HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 041 Acqu./ Land Hwy Widening THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE v KBT '�GX_ _ ti�I • � � r / I" •�•IW�E� Tics,„ --,;(tro BY -LAW NO. 2006 — 041 BEING A BY -LAW TO CONFIRM THE ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR HIGHWAY WIDENING PURPOSES AND ESTABLISHING THE SAME AS PART OF THE PUBLIC HIGHWAY SYSTEM FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE WHEREAS Section 31 (1) of The Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, authorizes municipalities to pass by -laws to establish a highway; • AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Section 31 (6) that land acquired for the purpose of widening a highway forms part of the highway to the extent of the designated widening; AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine previously acquired land for the purpose of widening and improving the existing highway system of the Municipality of Kincardine; AND WHEREAS it is desirous to confirm the acquisition of the land as part of the public highway system of the Municipality of Kincardine; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the acquisition of the lands described in the schedule attached to this by -law is hereby confirmed and approved. 2. That the said lands described in Schedule "A" attached to this by -law are • hereby acquired for highway widening purposes and are accepted and dedicated as part of the public highway system of the Municipality of Kincardine. 3. That this by -law shall become effective upon its final passage by the Council of the Municipality of Kincardine. 4. This by -law may be cited as the "Highway Dedication (Pt Lts 13, 14, E/S Adelaide) By -law'. READ a FIRST, SECOND, and a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 5 day of April, 200 %. p 1 -,-.R A3‘-- . . ,. ..,, Mayor ' lerk e e e e By-law No. 2006 - 041 Highway Dedication (pt Lts 13,14, EIS of Adelaide) By-law Schedule "A" Those lands and premises located in the following municipality, namely in the Municipality of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce and being more particularly described as follows: Part of lots 13 and 14, East Side of Adelaide Street, Designated as Part 6 on Reference Plan 3R-8084, Townplot of Penetangore, Geographic Town of Kincardine, Municipality of Kincardine, County of Bruce. , .",;..,'" ~ Province of Ontario Transfer/Deed of land Form 1 - Land Registration Reform Act Do Process Software Ltd. . (416) 322-6111 52363.a4 A - . O'i039L ~ (1) Registry IX] (3) Prope!"ÌY Identifier{s) Land Titles 0 ì (2) Page 1 of ""2.- Block Property pages Additional: See 0 Schedule eERTlflCl,E Cf REGISTRATION BRUCE (3) W/.LKERTCN (4) Consideration NIL ~ z o w (fJ :::J ~ ZOOS rlAR 1 Prl 1 ~ . .~ a:: New Prope~, n~rs . Þ/ o . ~..r'tr....-t.-;:"v lAND f\ECI$TRAt1 Dollars $ This Is a: Property 0 Property Division Consolidation D Part of lots 13 and 1~, East Side of Adelaide Street Designated as Part ton Reference Plan 3R-8084 Townplot of Penetangore Geographic Town of Kincardine Mnnicipality of Kincardine o County of Brnce (5) Description . Additional: See Schedule ExecuUons (6) This (a) RedescripUon Docu~nt New Easement Contains Plan/Sketch ~ Additional: See 0 Schedule (b) Schedule for: DescripUon 0 (7) Interest/Estate Transferned Additional Fee Simple Parties 0 Other 0 (8) Transferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee ""'~I~~MY--*"q"'.rY~IIIII'Di.'" ..........................00.00.............00.00... ... .00.00.00 00......... '."00 ....00 ...... ... ... ... ...... ...... ....00 ... .00.00.................. ... ... ...00." ...... 00....00 ... '..00'..'''''''''''..00... .... . _ .... ... ... ... ...... ..,. ................ ... ... n..nn..n ...... .,..,.". ... ... ..... .... __ .................... ... n. 00'"'''''' ...00.00....00 ... ............. .00 .00.00.. Name(s) 14.~?9.n.ºNTMUº.LOO:r.E.D....n ..00.......... ......00....00.00..' Date of Signature Signature(s) / ' Y ,M, 0 , ,tJf~ P.1 n. . -v ! 2006 !Q;I! n n.. nn' ~j:~~::';¿....::::.:·:..:.:...I.·.:J:.n,nn. ......... .....ªy!)..ªg~þ..9.r.itY.Jº .Þ.I!J.!lJþ'!).çºrp.!m~1jº.!!, n.n..........n.n ..00..................... n. ... n. ...... ... ."