HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 025 committee amend feb e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW NO. 2004 - 25 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE CONSOLIDATED COMMInEE APPOINTMENTS BY LAW (BIA, Communities In Bloom, Doors Open, Recreation I Services, Arts Facility, Municipal Accessibility Adviso ) WHEREAS By-law No. 2004-11 was passed on the 21st day 0 January, 2004 to appoint members to various advisory committees, special com ittees, boards and commissions; AND WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of The Munici ality of Kincardine deems it expedient to amend this by-law to appoint additional p rsons; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation 0 the Municipality Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. Schedule "A" of By-law No. 2004-11 be hereby resci ed and replaced with the attached Schedule "A" (Ted Carthy, Melanie Merkt, R b Millar- BIA). 2. Schedule "E" of By-law No. 2004-11 be hereby resci ded and replaced with the attached Schedule "E" (Jeff Collins, Jim Tripp - Com unities In Bloom). 3. Schedule "G " of By-law No. 2004-11 be hereby resci ded and replaced with the attached Schedule "G " (Paul Rigby, Catherine Macl d - Doors Open). Schedule "U" (Page 1 of 2) of By-law No. 2004-11 be h reby rescinded and replaced with the attached Schedule "U" (Page 1 f 2) (Murray Munro, Dan Norman, Steve Ogilvie, Dome Fitzsimmons - Sub-committee - Tiverton Sports Centre Recreation Services). 4. 5. Schedule "X" of By-law No. 2004-11 be hereby resci ded and replaced with the attached Schedule "X" (Change of Committee N me from Tourism to Community, Heritage, Arts and Tourism). 6. Schedule "Z" of By-law No. 2004-11 be hereby rescinde and replaced with the attached Schedule "Z" (Norm Annetts - Arts Facility). 7. Schedule "AA" of By-law No. 2004-11 be hereby resc nded and replaced with the attached Schedule "AA" (Charles Jessop (Ward 3) Accessibility Advisory). .../2 e Committee Appointments Amendment (BIA, Communities In Bloom, Doors Open, Recreational SerVices, Arts Facility, Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee) By-law, F~bruary 2004 I By-Law No. 2004 - 25 I I Page2of2 I I , i , This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its finr' passage. This by-law may be cited as the "Committee APPointmen~Amendment (BIA, Communities In Bloom, Doors Open, Recreational S rvices, Arts Facility, Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee) By-law, Feb ary 2004". , I READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and DEEMED TO 'E PASSED this 25th day of February, 2004. i 8. 9. -.-.--- , , I I d e ~k Mayor é Clerk e e INDEX CONSOLIDATED COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT BY-LAW BY-LAW NO. 2004 -11 e As Amended by By-Law No. 2004 - 25 COMMITTEE SCHEDULE PAGE Board of Management Business Improvement Area (BIA) A 3 Bruce Area Solid Waste Recycling Association B 4 Incorporated (BASWRA) Cemeteries C 5 Committee Of Adjustment D 6 Communities In Bloom E 7 Corporate Services F 8 Doors Open G 9 e Economic Development H 10 Emergency Services I 11 Heritage Kincardine J 12 Impact Advisory K 13 Kincardine Police Services Board L 14 Lake Huron Shoreline Tourism M 15 Nuclear Liaison N 16 Parks & Waterfront 0 17 Agricultural Advisory P 18 (for Nutrient Management) Planning Advisory Q 19 Planning, Review, By-Law Enforcement And Building R 20 Committee e Property Standards S 21 Public Works T 22 Recreational Services U 23-24 Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority V 25 Special Purpose Committee Appointments W 26 Community, Heritage, Arts and Tourism X 27-30 Westario Y 31 Arts Facility Z 32 Municipal Accessibility Advisory AA 33 - e e e e Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 3 of 33 By-law 2004 - 11 SCHEDULE "A" As Amended by By-Law No. 2004 - 25 BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA ŒIA) (Reports to Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Guy Anderson Term of Office Kevin Bradley November 30, 2006 Bev Spence November 30, 2006 Lori Smith November 30, 2006 Ted Carthy November 30, 2006 Melanie Merkt November 30, 2006 Rob Millar November 30, 2006 Staff Resource JoAnn Cameron The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 7 of 33 By-law 2004 - 11 e SCHEDULE "E" As Amended by By-Law No. 2004 - 25 COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM (Reports to Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Martin Quinn November 30, 2006 Betty Lamont November 30,2006 Janet Moyser November 30, 2006 Eldon Roppel November 30,2006 e Sandra Brown November 30,2006 Michele Lamont November 30, 2006 Laurie Convay November 30, 2006 Jeff Collins November 30, 2006 Jim Tripp November 30, 2006 Staff Resource Recreation Director e e The Mayor is a mamber by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property Standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 9 of 33 By-law 2004 - 11 e SCHEDULE "G" As Amended by By-Law No. 2004 - 25 DOORS OPEN Appointee Expiry Date Jane Rigby November 30,2006 Bob Bullen November 30, 2006 Dome Fitzsimmons November 30, 2006 Karen Ribey November 30, 2006 Peter Owens November 30, 2006 