HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 137 purchase playground e e e . 1HE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW NO. 2004 -137 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF P EQUIPMENT FOR MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (PARCS Ltd.) YGROUND ARKS WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 Section 11 (2) P ovides that lower- tier municipalities may pass by-laws within the sphere of jurisdiction of culture, parks, recreation and heritage; I AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 Sections 8 nd 9 (1) provides municipalities with powers of a natural person to enable them to gov m their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their ability to respond to mu icipal issues; AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it necessary to replace playground equipment in various parks within th municipality; AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it expedient to accept the tender for the supply and installation of play round equipment on a unit basis detailed on Estimates No. 04-1698, No. 04-1699, and No. 04-1700 attached to this by-law as Schedule "A" from PARCS Ltd. of Kitchener, ntario; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municip lity of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the tender of PARCS Ltd., for the supply and installat on of playground equipment on a unit basis, up to the allocated playground equi ment budget limit of $100,000, including taxes, be hereby accepted. 2. That the Mayor and CAO be hereby authorized to sign, on be alf of the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine any c ntracts and other documents required to authorize such purchases. 3. That the Recreational Services Committee is hereby authori ed to identify the location and type of equipment required by various park throughout the municipality. 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final pa sage. 5. This by-law may be cited as the "Playground Equipme t (2004) Tender Acceptance By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASS August, 2004. ~l~ Mayor ' I I I I I- I I I I I I I- I I I PARCS ESTIMATE NO. 04-1698 62 McBrine Place, Un~ 12 Kitchener, ON N2R 1H3 Date: Tel: 519-571-0003 Fax: 519-896-2085 Sales Rep: Adam Spry Munldpality r:I Kincardine Ship-to; TlVertpn Park-Munldpality of Kincardine 601 Durham Street 601 Durham Street DavIdson Centre Davidson Centre Kincardine, ON Kincardine, ON N2Z 1A1 N2Z 1Al Karen Kieffer Regarding: Supply &. Installation of Jambette Play 519-396-3491 Equipment (TIVERTON PARK) 1-519-396-4937 Desaipllon Part No. I'riœ Total Aluminium Posts Swing Set L-942D-A2CB . 1 EA $2,521.00 $2,521.00 Jambette 4 swIngs-8' Baby swing seat Jambette 5.