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NO. 2003 - 49
WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municipaity of Kincardine
deems it advisable to enter into a lease agreement wit~ Merlin General
Corporation and Vestas-Canadian Wind Technology, Inc. and ir consideration of
the rents, covenants and obligations stipulated therein; I
NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of th~ Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows:
1. That The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine nter into a lease
agreement with Merlin General Corporation and Vest s-Canadian Wind
Technology, Inc. and, for the rental of commercial 0 Ice space at the
Municipal Administration Centre, 1475 Concession ,Municipality of
Kincardine in consideration of rents, covenants and obli ations;
That the Mayor and CAO be authorized to sign, f behalf of The
Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, the Leas Agreement with
Merlin General Corporation (attached Schedule "A") and Vestas-Canadian
Wind Technology Inc. (attached Schedule "B");
That this By-law shall come into full force and eff~ct upon its final
passage. I
4. That this By-law may be cited as the "Municipal Adrrjinistrative Centre,
Lease Agreement, By-law 2003". I
this 2nd day of April, 2003.
, !
THIS LEASE made as of '¡Iels/; day of April, 2 03
(hereinnCler called ¡he "Londlorll")
(hereinafler called Ihe "Tenant")
In consideration oflherenls. covenants ami obligations s[ipulated herein Ih Landlord and Ihe Tenant
have agreed 10 enter into ¡ Lease of Ihe Premises being Ihal pan or Ihe uilding (¡he "Building")
shown outlined in red on Ihe sketch annexed herelO as Schedule "A" wh ch building is )oca!ed on
the lands and premises (the "Rea,1 Property~) being parts of LOIs 2.9 nd 30, Concession "A",
Township of Kincardine (now Municipality of KinC1lrdine). COlloly of fUce. designaled as Pans
1 and 2 on Reference Plan JR·5856.
(a) The Landlord leases the Premises 10 [he TeHan!;
(i) allhe Renl set forth in Seclion 2;
(ii) for Ihe Tem1 se! forlh in Scction J; ¡¡nd
{jii} subjecllo lbe conditions and in accordance wilh (he covenants. obligalions
and agreements herein.
(b) The Landlord covenanlS Ihal he has Ihe right to granl II e leasehold inlerest in Ihe
Premises free from encumbrances e¡¡CE;pl as disdosed on lille,
(0) Rent means {he amoun!s raYilbl~ by ¡he Temull 10 Ih Landlord pursual\t ¡o this
Seclion, al\d includes adtlilìonal renl.
(b) The Tenanl covenanls to pay 10 Ihe Lal\dlord, during {h Term of Ihis Lease Rent in
{hc amount of TWELVE THOUSAND. SIX HUNDPJID TWENTI L"Lt.RS (12,620.00)
payable in equal mOnll11Y ¡nstalmenls of ONE T USAND FIFTY-ONE
67/100 DOLLARS ($1,051.67) 'eae! ÎI: advance on ÏÎlflstday of
each and every n'lorllh,lhe firsl paymen! ío1Th made on {he 1st day of April nnd the last
such paymcnllO be made on Ihe 31stday of March, 2004. 2003
(c) The T~mll\l furthcr covenants lO pay {o (he Landlord G Ton Il1c Rent. The amounl
of GST shall be calculatcd in accordance wilh ¡he ;\rplicable Ie islulion and shall be paid al
Ihe same lime as Ihe renllO which Ihe GST applies is rayahl to (he Landlord under Ihis
Lease, The Landlord shaH have Ihe same righls and remedies n oon-paymenl of GST as il
has fonent ín arrears under Ihis L.case.
. .'
(d) The Tenant further covenants to pn~ aU oil '
by ir and agrees Ihat all amounls Pavable b,v [11e T 1f~r sums)requ/fC by {his Lease 10 be paid
~ ~ "nJlnl 10 Ie Lan lord h
purs~ant (0 the provisions of this Lease shall be deemed to be ad ï o~ {o anr. 01 e~ ~arty
Rent) whether or not specifically desígnale.d,as such in this Lea Ilona rent Aúthuonal
(eJ AI! paymenls to be made by Ihe Tcnanl pursunnl 10 Ihis
(he Landlord at the Landlord's address for scrvicc SC( out in Sectio
as Ihe Landlord may from lime to IÍlne direct in wriling.
a5c shaH be deJìvcred to
26 or to such other place.
~)' The Tenan( agrees (0 pay in "dvancc 10 the Landlord nc I H! commencement of Ihe
erll1lhe first and laslmonlhs' Renl payable under Scction 2(b) f (his Lease,
(g) All Rent in ¡I~rears and al! sums paid by Ihe t..,núlord for expenses incurred which
should havc been ~¡¡¡d by !he Tenanl shall bear interesl from Ihc ate paymenl was due b~
made, or expense Incurred al a rate per annum equal to {he prim commercial lending ;ale'
of (he Landlord's bank plus Iwo (2) per cen!.
(hJ . The -r:eOlI~l'acknowledges and agrec.s thai the payments 0 Rent and Addj¡ional Renl
provIded for In Ihls Lease shaU be made )VilhoUl llOY deduClion or any reason whatsoever
unless expressly ¡¡lIowed by the lerms of this Lease or agreed 10 y Ihe Landlord in writing;
and· ::
(i) no partial payment by Ihe Tenant which is accepl d by Ihe Landlord shall be
considered as olher Ihan a parlial payment on account 0 Rent owing and shall not
prejudice he Landlord's righllO recover any Renl owin .
(a) The Tenant shall have possessi6A,oF Ihe Premises fa
commencing on Ihe 1st day of April, anå ending on Ihe 3
"Term"), 2003
a period of one (J) year.
st day of March, : (the
(b) Subjecllo the L;¡ndlord's riShls under this Lease. and as long as Ihe Lease is in good
standing Ihe Landlord covcnanlS thaI the Tenanls shall have qui t enjoymenl oflhe Premises
during Ihe Term of Ihis Lease wilhoutãiiÿinlerruption or distu bance from the L;mdlord or
IIny orher person or persons lawFully claiming through Ihe La dlord.
(c) If (he Tenant fails 10 lake possession of lhe Premises r to open for business on or
before the date specified {or commencement of the Term of Ih s Lease, the Landlord shall,
in addiion 10 any other remedies. have the right 10 {erminatc his Lease upon twenty-four
(24) hours wrillen notice to Ihe Tenanl, and 10 recover from Ih Tenanl the cost of all work
dOlle by Ihe l;-andlord Oil behalf of Ihe Tenant.
(a) The Tenant, together with and in common wilh all 01 ers enlilles Ihereto and their
respective officers. agenls. se(Vants, employees, contractors, cu tamers, inv itees or licensees,
shall be enlillcd to he use and benefit of Ihe Common Fa ìlÎlies, The Tenant shall nOI
unreasonably block or in any manner hinder Ihe Landlord other persons who may be
aulhorized by the Landlord 10 ulili7.C Ihe Common Facililies rom so doing. The Landlord
may, in his discretion from time 10 time permi certain pcrsol 10 have Ihe exclusive use of
porlions of Ihe Common Facililies to the exclusion of the Tc ~nl and Olher persons,
(b) As pllfl of Ihis Lt!ase; the Landlord shall supply at h s expense Ihe ulililies for the
Premises being eleclricity, waler, heal and air-conditioning 1111.1 shall furlher be responsible
for the elevalor, exisling seClIril)' sySlemrsnow ploughing lawn mainlcnllncc, custodial
services 10 Ihe Building :!nd garbage col(ec(Ìon ,111<1 rcmo,,¡¡1
. .
(c~ .. For the 'purpose~ of this ~ease, "Common Facilities" means I( common areas and
uuhucs from (Ime 10 (Ime furnIshed or designa/ed (and which m be changed} b a
Land!ord ,{or Ihe lI~e ~n common, in such manner as the Landlord m y perm;!, of (ena~s ~~
premises IR Ihe Buddmg and all others .enlilled 10 access and their res eelÏ vc officers, agems,
~er~an~s. empl?yees, conlractors. Cuslomers, invitees or license , including, without
IIIUllallon. parkmg ar~as: access roads, driveways. Cnlrances and e its. sidewalks, ramps,
landscaped areas, bUlfdmg c¡1Iranccs, lQQ2¡es, slajrwa)'s, e1eval rs, passageway!; and
(a) The Tenant shall not assign IhisLeaseorsublellhe whole or ny parLoflhePremlse~'
unless he firsl oblains ¡he consent of the Landlord in wriling, \ hieh consent shall not
unreasonably be withheld;
(i) and the Tenant hereby waives his right to the benefi
Acl o{ Ihe Legislature of Ontario which would allow the Te
or sublet the Premises wilhout the Landlord's consenl.
of any present or fUlure
ant to assign thi!; Lease
(1)) The consent of the Landlortl 10 allY assignment or subleui R shall not opera¡e as a
waiver of Ihe Jlccessily for ConsenllO aR)'-5ubscqucnl assignment r subletting,
(c) Any consent gran led by the Landlord shall be condi!i nal upon the assignee.
sublessee or occupant executing a written agreement directly will Ihe Lnndlord agreeing 10
be bound by all the lerms of Ihis Lease as if the assignee, s 1essee or occupanl had
originally eXeculed this Lease as Tenanl,
Cd) Any consenl given by Ihe LandlortllO any assil!.nment r olher disposition of the
Tenalll'S inleresl in this Lease or in Ihe Premises shall nor re ieve ¡he Tenant from his
obligalions under this Lease, including the obligation to pay R I and Additional Rent as
provided for herein,
{e} If the party originally enlering ;nlo Ihis Lease as
subsequently becomes Ihe Tenant by way of assignnu:nt or suble
for in this Lease, is a corporation Ihen;
nnnl, or any parly who
e orolhenvisc as provided
(j) the Tenant shåll not be enlilled 10 deal wilt¡ ils au horized or issued capilaf Dr
thaI of an aftïlialcd company in any way that resulls i 1 a change in the effective
vOling conlrol of tbe Tena)1 unless Ihe Landlord firs consenls in wrÌling to the
propo,sed change;
{iiJ if any change is made in Ihe colllrol of Ihc TCI ant corpora (ion without the
written consent of the Landlord then Ihe Landlord !;hall e entitled to treat ¡he Tenanr
as being in default and to exe.rcise the remedies slipula d io paragraph 11 (b} of this
Lease and any other remedies aVailable in law;
(ìji} Ihe Tenant agrees 10 l:UiJ>e available [0 ¡he Landlord or his DUlhori'Led
representa¡ives the corpora Ie books and records of he Tenant (or inspeclion at
reasonable times,
(n) During the Term of Ihe Lease the Premises shall not e used for any purpose olher
than commercia! office purposes.
(b) The Tenanl shall only make such reasonable use f lhe ulililies supplied to the
Premises as would ¡ reasonable tenam using ¡he Premises ~ r commercial office purposes.
(c) The Tenanl shaH not do or perll!f!..!o be done allhe remises anything which may;
. (i)
conslilute ¡¡ nuisance;
cause damage 10 the Premises'
cause injury Or annoyance 10 oCcUpanls of neighbouri S premises;
make void or voidable any insurance upon Ihe Premìs s;
(v) . . constilute a breach of any by-law, statute, order
mUlllclpal, provincial or othercompelen aulhorily rclaljng I
r re.guJatjon of any
the Premises.
(a) The Tena~l covenanls Ihat during Ihe term of Ihis Lease and a Y renewallhereof the
Tenant shaU keep In good condition (he Pr~nises including all sHerali ns and additions made
Ihereto, and shall, wilh or without no [ice, promplly make all needtad r airs and all necessary
replacements as would ¡¡ pruden I owner.
~ ' .
(i) bUllhe Tenant shaU nol be liablc 10 crrect rcpairs at{ ibuLablc 10 re¡¡sonable
wear and (ear, or 10 damage caused by fire, ¡ighlning or slo ¡.
{b} The Tenanl shall permit Ihe Landlord or a person aulhorized y (he Landlord to enter
the Premises la e¡¡¡¡mine Ihe condilion thereof and view the slale f repair a¡ reasonable
(i) and ifuponslIch e>r.alTlinalion repairs are found to be n cessary, wriUen no1Ìce
of ¡he repairs required shall be given 10 ¡he Tensnl by or on behalf or lhe Landlord
and ¡he Tenanl shall make Ihe necessary repairs wilhin lh lÍme specified in ¡he
(ii) ani! ir Ihe Tenanl refuses or neglccls 10 l:ceplhe Pre ises in good repair loe
Landlord may, bul shõlll nOl be obliged 10, m¡¡ke any necess ry repairs, and sh¡¡JI bc
permit/cd 10 enter Ihe Premises, by himself or his servanls 0 agenls, for the purpose
of effecting the repairs Wilhoul being liable 10 Ihe Tenan( or any loss, damage or
inconvenience 10 he Tcnanl in connection wilh Ihc Lilodl rd's entry and repairs.
(A) and if ¡he Landlord makes repairs the Ten nL shall pay thc COSI of
¡hcm immedialety as Adúiliona! Rem.
(c) Upon 'I he expiry of the Term or olher delerminalion of Ihis Lease ¡he Ténant agrees
peaceably Co surrender (lte Premises, inclu.rJing any alterations or a dilions made Iherelo, (0
Ihe Landlord in a stale of good repair, reasonable wear and [car and :Image by fire, Jighlning
and slorm only excepled.
(d) The Tenant shall immediately giv.e wrillen nOlice 10 lhe L' ndlord of any subSLan\i¡¡1
damage thaI occurs 10 Ihe Premises from any calise.
(a) If Ihe Tenanl, during the Term of this Lease or any renewa of iI, desires (0 make any
alterations or addilions to the Premises. including but nol limÌl d (0: erecling par¡iliolls,
allaching equipmenl, and inslalling necess~ry furnishings or a ilianal equipment of Ihe
Tenant's business, Ihe Tenant may do so a( his own expense, at oy lime and from lime 10
lime, if Ihc following condilions nre mel:
(j) before und~¡aking any alleralion or addÌlìon Ihe enanl shaH submit 10 Ihe
Landlord a plan showing ¡he proposed alterations or add lions and (he Tenanl shall
, ,
.. ~
nOI proceed to make any alleration or addi¡ion unless Ihe La
plan. and 1l1e Landlord shall nol unreasonably or arbitrarily
lord has approved the
ilhhoJd his approval;
(AI and ilems included jn Ihc pl:'11 which arc reg rded bu Ihe Te t
"or d F' " I J nan as
r¡¡ c 'xturcs s lall be designaled as slIch On lhe Ian;
(ii) 'al1r and all al./eralions or addilions to (he Premises m de by lI~e Tenant must
~omp~y wHh all Bp~hcable building code slandanJs and by-I ws of Ihe munic; alit
III which Ihe Prcnuses are located. p Y
(b) The Tenant shall be responsible-Far-and pay ¡he cost of an
ins(all~liol1s or improvements Ihal any governing BUlhorily, m
olherwIse. may require 10 be made in. on or (0 the Premises.
alleralions, addilions,
nicipal. provincial 9!!,
(c) No sign. adverlisen1enl or nOlice sh~1I be inscribed, pain led r affixed by [he Tenant,
or any other person on Ihe Tenane's behalf, on any parI of Ihe nside or outside of Ihe
building in which Ihe Premises are localed unless Ihe sign, adverlis menl or nOlìce has òeen
approved in ev~ry respect by the Landlord.
