HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 076 taxation by-law e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE K" IJi B® BY-LAW NO. 2001 -76 A BY-LAW TO ADOPf THE ESTIMATES OF ALL SUMS REQUIRED DURING THE YEAR TO STRIKE THE RATES OF TAXATION FOR THE YEAR 2001 WHEREAS the Council for The Municipality of Kincardine in accordance with the Municipal Act, considered the estimates of the municipality and of the boards of the municipality and it is necessary that the following sums be raised by means of taxation for the year 2001: General purpose Sanitary Sewers Policing Landfill Sites Slope Debenture County of Bruce Public English School Separate English School Public French School Separate French School $ 2,265,951 113,916 1302,734 211,775 110,054 2,788,521 2,698,959 335,871 2,931 7.028 ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ .......................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... ............................................ ........................................... $ 9.837.740 AND WHEREAS the assessment roll made in 2000 and upon which the 2001 taxes are to be levied was finally revised by the Assessment Review Court; AND WHEREAS the amount of assessment entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as Residential and Farm, Commercial, Farmlands, Industrial, Multi-Residential and Shopping Centre are as follows: Residential and Farm assessment ................................................... Multi-Residential ........................................................................... Commercial occupied..................................................................... Commercial vacant ........................................................................ Industrial occupied ......................................................................... Industrial vacant ........... ...... ............ ....... ...... ..... ............................. Farmlands................................................................. . Managed Forests ................ ......... ................................ $ 486,035,990 6,403,600 50,831,506 927,840 8,065,939 1,960,500 124,188,000 877.000 Total taxable assessment ............................................................ S 679.290.375 2... e e e e 2001 Taxation By-law No. 2001-76 Page 2 on NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. THAT the estimates be adopted and there shall be levied and collected upon the assessable lands, buildings and businesses within the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine the following rates for the year 2001: WARDl Assess- Munici- Sanitary Policing Slope deb Landfill County Pub&Sep Total Tax ment pal Tax sewers Area Area Area Tax School Rate Class Rate Tax Rate Charge Charge Charge Rate Tax Rate ResIFarm 0.00374093 0.00039800 0.00353529 0.00038451 0.00042488 0.00460366 0.00373000 0.01681562 Multi-Res. 0.00503043 0.00053519 0.00475390 0.00051705 0.00057133 0.00619054 0.00373000 0.02132623 Com. Occ. 0.00461294 0.00049077 0.00435936 0.00047414 0.00052392 0.00567677 0.01685266 0.03298854 Com. Vac. 0.00322917 0.00034355 0.00305166 0.00033191 0.00036675 0.00397374 0.01179686 0.02309223 Ind. Dec. 0.00653802 0.00069558 0.00617862 0.00067200 0.00074256 0.00804581 0.02395808 0.04682781 Ind. Vac. 0.00424970 0.00045213 0.00401609 0.00043680 0.00048266 0.00522978 0.01557275 0.03043803 Farmlands 0.00093523 0.00009950 0.00088382 0.00009613 0.00010622 0.00115091 0.00093250 0.00420390 Mgd Forests 0.00093523 0.00009950 0.00088382 0.00009613 0.00010622 0.00115091 0.00093250 0.00420390 Total 51J17O.734 5113.916 51.011.874 5110J154 5111.(í09 51.317.665 1.545.318 5.291.169 ~ collected WARD 2 Assess- Munici- Policing Landfill County Pub&Sep Total Tax ment pal Tax Area Area Tax School Rate Class Rate Charge Charge Rate Tax Rate ResIFarm 0.00374093 0.00083961 0.00029543 0.00460366 0.00373000 0.01320799 Multi-Res. 0.00503043 0.00112902 0.00039726 0.00619054 0.00373000 0.01647505 Com. Occ. 0.00461294 0.00103532 0.00036429 0.00567677 0.01685266 0.02853996 Com. Vac. 0.00322917 0.00072475 0.00025501 0.00397374 0.01179686 0.01997812 Ind. Occ. 0.00653802 0.00146739 0.00051632 0.00804581 0.02395808 0.04052275 . Ind. Vac. 0.00424970 0.00095380 0.00033561 0.00522978 0.01557275 0.02633976 . FarmlAnd~ 0.00093523 0.00020990 0.00007386 0.00115091 0.00093250 0.00330199 MJ!d Forests 0.00093523 0.00020990 0.00007386 0.00115091 0.00093250 0.00330199 Total 686.067 153.980 54.180 844.287 778.395 2.516.909 taxes collected e e e e 2001 Taxation By-law No. 2001-76 Page 3 00 WARD 3 Assess- Munici- Policing Landfill County Pub&Sep Total Tax ment pal Tax Area Area Tax School Rate Class Rate Charge Charge Rate Tax Rate ResIFarm 0.00374093 0.00100571 0.00026440 0.00460366 0.00373000 0.01334307 Multi-Res. 0.00503043 0.00135238 0.00035554 0.00619054 0.00373000 0.01665669 Com. Occ. 0.00461294 0.00124015 0.00032604 0.00567677 0.01685266 0.02870653 Com. Vac. 0.00322917 0.00086813 0.00022823 0.00397374 0.01179686 0.02009472 Ind. Occ. 0.00653802 0.00175769 0.00046210 0.00804581 0.02395808 0.04075883 Ind. Vac. 0.00424970 0.00114249 0.00030036 0.00522978 0.01557275 0.02649321 Farmlands 0.00093523 0.00025143 0.00006610 0.00115091 0.00093250 0.00333576 Mzd Forests 0.00093523 0.00025143 0.00006610 0.00115091 0.00093250 0.00333576 Total 509.150 136.880 721.076 2.029.660 !!W! 35.986 626.569 collected 2) The dates for payment of taxes under this By-Law shall be as follows: DUE DATE of 4th installment September 4,2001 DUE DATE of 5th installment December 3, 2001 3. A percentage charge of one and one-quarter (1.25%) shall be imposed as a penalty for non-payment of and shall be added to every tax installment or part thereof remAining unpaid on the first day following the last day of payment of each such installment and thereafter an additional percentage charge of one and one-quarter (1.25%) shall be imposed and shall be added to every such tax installment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day of each calendar month in which default continues up to and including December of each year. 4. This By-law may be cited as the "2001 Taxation By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 20th day ofJune, 2001. ( Clerk