{)42 2 EA $79.75 $159.50 Belt Swing Seat Jambette 5-2156 2 EA $40.60 $81.20 Subtotal $2,761.70 Seesaw 1 unit Jambette 2 seats L -9757 1 EA $437.00 $437.00 Snake Wan Jambette G-9807 1 EA $2,61*.00 $2,684.00 eve!'n Under Jambette ~9810 1 EA $1,007.00 $1,007.00 OScIllating Ant Jambette LA-9707-D 1 EA $1,463.00 $1,463.00 SUbtotal $5,591.00 Installation of an compents lAB-2 8 EA $136.00 $1,088.00 and preparation work Bobcat BCAT 1 EA $254.00 $254.00 Free Freight FREIGHT 0 $0.00 $0.00 Truck Çharge TRUCK 1 EA $00.00 $80.00 Rental Charge RENTAL 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 Delivery: SUbtotal $9.774.70 GST $684.23 NET 30 DAYS Total $10.458.93 HOURS WILL BE INVOICED. This Is~ It fL It to ~Law No :Joo4 ~ passed the J..L::.: day Of~1/~' /.7 J1 ~. Mayor V>iE ACCEPT VISA/MASTERCARD/ AMEX Page 1 of 1 I I; A ~. ~ ~ I i I ~. . I I I I I I . I I I I In-to: ttn: Phone: Fax: cert No. PARCS ESTIMATE NO. 04-1699 62 McBrIne PIaœ, Unit 12 Kitchener, ON N2R 1H3 Date: Tel: 519-571-DOO3 Fax: 519-896-2085 Sail!!; Rep' Adam Spry Municipality of Kincardine Ship-to: Tiny Tot-Munldpality of Kincardine 60 1 Durham Street 601 Durham Street Davidson Centre Davidson Centre Kincardine, ON Kincardine, ON N2Z 1A1 N2Z 1A1 Karen KIeffer Regarding: Supply & Installation of Jambette Play 519-396-~91 Equipment (TINY TOT LOCATION) 1-519-396-4937 DesaiptIon Part No. PrIce Total Play Structure (11/2- 5 y.o.) Site F-02453-LASÞ, EA $9,077.00 $9,077.00 Req: (30 x 24) Manic-6 It Surround Border C-0202 18 EA $68.00 $1,224.00 Jambette Anchoring Rods Jambette 5-2389 36 EA $7.00 $252.00 Playground Sand MISC 1 EA $467.00 $467.00 Subtotal $11,020.00 Swtng Set Jambette 6 SWing - 8' L-892D-A06B 1 EA $1,562.00 $1,562.00 Top Bar Baby swing seat Jambette 5-042 2 EA $79.75 $159.50 Belt Swing Seat Jambette 5-2156 4 EA $40.60 $162.40 Subtotal $1,883.90 Free Standing Spider Web Jambette G-9707 1 EA $1,705.00 $1,705.00 Dine-8ubble Jambette L -0115 1 EA $3,535.00 $3,535.00 Seesaw 2unìt Jambette 4 seats L-9701 1 EA $770.00 $770.00 Galvanized Steel SWing Set (2 L-892D-B02B 1 EA $832.00 $832.00 swlngs,10') Moulded rubber Seat- Jambette 5-047 2 EA $178.00 $356.00 Subtotal $7,198.00 Installation of Structure &. all LA8-2 8 EA $136.00 $1,088.00 components Miscellaneous Supplies MISC 1 EA $100.00 $100.00 FREE FREIGHT FREIGHT 0 $0.00 $0.00 Truck Charge TRUCK 1 EA $80.00 $80.00 Rental Charge RENTAL 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 WE ACCEPT VISA/MASTERCARD/ AMEX Page 1 of 2 L HOURS WILL BE INVOICED. . Bill-to: ( Attn: Phone: FaX: . Cert No. . . ".~ ,~. .. "~:-. PARCS ESTIMATE NO. 04-1699 62 McBrine Place, Un~ 12 Kitchener, ON N2R 1H3 Tel: 519-571-0003 Fax: 519-896-2Ò85 Date: Sales Rep: Adam Spry Ship-to: Tiny Tot-MunicÎpality r:I Kincardine 601 Durham Street Davidson Centre Kincardine, ON N2Z 1A1 Regarding: Supply &. Installation of Jambette Play Equipment (TINY TOT LOCATION) Munldpality of Kincardine 601 Durham Street DavIdson Centre Kincardine, ON N2Z 1A1 Karen KIeffer 519-396-~91 1-519-~937 Desalptian Price T~:~:;?::f;i'~' t~~~ . .,t}::~:~~~{~ $21.369.90· L':,<,"'", < ;:;~ Part No. Delivery: Subtotal GST NET 30 DAYS Total "·-{E</!.{ ".