(d) All alleralions and addilions to the Premises made by or n behalf of the TenanL,
olher Ihan the Tenant's Trade Fixtures. shall immediately bee me the property of the
Landlord without compensation to Ihe Tenant,
{e} The Tenanl agrees, at his own cxpense Md by wllatever eans may be necessary.
immediately to obtain the release or discharge of any encumbran e Ihal may be regislered
against Ihe Landlord's properly in conneclion with any addili ns or allerations 10 the
Premises made by Ihe Tenant or in conneclion with any other act vily of the TenaOl.
(f) If the Tenant has complied wilh his obli¡;atíons accordin lo the provisions of (his
Lease, the Tenant may remove his Trade Fixlures <lIthe eod of Ihe erm or other termination
of this Lease and lhe Tenant covenants Ihat he will make goo and repair or rephice as
necessary any damage caused 10 ¡he Premises by ¡he rcmoval of Ih Tenanl'S Trade Fixtures.
(g) . Olher Ihan as provided in paragraph 8(f) above, the Tcnan shall nOl, during the lerm
of Ihis Lease or any lime (hereafler remove from ¡he Premises a y Trade FiAlures or other
goods and chaltcls of Ihe Tenant cAcepl in ¡he following circum lances:
the removal is in the ordinary course of business
(jj) Ihe Trade Fixture has become unnecesSary for I Ie Tenant's business or is
being;replaced by a new or similar Trade Fixture; or
(iin Ihe Landlord has consenled in wriling 10 the ren oval;
but in any case Ihe Tenanl shall make good any dama¡;e Cau ed to ¡he Premises by (he
inslallation or removal of any Trade Fixlures. equipment, par lions, furnishings and an)'
olher objects whalsoever brought onto Ihe Premises by Ihe Te nt.
(h) The Tenant shall, at his own expense, jr requeslcd by I e Landlord, remove an)' or
all additions or improvements made by ¡he Tennnl \0 the Premis s during the Term and shall
repair all damage cnused by the inslalti!!!.2n or Ihe removal or 0111,
(j) The Tenant shall not bring on 10 the Premises or a y pan of Ihe Premises any
machinery, equipment or Bny olher ¡hing (hal ,,}ighl, in Ihe pinion of the Landlord, by
reason of ¡IS weigh(, size or use, damage the Premises orovcrJ d Ihe floors of the Premises;
(j) and if lhe Premises arc damaged or over/oade Ihe Tenant shall reslore the
Premises in1medialcly or pay 10 he Landlord Ihe COSI f resloring the Premises.
(a) The Tenant covenants 10 keep the Landlord indcmnified gaíns! all claims and
d~~ands Whalsoever ~y any person, whether in respecl of damag 10 person or properly,
ansmg .OUI of or .0ccaslOned by the mainlenance, use or occupane of Ihe Premises or the
~ubletll~lg or asslgoment of same. or any part ¡hereof. And 'he Ten' nt further covenants 10
Ind.e~mfy Ihe Landlord wilh res~~c~ 10 any encumbrance 011 or dan ge (0 Ihc Premises, [he
BUII~ßg ,and (he Comm~n Faclllhes occasioned by or arising f m the act, de:fauh, or
~eg.hgencc ~f Ihe Tenanl, lIS officers, agems, servanlS, employees, eonlraclors, CUSlOmers,
Il1Vltees or licensees:
(i) and ,he Tenant agrees (lml ¡hc forcgoing indc nily shall survive ¡he
termina/ion of this Lease. nolwithslamJing any provisio s of Ihis Lease 10 ¡he
(bl :hC Ten3~1 sha~ carry insurancc'in his own namc 10 provi e coverage wilh respecl
10 II~e risk of busmess 1I11errLJplion 10 an ex¡ent sufficient 10 allo\ the Tenant fO meet his
ongoing obligalions 10 the Landlord and 10 prolect ¡he Tcnant aga ns! ioss of revenues.
(c) The Te~ani shall carry insurance in his own name insuring gainstlhe risk of damage
10 the Tenant's property wichin the premises caused by fire or 0 ler perils and the policy
shall provide for coverage on a replacement CoSI basis to prolect th Tenant's stock-in-trade,
equipment, Tradc Fixtures, decorations ai'iõìmprovemen(s.
(d) The Tenanu;lullt, d\lrin& the tern, oflhis leasc, provide, all is own expense, and keep
in full force and effect, in the names of [he Landlord and th Tenanl, public liability
insurance applying 10 aU operations of ¡he Tenant and which 51 aU include bodily injury
liability and tenants' legal liabilily wilh respecI 10 Ihc occupa cy by the Tenant of the
Premises. Such poUciesshall be wriuen on a comprchensÌ\'e basis ith limils of not less t1\an
ONE MILLION ,DOLLARS per occurrence and wilh a cross \ia llil)' clause. All policies of
insurance required 10 be maintained" under ¡his provision sh It be wilh a company or
companies licensed 10 do business wilhin thc Province of On ario and approved by Ihe
Landlord. The Tcnant shall furnish Ihe Landlord with certif cates or olher acceptable
evidence of all such insurance promptly upon request.
(a) 1£ Ihe Premises or the building in which ¡he Prcmiscs re located, are damagcd or
destroyed. in. whole or in pari, by fire. or olllcr pcril, then '¡he following provisions shall
apply; ,
0) jf ¡he damage or deslruclion renders the l'remi es unfit for occupancy and
impossible to repair or rebuild using rcasonab!ediligenc within 120 clear da,\'s from
the happening of such damage.l1LdeSlruclion. then th Term hereby granted shall
cease from the date the damage or destruction occ rred, and Ihe Tcnant shall
immediatcly surrender Ihe remainder of the Term nd give possession of [he
Premises 10 the Landlord, and Ihe Renl from (he lime f the surrender shall abafe;
Oi) If Ihc l'remises con, wilh reasonable dìligem:e bc repaired and rendered fil
for occupancy wilhin 120 days fton' the h;¡ppening of I c. damage ordeslruclion, but
Ihe damaj!.c renders ¡he Premises wholly unfit for oc paney, then the rent hereby
rcserved shall not accrue af!er the day thaI such da age occurred, or while the
process of repair is going on, and the I",ndloró shal rcpair the Premises with all
reasonable speed, and the Tcnan's obligalion 10 pa}' cnt shall resume immedialely
after 'he necessary repairs have been completed;
(iìi) if lite leased Premises can be relli/ired within 20 da}'s as aforesaid, ulIllhe
damage. is such thál thelease.d Premises ¡lfccapable of eing parlía11y used, then unlil
, -,
I' -.'
such damage has been repaired, (heXenanl shaU conlinue in pc session and the Renl
shall abale proportionately.
(b} .Any ques[Îon as 10 (he degree of dam~gc or destruclion or [he F rìod of lime required
10 repaIr or rebuild shall be determined by an archilect rClained by (1 e Landlord.
(c) There shall be no abalement from or reduclion of Ihe Renl pay ble by the Tenant, nor
sballlhe Tenanl be enlilled 10 claim againsl the Landlord for any dama .es, general or special,
caused by fire, water, sprinkler syslcms, parlial or lemporary failure r sloppae,e of services
or ulilities which the Landlord is obliged to provide according 10 Ihis Lease, from any cause
~, '.
(¡¡) An Act of Default has occurred when:
(j) Ihe"Tenanl has failed 10 pay Renl for a period 0 15 conseculive days,
regardless of whether demand for payment has been made r 1101;
(ii} , Ihe Tenanl has breached his covenanls or failcd to ,perform any of his
" obligations under this Lease; and'· . . ,
(AI Ihe'Landlord has given nOlice specifying (hE nature of the default and
Ihe sleps required (0 correCl il; and
(B) the Tenanl has failed 10 correcllhc defaull s required by Ihe nOlice;
(m) the Tenanl has;
(A) become bankl'\lpt or insolvcnl or nladc an ssignmenc for the benefic
of Credicors;
(B) had its property seized or ¡¡\lached in silli faclion of a judgment;
(C) had a receiver appointed;
(D) comn1ilted any act or ncglecled to do an lhing w~lh Ihe result ¡hat, a
Construction Lien or olher eocumbrance is regis ered agamsllhe Landlord s
'(E) withoul the consent of (he Lnndlord, made or entered inl? an
agreemenl to make a sale of its <IsseiS 10 which he B~dk So/csA,ct applies;
(P) takenacti~n, if the Tenanl is a corporalio n, wilh a view 10 winding up.
dissolution or liquidation;
(iv) any insurance policy is cancelled or not rene /fed by rea~on o,f Ihe use or
occupalion of the Premises, or by reason of non-payn ent of premIUms,
the Premises;
(A) become vacanl o( remain unoccllpiE ~ for a period of thirty (30)
consecutive days; or
(B) ace nol open for business on more II 0 Ihirty (30) busi~ess da~s in
any Iwelve (12) mont~riod or on any tw Ive (12) consecullve busJ)ess
. .
". ~
(C) ~re used .by a~y other pe:son or persons, or fo anJ' othe; purpose ¡han
as provIded for In this Lease wlIhoul the written co sent of ¡he Landlord.
When an ACI of Defaull on the part ¿r the Tenanl has occu red:
(i) Ihc curren I month's renl logether wilh ¡he nc}([ I
become due and payable immediately; or
(ii) the landlord shall have the 'right 10 lerminate Ihis
Premises and deal wilh them as he may choose.
(c) . If, b.ecaus~ an ACI of Default has occurred, l̡C Landlo d exercises his right 10
termlOale 11115 Lease and re-enter Ihe Premises prior 10 Ihe cnd of tl e Term, Ihe Tenant shall
nevertheless ~e liable for payment of Rent and aU olher amounls ayable by Ihe Tenant i~¡;
accord?nce with Ihe provisions nf this Lease unlil the Landlord as re-Iet the Premises or
otherwise dealt with the Premises in such manner Ihallhe cess lion of payments by Ihe
Tenanl will not resull in (oss 10 Ihe Landlord;
ree months' reO[ shall
ease and [0 re-enler Ihe
(i) and IheTenantagrces (0 be liable to (he Landlord ul1li1 ¡he end of Ihe Term
.' of this'Lease for payment of any difference between II: amount of Renl hereby
agreed (0 be paid for the Term hereby granted and the Re I anÿ oew lenanl pays to
lhe Landlord.
(d) The Tenant covenants Ihal nOlwilhslanding an)' pres nt or fulure Act of lhe
Legísl¡lIure of the Province of Onlarìo, (he person;¡1 properly of Ie Tenant during he l~rm
of Ihis Lease shall not be CKempt from levy by dislress Cor Rcnl n arrears;
(i) .and the Tenant acknowledges that il is upon the xpress uoderslanding Ihal
Ihcre should be no such exemption lhat (his Lease i~ enl red into, and by cKecuting
[his Leasc:
(A) lheTenanl waive:; Ihe beneril or any such egislative provisions which
might oLherwise be available to Ihe Tenanl in Ih absence of Ihis agreemenl;
(ß) [he Tenan! agrees.tIli!Ilhc Landlord m plcad [his covenanl as an
es[oppel against rhe Tenant if an ¡¡clion is brougltlo {est (he Landlord's righl
(0 levy dislress againsl ¡he Ten¡¡nl's properly.
(e) If, when an acl of Defaull has occurred. Ihe Landlord hooses not (0 terminate Ihe
Lease and re-enler (he l'remises. the Landlord shall have II e right 10 lake any ¡¡nel all
necess¡¡ry Sle(]SIO rcctify aoy or all ACls of Derault of the Ten nt and (0 charge 'the COSIS of
such rectification to the Tenanl and to recover (he Cosls as Re L
(0 If, when an Act of Defaull has oç&.l!!!ed, IlIe Landlord /lOoses LO waive his right to
eKercise tlie remedies available 10 him under Ihis Lease or al law the waiver shall not
conslitute condonation of the Act of DeCaÙll,nor shall Ihe wai er be pleaded as an eSloppel
against the Landlord 10 prevent his exerClsiñg his remedies wi h respect ,[0 a subsequent Ac,(
of Defaul!;
(i) No covenant, lerm, or cOndition of this Lease shall bc deemed" (0 have been
waived by Ihe Landlord unless thc waiver is in wrj¡in ¡¡nd signed by [he Landlord.
(aJ If Lhe Landlord desires a[ any time 10 demolish Ihe ren1ises or any part ¡hereof, to
an extent that renders continued possession by ¡he lenan[ i praclicalJle, or if [lie Premises
are expropriated or condemned by any compelenl aulhority
~.' ,
(i) The Landlord shall have Ihe right 10 lem1Ïnale [his Lase b " .
(90) I d ' ,. . . Y gIVing nmety
c ear ays nollce 10 W(llmg (0 (he Tenant; or
(ii) Ihe landlord may require the Tenant to Vacale thepremi es wilhin ninety (90)
days from paymenl by (he Landlord 10 Ihe Tenant of a bonus e ualto three months'
renl, '
(A~ but 'payment of thrnitf bonlls shall be accom anied or preceØed by
~vnuen no lice from the Landlnrd 10 the Tenant advis ng of Ihe Landlord's
IIItenlto exercise Ihis oplion.
(b) The Tenant agrees to permillhe Landlord during he laslthr e months of the Term
of lhis Lease to display "For Rent" or "For Sale" signs or both at Ihe Premises and [0 show
the Premises to prospective new tenanls or purchasers and (0 permit nyone having wriuerl;r;
authority of lhe 'Landlord 10 view Ihe Premises al reasonable hours.
(e) If the Tenant remains in possession' of Ihe Premises after te ination of Ihis Lease
as aforesaid and if the Landlord then accepts rcnl ror Ihe Premise from ¡he Teoanl. it is
agreed Ihat such overholding by the Tenant and acceptance of Ren by the Landlord shall
create a monlhly tenancy only but Ihe lensncy shall remain subj cl to all the (erms and
conditions of this Lease exceptlhose regarding the Term.
The Tenant agrees Ihat be will III any lime or limes dllring Ihe Te
least forty-eight (48) hours prior wrilten nOlice, cxeculC anti tleli ver 10 the
writing cerlifying:
, upon being given at
andlord a Slalemenl in
(a) Ihatlhis Lease is unmodified and is in rull Coree and effect ( r if modified slaling [he
modificalions and confirming Ihatlhe Lease is in full force and e ecl as modified);
(b) the amount of Renl being paid;
(c) the dales to which Rent has been paid;
(d) other charges payable under ¡his Lease which have been aid;
(e) particulars of any prepayment of Renl or secllri¡y deposi ; and
. (f) parliculars or any subtenancies,
(a) This Lease and all the rigllls of the Tenant under tl is Lèase are subject and
subordinate to any and all charges againslthe land, buildings or mpro\'emcnts of :-vhich the
Premises form part, whelherLhecharge is in Ihenature of a mort age,lrvs~ deed, hen. or any
other form of charge arising from the financing or rc-financi g. includlOg extenSIOns or
renewals, of the Landlord's interest in the properly.
