot Mix HL-2, Modified t%µ IZ-~ I =;-,0, §-z.¿, a) Rural Paving (2 locations) ;7' 7400 t $ S"f. 11 $ '1"1;3 f~6. ~ ;'t'I b) Semi-Urban Paving (1 location) 200 t $ "if,90 $ I ;¿ ') 8~ .'" rA 2 310, SP Hot Mix HL-3, 50mm 250 t $ }/)5· ~ $ ¡Q6tJs-'o, ~ V 2.4m wide Blvd, Cty Rd. 15 3 310,SP Hot Mix HL-4 a)CtyRd.15 400 t $ ¿ 9,ilS' S :17 70(). oMt V- b) Semi-Urban and Urban Sections 1050 t $ j¡ 9. :!S S 7,j 7/.2 . S"O At c) Arena Parking Lot 330 t $ 7/,,;¿S' S ,;J.J S'l~, 5'0 ~ 4 310, SP Hot Mix Miscellaneous (Cty Rd. 15) 80 t $ ///),- S ¡BOD, - / 5 SP Cost of 100% Performance Bond 1 L.S. $ ~f'5 ð - r'1 and cost of insurance 6 SP Lump sum to cover all other 1 L.S. S I~.- ...... requirements of the contract not specifically covered by or related to the preceding items 7 SP Supply maintenance hole covers 1 Ea. $ ~~() ,- S ~Só, Þ-. M andlor catchbasin ftames and grates 8 SP Maintenance hole lift rings 2 Ea. S ,;}.;! 'S . Þ'O S 'I ðO,.;ø fI- Item Sec. # Descn tiOD T-3 Qty JUnit Price Amount ,. t' (/0 0 PROVISIONAL .. Huron-Kinloss Boundary Road .. ITEMS 9-10 9 310, SP Hot Mix HL-4 4, 10 330, SP Pulverize existing pavement inel. grading SUB-TOTAL ITEMS 1-10 1850 t - 12,500 m2 $ &7,9S' $ , tto \~ ~(q . I $ ASPHALT REMOVAL AND SURFACE RESTORATION FOR HUNTER ST., WEBSTER ST., CHURCH ST., MEMORIAL PARK, McLAREN ST. AND ELIZABETH ST. Total Items 1-10 Total asphal~oval and surface restoration (Alternativec9r Alternative 'B') ./ ~.n9 117 tft/v Sub-Total ~ .--.------ lh~7)b ' ~ ALTERNATIVE "A" 11 510,SP Removal ofbitwninous pavement 12 301,SP Restoring roadway surfaces 13 314,SP Granular lA' SUB-TOTAL ALTERNATIVE @ - . ALTERNATIVE "B" 14 510,SP Pulverize existing pavement inc!. grading and disposal of excess material SUB..TOTAL ALTERNATIVE "H" Ie'JmR SUMMARY .~ µ/~,oO "þi ,) -.. ¡/I(. I' '\. ..,;' 1 '\., 7% GST TOTAL TENDER ',f.' 3 Î0J¿ I 8,300 m2 $ i{ 7£' $ ,31'f;1.S'.Û'O 8,300 m2 $ .,;J. 10 $ /71/.10, ~ 1,000 t $ 91' tJ-O $ 9,,"'7) (). H. . ~92-, ;'>~ $ ¿ £'8S"S ,- yY7 -.J' ~ ~) tI v... I "'\'- ",; _ 01t.? _.......- ..~;,3'.. f 8,300 m2 $ 8,9S" $ 7if~8~.- $ 7 cfð..6.Ç .~ X 1~ 7'725'D..... $ ¿5 flSS'.- $ S.33ID~. -- . $ $8 ~/7, 3~ $ ¡"II 'J.~. as". I 015; 7"Jt, -..r~ ' ~ .(- T-A STANDARD TENDER REQUIREMENTS I/W e agree to complete the work within the time specified in the Infonnaûon to Bidders. IIWe also agree that this Tender is subject to a fonnal contract being prepared and executed. In submitting this Tender for the work, the Tenderer further declares: (a) That no person, firm or corporation other than the one whose signature or seal is attached below, has any interest in this tender or in the contract proposed to be taken; (b) That this tender is made without any connecûon, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other company, finn or person making a tender for the same work and is in all respects fair and without collusion or :ftaud; (c) That no member of the Municipal Council or any officer of the Owner will become interested directly or indirectly as a contracting party without disclosing his interest and otherwise complying with "the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RSO 1990"; (d) That the offer shown in the Schedule ofItems and Prices is to continue open to acceptance unûl the formal contract is executed by the successful Tenderer for the said work or until thirty (30) days after the tender closing date, whichever event occW'S first and that the Owner may at any time within that period without notice, accept this tender whether any other tender had been previously accepted or not; (e) That if we, the undersigned, withdraw this tender before the Owner shall have considered the tenders and awarded the contract at any time within thirty (30) days after the tender closing date, the amount of the deposit accompanying this tender shall be forfeited to the Owner; (t) That the awarding by the Owner of the contract based on this tender shall be an acceptance of the tender; (g) The Tenderer solemnly declares that the several matters stated in the foregoing tender are in all respects true; T -A Date Specified.doc T-B (h) That if this tender is accepted, we the undersigned agree to furnish an approved surety bond for the proper fulfilment of the contract and to execute the Agreement in triplicate within ten (10) days after being notified so to do. In the event of default or failure on our part to do so, we the undersigned agree that the Owner shall be at liberty to retain the money deposited by us to the use of the Owner, and to accept the next lowest or any tender or to advertise for new tenders or to carry out the works in any other way deemed best and we also agree to pay to the said Owner the difference between this tender and any greater sum which the Owner may expend or incur by reason of such default or failure, or by reason of such acting, as aforesaid, on their part including the cost of any advertising for new tenders and to indemnify and save harmless the said Owner and its officers from atlloss, damage, cost, charges and expenses which they may suffer or be put to by reason of any such default or failure on our part. The "Agreement to Bond" of the bUAAAAlrÆ' t':JAlPAAlJ/.. r)~ ~r~ /f",¿¡e/~A Company, a company lawfully doing business in the Province of Ontario, to furnish a Perfonnance Bond in the amount equal to 100% of the contract price, is enclosed herewith. A certified cheque for the sum of Ñ/t r1 ($ 'IS¡ 0ð0. 00 ) is attached hereto. H II 15. -- I HD"'~ AnI Þ Þ ¿') I"""e S DATED AT ¡¿IZ~ tt.1.vrt.Wthis day of .17JA/ ~ , 20 d2.. 5TH NOTE: If the tender is submitted by or on behalf of an incorporated company, it must be signed in the name of such company by the duly authorized officers and the seal of the corporation must be affixed. If the tender is submitted by or on behalf of an individual or a partnership, a seal must be affixed opposite the signature of the individual or the partner. T-B P Bondonly.doc STATEMENT RE: SUB-CONTRACTORS The following is a list of Sub-Contractors or Sub- Trades intended to be used in the execution of the contract showing the portion of the work to be allotted to each. rmM SUB-CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS 1. /)~Plfll-{...r PU~v€Alz.L . ßY A-ttI A./J.I"Æ()(/€D ,&,uJecJ£ . tVA./-/MSt.£'"/ $/2.0$. ).4(1/¿)ill\/. ~tVr · , " 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. F:\wp\Contracts\Fonns\suJK;ontractors.doc