HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 104 tender contract 3 e e . e THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW NO. 2004 - 104 BEING A BY-LAW TO ACCEPT A PROPOSAL TO CO STRUCT SUBDIVISION SERVICING FOR THE KINCARDINE WATE TREATMENT PLANT EXPANDED SERVICE AREA FOR THE MUNICI ALlTY OF KINCARDINE (Omega Contractors Inc.) WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 Section 1 (2) authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws respecting matters within the sph re of jurisdiction of water distribution; AND WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has enacted the Safe ~rinking Water Act, 2002, as amended, to protect human health through the co trol and regulation of drinking-water systems and drinking-water testing; AND WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the Municip lity of Kincardine has deemed it necessary to construct a Shoreline Water Distrib tion System to meet regulations in the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, as amen ed; AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municip lity of Kincardine adopted 14 Guiding Principles for the Expanded Service Area - Kincardine Water Treatment Plant, with the passage of Resolution #2002 - 45; AND WHEREAS Resolution #2002 -45 has been further amend by Resolution #2003 - 404, Resolution #2003 - 406, Resolution #2003 - 504 nd Resolution #2004 - 39; AND WHEREAS as provided in Guiding Principle #2, 60% of th in the following subdivision servicing areas have requested a su water: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) property owners ply of municipal Lots 21, 22, 23 and part of lot 24, Concession A ( artwick property); Hartwick Lane; Samona Beach Lane; Concession 7, Redman Drive, Saugeen Valley Tr iI; Concession 5; Lake Street South (Lime Kiln); Blanche Lane. AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Munici ality of Kincardine deems it expedient to accept a proposal from Omega Contract rs Inc. to construct the balance of the subdivision servicing area (Contract 3) of th Kincardine Water Treatment Plant Expanded Service Area; I . . ./2 e Page 2 By-law No. 2004 - 104 Contract 3 - Shoreline Area Water Distribution System ender NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of th$ Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the awarding of the contract for the completion of t~e balance of the subdivision servicing area of the Kincardine Water ¡Treatment Plant Expanded Service Area (Contract 3) be exempted from tre Municipality of Kincardine tendering policy GG.2.4. 2. That the proposal submitted by Omega Contractors Inc. qt London, Ontario in the amount of $386,213.00 plus all applicable taxes fqr the construction of the Shoreline Area Water Distribution System, Contr~ct 3 consisting of the supply, labour and construction of watermains an~ services to the subdivision servicing areas as attached to this by-law a~ Schedule "A" be hereby accepted. 