(b) Upon ¡he request of the Landlord Ihe Tenant will ex cule a~y .foml ~equired 10
subordinate Ihis Lease and ¡he Tenant's right to any sllch charg ,and will, If reqUIred, aHorn
10 ¡he holder of the charge.
(e) No subordination by Ihc Tenant shall have Ihe efFecl 0 pc.rl11i!lìng ¡hc holder or any
charge to dislurb the occupation and possession of the Premise by the Tenant as long as Ihe
Tenant performs his obligations under this Leilse,
....... .~ .......c-:._~
. .
, .'
. .
...""'-"'C,:..\'.<..... .;.""'"........:~....o-~._-.-,....._ ....:.. ._.~.-.J ....._.....\..;,.a.t___._ ....:..~.......~~.. ... ~f.
." ....... .......... -.. .--" -.-
The Tenant agrees on behalf of i(self Id II .
aulhorily or permission to comply wilh all ~as:na~~rsons enlenng Ih ~ui¡ding with the Tenanl's
Lease or lhallhe Landlord may make fro I' I .f!. ru;es and r~gul lions Ihal form parI of Ihis
Building and llle preservation of good ord~r ;,I:\~leo~~7r~in~ ~~~ ~~~It~; ~~r;.:~~7i(~~:~nljness of lhe
(a) An~' nolice required orpemliUed 10 be given by one pari
lerms of 111ls Leasc may be given .
10 Ihe Landlord al:
1475 5th Concession
RR #5
Kincardine, Ontario
N2Z 2X6
10 lhe Tenanl al the Premises or al:
Box 272-1475 Fifth Concession
Kincardine, Ontario
N2Z 2Y7
10 the other pursuanl tö [he
(b) The above addresses may be changeú al any time by ¡ving len (10) dllYS writlen
(c) Any no lice given by onc party 10 lI1e other in accordan e with the provision of lhis
Lease shaH be deemed conclusively 10 have been received on lh dale delivered if the nOlice
is served personally or sevenly-lwO (72) hours afler mailing if Ihe notice is mailed.
The Tenanl shaH nol al any tinlc reGisler nolice of or a copy of Ihis Lcase on lillc 10 lhe
properly of which Ih~ Premises form parI wilhoul consenl of lhe Lan lord.
.." t~
~'j "
. ,
1,;'.. .
(a) TIle words importing the singular number only shall include the plural. and vice
versa, aad words importing the masculine gcnder shall ¡nelu e the feminine gender, and
words impOfanl1 persons shall include firms and corporalions and vice versa.
(b) Unless (be contextol/lenvise requires, thc word "Lan ord" and ¡he word "Tenant"
wherever used herein shall be construed 10 include Ihe execulo s. adminiSlralors, successors
and assigns of lite Landlord and Tcnanl, respect; vely. "I;
(c) When ¡here arc two or more Tem\nts bound by Ihc sam cOI'enants herein concained.
(heir oblìgalÌons shall be join I and several.
. .....------.-.-.
. I T f he Lease rcnt ;lOy parI of Ihe
The l.andlord covenan(s that it shall not dUring 11C erm 0 ., f II '
. I B 'Id' IhedaleorlheslgOlngo 1IS
Building 10 an engineering firm which is nol a lenantln lIe UI Ing
IN WiTNESS WHEftEOf (he Landlord and Ihe Tenanl hav~ exc
in the presence of - )
. ~
n of,the MunicipalilY of
(~ p1Z'Ý ~~-
SCUJ::VUt.¡¡ A
to Lease made between
, .1:el1an t
4..... .......
lis outlinep below, the a~ea to be leased tot Is l217square feet.!{,
'f_ .,'
'- If)
. .
:t' ,
'" O/pre
, /2Õ~"
. ," Office "/
, "
SCALE: 1/16" = "
I'¡umber~ in rooms denole s(
2G 1·1 ~ uore Icet 10101 common oreo on
"I<incorclí,iè ":. Airporl' Sui/din
-.. :
2ncl Floor
. .
.' ~ N
.~.:' ' . 1m UL TI N. P nil/IN, I' T
'. Tile Tenanl shall observe Ihe [01/0 i R . ,
(0 ',me by ¡he Landlord as prov.ide~ in this t:!se}~les and Rcgulallons {as amended, 010 ilicd or SupplemeOlcu from lime
1. ~he sidewalks, elllrances, elevalors slainva sa'
Tenanf, Ius agents, servanls, eonlractors, invllees or :nJPI~~:;~:~~s of ¡he building slr..1 nol be Obslrucled or used by l/
. ny purpose olher Iha access 10 an<l trom Ihe P _ Ie
Tile floors, sky-liglus and windows Ihal ref/ecl or ad . _ . rem'ses,
I,,,, be covered or obstrucled by Ihe Tenam and no alvl1iIlPs~;:all,gbhe( IpOlO, passagewa~s or nlo any place in ¡he building shall
, .. u over allY WIRdOI .
3. , tile loilels, sinks, drains, washrooms and olher wale a
for)vhlcl! th~y were cOllslrucled, ami no sIYee in s ru . r pparalus shall nOI be use (or any purpose olher Ihan Ihose
~O¡.aousbllqUldS or pOHUlal1lS sliall be lhrown ufer~; an~b~~~ ;:gS ashes o~ ?Iher subsla ees, sueh as chemicals solvc",s
,ellant y whom or by whose employees, agenls, se;vants eonl~:~:esresulll~g to tlllel1) om misuse shall be bo~ne by Ih~
- . ' r or nV,lees lIe da age was cause<l.
4. In Ihe eVenllhallhe Landlo d 'd d'
shall be placed on Ihe said Board at'lh~r~:;e::~f :~:I~~~~~.u1Jl.ìc Direclory Boar<l insi e ¡he buil<ling, Ihe Tenanl's name
5, The Tenanl shaH nOI perrorm any aCls or C.lr 011 a ' , .
or be a nuisance 10 any olher lenanl. ry ~hvlly wlllch may damage he Premises Or ¡he com~pn areas
6. No animals or birds shaH be broughl ¡mo Ih" building or kepi on Ihe Premises,
7. The Tenanl shall not mark d 'JI' lb'
Premises No wires i " CI III 0, !lee or cu~ or Iß any way damage or <lernee Ihe walls, ceilings or floors of lhe
broadloo~ or carpeífn:~I~r. :n:~:~e~II~t~= ~Slal!ed I~ Ihe premirses Wilhoul prior wr Uen approval 01 Ihe Landlord. No
remises y means 0 a non-solu"le a<lhe ive or similar produclS.
es. :eles ~~e~~~:~~:~~~~er~ql:fr~~~sesbfO: sleeping oparlmenls or re~idel1!ial purposes, ro Ih~ slorage of personal eHeels or
or uSlness purposes, or for any IlIega] purpose.
9. ~he Tenan.1 shall 1101 use or permit the us~ .of any ~bj~clionable a<lverlising m d;um such as, WilhoUllimilalion.
!o~d$peakers, pubJlc.address ~~slems, s?und ampllf¡ers, radIo, broadcasl or Ie levis ion a paralus wilhin the building which
IS 10 any manner aud,ble or vIsIble oulslde or Ihe Premises.
fO' Th~ Tenanl m.us! obser~e ~lri~1 care nOI (0 aHow windows 10 remain open so a 10 ndmil rain or snow, or so as 10
Interfere wllh (he healing of Ihe l.Iulldll1g. The Tenanl negleeling lhis rule will be respon ihle for an)' damage caused 10 Ihe
properly or olher lenanls, or 10 Ihe ¡1roperlY of the Landlord, by such carelessness. The enanl, when closing Ihe Premises,
shall close aU windows and lock all doors.
11. The Tel1anl shall no! wilhoul Ihe express wrillen eOllsenl or lhe Lan<llord, place "Y a<ldÍlÌonaJ locks upon any doors
of Ihe Premises andlihall nOI permil any duplicalekeys 10 bemade Iherelor; bUlshall use ollly a<ldilion¡¡\ keys oblained trom
Ihe Landlord, althe expense or the Tenanl, and shall surrender 10 Ihe Landlord on the I rminalion of ¡he Lease all keys of
Ihe Premises,
16. Canvassing, soliciling and pedúling in lhe building is prohibile<l.
I Z, No innamma"le oils or olher innaml11ablc. lOX ie, dangerous or explosive nlale ials shall be kepI or perrnilled 10 ue
kepi in or on Ihe Pre'llises.
13, No bicycles or olher vehicles shall be broughl wilh~"Hhe Premises or upon Ihc L;lnòlord's properl}', including any
. lane or courtyard, unless otherwise agreed in wriling. .-
I, NOlhing shall be placed on Ibe oulside of windows or projeclions at Ihe I:'rem es, No air-con<lilioning eqllipmenl
shaU be placed at Ihe windows of the Premises without lhe consenl in wriling of ¡he L 1I"lord.
15. The moving of aU heavy equìpmenl and offiœ equipmenl or rurniture shall oc ur only bel\vccp 6:00 p.m, and 8:00
a.m, or any olher lime consel1u:d 10 by Ihe Landlord and he persons employed 10 mov Ihe same in and Oul of Ihe building
must be acceplable 10 Ihe landlord. Sales and oll1er heavy equipmenl shalf be move Ihrough the Premises and common
areas only upon sleel bearing plates. No deliveries requiring Ihe use of an elevalor for f eighl purposes wi[ be received inlo
the building or carried in (he elevalOrs, excepl during hours approved by Ihe u.ndlord
17, ;çheTenanl shall nrsl ulnain in wriling theconsenl of Ihe Landlord 10 any aUer lion or modifícalionlO Ihc eleclrica
system ili the Premises and all such allerations and modilicalions shall beeOr1ll'leled at he Tenanl' s expense by an eleClrica
cOnlraclOr acceplable 10 Ihe Landlord,
18, The Tenanl shall firsl oblain in wriljng the COnsenl of Ihe Landlord 10 the pIa emenl by the Tcnan¡ or nny garbag'
con/ainers or receplacles outside the Premises or building.
19. The Tenant shall not ins!;11I or ereCI on or ahOul Ihe Premises television anten ac, communicnlions 10lVers, salelli!
. dishes or olher such apparatus,
O. The Landlord shall have Ihe righl 10 make such olher and turlher reasonable nI eS and regulalions and 10 aller, a~er
or caneeJ all rules and regulDlions as in ilsjudgemenl may from lime 10 lime be nee '<I for Ihe safely, care an<l eleanl¡ne
of Ihe building and for Ihe preservation of good order Iherein and /lIe same sir,,/! be kepI and observed by Ihe Tenanl, I-
employees, agenls, scrvanls, conlraclors or ¡nviles, The Landlord may from lime 0 lime waive any of sueh rules af
regulations as applied to parlicular (el1anls and is nOlliable 10 Ihe Tenonl for breach s Ihereof by olher lenanlS.
,,~, "
, ¡
, .
SCIlliIJULE uß" TO liY-Uli NO. 200 -49
THIS LEASE nmclc as of Ihctstday of Apr'l, 2003
(hcreinaflCr called Ihe "tandlord")
(hereinafter called Ihe "Tenant")
IN .
In consideralion of Ihc renls, covenanls anu obigalions s(ipllJaled herein (he LaricJJord and ¡he Tenanl
have agrced 10 enlcr inlo a Lcasc or Ihc Prcmiscs being Ihal pari of II e lJuilding (¡he "Building")
shown oUllincd in rcd on Ihe sl:clch anne1\cd hcrcto as Schcdulc "A" hich 'building is located on
¡he lands and prcmises (the "Real Properly") lJeing paris of Lois 2 and 30, Conccssion "A",
Township of Kincardine (now Mllnicipalily of Kinci1ruinc), Counly 0 Bruce, dcsignalcu as I'Mls
I alld Z 011 Refcrcllce P(all _If{·S356.
(al The Lalldlorl! leases Ihc Premises 10 the Tenllnl;
allhe Henl sel forlh in Seclion 2;
(ji) for Ihe Term sel f(lrl!1 in Seelioll .1; "nl!
(iii) subject 10 Ihe condilions-nnu in accordance will Ihe covellanls, obligalions
allu agrcemenls hcrein,
(1.» The Landloru covenanls Ihat he has Ihe righl 10 granl lIe Icaseholu inleres! in the
Premiscs frcc from cnclllnhrances c1\cepl as disdosecl 011 lille,
HEN"!' :: " : /,;~<,"'L-
(;I). Renl .means Ihc a~~(UnIS p;IY;lble 11)' Ihc Tell"nl to Ih· L¡¡lIdlnrd Pllf~" ' ]{ 711 ,3Y
Secllon, am! Inch(~s add'l,onal rent " .- ,
- eo.~~ '-I &''''-- C. ~ .-
(b) The TenullI coven~nls (0 P;IY 10 thc Landlord, durinr,.1he Term of Ihis Lease Reo! in
($25,572, O(l¥l)'alJle in cC]u~1 rnonllllv II1s!almcnls of TWO USAND ONE HUNDRED
THIRTY ONE DOLLARS ,_ ($2.131.00) . each il~ advance ~n lhtlstd~y of
each amll:very monlh,lhe first pa)'mcn( fõl¡e l1I~dc on Ihe ~st "y of Apr1.l and lhe lasl
such paymenl 10 be made on Ihe 3lstday of March, 2005. 2003
(c) The T.;nan( fllrlller covcnunl~ (( pay 10 (he Landlord GS r on (he Rene. The a/11oun[
of GST shallbc culclllated ill accoruance wÎlh the applicablc leg sial ion and shalllJe paid a[
the same lime as (he rentla which ¡hc GST applies is pa}'able (0 1111: Landlord under (his
Lcase. The LandlonJ shall have [he samc ri¡¡hlS anú rcmedies f> non-paY/11enl of GST as it
has for renl in "rrears under this Lease.
(d),. The Tcnant [ur/her covenants Co p~y ~II olher sums reql ircd by this Lease to be paid
by II "nd agrees thaI :1/.' amoullls payable by Ihe Tcnanl 10 Ihe L ndlord or to any other party
purs~an[ 10 (he provISIonS ~f Ihis Lease sh~1I be deemed 10 be ddi¡ional renl ("Additional
Rene) whe(her or not specifically designated ~s such in ¡his L ~se.
