HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 025 Zoning By-law
SECTION 1 - TITLE............................................................................... .............................................................1
SECTION 2 - APPLICATION OF BY -LAW.......................................... .............................................................1
SECTION 3 INTERPRETATION (TEXT) ............................................ .............................................................1
SECTION 4- ADMINISTRATION ENFORCEMENT AND P NALTlE ............................................................1
4.1 ADMINISTRATION ....................................... .......................... .... ......................................... ...... ..........1
4.2 BUILDING AND OTHER PERMITS ....................................... .............................................................1
4.3 APPLICATION FOR PERMITS .............................................. .............................................................2
4.4 INSPECTION OF PREMISES ................................................ ............................................",..............2
4.5 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES............................................. .........,..................................."..............2
~ VALIDITY ................................................................................ .........,..,................................................2
4.7 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY .......................................... ......."....................................................2
SECTION 5 - DEFINITIONS.................................................................. .............................................................3
SECTION 6 - GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR ALL ZONES.................. ...........................................................22
!U APPLICATION OF BY-LAW ................................................... ...........................................................22
6.2 PERMITTED USES IN ALL ZONES....................................... ...........................................................22
§.£1 Services and Utilities 22
6.2.2 Temoorarv Buildincs & Construction Facilities ................... ....................................."....".,............22
6.2.3 Statues and Other Ornamental Structures ......................... ........................................".................22
6.2.4 Sians and Sicnals.,., ........................................................... .....,....,., ,.............................. ...............22
6.2.5 Sewace DiSDOsal Svstems ...............-.................................. ........ ..... ........... .................... ... ............22
6.2.6 Mutti-Purcose Use Recreational Trails ............................... .......... ..................................... ............23
6,3 PUBLIC USES. BUILDINGS ANDIOR STRUCTURES.......... ...........................................................23
6.4 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES .................. ...........................................................23
6.4.1 Prohibited Structures .......................................................... ............. ................................ ..............23
6.4.2 Use of Accessorv Buildincs and Structures........................ ...........................................................23
Ml. Location of Accessorv Buildina or Structure....................... ...........................................................23
6.4,4 Helcht ...................... ........................................................... ............. ......................... .....................24
6.4.5 Coveraae .................. .......................................................... .............. ..... .............. ...., ..,........._.._.....24
6.4.6 Establishment of an Accessorv Buildinc or Structure......... ..........,,,.............................,,...............24
li ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT - APARTMENT .................. ...........................................................24
6.6 NON-COMPL YING BUiLDINGS............................................. .................,. .., .., ..., .... .... ,.... .................25
6.6.1 Strenathenina to a Safe Condition ...................................... ..............,.......................... ..................25
6.6.2 Permitted Extensions of Non-Comolvina Buildinos ............ ...........................................................25
6.6.3 Permitted Reolacement of Non·Comolvina Buildinas......... ...........................................................25
6.7 NON-CONFORMING USES................................................... ...........................................................25
li.J. Continuation of Existina Uses ............................................. ................ ... ..........................._............25
6.7.2 Chance of Use .............. ...................................................... ................ ...........................................25
6.7.3 Existina Detached Dwellinas .............................................. ...,.......................................................25
6.7.4 Buildina Permit Issued .. ....................................................... ................ ........ ...................................25
6,8 CONFLICTING REGULATIONS ............................................ ................",...........,.,.........................,26
§J! GREATER RESTRICTIONS .................................................. ...................".,....."",..,......................,26
6.10 N M ROFDETA HEDDWELLlN P R' . RESIDE TIALZ NELOT...............................26
!U1 FRONTAGE ON A CLASS ONE (11 STREET........................ ...........................................................26
6.12 FRONT E N 2 STREET/PRIVAT T T...................................................26
6.13 HOME OCCUPATION PROFESSIONAL USE ................... ...........................................................26
6.14 HOM P TION HOUSEHOLD A OMESTIC A TS......................................................26
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehenstve Zoning By..Jaw!l
FebnJary 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
HOME OCCUPATION AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS ............................., ............, ....., ....................27
HOME OCCUPATION - TRADES PERSONS........................ ..........................................................27
BED AND BREAKFAST ESTABLISHMENT ........................... ..........................................................28
LOADING SPACE REQUIREMENTS ".."............................... ......,.........................................,.........28
Recuired Number of Laadina Soaces ................................. ...................".....................................28
Loadina Sasee DimensIons ... ..................................., .......... ......................., .......". ..... "., ,..............28
Access ................... .............................................., ............... .............................. ............................29
Loadina Saace Surfac;e ..........................,... '" ........... .., ". ,.... .............. ............................................29
Location ........................... .................. ........... ....................... ... .......................................................29
Landscaoina .................. ..... ....... ..... ..................................... ..... ". ..................................................29
Acolication of loadina Sasee Reauirements....................... ...............................................".........29
EXISTING LOTS ......................................................,..,.. ......... ............................' ,... .........................29
~ OFF-STREET PARKING REQUiREMENTS.......................,... ......................................................,...29
6.20.1 Reauired Number or Off Street Parkina Soaces .................. ,...,....................................................29
~ HandicaoDed Parkina Sosces "".......................................... ...."...................................,..........,....32
6.20.3 Outdoor Seatino Areas ......................................................... ..................................."....................32
6.20.4 Parkinc Area Surface............................................. ............... .........................................................32
6.20.5 More Than One Use on a Lot.....................,......................... .........................................................32
6.20.6 Use of Parkinc SDsces and Areas.........",,,.......................... ......................................................".32
6.20.7 Parkinc Area Location On Lot.....".",........,........................... ......................................................",32
6.20.8 Provisions and Location of SOaces....................................... .........................................................33
6.20.9 Drivewavs ..... ..... ...................., .............................................. ........................................,..., ............33
PLANTING STRIPSJPRIVACY FENCE......................,............. .........................................................34
Reauired Locations ......................................................... ...... .........................................................34
Heiaht & Width of Plantina StriolPrivacv Fence.................... .........................................................34
InterruDtion for Drivewavs... ........... ....................................... . ........ ....................................... ... .... ..34
6.22 SIGHT TRIANGLES ................................................................. ................."..",..",............................34
~ At Street Intersections with County or Provincial Roads....... ...............................,.........................34
6,23 THROUGH LOTS ............................... ..........................................., ............................................. .......34
~ YARD ENCROACHMENTS....................................................... .........,....................................."",....34
§.g§ ESTABLISHED BUILDING LINE SETBACK ............................. ........................................................35
6.26 EXCEPTIONS TO MAXIMUM HEIGHT REGULATIONS ......... ........................................................35
6.27 ZONING OVER WATER BODIES............................................. ........................................................35
6.28 WATERCOURSE SETBACKS .................................................. ........................................................35
6,29 SETBACKS FROM WASTE DISPOSAL AREAS...................... ........................................................35
!UQ C UNTY R A IGHT-OF-WAY SE KS MUNI I TR ET ET ................36
6.31 SETBACK FROM AIRPORT ZONE .......................................... ........................................................36
6.32 STORAGE OF UNLICENSED VEHICLES AND TRAILERS..... ........................................................37
6.33 SiGNS........................ ................................................................ .......................................... ..............37
6.34 DWELLING UNITS BELOW GRADE.......................,................ ........................................................37
6,35 WAYSI E PITS I WAY I UARRIESI POR ABLE ASHP T PLANT .....................................37
fU§ MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION ....................................... ........................................................37
6.37 REQUIREMENTS FOR KENNELS ........................................... ........................................................37
ª'ªª DRAINAGE OF LOTS ............................................................... ........................................................37
6.39 SETBACKS FROM PRIVATE ROADS...................................... .........,.................................,............37
SECTION 7 ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES.......................................... ........................................................39
7,1 CLASSIFICATION OF ZONES....................,.....................".,.... ........................................................39
7.1.1 Holdino rh') Zone .............................................................,...........................................................,,39
7.2 INCORPORATION OF ZONING MAP ....................................... .......................................................39
7,3 ZONING SYMBOLS ................................................................... ...... ,...., ......, .........................' ,. ,.......40
7.4 BOUNDARIES OF ZONES......................................................... .............,......... ............... ...... ,..........40
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning ey.1awe
FebruelY 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
N 8· ENE PROVISIONS FOR ALL AGRICULTURE Z NES.. A..............................................41
DWELLING UNITS ......................................................", ....... ............................................................41
SWIMMING POOLS IN AGRICULTURE ZONES................. ............"'.............................................41
LIVESTOCK FACILITIES ..........,........................................... ............................................................41
MINIMUM LOT SIZE- LIVESTOCK ....................................... .........................................,..................41
SECTION 9 GENERAL AGRICULTURE A1 .................................. ...........................................................42
U PERMITTED USES ................................................................ ...........................................................42
¡¡g ZONE PROVISIONS .............................................................. ............................,........."...................42
9.3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS .,.............................................,......... ..........................................................42
SECTION 10 RESTRICTED AGRICULTURE.. A2............................ ...........................................................45
10.1 PERMITTED USES ................................................................ ...................... ....,..... ".., ....,.................45
1 0,2 ZONE PROVISIONS .............................................,................ ...........................................................45
10.3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS ................................,..,..................... ........................................................,..45
SECTION 11 INTENSIVE LIVESTOCK AGRICULTURE - A3 .......... ........................................................"'46
ill PERMITTED USES ..,............................."......" ......., ,.. ..,........ ..........................................................,46
ill ZONE PROVISIONS ................................,..."..,..................... ...........................................................46
ill SPECIAL PROVISIONS .......................................................... ..........................................................46
SECTION 12.. RESIDENTIAL ONE ZONE R1 ................................... ..........................................................47
JL1 PERMITTED USES . ,............................... ' ,.............................. .......................................................",47
12.2 ZONE PROVISIONS ............................................................... ..........................................................47
ill SPECIAL PROVISIONS .......................................................... ..........................................................47
SECTION 13 - RESIDENTIAL TWO ZONE.. R2................................... ..........................................................52
PERMITTED USES ................................................................. ............ ,...." ........................,.." ..........52
ZONE PROVISIONS ............................................................... ..........................................................52
vision for in De chad fro s Full Mu i' I Servi as ..................................52
ne Provisio ~ r i-D tach llin son FilM n' I I Setvj ..........................."...,.,,53
Z ne Pr visi ns for u I x 0 lin F II Munici ....................................".............53
Zone Pr visions for Church N rsin Home or D re li n ............................54
SPECIAL PROVISIONS ....................................... ........... ......... .........................................................54
SECTION 14.. RESIDENTIAL THREE ZONE.. R3................................ .........................................................55
ill PERMITTED USES .................................................................. ......................................."................55
~ ZONE PROVISIONS ................................................................ .........................................................55
~ n Provi ion f r rr¡ I x wallin on Full M niei Sarvi ....................................................55
14.22 'Z n Provisions for uad lex iii n II M nici I ervice ............................""............55
14.2.3 an Previ ion f r R Dwellin on Fu Muni . aI erv' .......................................................56
14.2.4 Zon Provi ion or 8r in H use n Full Muni . aJ ................................................56
14,2.6 Zone Provisions for Sinole Detached Dwellinas ................... .........................................................57
14,2.7 Zone Provisions for Semi·De(ached Dwellinos..................... ........................................................57
14.2.8 Zone Provisions for DUDlex Dwellina..................................... ........................................................57
14.2.9 Z ne Pr i' s for Ch ch Nursin Hom 0 Care Nu Licens d ...............................57
14.3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS .........................,..,............................... ........................................................57
SECTION 15.. RESIDENTIAL FOUR ZONE 'R4' .................................... ........................................................60
ill PERMITTED USES ................................................................... ..................,......,..............................60
15.2 ZONE PROVISIONS ................................................................. ........................................................60
15.2.1 Zone Provisions for ADartment Dwellino................,............... ........................................................60
15.2.2 Zone Provisions for a Nursino Home..................................... ........................................................60
ill SPECIAL PROVISIONS ............................................................ ...........",..........................................60
SECTION 16 - RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE - R5 ..................................... ........................................................62
Municipality of KIncardine
Comprehensive Zoning By.J8'NIÞ
Febru!IIY 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
~ PERMITTED USES ....,........................................................... ..........................................................,62
16.2 ZONE PROVISIONS .............................................................. ..........................................................,62
16,3 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS - MOBILE HOME PARKS ......... ...........................................................62
16,4 SPECIAL PROVI SIONS '" ,..................................." .." ............ .........................................,........ .........63
SECTION 17 GENERAL COMMERCIAL C1................................... ..........................................................64
ill SCOPE ....................", .......... ........., ...... ........, ...................... ,.., .... ....."..,..,... ............."..", ,.. ...............64
17,2 PERMITTED USES.... ............................ ................................. .................... ,.....,..., .... .......................64
17,3 ZONE PROVISIONS ............................................................... ..........................................................64
17.3.1 Zone Provisions for 8inole Detached Dwellinas .................. ..........................................................65
17.3.2 Z Provi i sforaC rchor CareN li n .....................................................65
17.4 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS GENERAL COMMERCiAL..... ..........................................................66
1.l& SPECIAL PROVISIONS .......................................................... ..........................................................65
SECTION 18 - HIGHWAY SERVICE COMMERCIAL - C2................... ................................_........................67
~ ~........................................................................................................".....",............................67
1.!l2 PERMITTED USES ................................................................. ........................................................,.67
18,3 ZONE PROVISIONS ............................................................... .....................................................".,.67
18.2.2 Zon Provisi os for Aut bile M fine R tion II E E Ii ments......".......68
18.2.3 Zone Provisions For Hotels and Motels............................... .................................................".......68
.1!U SPECIAL PROVISIONS ....................................."...,.."........... ..............................................",.........69
SECTION 19 - HAMLET HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL C3....................... ..........................................................71
19.1 SCOPE ....................... ............................................................. ....,...,..""........,..........,..., ................... 71
19.2 PERMITTED USES ................................................................. ....,.........,........,...,..,........,..................71
19,4 ZONE PROVISIONS ............................................................... ............................. .............................71
19.3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS .......................................................... .......................................................,..71
SECTION 20 LOCAL COMMERCIAL - C4......................................... ..........................................................73
20.1 ~..............................................................,..,..,............... ..........................................................73
m PERMITTED USES .,..................................,.."........................ ..........................................................73
<Q& ZONE PROVISIONS ..............., .......,'.. .... ........ ...............................,...,,'...... ....................................... 73
20.4 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS LOCAL COMMERCIAL ........... .........................................................73
~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS ........................................................... ....................",.."",...........................73
SECTION 21 - RESORT COMMERCIAL - C5 ....................................... .........................................................74
ill ~ .........,........................................................................... .................................................,.......74
21.2 PERMITTED USES ............. ............................................... ...... .........................................................74
21.3 ZONE PROVISIONS ................................................................ .........................................................74
21.3.2 Zone Provisions for a Boardinal-touse,,,...................,,......... .........................................................74
21.3.3 Z oe visi ns for Marin M nne r' & m II n j blishm n ."...................74
~ Zone Provisions for Hotel and Motel......."............................ ..............."........".................."..........75
21.4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS ........................................................... .........................................................75
SECTION 22 - BUSINESS PARK C6................................................... .........................................................76
22.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................... ...............................................,.........76
22.2 PERMITTED USES ..............................................,....,." ........... ..............................................", ........76
m ZONE PROVISIONS .....................................................,.......... .........................................................76
22.4 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS - BUSINESS PARK.................... .........................................................77
22.4.1 Oean Storaae and Outdoor DisDlav Areas ........................." .........................................................77
22.4.3 LandscaDed QDen 5cace ....... ....." ,." ".. ............................... ... ,........."........., ...........,., ,................. 78
22.4.4 Loadina Scace ........................ .......,...,... ............................... ................... .....,............. ,.................. 78
22.4.5 Off-Slreet Parkina ................................................................. .........................................................76
22.4.6 Multjele Buildinas on One Lot............................................... .........................................................78
22.4.7 Offices Accessorv to a Permitted Use.................................. .........................................................78
22.4.8 Automobile Gas Bars & Automobile Reoair Establishments .........................................................78
22.4.9 Accessorv Bulldinas & Structures...............................,......... ..............................................,..........78
22.5 SPECIAL PROVISIONS ........................................................... ............................................... ..........78
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-J1J'A0
FebnJ1II)/12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
SECTION 23 - HAMLET COMMERCIAL.. C1.................................... ............................................................60
23.1 SCOPE ...............................""..............................."..,..,........ ............................................................60
m PERMITTED USES ........................................".."..".."..,....., ............................................................60
ill ZONE PROVISIONS .......................................................,..,.. ............................................................60
~ Zone Provisions for a Church ........"................................... ........,,,...................................,,,..........80
23.4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS ......................................................... ...........................................................81
SECTION 24 TRAVEL TRAILER AND CAMPGROUND.. C8........... ...........................................................62
24.1 PERMITTED USES ...............................................'.. .... ,......... ...........................................................62
24.2 ZONE PROVISIONS .......................................,...................... ..........................................................82
~ ITIONALPROVI NS-T E T ILER & CAMP UND.............................................82
24.4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS .."..................................................... ...............................................,.........,83
SECTION 25 - GENERAL INDUSTRIAL - MI ..................................... ...........................................................84
25.1 SCOPE. .................................................................................. ...........................................................84
~ PERMITTED USES ..............................................................,. ...........................................................84
~ ZONE PROVISIONS ..............................,'.,....,....................... ...........................................................84
25.4 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ....... ........................................................,..84
~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS ......................................................... ...........................................................65
SECTION 26 EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIAL - M2 ................................ ...........................................................87
;¡§J, PERMITTED USES .................................................,...,.......... ...........................................................87
~ ZONE PROVISIONS .....................................................,....,... ...........................................................81
~ ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS.. EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIAL, ...........................................................81
~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS ......................................................... ...........................................................88
SECTION 27 .. AGRICULTURAL COMMER IAL I INDUSTRIAL - A .........................................................89
27.1 SCOPE ..........................,......"".., ............................................ ................... ................ .....,... ..............89
27.2 PERMITTED USES .............."..,.............................................. ............................................,.............89
27,3 ZONE PROVISIONS ........................................,..."""..,.......... ..........................................................89
27.4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS ...................................",....."""..,...... ..........................................................89
SECTION 28 RURAL COMMERCIAL I INDUSTRIAL .. RCI.............. ..........................................................93
28.1 SCOPE .................................................................................... .............,..............,......,....,.................93
28,2 PERMITTED USES ................................................................. ..........................................................93
28.3 ZONE PROVISIONS ............................................................... ..........................................................93
28.4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS ..................................... ..... ,............... ..........................................................93
SECTION 29- ENERGY CENTRE INDUSTRIAL - ECI......................... ..........................................................94
29.1 ~................,...........................,....................................... ..........................................................94
29.2 PERMITTED USES ...........,.............,....................................... ..........................................................94
29.2.1 RGYIN NSIV IN TRIAL IORAG ICULT SWHICH:.........................94
29.2.2 SECONDARY USES INCLUDING: ..................................... .................,.."""................................94
29,2,3 AGRICULTURAL USES INCLUDING: ................................ ..........................................................94
~ ZONE PROVISIONS .....................................................,..,...... ...................................,......................94
29.3.2 Buildina Setbacks - Little Sauble River .........".................,,, ..........................................................95
29.4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS .........................., .,.............................. ..........................................................95
SECTION 30 - AIRPORT ZONE AP.................................................... .........................................................96
~ PERMITTED USES ............................................................................................................................96
;¡Q,;¡ ZONE PROVISIONS ................................................................ .........................................................96
;!Q& ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS - AIRPORT................................. ........................................,................96
~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS ........................................................... ...........................................",...........96
Municipality of KincardIne
Comprehensive Zoning By-1aw8
February 12. 2003
By-Iew No. 2003-25
SECTION 31 -INSTITUTIONAL ZONE -I....................................................................................................... 8
31.1 PERMITTED USES ....................................................................................,..,...............................,.." 8
31.2 ZONE PROVISIONS ................................................................................... ,..............., ......... ....',...,...
31.3 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS -INSTITUTIONAL ............................................................................... 8
ill SPECIAL PROVISIONS .......................................................................................................""",....... 9
SECTION 32 - OPEN SPACE ZONE OS .....................................................................................................1
~ PERMITTED USES ..........................................................................................................................1
~ ZONE PROVISIONS ........................................................................................................................1
~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS ...................................................................................................................1
SECTION 33 WASTE DISPOSAL AREAS - WD .........................................................................................1 1
~ PERMITTED USES .........................................................................................................................1 1
33,2 ZONE PROVISIONS ..........................................................................,.....,......................................1 1
~ ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS - WASTE DISPOSAL........................................................................ 1 1
~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS ...................................................................................,................,.............1 1
SECTION 34 ENVIRONM ENTAL PROTECTION ZONE -EP ......................................................................1 2
34.1 PERMITTED USES ......................................................................................... ,.. .... ,............. ,...........1 2
~ STRUCTURES PROHIBITED ................................................................................,.,....................... 1 2
34.3 INTERPRETATION OF 'EP' ZONE BOUNDARIES ......................................................................... 1
~ PROVINCIALLY SIGNIFICANT WETLANDS - SCHEDULE 'B' ...................................................... 1 2
ID ZONE PROVISIONS ....................................................".,.,...,.......................................................... 1 2
~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS ......................................,.......,...".,..,......,................................................... 1 3
SECTION 35 - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE PD...............................................................................1 5
ID PERMITTED USES ..........................................................................................................................1 5
ID EXISTING RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS.........................................,.,..............................................1 5
~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS ..............................,.....,...............................",.,"........................................1 5
SECTION 36 - ENACTMENT ..........................................................................................................................1 7
36.1 CONFLICT WITH OTHER BY-LAWS ..............................................................................................1 7
;¡§.& ~............................................................................................................................................1 7
;¡§,¡ APPLICATIONS IN PROCESS .....................................................................................................'..1 7
~ EFFECTIVE DATE ............................................................................................,..................,.......,...1 7
MunlclpallIy of Klncardlne
~Zonlng By-Iewe
Februæy 12. 3
By-law No. 2003- 5
. as amended, to regulate the use
and to prohibit certain uses of land
s areas of The Corporetion of the
A By-law, under the provisions of Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1
of lands and the character, location and use of buildings and stnJctu
and the erection and use of certain buildings and structures in va,
Municipality of Kincardine.
WHEREAS The Municipal Corporation of the Municipality of IOOcard ne consldars tt advisabla to permit
and regulate residentIal and non~residential devetopment. establish rovlslons for lot area. rot frontage,
yards. lot covaraga, loading and parking requirements, dwelling u tt siza. planting strips and other
additional provisions.
AND WHEREAS Tha Municipal Council further considers tt advisable 0 restrict, prohibtt end regulate the
use of land situeted within the defined areas, as hereinafter designa ,for the purpose of regulating and
prohlblling development of particular lands that wouid create an ed e -. on The Corporation. or
would jeopardize fulure orderly development and expansion, produce areas of compali>le
characteristics, Bnd to provide protection for the residents against und irable uses.
NOW THEREFORE The CounCIl of The Corporation of the Municipal' of Kincardine enacts as follows:
This By-law shall be known as 'THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONIN BY-LAW' of the Munlcipellty of
No bulding or structure shall hereafter be erected or altered and the Be of any buitding, structure or lot
shall hereafter not be changed In whole or in pElt except in conformity . the provisions of this By-law.