..".'''.00' ... ... 00....00.00'00 .....................00.00.00......... ........ ... ... ... ... "'00'..'_""'" ... ... 00.00.. .............. ..... .......n.~.. ....... ... .., ....n.p. _ _.. , , (9) Spouse(s) of Transferor{s)1 hereby consent to this transacUon Name(s} Slgnature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 . ......'00."" ....... ... ...00. 00.00....00.00..................... '...00... ....00 ... ................00.00 ..00.00.00........... ...... ... ... ... 00'00'_' ... ""..00.00.00 ...00............ nn _ ___.,.......rn. ... (10) Transferor{s) Address for Service (11) Transferee(s} 592 Queen Street, Kincardine, Ontario 1.1 '2..."2. 2.~ 3 Date of Birth Y M 0 ...........un..n..! u. n"~ J II II If : : . ...00...................00.00. 00.00.00. ............ ... ...... ...... ...... n. 00 .............. ... 00.00.00 00.00................. ....n...!.. ...... ... ....c.... Tij.~.......ç.g.ß.f'.Q.ßAJ1.0.N. .. ...gE......"L/:!.I1..n.n.l1iJN..IÇ.IP£d".JT.'/... ...()(n.nk,l~c;,.AjJ".D.!.N~",'...n.n .. n . 00_00'.. ...... ...... ... ... ... ....00.00...... ...... ... ........ ... ...n.n.n...................n... ... ... .................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .........00 ... 00.00'.. ".00. ... ...00 ... ....... . ......j...n... .. (12) Transferee(s) Address for Service (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferofs knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene secUon 50 of the Planning Act, Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M D Y :M 0 . , , , '" -' Signature nn.n....n...nnnnnn.m..n.n..nm.nnnnm.:n nmnnn.Jnn.ninm..': Slgnaturen.nnnnm nmm.n.nnm nnn nmn.n.....nnn n .Lm...nn. n' nn nLm « Solicitor for Transferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to detennine ð that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this transfer ~ does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature ~ Nameand Y : M .0 Address of : :: õ Solicitor "' Signature.............. non _ ..nu.........nn..........n......n ....~....nu......n:m....:. _ . « (1~}.Sollclt9r for Transferee(s) J have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal "'~.' ~'#__1."'¡~1 ,~.twt:¡n subcla~~ë: sa (:2) ~€~ (i¡},g.~Ul(i.ReMing~nd..tba!Jg_l.bß..bestpLr;nY kn9_q§:_ªnd_beli~f this transfer does not c: ¡;I" contravene sedan 50 of the Planning Act I act independently of the sollcltDr for the transferOr(sj anaT am Jffi. GOtatiosolicifQr,jll goo¡;,s~,·" . £ ¡¡·I ¡¡~ ~~¡¡ Name and ~:H.c Address of ðj Solicitor 592 Queen Street, Kincardine, Ontario ~ 2.~ 2.~"""!o. Date of Signature Y M 0 Signaturen............ ..... ...n.n........·...n..n..n.....·...·n.n.n..n... unu.. ....00.00....'. (15) Assessment Roll Number cty. of Property (16) Municipal Address of Property Mun. :', Map Sub. Par.. I : 10;\,* ~W.s\ '1""""-.... (17) Document Prepared by: Adelaide Street Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2W3 Sorbara, Schumacher, McCann LLP 300 Victoria Street North Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6R9 File: 52363 >- -' z Registration Fee w ~ Land Transfer Tax w Ü ¡¡: u. o ~ o Fees and Tax Total Document prepared using The Conveyancer Do Process Software Ltd. . (416) 322-6111 2- - ... ;..- "~ Ministry of Finance Motor Fuels and Tobacco Tax Branctl PO Box 625 33 King 81 West Refer to instructions on I9ve1S8 side. OshawaONL1H8H9 .. \"-l . In th"e MaUer of the Conveyance ofllnsert brief description of land) Part of Lot 13,"I<:aot Side of Adelaide Street, DeJlgnatedas Parts 6 on Reference Plan 3R-8084. Townplot ofPenetangore. Geographic Town of Kincardine. Mnnicipality óf Kincardine. County of Bruce @ Ontario r Property Identifier(s) NO·l land Transfer Tax Affidavit Land Transfer Tax Act BY (print namea of aU !tOnsFe,.".. In fuU) 1429912 Ontario J.imited TO (print names of all tnmsferees in full) The Corporation of the Munir:ipality of Kincardine I Ronald J. Nightingale have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to and Make Oath and Say that: 1. I am (place a clear marl< within the square opposffe the following paragraph(s) that describers) the capacity of the deponents): o (a) the transferee named In the above-descrlbed conveyance; IX! (b) the authorized agent or solicitor acUng in this transaction for the transferee(s); o (c) the President, VIce-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director or Manager authorized to act for (the transferee(s)); o (d) a transferee and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of (insert name of spouse or same-sex partner) who is my spouse or same-sex partner. o (e) the transferor or an officer authorized to act on behalf of the transferor company and 0 i am tendering this document for registration and o no tax Is payable on registration of this document. 2. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash . . . . . . $ (b) Mortgages (i) Assumed (principal and Interest) . . . . . $ (ii) Given back to vendor .. ...., . $ (c) Property transfe<rted in exchange (detail below In para. 5) . $ (d) Other consideration subject to tax (detail below) . . . . $ (e) Fair market value of the lands (see Instruction 2) . . . . $ (f) Value of lahel. building, fixtures and goodwill subject to Land Transfer Tax (Total of (a) to (e) . . . . . . , . (g) Value of all chattels· items of tangible personal property which are taxable under the provisions of the RetailSalès Tax Act ........... (h) Other consideration for transaction not included in (f) or (g) above (i) Total Conäldération ..... .......... Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil All blanks must be filled in. Insert "Nil" where applicable. .$ Nil $ Nil .$ .$ .$ Nil Nil Nil 3. To be completed where the value of the consideration for the conveyance exceeds $400,000.00. I have read and considered the definition of 'single family residence' set out in subsection 1(1) of the Act. The land conveyed In the above-described conveyance: o does not contain a single family residence or contains more than two single family residences; o contains at leâst one and not more than two single family residences; or o contains at least one and not more than two single family residences and the lands are used for other than just residential purposes. The transferee has accordillgly apportioned the value of consideration on the basis that the consideration for the single family residence is $ and the remainder of the lands are used for purposes. Note: Subsection 2(1)(b) Imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per cent upon the value of the consideration in excess of $400,000.00 where the conveyance contains at least one and not more than two single family residences and 2(2) allows an apportionment of the consideration where the lands are used for other than just residential purposes. 4. If consideration Is nominal. Is the land subject to any encumbrance? 0 Yes !XI No 5. Other remarks and explanations, If nacessary. Conveyance to Municipalitv of Kincardine for the purposes of road widenio2.52636.6 Sworn/affirmed before me in the Cltv of Kitchener Re1!ional Municlpalitv of Waterloo this g 1µ day of ing Affidavits, etc. A Commissio Property Information Record A. Describe nature of instrument: TransferlDeed I B. (I) Address of property being oonvejed (If available) Adelaide Street. Kincardine. Onto ~2.'Z. ~"30 k". ·'{U);~-¡..ment Rôirnõ.7Í1~"" -- . -~- - -. C. MalllnQ.. addi'8ss(es) for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed 1475 Concession 5. R.R. #5. KIncardine. Ontario N2Z 2X6 D. (i) Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed (If available) (Ii) Legal descripUon 01 property convejed: Same as in D(i) above. 0 Yes 0 No 0 Not known E. Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee" solicitor: Sorbara. Schumacher. McCann LLP 300 Victoria Street North, Kitchener, Ontario, N2H 6R9 School Support (Voluntary Election) (SH reverse for explanation) Yes No (8) Are all individual transferees Roman Catholic? 0 0 (b) If Yes, do all individual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters? D 0 (c) Do all individual transferees have French language Education Rights? 0 0 (d) If Yes. do all Individual transferees wish to support the French Language School Board (where established)? 0 0 Note: "" to (e) and (d) the land being translerTed wllI_ French Public School Board Election unless otherwise directed In (a) and (b). 0449K (2004-04)