HomeMy WebLinkAbout00 045 Millennium Public Highway e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2000 - 45 A BYLAW TO CREATE A HIGHWAY IN THE ANNEX BUSINESS PARK WHEREAS Section 297 (1)(a) of the municipal Act, R.S.O., 1990, Chapter M.45, as amended authorizes the Council of every municipality to pass by-laws for establishing and laying out highways; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine purchased Part of Lot 1, Concession 1, S.D.R., designated as Part 1, Plan 3R-6958, Municipality of Kincardine (formerly in the Township of Kincardine), County of Bruce and registered on the 14th day of April, 1999 as Instrument No. 0341180 in Bruce C31 Walkerton Land Registry Office; AND WHEREAS Section 301 of the said Municipal Act exempts the Council from having to publish the notice of this by-law where such land has been acquired by the corporation; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine intends to establish a highway over the lands known as Part 3 on Plan 3R-7148, for the purpose of access in the Annex Business Park; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient in the interest of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine that Millennium Way be created for the purpose of access in the Annex Business Park; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the lands located on Part of Lot 1, Concession 1, S.D.R., in the Municipality of Kincardine, formerly in the Township of Kincardine, and being more particularly described as Part 3, on Reference Plan 3R-7148 be hereby laid out and established as a highway. 2. That the name of the said highway be "Millennium Way". 3. That the mayor and clerk are hereby authorized to execute all documentation in connection with the establishment of the road described in Section 1 of this by-law. .../2 e e e e Millennium Way Public Highway By-law By-Law No. 2000 - 45 Page 2 of 2 4. That the clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to register a copy of this by-law in the registry Office of Bruce (No.3) in Walkerton, Ontario. 5. That this by-law may be cited as the "Millennium Way Public Highway, By-law" . READ a FIRST, SECOND, and a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 12th day of April, 2000. y/~ ~ ~ Province 0' Ontario Document General ForM 4 - land Reglatration Reforal Act.. 1.... D 0350732 (11 Reglo", iii (31 Pro...rty ldenUner(al Land TlU.. 0 (21 Page 1 of 3 pageo Block Property CERTlFlCATE OF REGISTRATION BRUCE (3) WAlKERTON (.) Nat...,. or DocuMent MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2000-45 (51 ConaldereUon 'ad JUL 20 PM 1 25 ~~ Doller. S (I) Dea.rl"- Now Propoerty Idon1lflera Part of Lot 1 Concession 1r S.D.R. Municipality of Kincardine (formerly in the Township of Kincardine) County of Bruce Designated as Part 3 on Plan 3R-7148 :--: 0 - - =-'0 (7) TIolo Docu...nt eontelns: (a) _pOon New enemant Plan/Ska1ch ¡ (b) Schedule for: ! o I Oescrlptlon 0 =:"al 0 Other (iJ , 297(1)(a) and as amended. public highway within the meaning of Section 301 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, C. M.45, Continued on SChadul. (I) This Documant r.'at.. to Imdru....nt nunaber(s) (10) P.rty(lee) (Set out Sta"" or Intoroal) No_(a) . CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY ..."............ Ilgnature(.) ~ ^ Per: tV\J~'H Date of Signature Y M D .. .......................................................-....... .......-.................. 'j'" . .........!.. ........~... OF KINCARDINE .........................................................-....._............-.. ......................... ...................... ...................... by its Solicitor, Albert L. Ostner Albert L. Ostner :2000 j 07 \17 n......._.............. ........................ ................n......................._.......... ........................_.._ ..................... ....................... ............,.... .. ........~.. .....·..i·.. (111 Addre.. for aervi.e 707 Queen street Kincardine Ontario (12) Party(i..) (Set out Statua or In......t) Name{l) SignatureC') Date of Signature Y M D ........_..........._........................................n........_............ ............_..................._.................... n...................·......................................... ................... ....................,....... ! i . ..._......................................................................._ ··.................n.................··.. .................._.............._............. ............._.......................................h......... ............_................ ....._.n......................n..................._...................................... .......¡ .....i..... ...._.n....................... ........................_..........._................................ .........................._............... (131 Add.... -,.., Service Millennium Way Municipality of Kincardine WHITE, DUNCAN, OSTNER & LINTON 45 Erb street East waterloo, ontario ALO:ct #026690 F... and Tax nlclp" Addr... of Property (151 O".....t Prepared by: Re"llItradon Fee Tote! v ....... --~ -.i .¿' .-./ - . . . WHITE, DUNCAN, OSTNER & LINTON Barristers and Solicitors WilLIAM H. WHITE, a.c. ALBERT l. OSTNER DARREll N. HAWRELlAK MICHAEL A. van BODEGOM IRWIN A. DUNCAN J. DAVID LINTON DAVID M. STEELE KENNETH R. STRONG P.O. BOX 457 45 ERB STREET EAST WATERLOO. ONTARIO N2J 4B5 TELEPHONE: (519) 886-3340 FAX: (519) 886-8651 SENT BY FAX TRANSMISSION and Regular Mail March 9, 2000 File No. 02699 ..., Mr. John deRosenroll Administrator The Municipality of Kincardine 707 Queen Street Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 1Z9 Dear JDhn: Municipality of Kincardine sit 1330204 Ontario Inc. Part Lot 1. Concession 1. S.D.R.. Municipality of Kincardine I enclose a copy of Mr. Sydney Conn's letter dated March 8, 2000 and a copy of the Release Agreement. The Release is also being forwarded, in triplicate, by regular mail for execution by the Mayor and Clerk. On the 1st day of March, 2000, we forwarded to you the Deed, in duplicate, fDr execution by the Mayor and Clerk. Further to our telephone attendance on March 1 st, we understand that you will be requesting Council, on March 22, 2000, to pass the By-law dedicating the lands described as Part 3 on Plan 3R-7148 as a public highway. Will you be requesting Mr. Sam Farrell to register that By-law on title? By a copy of this letter to Mr. Conn, we note that we still have not received a written reply to our letters dated February 17, 2000 (see the post script) and March 1, 2000. We await Mr. Conn's response, by fax transmission, at his earfiest opportunity. Please do not forward the Deed and Release to Mr. Sam Farrell until such time as we have Mr. Conn's satisfactory response. ..; ...r' - 2 - . By a copy of this letter to Mr. Conn, we assume that he will be forwarding the executed land Transfer Tax Affidavit directly to Mr. Sam Farrell. We would draw your attention to Mr. Conn's reference to the Site Plan Control Agreement. We await your further instructions in this regard. Yours very truly, WHITE, DUNCAN, OSTNER & LINTON Per: ~~ A.L.OSTNER ALO:ct . Enclosures cc: Mr. Sydney Conn - by fax Mr. Sam Farrell + Enclosure - by fax . ~ Prcwinoe of - Ontario Document General CAKEware Inc. D 1416) 367-0600 08/1993 Form 4 . Land Registration Reform Act (1 I Registry Œ (3) Property ,_.,(a) lend Till.. 0 (2) Page 1 of 1 pages Block Property Additional: See 0 Schedule (4) Nalure of Document RELEASE OF AGREEMENT ~ ~ UJ ~ ~ IL o ~ (5) Consideration NIL Dollars $ NIL (6) Description Part af Lat 1, Cancession 1, South af Durham Raad, (formerly in the Township af Kincardine), naw in the Municipality of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce, designated as Part 2 an Plan 3R-7148 Additional: See 0 Schedule Registry Divisian af Bruce (No.3) Additional: See 0 Schedule (7) Thla Document Contains (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Skelch 0 (bl Schedule for: Description 0 Additional Parties 0 Other 0 This Document provide, .. follows: 30204 ONTARIO INC. and THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE being the = rties to the Restrictive Cavenant Agreement registered as Instrument No.. 0347146 hereby rerease the ands described in Box (6) above fram the terms and pravisions af the said Restrictive Cavenant Agreement. Continued on Schedule D (9) This Document relates to instrument number(s) 0347146 (10) Party{ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name!s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D RIOINC I.hav..e..autho.rity_lo..bind..th tçorp.orati~n._.... I ......................-..-......"-".,, ......-..........-.......-".""..-"-...-........--......,, .........".....,....... ........,.......,........ 111) Address for Service 75 The Donway West, Suite 1002, Dan Mills, Ontario M3C 2E9 112) Partyliea) (Set out Status or Interesl) Namelsl Signature Is I Date of Signature . Y M D 'j .. 120003! l!We have authority to. bind the Corporatian. ar 0 Mayor Per: ~r="'= 1M Nilme. Rosaline-Graham--: Title: Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE :2.000 -j 03 ! 2.b I_n ~ .............................-..,..."..............-..."........-..,..........-.......... .................",............ ...........-.."..................-...-........ ......·..···....·....·...;·i--..-···......"··· k .. ...:,1 ~ ; 707 Queen Street, Kincardine, Ontario. N2Z 1Z9 VACANT LAND Sydney N. Conn Fogler} Rubinoff LLP Barristers & Solicitors Suite 4400, P.O. Box 95 Rayal Trust Tower Toronto-Dominion Centre Taronto, Ontario M5K 1 G8 9913017ert ~ ~ Registration Fee w g¡ w o ~ a: fl Fees and Tax (15) Document Pr~ by: K:\SCONN\WpOlltll\CAlŒV.1ft~..n r.I.... agrl171Onf' III ~neJ.wpd Total