.1 The particular shall control the general;
.2 The word 'shall' Is mandatory and not discretionary; end the word 'm Is permissive;
.3 Words used in the present tense shall indude the future; and word used In the singular number shall
include the plural and the plural shall include the singular. unless the ntext clearly indicates the contrary;
A 'Building' or 'Structure' includes any part thereof,
Zoning Admlnislralor appointed by
This By-law shall be administered by the Chief Building Official or by
Notwithstanding the provisions of the Corporation's Building By-law or
no building permtt or occupancy permtt sI1a11 be issued where the
would be In violation of any of the provisions of this By-law.
ny other By-law of the Corporetion.
posed building, slruclure or use
Municipality 01 Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-led
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
In addition to all the requirements of the Corporation's BuDding -law or any other By-law of the
Corporation, every epplloetlon for a building permit shall be accompani d by a plan in duplicate (ana copy
of which shall be ratalned by tha Chief Building Official drawn to scaie d showing the fallowing:
a) The true dimensions of the lot to be built upon or otherwise use .
b) The proposed location, height and dimension of any building, re or use proposed for such
c) Proposed locations and dimensions of any yard, setback, I ndscaped open space, off-street
perl<ing space or off-street loading facUlties required by this By· w.
d} The location of all existing buildings or structures on the lot s on the plan.
e) A statement signed by the ownar, disclosing the exact use p for each aforesaid buldlng,
structure or use and giving aU Information necessary to det ine if such proposed or existing
building. structure or use conforms to the requirements of this y-/aw.
The Chie! BuUdlng Official or Zoning Administrator or any officar or
producing proper identification. may enter at all reasonable times to in
premises for whid1 a permit or order has been tssued. No officer or
shall enter any room or place used as a dwalling unit without the cons
issued pursuant to The Provincial Offences Act.
ployae of the Corporation, upon
and examine any building or
rson acting under his instruction
t of the owner or without a warrant
.1 Every person who contravenes any of the proviskms of this B law is guilty of an offence and on
conviction is liable,
i) on the first conviction to a fine of not more1han twenty housand dollars ($20.000); and,
II) on a subsequent conviction to a fine of nol more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for
each day or part thereof upon 'Nhich the contraventi n has continued after the day on
which helshe was first convicted.
.2 Where a corporation contravenes any of the provisions of this By-law, the maximum penalty that
may be imposed Is:
I) on a first conviction to a fine of not more than fifty tho nd doUars ($50,000); and,
ü) on a subsequent conviction a fine of not more an twenty-fIve thousand dollars
($25,ooo) for each day or part thereof upon which contravention continued after the
day on which the corporation was fin¡t convicted.
Every such fine shall be recoverable under The Provincial
which apply. except that any imprisonment shall be as provid
noes Act, all the provisions of
In The Municipal Act.
If any section, clause or provision of this By-law, is for any reason eclared by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shaH not affect the vaUdity of the B 8S a whole or any part thereof
other than the section. clause or provision so decJared to be invalid B d It is hereby declared to be the
Intention that all remaining sections, clauses or provisions of this By aw shall remail in full force and
effect until repealed, notwithstanding that one or more provisions ther shall have been dedared to be
No change shall be mede In the1ype of use of any lot covered by this
on any such lot or of any part of such lo~ building or structure, until the
Certificate of Occupency to the affect that the proposed use complies
y-Iaw of any buDding or structure
hie! Building Official has issued a
this By-law.
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-1aw8
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
For the purpose of this By-Jaw, the Definitions and interpretations IYen in this section shall govern
application of the By-law I unless the context requires otherwise.
'ABATTOIR' means a building or structure specmcally dasigned
slaughtering of livestock and the preliminary processing of animal
treating, storing and sale of the product on the premises.
accommodate the penning and
as end may Include the packing,
'ACCESSORY' shall mean a use. building or structure that Is no ally incidental, subordinate and
exclusively devoted to and loca1ed on the same 101 as the main usa. building or structure but does not
indude a buDding or structure used for human habitatkHl.
part of a building used for the
distribution or an accessory _I
I public.
storage of agricultural produce and may include facllnies for wholesal
commercial oUOet for the sale of suå1 agricultural produce to the gen
'AGRICULTURE GENERAL' means the cultivation of land; the produ of row, field and berry crops;
the production of maple syrup; 'forestry/silviculture'; aquaculture; ap ; 'greenhouse'; composting of
on~farm generated materials; the operation of agricultural machinery nd equipment. Including irrigation
pumps; the application of fertilizers, conditioners and pesticides, inctudl g ground and aerial spraying; and
the use of sewage sludge and other organic wastes for fann purposes.
'AGRiCUL TURE SPECIALIZED' shall mean en erea where s Ity crops such as tender fruits
(peaches, cherries, plums), grapes, other fruit crops, vegetable crops, reenhouse crops, and crops from
agriculturally developed organic soH lands are predominately grown. us lIy resulting from soils that heve
suilabllly to produce specialty crops, or lands thai are subject to special climatic conditions, or a
combination of both; and/or a combination of fanners skilled in the pr uction of specialty crops, and of
capital invesbnent in retated facilities and services to produce, store, or racess speciafty crops.
'AGRITAlNMENT' means the use of land, buildings or structures for th purpose of a 'u-pick' frun and/or
vegetable operation; maple syrup production together with food pr tion and service; on-farm winery;
on-farm markets, livestock shO\NSJdemonstrations; all of a temporary or seasonal nature, and may ¡ndude
such things as a com maze, sleigh rides, and other entertainment. All operations shall consist of a
minimum of 75% on-farm produce but shall not include any other use 'n defined.
'AIRPORT' means any area of land, water (incfuding frozen surface th reof) or other supporting sulface,
used or designed, prepared, equipped or set apart for use either in ate or in part for the arrival and
departure, movement or servicing of aircraft, and includes any bulldi g8, installation and equipmenl in
connection therewith for whlå1 an airport license has been issued by Tr port Canada.
plus eddnlonal graded land on
'AIRCRAFT HANGAR' means a building or structure designed end
for the shelter of aircraft.
'AIRPORT STRIP' means the land area containing one or more ru
both sides end both ends of the runway or runways,
'ALTER' shall mean, when used In reference to e building or pert the
more of the Internal or external dimensions of such buDding or 10 cha
exterior walls or roof thereof.
, means 10 change anyone or
e the type of construction of the
When used in reference 10 a lot, the word 'siler' means:
a) to change the area. frontage or depth theraof, or
b) to chenga the width, depth, or area of any required yard seck, landscaped open space or
parking area, or
c) to ""enga the location of any boundary of suå1lot with respect to e street or land. whether such
atteration is made by conveyance or alienation of any portion said lot. or otherwise. The word
'altered' and 'alterslion' shall have a corresponding meaning.
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-Iaw!Þ
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
'ASSEMBLY HALL' shall mean a buidlng or part of a building in ich facillllas are provided for such
purposes as meetings for civic, educational, political, recreational, rei lous, or social purposes and shall
not include a banquet hall.
'ATTACHED' when used in reference to a building, means a build!n otherwise complete in itseJf which
depends for structural support or complete enclosure upon a divisj n wall or divtslon walls shared in
common with adjacent building or buildings,
'AUTOMOBILE CAR WASH' means a buldlng or slructure or lot usad solely for the washing and cleaning
of motor vehlclas and shall not Include any other eutomoble use deli In this By-law.
'AUTOMOBILE GAS BAR' means a lot containing not more than ht fuel/propane pumps and may
include a structure of not greater than 18,5 square metres (199 sq. It) usad for the sale of fuel but sholl
not include any other automobile use defined in this By-law.
'AUTOMOBILE REPAIR ESTABLlSHMENr means e building and! lot used for the servicing, repeir,
polishing and gre..lng of 'motor vehicles' end may include motor v icle body repair and painting, the
sale of automotive eccessories and related products end a 'Autom bile Rental Establlshmenf and a
'Automoblle Soles Establlshmenf, but shall not Include any other au obile use definad In this By-law,
of 'motor vehicles', but shaH not include any other automobile use defi
lot used for the leasing or renting
in this By-law.
'AUTOMOBILE SALES ESTABLISHMENT' means a building and/or I usad for the display end sale of
new or usad 'motor vehicles' and may Include the servicing, repair, po lng, oiling and greasing of motor
vehicles, the sole of automotive accessories end related p ucls end a 'Automoble Rental
Establishmenf, but shall not include any other automobile usa defined this By-law,
'AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION' means a building and/or lot us
oiling and greasing of 'motor vehicles' and may include motor vehi
automotive accessories and related products and a 'Automobile Ren
Ba~ and a 'Automobile Soles Establishmenf but shall not Include any
for the servicing, repair, polishing,
body repair, painting, the sale of
Establlshmenf, a 'Automobile Gas
ther automobile use defined in this
'BANQUET HALL' means a building or part thereof, usad for the
for specific functions ¡ncluding the consumption of food and drink.
on the premises.
ring together of groups of persons
Fu I kitchen facl_ shall be providad
'BASEMENr shall mean that portion of a building between two floor evels, which Is partly underground
but which hes at least one·heW of lis heigh~ from finlshad floor to nlshad ceiling above the adjacent
finishad grade level for at least 75% of the building perimeter,
'BED AND BREAKFAST' shall mean an owner or operator occupied
three guest rooms or less. used or maintained specifically for the a
the owner or operator supplies, for hire or gain, lodgings wllh or wItho
'BUILDING' shall mean any structure other than a fence being a pe anent edifice fixed to, or supported
by the soil, and used or intended to be used for the shelter, accom odetion or enclosure of persons,
animals or personal possessions.
'BUILDING BY-LAW' means eny 'Building By-law' wilhln the meaning the Planning Act and the Building
Code Act.
'BUILDING PRINCIPAL' or 'PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE' meens the building or structure in which 1he
principal use of the lot on which Ills situated Is conductad.
'BUILDING SETBACK' means the minimum horizontal distance be
any building or structure on 1he lot,
n a lot line end the nearest part of
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By~1awiÞ
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
'BUilDING SUPPLY AND SALES' means the use of land, building or s dura for the sale, storage and/or
display of goods, merchandise or equipment used in buitding and struction but does not include the
sale of appliances, audio-visual equipment, home furnishings or furnitu
land, stNcture or building for the
, fertilizer and other agricultural
office for such products,
purposes of buying, selling, storing, grading and handling of seed, I
products in bulk quantities, together with scales and a salesladministra
'SULK FUEL DEPOT' means the use of land, buildings or structures for the storage and distribution of
fuels, gases, or oils and may Include as an accessory use a commerci cardn<ey lock facility but shaH not
Include any _ use defined in this By-law,
'BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE' means any building or rt thereof In which one or more
persons are employed in the management. direction or conducting of n agency. business, brokerage. or
labour organization and includes a bank or trust company, post office, and a government office but shall
not include a 'retaU store' or any other use herein defined.
'BUS DEPOT' means the use of land, buildings or structures where
and discharge fare paying passengers, and may Incfude as an acces
luggage checking and/or parcel shipping facilities, and offICes access
include the display or sale of any automobile or commercial motor vehi
'CAMPGROUND' means a lot used for the parking and use of motor omes, travel trailers, tent-trailers,
tents or similar transportable accommodation together with all yards an open space defined in this By-law
and may include a swimming pool, convenience store, laundromat, Inlature goff course, playground,
athletic fi_, 1ennis or badminton courts and an edmlnistrative buildln for the campground. The use of
mobile home(s), pari< model trailer(s), or other transportable aocomm aUon on a permanent year-round
basis shaH not be permitted. Off-season storage of travel trailers, te t trailers, motor homes or similar
transportable accommodatIon shall be permitted.
mmerclal motor vehicles pick up
use a ticket office, a restaurant,
to the main use, but does not
'CAMPSITE' means a parcel of land within a campground intended for
trailers, tents, camper traiters, and similar recreational vehicles togethe
pency by motor homes, travel
with all yards defined by this By-
'CANOPY shall mean a roof with no enclosing walls over an entrance
pump Island.
'CARPORT' means a roof covered structure accessory to the main
privately owned motor vehicles. Only piers or columns shall support
least 40% of its wall area is unenclosed.
a building, structure or gasoline
ling and used for the storage of
e roof of said structure so that at
'CENTRE LINE' means the centre line of any street, lane, roadway, ra
or railway right-of-way.
'CELLAR' shall mean that portfon of a buiiding between two floor ie s of which more than 50% of Its
height from finished floor to finished caillng is below the adjacent finish grade ieveI for at least 75% of
the building perimeter.
'CEMETERY' meens a cemetery or coIumbariJm within the meaning
'CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY' moons a certificate Issued by the C lef Building Official cartlfying that
the subject building or structure has _n constructed In eccordan with the Building Code Act and
meets applicable Municipal or Provincial regulations and may be upled and used for the use
'CHIEF BUILDiNG OFFICIAL' means the off.... or employee appointe
the Municipellty of Kincardine charged with the duty of enforcing the
the Corporation, Building Code Act and Its epplicable regulations.
by By-law of the Corporation of
. ions of the Building By-law of
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By~Iaw8
February 12, 2003
By~aw No. 2003-25
'CHURCH' means any building dedicated to religious worship and m
'banquel hall'; 'accessory dwelling unil'; and an accessory business 0
~ shall mean a buDding or part of a building that Is used by p
practitioners and the like. their staff and their patients for the purpose
treatmenl A 'clinic' may also Include edmlnlstratlva offices, waiting
pharmacies and dispensaries directly associated with the clinic, but
¡n-patient care or operating rooms for major surgery.
'COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OR COLLEGE' moans a place of instruction in any subject for profrt or gain, but
does not include a public school, separate school or private schoot as entified under the Public Schools
Act or a Day Care Nursery (Licensed) as defined In this By-law.
Include theraln an ·...embly hall';
lcians, dentists, andlor drugless
consultation, dåagnosis and office
S, treatment rooms, iaboratDries.
all not Include accommodation for
'COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE' maans a motor vehicle having anenUy attached theralc a truck
or delivery body and Includes ambulances. hearses, casket wagons, fire apparatus, motor buses, and
Iractors used for hauling purposes on the highways.
hi or registered gross weight of
gers but shall not Include an
a vehicle commonly known as a
'COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE' means a vehicle having a gross
more than 4500 kHograms, or a bus capable of canylng mora than 10
ambulance, a fira apparatus, a hoarse. a motor home, travel trallars
low truck.
'COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR ESTABLISHMENT moan a building andlor lot used for the
servicing, repair, cleaning, washing, polishing and graaslng of com ereial motor vehicles and 'truck-
trailers' and may Include body repair, welding and painting but shall no include any other automobile use
defined In this By-law.
'COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE SALES ESTABLISHMENT' mean a building andlor 101 used for the
display and sale of new or used 'commercial motor vehicles' and 't uck-trallers' and may include the
servicing, repair, cleaning, washing, polishing and greasing of com ereial motor vehicfes and truck-
traiJers, the sale of commercial motor vehicle and truck-trailer scces ries and related products and the
leasing of commercial motor vehldes and truck-traHers, bul shall not include any other automobile use
defined in this By-law.
of a buidlng used for the input,
ce transactions electronically or
the foregoing, may Include such
, on-line services and teJephone
ffic or any retail or manufacturing
'COMPUTERlDATA PROCESSING CENTRE' means a building or pa
processing and printing of computerized data or engaged primarily In
through a communication medium and without limiting the generauty
establishments as credit card Infonnation centres, virtual banking s
solicitation services, but shall not include any walk·in or off-the-slreet
of goods for sales.
'COMMERCIAL USE' means the use of any land, building or structure for the purpose of offices or retail
buying or selling of commodities and services, but does not indude sa for warehousing, wholesaling,
manufacturing or assembling of goods.
'CONDOMINIUM' moans a building In which each Individual unit Is held in separate private ownership and
all floor space, facilities and outdoor areas used in common by ail ten nts are owned, administered and
maintained by a corporation created pursuant to the provisions of the prtate statute.
'CONSERVATION AREA' means an area of lend owned or leased by a public authority and used for ftcod
or erosion control purposes and/or day use recreational purposes.
igned 10 ba made mobie and is
of storage or administration on
'CONSTRUCTION TRAILER' means a building or structure that Is d
seIf-iJl'Opellad or drawn by a saparate vehicle, and is used for the purp
a sile while buidlng construction Is taking place,
'CONTRACTOR'S Y ARQ' means 8 lot, building or structure where a redes Person' conducts business
and may Include office space and the ou1door storage of heavy equlpm nland building matertals and may
include the retail sale of supplies used in their trade.
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-lawII
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
'CONVENIENCE STORE' shall mean a retail establishment In which rticles for sale are restricted to a
limited range of primarily food items such as milk, bread, soft drln . ice cream, canned and bottled
goods, snacks and candy, frozen meat, and to complement such ite s may include the limited sale of
magazines, toiletries, and tobacco products.
'CORPORATION' shall mean The Corporetion of The Municipality of KI cardlna.
'COUNCIL' shall mean The Municipal Council of The Corporation of Th Municipality of Kincardine,
'COUNTY' means The Corporetion of The County of Bruca.
'DAY CARE NURSERY fLlCENSED)' means a day nursery es defln In tha Day Nurseries Act, R.S.O.,
as amended.
'DRIVEWAY' means a vehicular passageway having at least one d thereof connectad to a public
thoroughfare, and providing ingress 10 and/or egress from a lot,
'DRIVING ACADEMY' means the use of land. buildings or struc1ures era the training for the proper use
of motorized vahicles Is conductad; but does not Include the training for the proper use of tractor-trailers.
'DRY CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT means e building where any 0 or more of dry cieanlng, dyeing,
cleaning or pressing of articles or goods of fabric is or are carried on.
'DWELLING' shal mean a building designed and occuplad or capabla being occuplad as a residence of
one or more persons, within the following:
a) '~sorv Detached Dwellina' shall mean a detached dwelli which is incidental, subordinate,
exclusively devoted to and located on the same 101 as the principal use, building or struc1ure.
b) '~'"'orv Dwelllno Unit ADartment' means a dwelling unit
principal use, building or structure located on the same lot therewith.
Residential Use building or structure.
subordinate and Incidental to the
Ich Is part of the pannitted Non-
c) 'ADartmenl Dwalllno' shall mean the whole of a building or
dwelling units, which have separate entrances or a common entran
common corridor. AA 'apartment dwelling house' does not include a
cture that contains five or more
from street level serviced by a
other dwelling otherwise defined
d) 'Soardino House' shall mean a owner occupied dwelling unit containing not more than ten (10)
guest rooms maintained for the sleeping accommodation of the public, in which the owner or head lessee
supplies, for hire or gain, lodgings with or without meals for but does at Include any other establishment
otherwise defined in the By~aw.
ej 'Dwellina Unit' shall m_ a privata sulta of two or more rooms designed or intended for
occupation by one or more persons, in which sanitary conveniences e provided, and In which facilities
are provided for cooking or for the installation of cooking equipment. and in which a heating system is
provided, and containing a private entrance from outside the buildi 9 or from a common hallway or
stairway inside.
f) 'Owe1lino Unit Bachelor' shall mean a dwelling unit consisting
two habitable rooms designed to provide living, dining. sleeping
appropriate individual or combination of rooms.
g) 'DUDIex Dwellina' shal m_ the whole of a building that is d' .
dwaIIlng units each of which has an independent entrance either d'
common vestbJle.
one bathroom and not more than
and kitchen accommodation in
horlzontalty into two separate
from the outside or through e
MunIcipality of Kinc:atdlne
~henslveZanlng By-1aw8
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
h) 'MobUe Home Dwelllna' shal mean a single detached r' aI dwelling un~ designed far
transportation after manufacture on streets or highways on its own wh Is or on a flatbed or other trailers,
and erriving at the s~e where it is ta be occupied es a dwelling campi te and ready far occupancy except
for minor and incidental unpacking and assembly operations, locati n on jacks or other temporary or
permanent foundations, connections to utilities and the like. A tray trailer is not to be considered 8
mobile home.
i) 'Residential Noo.Farm Detached Dwellinc' shall mean a de
same lot as a subject farm.
j) 'Raw Dwellina' shall maan tha whale af a buNdlng that Is d ided vertically into three ar mare
dwelling unlls. each at which has independent entrances to a front an rear ya-d immediately ebutting the
front and rear walls at each dwelling un~,
kj 'Saasanal DweIIina' shall mean a dwalling un~ constructed nd used as a sacandary place at
residence for seasonal vacations and recreational purposes an<:t not a the sole residence of the owner or
occupant theraaf and Is not Intended far permanent occupancy, n standing that It may be designed
and lor constructed for year round or permanent human habitation.
I) 'Semi-Detached Dwellino' shall mean one of a pair of two chad single dwelling units divided
vertically by a fire separation wall, each of which has an ¡ndepende t entrance either directfy from the
outside or through a common veSUbule.
m) 'Sinale DetachAd Dwellina' shall mean a building containing one dwelling unit. This does not
Include mobile homes, camping trailers or house trailers.
n) 'SDlit~LeveJ Dwellina' shaD mean a building containing one or m re dwelling units, in which the first
floor above flnlshed grade at each dwelling un~ is sa constructed as ta reete two or more diffarent lavals.
Tha.. diflarent levals at the first floor shall all be consldared as part the same storey except where the
vertical dls1anca beIwaen two dlffarent levels exceeds ane malre; in hlch case, the two levels shall be
considered as separate storeys.
a) 'Trialex Dwelllna' shall maan the whole at a building that is divi ed harlzontally into three separate
dwelling unlls each af which has an independent entranca either dlr y fram the autslda or through a
common vestibule.
dwelling houses or four single
p) 'Quadraole)( Dwellina' shall mean a pair of two attached du
dwalllng unlls.
'DWELLING UNIT FLOOR AREA' shall mean tha habltabla area con ined within the Inside wells at a
dwelling unit, excluding any private garage, carport, porch, veranda, u finished attic, ceDar or basement.
and exdudlng public or common halls or stabways.
'EREcr shall mean to build, construct, reconstruct and ralocala, in ca pliance with the Ontario Building
Cade, and, withaut limiting the generality at the faragaing, shall alsa
aj MY prelinlnary physical operation such as axcavating, fllling ar dral ing.
b) Altering any existing building or structure by an addition, enlargem t. extension or any other material
ar structural change,
c) Any work necessitating a building permit as required under the On
at passing af the By-law. A
lot frontage requirements of this
an exisli1g lot far the purposes
'EXISTING LOr unlass ath_ Indicated, means existing an the
substandard lot. which does not comply with the minimum, }at area andJ:
by-law may ba increased in area andIar lot frontage and stili be canside
at this by-law.
'FACTORY SALES OUTLET' means an accessory use to an industrial Be in which the goods, wares, or
merchandise manufactured on the premises are offered for sale.
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-Iawe
February 12, 2003
By"sw No. 2003-25
:EABM: shall mean a parcat of land together with ns dependent buidln s Including all associatad on-farm
buildings and structures held for the purpose of agricultural use.
'FARM IMPLEMENT ESTABLISHMENT' shall mean the use of land b IIdings or structures for the sale of,
storage or repair of new or used agricultural equipment and mac ¡nery directly associated with the
operation of a farm and may include as an accessory use the dîsplay, Ie, storage, servicing. and repair
of snowmobiles, A TV's. small engines, and lawn care equipment d related products but does not
Include any other use(s) defined herein,
res for the sale of, storage or
sociated with the operation of a
'FARM IMPLEMENT REPAIR' shall mean the use of land buildings or
repair of new or used agricultural equipment and machinery directty
farm but does not include any other use(s) defined herein,
'FEED MILL & ELEVATOR' shall mean a building or structure that is signed to store any type of grain.
field or row crop and may inctude 8 cleaning and drying facility, scales. nd an administration building.
