HomeMy WebLinkAbout00 129 Hendry - Rec Lands Tiv.
NO. 2000 -129
WHEREAS The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, in accordance with
the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Section 191.1, has entered into an ·Offer to Sell"
with Mr. Steven Hendry for the purchase of lands being composed of part of
Parcel Plan 1, Section M-50 being lots 14 to 33, inclusive, Lots 45 to 70,
inclusive, Lots 81 to 91, inclusive, Blocks A, B, C, G, H, J and I, Plan M-50,
Municipality of Kincardine, (former Village of Tiverton), County of Bruce,
(hereinafter called the lands);
AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine
deems it expedient to purchase these lands for recreational purposes;
NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows:
1. That the Mayor and Cieri< are hereby authorized to execute the "Offer to
Sell" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law and to execute such
documents as they may deem advisable to purchase such lands from
Steven C. Hendry, in accordance with the ·Offer to Sell" and to affix the
corporate seal to such documents.
That the Mayor and Cieri< are authorized to execute Subdivision Releases
and Save Harmless Agreements, pursuant to Schedule "A" of the "Offer to
That the lands referred to consist of part of Parcel Plan 1, Section M-50
being lots 14 to 33, inclusive, Lots 45 to 70, inclusive, Lots 81 to 91,
inclusive, Blocks A, B, C, G, H, J and I, Plan M-50, Municipality of
Kincardine, (former Village of Tiverton) County of Bruce.
That the purchase price for the said lands shall be fifty-five thousand
dollars ($55,000.00) and shall be subject to third reading of the by-law.
That the total cost of this purchase shall be shared between the Ward II
and Ward III Capital Funds on a pro-rated basis.
That this by-law shall become effective upon its final passage by the
Council of the Municipality of Kincardine and upon its registration in the
Registry Office for the Registry Division of Bruce (No.3).
.. ./2
By-law No. 2000-129
Hendry (Tiverton) Recreational Lands By-law
Page 2 of 2
That this by-law may be cited as the "Hendry (Tiverton) Recreational
Lands By-law".
READ a FIRST and SECOND time this 11th day of October, 2000.
READ a THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 25th day of October,
FORM 101
APRIL 1999
PURCHASlR, ... ...' .... .... ....... ..... ....., ..... ........... .... ..... ..." ,.... .... "'" ",.... ... ... .... ..... ...... ..... .... .... '" .......... .n' .......... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... 'f agrees 10 purchase fram
VENDOR, ................. ...... .... ..... ....... ..ß.t:I:!Y..E!.n.....ç .~....~ ~n.~.r.X.. ................... ......... .... ....... ...... ..... ............. .... ..... ............... ........ ..... ..... .... the follow;ng
~.... ' (Fullegol namø of 01 \tendonl
Address.. ....., ........... ....... ", .... ..... ....... ........ .... '....... .... ...................... .... ... ....... .....frontino on the .... ,. ............ ..... .... .....side of ......... .......... ............. ...... .............. ....
;n the .....~~.~A9.~.P.ª!.Üy....ºJ...J~~m::ª.;§J.n~..J;º.;m.~.;J.Y..Vi 11 aqe of Ti verton )ç.o.!;IntY..Q.f....BI:UC.e..
~KHHoC¡Kfx.....................................................x_kldQQcodJAb)Qk....,...........·...............·....·.............·_xctøo and legally deocróbed a.
....!?ª;r;.~...9J...J).ª.~ç,~.:,....f.),.-ª!1...:::J..,.....~.'ª.çj;j,ºp....11:::.~.º. £... .be.ing... Lo.ts...l.4....to ...33 .,...incl usi:lre. ,....Lots......
Plan M-50 l'ogalde""",oIloodin<I,.;ng",_
. Fifty-Five Thousand ----------------------- 55 000 00
PURCHASE PRICE: ........... ......... ....... .............. ............... ..... ..................... ......... ................... .... .................. ......... .....DoIIa" (CDN$ ..........f...... ..... .~........ ........)
Porcho..r ",bm;" I..~J?~~... '.I:~~.~.p..~.~.~9.I':.... .......<.'1.11':....-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.::-.::: :::::::::.:.:.:.::-. ::-.:::.::::.:.::-::-.::-.::::::..DoIlau ICDN$ ...J.~.º.º.. ............... ...... ..)