(e) All payments 10 be m~de by Ihe Tellan( pursuanlln ¡hi Lease shall be delivered 10
the Landlord al (he LalJ(or~'s address forservjce sel oul ill Sec ion] 6 or Co such olher place
as the Landlord may from IlIne to lime direct in wriling,
en' The Ten~lIt ~grces to pay in ildv~ncc [0 (he Landlord ¡ I the commencement of Ihe
Term ¡he first ~nd hlSI monlhs' Renl payable undcr Section 2( ) of Ihis Lcase.
(g) All Ren( in ¡¡rrears and all sums paid by ¡he Landlord r e,;penses incurred which
should hal'c bccn p~id by (he Tenan[ shilll bear inl(:rcst from II c dale p~ymcnl was due, ór,
Olade, or expense incurred ill a rate per annum equal to ¡he pri l1e commercial lending rale
of the L~ndlord's ballk plus Iwo (2) pcr cent.
(h) The Tellanl acknowledges ~nd agrees ¡hal [he pilymenls f Renl ~nd Addilional Rent
provided for in Ihis Leasc shall be made without any deductio for ~ny rcason whalsoever
unless e,;pressly allowed by the lerms of this Lease or agreed ¡ by [he Landlord in wril;ng;
and, "
(i) no partial payment by Ihe Tenant which is acce tcd by Ihe Lanúlord shall be
considered as olher than a par[Îal payment on ~ccount f Ren[ owing anù shall not
prejlldice (he Landlord's right to recover any Renl owi g,
(a) The Tcnanl :;hall have posscs:;ion-of Ihe Premises fo-
commencing on Ihe 1st day of April , ~nd endin¡: on Ihc
"Term"). 2003
l!/ period or TWO
1st day ofMareh
, ,(¡he
(b) Subject 10 ¡he Landlord's riGhts under this Lease, nnd a long as Ihe Lease is in good
standing Ihe Landlord covenants thai ¡he Tenanls shnll have flIi I enjoyment of [he Premises
during (he Term of Ihis Lease wilhout any interruplion or dislu b~nce from Ihe Landlord or
any oilier person or persons I~wflllly claiming Ihrough [he La dlord,
(c) If (he Tenanl fails 10 lake possession of lhe Premises r 10 open for bllsiness on or
before the dale specificd ,for commencement of Ihe Term of Ih s Lease, ¡he Landlord shall,
in addition 10 any olher remcdies, have Ihc righl 10 lerminale his Lease upon Iwenly-four
(24) hours wrillen notice [0 the Tenanl, and 10 recover from Ih Tenanl Ihe COSI or all work
- -
done by (he I;andlord on behalf of (he Tenant.
(a) The Tenarll, together wilh and in common wilh all olh rs enti¡les Iherc[o and ¡heir
respecliveo[[jeers, Dgenls, servants, emplo)'ees, conlraClOrs, eus omers, invilees or licensees,
shall be enlilled 10 (hc use and benefit of [he COml11on FaCÎ ities. The Tenant shall nOI
unreasonably block or in any manner hinder lhe L¡¡ndlord or other persons who may be
authorized by [he Landlord 10 utilize Ihe Common Facililies f m so doing. The Landlord
may, in his discretion from lime 10 lime permil cerlain persons 10 have (he exclusive use of
porI ions of the Common Facili¡ies 10 the exclllsion of ¡he Ten' nt and o[her persons.
(b) As p'an of [11Ìs Lease, the Land[ord sl",1I supp[)' at his expense ¡he ulili¡íes for the
Premises lIeint: ckclricity, \Valcr, heal ¡¡nd ¡¡ir·condiliollinß an shall furlher be responsillle
for the eleV¡¡IOr, exiSling security syslelllr snow ploughing, I wn mainlen¡¡nce. cuslodial
se(\'Îces to Ihe ßuilding and Iprhage colleclioll :tlld remo\'<l1.
... "..
. ~
(c! ., For the ?urpose~ of this ~ease, "Common r<acililies" mean' all common areas and
uu(¡tles from tIme (0 (I me furnIshed or designated (and which n ay be changed) by ¡he
Land~ord .for the u~e ~n common, in such manner as (he Landlord ay permit, of lenanls of
premises In the BUIlding and aU others enlilled to access and Iheir re pective officers. agents.
s~r~an~s, empl~yees, contractors, customers, invilees or ¡icens es. including, wilhout
111m/aI/on, parkmg ar~as: access roads, driveways, entrances and xÍls, sidewalks. ramps,
landscaped areas, bUilding curranccs, IQhbies, slairways, eleva ors, passagcways and
(a) The Tenanl shall not assign this Lease or subletlhe whole or any pari of ¡he Premlse~'
unless he firsl oblains Ihc consent of Ihe Landlord in wriling, hich consent shaJl not
unreasonably be withheld;
(i) and ¡he Tenant hereby waives his right 10 Ihe bcnefi
Act of Ihe Legislature of Ootario which would allow the Te
or sublet the Premises without the Landlord's consent.
of any present or future
ant to assign [his Lease
(b) The consent of Ihe Landlord 10 any assignmenl or subleuj 8. shall not operate as a
waiver of ¡he necessily for conscnllO aR3'-Subsequent assignment r subleuing.
(d Any consent gralHed by Ihe Laodlord shall be conditi nal upon Ihe assignee.
sublessee or occupant executing a wrillen agreement directly with he Landlord agreeing 10
be bound by all the terms of [his Lease as if Ihe assignee. su lessee or oCCllpant had
originally execuled [his Lease as Tenant.
(d) Any conSCnl given by the Landlord 10 ¡lilY assignment 0 other disposilion of [he
Tenal1l's inlerest in this Lease or in thc Premises shall nol reli ve the Tenanl from his
obligations under this Lease, including Ihe ol>ligation to pay Ren and Additional Rent as
provided for herein.
(e) If the party originally enlering into this Lease as Te ant, or any parly who
subsequencly becomes Ihe Tenant by way QÚ!.ssignment or Sllbleas or otherwise as provided
for in Ihis Lease, is a corporation Ihen;
(i) Ihe Tenanl shall not be enlitled 10 deal with ils autb
that of an affiliated company in any way Ihal rcsulls in
voting conlrol of ¡he Tenant unless Ihe Landlord first c
propo,sed change;
rized or issued capital or
change in the effective
nsenlS in writing 10 (he
(ii) if any change is made in ¡he COlllrol of the Tenal corporal ion without [he
wriuen consent of the Landlord then the Landlord shall be IIlitled 10 treat the Tenant
as being in default and 10 exercise Ihe remedies stipulated in paragraph 11 (b) of [his
Lease and any other remedies available ill law;
. í {iii} thc Tcnant agrees 10 make available to the La dlord or his aulhorized
representalives the corporale books and records of the Tenanl for inspection 01
reasonable limes.
6. ~
(a) During ¡hc Tcrm of the Lease ¡he Premises shall nol be se¡J for any purpose other
than commercial office purposes.
(b) The Tenant shall only make such reasonable use of th
Premises as would a reasonable tenant using Ihe Premises for c
utilities supplied 10 the
mercia I office purposes,
(e) The Tenant shall not do or perrnillo be done allhe Pren ises anything which may:
. !
. (i)
conslitule a nuisance'
cause damage (0 (he Premises'
cause injury or annoyunce 10 occupanls of neighbou ing premises;
makc void or voidablc un)' insllrance upon ¡he Pren 'SC5;
(v) constítulc a breach of any by-law, statule, orde
municipal, provincial or other competent aulhorily reJating
or regulalion of any
o Ihe Premises.
(a) The Tenanl covenants Ihat during the lern1 of this Lease und ny renewal thereof the
Tenanl shall keep in good condj(jon Ihe Premiscs including all alterat ons and additions made
Ihereto, and shall, wilh or without nOIÎCe. promptly make all needed pairs and all necessary
repl~,ccmenls as wOllld a prudenl owner;
0) but (he Tenant shall not be liable to cUcCI repairs al ributable 10 reasonable
wear and lear, or to damage caused by fire, lightning or slo 1.
(bl The Tenant shall permit Ihe Lundlord or a person authorized y the Landlord 10 enter
(he Premises 10 examinc the condition Ihereof and view the slate or repair al reasonabte
(i) and if upon sllch examinalion repairs are fOllne! to be ecessary. wrinen nOlice
of lhe repairs required shall be given 10 Ihc TenanJ by or 0 behalf of the Landlord
and Ihe Tenant shall make the necessary repairs within II e lÍme specified in the
(ii) ¡¡n(l if Ihe Tenanl refuses or negkcls (0 keep [he Pre ises in good repair Ihe
Landlord may, bul shaH not be Obliged 10, make ¡my necess ry repairs. and shall be
permilled 10 enter Ihe Premises, by hlll1self or his servants 0 agents, for the purpose
of effecling the repairs withoul being liable (0 Ihe Tenant or any loss, damage or
inconvenicnce to Ihe Tcnanl in connection wilh Ihc L,J\1ú\o d's entry and repairs.
(AJ and if thc Landlord makes repairs (he Ten 1L shall pay the cost of
[hcm immedialely as Additional Ren(.
(c) Upon ·the expiry of (he Term or other delermination of this ease the Tenant agrees
peaceably to surrcnder Ihe Premises, including any alterations or a ditions made thereto. to
[he Landlord in a slale of good repair, reasonable wear and lear and amage by fire,lightning
and storm only excepted.
(d) The Tenant shall immedialely gi ve wrillen notice 10 Ihe Lal dlord of any subslanlial
damage lhal occurs to (he Premises from any cause.
(a) If the Tenant, during the Term of this Lease or any renewal f it, desires to make any
aHerations or additions 10 Ihe Premises, including but nol limile 10: ereeliog partitions,
allaehing equipment, and installing necess~ry furnishings or add lìonal equipme'11 of lhe
Tenant's business, the Tenant may do so a! his own expense, at a y lime and from lime to
lime, if [he following conditions are met:
(i) bcfore underlaking any alleralion or addition the
Landlord a plan showing the proposed alleralions or addit
nant shall submit 10 ¡he
ns and Ihe Tenant shall
. . .,
. ~
not proceed 10 make any alleration or addition unless (he L ndlord has approved Ihe
plan, and Ihe Landlord shall nOI unreasonably or arbilraril wÜhhold his approval;
(A) and ¡¡ems included in (he plan which arc r garded by lhc Tenant as
"Tradc Fixlures" shall be dcsignalcd as slIch on Ih plan;
(ii) . any and all alleralions or addilions 10 lhc Premises ladc by the Tenanl mus'
comply with all applicable building code slandards and by laws or the municipality
in which thc Premises arc localed,
(b) Thc Tcnanl shall be responsible-fur-and pay lhe COSI of a
inslallalions or improvemenls Ilmt any govcrning aUlhorily,
olherwise, may require 10 be made in, on or to Ihe Premiscs.
y allcralions, addi';ons,
unicipal, provincial 9f,.
(c) No sign, advertisement or notice shall be inscribed, painlc or affixed by Ihe Tenant,
or any other person on (he Tenanl's behalf, on any parI of Ihe insidc or oulside of the
building in which the Premises are located unless the sign, adverli ement or oOlice has been
approved in every respect by Ihe Landlord.
(d) All allerations and additions 10 (he Premises made by or on behalf of Ihe Tenant,
orher Ihan rhe Tenant's Trade Fixtures, shall immedialely bcc me the propcrly of Ihe
Landlord Wilhoul compensalion 10 Ihe Tenanl.
(e) The Tenant agrees, at his own expense and by whale\'er eans may be necessary,
immedialely to obtain Ihe release or discharge of any encumbran e thaI may be regiSlered
against lhe Landlord's properly in conneclion wilh any addili os or alleralions to Ihe
Premises made by the Tenant or in conneclion with any olher aCl viI)' of Ihe Tenanl.
(0 If lhe Tenant has complied with his obligations accord in 10 the provisions of this
Lease, the TenaOl may remove his Trade Fixlures al the end of the 'erm or other terminalion
of Ihis Lease and the Tenanl covenanlS rhat he will make goo and repair or replace as
necessary any damage caused 10 ¡he Premises by Ihe removal of Ih Tenant's Trade Fixtures.
(g) , Olher (han as provided in paragraph 8m above, the Tenan shall nOl, during Ihe term
of lhis Lease or any lime Ihereafler remove from Ihe Premises a y Trade Fixlures or other
goods and challels of lhe Tenanl excepl in the following circum ances;
(i) thc rcmoval is in the ordinary coursc of business;
W) the Trade Fixlure has become unnecessary for II
being;replaced by a new or similar Trade FiXlure; or
Tenanl's bllsiness or is
(iii) Ihe Landlord has consented in wriling to lhe rcm
but in any case the Tenant shall make good any damage caus 10 Ihe Premises by Ihe
insrallation or removal of any Trade Fixlures, equipment, partil ons, furnishings and any
other objects whatsoever broughl onto ¡he Premises by Ihe Tena I.
(h) The Tenant shall, al his own expense, if requested by th Landlord, remove any or
all additions or improvemenls made by the Tenant to (he Premise during the Term and shall
repair all damage callsed by the installalion or ¡he removal or bo h,
(i) The Tenanl shall not bring on to Ihe Premises or any part or lhe I'reirÜses any
machinery, equipmenl or any olher Ihing IhalmiglH, in the op nion of the Landlord, by
reason of ils weight, size or use, damage Ihe Premises or overload Ihe floors or Ihe Premises;
(i) and if (he Premises are damaged or overloaded I c Tenant shall restore Ihe
Premises immedialely or pay 10 Ihe Landlord the cost of esloring lhe Premises,
(a) The Tcnanl covenants 10 keep Ihe Landlord indemnified againsl all claims and
d~~ands whalsoever ~y any person, whelher in respect of damag to person or property,
anslng.out of or,occasloned by Ihe mainlenance, use or occupanc of the Premises or rhe
~ublelll~lg or assignment of same or any paIl [hereof. And Ihe Ten nl further covenanlS to
Ind.e~nlfy the Landlord with respect to any encumbrance on or dan age 10 the Premises, ¡hc
Bull~lng .and Ihe Common Facilities occasioned I>y or arising f om Ihe aCI, defaul1. or
~e~J¡gence ?f the Tenant, its officers, agenls, servants, employees, conlractors. cllslomers,
Inv(ees or licensees:
(j) and Ihe Tcnanl agrees Ilml Ihc foregoing inde
lennìnalioJl of this Lease notwithslanding any
nily shall survive the
s of Ihis Lease 10 the
(b) The Tenant shall carry insurance in his own name 10 provi e coverage wilh respect
10 U~e risk of business inlerruplion to an cxlenl suFficient to allO\ the Tenant 10 meet his
ongoing obligations 10 Ihe Landlord and 10 protecllhe Tcnalll agai lSriOSS of revenues.