'FITNESS CENTRE' means a building In which facilities are provid
Including but not limited to body-buildlng and exercise clas.... and m
as a sauna, swimming pool and solarium.
for recreational athletic activities
include associated facilities such
'FLOOR AREA. GROUND' shall mean the floor area of the lowest
first above the finished grade level, axcluding any basement. ceDar or
be_ the exterior faces of the exterior walls at the floor level of
areas within the building.
of 8 building, approximatetyat or
bcallar. which area is measured
storey, but excludes car per1<ing
'FLOOR AREA USEABLE' shall mean the sum of the horizontal are
floor is above or below grade, measured between the exterior faces of
structure at the level of each floor, but shall not include:
of each fioor, whether any such
e exterior walls of the building or
a) MY floor area of the building or structure which Is used for he . g equipment, storage or par1<ing
of motor vehicles, locker storage and laundry facilities, childre 's play areas and other accessory
b) Endosed malls when used as a common area between stores.
'FLOOR AREA. TOTAL' shell mean the sum of the horizontal areas of each floor, whether any such floor
is above or beiow grade. measured batween the extarlor faces of exterior walls of the buidlng or
structure a1 the level of each floor. excluding eny area used for the sto and part<lng of motor vehicles.
'FOOD PROCESSING PRIMARY' means the use of lands, buildings 0 strucl1xes for a 'dry Industrial use'
where beny, row or field crops are washed, cleaned, screened, s' graded, waxed, or crushed, but
excludes any further processing.
'FOOD PROCESSING SECONDARY' means the use of lands, buildin s or structures for a 'dry Indusbial
use' where agriculbJral produce, Including meat and poultry prod ,are washed, cleaned, dusted,
waxed, cooked, steamed or otherwise prepared and packaged and m IncJude the storage and sale of
the finished product on the premises but shall not i1c1ude an abattoir or ny other use defined hereIn.
'FORESTRY/SILViCUL TURE' means the management and care of
of trees or parts thereof for commercial or personal purposes.
ing funeral supplies and services
Ies for interment or cremation.
. the planting and the harvesting
'FUNERAL HOME' means a commercial use for the purpose of fum
to the public and Includes facilities for the preperatlon of dead human
'GARAGE. PRIVATE' means a detached accessory building or portio
for the sheltering of private motor vehicles, travel trailers, boats, and
incidental to 1he residential occupancy and in which no business, OCCU
of a dwelling designed and used
storage of household equipment
lion or service is conducted.
'GARAGE. PUBLIC' shall mean a municipal, county or provincial facility used for the storage and servicing
of road conslruction and maintenance equipment and materials.
MunIcipality of IOncardine
Comprshenslve Zoolng By-I.....
February 12, 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
'GARDEN SUITE' means a detached single storey residential ing unit accessory to a principal
residence that offers alternative accommodation to a senior or disabled family member, and is removable.
'GAZEBO' means a freestanding roofed accessory structure which is ot enclosed, except for screening
or glass and which is utilized for the purposes of relaxation in conjun Ion with a residential dwelling but
shall not be include any other use or activity defined or classified in this By-law
'GREENHOUSE' means an enclosed structure, or collection of structu ,covered with a rigid or flexible
glazing material, with sides 1I1at mayor may not open to the e~, in whl h 1I1e environment Is controlled for
1I1e cultivation or protection of plants for all or part of 1I1e year.
'GROSS FLOOR AREA' means In the case of a dwelling, 1I1e aggrag Ie of el hebltable rooms from 1I1e
exterior walls, but excluding any detached accessory buildings, a br y, unenclosed sunroom, porch
and/or verandah, attic, cellar or basement. In the case of a building 0 er than a dwelling shall means the
aggregale of 1I1e area of all floors devoted to retail sales, CUS &efVice and or/office use,
manufacturing, and warehousing measured from the outside face of rior wans bu1 shall not include
mezzanine areas, mechantcal rooms, common walls, stair wells, g8 age and electrical rooms, parking
structures and similar uses ancillary to the main use.
'GOLF COURSE' means a public or private area operaled for the pu e of playing golf and may Include
a miniature golf course, restaurant, maintenance buildings and admin sb'ation buHdlngs if located on the
same property and are considered accessory uses;
'GOLF DRIVING RANGE' means an opan air recreation facility whe 1I1e sport of golf Is practised from
Individual tees and which may include accessory structures to house e tees, a kiosk for golf balls and
golf club ranlals end a structure from which the golfers tee-off,
'GRADE FINISHED' shall mean the average elevation of 1I1e finished s rface of 1I1e ground where ft meets
the exterior wall of a building,
'GROUP HOME. TYPE ONE' means a singla housekeeping unft In a residential dwelling in which up to
three (3) residents with special care needs, including seniors or In Ivlduals who are davelopmenlally
and/or physically challenged or mentally ill, live under responsib supervision consistent with the
requlremenls of the residents. 'Residents' do not include staff or the elving family. A type one group
home is licensed and/or funded under Federal or Provincial Statute a in compliance with Muni~ By-
'GROUP HOME TYPE TWO' means a single housekeeping unit in a residential dwelling in which more
1I1an 1I1ree (3) and up to Ian (10) residenls with special care needs, I cluding seniors or Individuals who
are developmentally and/or physically challenged or mentalty ill, r e under responsible supervision
consistent with 1I1e requlraments of the residents, 'Residents' do not i clude slaff or 1I1e recalving family.
A type two group home is licensed and/or funded under Federal or P ovInclal Statula and In compllence
with Municipal By-laws.
'GROUP HOME TYPE THREE' means a single housekeeping unit i e residential dwelling, such as a
halfway house, in which residents with special care needs, including dlviduals such as ex-offenders or
those recovering from substance abuse, reside on a short term Is under responsible supervision
consistent wilh the requirements of the residents. 'Residents' do not j elude staff or the receiving family.
A type three group home is licensed and/or funded under Federal or "nciaI statute and in compliance
with Municipal By-Iaws,
In the case of a flat roof, the highest point of 1I1e roof su
In the case of a mansard roof, 1I1e roof decl< line;
In the case of a gable. hip or gambrel roof, the mean height
baIween the finished grade at
'HEIGHT' AND 'HEIGHT OF BUILDING' shall meen 1I1e vertical dis
tha froni of the bulding, and:
or the parapet. whichever Is 1I1e
the eaves and ridge;
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-Iaw!I
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
A tower, cupola, steeple, elevator shaft or other similar roof
ornament or to house the mechanical equipment of any
calculating tha haight of such a building.
truclure which Is usad only as an
ilding, shall be dlsregardad In
'HISTORIC SITE' means an area containing bundings or places in
having special public value because of notable architectural or featu
heritage of the community.
Ich historic events occurred. or
relating to the wltura or artistic
'HOME OCCUPATION' means an occupation or business conducted f r gain or profit as a secondary use
within a singæ detached dwelling or accessory building in accordance with the provIsions of the zone in
which it is located.
'HOSPIT AL' means a hospital as definad under The Public Hospitals
The PrIve'" Hospitals Act, R,S,O. IgS0, as amended.
R.S,O. as emendad, or under
'HOSTEL' means an establishment in which men only or women only harboured, received. or lodged
for hire for a single night or for less than a week at one time, axce t a hotel, tourlst home or prlveta
of catering to the needs of the
facilities in any individual room or
°ng rooms, recreatkJnal faclities
other establishment otherwise
~ means a building or structure used mainly for the purpos
travelling public by fumlshlng sieeping accommodation with no cookln
suite of rooms of not less than ten guest rooms. and may Include m
and a 'restaurant' and permanent staff quarters, but does not Include
defined or classlflad In this By-law,
'INDUSTRIAL USE' means the use of any land, building or structure for the purpose of compounding,
processing, packaging, crating, bottling, packing, manufacturing, assambllng, making, preparing,
Inspecting, omamenting, finishing, treating, altering, repairing, or adapt' g for sale any good, substanca, or
article, or any part Ihereof, as distlngulshad from 1I1e buying and salll of commodities [commercial use]
and 1I1e supplying of parsonal services,
'iNDUSTRIAL USE, LIGHT means an indusbiai use which Is wholly closad wilhln the building excapt
for parking and loading facilities, and outside storage is accessory to t e permitted uses and which in its
operation does not ordinarily result in emission from the building f odours, fumes. noise, cinder,
vibrations. heat, glare or elecbicallnterfaranca.
'iNDUSTRY NON-EFFLUENT PRODUCING' means an industrial use where the manufeclurlng process
does not include or require direct consumption of water and where th only wastewater discharges are
from auxiliary facilities such as washrooms, the indirect cooling of m lnery and/or the pressure testing
of equipment.
'INDUSTRIAL MALL' means a building or structure held in sing'" ership, or by participants In a
condominium Corporation or cooperative, and dlvidad into units for separate occupancy by different
perrnlltad Indusbiai uses for which common loading, parking and sle disposal facilities and other
common services may be provided and where no individual occ nt is identifiable as a dominant
occupant of the building.
'INSTITUTION' shall mean any land, building, structure, or part thereo used by any organization, group,
corporation or association, for the promotion of charitable, educational, religious or benevolent objectives
and not for profit or gain.
'KENNEL' shell mean a piece where dogs or other household pets, oth than poultry. ere brad and raised
for sale and/or boarded.
'LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE' shall mean open unobstructed spaca graœ on a lot which is suitable
for the growth and maintenance of grass, flowers. bushes and other Ian scaping and Includes any patio or
similar area but does not include any driveway, ramp, or sidewalk ther surfaced or not, any curb,
parking area or any open space beneath or within any building or s reo
Municipality 01 KincardJne
Comprehensive Zoning 8y·law8
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
~ shall moan a public or private roadway that is not mora than 9 metras In width and which affords a
seoondary means of vehicular access to abutting lots.
'LAUNDROMAT'shall mean a building or structure where the servl of coin or cerd operated IlI\Jndry
machines, using only water, detergents and additives are made avail ble to the public for the purpose of
laundry cleaning.
:!.!QY!I1: means meterielslhat ere no1 'solid',
'LIMITED SERVICE' may Include: Fire protection when weather and r adway conditions do not parmK the
safe enby of fn trucks, drainage works, road maintenance, snow c rance, municipal water, municipal
sewer. slreet lighting, sidewalk, curbs, gutters, tree planting or any er service whatsoever other Ihan
the one mentioned above.
'LIVESTOCK' means fur or fibre bearing animals or any other dam animal used for consumption.
propagation, or for Intended profit or gain, end without limiting the erallty of the foregoing Includes:
dairy and beef cattle, lamas, alpacas, horses, swine, sheep, laying hens, chicken and turkey broilers,
turkeys. goats, gease, mi1k and rabbits,
'LIVESTOCK ASSEMBL Y YARD' shell maan a 101. building, structure confined land araB for temporarlty
holding animals for shipping.
'LIVESTOCK AUCTION BARN' shall moan a lot, buldlng, structu or confined land area used as a
livestock auction facility and may include the auction of agricutturally steel chattets on an incidental or
accessory basis only.
'LIVESTOCK FACILITY' maans bam(s). bulldlng(s) or structure(s) ere livestock are housed; Including
beef _ and Ihe associated 'manure storage structure, liquid' or' anure storage struc:tura, solid'.
'LIVESTOCK. GENERAL' shall mean a '11vestock facility' with a '11v ock housing capacity' of no mora
than 450 'livestock units' per lot.
k housi1g capacity' of more than
'LIVESTOCK HOUSING CAPACITY' shall mean the maximum umbar of livestock that can be
accommodated i1 a livestock facility al anyone line,
'LIVESTOCK INTENSIVE' shaH moan a 1lvestock facllKy' with a 'lives
450 'livestock units' per lot.
'LIVESTOCK RESTRICTED' shall moan a 'livestock facility' with a T
than 150 'livestock units· per lot OR no mora than 3,7 livastock units
lesser but shall not Include a 'manure storage structure, liquid'.
stock housi1g capacity' of no more
r hectare per tot whichever is the
'LIVESTOCK UNIT' shall meen the aquivalent values for various types of anmala and poultry based upon
manure production and production cycles.
'LOT' shall mean e parcal of land described i1 a deed or other docum ¡agally capable of convaying title
to or interest in land. or shown as a lot or block on a Registered Plan Subdivision.
'LOT AREA' shan moan the total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot. excluding the horizontal area of
such lot covered by water. In the case of comer lots having a sb'eet II e rounding of a radius 6 metres or
less, the lot area of such lot shall be calculatad as If the lot II were produced to their point of
'LOT CORNER' shall moan e lot having two Intersecting lot lines,
curve, both of which dMde the lot from a slreet, streets or a lane a
exceeding 135 degrees,
their extensions in the case of a
which intersect at an angle no1
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning 8y-tav.oIID
February 12, 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
'LOT COVERAGE' shall mean the percentage of the total lot erea
Including eccesso<y buildings or slructures, ebove finished grade leve
pools or septic systems.
'LOT DEPTH' means the horizontal distance belween the front and rea lot lines. If the front and rear lot
lines are not perellel, 'lot depth' shall be measured as tha length of e st ight line Joining the midcle of the
front lot line with the middle of the rear lot line, Where there Is no rear lot line, 'lot depth' shaff be
measured as the length of e slraÏ!tlt line joining the middle of the front I line with the apex of the triangle
formed by the side lot lines.
ered by buildings or struclures,
but shall not includa swimming
'lOT FRONTAGE' shell mean the horizontal distance between the sl e lot lines, such distance being
measured perpendicularly to tha Una joining the middle of the front lot fi with either the middle of the rear
lot 6ne or the apex of Ihe Iriengle formed by the side lot lines at the m um distance from the front lot
Une at which erection of building or other struclJJre Is perml1ted by Ihls B fWI.
'LOT LINE' sha. mean any boundary of a lot or the vertical projection th
'LOT LINE FRONT' shell mean In the case of an interior Io~ e line dM ing the lot from e street or a lane.
In the case of e comer lot, the shorter lot line abutting the street shall named the front lot 6ne and the
longer lot line abutting the street shall be deemed en e~or side lot IIn , In the case of a through 101, the
lot line where the principal access to the lot Is provided shell be deemed to be the front lot line.
'LOT LINE REAR' shell mean the 101 line farthest from end opposite to e front lot line,
'LOT LINE, SIDE' shall mean e lot line other than the front or rear lot IIn .
'LOT INTERIOR' shall meen elot other than a comer lot end hevlng
'LOT LINE EXTERIOR or 'EXTERIOR LOT LINE' means any lot line 0
line abutting a street or lane,
98 on one street or lane only.
'LOT. THROUGH' shan mean a lot which has access on two opposite sl as to a street 01" 8 lane.
'MANUFACTURING' means compounding. processing, peckaglng, ere ng, bolDing, pecking, essembllng,
making, prepsring. Inspecting, omementlng, finishing, lreetlng, ellering, repelring, or edepting for sale eny
good. substance, or article, or any part thereof.
'MANURE STORAGE STRUCTURE LIQUID' means e 'manure store e slructure' thet is designed and
constructed to contain 'liquid' manure.
'MANURE STORAGE STRUCTURE' means a permanent strucwre, r part of e permanent struclure,
designed for the containment of manure and shall inctude structures m e of earth.
constructed to contain 'solid' manure and may include a structure for
contaminated liquid runoff.
e structure' that is designed and
B storage and/or containment of
'MARINA' means a building, structure or place, containing docking fa l!ties and located on a navigable
waterway, where boats or boat accessories are stored, serviced. ra aired or kept for sale and where
facilities for the sale of marine fuels and lubricants may be provided.
'MA IN RE REAT N AN SEiNE ESTAB I HMENTS shall mean a building end/or lot
used for the display, sale. storage, servicing, repair, cleaning, p lishing and lubricating of boats.
motorcycles. snowmobiles, A TVs, lawn care equipment, marine ones and related products, or the
leasing or renting of any of the above.
'MATERIAL RECYCliNG FACILITY' means a facility that is nola sa ge yard, and in which recoverable
resources, such as newspapers, magazines. books. and other papa products. glass, metal cans, and
Municlpallly of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By~ISWID
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
other products are recycled, reprocessed end treated to return such pro ucts or melerlals to e cond"lon in
which they may again be used for production,
'MOBILE HOME' means any dweQing that Is designed to be mad mobOe, and is constructed or
manufactured to provide a permanent or seasonal residence; but does not include a travel trailer 0( tent
trailer otharwise designed. A mobUa homa shall be distinguished other forms of prefabricated
transportable housing by a design which parmlts and faatures reedy nsportatlon from placa to place,
and not a design which Inlands to be moved only ones to a flnallocatlon
'MOBILE HOME LOT' means a pareal of land within a mobOa home pa intended for occupancy by one
mobile home un" end oomplles with ell yard end open space requirem of this By-law,
'MOBILE HOME PARK' means a parcel of land containing two or me mobile home lots and which Is
under single managament and ownership and which Is designed and in ended for raaldentlal or seasonal
use where such residential occupancy is In mobile homes exclusively.
'MOBILE HOME PARK ROAD' means a space within a mobile home
meens of vehlculer eccess to abut1ing mobile home lots; such mobile h
open to the generel public on an equal besis,
'MOBILE HOME OPEN SPACE' means a space within a mobile home park designed and Intanded as a
place of recreation for the common use by the residents of such mo e home park. and which mayor
may not be opan to the general public on an equal basis.
ark designed and Intended as a
park road mayor may not be
.:MQIEL: means one or more buildings used primarly for Ihe purpose of catering to the travelling public by
furnishing temporary or transient sleeping accommodation in rooms h Independent entrances to a
fronl or rear yard. A motel may Includa parmanent staff quarters, maetl rooms, racrastlonal facllltias, an
accessory 'restauranf. 'steeping units' and 'housekeeping units', ut does not Include any other
establishments otherwise definad or classified in this By-law. For the pu ses of this Section:
(a) "Housekeeoino Unit" means a unit for the overnight eccommocl tion of the travelling public which
may Include sanitary end food preparation facBlties.
(b) "Sleeoino Unit" means e unit for the overnight accommodatio of the travelling public, but does
not include food preperation facilities.
'MOTOR HOME' shell masn a saif_ailed dwelling un".
'MOTOR VEHICLE' means en eutomobUe, truck, motorcycle and any other vehicle propelled or driven
otherwise than by muscular power but does not include commercial otef vehicles. cars of electric or
steam railways or other motor vehicles running only upon rails.
'MUNICIPAL DRAIN' shall mBan a drainage works as defined by The D inage Act, as amended.
'MUNICIPAL WATER' means e distribution system of underground pi Ing end related storage, Including
pumping and purification appurtenances operated by a municipal ration and/or the Ministry of the
Environment and/or any public utilities commission for public use Bnd hlch have been approved by the
Ministry of the Environment.
'MUSEUM' means a public museum within the meaning of The M
R.S.O" as amended,
'NON-CONFORMING USE' shall mean a use, buDding or structure
conform or comply with the permitted uses In. or regulations of, this B
NON-COMPLYING USE' shall masn e permmed use of land, building structure existing et the date of
passing of this By-law that does not comply with a provision or provision of their respective zone.
sin end Char"able Uses Act,
or part thereof which does not
aw as of the date of the passing
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-law!>
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
NON-RESIDENTIAL' means designed, in1ended or used for a purpose other than a dwelling.
'NURSERY' shall means a place whare Ireas, shrubs, plants or other ortloulturalllandsoaplng material is
grown or stored for the purpose of retail sale or wholesale together ' the sale of soil, plenting malerials,
fertilizers or similar amendments or materials, lawn and garden equip en!, or lawn furnishings,
'NURSING HOME' shall mean any premises maintained and op ted for persons needing help in
domestic care or nursing care In which the owner or opera1or su plies lodgings with meels for the
'OPEN STORAGE' means the s10rage of goods, merchandise or ulpment In the open a~ and in
unenclosed portions of buildings that are open to the air on the sides. or the purposes of this By-law, the
overnight par1<lng of vehicles shall not be deemed to be outside s10rag .
'PARKING AREA' shall mean en area provided for the par1<ing of mot r vehicles and may include aisles,
parking spaces, and related Ingress and egress lenas, but shan not nclude any part of a public street.
'Parking Area' may Include a private gerage.
'PARKING LOr shall mean a private or public parking area forming
used by the general public.
'PARKING SPACE' shall mean an area of not less than 17.4 square
2.9 me_ end length of 6 metres, exclusive of any aisles, or In
parking or storage of motor vehicles, and may Include a private gar
principal use of a lot, owned or
'PERSON' shall mean any human being and Includes any assoclallon par1nershlp, corporation. Municipal
Corporation, agent. or trustee and their heirs, exeartors and assigns or other legal representatives of a
person to whom the context can apply accon::ling to law.
elres, having a minimum width of
or egress lanes, for the temporary
'PERSONAL SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT' means a business professional or personal servlcas
are provided for gaIn and where the retaR sale of goods, wares, me ise or articles Is only accessory
to the provisions of such services, Including, but without limiting a genarallty of the foregoing, the
following: barber shops, beauty shops, taHor shops, shoe repair hops, wine and or beer making
establistvnents, Personal sarvlca establishment shall no1lnclude sexu IIy oriented astablishments.
'PIT' means a place whare unconsolidated gravel, slone, sand, aarth, lay, fill, minerai or other material is
being or has been removed by means of an open excavation to supp material for construction, industrial
or manufacturing purposes, but does not Includa e waysida pit.
'PLACE OF ENTERTAINMENT' maans a mo1lon picture or other th tre, billiard or pool room, bowling
alley, arcade establishment but does not Include any place of ente inment or amusement otherwise
defined or classffied In this By-law.
'PLANTING STRIP' shall mean the space on a lot upon which shrubs, trees, flowers or grass are grown in
accordance with tha provisions of this By-law.
'PLA YGROUNC' means an area of open space, equipped with chi dren's equipment, such as slides,
swings or wading pools.
'PORTABLE ASPHALT PLANT' shall maan a facility wilh equipment
and mix aggregate with bituminous asphalt to produca asphalt pa .
and slorage of bulk matarlals used In the process; and which Is no1 of
to be dismanded at the completion of the construction project.
aslgned to heat and dry aggregeta
material and includes stockpiling
ermanent construction but which is
'PRIVACY FENCE' shall mean a solid and continuous fence construct
not less than 2.0 metres so as to provide a year round visual barrier.
of suitable material to a height of
'PRINCIPAL' shall mean, when used to describe a use, building or lructure, that which constnLlles the
main use of a lot, and to which any other use, buDding or structure is s bordlnate.
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehansive ZonIng ay_
FebrtlS1y 12, 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
'PUBLIC PARK' means an area of land which Is owned by a public agan ,and which may Includa tharaln
ona or more athletic fialds, fiald hou.... bleachars, wading pools, ban lands, outdoor Ice skallng rinks,
tennis or badminton courts, bowling greens. fairgrounds, picnic area, historic site, Interpretive centre,
maintenance buildings or other such sinlfar uses.
'PUBLIC BUILDING' means any building or struelure owned or leased by the Corporation, County, any
local board or commission of alther tha Corporation or the County, any Consarvatlon Authority, any
Ministry or Commission of the Province of Ontario or the Government Canada, and In which office or
ganeral edmlnlstration activities are conducted.
'PUBLIC GARAGE' shaD mean e lot, building or strucIure used by a cou ty, municipal, provincial or 'public
utUity' for the storage and _Ing of 'public utility' equipment hicles; road construction and
maintenance equipment outdoor storage of utUlIy poles, wire, road struction materials and other
assorted materials and may include an administration office and fuel p ps.
'PUBLIC UTILITY' means any water works. sawarege works, gas
worKs, telegraph and telephone works, cable talevlslon works, and
water or elecb"ical power or energy, or any similar works suppty¡ng
services or conveniences.
