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NO. 2004 - 23
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(Plan 26, Lots 3 to 5, Hwy. #9, Bervle
WHEREAS Section 268 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as
amended, provides for procedures for the sale of lands de lared surplus by
AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine has declared a surplus to its
needs those lands described as Plan 26, Lots 3 to 5 in the Mun cipality of
Kincardine (former Township of Kincardine) in the County of B ce;
AND WHEREAS Barbara Towns wishes to purchase from t e Municipality of
Kincardine those lands described as Plan 26, Lots 3 to ,Municipality of
Kincardine (former Township of Kincardine) in the County of ruce, being more
particularly described on the Agreement of Purchase and Sal attached to this
By-law as Schedule "A";
NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of t e Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows:
1. That the Mayor and C.A.O. be authorized to execute su h documents, on
behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kinca ine, as they may
deem advisable to convey the lands described on Sch dule "A" attached
hereto, to Barbara Towns.
The sale price for the said lands shall be eight thou and five hundred
dollars ($8,500.00).
This transaction is subject to the conditions outlined in the Agreement of
Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule "A"; and, that fifty
per cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale e credited to the
Kincardine Economic Development Fund; and fifty per cent (50%) of the
net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Municip lity of Kincardine
Capital Reserve Fund.
Plan 26, Lots 3 to 5. Bervie (Towns) Land Sale By-L~w
By-Law No. 2004 - 23 !
Page20f2 I
This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its firal passage.
5. This By-law may be cited as the "Plan 26, Lots 3 to ~, Bervie (Towns)
Land Sale By-law". :
25th day of February, 2004.
I, 'h__"__'h___'h__..___..n_'h_nh_"h_'h_n..__..__...__._~ª~~.~~~OJ'~8~¡'---'-'--'---"------__'___h--"--_- _ __ .u. . agrees to purchase from
R, ..................u......uu.uu...u.u.u.uu..u......M!!~!çjl1~~%?J~~:r~I!I!;;i...............................m.... '. . the following
·.umu.uu uU... .~.QL·b~..!:I.'!'ð',.it~,. .EI~rv.i!!.ß.!)!çL......m.........-'ronijng on th........ §.C?l!t!L. u.. .~de of. u. u........... .fiWY,. fig...
.Ml!J1iç.iP.!!!lI.Y.ºf.~jJ1~.rç!i.n!!.Lf.C?flJ:1.~flY..~!!!~fçl.i!!!!.I'@.lLǺ!!nl.Y..Qfß.r:\I.'?!!.. u . uuuu..
ins a frontage oC...__...___'-~.1J~_f.~~~m.~__n___..more or less by a depth of_hn_.n_hnhi~_~~_1§-'~~~i.-_·:_-_-_-___-_-_-_-.._-_-.-_---~~~·~-I~~~-~~-~·~~a~~- as
F'l~. . !l1?. ~º!s} ~.C?§.. !n.!~.~. M!!J1içiP.!!!iI.Y.º!.~i!!ºª[ç!in!!. {fQf!!1!!flY..Tw.p.,. ºfJ~j!!ºª[ç!!n.~ ),..ºº!!!!I.Y ºf. ß.N'?!!.. ... .
...... ............m··..7~, r4c <- '" -'\ .~.....,~"..~,"""""L.:~~¡,;,~.j..m.m.....m...mj~.:.,~_.;..~
ASE PRICE....u.....u........ .,.... SL=VFN TWGl:JSJ&..NO FI"~, ,uNDRED ~T\- Dollars ICDN$ 00 ~.í
IT. . ~~"J.{:f' 'ffl.ðJ.JifiJ(J.·1:Tí7F'JliiÃllitm. .. u ...u.m.. . ..U . j>~ 5--tiiði; " ..
ubm'IsL....IJ,Rº!!,·WªÇ·'?!!I1!!!!1"'·'?!!·,......J..............m..........fN~.!tl,!!'!PB!;P.mh.... .b1m ......DollorsICDN$... m ...f.i.QQ,QO <!(,
ncff8W1 poo OCC"P nœ P ~ -
iable moque poyable to.h.m.....B!!!Mª)(.~.~.~!!.!,¡mç!~.!~!1ªlt:y.qçU~j~~.rçl.i.n!!L...h......o;?hold;-;';-" without int...., pending completion û,
rmmatlon of this Agreement and to be credited 'oward the Purchase Price on completion. Buyer agrees to pay the balance as foJlows:
uyer agrees to pay the balance of the purchase price, subject to adjustments, by bank draft or certified cheque, to the
Dn the completion of this transaction.