HefewilWUpon o«:ef*Jnce¡
=h at negotiable cheque payable 1o......ê.~~Y.~.!1:...ç.!.....ª.E!.n..<!r..y..........................................................................10 be held m In.., pendõng cample';an at
other termination 01 this Agreement and to be credited Ioword the PLKchose Price on complelion. Purcha$8f OQrees 10 pay the baJonce os follows:
The sum of Fifty-Five Thousand ($55,000.00) Dollars, by cash or certified
cheque, subject to the usual adjustments.
See attached Schedule "A" - Page 2
SCHEDULI!(S) ......................................................attached herelo form(.) part 01 th;. Agreement.
1. X__HIUIIIID: ......................................................................................................................................................
2. ¥iIt~tIWISIO: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
RENTAL ITEMS: The following equipment is rented and not included in tne Purchase Price. The Purchaser ogrees 10 onume the rental contractls], if assumable:
4. IRREVOCABWTY: Thi. Offer "'all be ;uovocable by ........y~.Ì1ª.Ç?;..~...unnl ...J:J:.t??...p.m. on the ...?.~.tÞ.....day of ...99..~9.Þ.~.~,.....?.0ºº...
I"ondor/_ho.... I,.,,~
after which time, if not accepted, this Offer sholl be nuM oñd votd and Ihé depo$it sholl be returned to the Purchaser in full without interest.
S. COMPLETION DATE: Th;, Agreement ihaU be completed by no lalellhan 6:00 p.m. on the ..............!'?..................... day 0I1.C!.'!."..~f:t.<:,....lP9.!?..
Upon completion, voconl possession of th. property Shan be given to the Purchaser unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement (yeoIt
6. NOTICES: Vendor hereby appoints Ihe Listing Broker os Agent for the purpose of giving and rfitCeiving raotices pursuant to this Agreement. If the Co-operoting Broker
represenls Ih. intereSl$ of 1M Purchaser in this transoction, the Purchaser hereby o~inf$ the Co-opetaling Broker os Agent for the purpose of giving and receiving
notices purwanl to this Agreement. Any notice reJatin9 herelo or provided for herein sholl be in wriling. This offer, any counler offer, notice of acceptance thereof. Of
any nOlice shall be deemed given and received, whèn hand delivered 10 the oc:Idress far service provided herein or, where 0 facsimile number is provided herein,
when Iransmitted eleclronicoUy 10 that facsimile number.
FAX No, ............."..",...................."....................f0l' delivery 01 nobC:.,1o Vendorl FAX No. ....................................................................For deliver)' 01 noIic:eslO Pvrcñoserl
7. GST: If this ltonsoclÞon is subject ta Goods and Se~ices Tox (G.S.T.I. then such ta:w. sholl be ..........................................................................the Purchase Price.
lincluded ..,/in oddition tol
If this Iransoction is not wb¡ect to G.S.T., Vendor OQfees 10 provide on Of before closing. a certificate lhat Ihe Iransoctian is nol subiec:t to G.$.T.
- to.
8. TITI.E SEARCH: Purcha..r ""'II be allowed un,;16:00 p.m. an the .......u..........day of ......~ç,T..o..¡¡ft:-:.................... lyear¡~.~.. (Requ;.;non DaIe1o
examine the tille 10 the pr~rty of his own expense and unlil the earlier of: (i) Ihirty days from the kiter of the Requisilion Dale or the dote an which the condilions i.
this Agreement are fulfilled 01 Otherwise waived or; (ii) five days prior 10 completion, to satisfy himself that Ihere are no outstanding work orders or deficiern:y notices
offecting the f).I:0perty, that ils presenl use ( ...................................................................................................,......................................................................1
may be lawfUlly continued and thai the principal building may be insured against risk of fire. Vendor hereby consents 10 the munic:ipalily or other governmenlOl
agencies releosing to· PurchaMtf delails of all oulstanding work orden affecting the properly, and Vendor agrees to execute and deliver such furlher authorizations in
this regard 05 Purcha!t8f ~ reasonably require.