, electric heat, light or power
for the lransmlsslon of ges. oil,
ganeral public with necessary
'PUBLIC UTILITY BUILDING' means a lo~ building or structure used conjunction with the supply of a
'public utility' Including a municipal water supply well, a wa1ar or e pumping station, a waler
treatment facility, a water storage reservoir, a gas regulator building, a hydro substation. a telephone
building for exchange. long distance or repeater uses.
'QUARRY' means a place where consolldaled rock has been or Is bel g removed by means of an open
excavation to supply materials for construction, indusbial or manufacturi 9 purposes. but does not include
a wayside quarry or open pit metal mine.
'RECREATION, PASSIVE' shall mean tha use of land andlor water ~ r the purpose of passlva leisure
activity and without limiting the generalily of the foregoing, shall includ": a park, a garden, a picnic area
and the like, as well as a playground. !
'RECREATION CENTRE' means land. buildings or structures used the purpose of active leisure
acUvities and shan include an arena, swimming pool, community centre curling rink, outdoor ice rink. and
uses accessory thereto.
'RECYCLING DEPOT means a building or structure or lot used for temporary storage of recyclable
materials but dces not Include a 'material recycling facility·,
'RENTAL ESTABLISHMENT means a lot, building or structure wh aquipment generally used for
residential, commercial and indusbial construction and maintenance are offered for rent or lease.
(a) 'Rastauranf means a building or structure or part thereof used to prepare food and offer for sale
for immediate consumption within the building or structure, Dr adj t patio and may Include an
accessory take-out service.
(b) 'Take-Out Restaurant' means a building or structure or part th reof where food is prepared and
offered for sale to the public to be takan out andlor delivered, for cansu ption off the premises.
structure in which are located
ation, but not facilities for the
of the laboratory,
facilities for scientific research, Investigation, tesmg, or .
manufacture or sale of products, except as Incidental to the main purp
Municiøafrty of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-la\l.œ
February 12. 2003
Br-taw No, 2003-25
(c) ·Portable Food Outlet' means a trailer, lent or veI1icle that Is esigned to be made mobile, from
which food Is prepared and offered for sale to the public for consumpt' outside. A Portable Food outIel
may only be permitted in accordance with the Corporation's Licensing B law,
'RETAIL FLOOR AREA' means the sggregate of the ereas of all s where goods and sarvlces are
made available for sale but shall not include storage or maintenance a as.
'RETAIL. LARGE FORMAr means the usa of a building, structure 0
display of merchandise 10 the public and includes the storaga of meteh
quanllties sufficient only to supply tha establishment provided the bul
contained exceeds a 'retail floor area' of 232 squara meb'es and
otherwise defined or classified In this By-law.
horses, exercising of horses, the training of horses and riders, a tack
events, but shall not Include the racing of horses.
'RURAL RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER' shall mean four or more adjacent on-farm resldantlallots sharing a
common boundary, Lots located dlractly across the road from one ano er shall be considered as having a
common boundary.
ich goods, wares, merchandise,
not include any establishment
'RETAIL STORE' shall mean a building or part of a buDding In
substances, articles or things are offered or kept for sale but d
otherwise defined or classified hareln.
a portion thereof for the sale or
dlse on or about the premises In
or structure In which the use is
s not Include any establishment
or structures for the boarding of
op, and the staging of equestrian
'SALVAGE YARD' shall mean an establishment where goods, wares, erchandise or articles are sold or
processed for further use or where such goods, wares. merchandise 0 articles ere storad wholly or parily
in the open and Includes a junkyard, scrap metal yard and en automobl wrecking yard or premises.
'SAW OR PLANING MILL' means a building, structure or area where U ber Is cut, sawed or milled, either
to finished lumbar or as an Intermediary step and mey Include faclilU for the kiln drying of lumber, an
administrative office and temporary storage of timber and finished prod cts.
'SCHOOL' means a school under tha jurisdiction of a Board as defined The Education Ad.,
'SCHOOL BUS' means a vehicle for transporting persons to or from school 8S defined In the Highway
Traffic Act, R.S.O" Chapter 202, as emended,
'SCHOOL BUS STORAGE' Includes a lot and/or premises for the stora e of school buses.
'SERVICE ESTABLlSHMENr shall mean a building or part of a build ng for the servicing or repeirlng of
articles, goods or materials, and in which no product is manufactu . and sales are accessory to the
main use; but does net Include automotive or marine service establish ents.
'SETBACK" means the shortast horizontal distance from a spacifled lin to the nearest part of any building
or structure on a lol
a) 'Communal Sawaaa Dlsoosal Svstem' means those sewage orks approved under the Ontario
Water Resource Act RSO 1m or the Building Code Act for the com on use of more than five units pn
the total development areal of ful~tlme or seasonal residential or indu ' commercial occupancy or other
occupancy as determined by the Chief BuDding OffIcial, A 'communa sewage disposal system' shall be
Inspected and approved by the Chief Building Official; Gray Bru e Health Unit or the Ministry of
Environment as required.
b) :f!OOl means a Class I Syslem as delined by regulation made under the Environmental
Prolection Act.
Munic:ipallty of Kincan::llne
Comprehensive Zoning By-Iawm
Februery 12, 2003
By~.w No, 2003-25
c) Sanllarv Sewer' or 'Municioal Sewer' means a system of und rground condufts, operated by a
municipal corporation or by the Ministry of the Environment the! carrie sawage to a place ,of traatment
whlcf1 meets wI1h the approval of the Ministry of Environment.
d) 'Seweoe Dlsoosal Svstem' means an Indlvlduel eutonomous
managed by the owner of tha property upon which the system is loca
than five residential lots, A 'sewage disposal system' shell be Ins
Building OffIcial; Grey Bruce Health Unft or the Ministry of Environment
e) 'Seweoe Treatment Plant' means a facility the! meets the
used for treabnent of domestic, commercial and/or Industrial sewage a
that Is owned, operated and
and which does not serve more
and approved by the Chief
I of the Ministry of Environment
shall Include sewage lagoons.
'SHARED USE PARKING' means the development and use of perking eraas on separate propet1i.. for
joint use by businesses,
'SITE PLAN' shell mean e sceIe drawing prepared to Dlustrate the rela n between the lot lines end the
uses, buildings or struc1ures existing or proposed on a lot, lncIudin such details as perking ereas,
walkways, landscaped areas, lighting, building areas, minimum yards, DOl' areas, easements, dralnege
contours. and areas for special uses.
'SITE VISIBILITY TRIANGLE' means an area free of motor vahic ,buildings, planting areas or
structures and which does not contain a fence, hedge or trees over 0.5 metres (20 Inches) In height and
whlcf1 erea is to be determined by measuring from the point of inters n of property IIn.. on e comer
lot, the distance required by this By~aw along such straeIline and joinl g such points wI1h a straight line
end Includes both the lriangular-shaped lend between the Intersecting street 11n.. and the s1ralght line
joining the p_ the required dlstence along the street lines,
'SOLID' means having a moisture content of lass then 82% (by welg wet basis) or a slump of 150
mllllmetres or lass using the Test Mathod for the Determination of Uq Id Waste (slump test) set out in
Schedule 5 of Regulation 347 made under the Environmental Ptotaction ct.
'STOREY' shan mean the! portion of a building, other than the basemen or celler, which lias between any
floor and the roof or ceiling above such floor.
'STOREY, ONE-HALP shell mean a portion of a buiding slluatad wh Iy or in pert wI1hln a sloping roof
and In which there Is sufficient space to provlda a height between finis ftoor and finished ceDing of al
least seven feet, seven inch.. for et least one-half (112) but less than thirds (213) of the area of the
ftoor below,
'STREET PRIVATE' shall maan streets or lanes not undar the jurisdl
reference on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, The Corporetlon may not pr
as Is customarily practiced by the Corporation,
the Corporation and shown as
vides "limited services" including
'STREET' shall mean a roadway that affords a means of access to a tting lots but does not include a
'STREET. CLASS ONE (11' shall mean streets unclef the Jurisdiction the Corporation and shown es
reference on Schedule 'A' to this By~aw to whlcf1 the Corporation wI1h n reasonable limits wll provide a
laval of municipal service as is custDmarily practiced by tha Corpore' . For the purposes of this By-law,
County and Provincial Roads shall be consldared to be Class 1 streets.
'STREET. CLASS TWO (2)' shall mean streets undar tha jurisdiction
reference on Schedule 'A' to this By..Jaw to which the Corporation
snow clearance or ploughing.
'STREET LINE' shall mean the limit of the road or streat allowance a
and a street.
is the dividing line between a lot
on of the Corporation, shown as
ide any level of municipal service
Municipality of Kincardine
CDmprehensive Zoning By-Iav.e
Fe""'ary 12, 2003
By~aw No. 2003-25
'STRUCTURE' means anything constructed or erected, tha us. of who h requires localion on the ground,
or on water, or attachment to something having a fixed location on th ground OJ:' on water, and without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, Includes walls, floors, roofs, s ns and bDlboards, private outdoor
swimming pools, satellite dishes, end a objects designed and Inlen to float, but does not includa
hedges and fences or sewage disposal systems.
used for the retailing of grocery
acy, photo finishing place and
'SUPERMARKEr means a large format retail establishment which .
needs and mey Include a dry cleaning establishmen~ IIorlst, pha
catalogue outlet.
'SWIMMING POOL' means any body of water located Indoors or 0
swimming pool by-law.
as defined In the municipal
'TAVERNIBAR' means a building or part _where, in consld
any combination tharaof, are served for consumption on the premises
'TEMPORARY USE' means a use established for e fixed period of lima . the Intent to discontinue such
upon the expiration of the time period,
'TILLABLE HECTARES' shall mean the total area of lend measured In actar.. Including pasture thet can
be -'<ad or cultivated.
:IQf: In relation to a bank of surface water means:
the edge of a dafined channel or a benk of surface water, wh
staap slope of the channel or bank to the shallower slope of the
where no such break In slope exists, the normal M extant of
maximum volume of water without flooding.
'TRADES PERSON' shall mean en Individual employed In the bull Ing trades construction Industry,
Including b~cldayen¡ and stonemesons; carpenters end Joiners; electrt ns; lathera; painters: decorators
and paper-hangers; plasterers: plumbers and steemfitters; sheet m I workers; ganeral contractors;
flooring and carpet layers or home decorators or other the like which rovides an installation service but
does not include the wholesale or retafl sale of construction material or supplies, home Improvement
supplies or e 'Personal Service Shop'; 'Contracto~s Yard' or 'RelaD Sto '
there Is e sharp change form the
d area; or
watercourse when it contains the
ks or tractor trailers are rented,
trucks or transports. stored or
may Include as an accessory use
'TRANSPORT DEPOT' meens a building, structure or place whera
laased, kept for hire, or stored or parked for remuneration, or from
parked on tha property, are dispatched for hire as common carriers en
a commercial cardlkey lock facility.
display, sale, storage, servicing, repair, or cleenlng of new or used roc
and may include as an accessory use, the sale of motorcycles. snowm
and related products, or the leasing or renting of any of the above.
'TRACTOR TRAILER' means any type of trailer vehicle thai Is hauled a commercial motor vehicle and
is used primarily for the transportation of equipment and goods and fa which B permit has been issued
under vehicle permit legislation including, a single or multi-axle sern traner where part of the load is
carried on the heavy truck by means of the upper and lower coupler assembly and a full load bearing
bUilding endlor lot used for the
Donal vehicles and accessories
les, ATV's, lawn care equipment
'TRAILER CONSTRUCTION' means a building or structure that Is signed to be made mobile and
drawn by a separate vehicle, and Is used for the purpose of storage administration and or temporary
accommodation provided work Is in pro!;JeSs and a valid building pe it is in effect for the work being
undertaken. for a period not exceeding two years from the date of issua os of the buDding permit.
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-lawII
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
'TRAILER. TRANSPORT means .ny vehicle so constructed that ~ Is suitable for being att.ched to ·
motor vehIcle .nd cap.ble of being used for Iranspartlng goods, alari.ls, equipment or livestock
natwi1hstandlng lI1.t such vehicle Is jacked up or lI1.t Its running ge.r Is moved.
'TRAILER. TRAVEL' means. structure designed, Intended and used ex uslvely for travel, recreallon and
vacallon end which Is capable of being drawn or propalled by a ma vehIcle or Is self prop.lled and
includes tanttrallers or slmll.r transportable accommod.IIon, but not. obi. home,
'TRANSMISSION TOWER' means. .tructure, over 20 me1res In hel
purpose of transporting or canylng hydroeleclric power In qu.ntities
~, as e verb, masns .nythlng permitted by !he owner or occupant .ny lend, building or structure,
directly or indirectly, or by or II1rough .ny lrustee, tenant. servant or age t acting for or wllI1 lI1e knowledg.
and .ssent of such owner or occup.nt, for 111. purpose of m.klng of !he said I.nd, buDding or
structure. The phrase 'used fo( Includes '.rr.ng.d fo(, 'designed for" .lntalned for' or 'occupied for'.
designed and .rected for 111.
u.1 to, or greater than. 100,000
~ as . noun, means .ny of 111. foHowlng dapandlng on the cont.xt:
.) .ny purpose for which land, buildings or oll1er structuras m.y b .rranged, deslgn.ted, designed,
Intended. m.lntalned, or occupied, or
b) any occup.tlon, business, activity, or OJeration carried on, 0 Intanded to be caITi.d on, in .
building or other structur. or on land, or
c) !he name of . tract of land or . building or other structure whi
Is arrangad, d.slgn.ted, Intended, malnlù\ed or occupied,
'VETERINARY CLINIC' me.ns . building or structura dedicated to . medlc.1 care and treatment of
'livestock', domestic or other animals and Includes provision for their ight accommodation but does
not include kennels. outdoor pens, runs or outdoor enciosures. A eterinsry Clinic' may also Include
administrative offices, waiting rooms, treab'nent rooms, laboratories, ph rrnacies and dispensaries directly
associated with the clinic.
'VETERINARY CLINIC (SMALL ANIMALY means. building or slruct re d.dlc.ted to the medical cara
.nd treatm.nt of hous.hold pets/.nlm.ls .nd Includes provision for elr ovemlght .ccommodation but
does not Includ. k.nnels, outdoor pens, run. or outdoor .nclosur.s. 'Veterinary Clinic (Sm.1I AnIm.I)'
m.y aI.o include .dminlstr.tive offIca., waiting room., treatment ., I.boratorles, pharm.ci.s .nd
dispensaries directly associated with the clinic.
'WATER FRONTAGE' me.nsll1a1 part of. piece of I.nd thai fronts
lake or navlg.bl. w.terway.
e rental of separate storage areas
roparty. Outdoor storage .h.1I be
'VIDEO OUTlET/RENTAL ESTABLISHMENT' m.ens the use of the i nds, buildings or .tructures for lI1e
purpose of renting videoc....tte recorder. .nd/or video disc pl.ye .ndlor the rent.1 of video tapes
and/or discs.
'WAREHOUSE' sh.1I me.n I.nds, buildings or p.rt of . buidlng used r Int.nded to be used for the bulk
storage and distribution of goods, merchandise or materials and may ude a 'Transport Depot'.
'WAREHOUSE MINI-STORAGE' .hall me.n . building designed for
usually with individualized external access for storage of personal
permitted In accordance with the provisions of the applicable zone.
'WASTE DISPOSAL SITE' m..ns .ny I.nd upon, Into or through who
and any macf1inery or equipment or operation for the b'eatment or dis
the treatment or disposal of liquid industrial waste or hazardous waste.
waste Is deposited or processed
..i of waste, but does not include
'WATERCOURSE' me.n. lI1e natural ch.mel for . stream .nd for
the natural channel for intermittent sb'eams.
purpose of lI1is By-I.w, Includes
and provides access to a bay or
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-Iawe
February 12, 2003
By~sw No. 2003-25
'WATER WELL' means an underground source of water which h been rendered accessibla by the
drilling or digging of a hole from ground level to the water table and may Include a private piped water
system from a surface water source,
'WAYSIDE PIT OR WAYSIDE QUARRY' shall mean a temporary pit r quarry opened end used by o<fo<
a public authority solely for the purpose of e particular project or co tract of road construction and not
located on the road right-of-way,
'WHOLESALE USE' means any establishment the! sells merchand e 10 others for resale andIo< to
industrial or commercial users.
~ sha. mean a spece, appurtenanl to a building located on the ma lot as the building, ..,d which
space is open, uncovered and unoccupied from groond to sky ex pi for such accessory buildings,
structures 0< uses as are ~lIy pennltted elsewhere In this By-I .
'YARD EXTERIOR SIDE' shell mean a yard between the nearest p rt of eny main buildi1g and street,
extending from the front lot line to the rear lot line.
s the full width of the lot between
the 101, but does nollnclude any
'YARD INTERIOR SIDE' shall mean e side yard other than an exterior
'YARD. FRONT' 0< 'FRONT YARD' shall mean a yard extending ac
the front lot li1e of the lot and the nearest part of any principal building
exterior side yard.
'YARD. REAR' or 'REAR YARD' shall mean a yard extending ecross e full width of the lot between the
rear lot line of the lot and the nearest part of any bulldi1g on the lot, bu does not Include any exterior side
'YARD SIDE' or 'SIDE YARD' shall mean a yard extendi1g from the nt yard to the rear yard between
the side lot line and the nearest part of any building on the lot.
~ means an area delineated on a Zoning Map Schedule and as fished and designated by this By-
law for a specifIC use.
'ZONING ADMINISTRATOR' shall mean the Chief Building 0IIiciaI or er employee of The Corporation
charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of the Building and jng By-laws of The Corporajjon.
Municipally of Kincan:lne
Comprehensive ZOning By..fawID
FobnAary 12, 2003
By-law No, 2OO~25
No buDding or structure shall her_ be erected or altered and the u e of any building, structure or lot
shall hereafter not be changed i1 whole or in part except in conformity the provisions of this By-law.
6,2,1 Services and Utilities
.1 Nothing c:onlainad In this By-law shall prevent the Co
communications utUity company; any agency or department of th Federel, Provincial or County
Government; any company holding a Provincial license to transport or distribute natural gas; an øectric
service provider; a ralway company and any local or County Boord r Commission from: installing a
waterman; sanitary sewer main; sewage or water pimping station; 8to sewer main; gas main; electric
power transformer/distribution station; transmission tower; commun" tower; pipeline; overhead or
underground electric line. cable service. or telephone lile; road or street; any essential accessory
bulldlng(s) required to house equipment; or other usa for the pu of the public _ subject to
there being no outdoor storage of goods, materials or equipment.
station or 'wa1ar wall' owned and
the lot lines and shall be exempt
.2 An 'essential accessory building'. sewage and/or water pumpJ
operated by, or for, the Corporation, may be erected within 3 metres
from the lot size and lot coverage provisions of the zone in which it is
.3 Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, Corporation approval does not apply to any
undertaking that has been approved under the Environmental Assassm nt Act.
.4 ÞJ1y electric power facil~les and any receiving or transmiUing t wer and facll~1as of any redio or
television station existing on the date of passing of this By-law ara parmi
6.2.2 Construction Facilities
.1 A tool shed, scaffold or other building or structure incidental to struction on the lot where It Is
situated and only for so long as it is necessary for the work In progress nd until the work is completed or
abandoned, In addition to any sheds, scaffolds, or other structures I cldantaJ to buidlng construction,
accessory sales offices may be permitted in any Zone for so tong as e same is necessary for work in
progress which has neither been finished. nor abandoned, provided au sales office is provided for in 8
Subdivider's Agreement which is in effect 'Abandoned' in this sub . shall mean the failure to
proceed expeditiously with the construction of a wor1<,
shell be permitted for a period
c:h the Bu.dlng Perm~ is Issued
,2 In any zone, such temporary buildings and construction facll
lasting no longer than twelva (12) months commencing on the data on
unless approved by the Chief BuDding OffIcial.
6.2,3 Statues and Other Omamenlai Structures
A statue, monument, fountain, cenotaph or other such memorial
permitted in any zone.
6.2.4 Sians and Siooals
AU signs and traffic: signals shaH be permitted In all zones in conformity . the Municipal Sign By-law and
the requirements of the appropriate regulatory authority.
6.2.5 Sewaae DisDOSaJ SYStems
.1 A 'sewage disposal system' shall be permitted In all zones ex
(EP)' and 'Environmental Protection 1 (EP·I)' zones. A 'privy' may be p
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprohansive ZonIng By-I_
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
A2, A3), Extractive Indusb1e1 (M2). and Waste Disposal (WD) zon subject to approval by the Chief
Building OIIIcial,
.2 A 'communal sewage disposal system' or a 'sewage treatment lant' must be zoned accordingly.
6.2.6 MuItI-PurDOse Use RACI'88tional Trails
.1 Multi-purpose recreational trails (paths) are routes owned. nstructed or under reserve to the
Corporation, County or other public body. and may be open to the pub Ic, Multi-purpose recreational trails
shall be permitted In all zones. Permitted u... may Include hiking, horsebeck riding, bicycling, cross
country skIIng, snowmobiling, all terrain vehicles (ATVs) in accordan with all applicable By-Iaws and
Regulations of the Corporation, County or other public body.
,2 Motorized vehicles, except snowmobiles, shall be prahl
Wetlands (EP-1 zone), Areas of Natural and ScIentific Interest (ANSI),
lands as detarmined by a public body,
Notwithstanding the policies of SectIon 6.2.1, the eracIion of any buildi g or structure designed for use as
an office, storage or other u.... and the use of land for outside sto~, by tha Corporation; any
talephone. cable or communications ~tillty company; any agency or d artment of the Federal, Provincial
or County Government; any company holding a Provincial license to nsport or distribute natural gas; an
electric service provider; a railway company and any local or County or Commission must conform
to the provisions of this By-law.
from Provincially Slgniflcent
nd other environmentaly sensitive
6.4.2 Use of A<:cessorv Buildinos and Structures
Whare this By~ provides that a lot may be used or a building or re may be erected or used for a
purpose, thet purpose shaD Include any accessory building or struct re or accessory use, but shall not
include: (i) any occupation for gain or profit conducted within or a to a dwelling unil except as
defined as home occupations in this By-law; or (if) any bulding used fa human habitation.
6.4.1 Prohibited Structures
For the purposes of this section, mobile homes, travel trailers, rei cars, cabooses, construction
trailers, transport trailers. and buses shall not be used as accessory bu Idings or structures.
6.4.3 Location of Accessorv Bulldina or structure
.1 Except as otherwise provided herein. any accessory building
yard except a front yard or exterior side yard. and shall comply wtth
which such building or structure is sttuated.
.2 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law to the
accessory buUdlng or structure may be erected
i) In an interior side or rear yard toeated no closer than metre to the interior sIde and rear
lot lines.
structure may be erected in any
yard requirements of the zone in
Irary, In a Residential Zone an
Ii) On lots which edjoln a navigable body of water, detached garages and accessory
buildings may be located In the front yard provid d that such garage or accessory
building is not located closer than six metres from the front lot line and 1 melres from any
side lot line. This also Includes any lot that is separa from a body of water only by an
unopened Municipal road allowance,
In the case of e Through Lot, the rear yard
accessory bulding or structure shall be equal to the
principal building,
requirement of such lot for an
nt yard setback requirement of the
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-lawcI
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
Mutual g....ges may be erected across the Interior siele lot line common 10 any two
adjoining lots provided that: the garages for both 101 are designed as one building; a
common wall, on and along the side lot line, shall dlv e the garages; and, the garages
for both lots shell be erected simultaneously,
.3 Notwithstanding any other provisk>ns of this By·law to the c ntrary, on a 'Non-Farm Lot' in a
Agricultural Zone an accessory buldlng or structure may be erected a d used in an Interior side or reer
yard but shall be located no closer than 2 metres to the Interior side and rear lot lines.