(c) The Tenan( shall carry insurance in his own name insuring a ainsllhe risk of damage
10 Ihe Tenan¡'s properly within Ihe premises caused by fire or oIl er perils and the policy
shall provide for coverage on a replacement cost basis to prolecllhe enant's stock-in-crade,
equipment, Trade Fixtures, decoralions añõìmprovements,
(dl The Tcnant shall, dllring the tcrm of Ihis l~iISC, pro\'ide, al hi own cxpcnse, and keep
in rull force and effect, in the nanles of Ihc Landlord and the enant, public liabilily
insurance applying to all operalions of Ihc Tenant and which sh 11 include bodily injury
liability and lenanls' legal liability will¡ respect [0 Ihe occupan y by (he Tenant of lhe
Premises. Such policies shall be wrilten on a comprehensi\'e basis \ ith limits of not less than
ONE MILLION . DOLLARS per occurreoce and wilh a cross ¡iabi! Iy clause. AJ! policies of
insurance required 10 be maintained under [his provision shall be with a company or
companies licensed 10 do business wilhin the Province of Oola io and approved by Ihe
Landlord. The Tenant shall furnish the Landlord with certific les or other acceptable
evidence of all such iosurance promplly upon request.
(a) If the Premises or the building in which (he Premises are located, are damaged or
destroyed, in.~Yhole or in part, by fire or other peril, then 'Ihe fo lowing provisions shall
apply; . ,
(i) if Ihe damage or deSlruclion renders the Premises nfit for occupancy and
impossible 10 repair or rebuild using rcasonable diligence \ ilhin 120 clear days from
Ihe happening of such damage or deslruction, [hen Ihe T rlTI hereby granted shaJl
cease from the date the damage or destruction occurre , and the Tenanl shall
immediately surrcnder ¡he remainder or the Term amI give possession of (he
Premises to the Landlord, and Ihe Renl rromlhc lime of I) e sllrrender shall abale;
(ii) If the Premises can, wilh reasonable diligence, be epaired and rendered fit
for occupancy wilhin 120 days from Ihe happening of Ihe d mage or destruction, but
the damage renders the Premi~vholly unfit for occupa cy, [hen the rent hereby
rescrved shall nOI accrue afler Ihe day thai such dama occurred, or whiJe the
process of rep¡¡ir is going on, and (he Landlord shall re ir Ihe Premises wilh aU
rcasonable speed, and Ihe Tenant's obligalionlo pay Rcnl hall resume immediately
a(!er (he necessary repairs have bcen cOIllJ1IClcd;
(iii) H [he leased Premises can be repaired within 120 ays as aforesaid, but (he
damage is such thallhe leased Premises 'Irccapable of bein parlially used, then uOIil
. ~
such damage J¡as been repaired,lhe.Xcnan( shall continue in Jossessíon and ¡he Rent
shall abale proporlionately,
(0) Any question as (0 (he degree of damage or deslruclion or 111 period of time required
to repair or rebuild shall bc delcrmined by an archilecl relained by he Landlord,
(c) ThereshaU be no abalement from or reduction of ¡he Rent pa able by the Tenant, nor
shallche Ten3nl be entilled 10 claim against the Landlord for any da ages, general or special,
caused by fire, waler, sprinkler syslems, partial or temporary railur or sloppage of services
or utililies which the Landlord is obliged to provide according to Ih Lease, from any cause
,. .~
(õl) An Acl of Default has occurred when:
(i) the' Tenant has failed 10 P'ay Rent for a period f 15 consecuiive days,
regardless of whelher demand for ¡:;ãÿment has becn made r nol;
(iì) the Tenant has breached his covenants or railed 10.perror01 any or his
obligations under this Lease; and
(AI the Landlord has given noticespedfying the nalure of the default and
the steps required to coueCI il; and
(13) rhe Teoanl has failed 10 correct hc default required by ¡he OOlice;
(iiiJ !he Tenanl has;
{A} become bankrupt or insolvenl or made an a signmen! for the benefit
of Credílors;
(S) had ílS properly seizcd or a[[ached in salisf clion of a judgment;
(C) had a receiver appointed;
(D) commiUed any act or neglected 10 do anyl! ing wilh ¡he result that a
Construction Lien or Olher encumbrance is register d against Ihe Landlord's
. (E) without the consent of the Landlord, n ade or enlered into an
:: agreemenlto make a sale of its :IsseIS lo which lh Bulk Sales Act applies;
(F) taken action, ir the Tenant is a corporation, ith a view 10 winding up,
dissolulion or liquidalÍon;'
(iv) any insurance policy is cancelled or not renewc by rea~on of the use or
occupalion of the Premises, or by reason of non-payment of prcmlUms;
(v) lhe Premises;
(A) become vacant or remain unoccupied fo a period of thirty (30)
cOl1seculive days; or
(a) are not open for business on more than II fty {30} busí~ess da~s in
any twelve (l2) monlh period or on any l\velve 12) conseculIve bus lOess
, .
(C) .are uscd .by a?y o/llcr pe:son or persons, or "Or any oJ/Ie; purpose Ihan
as provIded [or In /IllS Lcase wllhour the wrillen onsent of Ihc Landlord.
When an Act of Dcfault on Ihc part ~f thc Tcnanl has oc ur(Cd:
(j) ¡hc current month's renl IOgcrher wil¡ Ihe neXl ¡hree monlhs' rent shall
become due anú payable immediately; or
(ij) Ihe andlord shall have Ihe right to lenninale (his Lease and 10 rc-enter the
Premises and deal wilh Ihem as he m..y choose.
(c) . ]f, b:cause an Acl of Defaull has occurred, Ihe LandI rd exercises his righl 10
(emHnale tlus Lease and re-enler (he Premises prior 10 Ihe end of le Term the Tenant shall
nevertheless be líable for payment of Rent and all olher amounls payable' by the Tenanl i~!;
accordance wilh the provisions of Ihis Lease IInliJ Ihe LandloaJ ¡as TC-Iet lhe Premises or
otherwise dealt wilh the Premises in such manner [hat Ihe cess lion or payments by [he
Tenant will not result in loss to the Landlord;
(n and the Tenaol agrees to be liable 10 the Landlord, until the end of the Term
of l1tis Lease [or payment of any differcncc between Ih amoun! of Ren[ hcreby
agrced to be paid Cor Ihe Term hcreby granled and Ihe Rc [an'ý new tenant pays to
(he Landlord.
(d) The Tenant covcnanls ¡hat notwithstanding any prese ¡ or fuwre A,c¡ of Ihe
Legislalure of Ihe Province of Onlario, Ihe personõll properly or I) e Tenant during the teml
of Ihis Lease shall nOI be excmpl from levy by dislress for ReO! i arrears;
(i) and the Tenant acknowledges thai it is upon Ihe c, press underslanding ¡hat
¡here should bc no such exemplion thaI this Lcasc is enter d into, and by executing
Ihis Leasc:
(A) IheTenant waives the benefit of any such Ie islativc provisions which
mighl otherwise be available to Ihe Tenant in the a sencc of Ihis agreement;
(BI Ihe Tenanl agrees.11li!.t ¡hc Landlord ma)' lead Ihis covenanllls an
estoppel against IheTenant if an action is brought t lest the Landlord's right
10 levy dislress against (he Tenant's properly.
(e) If, when an aCI of Defaull has occurred, [he Landlord cho ses not 10 lerminate Ihe
Lease and re-enler the l'remises. the Landlord shall have Ihe ghl (0 lake any and all
necessary steþ's 10 reclify any or all Acts of Defaull of the Tenanl nd 10 charge "¡he costs of
such rectification (0 Ihe Tenanll1nd to recover thc cosrs as Rent.
(0 If, when an Act of Defaull has occurred, the Landlord cho ses to waive his right 10
exercise Ihe remedies available 10 hinl under Ihis Lease or al I w the waiver shall nol
constitule condonation of Ihe Act of DefaulJ.. nor shall (he waiver e pleaded as an esloppel
against Ihe Landlord to prevent his exerëìšíñg his remedies with re pecl to a subsequent ACI
of Default;
{n No covenanl, term, or condition of Ihis Lease shall be deemed to have been
waived by (he Landlord unless the waiver is in writing an signed by Ihe Landlord.
(a) If the Landlord desires at any lime 10 demolish the Premi s Of aoy parI thereof, to
an extent that renders continued possession by Ihe tenant impracl cable, or if Ihe Premises
are exproprialcd Of condemncd by any compctenl aulhorily:
---- ---
.. .
. ,
(i) The Landlord shall/lave-the right to !enninale thi Lease by giving ninely
(90) clear days' notice in writing to (he TeClan!; or
(ij) Ihe landlord may require Ihe Tenanllo vacale the pr mises within ninelY (90}
days from payment by (he Landlord 10 the Tenan! of a bon s equal to three months'
(A) but payment of (hc said bonlls shall be acc lpanied or preceded by
wrillen nolice from Ihe Landlnrd to the Tenant ad ising of Ihe Landlord's
intent 10 exercise Ihis oplion.
(b) The Tcnant agrees to permillhe Landlord during (he last ¡I ree months of Ihe Term
of this Lease to display "For Rent" or "For Sale" signs or bolh all e Premises and 10 show
the Premises to prospective new tenaols or purchasers and to perm t anyone having wrinelÍ:r:
authorily of the "Landlord to view Ihe Premises at reasonable hour,
(c) If the Tenant remains in possession of the Premises a[¡er t rmination of ¡his Lease
as aforesaid and if ¡he Landlord Ihen accepls rent ror the Premis s from the Tenant, it is
agreed Ihat such overholding by the Tenant and acceplance of R I by ¡he Landlord shall
create a monthly tenancy only but Ihe tenancy shall remain sub ect 10 all the terms and
co'nditions of this Lease except those regarding Ihe Term. '.
The Tenanl agrees ¡hat he will al any lime or limes dllring Ihe T m, upon being given at
least forty-eight (<18) hours prior wrinen noliee, exccute and deliver 10 ¡he Landlord a statement jn
writing cerlifying:
(a) thallhis Lease is unmodified and is in rull force and effect ( r if modified slaling the
modificalions and confirming thatlhe Lease is in full force and ef ecl as modified);
(b) the amounl of Rent being paid;
(c) the dales 10 which Rco¡ has been paid;
(d) olhcr charges payable under Ihis Lease which have been p ìd;
(e) parliculars of any prepaymenl of Rent or securily deposils and
. (n particular:¡ of any suhlenancies. -
(a) This Lease and aU the rights of ¡he Tenanl under this Lease are subjecI and
subordinale to any and all charges agains¡ the land, buildings or im rovemenls of which the
Premises form part, whelher Ihe charge is in the nature or a monga e, lrust deed, lien or any
other form of charge arising from (he financing or re-financing, including extensions or
renewals, of Ihe Landlord's interest in the properly.
(b) Upon Ihe request of Ihe Landlord Ihe 1'enanl will execu e any fom¡ required to
subordinate Ihis Lease and the Tenant's right to any such charge, a d will, if required, allorn
to the holder or the charge.
(c) No suhordinalion by (he Tenilnl shall have Ihe effccl of per lilting the holder of any
charge ID dislurb Ihe occup:llion and possession of (he Premises by the Tenanl as long as the
Tenant performs his obligalions under Ihis Lease.
, .
^ .......u..--..:..~_.....;_ "_....____ ..--... ..........;:..... ...~." .;...,..;.., . .~..,.:i- .,.""..
.- ..".... --..~. ".9 .............,:..~.~ I ~.......:...._.~..~ _ -.\".. '. .
._~,,,'.. ~~. .....:..' ·.:..·¡.·..·_.4.'_·.~. .~.;, ..._...~........:...~...___.;_.
.. ,"
The Tenanl agrecs ~n bchalf of ilself a;ld all pcrsons entering (h Building wilh Ihe Tenant's
aUlhorily or permission 10 comply wilh all reasonable rules a",1 rcgul ¡ions Ihal r orm part of this
Lease or Ihat Ihe Landlord may make from lime 10 lime for the Safel)' care and clcanliness of the
Building and (he prescrvalion of good ordcr in Ihc Boilding and COll1l10n Facilities,
(a) An)' nolice required or permiUell to bc givclI by onc pacl ' 10 Ihe other pursuanl't~ Ihe
lerms of this Lease may be given
to (hc Landlorll at:
1475 5th Concession
RR 15
Kincardine, Ontario
N2Z 2x6
10 Ihe Tenanl allhe Premiscs or al:
RR tiS
Kincardine, Ontario
(b) The above aduresses may bc changell at allY lime by 'ving (en (0) days wriuen
(c) Any nolice givcn by one pacly 10Ï1ìC olher in accord an e wilh Ih,e prov~sion or 1~lis
Lease shall be lIeemedconclusivcly 10 have becn received on Ih dale dehvered If Ihe notIce
is served personally or sevenly-Iwo (72) hours afler mailing if he nOlice is mailed.
The Tenanl shallnol al an}' limc regisler notice of or a copy r this Lcase on title 10 Ihe
properly or which Ihe Premises form parI wilhoUI consenl of Ihe Land ord,
~. <If
. .
. '.
--=ï 1-
(a) The words importing Ihe singular number only sha I include'the plural, and vice
versa.. and ,:!ords imporling the masculine gender shall incl de he feminine gender. and
words importing persons shall include firms alld corporalio and vice versa.
(b) Unless be conle)(( oUlcrwise requires, the word "La
wherever used herein shall be cons!ruetllo include Ihe execul
and assigns of Ihe Landlord and Tenant, rcspectively.
lord" and Ihe word "Tenant"
rs, administrators, successors
''1' f-
{c} When Ihccc are lwo or more Tenants boulltI by Ihe san e cOI'enanlS herein contained.
(heir oblign¡jons shall bc joinl and several.
. _._-_.
When not'in default hereunder, the Tenant shall have the option of
. renewing this lease by giving notice to the Lan lord on or before
the 31st day of January 2005. Such renewal sha 1 be on terms and
conditions to be mutually agreed upon by the Ian lord- and Tenant,
IN WITNESS WI:IßRßOf [he Landlord and the Tcnan( have cxc uled this Lease.
in the presence of
The Corporal on of ,Ihe Municipalily of
~? /i
to Lease made between
.', ~
.a. , t
...~... -'"-
I'- ..'
... ..... .
outlined below, the area to be leased totals 2 66 square feet,
~£!!.!:.!.!!!'!'.Lð!~ "A"
I ) /1
IT IZ',6"
,QO ~
-=:.. :\ I '\ ()
Kite/wI Q S '\
(or~ f!
60 60
~ \~e
/9 \
. .- 111
ÚJ. Office
,. I
I'J 1011
, " OJfiee.... '" O~ee
.... .,' .
/ "\'l!9" '/24, .
..!...... ,¡1 . "
.,..... . -~
.t. .
SCALE: 1/16"::: l'
26,1 squ
Numbers in rooms denote squßre
re teel 1010/ common area on sec'
I<incardfriè --~. AirporJ' Bujd~ng 2nd Floor ~
... -
, ,
, , r 'rl N P RMIN, PAR'
lå ;i~Je b~II~~ra~~I~~~r~~;:~~,~~:~I~:~::i~f:;s~~'CS and Regulalions (as amended, m
.. ";'
dified or supplemented from lime
1. Tile sidewalks, elllrances, elevalors slainvays and c rrid ( '-
Tenant, his agents, servanls, conlraclors ill;ilees or employe Os ( ors 0 (he bUlfdmg skU nOI be obslrucled or used by Ihe
, e or any purpose olher J¡ n access 10 and from the Premises.