~ '_J 'This is Schedule" .f1.. " to ~~{~:~/~,::¡i; No - assed the.LL:::.. ~'. '. ':.:,~',:' of 2004. ::",,:ql~{::~¿ ,.,·-x··,-,,· Mayor WE ACCEI'f VISA/MASTERCARD! AMEX page 2 of 2 PARCS ESTIMATE NO. 04-1700 62 McBrine Place, Unit 12 l<Itct1ener, ON N2R 1H3 Date: Tel: 519-571-0003 Fax: 519-896-2085 . Sales Rep: Adam Spry Municipality of Kincardine Ship-to: Patterson Park-Municipality r:I Kincardine 601 Durham Street 601 Durham Street DavIdson Centre Davidson Centre Kincilrdlne, ON Kincardine, ON N2Z 1A1 N2Z 1Al Karen Kieffer Regarding: Supply &. Installation of Jambette Play 519-396-~1 Equipment (PATTERSON PARK) 1-519-396-4937 Description Part No. Price Total Aluminium Posts SWing Set L-942D-A2C8 , 1 EA $2,521.00 $2,521.00 Jambette 4 swings-8' Baby swing seat Jambette 5-Q42 2 EA $79.75 $159.50 Belt Swing Seat Jambette 5-2156 2 EA $40.60 $81.20 Subtotal $2,761.70 Play Stucture Jambette F-03008-LASA 1 EA $17,222.00 $17,222.00 Manic-6 II: Surround.Border C-()202 22 EA $68.00 $1,496.00 . Jambette (40 X 36) Manlc-2 II: Surround Border C-()203 6 EA $55.00 $330.00 Jambette Anchoring Rods Jambette 5-2389 50 EA $7.00 $350.00 Subtotal $19,398.00 Freight Charge (FREE) FREIGHT 0 $0.00 . $0.00 Truck Charg¡¡ iRUCK 1 EA $80.00 $80.00 Rental Charge RENTAL 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 Ex Delivery: Subtotal $22,239.70 FOB: GST $1,556.78 Te NET 30 DAYS Total $23,796.48 HOURS WILL BE INVOICED. . 'Ibis is Schedule" il. " to By'-Law No - assed the II&y of 2004. WE ACCEPT VlSNMASTERCARD/AMEX Page 1 of 1 - WSIB 7/7/04 9:37 PAGE 2/2 RightFax 1M,H1o.V~1H" ~, rt·I}-h .L<bunu,,, ~"",r 200 FRONT STREBT NEST ,~"o .,~.',,,,,,,, TORONTO ONTARIO t;:::;ì~n.~~~:d~~:~:r'" M5V 3J'/ (416) 344-1012 Clearance Certificate Certificat de décharge C CTOR L'EmREPRENEUR TI>ø WorkplaCfl Safety ond Insurance Boord (WSIBI h",eby waive. its rights under Section 141 of the Workplace Sat"ty ard Insurance A.ct to hold the Principal, that is in e conttoctuel egreement with the Contractor namect, liable for 8f1y Section 141 ßability of the Contnlc:tot far premiums and ¡..viDs of Ihe WSI8 awing now Or within BO deys fmm the elate of U1iS Cenifk:ate . P CSLTD , # 2-62 MCBRlNE PL K TCHENER N R lH3 ON Por Je présente. Ie Commiuion de Ie skurité profe...ionnel1e et "aUlll'"",,e conue I.... accidents du travail (CSPAAT) renonoe IIWI droits qui hli tIOnt eanNréa en vwtu de l'anicIe 141 de 'a LoI $III" la sécuritépralessionnel1e et l'assLr.lnce contra 10>$ accil\ents dU travail et qui l'autoIisent II tenir . I' entrepreneur principal, qui a signé une entente contractuefte avec 'entreprerlEU' dont Ie nom fis¡urewr Ie prÑent. eertlflCat, respon;able du paiement de fuut prime au de tOute .amme (jUO 'entrepreneur O&t "'nu do vcr_ 11 kI CSPMT immédlatement OI dana lea 60 loun; suivant I.. date ind1quée sur ee certiflca;. IS CERTIFICATE IS VALID FOR ALL CONTRACTS OF . NAMED CONTRACTOR DURING THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD PRESENT CERTIFICAT EST VALIDE POUR DIT ENTREPRENEUR PENDANT LA PERI ODE TOUS LESCONT~TS PASSES PAR D' WJ,¡;¡:S;;~TJ~~ç¡¡;¡WSl8. No. ~""".,. _..... d'"" -' _" de 10 C&"AAT. Ral.e I Taus ø.r.cription Am I TIUX De3cription No.1 rr Pc uumpte Finn No. I N" d'rinlnl(lÔ£. 