6.4,4 Helaht
Except as otherwise provided herein, the maximum height for all a
be as follows:
buildings and structures shall
I) All Residential Zones, 4,5 metres:
ii) In all other zones, no accessory building shall contain mc re than two storeys.
6.4.5 Coverace
The area of all accessory buildings and structures on a lot shell not exc led 15% of the lot area; except on
lots within the 'M1' or 'ECI' zones, where the Iotallot coverage of ell ace 9SSOry buliellngs or structures on a
lot sha" not exceed 50% of the tatallat area.
6.4.6 Establishment of an Accessorv Buildina or StnJcbJre
Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this By-law, no accessory build ng or structure shall be erected or
used until the principal building, structure or use Is erected 10 tha satisf <:tion of the Chief Building Official
and In compliance with the provisions of this By-law. This shall not a ply to those uses covered under
Section 6.22 Construction FacllIies,
Where permitted by this By.Iaw as an accessory or residentiat use, no rson shall use any part of a non.
residential buDding as an Accessory Dwelling Unl - Apartment excep in accordance wfth the following
.1 Dwelling units are pe~ltted above the first storey or behind th commercial use and forming an
integrat part of the building or structure containing 8 permitted non...,.esid ~tial use.
.2 Minimum setbacks and yards shall be provided in accordance _~ '01 the minimum setback and yard
provisions for the non·residential building or structure in which the dwell" g unit Is contained.
.3 The minimum lot area provisions for nOßo.resldentiaJ buildings [ structures shall be increased by
200 square metres for each dwelling unn contained therein.
.4 The minimum lot frontage provisions for non-residential bulldln or structures shall be inaeased
by 15 metres for each dwelling unit contained therein,
.5 The minimum dwelling unit gross floor area shall be as folkrNs:
Dwellina Unit
Bach"or dwelling unll
Minimum Dwell no Unit Grass Floor Area
40 square metre
60 square metre
70 square metre
60 square metre
80 sauare metr ts Dlus 10 s uare metres for each
Dwelling Unit containing one bedroom
Dwelling Unit containing two bedrooms
Dwelling Unit containing three bedrooms
Dwelllna Unit contalnlna more than tIYee bedrooms
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-I_
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
bedroom In exe ss of three
6.6.1 Strenathenine to a Safe Condition
Nothing in this By-law shall p......nt the strengthening to a safe cond
part of any such buDding or structura which does not comply with the
such alteration or repair does not increase the height, habitable sp
building or structure.
n of any building or structure or
'slons of this By~aw, provided
size, or change the use of such
6.6.2 Permitted Extensions of Non-ComDlvlne Buldines
Nothing in this By-law shall prevent an accessory use, extension or an a dition being made to a building or
structure, which is used for a purpose specifically pennitted within zone in \Nhich such building or
struetura Is located, and which buDding or structura legally existecl al the date of passing of this By-law, but
which building or structure does not comply with one or more of Zone Provisions of this By-law,
provided such accessory use, extension or addition does not contra any of the provisions of this By.
a) such replacement does not increase the amount of habitable
the use of sud1 building or structure; and
b) such raplacement shall comply. with all appllceble yard pro' Ions of the applicable zone, ~
possible, and does not reduce the original non-complying yard d mens ions.
6.6.3 Permitted ReoJacement of Non~ComDlvina Buildinas
Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the replacement of any buikting or
or an act of nature, which does not conform with one or more of the
6.7.1 Continuation of Existina Uses
Nothing In this By-law shaH apply to prevent the use of any lot, buil Ing or structure for any purpose
prohibited by this By-iaw if such lot, buidlng or structura was lawfuUy u for such purpose on the date of
passing of this By-law. so long as It continues to be used for that pur
6.7.2 Chance of Use
Nothing in this By-law shall prevent a changa In the use of a lot, bu Ing or structure which under the
provisions hereof is not permissible within the zone in which such lot, IIding or structure is tocated If the
use is changed to a use which is permissible within such zone, or such other compatiJle uses as may be
approved by a Minor Variance under the Planning Act and any other ap !cable legislation.
6.7.3 Exlstlno Detached DweIIlnas
A detached dwelling legally axisting at the date of passing of this
Commercial zone, may be altered or enlarged in accordance wIth the
Zone One Zone.
6. 7 .4 Buildinc Permit Issued
Nothing In this By-law shall apply to pravent the erection or use for a p rpose prohlbltecl by this By-law of
any building or structura for which a permit has been issued under the uYdlng Coda Act, prior to the data
of the passing of this By-law, provided that:
a) when erected, the building or structura Is used and continues to be used for the purpose for which
It was erected; and
b} the penni! has not baen revoked under the Building Code Act; a d
c) the erection of such building or structure Is commanced with two years after the dale of the
passing of this By-law and such bunding or structure is comple within a reasonable time after
the erection thereof is commenced.
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-lawIÞ
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003--25
Where a combination of permitted uses results In conflicting regulsti os, the most restrictive regulations
shall apply,
This By-law shall nol be affactiva to reduce or mlllgate any restriction
authority having jurisdiction to make such resbictlons.
lawfully imposed by a govemment
In any 'R' - Residential zone where detached dwellngs are permi
dwelling shall be panTlillad on a lot
. not more than one detached
.1 No person shall erect any building or sbucture, or increase e height size or volume of existing
structures. in any zone unless·1J1e lot upon which such building or stru ure is to be erected fronts upon a
Class One Straa~ or. in the case of a lot on a Registered Plan of SubdlvisionlReglstered Plan of
Condominium, unless a 'Subdivider's Agreemenr with the Corporation s in effect
.2 Cia.. One Straets are identified on Schedule 'A' for in1erpreta n purposes only,
.1 No parson shall erect any building or structure, or increase th
structures, In any zone fronted by a Cless Two Straat or Privata
which such building or structure Is to be arected or Increased in heig
'limited Service Agreemenr with the Corporation.
.2 Cless Two Streets and Private Streets are Identified on Sch ule 'A' for Interpretation purposes
height, size or volume of existing
unless the owner of the lot upon
. size or volume has entered i1to a
Where listed as a pennltted use, Home Occupation - Professional U e may be pennltted within a single
detached dwelling unit, or an accessory structure to a single checl dwelling, by professional
practitioners, such as but not limited to: accountants, archi ,auditors, dentists. optometrists,
engineers, insurance agents, land surveyors, lawyers, medical p ctftioners, chiropractors. notaries,
planners, realtors, photographers, hairdressers, consurtants, provided
e) The said dwelling Is occupied as a place of residence by
b) The Home Occupation - Professional Use shall be cleariy
and/or building or part thereof, which is residential, and shall
of the lot and/or building or part thereof;
c) There shall be no more than 1 assistant who is not a resident i the bulding;
d) The amount of the dwellings total floor area utilized by the H a Occupation - Professional Use
shall not exceed 30 % of the dwelling's total floor area;
e) Where the home occupation is located within an accessory ilding, not more than 100 square
metres shall be devoted to such use,
f) There shall be no advertising other than a plate or facia sign a per the Corporation's Sign By-law;
g) There is no external storage of goods or meterials;
h) One off-street parking space Is provided for ovary twenty squa metras of floor erea occupied by
the home occupat6on; and
i) No mechanical equipment is used except that is reasonably co sistent 'NittI the use of a dwelling;
j) The home occupation shall not create or become a nuis nee in regard to noise, odours,
vibrations, traffic genaration or parKing.
Individual operating the home
dary to the main use of the lot
change the residential character
Where listed as e pennillad use, Home Occupation - Household an
within a single datachad dwelling unit, or an eccessory structure to a sl
Domestic arts may be penTlltted
detached dwelling, Househoid
Municipalty of Klncardine
Comprohenaive Zoning By-laW8
FebrueIy 12, 2003
By~ew No. 2003-25
and Domastic Arts Includes uses such es, btJt notlimltad to, drassma ng; Instruction In music, dancing,
arts and crafts to not more than six pupils at any ona lasson; tailo ng; weaving; palnUng; sculpUng;
moulding; or otherwise meklng or repairing of garden or household 0 aments, articles of clothing, and
parsonal effects or toys, provided that
e) Tha Homa OccupaUon -Housahold and Domestic Arts shall be nductad only by membe<s of the
family residing on the premises and en ertlcles sold are produ by members of the family;
b) Tha Home Occupation -Housahold and DomesUc Arts shall ba clear1y secondary to the main use
of tha lot and/or building or part thereof which is residential, a shall not change tha residential
character of tha lot and/or building or part thareof;
c) Only resldenls of the dwaOlng may assist In the operation of the
d) There shall be no advertising other than a plate or facia sign as
e) There Is no axtemalsto~ of goods or materials;
I) The amount of tha dwelling's total floor area utilized by the h occupation for offica spaoe shall
not exceed 30 % of the dwelling's total floor area;
g) Where the home occupation is laceted within an accessory b ildlng, not more than 100 square
metres shall be devoted to such use;
h) Ona 0II-street parking spece is provided for every twenty sq metres of floor area occupied by
tha home occupation;
I} No mechanical equipment Is used except that which Is reaso bly conslstant with tha use of e
dwelling; and
j) The home occupation shall not create or become a nuis ce in regard to noise. odours,
vlbretions, traffic generation or parking.
Where listad as a permitted use, a Homa OcctJpation - Agricultural B slnass mey be permitted within a
'Accessory Detached Dwelling' or a 'Residential Non-Farm Detached ailing', or en accessory building
end shell be limltad to the sele of farm products produced/grown or ra' on tha property; nursery; food
processing, primary; food processing, secondary; industrial use, ry; bulk sales establishment -
agricultural; farm Implement repeir; provided that:
a) The Home Occupation - Agricultural Busi1ess shall ba cleariy ndary to the main agricultural
use of the lot and/or building, or part thereof which Is and sha. not changa the agricullwal
character of tha area;
b} Where tha home occupation is locatad within an accessory b ildlng, not more than 100 square
metres shan be devoted to such use;
c) The Home Occupation - Agricuttural Business shall be cond
residing on the premises and all articles are produced and/or
all services are provided by members of the family except for
who does not reside on the property;
d) There shall be no edvertisi1g other than a plate or facia sign as er tha Corporation's Sign By-law;
e) Tha amount of the dwelling's total floor area utilized by tha h occupation for office spaoe shall
not exceed 30 % of tha dwelling's totai floor area;
I) There is no external storage of goods or equipment unless Iy enclosed by a fence or other
enclosure which provides visual screening; and
g) Tha home occupation shall not create or becoma a nu'
vibrations. traffic generated or parking.
ed only by membars of tha family
d by members of the family and
employment of ona (1) assistant
Where listad as a permitted usa, Home Occupation - Trades Person may ba parmltted within a slngla
detached dwelling, A Home OcctJpation - Trades Parsons Includa in s employed In tha btJildi1g
trades construction indus1ry, Including brlcklayars and stonemasons; enters and jolnars; electricians;
lathe<s; painters; decorators and paper-hange<s; plastarers; plu and ateamflttars; sheet matai
workars; general contractors; flooring and carpet layers or homa d rators or other the like which
provides an installation service but does not include the wholesale or r U sale of constructIon materials
or supplies, home Improvement suppties or a 'Personal Service Shop'; Contractors Yard' or 'Retail Store',
provided that:
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-taw8
FebnJary 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
aj Tha Horna Occupation - Trades Persons shall be clee~y secon ry to tha main agricultural use of
the lot and/or building, or part thereof which Is and shall not ange the agricultural character of
the erea:
b) The said dwelling is occupied as a residence by the professions user;
c) There shall not be more than one assistant who is not a res· ent in the dwelling operating the
business from the property;
d) One accessory building to the rasidance may ba usad for the
supplies, provided thai not more then 50 % of tha total floor
square metres of the accessory building be davoted to such u
used for rateilng, proceesing or manufacturing purposes:
e) There shall be no advertising other than a plate or facie sign as r the Corporation's Sign By-law;
f) The amount 01 the dwelling's totallloor area utilized by the hom occupation for office space shall
not exceed 30 % of the dwelling's totalftoor area;
g) There is no external storage of goods or materials. Including he equipment such as excavation
machinery, or any vehicleo nollicensed for the road:
h) Home Occupation - Trades Persons shall not include the reta I sales of building or construction
supplies nor automobile, small engine or machinery repair, and
i} The home occupation shall not aeate or become a nuisa ce in regard to noise. odours,
vibrations, traffic generated or parking.
rage of equipment, vehicles and
to a maximum of one hundred
. Accessory buildings shall nol be
Where permitted by this By-law, a Bed end Breekfast Establishm will be subject to the following
a) The residential cheracter of the dwellng shall not be changed;
b) No Bed and Breakfast Establishment shall provide more than rea (3) guest rooms for overnight
cj Maximum number of guests pennitted to lodge wI1hin a Bed an Breakfas1 Establishment shell be
eight (8);
d) No persons other than residents of the detached dwelling shell be employed except as Is
necessary for housekeeping purposes;
e) Each guest room shall have a mInimum floor area of 7 square
f) No food or drink shall be offered or kepi for sale for
g) In addition to thelwo perking spaces a single detached dwellin is requlrad to heve by this By-law,
e Bed and Breakfast Establishment shall provide one additional space for each guest room; and,
h) There shall be no advertising other than e plate or facia sign as the Corporetion's Sign By~aw.
e or Commercial Zone, wi1h the
purpose involving the receiving,
handise. or raw materials, shall
part of a street or lane, within the
n accordance with the following
The owner or occupant of eny lot, buDding or structure In e Industrial Z
exception of a C 1 General Commercial zone, eracted or used for a
shipping, loading or unloading 01 persons, animals, goods, wares and
provide on the lot occupied by the building or stnJcture and not form
zone in which such use is located. loading or unloading facilities
6.18.1 Reauired Number of Loadina Soaces
Total Floor Area of Bulldln or Struc1ure
Less than 4,000 squere metres
4,000 square metras to 10,000 square metres
10,001 square metras plus
Number of load;
2. plus one add nel space for each additional
100008 uarem offloorarea
cas ulred
6.182 I ...ArlinD SOBee Dimensions
Each loading space shall be a mininum of 9 metres long; a minimu of 3.5 metres wide; and have a
minimum vertical clearance of at least 4 metres.
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning 8y.law:IÐ
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003·25
6,18.3 Access
Access to Ioeding or unloading spaces shall be by means of a drivew y at lasst 6 metres wida contained
within the lot on which the spaces are located and leading to a street 0 lane located within or adjoining the
Commercial or Industrial Zone.
6.18.4 Loadlno Soace Surface
The driveways, loading and unloading spacas shall be asphalt or cone >Ie, In casas of those tands zoned
C5, C6, ACI, and RCI the drlvaway, loading and unloading spacas shall be maintained with a stable
suriace that Is lreatad so as to prevent tha raising of dust or loose articles. They shall, before baing
used, be constructed of ooe of the following: crushed stone, slag, gni el, crushed brick (or tile), cinders,
asphalt, conaeta, or Portland Cament binder for a combined depth at laast 15 centimetres and with
provisions for drainage faclllllas. Dralnaga shall be providad so as prevent the flow of water on to
adjoining lots,
6.18.5 Location
The loading space or spaces required shall be located in the intariOl side or rear yard unless set back
from the street line a minimum distance of 30.5 metres.
6.18.6 Landscaoioo
Where a loading araa adjoins any residential zone or a slreet then a Planting SlriplPrivacy Fance in
accordance with Section 6.21 shall be provided within the lot raqulring uch loading area and along the lot
lines adjoining such residential zone or street.
6.18.7 ADDllcation of Loadina SDace Reauirements
Whan a building or atructure has Insufficient Ioedlng spaces on tha date of passing of this By-law to
conform to the provisions herein, this by~aw shall not epply to require t at the deficiency be mede up prior
to the construction of any addition. In the casa of an expansion or enl rgament of an existing building or
structure, the requirement for tha provision of additional loading space shall be based 00 said expansloo
or enlargement. Notwithstanding Section 6.18, whara the building r structure Is daficient In Ioedlng
spaces. a loading space shall be required for an expansion of 25 squ ra metres or greater and less than
100 square metres.
Ar1 existing lot, that does not meet the lot area and or lot frontage required in the associated zone
provisions which the property is zoned, may be used and a building 0 sbucture erected. altered or used
on such existing lot, provided that all other requirements of this By:¡&; are compiled with. and the lot has
frontaga 00 a Class 1, Class 2 Street or Private Slreet.
The owner of every building or structure erected or used for any of the urposes hereinafter set forth shall
provide and maintain for the sole use of the owner, occupant or othe persons entering upon or making
use of the said premises from time to time, parking spaces and areas , follows:
6.20.1 Raaulred Number of Off Street Parking Saaces
Permitted Usa
Minimum N mber of Snaces
Single Detached Dwelling; Duplex DwaIIing; Semi-
Detached DweUlng; Residential Non-Farm Datached
DweHlng; Accessory Datached Dwelling
Triplax DwaIUng; Quadreplex Dwelling; Row Dwalllng
with 4 or fewer dwelling units
2 spaces p r dwelling unll,
Hospital. Nursing Home
1 space P' dwelting unit plus 1 space for
ffV8fY 3 dw ling units, or fraction thereof, to
be set asi Ie for and visually idantified as
vlsllo(s par ng.
1 space for ovary 3 beds, or fraction thereof,
DweHlng Units not oIharwise specified herein 1 space p dwelling unll plus 1 space for
Municipality of Kincardine 29 Februal)' 12, 2003
CompnlhenslYe Zoning By-_ By-law No. 2003-25
Hotel; Motel; Boerding House
Place of Entertainment Institution; Assembly Hell;
Banquet Hell; Museum
Fitness Centre; Recreation Centre; Equestrian Centre
School (Elementary); Day Care Nursery (Licensed)
School (Secondary); Commercia' College. or School
Funeral Home
Business or Professional Office; Clinic; Veterinary
Clinic; Vetarlnary Clinic (Small Animal); Public Building;
Public Garage; Computar/Data Processing Centre;
Research EslabllshmenU Laboratory
ling units, or fraction thereof. to
for end visually Idenlif..d es
1 space per housekeeping unit. sleeping unit
or guest m, plus 1 spece for each 20
square m of floor area or fraction thereof
used for urants, for the dispensing of
food or drin ,or for the assembly of poopie,
One space
thereof, or
10 square
thereof. us
each cia..
each office.
each 6 fixed seats or fraction
no fixed sea1s. 1 space for each
etres of floor area, or fraction
for seating, pius 1.5 speces for
m and one additional spece for
each 5 fixed ..ats, or fraction
ere no fixed seats 1 space for
meb"es of floor area, or fraction
each of 5 fixed seats or fraction
ere no fixed seats 1 space per
metres of gross floor area or
whichever is greater
1.5 spaces for each classroom plus one
additional s ace for each office.
8 specos each classroom plus 3 additional
spaces for each office or, if the school
contains a ace of assembly, according to
the require ent for such place of assembly,
whichever greatar.
1 spece for each 5 fixed seats. or where no
fixed seats. space for each 5 square metres
of floor in reposing rooms or fractjon
thereof, pi s 1 space per funeral home
1 space for each 20 square metres of gross
floor area, office fraction thereof.
Restaurant, Dr-w.ln; Restaurant,
Restaurant, Portable Food Outlet
Take-out, 1 space for each 3 square metres of sales or
service or fraction thereof.
Retail Store, Personal ServIce Establishmen~ 1 spece for ch 20 square metres of _ or
Convenience Store, SUpennert<et; Retail, Large . or fraction thereof.
Fonnet; Fectory Seles Outlet; Video Sales/Rental
Outle~ Dry Cleaning Eslablishmen~ Service
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-lawS
FeblUSry 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
Automobile Cer Wash
Travel Trailer Sales/Service Establishment;
Recreational Vehicle or Merlne, Recreation and Small
Engine Establishments; Fann Implement
Establlshmen~ Automobile Rental Establlshmen~
Automobile Gas Bar
Automobile Service Establishment; Automobile Repair
Establishment; Commercial Motor Vehicte
Sales/Service Establishment
Place of Entertainment
Industrial Use; Industrial Use, Light; Indusbiel Use, Dry;
Abattoir, Energy Centre Industrial Uses not otherwise
specified herein
Warehouse; Warehouse, Mlnl-S1orage; Bulk Sales
Establlslwnenl - Agricullural; Feed Mil & Elevator;
Food Processing Primary; Food Processing,
Secondary; Agricultural Produce Warehouse;
Contractors Yard
Commercial Use not otherwise specified herein
Go~ Course
Conservation Area; Public Park
Building Supply & Sales; Nursery; Rental Establishment
Salvage Yerd; Waste Disposal Uses; Livestock
Assembly Yard; Bulk Fuel Depot; Bus Depo~ Kennel;
Driving Academy. Agrltalnmen1
All other Pennitled Uses not otherwise specffied _
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-IaWII
1 space
space for ch 20 square metres of gross
floor area, or fraction thereof. whichever is
r service bay, or a minimum of 3
ever is greater
each 100 square metres of gross
fraction thereol, plus 1 space for
usre metres, or traction thereof,
each 100 square metres of gross
or fraction thereof for the
warehousing or storage uses
for each 4Q square metres or
devoted to office use
1 space each 750 square metres of gross
floor area, or fraction thereof. plus 3 spaces
lor each 4 mployees, or fraction thereof
1 space
floor area r fraction thereof for warehousing
or storage uses plus 1 space for each 20
square m of sales or service area, or
fraction th I plus 1 space lor each 40
square me 88 or fracüon thereof devoted to
office use.
3 spaces
1 space for each 3 boat slips/docking spaces
3 spaces
February 12, 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
6.20.2 l-tandlcaDDed Parkina SDaces
.1 Included in the number of parking spaces required in Section 6. 0.1 for all uses, save and except
for Residential uses, shan be Handicapped parking spaces destgned in ccordance with the following:
Par1<1 S cesR uired Number of Handlca d S aces uired
1()..25 1
26-50 2
51-75 3
76-100- 4
.2 The minimum parking space width for handicapped par1<lng
more angled handicapped parking spaces are located together, the mln
3 metres.
all be 4 metres. Where two or
urn parking space width shall be
6.20.3 Outdoor Seetina Areas
Where autdoor seating Is provided in conjunctioo with a permitted use parking spaces shall be provided
in accardance with Sectian 6,17,1 'Required Number of Off-Street Pa ng Spaces' afthls By-iaw, For the
purpases of SectIan 6,'7.1, an autdaar seating area shall be canside as part of the 'building flaar area'
ar 'grass flaar area' as the case may be. for the purpases of calculating qulred spaces,
6.20 4 Parklna Area Surface
.1 Each parking aree and driveway connecting the parking area with a street shall ba maintained
with a stable surface that is treated sa as to prevenl the reislng at I ar laase particles. They shall,
betare being used, be canstructed at ana at the foIlawIng: crushed s e, slag, gravel. crushed brick. (or
tna), clnd&r$. asphalt, concrete, ar Partland cement binder. for a combined depth of at least 15
centimetres and with provisions for drainage facilities.
as set aut In paragraph ane (1) of
Ing shall be the same as the
ta types of use.
.2 in the case of a cIweIllng containing taur or more clwalllng units ar a property zoned 'CI - General
Cammarcial' such parking area and driveway shall be paved with an as alt or concrete surface and have
all parking slalls edequately marked and maintained,
6 20.5 More Than One Use on a Lot
When a building or structure accornma<lates mare than ane type of us
this subsection. the parking space requirement far the whale bu
requirements far the separate parts af the building accupled by the s
6 20 6 Use of Parkino Soaces and Areas
Any area where off-street parking is permitted uncIer this By-law sh II be used only for the parking at
operative vehicles, and for vehicles used in operations Incidental to the ittecl uses In that area.