EDULE(Sl_.._____._nu_..__·~~t__mn_...____..__,attached hereto form(s) port of this Agreement.
nELS INCWDED...Nllm...........hhm......h...mhu.h...h....h.hh....hu..............hh.hh............m...m......h
.. .nnh__.... _ _ _ ".h_n"n _.Uh_.Uh__,.hn _hnn 'h__.U _ _ nUh _...._ _.. _ _ _ _ _. h __u.n_U.n__hn_...n ___u _ __... _ _ _. Un..hn__hn__. __ ___ u. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
RES EXCLUDED...JI!il.............m...............m.....................................3.¿-~...................u............................m.......
... ...u............................m....m...............m...u.......................~u.... ...ummmm.m.............umu............................u.....uu...
3. I ~L ITEMS: The following equipment is rented and not included in the Purch r¡/a!. Buyer agrees to assume the rentœ contrad(s), jf assumable:
... .......u..........m......................m.m........,4· ..:!Ik~~... Þ.:! u...u...............m....u....................................... m ......
4. II 1U1Y, Thl. Offer shall be irrevocabl. bym...~~ru.....untilm-":m....up.m. on th......Jro!...mday oL....f!!Þ.f!!!!!Y........,... ~~ ....'
which time, if not accepted, this Offer shall be null and void anCl the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without interest. (yaor)
5. U PLETIOI N DATE, Thi.Ag...monflshhall b. comPshalotledl beby ~o IatorththaBn 6:00 PIe·m.onoththe.'...!I§!!1r.T"~~thof,..Á~..m......M~!.Ç.~u..........m.. ...!I()Q4.... .
camp etion vacant pOlSes~lIon 0 t e property gIVen to e uyer un ss 8f'WIse provICJ8Q _ In IS '"'1;Ireement. ~)
6. N ICES~ Seller hereby appoints the Listing Broker as Agent ~.uzose of giving and receiving notices pursIJQnt to this Agreement. On" If the Co-operating
er represents the Interests of the ...,...In this Ira the B~r hereby appoints the Co-operating Broker os Agent for the purpose of giving and
iving notices pursuantto this Agreement. Any notice reJøting hereto or provided for herein shOll be in writing. This offer, ony counter offer, notice of acceptance thereof.
.'1 y notice shall be deemed given and nteeived, when hand deJivered to the address for service provided in the Acknowledgement below, or wh~ facsimile number
is p ¡dad herein, when transmitted electronically to that facsimile number. 8-> ~ <=- ~
F NO.....mm....?1.~.:~.~~.~.QZ().....m......jfor_oI......IoSollor FAA No. u..m.....u....?1.It;~.~~.?~~r..m.... -A:r ."""rol.......,O..,..¡)'-
7. GS a If this transaction is subtectto Good. and SelVÍœs TOIC (a.S.T.), then such talc sholl be....-...-........r.~nì'i~.~ _.. _ ..the Purch~se Price.
If t transaction is not subiect to G,S.T., Seller agrees to certify on or before closing, thai the transaction ~ not subi~ to ërS.~. ;::¡:- -- C1.- ~ Ó.... ; t CA- -to .
SIAIIat. Buyorshall be allowed un1l16,00 p.m. on th.......Æ9!!L...uday of....m.u....u.m.Mª!'!<!Lm................. ..Æ9Q4m' IRequi.ilion Dote) to
in. tho title to tho properly at hi. awn _.. and until tho earlier 01: (i) thioty days from tho later of tho Requi.ition Dat. or tho date on Which the canditi<N1. in this
m.nt "'" luffilled or 0Ih0JWise waived or; I') five days prior to camplofiØn, to saIisIy himsollthal there ani na ouIstonding work ord.rs or dofìcioncy notices affect;ng
th°d roP""Yth ,~at.lIsrb~1di u..L""¡",.,,y....,..~~B.t.f!!·~~·~·ª~ihë~~~...~~L.mm...u·1.....I .mayieasbe.lawfuBIIy cantin.uedl of
on at epnnapo lit =.IJO naunKlagalnstniAlior'ßre.~...- ~to munlat"ß"'1orgmergovemmeotalogena..... Ingto uyerdølals
all nding work ardon 9 tho p'!'J'OrlY. and Seller _ to _ and ...... _Iv,,".. authariz_n. in this regard CUI BlJ)'Elr may reasonably requir..