FUTURE USE: Vendor and Purchaser agree that there is no representotÑ)n 01 warronty of an)' kind that the future intended use of the properly by Purchaser is or will
be lawful except as may be specifìcoUy provided for in this ~reemenl.
mu: Pro...ided Ihat th8 tide to the property is Rood and free from all registered restrictions, charges, liens. and encumbrances eJltCepl os otherwise specifically
provided in this Agreemenl and save and exceptlot- (01 any registered restrictions or covenants that run with the lond providing thai such are complied with; Ib) any
registered municipal ogreemenls and registered a.9reements with publicly regulated ulilities providing such have been complieâ with, or security has been posted to
ensute compliance ond completion, os evidenced by 0 Ie"er from the relevant municipality or regulated ulilily; Ie) any minor easemenls for the supply of domestic
utility or teléphone services 10 the property or adjacent properties; and d) ony easement$ for droinoge, storm or sanitary sewers. public utility lines, telephone lines.
cab&. SeJevi$Îan lines or olher services which do not materially offecl the present use of Ihe property. If within the specified times reFerred to in paragraph 8 any valid
objection to lit&e Of 10 any outslonding work order or deficiency notice. or to the foct the said present use may nollawfully be¡ conlinued, or thallhe principal building
may not be insured against risk of fire is made in wriling to Vendor and which Vendor is unable or unwilling to remove, remedy or satisfy and which Purè:haser wiD
not waive. this Agreement notwilhslanding any intermediate acts or negoliatians in respect of such obiections. shall be 01 on ond and 011 monies paid shall be returned
withoul interest or deduction and Vendor. listing Brol.er and Co-operating 6I0ker shall nal be liable for any costs or damages. Save as to any valid objection so mode
by such day and except for any objection going to the root of the litle, Purchoser shall be conclusively deemed 10 have accepted Vendor's litle to Ihe property.
Fom~rJ.... In.
. ~
. .
1"1. DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGE: Purcho$Øf shoJI not call for the production of Qny tide deed, abstract, survey or other evidence of title to the property excepl $UCh
os Qre in the po!:seuion or control of Vendor. If requested by Purchcl~ Vendor will deliver any sletch or survey of the property within Vendor's conlrol to Purchaser
os soon os pou,ible and prior 10 the Requisilion Dole. If a discharge at any Charge/Mortgage held by a corporation incorporated pursuonllo the loon Companin
Ad (Canada), Chartered Bonk, Trust Company, Credit Union, Caisse PopuJaire or Insurance Compony and which is not to be assumed by Purchaser on completion,
is not available in registrabkt form on completion, Purcho5er O9reesto accept Vendor's lawyer's penonal undertaking to obtain, out of the closing funds, 0 discharge
in registrable fotm and to register same on titl. within a reasonable period of time ofter compJetian, plovided thot on or before completion Vendor shall provide to
Purchos.er 0 mottgoge statement pte~red by Ihe mortgagee setting auf the balance requtred to obtain the discharge, together with a direclion executed by Vendor
directing payment to Ihe mor~ Of the amount r~uir8d to obtàin the discharge out of the balance due on c:omØletion.
12. INSPECTION: Purchaser acknowledge. hcMng had tIie ~nily 10 irupeel .... P'!'P""Y prior 10 wbmilling "'i. 6fIer and und....",nd. Iha, upon acceptanc. 01 "'i.
Offer "'ere sholl be a binding agr_1 01 puKha.e and 501e betwOen Purchaser ond Venda<.
INSURANCE: All buildings on the ~rty and ad other things being purchased shall be and remain until completion at the risk of Vendor. Pending completion,
Vendor shaU hold all insurance policies, if any, and the proceeds thereõf in trust for the parties os their infefesb may appear and in the event of substantial dOmage,
Purchaser may either terminate this Agreement and hO\'e aU monies paid returned without interesl or deduclion or else take the proceeds of any insuronce and comp~te
the purcha58. No insurance sholl be tronafe"ed on completion. If Vendor is laking bock 0 Charge/Mortgage, or Purcho58r is assuming 0 Charge/Mortgage, Purchaser
shall supply Vendor with reasonable evtdence of adequate inwronce to prOled Vendor's or other mortgagee's interest on comp~on.
14. PlANNING ACT: This Agreement sholl be effective to creote on interest in the properly only if Vendor complies wilh the subdivision control provisions of the PkJnning
Ad by completion and Vendor covenants to proceed dil!gentfy of his expel')S8 to obtain a'!y necessary consent by completion.
15. DOCUMENT PRlPAltAtION: The Transfer/Deed sholl, save for the land Transfer Tax Affidavit, be prepared in regislrable form at the expense of Vendor, and any
Charge/Mortgage 10 be given bock by the Purchaser to Vendor allhe expense of the Purchaser. If requested by Purchaser, Vendor covenants that the Transfer/Deed
to be delivereCI on completion sholl contain Ihe statements contemplated þy Section SO (22) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990.