9088490 657112 ; \ 21. 7000 FENCING AND DECK I 4499001. OTHER SERVICES/CON . Cgh~r.r:t CIlc;f1 )~lon IOe.¡Mpl/qn du C'onfre' Certificate No. 'M' th CMtifir.¡at 201905263 1.51.98%2085 C: ntAt.t th. WSID It you Q\le~nlon ,he vo!!dl.W ot tnl, document.. M CDmlTumlquer S'fec Ie CSPAA T lJJo VDU:¡ doutFa df! /ü .,iJfKlil& ./ , PfI!SCf!( (fOCun1P.f}t. In· j JAU ....-- ~05/1l/0. 09:3U FAA. oÙ.en SIT ¡'t ¡;¡ orth n. Box 267 ¡þhener, 0 !k6N2 t.1'<.~ ð; .t.Kt) l.J'f.:JL1t\^!'i\...J:. ~VV... - ~ ~, ~ ~ - + . - ERß,rt11.J ERB~, " . Telephone: (5·(9) 579-4270 Convenience: 1-800-265-2634 24 Hr. Claims: 1-888-879-7019 Facsimile: (519) 741·1977 Email: insLlt"e@erb-erb.com Web: www.erb-erb.com. INSURANce; BROKERS LTD.· I . Sin" 1919 ¡ EL IOTTSPECIAL'RISKS LTD, '130 ADELAIDE ST., WEST, !>UITE 810 TO ONTO, ON M5H 3P5 (Ph ne &J0·223·B85B I Fax416-6DI'II50) ~ ERB AND ERB INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 30 QUEEN ST N. P.O. BOX 2670 KITCHENER, ON N2H 61'12 (Phone 519 579-4270 I Fax 519 741-6702) CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 1 thaI pol;' of Insunlr>oe as herein c .-scnbed have be"" i05ued 10 the Insured named be cw and a~ in !orca at Ihis dale. I Nameof sured: PARCS LTD. Addre,s Insured 62 MCBRINE PLACE;',! 11.12, KlTCHENER, ON N2R 1H3 ELLIOTT SPECIAL RISKS LTD ON BEHALF OF SUBSCRIBING INSURERS 19ø.nadial1 Uability tnsl.U"e~) . Commerc::ialG~neral LlabiJity . 1Insu~r: I I AVNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA- Automobile Liability. L..ocat.ion nd Operations to which this Certificate appllas: All operations of the In~ured:5ales, Installation, Relroñtling, Repairs &. Inspection of Playground Equipment F POLICY. POLICY. NUMBER 893250 EXPIRY DATE MAY 11, 2005 LIMITS OF UABILITY . $5,000,000. INCLtJSIVE UMIT (BODII. Y INJURY AND PROPERïY DAMAGE COMBINED) II: 31,000 S.l &. P~. NON WNED AUTOMOBILE 893250 MAY 11, 2005 $5,000,000, LIMIT OWN D AUTOMOBILE - OAP#1 6741~01301 UABi lY,ACé1DENT BENEFITS, UNINSURED AUT DIRECT COMPENSATION, PROPERlY D E -INCL E44 (~LE;r - ALL OWNED I LEAS VEHICLES) NOVEMBER 2, 2004 $2,000,000 INCLUSIVE UMIT $500 OED - Collision $300 OED - Comprehensive ADDIT! NAL INSURED: Only wllh respeollo l/1e above and arising out oithe Named Insured's Operõ1!ons is the following name added 10 the policy as an AddWo allnsured. The policy Amlts afa oct in:::p..asecJ by the addition oj such AddltiOfìa! Ins\J(2d beYOl1d thOS'3 stated in \hís memorandum .: The In urance a.fforded is SiubJect to th9 tSITiIS, .condWons- and exclusions o.f the appl1cabia policy. This œrti:k.ate is issued 2$ a matter of tnronnaUon only êlnd fers. I"ID ñghts on the holder and imposQs no lI:.bDlty on the Inøurer.. The Insurer will endeavour to mail lo '.he h<:»øef of this certifi~te THIRTY (30) áays 'tten notice of any materíal change in or cancellation of lhes! po1ides, but assu~es nD. responslbntty for failure lo do so. p Dale: '1 Miiy 200~ ',__., )"7:-.: ,/rci~;' ¡ï' tr; õ.·;¡;¡,r¡t the most ... VtE pROTECT THE BESTJ@ , , .......¡."""'n>~ L·........04.