9. f RE USE. Soller and a.-!III"'" thatthØro IS no TOpI_oI"lion or warranty of any kind that the Iutu.. intended use of the p<operty by Buyor is or will b.laWfuI except
a. be ~cally pTOYiáed lor in this A¡","mont.
1 O. m : Provided that the title to the prøI*fY IS good and frw from aU registered restrictions, cha,..., lien.. and encumbrances except as otherwife specifically provided in
this ent and save and nc:eptfor (a) C!")' regiatered restrictions or covenants that run with the lond providing that such are comPlied with; fbJ any register'8d munìdpal
ag ents and registered ag........ With ~blidy ~ uttlffies ~ng such have been complied with, or securitY has been posted'to ensure compliance and
co 'on, os evidenced by a leitei' from the iøIevarit muníáøaIitY or,.gulatwd utility¡ (c) any minor easement. forthe supplý of domestic utility or telephone services to the
p or adjacent p~es¡ and (d) any l'asel11elds for drainèJge. sform or sanHaI)' sewers, public utility lines, teJephone lines, cable television lines or other services
whi 0 not materially ciffect the present use of the prøperty.lfwilhin the specified times refer-rea to in paragrap'h 8 any valid ob¡ectiøn to title or to any outstanding work
orde or defiåenc.y notice, or to the fad the said ~ use may not lawfully be cordinued, or that the prinåpal building may not be insured against risk of fire is made in
. . to Seller and which Seller Is unable or unwinq to remove, I1IInedr' or JGlisfy or obtain insurance serve and except against risk of fire in favour of the Buyer and any
m . (with all ..Iated casts at Ihe ..,..,.. of di. SeIIer. and whida Burw Will not waiv.. this ""........1 natwith_din~ any Intermediate ads or nogoijation. in
res Of suCh objeclions, shall be at an end and all monies Øaid shaN be returned without Interest or Cledudion and Seller, Ustlng Broker and Co-operaling Broker sholl
not ~able for any costs or domages. 5aYe as to any voIkl ob¡ection so made by such day and except for any objection going to the root of the title. Buyer shall be
co . .Iy d.omed '0 have occepted Sell.... title 10 tho properly.
I 1. NG ARRANGlM&NTS. Where each of tho SelI.r and Buyer retoin a Iøw,or to compIoIo tho Aør-nont of Purchase ond Sal. of tho p<operty. and where the
tran . will be completed by electronic registrotion pursuøntto Port III of the Land ReQisfration Reform Ad, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter lA, and the Electronic Registration Act.
. 991. Chapter 44, and any amendments thereto, the Seller and Buyer ac:knowlec:fge and agree thai the øchange of dosing !un~, non-registrable documents and
'tems {the "Requisite Deliveries") and the release thereof to the Seller and Buyer will (oj not occur at the same time os the regIstration of the ffansfer!deed (and ony
....-: ocuments intended to be r'egistered in connection with the compl6fion ofthi. transaction and Ib) be subject to conditions whereby the lowyEIr(s receiving ony of the
Req ite Deliveries will be required to hold same in trust and not release some except in occordonce with the ferms of a document reqistration agreement betwfin the
said ers, the form of which if as recommended from time to time by the Law Society of Upper Canodø. Unless otherwise ogreed to by the lawyers, such exchange of
the It uisite Deliveries will occur in the applicable Land Titfes Office or such other location agreeable to both lawyers.
dard farm: Do not alter .....en printing or repredudng the standard pre..... portion. Form No. 100 01/2003 Page 1 of 2
--'1;.' ~_ ~.
12. DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGIa Buyer shall not call for the pr.odudion of any titl. deed, abstrod, survey or other evidence of title to the property except such (IS ore in ~
the possession or control of SelI.r, If reqúested bv Buyer, Seller Will deliver any sk8tch or "'~of lhe within Seller's control to Buyer as soon as posI;ible and prior
prlorto the Requisition Date. If a disch~rgeof~ 'tharge/Mortgage held bya corporation· ~ntto the Trust and Loon Companies Ad fCØnada), Chartered
Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union, Caine Populair9 or Insurance Com~ añd which is to be CISIumed ~ Buyer on completion. is nol available in regJstrable form
on completion Buyer agrees to oçœp! Seller's lawye~ pef'Sf?nol underta!.dn9 to obtain, out of the dosing fundí 0 Clischa~ in reQistrable form and to regíster some or
cause same to 'be ~stered, on title Within 0 reosonobht period of time after com~, prcwided that on or ï;fòñ; completion Seller shall provide to Buyer a mq~.
statement prepared by the mo~ setting out the balance required to obtain the dischOrge, and, where 0 real.time electronic deared funds transfer ~m is not I:>eing
used.l.~ direction exeéuted by Siller dif8dfng pcwment to the moI1QODH of the amount reqUired 10 obtain the discharge out of the balance due on completion.
13. .INS...cnON, Buyer acknòwledaes hoving hail the _nily 10 inspect the property and u_d. that upon accoptanco 01 this Offer th.re shOH be a binding
ag......ent 01 purch_ and saI. 60Iwøn 11'_ and SèIfer.
14. INSURANCE, All building. on tho p~rlyaOd all_things boil)l purchased .hall beand remoin until completion atthe ri.k 01 SelI.r. P.nding completion, Seller¡Þh II
hold all insurance policies, if any, and the proceeds thereof in trust fõr the ~ as their Interests I"!1CIY appear and In the event of substantial dam~, B~r may ei
terminatethisAgntementand have all moOles paid retumedwithoutinterestordeductionorelsetakethe pròèeedsofol1Yinsuranœ and comp.letethe puidiose. No insu
.hall be lransleñ-od on completion. "SoHer " laking bàdc a Chargo/Martgage, or Buye,r i. assuming a Charge/Mar1gago, Buyer shall .upply Seller with rea_a
evidence of act~ insurance to proted.SelIer's or other morføaã8e's int8reit on ~.
15. PlANNING AÇ', Thi. Ag.......nt .hall be offodIve Ia create an-inTorosl in tho _ only II Soli.. complies with the subdivi.ion contral provbians 01 tho Planmng Ad
by comøletion and Seller (O.8r101.1 to proceed dniaentfy at his ~ to obtoIn cI!'IY ñeœssary consentp ~Ietion,
16. ØOCUMENT PlEPARAnON. Th. TransferlD* shall, SCMt fOr the Land TransfW Tax AfRdovit, be In registrable form at the ~nse of Seller, and any
CharaolMortaaae 10 be Riven ~ the Buyer 10 Sell.. at the ~.. 01 the ~. "~d by Buyer. Soller _.... that the TranslorlDeed ta be delivered on
com>loiian sIi"ar _n 111. contem~ by $edIan ~21 01 the PIc!mins Ad, R.S.O. 1990.
17. RUIDINCf. ßure! shaH be aedilod towards tho Purchciso Pricewilh the amount, """y, _I]( lor Buyer to pay 10 the Minister 01 NationalRovenue 10 satidy Buyor's
liability in roopoØè>ltax~~Undorthe nan.~~oIthèl_ TOICAd by I'OCIØ1 of this sole. Buyer shall not daim.uch aed. II Sell.. dorovers
an complotian the protéri6od co or a IIaIuto¡ty dociaraliai1 that Seller b not then a non"";d"ont 01 Canada.
18. AD.IUSTMIN'III ~ rents, morfgaSllnterest, reaItV taxes irM;IudinA local Imp. C.all"'" rates and unmetered public or pmate utility charges and unmøtered cost of fuel,
~.a,,!Iicable shall bit a_ea ãnd allawèd to the dar. oI~, tho d<¡y of comPlo!fon _Ia be appalljon8d Ia Buyer.
19. 1JME üMiñé Time shalnn all rospeds be 01 the _ ......" Ï(ovk.Iad that tIio tIm.fUr daIna or COf!IP!eti"l! 01 any ~r provided lor h.rein may be _nded or
abridaod~n OS_In writing tIgnod þy SoIfer and B_ or by their, ~i.. ~ wfi"a m<lf. bit specifically authorized In that ~rd.