16, RlSlDENCY: Purchaser shan be credited towards the Purchase Price with the amount, If any, necessary ror Purchaser to P.OY to the Minisler of Notional Revenue 10
MJtisIY Purchaser's liability in respect of lax payable by Vendor uncler the non-residency provisions of the Income Tax Ad bY reason of this sole. Purchaser shall not
claim such credit if Vendõr delivers on completion the prescribed certificate or a stotuIory dedoralion that Vendor is not then a nan-resident of Canada.
17. ADJUSTMENTS: Any rents, mortgage interest, realty taxes includi-:ag Iocol improvement roles and unmetered public or private utility charges and unmefered cost of
fuel. a. apolicable. shall be appaitòaned and allawoilta ,h. do)' 01 <ampIetian. the day 01 completion ¡bell 10 be appart;oned 10 Purcha....
18. TIME UMtTs: Time sholl in an respects be of the eS$8nco hereOf provided that the time for doin,9 01 completing of any matter provided for herein may be exlended
or abridaed by on agreement in writing signed by Vendor and Purchaser Of ~":d~ respective lawyers Who may be specific:olty ~thorized in that regard.
19. TENDÒ: Any lender of docume... or money hereunder may be made upan or Purchaser or their rapec1ive lawyers on the day"" far campefian. Maney
may be lendeted by bank drah or chec¡ue c""iRed by a ChatIered Bank. TIU~ Company. Province 01 Ontario Saving. OHice. Credil Union or Cai... Papuloir..
20. FAMILY lAW Act: Vendor warrants tl;ot spousal consent is not necessary to this fronsoc:lion under the provisions of the Famity low Acl, R.S.O. 1990 unless Vendof's
spouse has executed the consent h...einoher provided. .
21. UFFI: Vendor rep:esents and warrants to PurchaHr that during the time Vendor has owned the properly, Vendor has nol c:oused any building on Ihe property 10 be
insulated with insulation containing ureaformoldehyde, and thai to the best of Vendor's know~ no building on the prÇ)pØrty contains or has....er contained insulalion
thai contains ul8Qrormolcle~. This warranty sholl survive and not merge on the completion of this Iransaction, and if the building is port of a multiple unit building,
this warranty shol~ ap 10 that part of the bu~which is Ihe subject of this tran$Qclion
22. CONSUMER IE TS: ............ is henIoy . that a _ repcHI containint credit and/or ,......... ioolennotion may be ....... to in c_ witIo
23. AGENCY: II is understood that the broker, involved in the transaction represent the ~rties os set out in the Confirmation of Represenlation below.
24. AGREEMENT IN WRITING: If there is conRict between any provision written or ty~ in this Agreement (including any Schedule a"oched heretol and any provision
in the printed portion h...eof, the written or typed provision sholl supersede the printed provision 10 the extent of such conflict. This Agreement including any Schedute
altoched herelo, sholl constitute the entire Agreement between Purcha5ef' and Vendor. There is no representation, WOI'ranty, collateral agreement or cOndition, which
affects this AQreement other thon os expressed herein. This Agreement shaU be read with 011 c:ho~es of aender or number required by the conlext,
. 2S. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: Th. hei... executa... adm¡ni~ratar.. succe.50.. and a..ign. 01 the undérsigned or. bound I>y ,h. lerm. h.r.in.
'-= DATED at ................Lfí..~.,4.,~þ..'~G.................................................."'¡. ... ....0..................day 01 ........º~;t.9.þ.~.;'..........................2 ~.~.~.......
~:='~E:= N~1!~~='~=~==: ~ :~~~==~:
(W-~ Purchaser accepts ~~ (Seal)
X~th.Unde..ign~·l·a"";~~ . ~~~~ti~~
.. . ........ .. . e~.L.......__......................................... DATE........................./~.
(W ..-íì t Gord~ Thompson, Mayor .
.. ... ... (P"'"( ..L~.if'JtÜ::Gra:häÏii;..Cl"ëik.... (Seall DATE Ctl.~'¡iI':b.~?:>....
. The Undersigned S~use of the O~her~ consents to the disposition evidenced herein P!'suont 10 the ~ovisions of the Family Low Act,.
y ogrees with the Purchaser that he/she will execute 011 necessary or incidental documents 10 give fun force and effec.t to the sole evidenced herein..
................_._......................... ....................................... ........... DATE ........ ........ ............ ......_.........
I......¡ (Seal)
CONFIRMAnoN Of IXKUTION: Nolwilhstanding anything contained hefein 10 !he conlrOlY. I confirm tlis Agreemenl wi!h aM changes both typed and written WO$ finally executed by
." porti.. al....................o.m./p.m. ohi. ....................00, 01 .....Q.ç.t,ºþ.J~;r.:..................... ·3~~·O 0 .......................ïs;;,;;;;;.;;.~;;;;;.¡~;~;p;;;¡;;~;ï...........-......-.....