. JI be c:V~~~~~~s¿~;ir~~~~~s:;~I:~:~;;~,I~~~r~~:~~~r.~~::;;r~~ i;~~ ~~~~a::;v:J¡~~ :;[0 any place in lhe buildingshall
;¿r whie~~~~oi~~;es~~~~t::;;~' ~vas}¡rooms al~d olher \V~/er apparalus shall no! be us for any purpose olher than Ibose:
~::~:~~liqU~rS or p~lIu~IIIS shaiJ ;: I~~O~~:~~¡~~~~~, ~::~~~ ~:~a7:~~o.;;,~~~ero sl~~~~ ~;::; :i~~S~s s~~~~~~~~~~:~I:;~~~
-:... y w om or y w lose employees, agenls, servanls, eon(rac[ors or IlIvilees Ihe d mage was caused,
4. In the evenlthal (he Landlord provides and inslaUs II Public Direc(ory Board ins c Ihe building, Ihe Tenant"s name
shall be plaeed on Ihe said Board allhe expense o( the Tenanl.
S. T~e Tenanl shall nol perform any acls orcnrry 011 any aelìvily which may damag [he Premises or Ihe com""pn areas
or be a ßlJlsance 10 any olher lenanl. '..
6. No animals or birds shall be brought into the building or kept On ¡he Premises,
7. . The Te~anl s~all no I mark, ~rìU in[o, bore or cuI or in any way damage or defac [he walls, ceilings or floors of Ihc
PremIses, No Wires, pIpes or condu!ts shall be instal.led in Ihe Premises wilhoul prior IV illen approval of Ihe Landlord. No
broadloom or carpetmg shall be af(¡xed 10 [he Premises by means of a non-soluhle adh sive or similar producls.
8. : No one shàll'use the ~remises for sleeping aparlmenls or rcsidenljalpurposcs, f r tJ;e slOrasc of personal eUecrs or
. des olher than those reqUired for business purpOSes, or for any illegal purpose.
;I, The Tenanl shall nOI use or permil the use of any objeclionable advertising 11 dium sllch as, wilhoul limhalion,
loudspeakers, public address systems, sound amplifiers, radio, hroadcasl or lelevision a paralus wilhin Ihe building which
is in any manner audible or visible oulside of Ihe Premises.
10. The TeRnRI rnuSI obso.rve slricl caro. not 10 allow windows 10 remain open so a 10 admil rain or snow, or so as 10
interfere wilh ¡he healing of Ihe building. The Tenant neglecting (his rule will be respo -ible for any damage caused 10 Ihe
properly of other tenants, or [0 Ilia properly or ¡he. Landlord, by such carelessness, 'fhe cnanl, when closing Ihe Premises,
shall close all windows and lock all doors.
11. The Tenan[shall nol wilhou! Ihe express wriUo.n consent of ¡he Landlord, place ny addilionallocks upon any doors
of ¡he Premises and'Shall not permit any duplicate. keys [0 be made therefor; bul shall usc ollly addiliona! keys oblained from
the Landlord, at [he expense of (he Tenant, and shall surrender 10 Ihe Lanòlord on Ihe rminalion or \he Lease all ke)'s of
Ihe Premises.
12, No inflammable oils or Olher inflammable, 10xic, dangerous or explosive male ials shall ue kepi or permilled 10 be
kepI in or on Ihe Premises.
13, No bicycles or olher vehicles shall be hroughl withiMhe Premises or upon Ihe Landlord's properly. including any
lane or courtyard, unless Olherwise agreed in writing,
. I. NOlhing shall be placed on Ihe OUlside of windows or projeclions of Ihe Premi ·eS. No air-conuilioning equipmenl
shall be placed at Ihe windows of (he Premises Wilhoullhe consenl in wrÎling of ¡he L' milord,
15. The moving of all heavy equipment and office equipmenl or fllrnilllre shall oc r only bclweçn6;00 P,I11· and 8:00
a.m. or any other time consentéd 10 by Ihe Landlord and Ihe persons employeu 10 mov Ihe same in and oul of lhe building
musl be acceplable 10 Ihe Landlord. Safes and olher heavy equipment shall be moved Ihrough Ihe Premises and common
areas only upon steel bearing plates. No deliveries requiring Ihe use of an elevalor for r. ight purposes will be received into
the building or carried in the elevalors, except during hours al)proved by ¡he Landlord,
16. Canvassing, soJiciling and peddling in the building i!1>rohibiled.
17. The Tenant shall firsl ubtain in wriling lhe consenl of Ihe Landlord (0 any allera ion or modifiealÏonlo Ihe eleClrical
syslem iri Ihe Premises and aU such aheralions and modificalions shallue compleled all Ie Tenanl's expense by an electrical
contraclDr acceplable 10 Ihe Landlord.
18. The Tenant shall firsl obtain in wriling Ihe consent of Ihe Landlord 10 lhe plac menl by lhe Tenant of any garbage
conlainers or receplacles outside (he Premises or building.
]9, The Tenant shall nol inslall or ereel on or aboullhe Premises lelevision anlenn e. communicalions lowers, salellite
dishes or olher such apparalus,
. O. The Landlord shall have !he right [0 make such other and (unher reasonable rul and regulalions and 10 aller, a~end
~ or cancel all rules and regulalions as in ilsjudgement may from lime 10 lime be neede for Ihe safelY. care and cleanliness
o( ¡he building and for Ihe preservalion of good order therein and Ihe same shall be pI anú observeú by the Tenanl, his
employees, agenls, servanls, eonlraclors or lnviles, The Landlord may from lin1e I lime waive any of such rules and
regulations as applied 10 partieular [enanls and is nOI liable to the Tenanl for breaches lhereof hy olher lenanls.
. .
SCIŒDULE "]I" TO 1!Y-LAI~ NO, 2003-49
THIS LEASe:: f11~¡e as of !hCIs t rl;IY of April, 2003
(hcrcinancr called Ihe "Landlord")
. ,
(hereinafler called Ihe "Tenanl")
In consideralion oflhe rents, covenanls and obligalions stipulaled herein (he LaridJortJ and Ihe Tenanl
have agreed (0 enter inlo a Leasc of (he Premises bein; Ihal par¡ of Ihe building (¡he "Building")
shown oUllined in red on the sl:clch annexed herelo as Schedule "A" which·building is 10c~led on
the lands and prcmises (Ihe "Rcal Properly") bcin!: paris of Lois 29 ¡lOd 3D, Concession "A",
Township of Kincardinc (now Municipalil)' of Kincardinc), County of Druce, designalcd ilS PariS
) antJ 2 on Refcrcnce 1'1,11\ JR·585ú.
(a) The LantJlortllcil~es Ihc Premises (0 Ihc Tcn¡IIn;
al Ihe Renl set (orlh in Seclion 2;
(ii) for lhe Term sel fOrEh in Scclion J; ;lnd
(iii) subjecllo the coodilions-and in accordance wilh (he covenanls. obligalions
and agreemcnls herein.
(b) Thc Landlord covcnallls Ihat he has Ihc righl to granl the leusehold inleresl in [hc
Premises free feom encumbrances excepl as disdosed on lille.
(a) Hen! II1C;ln5 Ihc ;JmIJunlS raYilblc l1y thc 'l'Cn:cl,o ~1~~rLaD":lnrd :~SU:O:J¿ï(
Section, and inclucles addilional renl. ..... ", ~~ t r)(1 ~ ~(( ~
(b) The Tenan covenanls (0 pay 10 Ihe Landlord, during\lhc Term of this Lease Renl in
($25, 572.0(f¥l}'allle ill equal monll1lV ¡nslalll1cl\(s of TWO THOUSAND O~ HUNDRED
THIRTY ONE DOLLARS ._. ($2, 131.00) . each ÎI~ advance ~n IhElstday of
each amD:very 1110nlh, Ihe nesl payment Cõüe made on Il1e 1st day of Apn1 and ¡he last
such paY01cnllo bc made 00 11H: 31stday of March, 2005. 2003
(e) The Tçnanl fUrl her covenanlS lIJ pay 10 the Landlord GST on Ihe Rent. The amount
of GST shall be calclllalctJ in accordancc wilh ¡he applicable Jcgisfalion and shall lie paid al
the same lime as lhe fenl La which the GST applies is payable 10 the Landlord under this
Leasc. The Landlord shall have (he same ri¡:hls and remetJics nn non-paymenl of GST as it
has for renl in ~rrcar~ uncJcr Ihis Lcase.
(d,J.. Thc Tenan[ furlher covcnanls (0 p,'y "" olher sums required by ¡his Lease (0 be paid
b} II and agrces (hal ~¡! amouul~ payable by ¡he Tcnan( 10 the Landloru or 10 any other parly
pursuanllo thc provIsIons of ¡his Lease sl¡¡¡1( be dcemed 10 bc auditional renl ("Add"t'o ·1
R ") ¡ ,. . I oa
enl w H~l ¡er or nOI specifically designaled as such in Ihis Lcase.
(e) AI( paymenls to be made by Ihe Tenan! pUi'SuilnllCJ ¡his Lcasc shall bc delivered 10
¡he Landlord at Ihe Landlord's address for service sel oul in Section 16 or 10 such other place
as (he Landlord ma)' from limc 10 lime direc( in w(jlint;.
W· The: Tenan( agrces (0 pay in adv'IIICC 10 Ihe Landlord OIl lhe commenccmenr of ¡he
Term Ihc firsl and hlSI monlhs' Ren( payablc under Section 2(b) of this Lease. .
(g) All Rem in ¡¡rrears and all sums paid by Ihc Lanulord for e¡:pcnses incurred which
should havc bcen p;lid b)' IlIc Tenant sh..1I bear ¡nleresl from [be datc paymenl was due, ót,
made, or expense incurred at a rate per annum equal to [he prime commcrcial Icnding rate
of tbe Landlord's bank plus IWO (2) pcr cenl.
(h) The Tenant acknowledges and agrces thallbe raymenls of Rcnl and Addj¡jonal Rcnl
provided for in this Lease shall be made wilhout any deduction for an)' reason whalsoever
unlessexpressl}' allowed Ò)' (he leflns or (his Lease or agreed (0 by Ihe Landlord in wriliog;
a~" ."
(i) no partial paymen! by Ihe Tenant which is ~ccepted by Ihe Landlord shall be
considered as olher (han a p~rlial paymcnl on account of Renl owinS and shall no(
prejudice Ihe Landloru's right to rccover any Renl owing.
(a) The Ten¡lI1( ~hall h~Ye possession of Ihe Prcmiscs for 17 pcriod of TWO
coml11encing on Ihc I~t day of April, and endin¡: on ¡hc 31st day of March
"Term"). 2003 2005
ycar~ ,
, . (¡he
(b) Subject 10 ¡hc Landlord's righ(s undcr ¡his Lease, and as long as (hc Lease is in good
slanding Ihc Landlord covenanlS th~llheTcnanls sh¡¡1I have quiet enjoyment of the Premises
during Ihe Term of Ihis Lease without any inlerruption or uislurbance from ¡hc Landloru or
an)' o!her pcrson or persons Imvrully claiming ¡¡¡rough Ihe Lanulord.
(e) If the Tenanl fails lo lake pos:;cssion of lhe Premises or to open for business on or
bcfore (he dale specified lor commencemcnt of ¡he Term of Ihis Lease, rIm Landlord shall,
in ~ddi!ion 10 any othcr remedies, have Ihe righl lO terminalc this Lease upon (\\,enry·four
(2l)hours wr;lIen nOlice to the Tcnaot, and 10 recover from the Tenant Ihe Cosl of all wor).:
done by ¡he I;-andford 011 behalf of (he Ten¡¡nl.
{a The Tenarl!, logecher wi(1i and in common wilh ¡¡II o(hers cnli(lcs Ihere!o and ¡heir
respec(ìvc officers, aßenls, servan(s, empJoj'ees. cOlllraclors. customers, invilees or licensees.
shall be cmilled 10 (he use ilnd benefil of (he Common Facilities. The Tenant shall not
unreasonably b!ock or in any manner hindcr Ihe Landlord or olber persons who ma)' be
authorized by the Landlord to ulilize lhe Common f'acililics from so doing. The Landlord
may, in his discretion frOl11lil11e (0 lime permit ccrlain persons 10 h¡¡ye (he e¡¡clusive use of
porI ions of lhe Common facilities (0 the exclusion of lhe 1'ell,1I11 and other persons.
(\)) As p'al1 of ¡his Lease, (he Landlord shilll supply :ll his cxpense ¡he utililìcs for ¡he
l'remises being c!ec(rici()', wa(er, heal and air'~Qndi(i(1l1ing ,lOll) sh,,¡ funher be responsible
for the elevalor. existing securil)' syslel11rSl1l1W ploughing, lawn maillten"ncc, custodia!
services to (he ßllilding :lnd garba¡:e collcClioll and remov,¡!.
(e~ .. Por lhe purpose:' of this Lease, "Common foaciJi¡ics" means all common areas and
uUhlles from lime 10 lime furnished or designated (and which may be changed) by ¡he
L.nd~ord.for the lI~e ~n common, in such manner as the Landlord may permit, of len.nls of
premises 10 (he BUI!dmg a[d all others enlil(ed 10 access and their respective officers. ag~ms,
s:,:an~s. employees, conlraClors. cuslomers, invi(ees or licensees. including, Wilhout
IlI1IIlallon. parking areas, access roads, driveways, entrances and exits, sidewalks, ramps,
landscaped areas, building entrances. IQhbjcs, s(airwuys. elevators, passageways and
(a) The Tenanl shall not assign Ihis Lease or sublcllhe whole or any part of the Premlse~'
unless he firs I oblains the consent of Ihe Landlord in wriling, which consent shall not
unreasonably be wilhheld;
(jJ and Ihe Tenant hereby waives his right to the beoefil of any present or fulure
ACI of the Legislature of Ontario which would allow Ihe Teoant to assign Ihis Lease
or sublet (he Premises w¡lhoul (he Landlord's consent.
(b) The consent of the Landlord (0 any assignmer1l or sublelliog. shall not operate as a
waiver of the necessíty for consent 10 an¥-Subsequent assignmenL or sublelling.
(e) Any consent granled by lhe L:lndlord shall be condilional upon (he assignee.
sublessee or occupant execuling a wriuen agreemenL direcUy Wilh the Landlord agreeing to
be bound by all (he lerms of this Lease as if the assignee, sublessee or occupant had
originally execUled (his Lease as Tenanl.
(d) Any consenl given by thc Landlord 10 uny llssignmenl or o(her disposition of the
Tenanl's imeres! in ¡his Lease or in Ihc Premises slwII nOI relieve (he Tenanl from his
obligalions under lhis Lease, including ¡he obligalion lO pay Renl and Additional Renl as
provided for herein.