20. RNIII!Rt 1on<Ier00documenfs or_ hitnsund.. may ¡;" rncìd.UJ>C1I1So11òror!i!!Yororthelr..._ Ja¡yyers on !h. dayoolfar complotion. Moneymay betendered
by bank or cheauo cor1i/ied by a Charlered Bank, T..... Company, I'rovInœ 01 OiIIaria Savins. 0IIIœ Cied" Union or Caisse P~Ulaire.
21. FAMILY LAW ACT, SoII.._thal~_ it nat _lothls....._1an under",. p;;;;;¡ï/aìiiolthe Family Law Ad, R.S.O. 1990 unl... Soil.... .pous.
has -"'"<I the canllnt hereinafter prayided.
22. UFFb Sell.. .._.... and wo""....to Buyer that durlns. the time Soller has owned the p_, Soller has not caused ""y buildiog 0;:,::r."'perly to be in.ulated with
Insulation containinø. ur.aformaldefwde¡ and thGf to the- best of SeIIet's knowIedae no tiuildin.g· on the property contains or has ever iMd insUlation that contains
ureoIormaldel)Yd.. Thb wononty shall....,ive and not '""'11!' an tho completion clthb _, and" tho building b port 01 a multiple un" building, this warranty shall
onlv aDolvtolfiat I'O!f_ç/the buRding which bthe sub/ect õlthlstral_.
23. CONSUMER llPOII'ISI The ~.........,........._. _........ containing -.It .....,or ..-.-1......nlOlIon may be referred to
In connection.... ... ....1'IICIëtIon.
24. AGENCY'. " i. underslood that tho broken Invalved In the transac:flon reprosor1J tho par:flos as 001 out in the Confirmation 01 Representation below.
25. AGREEMENT IN WRITING: H there b conIIid _ all\' plO'lision added to this Ag.......nt induding any Schedul. attached h.reto and ""y provi.ion
in tho standard 11'0':001 portiçn ......". the added pt'OYÌII<¡n shaD ~. _dont "",,001 provision to the ""'..,. 01 such conBid ar di~ncy. Thi. Agre.ment
including of!)': Schedule oItoched hereto, shall conititute thø entire between ~ and Seller. Thete is no representation, warranty, collatérol ~reemenl or
condition. wfWch affectsthlsAgreement otherthan Ølexpressed herein. the purpocesofthilAgreemenl, Seller meansvendorand BuyermeoMPvrchaser. ThISAgreement
sholl be read with all changes 01 gender or number required by the contoxI.
26. SUCCESSOII AND ASSIGNS, Th. heirs, execuIa<s, àdmin-, _ and assigns 01 tho undersigned are bound by the term. heroin.
~~~~D~S···"ëÄNÖ····ÜŸË··~!~~·I1IJ!!~I.º~~.~.C?...m..···šš·..·····..ï~·¡,¡¡,;¡¡,···~~¡¡;.;·¡;;;,;¡f:.: ~1:·m...^....f!!!?f!!!!!Y.........m...' ....Æf1EJ...
¡w~F.~~..7~rbårä.töWñŠ- ! DATEF~...!I.dLXJ.t(..m
¡w,¡,;;;;,...m..............mm.......mmm.....m........ ¡;;,;;.;ï...m.........m..mm......m....m.m.................. ! DATE......................................
I, the Undeniøned Seller, agree to the above Offer, I høreby irrevocably instrud ~ I~ 'C! ~ directfv to the Ustiog Broker the ~npaid balance of the commission, together
with applicobf. Goods and SeMces Tax land any other taxes as may hereafter be appfic:able), from the proceeds of the sol. pnor to any payment to the undersigned on
completion. as advised by the Usting Broker to my lawyer.
DATED at..........................!Ç!!!~.I1I.i!!!!,.º!!~.~.Q......n...................thi..........£'t'lt..........day of............... f!!!1f!!!!!Y ...........m.' .....?Q91.....
=.=?:=:==~=.~~~~. i ::j;:t:2~
SPOUSAL CONSINT, Tho UncIorsigned S_ 01 the S.ller h.reby can...... to the dbposítion evidenced herein pursuant 10 tho provi.ion. 01 the Family law Ad,
R.S.O. 1990, and hereby OS.... with the Buyer that hoIshe will_ all ..--yor in_I docum.....1o give Mllorco and oIfoct to tho saI. evid.nced herein.