6.20.7 Parkme Area Location On Lot
Surface parking areas shell be permitted' In the required yards at the
es cantalned In this By-law. as
Municipality at (jncardlne
CampnohensiYe Zoning By-IowCI>
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
Open Space, Commercial, Environmental Protection,
Planned Davelopment, Institutional
All yards f rovided that no part of any parking
area, and other than a driveway, is located
closer the 1 metre to any street line and no
closer the 1.5 metres from any property li-.e
abutting a sidential zone.
Residential- excepl Apartment Dwelling House
All yards .~ roylded 1hal no part of any parking
area, Othe than a driveway, is located closer
than 1.5.~ tra to any street line and provided
further tn; t a parking area, other than a
driveway. for a Residential Use containing
three or n ore dwelling units is located In no
other yard than the rear yard or interior skte
Ali yards I rovided that no part of any parking
area, othe 1han a driveway. Is located closer
than 7,5 m _ 10 eny street line and no closer
than 1.5 m rtres to any side lot line.
Resi_l- Apartmenl Dwelling House
Interior sid and roer yards only provided that
no part 01 any perking aree, o1her than a
driveway I located closer than 1 metre to any
stree1l1ne, )f 1.5 metres from any property line
abutting a osidential zone.
6.20.8 Provisions and Location of Snaces
.1 Parking spaces shall be provided at the time of erection of ary building or structure, or at 1he time
any buildi1g or structure is enlarged.
.2 Parking spaces shall be located on the same 101 or within thE same building as the usa for which
said parking is required.
,3 However. where the owner of a buiiding or structure to provide the required parKing
spaces and Breas in a location other than on the same lot as the use at requires such spaces and areas,
then such perking shell be located not more than 150 metres from th said lot, Such parking shall not be
considered as required parking for the use of the lands upon which th parking spaces are situated.
.4 Should it not be possible to accommodate the required numb r of parking spaces on site or within
150 metres of the site, Council may, if appropriate, require the own to enter into an agreement under
Section 40 of the Pianning Act 1990, es amended, for the payment of :ash In lieu of parking,
6.20 9 Drivewavs
.1 A driveway shall have a minimum width of 3 metres and maxi um of g metres.
.2 The maximum width of any joint entrance and extt driveway easurecl along the street line shan
be 9 metres,
,3 The minimum distance between a driveway and an I
street line inlersected by such driveway shall be 7,5 metres,
.4 The minimum engle of intersection between a driveway and e street line shall be 60 degrees,
of street lines measured along Ihe
.5 Every iot shall be limited to the following number of driveways
e) Up to the first 30 m_ of Iron. measured along the str ..I line - nol more than 1 driveway.
Municipality of Klncanjine
Comprehensive Zoning By-1aw8
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
b) For each additional 30 metres of frontage measured along the street line - not more than 1
additional driveway to a maximum of three driveways.
.6 All driveways shan require a permit from the appropriate appro aI authority.
A requi'ed Ptanting StriplPrivacy Fence shan consist of an opaque ~ nce or a dense screen of shrubs
and/or evergreen trees. planted or designed in such a manner as to p ide 8 year round visual barrier.
621.1 Reauir9d Locations
Except as otherwise provided. a Planting Sbip/Privacy Fence shall
requirements of Section 621 where a lot Is zoned or used for Indus .
provided In accordance with the
. Commercial, or Institutional uses
a) where the interior side lot line or rear lot line of such ot abuts any lot used or zoned for
Residential or Planned Development purposes or;
b) where such lot is in an Industrial zone and the exterior t line or rear lot line abuts a street
line and the opposite street line abuts a Residential or;
c) where otherwise required by this By~8W.
6.21.2 Heiaht & Width of PlantinG StriolPrivacv Fence
,1 Except as otherwise provided, the Height and Width of a PIa ting Strip or a Privacy Fence shall
be astabllshed through e Site Plan Control Ag..-nent.
6.21.3 InterruDtion for Drivewavs
In all casas where access end exit driveways extend throogh a planti g strip or privacy fence. It shell be
permissible 10 Interrupt the sbiplfence within 3 metres of the edge of s ch driveway,
On a comer lot. a building, structure. a fence or any landscaping hall not be erected or parking be
established in such a manner as to obstruct vision between a height of 0.5 metres and 3 metres above the
centre.llne grade of the intersectng streets in the triangular area bo nded by the street lot lines of the
comer lot and a line joining points along the street lot lines, 9 metres from the poInt of intersection. This
section shall not apply to a 'principal building' in the 'CI' General Com erclal Zone,
6.22.1 AJ. Sb"eet Intersections with County or Provincial Roads
.1 In all zones, on a comer lot having frontage on a County or Provincial Road. no buikling or
structure shall be erected and no vehicle shall be par1<ed in such a m as to materially impede vision
ebove a helghl of 0.5 metres above the cen1re line grede of 1he In g streets In the triangular area
bounded by the street lines of the comer lot and a line from the pol along said street IInas distan1 30
metres from the point of intersection of the said street lines.
,2 The provisions of this Section shall not apply to built-up areas as defined herein. Towns. Hamlets,
Villages or Cities as identified In the Bruce Counly Official Plan; howe . a line from the points along said
street lines distant 15 metres from the point of Intersection of the said reet lines.
Where a lot has frontage on and vehicle access from more than one treet or lane, such lot shall provide
'yards' on each street or lane INith minimum distances equal to the front yard required by the zone or
zones In which each yard is located.
Municipality of Klncattllne
Comprehensive ZonIng By-lawe
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
,1 Sills, chimneys, comices, eaves, gutters, parapets, pilasters other architectural features mey
project Into any required yard a maximum dlstanca of 0.5 metres.
2 Flagpoles, garden trellises, fences. retaining walls, walkways,
shall be permitted In any required yard.
.3 In eny Residenlial Zone. ctothes lines/poles shall only be
.4 Unenclosed porches, unenclosed fire escapes, balconies,
project into any required yard a maximum ålStance of 1.5 metres. p
yard setback Is maintained from any interior side lot line or rear lot li1e
metres Is malntai1ed from any front lot line or exterior lot line.
.5 An unandosed gazebo may be erected In any yard provided
from any interior side lot line or rear lot line and provided that a 3 me
front lot line or exterior lot line.
vered or uncovered steps, may
ided that a minimum of a 1 metre
d provided that a minimum of a 3
t a 1 metre setback is maintained
setback is maintained from any
.6 DeckslPatlos, Attached or Unattached:
a) A decklpetio under 0.6 metres In height above ground level may project Into any required yard
provided that a minimum of a 1 metre yard setback is main lned from any interior side lot line
or rear lot line and provided thai a minimum of a 3 m Is maintained from any front or
exterior lot line.
b) A deck/patio over 0,6 metres or more In height above
required Interior side yard or rear yard provided a 1 metre
line; and, may project Into the required front yard andlor
round level may project Into the
etback is maintained from the lot
'or side yard a maximum of 1.5
On any vacant lot in an 'RI', 'R2', or 'R3' Residential Zone, such lot
residential buUdlngs on each side of the vacant lot and both residential
front yard, a single deteched dwelling may be erected on the ....bject
with the front wall of the existing buildÍ1g located furthest from the s
'ng located batween two _g
"dings encroech on the requi'ed
the front wall of which is In line
The regulations prescribing the maximum height of any building or s cture shall not, In any zone, epply
to the following, provided that such features are erected only to uch heights es Is necessary to
accomplish their purposes: antennas and radio or television receMn or transmItting equipment, grain
elevators, windmills or wind turbines, electric power generation facilitie . farm silo or barns, church spires.
betfries, cupolas, towers or domes not used for human occupancy, chi nays, venWators, skylights. water
tanks, scenery lofts, bulk heads, firewalls. and similar features and n sary mechanical appurtenances
accessory-to the building on which they Bre erected. In no event shall y structure exceed 20 metres In 8
Residential zone, or 45 metres In all other zones.
For the purposes of this By-Iew, all lands below the high water merk,
road allowance, are zoned Environmental Protection. Such Environ
tha Internationel boundery where applicable and shail Include
Penetangore River and all inland lakes over 0.5 hectares in area.
from the inland side of any shore
I Protection Zone shall extend to
raws Creek, KIncardine Creek,
Notwithslandlng any yard provisions of this By-law the most resbictlve of this By-law shall be melnlalned,
such that no person shall hereafter erect any permanent building or cture closer than 15 metres to the
top of the bank of any watercourse. open or endosed municipal drain.
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-I_
February 12.2003
By-law No. 2003-25
.1 No buldlng or structure erected and used for human hablta shall be located closer than 150
metres from any area zoned for and containing a 'waste disposal site' ether within or outside of the Umits
oIlhe Corporation
,1 No buiding or structure shall be erected within a distence 0133
County Road (see Note below),
from the centre line 01 any
.2 No building or structure erected and used for human habits' shall be located closer then 150
metres from any area zoned for and containing a 'sewage treatment pi nt' either within or outside of the
limits 01 the Corporation,
.3 Notwithstanding subsections 6.29,1 and 629,2, additions,
existing buildings end structures shan be permitted In accordance with
,2 NotwIIhstendlng the provisions 01 SectIon 6,30.1, between two
skle of the road. separated by not more than 100 metres, the minimu
the se!becks of the two adjacen1 buKdings plus 2 metres, or 33 metres
Road, whichever is the lesser.
,3 Notwilhstendlng Ihe provisions of SectIon 6.30.1, within 30 etres 01 an existing permanent
dweiling where Section 620.2 would not apply, Ihe mÌ1imum setbaok s eo be the average at. Ihe setback
01 the existing dwelling plus 33 metres «'x' metras + 33)12), from Ih centre line of eny County Road,
whlohever is Ihe lesser.
anent dwellings on the same
setbaok shail be Ihe average 01
the centre line of any County
.4 The provisions of SectIon 6.30,1, shail not apply where a
boundaries 01 Klncerdine, Therton, Inverhuron, Gtemmls or North Bru
in the Highway Traff'1O Act, where building setbaoks are regulated e
nty road is within the urban area
or other built-up areas as defined
ere in this By-law.
NOTE: Any proposed development teklng place on properties located a ¡acent to a Provinolal highway wiil
be subject to the safety and geometric requirements of the Ministry of Transportation. As such. permits
will be requOed from Ihe Ministry 01 Transportation prior to any nstruotlon andlor grading being
Notwithstanding Section 6.26 or any other provisms of this By.Law the contrary. within those areas
identified on Schedule 'C' as Area 1, Area 2 and Area 3, no person sha I erect or construct any buDding or
structure, or any eddition to any existing building or structure, Ihe hlg t palm of which will exceed the
following heights:
I) In Area I, no building or structure may be higher Ihan a height oaIouleted based on Ihe
ratio 011:7 from the side perimeter oIlhe airport ru strtp, or the height restrtotion 01
Ihe zone in which the land lies, whichever is Ihe les . (That is, for (fflry 7 metres
caioulated at a right angle to Ihe side plane of Ihe ru strip, buDding or struoture height
may be inoreased by 1 metre, unll Ihe presoribed urn height restrlotion is reaohed).
II) In Area 2, no buldlng or structure may be higher tha
ratio of 1 :40 from the end of the aWport runway strip, or e height restriction of the zone in
which the land lies. whichever is the lesser. (That is, ~ revery 40 metres calculated at a
right angle to the end of Ihe runway strip, bulidlng or· cture height may be Inoreased by
1 metre. until the prescribed maximum height res . Is reached).
In Area 3, no building or structure may be higher Iho
ratio 011 :20 from the end of Ihe airport runway strtp, or
which the land lies, whlchevet' is the lesser. (That is.
right angle to the end oIlhe runway strtp, building or s
1 metre, until the presori>ed maximum height restriotio
e height oaIoulated based on the
e height restriction of the zone in
every 20 metres caloulated at a
cture height may be increased by
Is reached,
Municipality of KincaRlne
Camprahenlive Zoning By~""
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
The parking or storage 01 any unlicensed vehicles. treve/treners or dl ebled boats within a Residentlel
Zone shall be prohibited unless such vehicle Is stored in an enclosed ge or other eccessory building.
Hovtever, one boat and one unoccupied travel trailer may be stored in a Ide or rear yard.
6.33 SIGNS
Except otherwise provided to prevent the construction, elteratlon or us of any sign provided such sign
compiles with the By-lows of the Corporetion of the Munlcipelity of Klnca Ine that ragulalas signs,
.1 No dwatllng unn shall in Its entirety be located In a celler, ff any
In a cellar such portion of the dwellng unn shen be used as a fumace
recreetion room or lor a simn... use only and shell not be used lor sleepl
°on of a dwelling unit is located
m, laundry room, storage room,
.2 However, a dwatling unit, in Its entirety, may be located in e en! provided the finished floor
level of such besemen! is not below the level of the sanitary or s sewer servicing the building or
structure in which such beaemen1 is ioceted end provided further. that e floor level of such basement is
not more then 1.2 metres below the edjacent finished grede end the min um height lrom finished floor to
finished ceiling is equel to or greater then 2.1 metres.
, lands to be rezoned to perm"
se will comply with the Minimum
this By-law,
Wayside Pits, Wayside Quarries end Portable AspI1aIt Plents shell on be pennined in the AI, A2. A3.
MI, M2, ACt, RCI, ECI, WD end PD zones.
,1 Notwithstanding eny other provisions of this By-law to the con
a residential, commercial. institutional, recreational or non-farm dwelling
Distance Separation I (MDS I) Guidelines calaJIeted using Appendix 'A'
.2 Notwithstanding eny provisions 01 this By-law to the con ry, e resldentiel, Institutionel,
commercial, Industrial or recreational use, or non-!ann dwelling use to e located upon e vacant existing
lot of record, or e new lot created by e Lend Division Committee, must ply with the Minimum Distance
Separation I (MDS I) Guidelines calculated using Appendix 'A' to this
.3 Notwithstanding eny other yard or setback provisions of this B
lecllity' or 'menure storege structure' shell be erected. pennltted, exp dedlenlerged or chenged In use
unless II compiles with the Minimum Distance Separation II (MDS II) Go' ellnes calculeted using Appendix
'B' to this By-Iew.
.1 New dog kennal buildings and structures andlor edditions to
structures mus1 be located at a distance 01 nol less then 300 m
institutional, recreetional use or anoU'ter kennel situated on adjacent lots.
. ling dog kennel buildings end/or
from an existing residential,
.2 New dog kennet buildings end structures end/or additions to
strucbJres shall be considered an ~sory use or building.
In all zones, other than an AgriaJItural zone, all lands, buAdings and
drainage so eo to prevent the flow of surface walar onto adjoining loIs.
Municlpollly of KJncaralne
Comprehensive Zoning By~law8
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
A 'PrIvate Street' shall be consldarad to be a 'straar for tha ptJrpos.. of d tarmlnlng setbacks this By-law
Municipality of Kincardine
Compn0hen8ive Zoning By-I_
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
For !he purpose of !hIs By-law. !he Municipality of Kincerdine is divld
lands included in each zona are shown on the Zoning Map that forms
General Agricultura
Reslricted Agriculture
Intensive Livestock Agriculture
Residentiel One
Residential Two
Residential Three
Residential Four
Residential Five
General Commercial
Highway ServIce Commercial
Hamlet Highway Commercial
Local Commerciøl
Resort Commercial
Business Par1<
Hamiel Commercial
Travel Trailer Park and Campground
General Industrial
Extractive Industrial
Agriculture Commercial/Industrial
Rural Commercial/Industrial
Energy Centra Industrial
Open Spece
Waste Dispose!
Environmental Protectîon
Planned Development
HoIdino I'h') Zone
.1 Where any of Ihe zone symbols described in Section 7.1
preceded by !he Hoiding Classification 'h', !he removal of !he Hold;
land in accordance with the zone symbol following the 'h' will
Kincardine Official Plan andlor !he Bruce County OffIcial Plan.
.2 In the interim, before the Holding Classification is removed. n
or structure for any purpose except those uses, buildings or structu
the passing of !his By-law,
The extent of Ihe boundaries of el!he zones ere shown on !he Zon
By-law, and which consists of !he sectional parts of !he zoning
everything shown therein and all succeeding amendments Ihere10 a
_Iared to fonn part of !his By-law.
into the following zones, and the
hedule 'A' to Ihis By-law,
IfIcation of Zones' above are
Classification and Ihe use of !he
In accordance with the Town of
person shall use any land, building
which legelly existed on !he date of
g Map which is Schedule 'A' of !his
ap and such maps together with
hereby incorporated into and are
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive ZonIng By-_
FobnJary 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
Tho symbols lisled in SectIon 7.1 'Clossification of Zones' of this By-low may be used to refer to buildings
and structures and the uses of buildings and structures permitted by Is By~ow In the seld zone; and
whenever In this By-law the word 'Zone' is used preceded by any of e said symbols such zones shall
mean any area within the Municipality of Kincardine within the scope of this By-law delineated on the
Zoning Mep and es shown therein by the said symbol.
.1 Where any uncertainty exists as to the location of a boundary of ny one of the zones described In
SectIon 7,1 'Classification of Zones' as shown on the Zoning Map the foI g rules shall apply:
,2 Where the boundaries are Indicated as following approximatal
right-of-ways, or their productions, such centre lines shall be deemed to
.3 Where the zone boundaries are Indicated es approximately foil ng lot lines such lot lines shall
bo deemed to be the said boundaries on the passing of this By-low.
.4 Where the zone boundaries are Indicated as approximately pa lIel to eny street and the distance
of the zone boundary from such street is not indicated, such zone bou ary shall be construed as being
parallel to such street and the distance there from shall be de1ennlned the use of the scale of the said
Zoning Map.
Municipality of KincanSine
Comprehensive Zaring By"""
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
No person shall within any AI, A2 IX' A3 - Agriculture Zones use any I or erect, aRer or use eny building
or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses:
.1 In any Agriculture Zone, a maximum of one 'Accessory
Farm Detached Dwelling' may be erected on a lot.
eel Dwelling' or 'Residential Non-
.2 Two or more dwellings shall be permitted on one lot in c ses where one lot. containing a
dwelling(s), legally merges with an edjolnlng lot, containing a cIweIIlng( ), 10 form one larger lot containing
two or more dwellings.
.3 Where two or more such detached _Ings lawfully exist 0 any single lot as of the date of
passing of the By-law, such dwellings are permitted by this By~aw so I g as they con1inue to be used for
that purpose.
,4 An 'Accessory Detached DwelIi1g' or a 'Residential Non-Farm Detached Dwelling' shall conform
10 ell yard provisions of the Agricultural Zone.
In an Agriculture Zone, a swimming pool mey be located In the front
meels all yard requiramenls that apply 10 the 'Accessory Detached
Detached Dwelling',
, provided thel the swimming pool
IIlng' IX' 'Residenllel Non-Farm
No 'Livestock Faclllies' shall be constructed, altered IX' enlarged unlas
of the Municipality of Kincardine Nutrient Ma~ment By-law, as
other applicable By-4aws, Acts and Regulations.
Notwithstanding their Agriculture (AI, A2 or A3) zoning, those lots 4, hectares in size or less shall be
limited to no more than 3.7 livestock units per hectare. Minimum Cis nee Separation II Guidelines shall
apply as per Sactlon 6.36.3.
In conformity with the Corporation
ended from time to ti'n8, and all
Municipall1y of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-1B'Mt
Fel>nJary 12, 2003
By..law No. 2003-25
Subject Lands: Multiple locaUons
Special Zone: 'AI..'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- No residential buildil1Qs or structures shall ba permitted
,2 By-law No.: 98-43
Subject Lands: Not avallabla
Spacial Zone: 'A1ob'
Exception to Zone ProvisÎons:
May contain a welding operation that services primarily implementa and machinery.
Tha welding of other, non-farm good may be perm' as a minor component of this
One buDding used in conjunction with the welding 0 ion may ba erected on tha
subject property, the subject buildil1Q may be erected oser to the front lot line than the
principal buDding, but no closer than 22.8 metres.
.3 By-law No.: 82-6
Subject Lands: Not available
Special Zone: 'A1-c'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Used for the purposes of training, boarding and exercisi horses and horseback riding
instruction and uses 8cœ8S0ry thereto.
.4 By-law No.: 91-14 (Canadian Agra)
Subject Lands: PI Lots 29 and 30. Concession "A" (Kincardine wp)
Special Zone: 'A1-d'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Shall only be used for the purposes of ofIIca comme . I uses related to the general
administration of the Bruce Energy Centre. or a rela industry, or airport-related office
commercial uses.
Accessory uses for the purpose of a restaurant, parkin of aircraft on an open concrete
apron adjacent to and connected to adjacent airport by aans of a taxI-way, an executive
Gross floor area shall be 25% of the total 'lot area' or 2 600 square metres. whichever is
less. 'Lot area' shall be defined as the total area zoned . 1-<1'.
The total floor area devoted to the aooessory uses itted above shall be limited to 10
% of the gross floor area.
Minimum 'open space' provided shall be 50 % of total lot aree,
Off-street parkil1Q for ofIIca and related eccessory com rcial uses shall ba provided al a
ratio of one space for each 28 square metres of floor sp
Minimum Front Yard, Side Yard, and Rear Yard Se1back shall be 10 metres.
Minimum 'Lot Frontage· shall be 300 metres.
Mlni'num 'Lot area' shall be 59.140 square metres.
Maximum building height shall be 20 metres. except wh further restricted by any other
authority or Zoning By-law provisions applicable in the y' inity of an airport.
The parking of aircraft on an open, concrete apron shal be allowed, but shall not exceed
25% of the total lot area in size
All aspects of the site development Includil1Q buiidlngs, andsceped ereas. perking areas
for vehicles and for elrcraft, access and exits to and the property shall comply with
the approved site plan.
No part of the lot within six (6) metres of the front lot line in a front yard, thai Is not used
for driveways, shall be used for perking and any pert th not used for driveways shall
be adequately landscaped.
,5 By-law No.: Not used at this Uma
Subject Lands: Not used at this Ume
Special Zone: 'A1-e'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
MIø1icIpaIíty 01 Kincam.,o
Comprehensive ZonIng By-tawe
February 12, 2003
By~aw No, 2003-25
Not used et this time
.6 By-law No,: 96-21 (Munro)
Subject Lands: W % Lot 2, Concession 11 (Kincardine Twp)
Spectal ZOne: 'A1-1'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
. second dweHlng may be erected on the lot
the second dweftlng may be e mobile home and shan on y be permitted until July I, 2006.
the minimum distance between 8 barn existing on the ate of the passing of this By-law
and the second dwelling shall be 5,4 metres.
the minimum ground floor area for the second dwelling nH shall be 38 square metres.
