HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 059 land sale tomajko e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINctINE KBT BY-LAW NO. 2003 - 59 A BY -LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE F LAND TO JACQUELINE TOMAJKO I WHEREAS Section 268 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. tW01, c. 25, as amended, provides for procedures for the sale of lands declared surplus by municipalities; ! AND WHEREAS Jacqueline Tomajko wishes to purchase fro the Municipality of Kincardine those lands described as Part 1 Plan 3R-3601, P rt Block C, Plan 790, former Township of Bruce and located on the north side of oncession 8, in the Municipality of Kincardine (former Township of Bruce) in the County of Bruce being more particularly described on the Agreement of Pu hase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule "A"; I NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of thd Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: I 1. That the Mayor and C.A.O. be authorized to execute su documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardi e, as they may deem advisable to convey the lands described on Sche ule "A" attached hereto, to Jacqueline Tomajko. ! 2. The sale price for the said lands shall be forty t~ousand dollars ($40,000.00). I 3. This transaction is subject to the conditions outlined in t e Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule" "; and, that fifty per cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Kincardine Economic Development Fund; and fifty per nt (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Municipal of Kincardine Capital Reserve Fund. I 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its firft' passage. I 5. This By-law may be cited as the "Part Block C, Plan 790 (Tomajko) Land Sale By-law". I I READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and passed this ~th day of May, 2003. I 1M ~ ~. ,~pr 24 03 01:19p Wac. , " / 04¥Z4/03 THU 1~:5ø FAI 5193Y69010 .. Associate lIE... (9051 281-0141 IlIDDZ / V AGIIEEMENT OF pURCHASI AND SALE (FOtI1ISI1II- _00 ONIAIIO IS ~ r.¥P¡"~~'."''>'I.'t:'o;:~'. ~...........;r......,. '. . . . . ,.._.-...¡,.~......' MunIcIpoIiIy '" Klnoonl;... . - . . -i-I...........~,.Mo..t. . ·~~.~..l~v~.'i-....'1'"... ..... '" ......,......,.., _. 8l~. ~._ '-0If CGo. . . n~~. ..1.~ ........-..... . . r~ 01....... inlh!'_ . ..........0.,....,... . . ~~ . . . _................. . _ . .~_ .. " _................,.~.. p~ ~ -kick C. -. ... ....... T........... of....... ~1.PoIIty of IQnconIIne, countY. 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Con....ion Road 118. . ill..... .,'. .- .. ..... - -................ .---....... ondhcrtint!afrontoglof. . _ _ _ . . ~~.". . . . . _ ..-._.....,o....of. . 240" _ _ lTIOrtIor....at..U.ga.ydescrMdCII . ; . Part of Block C, Plan. 790fo.....,. Township ofB......, MunlcJpaUty of Kincardl.no, County of Bruce. . I I I I Thla ~r Is condlUonal for FOURTEEN (14) days from acceptance upon CClUncU of tho Municipality of Klncardlno appro of this Agroomen~ failing which this offer &hall become null and void and tho Buyers' deposit shall be return to thom In full without Interest or ponslty. This condition Is Included for tho benoflt of tho Sollor snd may be wal d by thom at tholr solo option within tho time period all_. This ~iS conditional for a period of (Fourteen) 14 days from the date of acœptanœ of Ibis OtTer upon the Buyer, at . s own expense, arranging suitable financing, failing which Ibis OtTer shall become null and void and the B deposit shall be returned in full without interest or penalty. This condition is included ror the benefit of the B and may be waived by him by notice in writing 10 the Seller wilbin the time period stated herein. I ~~ r ft ,L~ ~ ('I " C,..! \--,LA" C,-..,/,-9N,N'll.- ~,-II .,~ -S-J3.Jee--r- 'lH,,?~I1T'1 t../I 1"'" µ..12 ð,.J- ð~ ~cL\\- Apr, 24 03 01:19p O~'t4;03 THU It:51 I~AX ß19¡9S901U ""'"",1--- \dace .. Associ'ate UDAl 19051 281-0144 li!)oOI p.4 CON"lIMAno~"'~ATIOH œ .~.'t~ ·~öf~... . ....-... . -.~~~s;·..c,:· ,~.... ~. .j'M::::::-=_"::""':~':"""""~~:~~=I~~-::~~C=-";':~:""~';' i ~!h.braan....tol:O-~,""""""''''' eI.........'-'-....~_...N....... ! III) 181 n.Lillïne.........-þ.....aI...SoI.Ìft....~.....~~..............,.._ I.. 0 I ~ dl ., . 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