I hereby ockOOlNledge and confirm the Listing Broker represenls the inlereslS of the I hereby odnowledge ond confirm the Co-operoling Sro"'r represents the interesls of Ihe
.......... .....,.. ,..., ....................·...h............................... .in this tronsoc:tion. ............................... ............... . ..... ..... ................in this transaction.
(Verw:b/Vendc. aMI the PurcholierJ fVeMlor/Purcho&ef1
signah;;ë'ÖI Lilling'W; or·~~~ëd·;~pm;;~lolive
No..... of listing Stoker
f'.bneofCo-operotingBrobr ..
I ....)
rei. No.
......I. ....I
fAX No.
101 No.
....I ....)......
I ocknowledge receipt of my signed copy of this occepled Agreement of Purchase
and Sale and I authorize the Agent to 'Of word 0 copy to my lawyer.
I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of Inis accepled Agreemenl of Purchase ond
Sale ond I oulhorize the Agenl to forWOld 0 copy 10 my Iowyer.
.......... DATf
Add",u for Service: . .
................ ...DATE
AdcIrBUIor ServICe:
................Tel. No. (....... .....1..
..........Tel. No.1.... ...._.)
Vendor's Lawyer
Addreu ..
Purcholoef"·sLowyer .
........................... ..............
..··....·1 .....)
fAX No.
rei No.
To: Co.operating Broker snown on the foregoing Agreement 01 Purchase and Sale:
In consideration 'Of !he Cooperating Broker procuring the fOfegoing Agreement 01 Purchase and Sale. I hereby declare Ihol all moneys received or receivable by me in conneclÎon
wi!h the Tran5ooclion os contempkJled in !he MLS Rules and Regulations of my Real Estate Board 5oholl be receivable and held in lrus..This ogreement sholl conslilute 0 Commission frusl
Agreement as defined in the MLS Rules and shall be subjecl to and governed by the MlS Rules pertaining 10 Commission Trust.
DATED os of Ihe dote and lime of Ihe acceptance of the foregoing Agreement of Purchase and Sole. Acknowledged by:
s¡g~i~'r~ '~i' i¡~:~9' B;~'(~; . ~; ~~·ú;~; ;~~d' ~~p;~~~~,~i,·~~
S'9';~;~;~';';¡ ·¿~:~p~öi;~g· ti;¿l'~; .~; ;;~·th.;;¡;~d· ~~p~~~~~j,~~
, ,
The parties hereto agree as follows:
This Agreement is conditional upon:
(a) The Vendor in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between Steven
C. Hendry and Grant Thornton dated September 15, 2000
(hereinafter "the Thornton Agreement") receiving Court approval of
that Agreement or the Receiver receiving the prior written consent of
certain of the parties in respect of Commercial Court File Number 97-
(b) The Vendor in the Thornton Agreement obtaining an Order vesting
the property in the Purchaser in the Thornton Agreement, being the
Vendor in this Agreement.
(c) The Vendor being able to assign to the Purchaser the lands described
herein on or before closing of this transaction, notwithstanding the
matters contained in Section 14 of Schedule "A" to the Thornton
The parties hereto acknowledge that title to the lands described herein and the lands
described in the Thornton Agreement are subject to two existing Subdivision
Agreements, Instrument Number 5151 and Instrument Number 29506. The parties
hereto agree as follows:
(a) The Purchaser, as successor Municipal Corporation to the fonner
Village of Tiverton, hereby agrees to execute a Release from the
provisions of the aforementioned Subdivision Agreements, said
Release to affect all lots and blocks on Registered Plan M-50.
(b) In the aforementioned Release, the parties both agree to execute a
Save Harmless Agreement, the intent of which is to save each party
harmless from the benefits and obligations contained in the
aforementioned Subdivision Agreements.
The parties agree that the aforesaid Release/Save Harmless
Agreement shall be registered on title immediately after the closing
of the transaction between Thornton and Hendry and the Vendor and
Purchaser to this transaction,
3. The parties hereto agree that the Purchaser will be passing a By-law stopping up all
roads and highways as shown on Plan M-50 with the exception of that part of
Robinson Street designated as Part I according to Plan 3R-4099, The parties hereto
further agree that the aforesaid stopping up procedure will be via a Judge's Order
pursuantto the provisions of Section 88 of the Registry Act and will be at the expense
of the Purchaser.