(e) If (he parLY originally enlering inlo ¡his Lease as Tenanl, or any parly who
subsequenlly becomes Ihe Tenant by way QÚ!.ssignment or sublease or olhenl' ise as provided
for in (his Lease, is a corporation Ihen;
(i) (he Tenanc shall nOI be enlilled (0 deal wilh ils !lulhorjzcd or issued capilal or
(hat of an affiliated company in any way Ihat resulls in a change in the effeclive
voting control of the Tenant unless (he Landlnrd first consents in writing 10 (he
prop~ed change;
(ii) if any change is made in ¡hc control or the Tenanl corporalion wilhoutlhe
wriuen consenl of the Landlord ¡henlhe Landlord shall be entitled lO Ircatlhe Tenant
as being in defaul( and 10 exercise (he remedies stipulated in parùgraph 11 (b) of (his
Lease and any oilIer remedies nvai!able in Jaw;
(iji) Ihc Tenanl agrees 10 make available 10 Ihe Landlord or his authorized
representatives the corporate books and rccords of lhe Tenant for inspeclion al
reasonable limes.
(a) During thc Term of the Lease (he Premises shull not be used for any purpose olhcr
than commercial office purposes.
(b) The Tenant shall only make such reasonable use of Ihe utililies supplied to the
Premises as would a reasonable tenant using (he Premises fór commerci~¡ office purposes.
(c) The Tef1anl shall nOI do or per@o be done allhe Premises anything which may:
. (i)
constitute a nuisance'
cause damage 10 (he Premises;
cause injury or annoyance [0 occupants of neighbouring premises;
make void or voidable an}' insurance upon {he Premises;
(v) constitute a breach of any by-law, slalule, order or regulation of
municipal, provincial or other competeol aUlhority relaling 10 Ihe Premises.
(a) The Tenant covenants (hat during the (erm of Ihis Lease and any renewallhereof Ihe
Tenant shall keep in good condilion ¡he Premiscs including all allera{ions and additions made
therelo, and shall, wiLh orwithoul notice, promptly make all needed repairs and all necessary
repl~cemenls as would a prudent owner;
(í) bUL ¡he Tenant shall not be liable to effecl repairs auribulubfe to reasonable
wear and (ear, or (0 damage caused by fire, lightning or s(oml.
(b) The Tenant shall permit (he Landlord or a person authorized by the Landlord 10 coler
Ihe Premises 10 examinc ¡he condilion Ihereof and view {he Slale of repair al reasonable
(i) and if upon such examination rcpairs are found lO be necessary. wriuen notice
of the repairs required shall be given 10 (he Tenant by or on behalf of Ihe Landlord
and Ihe Tenanl shall make the necessary repairs within (he time specified in the
(ij) anil if Ihe Tenonl ref·usC$.or negleels 10 kecp the Premises in good repair the
Landlord may, bul shall nOI be obliged lO. make ilny necessary repairs, and shall be.
permilled to enter Ihe Premises, by 11II11self or his scrvanlS or agents. for Ihe purpose
of effecling Ihe repairs withouI lreing liable 10 lhe Tenant for any loss, damage or
inconvenience 10 Ihe Tenont in connection wilh {he: Landlord's enlry and repairs.
(A) and if Ihe Landlord makes repairs Ihe Tenant shall pay [he cost of
them immedialely as Additional Renl.
(c) Upon'lhe e~piry of (he Term or olhcr determinalion of ¡his Lease (he Tenant agrees
peaceably 10 surrender ¡he Premises, including any alteralions or addilions made thereto, (0
[he Landlord in a slale of good repair, reasonable wear and lear and damage by [ire, lightning
and storm only excepted.
(d) The Tenan¡ shall immedialely give wriHen notice to the Landlord of any subSlanlial
damage lhat occurs 10 {he Premises from any cause.
(a) If the Tenant, during Ihe Term of Ihis Lease or any renewal of iI, desires 10 make any
allerations or addilions 10 (he Premises. including but not limited 10: erecting parli(ions,
altaching equipmenl. and installing neeess~ry furnishings or addilional equipmenl of lhe
Tenant's business,lheTenanl may do so al his own expense, al any lime and from lime to
lime. if (he following conditions are met:
(i) before underlaking any aheralion or addilion Ihe Tenanl shall submit 10 [he
Landlord a plan showing the proposed alleralions or addilions and the Tenant shall
. '. .~
noC proceed !o make any a/leralion or addition unless Ihe Landlord has approved Ihe
plan, and ¡hc Landlord shall nor unrcasonably or arbilrarjly wj(¡hold his approval;
(A) and i¡em~ included in the p!an which arc regarded by (he Teoant as
"Trade Fixlures" shall be designated as such on the plan;
(ii) any and all a/cera/ions or additions /0 (he Premises made by th·e Tenanl must
comply wi(h all applicablc building code slandards and by-laws of the municipality
in which (hc ['remiscs are localed.
Cbl The Tenanl shall be responsible-fer-and pay lhe cos! of any allcralions, additions,
ins/aHa.(ions or imp,rovcmenls Ihal any governing authority, municipal, provincial <?f,.
otherwIse, may requIre to be made ¡o, on or to the Premises. .,
(c) No sigo, advertisemem or notice shall be inscribed, painted or affjxcd by the Tenanl,
or any other person on {he Tenant's behalf, on any part of Ihe inside or outside of Ihe
building in which (he Premises are located unless (he sign, adverlisemenl or nOlice has been
approved in every respect by Ihe Landlord.
Cd) All aheralions aod addilions 10 lhe Premises madc by or on behalf of Ihe Tenanl,
olher Ihao the Tenant's Trade Fixtures, shall immediately become the property of the
Landlord wilhout compensalion (0 (he Tenant
(c) The Tenant agrees, aC his own cxpense and by whatever means may be necessary,
immediately 10 obtain Ihe release or discharge of any encumbrance (hat may be registered
against the Landlord's property in conneclion wilh any adùitiol\s or al(eratiol\s 10 the
Premises made by Ihe Tenanl or in connec!ion Wilh any olher activily of lhe Tenanl.
(f) [f Ihe Tenanl has complied with his obliga(ions according to the provisions of this
Lease, the Tenanl may remove his Trade Fixlures at the end of the Term or other lermination
of this Lease and Ihe Tenant covenaOlS (hal hc will make good and repair or replace as
necessary any damage caused to IhePremises by (he removal of [he Tenam's Trade Fixtures.
(g) . Other than as provided in paragraph B(n ¡¡bove, Ihe Tcnanl shall no(, during Ihe lerm
of ¡his Lease or any time (hereafter remove from (he Premises any Trade Fixlures or other
goods and chaltels of (he Tenan( except in thc following eircumslanees:
(he removal is in (he ordinary course of busincss:
(ii) Ihe Trade Fixture has bccome unnecessary for the Tenanl's business or is
being:~eplaced by a new or similar Trade fixture; or
(iii) ¡he Landlord has consen(ed in wriling to (hc removal;
bUI in any case Ihe Tenanl shall nlakëgõod any ùamage causcu (0 (he Premises by the
il\slallalion or removal of any Trade Fixtures, equipmenl, partitions, furnishings and any
o(her objects whalsoever brought onlo Ihc Prcmises by the Teoanl.
(h) The Tenan( shall, al his own expense, if requested by lhe Landlord, remove any or
all addi(ions or improvements made by thc Tenan( 10 Ihe Premises during lhe Term and shall
repair all damage caused by the inslallalion or Ihe removal or bOlh.
(j The Tenant shall not bring on 10 thc Premiscs or an)' part of ¡he I'reinises any
machinery, equipmem or any other thing thaI might, in Ihe opinion of the Landlord, by
rcason of ils weight, size or use, damage the Premises or overload (he floors of ¡he Premises;
(j) and if ¡he Premises are damaged or overloaded the Tenant shall restore Ihe
Premises immediately or pay 10 the Landlord the cost of restoring the Premises.
. .,.! ~ ."
. '
(a) The Tenanl covenants 10 keep Ihc Landlord indcmnified against all claims and
d~~ands whalsoever by any persoo, whC1her in respect of damage. to pe.rson or properly.
ansll1g oul of or occasioned by Ihe maintenance, use or occupancy of (he Premises or lhe.
sublelting or assignnlcnl of same or any pan ¡hereof. And the Tenant furlher covenants 10
ind.e~nífy Ihe Landlord \Vi(h respecl to any encumbrance on or uamage 10 lhe Premises, the
B\JI¡~lng .and the Common Facilities occasionctl by or arising from lhe aCl, defaull, or
negligence of the Tenant, Íls officers, agenls, servants, employees, contractors. CUSlomers,
invi(ecs or liccnsees:
(i) and Ihe Tenan! agrces (hal Ihe roregoing indemnily shall survive thc
(enninalion of {his Lease notwi!lls(.lI1ding any provisions of (his Lease lo the
conlrar)' .
(b) The Tenan( shall carry insurance in his own namc 10 provide coveragl: wilh respecl
(0 lhe risk of business inlerruplion 10 an exlcol sufficient (0 allow 1!\C Tenane 10 meet his
ongóing obligations 10 the Landlord and 10 prolect lhe Tenilm aguinst' ioss of revenues.
(c) TheTe~ani shall carry insurancc in his own name insuring againstlhe risk of damage
to 'he Tenant's properly wj(hin the premises caused by fire or Olhcr perils and the policy
shall provide for covcrage on a replacemenl COSt basis to pro(ccl lhe Tl:naol' s slock-in-Irade,
equipment, Trade Fixlures, decorations aiiõîmprovemenls.
(d) The Tenam shall, during the lerm of Ihis Icase, prOl'ide, at his own cxpense, and keep
in full force and effecl, in Ihe names of ¡he Landlord and the Tenanl, pub!ic liability
insurance applying 10 all operalions of ¡he Tenant and which shall include bodily injury
liability and lenanls' legal liability will) respect 10 the occupancy by the Tenant of (he
Premiscs. Such policies shaH be wrillen on a comprehensive basis with I in1Ïls of not less than
ONE MILLION .DOLLARS per occurrence and wilh a cross liabilily clause. All policies of
insurancc required 10 be nlainlained under this provision shall bc with a company or
companies licensed to do business wilhin the Province of Ontario anu approved by the
Landlord. The Tenant shall furnish Ihe Laodloru wilh ccrtificales or other acceplable
evidence of all such insurance promp(ly upon request.
(a) If (he Premises or the building in which (he Prcmises are localed, are damaged or
des/royed, in.,whole or jn parI, by fire or olhcr peril, (hen 'the following provisions shall
apply; ,
(i) if the damage or deslruction renders the Premises unfit for occupancy and
impossible 10 repairorrebuild using reasonable diligence wilhin 120 clear days from
Ihe happening of such damage or deslruclion, Ihen the Term hereby granted shall
cease from Ihe dale (he damage or desfruccion occurred. aod (he Tenant shall
immedialely surrender Ihe remainder of Ihe Term and give possession of the
Premises to the Landlord, and (he Rent from (hc rimc of the surrender shall abale;
(ii) If (he Premises call, wilh rcasonable diligenec, be repaired and rendered fit
foroec\Jpancy wilhin 120 days from lhc happening of (he damage or deslruClion, but
the damage renders Ihe Premises wholly unfit for occupancy, Ihen Ihe rent hcrcby
reserved shall nOI accrue ane;:ï¡]c day thaI such danlage occurred, or while (he
process of repair is going on, and the LlIIdlord sl¡¡¡1I re¡¡¡¡jr Ihe Premises w ilh all
reasonable speed, and IheTenal1l's obligalionto pay Renl shall resume immcdia(ely
af(er Ihe necessary repairs have becn completed;
liii) 1£ the leased Premises can be repaircd within 120 days as aforesaid. bu( Ihe
danlage is such thaI the leased Premises arc capable of being partially used, Ihen unlil
I ..
',. .
I '
such damage has been repaired, (he.Xenanl shaU continue in posscssion and Ihc Ren!
shall a[¡ale proporlionalely.
(b) Any question as 10 the degree of damageordeslruclion or Ihe period of lime required
10 repair or rebuild shall be delermined by an ~rchilecl retained by Ihe Landlord.
(c) There shall be no a[¡alemenl from or reduction of the Rent payable by the Tenanl, nor
shalllhe Tenanl beentiUed (0 ciaim againsllhe Landlord for any .damages, gcneral or special,
caused by fire, wacer, sprinkler syslems, partial or lemporary failure or stoppage of services
or utililies which Ihe Landlord is obliged 10 provide according 10 this Lease, from any cause
(a) An Ac[ of Dcfault has occurred when:
(i) Ihe· Tenant has failed 10 [!ay Rent for a period of 15 consecutive days,
regardless of whether demand for p;¡ÿmen[ has bee!! made or nO!;
(ii) the Tenant has breached. his covenants or failed [o.perform any of his
obligations under Ihis Lease; and . .
(A) thetandlord has given notice specifying the nature of the defauII and
the sleps required to correct il; and
(5) Ihe Tcnant has failed 10 correCllhe default as rcquired by Ihe nOlice;
(iii) (he Tenanl has;
(A) become bankn'pt or insolvcnt or madc an assignmcnl for thc benefit
of Credilors;
(B) had ¡IS properly seizcd or "ltached in sHlisfaclion of a judgmenl;
(C) had a receivcr appointed;
(D) commilled any acl or neglected 10 do anything wilh Ihe result Ihal a
Construction Lien or olher encumbrance is regislered againstlhe Landlord's
. (E) wilhout Ih~ conscnt of lilc Landlord, made or en¡ered into an
:: agreement to make a S:lle of ¡IS ;I~cls 10 which (he llulk Sales f\cr Ðppli~s:
(fo) taken ac(ion, if Ihe Tenant is a corporation, with a view lO winding up.
dissolUlion or liquidalion;'
(iv) any insuranc~ policy is cancelled or not renewcd by reason of Ihe use or
occupalion of ¡he Premises, or by reason of non-payment of premiums;
(v) thc Premises;
(A) become vacant o~ remain unoccupied for a period of thirty (30)
conseculive days; or
(3) are nol open for business on more than Ihirty (30) busi~ess da~s in
Ðny Iwelve (12) monlh period or on any twelve (12) consecul1ve bUSiness
(C) ~re used.by a?y olherperson or persons, or for any othe; purpose Ihan
as provldecl for In IhJS Lease without [he wrillen consent of Ihe Landlord.
When an Act of Default on the parI ~f Ihe Tenant has Occurred:
(iJ (he current mOnlh's renl together with Ihc next thrce monlhs' rent shall
become due amI payable immediately; or
(ii) the lancllord shall have Ihe righ( 10 lerminate Ihis Lease and to re-erHer Ihe
Premises and deaf wilh (hem as he m"y choose.