¡w..;;;;,.....m............mmm......m.m........m..... ¡š¡,o;;.Õ..................n.........m......m........m......mm iSooI n.........mn.....m..m..m....
CONfJRMAftON 0. IXICUTIONa Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, I confirm this Agreement with all changes both typed and written was fjl'laU)' executed
by 011 parties at............... 0.01. / p.m. thi...n'lrl/:...dayol....nmnf.~Þ.æª(Y..mnm..' .ÆfiO:n' n....m......m¡s~,;.;,;;..õiS;I;.;.:;,;ï.;;;;,m......mn.n..n
I hernby ...dmowledg. and tonfirm tn. Listing Broker repreeents tn. ïnter.$I$ of the I tt.eby adcnowfedge and conflrm th. eo.operating Stoker represenfllhe interllStl of Ihe
=::..,;=.:=~:::::::::::::::.~=::~:m. :~7~~~ ":". .m:m:.::::::::..in.:...n..~~.~.......
Nome 01 Lhting ...., .mm.....~~.~."ª~~.~.~!!9~.B.~.~!!Y..[..~'.m........ Name 01 Co-_oIing Brøbr. .....ß.QY.!!L[..~?~.9.~..F;J.<,Çh!!!!g~B~!!Y..Ǻ.....n
( 519) 396 8444 I 519 396-9070 l..§l!!.!m.m...R~~~~~..n.n.mUl!!.!m......)~~m:m........
·Ÿ;'¡: ÑÕ:·············-····· ·················FAX"NØ:u.u.................. ................ TeI,No,. FAX No.
I acknowledge recei".tt of my signed copy of this accepted Agreement of Purchase ønd Sole
and I authorize t'" Agent to forward a copy to my lawyer,
I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted Ag....ment of Purckase and Sol.
af} I autt¡ori~ th~~rward a ~ to my ~r. A
¡Bù;ir '1'
¡se/iå~".'" -- - --. ... ._._____n.unnn_nu.u...._
Address for Service:
.....m..m...m.....nm.n.n...m.......... T.tNo. (?'!f..L.3J'k:..:f!.!.h
WI'( '3'1 ( - '1/'11
Buyer's Lowyer ... "m...h.. ........ "hG~!!ªro.Mª.~ººçtm. h..... .h"............
- ...~.RkªmÞ.\Q.~.~".~º.!'!º'5.ªªI},.!Sj!lÇ!!!!Il~!!,-º!\I.N~.~Y~...
T.I.No. FAX No.
¡$eli_j.....---.......-.........--........-.-.......-- ._u........__....___.......__...
AddresJ for 5erYice:...u............ _ _ _. .....___....u._.__....... _ ......_....__.._..~n..n
..... n__ _ _..... h__ ..nnn..._....... _ u'''''h.__
TeI.No. (........!......mm............
Seller's lawyer ._........ _ _ _... nhunB.._ _ _ _ _..... _. _ ___nn~."____h ..____Wh_....... _.
Ohu n._~"__h' _ _ ._.... hu _ _ _..... _._nnnh_n....__...... .......... _".'__h__
Tel, No. FAX No.
To: Co-openJtIng 8rokershown CM'the foregoing AgreMneoI of Purchcøe and Sole: .
In contideralion for the Co-Operdtng 8rõ/œf procuring the fotegojng Agr8enwIt of Pvrdøe and Sale. I hoIrebr' dedcn that øIt m:oneP NaIived or ~. by me In connedion with the TronsaØion
a. .._il_,~..I...d in the MlS RUles ana RegtAaIiont of mf RIIGI E:IfaIa 80añJ thai! be ~ and held in IruII. "'.aer-ment sholl cainetIMI a eon.muîon Trust Ag....,.,.¡ 01 detinlld In the MLS Ruhi,
and shall be subject to and goverr1Ød by !he MLS Rut. peitaInI"9I1o ComrràaIon TMI.