.7 By-law No,: 1998-7
Subject Lands: E. PI. Lot 4, Concession 10, (Kincardine Twp)
Special Zone: 'A1-g'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
a cemetery developed in accordance with the 'I-Inst ' zone provisions shall be
,8 By~aw No.: 84-39 (Housekeeping)
Subject Lands: Lot 34 -37 Con 'A'
Special Zone: 'A1'¡'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
The Separation Distance requirements ñ'om the existi livestock buikllngs or manure
storage facilHies shall be 809 metres for an Animal UnH' ovar 500
.9 By~aw No.: Not used at this tlma
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'AI~'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Not used at this time
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-taw8
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
No person shall within the M - Intensive livestock Agriculture Zone u any lot or erect. alter or use any
building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the foIlowin uses:
. All Permitted Uses In the 'A1-General Agricultural' Zone
. Livestock. Intensive
In eccordance with the Zone Provisions 01 the 'A1 Generel Agricultural' one
.1 By-tew No.: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
SpedeI Zone: 'A3-a'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time
Municipality 01 Kincardine
Comprehensive ZOning By-I8W8
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
In any RI - Residential One Zone, no persoo shell use eny bulldln, . structure or land nor erect any
building or structure except In accordance with the following provisions:
· Single detached dweDlng
· Bed end Breakfast Establishment in eccordence with Section 6.17
· Church
· Group Home - Type 1
· Home Occupation - Household and Domestic Arts in accordence wi h Section 6,14
· Home Occupation - Professional Uses In accordance with Section 6 .13
· Day Care Ntnary (Licensed)
· Nursing Home
· Public Park
122 ZONE PROVISIONS net. alter or use any building or
No person shall within any RI- Residential One Zone usa any lot or
structure except in accordance with the following provisoos:
Lot Area (Minimum) 1,390 square m_ 690 squarE metres 464 square metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) 30 metres 20 metres 15 metres
~,oI Fronn~ - Corner Lot 33 metres 22 metres 18 metres
Front Yerd (Minimum) 6 metres 6 metres 6 metres
Reer Yard (Minimum) 7.5metr.. 7.5 metres 7.5 metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 6 metres 6 metres 6m_
2,4 metres on one side end 12 metrE on the opposite side of the same lot plus
0.6 metres on the narrow side for eac edditional or partial storay above the finll
Interior Side Yard (Minimum) storey on thai side. Provided thai wi are a garege or carport Is attached to the
main principal buDding, or the '::'m:. a comer Jot, the minimum width of the
interior side yard shall be 1.2 m s plus 0.6 metres for each addlllonal or
oartlal storey above the finll st~ 0 that side.
Total Floor Area (Minimum) 79 square metres 79 square etres 79 square metres
~eight :",Clpal Building 10,5 metres 10.5 me1re 10,5 matres
Lot n~:"""ge (Principal 15% 20% 40%
BuDdin Maximum)
12.21 7___ P .. , fnr . r:hu..... N"~lnn Hnm. nr D'. r:.re N"- --''''-sed'
Rater to Section 31.
.1 By-œw No.: Not available
Municipalty of Kincardne 47 February 12, 2003
COmprehensive Zoning By·lawe By-law No, 2003-25
Subject Lands: Lot 28 & PI LoI29 (North of Albert Street, East Queen Slreet)
Special Zone: tR1-a
Exception to Zone Provisions:
automobile service station permitted.
No other type of 'Highway Commercial' use shall bo Itted,
.2 By-law No,: Not available at this time
Subject Lands: PI. Lot 23, Rag. Plan 61, (Klncardino)
Special Zone: . R1-b-h'
Exceplion 10 Zone Provisions:
a retaH store limited 10 tho salo of medical equipment wheelchairs, scootors, bathroom
equipment and lIoms 01 a similar nature) shall be po Ittod. [Minor Voriance approved
October 9, 2002]
ona acœssory dwelling unll and ona non-accassory IlIng unit In tha building existing
on tha 16th day of October 1986. (date of passag of By-law No. 4768) shall bo
the minimum lot width shaD be 11.5 metres.
tho '" holding shall ba removed altar tho applicants . a a scaled slta plan showing
parking requirements 10 tha sali8factlon 01 the CBO thaltha applicants enter Inlo 811
encroachment agreement with the Municipality.
By-law No.: 1990-33 (Chrislopher)
Subject Lands: Lots 5 & 6, Plan 4, (Klncardlna)
Special Zona: ' R1-c'
Ex:ception to Zone Provisions:
a dance studio, a health and _ centra, a lounge
pormittad and ona accessory residential dwelling unit.
pennlllad oxpanslon to the existing building shan be I
yard along tho northom extent of the sldo yard. ond d
than 25% 01 the combined area of Lots 5 & 6,
the residential dwenlng unllaccessory 10 a permitted n
used as the principle resIdence of the owner, manager,
with Subsoction 6.2.6 'Dwelling Units Conlalned within
Structure' of this By~8W.
.4 By-law No,: 1996-87
SubJoct Lands: Lots 1 and 2, Plan 347, (Klncardino)
Special Zone: 'R100d-h'
exception to Zone ProvisionS:
minimum oxterlor side yard shall be 1.5 metres.
minimum lot dapth shall be 14,3 motres.
minimum rear yard shall be 6,7 matres.
'lot orea' shall ba doflned as tho total horlzonlal area In the lot lines of a lot,
public water supply and sonltary sewers shall be requ
The 'h' holding shall be removed onco the following P 'sions have bean mat 10 the
satisfaction of the Municipality of Kincardine and the een Valley Conservation
Authority: I) tha proposed revetment recommanded by .F, Baird and Associatas in tholr
July 28, 1995 report bo constructed 10 100 year design standards; Ii) tho proposed
revebnent be designed by a qualified coastal engineer nd the structure built under the
supervision of the engineering flnn; and jji) maintenan guidelines for the structure are
prepared by tho engln_
nd racqtJal sports facility shall be
ed in tho rear, provido a sida
s not oxceed a coverage graatar
-residential uso shall only be
r ca....taker and shall comply
Non-Residential BtJidlng or
,5 By-law No.: Not available
Subject Lands: Not available
Special Zone: 'R1-e'
Exceplion 10 Zona Provisions:
oflicas and facilitl8S associalad with the salo of insuran and swimming pool supplies
shall be parmittad,
MunlcipaKty of Kincardine
Comprehonslva Zoning By-I_
FobnJary 12. 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
.6 By-law No,: 84-40 (Woman's Houss)
Subject Lands: PI Lot 17, Cone, 'A', (Kincardine Twp)
Special Zone: 'RI-t' .
Exception to Zone Provisions:
a 'family resource centre' and uses accessory thereto shall be permitted In the existing
building in accordance with the 'Institutlona]' zone provl Ions
1 parking space par sleeping or guest room, pius one rking space for aach 20 square
metres of floor area or fraction thereof, used for ass bty, restaurants or the dispensing
of food or drink.
1amlly resource can1re' shall ba defined as a placa trans~ional residance providing
share<! cooking, living, recraatlooal, sleeping and facUitles to women and their
children during a crisis In thai' lives that mey endange thair amotional, manlal, social or
physical condition or legal slalus, A 'family resource nlre' as defined haraln shall only
be permissible K operated in accordance with the te and stipulations cf an agreement
betwaan ils operators and the Ministry of Commu Ity and SocIal ServiCas and in
accordance with a hoslal agræment under the Genera Welfare Act between its operators
and the Corporatloo of the County of Bruce, and shall Ide respooslble supervision end
counselling consistent with the particular requirements Its residents.
.7 By-law No.: 1996-87 & 2002-117
Subject Lands: lois 1 and 2. Plan 347, (Kincardine)
Special Zone: 'R1-g'
Exception to Zone ProvIsions:
mlninum lot area shall be 269 square metres.
minimum front yard shall be 1.5 metres
minimum lot depth shell be 14,3 metres,
minimum rear yard shall be 6,7 metres.
enlergemenls or expensions to the single detached ling as It existed on Oc\obef 3.
1996 shall not be permi\l~
10t area' shall be defined as the tolal horizontal area w
public water supply and sanitary sewers shan be requi
,8 By-law No,: Not available at this tima
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'R1-i'
Exception to Zone Provision
Minimum Lot area above high water mark shall be 2 h
Minimum sewage setback from high water mark shall e 30 metres.
Minimum building setback from high water mark shall e 15 metres.
.9 By-law No.: 2002-66
Subject Lands: PI, Lot 18, Concession 'A' [PI 1 on 3R4138], ( ncarclina Twp)
Special Zone: ' R1-'
Excep1lon to Zone Provisions:
Lands zoned 'RI-' are existing lots cf record and have lage on a 'Private Streef. PrIor
to developmen~ alteration, expansion, or additions existing buUdlngs or structures a
iimited service agreement shall be entered into with e Municipality. Private Streels are
Identified on Schedule 'A' for infonnalion purposes only
the lands are subject to Site Plan Control
_ the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority shall be a signatory on the Site Plan Control
.10 By-law No.: 2002-103
SUbject Lands: PI Lot 51 Concession 'A', (Kincardine Twp)
Special Zone: 'R1-k'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
the lands are subject to Site Plan Control
MunicipaUly of Kincardine
Comprehen81ve Zoning By-I....
FeÞruary 12, 2003
By-Isw No. 2003-25
,11 By-Law No.: 1990-74 (Fox/MathesOn)
Subject Lends: Part of Park Lot 35, North Side of King Stree~ len 4 (Kincardine)
Specie! Zone: 'R1~'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
on those lands zooed RI~ which front onto the shore!1n of Lake Huron. an accessory
detached gerege may be constructed within 1,0 metres of the 1ront lot line' or Block 'B"
Plan 638 whicl1ever is applicable ;
for the purposes of the R1-1 zone, a 'street' may include a lane or private r'ight-of~way
.13 By-Law Nc.: 2001-26
Subject Lends: Part Lots 2 & 3 Concession 3 SDR (Kincardine
Speciel Zone: 'R1·m-h'
Exception to Zone Proviskms:
the 'h' holding symbol shall be removed when Indlvldu sewer and water systems are
provided for each of the lots
Section 628 shall not apply
By-Law No,: 2001-26
Subject Lands: Perl Lots 2 & 3 Concession 3 SDR (Kincardine
Special Zone: 'R1-m'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
5ectIon 6.26 of this By-law shall not apply
.14 B~aw No.: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
SpecIal Zone: 'R1-n'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not Used at this time
.15 By-law No.: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
. Special Zooe: 'R1-o'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time
,16 B~aw No.: Not available at this time
Subject Lends:
Special Zone: 'R1-p'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Lands zoned 'R1-p' are existing lots of record and h va frontage on a 'Private Street".
Prior to development. alteration, expansion. Of add' . to existing buDdings or structures
e limited service agreement shall be entered into with e Municipality. Private Streets are
Identified on Schedule 'A' for information purposes
.17 By-law No.: Not used at this time
Subject Lends:
Special Zone: 'R'...·
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time
By-law No.: Not available at this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'R'.,.
Exceptioo to Zone Provisions:
Lands zooed 'R1-r' are existing lots of record and
Street', Prior to deveIopmen~ alteration. expansion,
fron1age on a 'Class Two (2)
additions to existing buildings or
MunicipaUty of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-lBYM
Februery 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
structures a limited service agreement shall be en Into with the Municipality, Class
Two (2) Streets are identified on Schedule 'A' for Inform lion purposes only.
,19 By-law No,: Notevallable atlhis time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'R1..'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Prior to the Issuance of e building perm~ from the mu Iclpality, a site plan describing the
proposed development shall be submitted to the Sau n Valley Conservation Authority
for review and approval. The Seugeen Valley Cons lion Authority may require the
owner to provide technical information and/or report(s) repered by qualified professionals
to assist In the review of a proposal,
.20 By-law No,: 92-1
Subject Lands: Lot 2, Reg, Plan 281, (Bruce Twp)
Special Zone: 'R1-t'
Exception to Zona Provisions:
general and professional offices; light manufactlJring; nd wholasale uses, In accordance
with tha 'Residential' zone provisions shaH be perm
all outdoor storage shall be located in the rear yard an shall be wholly contained within a
fenced anclosure of at lees! 1.8 metres in halght.
,21 By-few No.: Not available at this tima
Subject Lands: PI Lot I, West side of HurDl'l Terrace, Plan 4 PI Block E, South slda of
Broadwey. Plan 4, (Kilcardine)
Spacial Zone: 'RI-u'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
the most northeriy lot line of Pert of Block E shall be sldered the rear lot line
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-lawIÞ
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
In any R2 - Residential Two Zone, no person shall use eny building structure or land nor erect any
building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions:
· Single detached dwelling
· Seml-detached dwelling
· Duplax dwelling
· Bed and Breakfast Establishment in
accordance with Section 6.17
· Church
· Group Home - Type 1, in a Single detached
· Home Occupation - Professional in
accordance with Section 6.13
Home Occo pation - Household and
Domestic rts In accordance with Section
Day ~.~ rsery (Licensed)
Nursing tIC e
Public Perl<
No person shell within eny Residential Two Zone use any lot or erect, ell ~ or use eny building or structure
except in accordance with the following provisions:
137 1 ZnnA
'hM "-"I ~. "" F'-II
Let Area (Minimum)
Lot Frontage (Minimum)
Front Yard (Minimum)
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum)
Interior Side Yerd (Minimum)
Reer Yard (Minimum)
Bulidlng Height (Maximum)
Mexlmum Lot C~e (Principal Buldlng)
Total Floor Area (Minimum)
MunIcipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-Iawe
325 square metres
_lot - 10 metres; corner lot - 15 metres
6 metres
6 me_
2.4 metres, for one In IIior side yard end 1 metre for the
opposite side of the sa e lot plus 0.6 metres on the narrow
side for each edditio~~1 "partial storey above the firs1 storey
on that side. Provioec that where a garage or carport is
attached to the main b ¡Iding, or the lot is a comer lot, the
mirùmum width of the terior shall be one metre plus 0.6
me_ for each addlti nal or partial -'y above the firs1
storev on that side,
7.5 metres
10.5 metres
67 square metres
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
1'" 1Ii''''S tn, "=I-ne i s on FuJI MlJnj .
When the two dwelling unlls In a semkJatachad dwelling are both locate on the same lot, the following lot
area and lot width regulations shall apply:
Lot Area (Minimum) ~:I\ Interior Lot 634s uare metres
ii Corner Lot 662s uare metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) I j~, Interior Lot 20m Ires
i Corner Lot 21,5 etres
Front Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
2.4 metres provided at where a garage or carport is
attached to the main building, the minimum width of the
Interior Side Yard (Minimum) Interior side yard shall I 1,2 m_s plus 0,6 metres for each
eddltlonal or partial slo f1Y ebove the first storf1Y on that side.
A sami-datached dweIIi g un~ on a separate lot shan require
an interior or exterior side vard on only one side.
Rear Yard (Minimum) 7.5 metres
Building Height (Maximum) 10,5 metres
Maximum Lot Coverage (Principal BuDding) 45%
Total Floor _ (Minimum) 67 square metres
When each of the two dwelling unils in a sami-datachad dwelling is Ie be located on a sapara1e lo~ all
provisions of Section 13,2.2 shall apply, except the foilowlng lot eree nd lot width regulations for each
dwelling unU:
Lot Area (Minimum) (i) Interior Lot 317 s uare metres
:IÎI Comer Lot 365.. uare metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) !:I"lnfetiorLot 10m. res
if Comer Lot 11.5 etres
132.3 Zone Provisions for DUDlex Dwellina on Fun MuniciDsl Services
Lot Area (Minimum) 520 square metres
Lot Wldlh (Minimum) 15m_s
Front Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
3.6 metres on one side and 1,9 metres on the opposite side
of Ihe same lot. plus 0, metres on the narrow side for each
edditional or partial s10 r¡ above the first storey on that side.
Interior Side Yard (Minimum) Provided that where Iw< g_ or two carports ere attached
to the main building, 01 the lot is a comer lot, the minimum
width of 1118 Interior' sic yard shall be 1,9 m_s plus 0,6
:::~s, for each ad<ltic nal or partial storey above 1118 first
s on that side.
Rear Yard (Minimum) 7.5 me1res
Building Height (Max/mum) 10.5 metres
Municipality of KIncardine 53 Fsbruary 12, 2003
Col11>rehansivaZonlng By-I_ By-law No. 2003-25
Maximum Lot Covarage (Principal Building)
Total Floor Area (Minimum)
65 square metres
13.2.4 e v ins ora
Refsr to Saction 31,2
rch rsin Ho
D Ca Nu
L n ed
.1 By-law No.: Not available
SlJbjact Lands: PI, Pari< Lot 7 & 8, Plan 4. PI 1-5, Ref. Plan 3R 2366
Special Zone: I R2-a'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
may be used for 1he purposes of a 'group home' for th mentally handicapped, operated
by an Association for the Mentally Retarded.
a 'group home' shall mean a pair of samkletached lings In which a total of three (3)
to eight (8) residents, excluding staff or host family, r consistent with the requirements
of Its residents. Tha Home shail be licensed u er ProvInciel Statute and be In
compliance with municipal By-laws.
SlJbsactiOn Section 6.17 'Off-Street Parl<lng Requlram ts' of this By-law shall apply
excep1ing however that there will be a minimum of four (4) perl<lng spaces,
.2 By-law No.: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'R2-b'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time
,3 By-law No,: 98-44 (Bruno)
Subject Lands: Lots 1 & 2, Plan 123. (T-)
Special Zone: 'R2~'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
subject lands shall be used in accordance with the 'Re IdentiaI Three' zone provisions.
The minimum lot area shall be 350 square metres.
The minimum lot frontage shall be 8 metres.
The minimum side yard shall be 2 metres.
The mInimum ground floor area shall be 70 square m
The minimum gross floor area shall be 70 square
.4 By-law No,: Not usad at this time
Subjact Lands:
Special Zone: R2-d'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time
Munictpallty of Kincardine
Comprehensive ZDnlng By-Iawe
February 12, 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
In any R3 - Residential Three Zone, no person shall use any bulldin structure or land nor erect any
building or structure except In accordence with the following provisions:
· Duplex dwelling · sern'1': had dwelling
· Boarding House · Single chad dwelling
· Quadreplex dwelling · Triplex dW1 IlIng
· Row dwelling
· Bed and Breakfast Establishment In · Home 'on - Household and
accordance with Section 6,17 Domestic itS In accordance with Section
· Church 6.14
· Group Home - Type 1 · Day Care ursery (Licensed)
· Homa Occupation - Professlooal In · Nursing H me
accordance with Section 6.13 · Public PaM
14.2 ZONE PROVISIONS '8Ct, alter or use any building or
No person shall within any Residential Three Zone use any lot or E
structure except In accordance with the 1011oM1g po:ovislons:
14,2.1 Zone Provisions for Trlolex Dwellina on Ful MuniciDal ServJces
Lot Area (Minimum) 690 square metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) 18 metres
Front Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
4.5 metres on one s e and 3 metres on the opposite side
(01 the same lot), p s 0.6 metres on the narrow side for
each additional or pi ~~ storey above the first floor on thet
Interior Side Yard (Minimum) side, Provided that ere three garages or three cerports
ere ettechad to the sin building, or the lot is a comer lot.
the minimLITI width of the interior side yard shall be 3
me_ plus 0.6 me os for each additional or partial s10rey
above the flrst sto"" on that side,
Rear Yard (Minimum) 7.5 metres
Building Height (Maximum) 10,5 metres
Maximum Lot Coverage (Principal Building) 40%
Dwelling Unit Floor Area (Minimum) 65 square metres
14.2.2 7~_ Provisions Dwellln<> ~n F"II M'm""nAI S..... .....
Lot At.. (Minimum) 890 square metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) 24 metres
Municipality of Kincardine 55 r::ebruary 12. 2003
Comprehensive Zoning By-Iawe By-law No. 2003-25
Front Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Inlerior Side Yard (Minimum) 3 metres plus 0.6 etres for each additional or partial
storey abovs the """ nd storev on that side.
Rear Yard (Minimum) 10,5 metres
Buüdlng HeIgh1 (Maximum) 10.5 metres
Maximum Lo1 ~ (Principal Building) 40%
Dwelling Un. Aoor Area (Minimum) 65 squere metres
14 2 3 Zone Proviskx1s for Row Dwellina on FuU Munk:iDBI Services
i Lot Area (Minimum) 165 square metres ~ each Interior row dwelling unit, plus
213 sDu.re metreS " each end row dweUina unit
Lot Frontage (Minimum) 4.5 metres per unit, plus12 metre Interior yard end uM
and 6 metres exterio vard end unll
Front Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Interior Side Yard (Minimum) 3.5 metres plus 0.6 metres for each addltionel or partial
storev above the first storey for end dwelllno tmlts,
Rear Yard (Minimum) 7.5 metres
Buldlng Height (Maximum) 10.5 metres
Coverage (Maximum) 60%
Dwelling Un~ Floor Aree (Minimum) 65 square matres
14.?,4 f~ . B~"';~ I , ·""....ni.,;"'"
Lot Area (Minimum) 464 square metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) 12 metres
Front Y.rd (Minimum) 6 metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
3 metres on one sid and 1.2 metres on the opposite side
(of the same 101), pi s 0.6 metres on the narrow side for
each additional or p. rtiaI storey above the first -.y on
Interior Side Yard (Minimum) that side. Provided that where e g.rage or a carport is
attached to the main building, or the lolls e comer lot, the
minimum width of th interior sid. yard sh.1I be 1,2 metres
plus 0,6 metres for , och additional or partial storey above
the 1i'st storey on the side.
Re.r Yard (Minimum) 7.5 metres
Building Height (Maximum) 10.5 metres
Municipality of Kincardine 56 February 12. 2003
Comprehensive Zoning By-I.... By-law No. 2003-25
I Maximum Lot Coverage (Principal Building) [40%
14.2 6 Zone Provisions for SinoIe Detached Dwellincs
Refer to Section 12.
14.2.7 Zone ProvIsions for SemH)etached Dwellinas
Refer to Section 13.
14.2.8 Zone provisions for DuDlex Dwelllno
Refer to Section 13,
14,? 0 lono for . "hurch N
Refer to SectiOn 31.
nAV C.rA N
,,- ns"'"
,1 By-law Nos.: Not avalable at this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: . R3....
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time
.2 Bylaw No.: Not available at this time
SUbject lands: PI. Lot 2 & 3 of Ref. Plan 3R-3062, (Kincardln )
Special Zone: 'R3-b'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
a clinic and the offices of a medical practitioner, a de list, chiropractor, lawyer. engineer,
surveyor, accountant or other recognized profession s II be pennitted.
a clinic shall Include a dispensary where medical p ..scriptions, medical supplies and
related items are sold
The maximum floor area for the dispensary shall be 7 squere metres
.3 By-law No.: Not available at this time
Subject Lands: Pt. Lot 4 & 5, Reg, Plan No. 61, pt. 3 of RP 3 -1016, (Kincardine)
Special Zone: 'R3-c'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
an elderiy persons residence and accessory uses sha be pennltted.
residential accommodation shall be confined to a max mum of 45 lodgers.
the minimum gross floor area per lodger shall be 45 uare metres. For the purposes of
this paragraph 'gross floor area' shall mean the totaI_ the horizontal areas of each floor,
excluding a besement or cellar, measured between 11" exterior faces of the exterior walls
of the building or structure at the level of each floor.
the minimum lot area and the minimum lot width sh II be 2,500 square metres and 40
metres, respectively.
the minimum front yard shall be 15 metres
the minimum interior side yard and the minimum extl nor side yard shall be 4 metres and
5,5 metres, respectively.
the minimum rear yard shall be 7 metres.
the building height of the _g buldlng shall not e Increased; the maximum building
height of additions! enlargements to this buldlng shaI be 12 metres,
the maximum 101 coverage shall be 30%.
.4 By-law No,: 1!!90-84 (IAL)
Subject Lands: BIock't>!, Plan M-34, (Kincardine)
Special Zone: "R3-d'
Exception to Zone ProvIsions:
when each raw dwelling un~ Is located on a separate ot
Municipality of Kincardine
Compn¡honslve Zoning By-Iawe
Februæy 12, 2003
B\48W No. 2003-25
LotWIdIh (mlnlmum)-4.5metres,
Interior Side Yard (minimum) - 1,2 metres. except
vertically separates two units on separate lots, in
required for that side,
All other regulations of Section 14,11!1hall apply
By-law No.: 1991-44 (Russel Meadows)
Subject Lands: Lots 16 - 20, Plan 151. (Kincardine)
Special Zone: .R3....