3. That the Mayor and CAO be hereby authorized to sign; on behalf of the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincar~ine any contracts and other documents required to authorize such work to qommence. e 4. That the Mayor and CAO are authorized to make such technical changes to the construction contract documents as might be required to commence and complete the contract provided that such changes ~o not in any way make any material changes to the intent of the work I as referred to in paragraph 2 of this by-law. . 5. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its firal passage. 6. This by-law may be cited as the "Shoreline Area Water Qistribution System (Contract 3) Tender Acceptance By-law". . READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and DEEMED TOI BE PASSED this 24th day of June, 2004. . e ~((. ~ MayOr /~~~ <c I Clerk e ...~:<.. . - .., .~. ........ KinÅ“tlllne LakeshQ1'e Watermain Contract 3 AddItIonal . Wlltmnain PVC Dr2Ø (native ÞackIiU ) Item 1# locatiDn size length priceIM unit total 1 Cunceaslon Rd. 7 160 mm aaa.s $ 85.00 M S 56,652.50 $ · 2 Redmond Dr. 100 mm 74.5 $ 79.00 M $ 5,885.60 S · 3 Saugeen Valley rrao 150mm 210 S 82.00 M $ 17,220,00 $ · 4 5aseInent -Inverness 200 mm 714 $ 92.00 M is 65,688.00 to Beach RIdge Rd. I $ 5 Clarence Street 150mm 213.5 $ 62.00 M $ 17,507.00 50mm 81 II 69.00 M II 6.589.00 $ 6 Samons Beach Rd. SOmm 180 $ 69.00 M $ 8,970.00 6A Blanch street 100mm 62 $ 79.00 M S 4,8S8.DD 1 HartwiCk Lane 150 nun 327 S 82.00 M $ 28,814.00 50mm 48$ 69.00 M $ 3,381.00 $ . 6 Lake street 50mm 156 S 78.00 M $ 12,168.00 . $ . 9 Insulation 50mm 174 $ 83.00 M $ 10,962.00 $ Water Services $ 10 19mm main ¡tepa 19mm 42 $ 144.00 es $ 6,048.00 1119mm cU/tutops 19mm 42 II 98.00 eo S 4,116.00 12 19mm saddles 19mm 42 $ 62.00 ea S 2,184,00 13 service trenching 19mm 11a II 55.50 M II 9.879.00 $ Sanitary Sewer pva dr 26 I 14 Lake street 200 mm 164 $ 11S.00 M $ 19,352,00 15 Recomect aervlcee 100 mm 10 S 395.00 ea S 8,950.00 16 Rook excavatiDn 15 $ 455.00 M3 $ 8,825.00 II . S $ carry fDrwerd $ 288.089.00 . This is Sc~\e· L ·to~hLaw No.~'I-\o'¡"lalluJtbe~ day Of-JL\N~ ~ ~. Clerk --- ?/ rnvM"Ø·M. Ross , Asso~;ates li.ited 519 524 4403 r-469 P.004/00B F-4rS ContraGt a cont'd . ! item Ii Walermain Fittings quantity pr/ce/ea. unit IDtaI 17 Fire H~IS 10 $ 2/230,00 ea $ 22,300.00 18 Gate valves 200 mrn 3 $ 998.00 88 $ 2,ass,OO 1 SO mrn 14 II: SSO.OO II 8,120,00 100 mm 2 $ 510.00 $ 1,020.00 5D rnm 3 $ 430.00 $ 1,290.00 19 200 (, 60 tee 2 $ 34a.DQ 1$ 690.00 22x4s bend 8 $ 295.00 $ 2,3eO.00 1SOx1SO tee 8 $ 276.00 . 2.200.00 15Ox100 lee 2 $ 270.00 $ 540,00 1SCbc160 cross 1 $ 525.00 $ 625.00 16Cbr22112 benQ 13 $ 198.DO $ 2.574.00 150x45 bend 4 $ 198.00 $ 792.00 1S0x90 bend S S 201.00 $ 1.005.00 150 cap tpl50mm 2 S 128.00 $ 256.00 1~112 betId 2 $ 178.00 $ 358.00 100 $ bend 2 $ 182.00 $ 364.00 100 cap !JII 80mrn 2 $ 118.00 $ 236.00 5O.x9D benrt 4 $ 48.00 S 19a.00 . 6011221/2 bend 3 $ 45.00 $ 135.00 50mnr blow off IS $ 698.00 $ 4.188.00 20 CDtJnect 10 existing S $ 1.846.00 ea $ ',225.00 :!VA cJeer end grub 1 S 4,500.00 L8 S 4.500.00 21 Iestlng.sWalMush.chlorlnate 1 $ 3.856.00 La $ 3.856.00 22 bonding $ 1 $ 3.540.00 LS $ 3,540.00 $ 23 Lump aum all Dthers 1 $ 9,87&.00 lS $ 8,875.00 $ CQntlgenay 1 $15.DOO.00 LS $ 15.DOO.OO $ $ SulMolal Ws pege $ 98.124.00 CIaI7fed folWard $288.089.00 Total $ 386.213.00 1 " iL " to By,-Law Thia fa Schedu e iiP' . NoPrx'L/- passed the 2:l!::. day of .::JJ ~e' 2004. ,~k . " ..... yor __