DA 1£0 as of the daft, and lime of the occeptat1C8 of the foregoing Agreement 01 ~rdKJse and SaI.. AdcnowledgEld by:
Ši9~-õiëõ.·õp;;äKñØ·a;~kWöiãUïi.õtfzëd rep;ëHñtãi¡Q··--- --. ... - -...... - - -....-
, .
This 5ch ule is cuached 10 and forms part of the Agreement of Purchase and Sole between:
:- .........................0.........................................·.........·...·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·~l!~::~~:7~;.~~~.;~~...·.·.·......................................0..:................".::."
_..' and
for tho p rcl1o.. ond .01. of. ......nn.m. 0. n.~.C?t~§,. HwY." .~LEI~.rvj!!. ß.J)!ç!..... 0...... 0........................... mnn"""".n n. m........ 0........
_____..... .hnuu_....hn________. .._n______._..___________....
n_______.hhn_____....._______u _....n_________......____________. .._____________
-0-0__"__.... ......"_ _____"
This ffer is conditional upon the approval of the terms hereof by the Town Council representing the Municipality of
Kinca ine. Unless the Seller gives notice in writing delivered to the Buyer not later than 4:00 p.m. on the 26th day of
Febru ry, 2004, that this conditional is fulfilled, this Offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the
Buyer n full without deduction. This condition is included for the benem of the Seller and may be waived at the Seller's sole
option by notice in writing to the Buyer within the time period stated herein.
This er is conditional upon the Buyer determining, at the Buyer's own expense, that a building permit can be obtained
with pect to the subject property. Unless the Buyer gives notice in writing to the Seller within SEVEN (7) days following
the d e of removal of the condition by the Seller pertaining to the approval of the terms hereof by the Town Council
rep,.. nting the Municipality of Kincardine, that this condition has been fulfilled, this Offer shall become null and void and
~~ osit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. This condition is included for the benefrt of the Buyer
....' y be waived at the Buyer's sole option by notice in writing to the Seller within the time period stated herein.
The lIer agrees to supply any survey of the property in his possession or under his control to the Buyer, as soon as
possi and prior to the last day allowed for examining titie.
The Slier represents and warrants to the best of the Seller's knowledge and belief that during the period of his ownership
of th property, that: all environmental laws and regulations have been complied with, no hazardous conditions or
subs cas exist on the land, no limitations or restrictions affecting the continued use of the property exist, other than those
speci lIy provided for herein, no pending litigation respecting Environmental matters; no outstanding Ministry of
Envi ment and Energy Orders, investigations, charges or prosecutions regarding Environmental matters exist, there has
been prior use as a waste disposal site, and all applicable licenses are in force. The Seller agrees to provide to the
Buyer pon request, all documents, records, and reports relating to environmental mailers that are in the possession of the
Seller. he Seller further authorizes the appropriate Ministry, to release to the Buyer, the Buyer's Agent or Solicitor, any and
allln~ ation that may be on record in the Ministry offICe with respect to the said property. The Parties agree that this
repres ntation and warranty shall form an integral part of this Agreement and survive the completion of this transaction, but
apply Iy to circumstances existing at completion of this transaction.
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ndard Form, Do not alter when printing or reproducing the _ndard pre-set porllon.
Form No. 10S
Steve Murray
Page 1
. Municipality of Kincardine
Surplus Lands Disposal Process
Lot 3-5 Hwy #9 Bervie
Roll # 41 08 210 001 13900
January 2003 staff begins looking at potential properties for phase two
of land sales.
EDC members Jim Cameron and Councilor Barry Schmidt visit
properties with staff.
Valuations are completed by local real estate agent Sam Finnie in
July, and title searches completed by Sam Farrell.
EDC reviews the list of properties in August.
Properties distributed to departments for comments to determine if
they are surplus to the Municipalities needs.
September council deems 7 properties surplus.
October/November properties are advertised in local papers as having
been deemed surplus.
November staff recommends not selling one property because it may
be needed for future road expansion. A second property is on hold as
it awaits Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority approval.
9. At the December EDC meeting a random draw is held to determine
which real estate agents will receive which properties.
10. Agents begin to sign appropriate documentation to list properties.
11. Agents lists subject property January 16th, 2004.
12. For sale sign is placed on the property January 16th, 2004 and no
offers will be signed back until after a 10 day period.
13. Municipality signs agreement to sell February 5th, 2004.
. 6.