e Vem Fry November 30,2006 Darryl Burtey November 30, 2006 Paul Rigby November 30, 2006 Catherine Macleod November 30, 2006 Staff Resource Clerk . . The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. e e e ·e Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 23 of 33 By-law 2004 - 11 SCHEDULE "U" Page 1 of 2 As Amended by By-Law 2004 - 25 RECREATIONAL SERVICES (Reports to Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Recreational Services Councillor Randy Roppel Councillor Maureen Couture Councillor Guy Anderson Richard Pym Jim Semple Doug Kennedy Mike Adili Jean Clarke Term of Office Term of Office Term of Office November 30, 2006 November 30, 2006 November 30, 2006 November 30, 2006 November 30, 2006 Staff Resource Recreation Director Sub-commlttees Tiverton Ball Committee Staff Resource Recreation Director Tiverton Community Centre Operated through a formal agreement with the Tiverton Lions. Tiverton Sports Centre Murray Munro Dan Norman Steve Ogilvie Dome Fitizsimmons November 30, 2006 November 30, 2006 November 30,2006 November 30, 2006 Staff Resource Tiverton Sports Centre Manager The Mayor is 8 member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 27 of 33 By-law 2004 -11 SCHEDULE ·X" Page 1 of4 e As Amended by By-Law No. 2004 - 25 COMMUNITY. HERITAGE, ARTS AND TOURISM (Reports to Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Maureen Couture Term of Council Councillor Randy Roppel Term of Council Bonnie Colwell November 30, 2006 Kaye MacDonald November 30,2006 Gord Thompson November 30, 2006 e Ron Coristine November 30, 2006 Catherine MacLeod November 30,2006 Kenneth Craig November 30, 2006 Staff Resource Clerk e e The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. e e e e Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 28 of 33 By-law 2004 - 11 SCHEDULE "X" Page 2 of 4 As Amended by By-Law No. 2004 - 25 COMMUNITY, HERITAGE, ARTS AND TOURISM (Reports to Committee of the Whole) Appointee Sub-commlttees Canada Day (As required) South Bruce OPP Representative Royal Canadian Legion Representative Fire Department Representative Lions Club Representative Recreation Representative Brad Kirkconnell (Citizen at Large) Driftwood Festival (As required) Brad Kirkconnell Faye Kirkconell Trudie Nelson Peter Blackwood Lynn Clayton Kevin Bradley Lynn Campbell Dianna Alderdice Connor Kraemer Dana Campbell Stacey Millar Rachel Hirtenfeld The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewern. ~ Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 29 of 33 By-law 2004 - 11 SCHEDULE "X" Page 3 of 4 e As Amended by By-Law No. 2004 - 25 COMMUNITY. HERITAGE, ARTS AND TOURISM (Reports to Committee of the Whole) Appointee Sub-committees Fish Kincardine Salmon Derby (As required) e Susan Novak Matt Luckhart Jennifer Webb Dave Guse Tina Green Jamie Agnew Rob Hayes Ken Weber Kincardine Scottish Festival and Highland Games Councillor Sandy Donald Angus MacKay Gord Rodgers Lori Stewart Martene Leslie Tony Doherty Richard Cook Bill Coleman Jim McArthur Winter Carnival e Representatives from participating community organizations (at large). e The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. e e e e Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 30 of 33 By-law 2004 - 11 SCHEDULE "X" Page 4 of 4 As Amended by By-Law No. 2004 - 25 COMMUNITY. HERITAGE. ARTS AND TOURISM (Reports to Committee of the Whole) Appointee Cruise Night (As required) Rob Cottrill Jim Hamilton Doug Duplantis Adam Kraemer Doug Storrey Wayne Palmateer Gord Thompson Kincardine Trails Network Committee (As required) Brad Kirkconnell Lillian Cottrill Bill MacTavish Karel Mika Terry Reid Allan Jamieson Bob Urie The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. e Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 32 of 33 By-law 2004 - 11 SCHEDULE ·Z " As Amended by By-Law No. 2004 - 25 ARTS FACILITY (Reports to Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Deputy Mayor Sandy Donald Term of Council Councillor Maureen Couture (Alternate) Term of Council Margaret G. Humphrey November 30,2006 Kenneth R. Goldspink November 30, 2006 e Andrew Watson November 30, 2006 Jennifer Webb November 30, 2006 Bonnie Bryan November 30, 2006 Norm Annetts November 30, 2006 Staff Resource Recreation Director e ·e The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. ä Consolidated Committee Appointment By-Law Page 33 of 33 By-law 2004 - 11 SCHEDULE"AA" e As Amended by By-Law No. 2004 - 25 MUNICIPAL ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY (Reports to Committee of the Whole) Appointee Expiry Date Councillor Gordon Campbell Term of Council Peter Harston (Ward 1) November 30, 2006 Janet Bannerman (Ward 1) November 30, 2006 Jim Hall (Ward 1) November 30, 2006 e Bob Harvey (Ward 1) November 30, 2006 Sue Young (Ward 2) November 30, 2006 Brenda McMullin (Ward 2) November 30, 2006 Scott McPherson (Ward 3) November 30, 2006 Chartes Jessop (Ward 3) November 30, 2006 Staff Resource Clerk Community Emergency Management Coordinator e e The Mayor is a member by virtue of office of all boards, commissions and committees with the exception of the Property standards Committee, Police Services Board and the Fence Viewers. -