(e) . If, b.ecause an Act of Defaull has occurred, the Landlord exercises his right 10
lem1lnale ((us Lease and re-enter Ihe Premises prior to the end of the Term Ihe Tenant shall
. ' . f'
neverlheless be liable for paymenl of Renl and all other amounls payable by the Tenanl in"
accordance wi(h Ihe provisions of this Lease until ¡hc Landlord has rc-Jetlhe Premises or
otherwise dealt with (he Premises in such manner Iha( the cessation of payments by (he
Ten~nl wiJl not resull in loss (0 (he Landlord;
(i) and thc Tenant agrees 10 be liable (0 the Landlord, untillhe end of the Term
of this Lease for payment of any diffcrence between (hc amouO! of ReO! hcreby
agreed to be paid [or (he Term hercby granled and 11m R!:J11 anÿ new !enanl pays 10
Ihe Landlord.
(d) The Tenanl COVen30(S ehae no(wì¡hs(andiog an)' prcsent or fulure Ac[ of (he
Legislature of (he Province of Onlario, Ihc person..! properly of Ihe Tenanl during Ihe lem1
of Ihis Lease shall not be exempl from levy by dislress for Renl in arrears;
(j) and (he Tenanl acknowledges Ihal il is upon (he express undcrslanding [hal
there shoulu be no such exemplÏon thai this Lease is entered in(o, and b)' execuling
this Lcase:
(A) Ihe Tenanl waives Ihe benefil of any such lcgislative prav isioos which
mighl otherwise be available 10 'he Tenan( in (he absence of (his agreemen(;
(B) [he Tenant agreesJIillI (he Landlord may plead ¡his covenant as an
eSloppel against theTenan( if an Dction is hrough( 10 Les[ Ihe Landlord's righl
to levy dislress against Ihe Tenant's properly.
(e) If, when an acl of Defaull has occurred, the Landlord chooses nOllo lerminate the
Lease and re-enler the Premises, Ihe Landlord shall Imve Ihe right (0 lake any and all
necessary steps 10 recLify any or all Acls of Default of ¡he Tenant and to charge 1he costs of
such rectification to ¡he Tenanl Dnd 10 recovcr Ihc coslS as Rcnt.
(f) Ir, when an Act nf DeFault has occurred. (hc Lanulord chooscs [0 waive his righl 10
exercisc Ihe remedies available 10 him under lhis Lease or al law Ihe waiver shall not
conslilute condonation of the Ael of DeFaaIL nor shall the waiver be ple.aded as an eSloppel
against the Landlord 10 prevenl his eKerëíšãiig his remedies with respect.lo a subsequent Acl
of Default:
(i) No covenant, term, or condition of Ihis Lcase shall be deemed (0 have been
waived by (he Landlord unless Ihc waiver is in wriling and sign cd by Ihe Landlord.
(a) If the Landlord desires al any lime (0 demolish the Premises or any part thereof, 10
an extenl (hal renders conlinued possession by (he (enan! imprae[icable, or if Ihe Premises
are cxpropriaecd or condemned by any competent authority:
. "tl,;
(j) The Landlord shall have-thc right 10 lerminale this Leasc by giving ninely
(90) clear days' nOliee in writing to (he Tenant; or
(iO (he landlord may require Ihe Tenanl (0 vacate the premises wilhin ninety (90)
days from payment by (he Landlord [0 Ihe Tenanl of a bonus equal lo three monlhs'
(A~ butpaymenl of ¡he saiu bonus shall be accompanied or preceded by
wnllen nouce from the Landlord (0 the Tenanl advising of Ihe Landlord's
intent to exercise Ihis option.
(b) The Tenant agrees 10 permil (he Landlord lIuring Ihe Jasl Ihree months of Ihe Term
of Ihis Lease 10 display "For Rent" or "For Sale" signs or both atlhe Premises and to show
the Prcmises to prospeerive new tenants or purchasers and (0 permit anyone having wrillerí:!;
authority of the 'Landlord (0 view [he Premises at reasonable hours.
(c) If Ihe Tenant remains in possession of (he Premises af[er terminalion of this Lease
as aforesaid and if Ihe Landlord then accepts rent for Ihe Premises from Ihe Tenant. it is
agrced thaI such overholding by the Tenant and acccp(ance of Rent by the Landlord shall
create a monlhly tenancy only but the lenancy shall remain subject 10 alllhe lerms and
condilions of (his Lease except those regarding Ihe Term. ::
The Tenant agrees thaI he will at any lime or times during Ihe Term, upon being given ar
Jeasl forty-eigJH (48) hours prior wriHen notice, execute and deliver 10 the Landlord a slalemel1l in
wriling cerlifying:
(a) thaI this Lease is unmodified and is in full force and effecl (or if modified slaling the
modificalions and confirming lhatthe Lease is in (ull force and effect as modified);
(b) (he amount of Renl being paid;
(c) (hc dates to which Rent has been paid;
(d) other charges payable under this Lease which have becn paid;
(e) particulars of any prepaymCl1( of Rent or security deposils; and
parliculars of any sublenancies. _
(a) This Lease and all the righls of (he Tenant under Ihis Lease are subjecl and
suborllinate to any and all charges againstlhe land, buildings or improvements of which Ihe
Premises form part, whelher Ihe charge is in the nalure of a morlgagc, (rusl deed, lien or any
olher form of charge arising from the financing or re-financing, iocluding extensions or
re¡¡ewals, of Ihe Landlord's interest in the properly.
(b) Upon the requcsl of Lhe Landlord the Tenant will execule any fom! required to
subordinale lhis Lease and lhe Tenanl's right to any such charge, and will. ¡frequired, all om
10 the holder of Ihe charge.
(c) No subordination by the Tenanl shall have (he effcct of permilling lhe holder of any
charge 10 disturb the occup:ltion and possession of the Premises by the Tenant as long as the
Tenant pcrforms his obJigalions under Ihis Lease,
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. ..
The Tenanl agrees o.n bchalf of i\self a·nd all pcrsons enlering Ihe Building wilh Ihe Tenanl's
aulhorily or permission 10 comply willI all rc.,sonable rutes and regulalions thaI form parI of Ihis
Lease or Ihallhe Landlord may make froniTrii1e 10 limc for the safel)', care and cleanliness of the
Building and Ihe preservalion of good order in the Duilding and Common Facìlilies.
(a) An)' noliee required orperl1lilled (0 be givcn b)' one part}' 10 the othcr pursuanll~ lhe
terms of lhis Lease may be given
10 (he Landlord al;
1475 5th Concession
RR #5
.Kineardine, Ontario
N2Z 2X6
10 Ihe Tenanl allhe Premises or at:
RR #5
Kincardine, Ontario
N2Z 2X6
(b) The abovc adùrcsses mo)' be clmn¡;ed a( any (imc by ¡;iving len (10) days wrillen
(c) An)' nolice givcn by ont parly 10lITh other in accordance wilh tlte provision of lhis
Lease shall be deemed conclusively to Ita ve becn received on the dale delivercd if (he no lice
is served pcrsonally or sevenly-two (72) hours afLcr mailing if the nolice is mailcd.
The Tcnanl shall nol al any lime rc¡;iSlcr nolice of or a copy of [his Lease on {jlle to the
propcrly of which the Premises form parI without consent of Ihc Landlord.
, .
. .'
-:-r 1-
. ---.
When not'in default hereunder, the Tenant shall have the option of
. renewing this lease by giving notice to the Landlord on or before
the 31st day of January 2005. Sueh renewal shall be on terms and
conditions to be mutually agreed upon by the landlord- and Tenant.
in thc P¡'cscl1ce of
(a) The words imporling Ihc singular numbcr only shall include' the plural. and vice
versa,. and '.,!ords imporling Ihe masculine gender shaH include the feminine gender. and
words importing persons shall include firms and corporalions and vice versa.
(b) Unless Ihc conlexl olherwise requires, Ihe word "Landlord" and Ihe word "Tenanl"
wherever used herein shaU be cons/rued 10 include Ille execulors, adminislralors. successors
and assigns of (he Landlord and Tenanl, respeclively. . 7: I:
fc) When Ihere are /wo or more Ten~n(s bound by Ihe same COI'enanlS lIerein conlained.
·¡heìr obligalions shall bejoinl amI several.
, ~
IN WITNESS WHEREOf the Landlord a,"d Ihe Tcnan! have execuled Ihis Lease.
T!IC Corporation of ,I lie MunicipaWy of
. dl, bThe TCLnanl shall obscr~e th~ foll.owing Rulcs and Regulalions (as amended. modified or supplemenled from time
( ,lime !y ¡he andJord as prol'lded m Ilus Lease):
11_ T,he sidewalks, cn(rances, elevators, slainvays and corridors of Ihe uuilding slJaIl not be obslructed or used by It e
, :ranl,llIs agenls. serva.nls. conlra~lors, invitees or employees for any purposc olher than access 10 anù from Ihe Premise:.
.' The floors, sky-hghts and windows Ihat reflect or admitlighl illlo passageways or into any place in the building shall
~I be covered orobslrucled by Ihe Tenanl, aod no awnings shalllJe pul over any window.
3. . The loilels, sinks, drains, washrooms and olher waler apparatus shall not be used for any purpose other than ¡hose
for !lh,,;/! h~y were eonslrueled, and no sweepings, rublJish, rags ashes or olhcr substances. such as chemicals, solvents.
nQXIOus liquids or pollutants shall be Ihrown Iherein. and any damage resullillg 10 Ihem from misuse shall be borne by the
~~anl by whom or by whose cmployees, agenls, servants, conlraClors or Invilees lhe damage was caused.
4. In Ihe evenllhal ~he Landlord provides and installs a PuWic Dircclory Board inside Ihe building, (he Tenant's name
st¡all be placed On the said Board althe expense of the Tenanl.
5.' Tl:'e Tenant shall not perform any aCls or carryon any ac(ivily which may damage the Premises orthe com",pn areas
at be a nUisance (0 any other lenanl.
6, No animals or birds shall be brought inlo lhe building Or kept on Ihe Premis~s.
7~ . The Te~ant shall nOl mark, drill imo, bore or cui or in any way damage or deface lhe walls, ceilings or noors of !he
Pfemlses. ffo Wlfes, pipes or conduils shall be inslalled in lhe Premises wi¡houl prior wriUen approval of Ihe Landlord. No
bljoadloom or carpeting shall be affixed (0 Ihe Premises by me3ns of a non-solulJle adhesive or similar producls.
. 8~: No one shall"use the ~remises fo~ sl~cping aparlmellls or residential purposes, for thi, slorage of personal effects or
¡ cles other (han Ihose rcqulred for business purposes, or (or any iIfeg31 purpose.
- I ..
,f~ The Tenanl shall not use or permilthe use of any olJjee(ionalJle advertising mcdium such as, wilhout limitalion,
lqudspeakers, public address systems, sound amplifiers. radio, lJroadcasl or (elevision appara(us wilhin ¡he building which
j~jn any manner audible or visible oUlside of the Premises.
10. The Tenant musl obscrve slrict care nollO allow windows lo remain open so as 10 admit rain or snow, or so as 10
irjlerfere wilh the healing of Ihe building. The Tenanl neglecling this rule will be responsihle {or an' damage caused 10 ¡he
PiOperlY of olher tenants, or 10 the property of ¡he Landlord, lJy such carelessness. The Tenanl, when closiog ¡he Premises,
s all close all windows and lock all doors.
1, . The Tenam shall nOI wilhouf Ihe express wrillcn eonseot of the Landlord, place any addìtionallocKs upoo any doors
0' Ihe Premises and'shall not permit any duplieale keys 10 be made therefor; bul shall use only addilional keys ob(ained from
I~e Landlord, allhe expense of (he Tenant, and shall surrender 10 Ihe Landlord onlhc lerminalion of Ihe Lease all keys of
tIle Premises.
l~. No inflammable oils or olher inflammable, toxic, dangerous or cxplosive m;lleria(s shall be kepi or permilled 10 be
kepI in or on Ihe Premises.
1;3. No bicycles or oU1er vehicles shall be lJroughl wi(hiMhe Prcmises or upon Ihe Landlord's properCy. including any
Itne.or eounyard, unless otherwise agreed in wriling.
i I. NOlhing shall be placed on ¡lie oulside of windows or projeelions of Ihe Premises. No air-comJilioning equipment
5/1311 be placed at the windows of the Premises withoollhe eonsen! in writing of Ihe Landlord.
~5, The moving of all hea~y equiplnent and office equipmenl or furnilllCe shall occur only be!we~n 6;00 p.m. an~ 8;00
a¡,m. or any other lin1e consentw to by Ihe Landlord and (he persons employeu 10 move chc same /II and aliI of ¡he bUIJdlng
;' USI be acceptable 10 Ihe Landlord. Safes and other heavy equipmeoL shalllJe moveu through ¡he Prel:1ises and ~on1l~on
eas only upon steel bearing plales. No deliveries requiring (he use of an elevalor for freíghl purposes WII! be received Info
I e lJuilding or carried in lhe elevalors, c)¡eep( during hours approved by Ihe L.ndlorcl.
~6. Canvassing, soliciling and peddling in lhe uuilding i~rohìbilcd.
~7. ;rhe Tenanl shall firsl oblain in writing Ihe eonsen! of ¡he Landlord 10 any alleraliun or modifiealioo 10 Ihe eleclr!cal
~ystem irt Ihe Premises and all such alteralions and modificnlionsshall be completed aL Ihc Tenaol's expcnse by an eleclncal
c¡onlraelor acceptable 10 Ihe Landlord.
18. The Tenanl shall firsL oblain in wrilíng Ihe conselll of the Landlord 10 (he placement by [he Tcnnnl of any garbagc
fontainers or recep(aeles oulside Ihc Premises or building. .
19. The Tenanl shall nol install or ereCI on or aboutlhe Premises television anlennae, communica!ions lowers, saleHile
fishes or other such apparalus.
.tl.O' The Landlord shall havc Ihe right to make such other and furlher reasonable rules and regulalions and to aller, al~encJ
r can"el aU rutes and regulalions us in its judgemenL may Crom lime 10 lime be needed for lhe safely, care anu cleanhne~s
f the building and for the preservalion of good order therein and ¡he same shall be kept and observed by Ihe Tenant, his
mployees, ageols. servants, conlraclors or Inviles. The Landlord may from lime 10 lime waive any of such rules and
regUlations as applied (0 particular tenams and is nOlliable 10 the T~nanL for breaches Ihereof by olher lenanlS.
to Lease made between
.I. , I
4."-" .......
,\- ...
.. ..... ..
outlined below. the area to be leased totals 2466 square feet.
, ,
SCII~Dor.e X}!X' "A"
( 1/1
IT '2'·6"
Kilclw.r::: SIO~ i
60 60
~u; '\
, \zce
\. "
,- I)
. .. Office /
". .,'
. . ~'l70"
.1;" ..
SALE: 1/16" == l'
"'umbers in rooms denole squl\I(
16 f'l square feel lola' common oreð on ~
\<incardíril§'-~' Aírporl' Buíld~ng 2nd Floor. ( /'