Exception to Zone Provisions:
a non-profit multiple-family dwelling complex and a
No. of Dwelling Units (mlUdmum). 4 quadruplex dwellln
Minimum Lot Area shall be 10,500 square metres
Minimum Lot Width shall be 100 metres
Minimum Lot Depth shall be 85 metres
Minimum Front Yard shail be 6 metres
Minimum Exterior Side Yard shall be 6 metres
Minimum Interior Side Yard shall be 4.1 metres
Minimum Rear Yardshail be 7.5 metres
Maximum Building Height sha. be 10.5 metres
Maximum Lot Coverage shall be 20 %
Minimum Dwelling Unft Aoor Area _I be 65 square m
Each quedruplex shall be 56 square metres
Each rrNi dwelling unft shall be 65 square metres
By-law No.: 1993-95 (Unklater)
Subject Lands: Not available at this time
Special Zone: 'R3-f'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
a funeral home with an addition Including a chapel shall
the subject lands have a minimum lot area of 2,529 squ
a minimum of 20 parking spaces be provided on site.
re a common masonry wan
case no interior side yard is
uses shall be pennilted,
houses, 20 rrNi dwelling units
e permitted.
Iy tharefore parking may be
,g By-Iew No.: 1995-78 (Galbraith)
Subject Lands: Lots 28 and 29. Reg, Plan 61. (Kincardine)
Special Zone: 'R3-i'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
The lands shall only be use for row houses and/or sem ad ~Iings.
No dwelling unft shall contain more than three (3) bed ms.
Parking spaces or areas may be permitted in all ya s provided no parking space is
located doser than 7.5 metres to any street line or c than 1.5 metres to any side lot
MY multiple family dwellings shell be subject to Site PI n Contralln accordance with tha
provisions 01 SectIon 41 of the Planning Act, 1990.
That the maximum number 01 dwelling units shall not twelve (12),
a minimum Playground area 0190 square metres Is ed.
A Planting Strip _I be provided In accordance with Sian 6.21 'Planting StripsIPrivacy
Fence' of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law.
By-law No.: 1994-14 (AsraJ
Subject Lands: PI. Park Lot 2. Plan 3M-99. (Kincardine)
Special Zone: ~R3-g'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Section 6,17,7 'Parking Area Location on Lor shall not
pennltted In any of the yards.
By-law No.:
~. 2000-126
Municipality 01 Klncanlina
Comprehensive Zoning By-laW
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
Subject Lands: pt Lot 16&17, South of Durham Straat, Lo1s 16, 17 & pt Lot 18, North of Lambton
SI.. pt Lot 2&3, Plan 133. RP 3R-3572 (855 Prir cas Street). (Klncardlno)
Special Zone: 'R3'¡'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
the minimum exterior side yard shall be 4 metres on the South side of the subject lands.
the minimum rear yard shall be no less than 5.2 metres or the southeJ1y-faclng buildings.
the front yard shall be doomed to be tho lot line which a uts Princas Street.
.11 By~awNo.: 2002-149 [Akort]
Subject Lands: PI. Lot31, Concossion 'A' {PIs. 3 &4 on 3R241 (Kincardine Twp,)
Special Zone: 1R3-k1
Exception to Zone Provtslons:
-the 'minimum lot area shall be 0,69 hectares
- the housing of livestock shall be prohibited
- lands zoned as EP may be used In the calculation of 'lot area'
Municipality 01 Kincardine
Comprehensive ZonInIJ By-!awII
February 12, 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
In any R4 _ Residential Four Zona. no person shall usa any bulldln , structure or land nor erect any
buDding or structure except In accordance with the following provisions:
· Aparbnent dwelling
· Nursing Home
· Public Park
No parson shall within any RasidanIiaI Four Zona use any lot or arec\, , tar or usa any building or structure
exceplln accordance with the following provisions:
15,2,1 Zone Provisions for Aoartmen1 DweIIInO
Lot Area (Minimum)
[The miniTIum lot area shall be the sum of
the areas required for each dwelling unit on
the lot:)
Lot Fron1age (Minimum)
Front Yard (Minimum)
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum)
I) For each bachalo dwelling un~ and each one bedroom
unit: 93 square "" Ires
II) For each dwelling unll having two bedrooms: 140 square
metres plus 46 square metres per each additional
bedroom in axca~ of two bedrooms
30.5 metres
6 metres
Interior Side Ysrd (Minimum)
6 metres
6 metres provided tha an Interior side yard adjoining an end
wall contslning no hsb able room windows may be reduced to
2 metres.
7.5 metres
Rear Yard (Minimum)
Building Helgh1 (Maximum)
Msxlmum Lot Coverage (Principal Building)
12 metres
Dwelling Unit Floor Aras (Minimum)
Bachelor Dwe ling Unll
One Bedroom Unll
For each edd ions'
40 square metres
60 square metres
10 square ms1reS
15.2.2 Zone Provisions for B Nursinc Home
Refer to Section 31.
.1 By-law No,: Not available
Subject Lands: Lots 4 - 6, South Side of Harbour Street, Reg. Ian No. 77, and Part of Saugeen
Street Road Allowance south of Harbour sie .. (KIncardine)
Special Zone: . R4...'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- the minimum lot area shall be 3094 square metres
_ 1ront lot lina' shall mean the lot line dividing the lot from Hari our Street;
Municipslty of Kincardine
Comprehsnsiva Zoning By-I.....
February 12. 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
- the minimum front yard _ grade level shell be 4.5 metres, below grade 1,5 metres
- the minimum exterior side yard requirement shall not apply;
. the minimum rear yard shal be 3.0 metres
- the mininum side yard shall be 5.6 metres
.2 By-law No,: No! available at this time
Subject Lands: Block B, C and G, Part Block F and H, (Parts 1 nd 4, Plan 3R-37g3), (Kincardine)
Special Zone: ' R4-b'
Exception to Zona Provisions:
_ for the purpose of the subsection, a ·mu~l-levaI re 'remen! facilitY' shall mean any
building or structure other than a prlvete or public he pltal where elderly persons may
reside in apartment-type, lodge-~ or nursing he ~. accommodations; and where
common facilities for the preparation and consumption w food are provided, and common
kxmges and recreation facltties and other basic h usekeeping services as well 8S·
medical care may also be provided; and, which is llcan od by the provinca.
the minimum lot area shall be 2.5 hectares.
the maximum number of storeys shall not exceed 3.
Section 6,18 'Planting Strips' shall not apply.
'Off-Street Parking' may be pennltted In all yards, pre ..ded that no part of any parking
area Is k>cated ctoser than 1 metres to any street line.
There shaH be 1 parking space for eacI1 apartment dwe ling un~ plus' parking space for
every 4 dwelling units, or fraction thereof, to be set asid for and vieually identified as
visitor parking; end there shall be 1 parking space for e 1C112 _ in a lodge or nursing
home. or fraction thereof. of which a minimum area of 1.6 metres and minimum
dimensions of 3,6 metres by 6 metres shaH be providec for the parking of passenger
vehicles used in the transportation of wheelcheIr "":':.., ..d the embul..,t disabled; and,
there shan be 1 space for each 20 square metres of ,~ r erea or fraclion thereof, for us..
not othB!Wise specified herein.
.3 By-law No,: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: . R4-c'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
. Not used at this time
Muntcipality of Kincardine
ComprehenBive Zonö1g By-4_
February 12. 2003
By-4aw No, 2003-25
In any R5 - Residential Five Zone, no person shall use any building structure or land nor erect any
building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions:
· One (1) Accessory De1ached Dwelling to e Mobile Home Park
· Mobile Home
· Mable Home Park
· Mabie Home Perk Lot
· Public Park
· BuDdings, structures end uses ecc..sory to a permitted use In ccordence wi1h Section 16,3 -
Addnional Provisions Mobile Home Park
No person shall wi1hin any Residential Five Zone use any lot or erect, aI1 ... or use any building or structure
except in accordance with the following provisions:
Minimum Lot Area 4 hectares
Minimum Lot Frontage 30 metres
Minimum Front, Exterior. Side & Rear Yards 7,5 metres
Maximum Bulldng Height 10 metres
Maximum Density 25 mobile homes er gross hectare
Mobile Home Park Open Space Not I..s than 1 O~ of gross Park area
Minimum Lot Area 325 square metre
Minimum Lot Fronlage 13 metres
Maximum Lot Coverage 20%
Minimum Setback- Rear Yard 3 metres
Mi1imum Setback - Side Yard 2 metres
Minimum Setback - Front & ~ Yard 3 metres
Minimum Mobile Home Unit Floor Area 40 square metres
Municipally of KIncardine 62 February 12, 2003
Comprehensl", Zoning By-Ia-MI By-law No. 2003-25
,1 Access & Roads
Each mobile horne lot within a mobila horna park shall ba located on ~..lntemal mobile home park road
which shall heva a dust free surface and shall be a minimum travelad ~ oth of 4 metres for one-way traffic
and 6 malres for two-way traffic flow,
,2 Services
Each moblla horne lot/mobile home located within a mobile horna park ¡hall be provided with a communal
or municipal water systam, appropriate sawage disposal facilities, sol was1e disposal, storm drainage,
electricalservica, street lighting, telephona and road mainlanance.
.3 Parking
Each mobile home lot shall be provided with ona car parking space a d viaitor perking shall be provided
on tha basis 01 one space for overy three (3) mobile home lots.
.4 Additions and Accessory Structures - Moble Horne Lot
Additions to mobile homes and buildings and stnJctures accessory II mobile homes shaft be parmltted
provided the! the yard setback and lot coverage provisions for the lot ere mainlained, No mora than two
(2) accessory buildings or structures shall be permitted on a mobUa he> e lot.
.5 Accessory Structures - Mobile Home Pæ1<
Buildings and structures accessory to mob" homes shall be permitted provided that the yard and setback
provisions for the mobile home park are maintained, The minimu separation between a permitted
accessory use and a mobile home lot shall be no less than 10 metres.
.6 Mobile Homa Lot Planting Area
A planting area having s minimum width of 1 metre and consisting of a dense screen of shrubs and
evergreen trees, minimum 1 metre high when planted, providing a )'88r round visual berrier, shall be
planted and maintained along tha side and ~ lot lines 01 all mobla ¡, rne lots.
.7 Mobile Home Park Planting AreaIVlSual Saeening
A Planting AreelVisual Screening shall be provided around a Moble H me Park as par Section 6.18.
.8 Site Plan Control
A mobile home park may be subject to Sfte Plan Control as par the PI nlng Act RSO 1990
.1 By-law No,: Not used e! this time
Subject Lands:
Spacial Zone: . R5-e'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
. Not used at this time
Municipal/ly of Kincardine
Comp_ Zoning By-I_
February 12. 2003
By-Isw No. 2003-25
17.1 SCOPE
General Commercial uses are permitted only within the urban area bou dartes of Kincardine end TIverton
on lands designated 'General Commercial' in the Kincardine Official Pia or Tiverton Secondary Plan
In any C1 - General Commercial Zone. no person shall use any bulldi g, structure or land nor erect any
building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions:
· A Single Detached Dwelling existing at lI1e date of passing of this. ~ law
· Þl1 'Accessory Dwelling Unij - Apartment In accordance with Section 6.5
· Assembly Hall · MarIne, tecreation and Smal Engine
· Automobile Car Wesh Establishn ants
· Automobile Rental Establishment · Museum
· Benquet Hall · Perking Lc
· Bus Depot · Personal! ervIce Establishment
· Business or Professional Office · Place of E m.rtelnmant
· Church · Public Bull Ing
· Clinic · Public Per
· Commercial College or School · Recreetlor Centre
· CompulerlDate Processing Centre · Restauran
· Day Care NURlery (Ucensed) · Restauran Take-Out
· Driving Academy · Retail Sto
· Dry Cleaning Establishment · Research stabllshmenULaboratory
· Fitness Centre · Service E ablishment
· Funeral Home · Supermar et
· Hotel or Motel · Tavem/Be
· Institution · Veterinary Clinic (Small Þl1lmal)
· Laundromat · VIdeo Out IllRentel Establishment
No person shall within any General Commercial Zone use any iot or erect, alter or use any building or
structure except in accordance with the following provisions:
Lot Area (Minimum) 85 square metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) 5 metres
Front Yard (Minimum) The street line shall be I1e set back line
Maximum Lot Coverage (Principal Building) 65%
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) Not Required
I) Not required when aI utting an adjoining lot zoned 'CI' along
Interior Side Yard (MjniTIum) ~~ Interior side yard 10 line.
Ii 3 metres
I) Not required when e rear yard abuts e public lane or a
Rear Vard (Minimum) ~~blIC parking lot. rear wrd does not abut e oubllc lane
iI 6 metres when the
Municipally of Kincardine 64 February 12, 2003
Comprehensive ZonIng By-Iaw8 By-law No. 2003-25
or a public street
Planting Strip and/or Privacy Fanca
Refer to Section 6,18 of "is By-law
17,3.1 Zone Provisions for Sinale Detached DweNinas
Refer to Section 12,
17.3.2 Zone Provisions for a Church or Dav Care Nursery IUcensec:l)
Refer to Section 31.
.1 Opan Space Requ~ements - 'Accessory DwaRlng Unit - Apartme r
Landscaped open spaca area(s) equivalent to the total gross floor _ of aach dwelling un~(s) shall be
provided. For the purposes of this section, unanclosad balconies m ff be considared as part of tha
mi1imum open space requÌ"8menl
.2 Off-Straet Parking Regulations
Notwithstanding Section 6.17 'Off-5traat Parking Requirements' of th, By-law whera a dwalllng un~ Is
located In a non-resldantial buldlng. a minimum of one par1<ing space. all be provided for aach dwelling
unit contained therein on site.
.3 Planting StrlpJPrIvacy Fanca
A Planting StrIpIPrivacy Fence along an Interior Sida Yard is require< when a 'C1' zone abuts a 'R -
Residential' zone,
.1 By-law No.: Not available
Subject Lands: Lot 7 & 8, North Side of Dur11am Street, Plan 61 (Kincardine)
Special Zone: ·C1..a'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- the maximum floor area devoted to II¡;rt metal fabricaljng haR not exceed 40% of the total
ground floor area and shall not comprise more than 275 squ e metres.
.2 By-law No.: Not available
Subject Lands: PI, Lot 10, South Side of Dur11am Strea~ Town lot of Penetangere
Special Zone: 'C1-b'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Section 17.3 'Zone Provisions' of this By-law, the minimum rei _~ requirement shall not apply
to the main buDding in which an 'automobile service station' is unuucted.
,3 By-law No.: 2002-43
Subject Lands: Lots 2 & 3. Reg. Plan 61; Part I, 3R-6566, (Kin rdlne)
Special Zone: 5C1-c1
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- A single _ched dwelling Is permitted. excepting however tI1 at:
(I) Such dwelling use wili be permitted only as long as that uso is conlinuous and ~ Is to be used
in accordance with the 'Existing Detached Dwelling Proviol s· of this By-law. W the use Is
changed, than the single detached dwelling use wili cease to b a permitted use.
- the minimum rear yard for the axisting detached accassory b'ucture on Lol2, Part 1 3R-6566
shali be 0 meters.
.4 By~aw No.: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
Spacial Zone: 'Clod'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Municipality of KIncardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-tawe
Febrosry 12, 2003
By-Iew No. 2003-25
· Not used althis time
.5 By-law No,: Not used at this lime
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: ~1-e1
Exception to Zone ProviaionS:
- Not used at this time
.19 By-law No.: Not available
SUbject Lands: Multiple Locations
Special Zone: IC1...'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
_ Prior to the Issuance of a building penn~ from the munlc palily, a s~e plan describing the
proposed development shall be submitted to the saugesn ValiS! Conservation Authority for revieW
end approval. The saugean Valley Conservation Authority I IB'J require the owner to provide
technical information and/or report(s) prepared by qualified prohsŠionaIsto ..slst In the revieW of
a proposal
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-iawe
February 12. 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
18.1 SCOPE
Htghway Service Commercial uses are permitted only within the urban ~ ~ boundaries of Kincardine and
Tiverlon on lands daslgnatad 'Highway Commercial' In the Kincardine C IicIaI Plan or TlVerton Secondary
In any C2 - Highway Service Commercial Zone, no person shall usa ny building. structure or land or
erect any building or structure except in accordance with the following pI1 visions:
· Prohlblled
· Assembly Hal · Marine, R and Small Engine
· Aulomoblle Car Wesh EstabJishm n1
· Au'amobie Gas Bar · Nursery
· Automobile Repair Establishment · Parking Lot
· Automoble Rental Establishment · Personal $ rvice Establlstvnent
· Automoble Saies Establishment · Place of En ertalnment
· Automoble Service Establishment · Rental Esta lishment
· Banquet Hall · Restaurant
· Bulding Supply and Sales · Restaurant Take-Out
· Bus Depot · Restaurant Portable Food 0u1let
· Commercial College or School · Retail: ~ Format
· Convenience Store · Travel Trail .. Seles Establishmenl
· Dry-Cleaning Establishment · Veterinary jnle
· Fann Implement Establishment · Video Ou6, Rental Establishment
· Hotel or Motel
· Laundromat
No penson shail wilhln any Highway Service Commercial Zone use . 1y tot or erect. alter or use any
building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions:
Lot Nea (Minimum) 1.390 square metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) 45 metres
Front Yerd (Minimum) 6 metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Interior Side Yard (Minimum) 4.5 metres
Raar Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Bulding Height (Maxinum) 12 metres
Maximum Lot Coverage (Principal Building) 20%
Planting StrIp and/or Privacy Fence Refer to Section 6.18
MunlcJpaUtyof Kh:ardlne 67 FeI>ruary 12, 2003
Compreh_ Zoning By-_ By-law No, 2003-25
--~- - - - .
IA.?,2 I' Autom.....- tomobile Service ,...rin. "'_=tinn"
Small EnoIne Establishments
Lot _ (MInimum) 1,390 square metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) 38 metres
Front Yard (Minimum) 15 metres (see Foetr ate 'a')
ExterIor Side Yard (Mininum) 15 metres (see FooIr ote 'a')
Interior Side Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Rear Yard (Minimum) 7,5 metres
BuHdlng Height (Maximum) 12 metres
Maximum Lot Coverage (Principal Building) 20%
Planting Strip andlor Privacy Fence I
Refer to Section 6.21
(a) A gasoline pump. natural gas andlor propane refueling pump m ry be located within anry front yard
or exterior side yard provided that:
i) the minimum distance between any portion of a gasoline ump. natural gas andlor propane
refueling pump and anry street line shall be 7,5 metres
II) where the lot is a comer lot. no portion of any gasoline ump, natural gas endlor propane
refueling pump shall be located within 15 metres of the ex mer of Intersecting s_
18.2.3 Zone Provisions for Hotels and Motels
Lot _ (Minimum) 690 square metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) 18 metres ¡
Front Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
interior Side Yard (MInimum) :1, When not abutting Residential Zone 3 metres
Ii When abuttina a 'j; sidential Zone 6 metres
Rear Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Building HeigII (Maximum) 12 metres
Maximum Lot Coverage (PrincIpal BuHdlng) 20%
Planting Strip andlor Privacy Fance Refer to Section 6.2
Municipality of Kincardine 58 February 12. 2003
Comprehensive Zoning By-Ine By-law No. 2003-25
.1 By-law No.: Not avallabla
Subject Lands: Eastern Parts 01 Blocks 'F' & 'H', Plan M-1
Special Zona: 'C2-a'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
an accessory use; artist or photographic studio; banquet h ; business or professional office;
clinic; convenlance store; dressmaking or tailor shop; financl I offIca or Institution
institution; laundroma1; parking lot; po&! office; restaurent; arvIce Establishment, taxi stand
and offica; whoIasaIa use accessory to any of tha foregoing sas
the minimum 011_ parking requlremant shall ba 5,5 pa Ing spaces par 93 square matres
of gross floor area (1 space par 16,9 square metras).
.2 By-law No.: Not available
Subject Lands: PI. Park Lot 17, Plan 4, South side of KIng (Klncardina)
Special Zone: 'C2-b'
Exception to Zone ProvIsions:
parmllt8d uses shall be limited to an automobile salas ga including an aulcH>ody repair
shop but only when incidental or accessory to the aid mentioned automobile salas
garage use.
building height shall be Iiml1ed to one starey.
a 6 metre wide planting strip shal be provided and m ntalned, except for one 6 metra
driveWay entrance at the south aaste<1y comar of said lands
.3 By-law No,: Not available
Subject Lands: Lots 62 - 64, Wast slda 01 VIctoria Straat, Rag, Plan No. 61, (Klncardlna)
Special Zone: 'C2~'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
For the purposes of this sub-section, a 'Commercial S ge Building' shall mean a whoUy
enclosed building within which non-parishabla goods and m_ are stored for
the maximum number of uses pennltted shall be limited to ree uses per building.
the minimum front yard shall ba 10 metres.
By-law No.: 2002-20
Subject Lends: Lot 35 NJS of Broadway St. Plan 4, (KIncardi
Special Zone: 'C2-d'
exception to Zone Provisions:
A duplex dwelling shall be the only Penni1tad Use as long
If the residential use ceases then the Permitted Uses in a
the minimum lot frontage shell be 11,2 metres
the minimum west side yard shall be 2.63 metres
the maximum side yard encroachment for the existing step
all future development shall comply with the requirements
s the residential use is continuous.
2 zone shall come Into force,
shall be 1,93 metres
the by-law
By-law No,: Do-It-cantre
Subject Lands: Pl2 & 3, on 3R-4228, Pl3 & 4, on 3R-4529
Special Zone: 'CZ...'
Exception to Zone ProvIsions:
_ Ugh1 Industrial usa; contractor's yard; dry cleaning establ'
s~ yard; retail outlet; wholesala ouUet or a Business
ment: Public Garage; warehouse or
Professional OffIce accessory to a
Municipality of Klncardne
ComprehensiYe Zoning By-!_
February 12, 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
permll\ed use; priva1e education and/or training facility; earch establlshmentllaboretory;
Service Establishment; business or govemment service; storag yard, shall be permitted uses.
.6 By-law No.: Not__
SUbject Lands: Shopping Centra
Special Zone: 'C2..f7
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Notwithstanding their 'C2' zoning, 1hose lands zoned 'C2-f sh I be used In accordance wilh the
C2 zona provisions excepting however that only Iha Panni Uses of the 'CI' zone shall be
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-law»
February 12. 2003
By-law No. 2Q03.25
19.1 SCOPE
Hamlet Highway Commercial uses are permmad only within tha Ham ::rt communities of Armow, Bervls,
Glammls, Inverhuron, Mlllarton, Underwood, and North Bruce as desi ¡naiad on Schedule 'A': Land Use
(South Section) oftha County of Bruce OffICial Plan.
In any C3 - Highway Commercial Zone, no person shall use any build g, structure or land nor erect any
building or structure except In accordance with the following provisions:
· An 'Accessory Dwelling Unit - Apartmenr In accordance with Sectio 6.5
· AuIomobla Car Wash · Public Per
· Automoble Gas Bar · Parking L<
· Automobile Repair Establishment · Restauran
· Automobile Sales Establishment · Restauran , Take-Out
· Automobile Service Station · Restauran , Portable Food OuUet
· Farm Implement Establishment · Bus Depo1
· Bulk Fuel Depot
No person shall within any Highway Commercial Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or
structure except in accordance with the following provlstoos:
i) Full municip I services 464 square metres
Lot Area (Minimum) ñ) One munici~ I service 2,000 square metres
iii, Private sBIVi - 4,000 s~uare metres
I) Full munlcip I services 15 metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) ::1\ One munici~ I service 30 metres
'" Private servi ... 30 metres 45 metres
Front Yard (Minimum) 15 metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 15 metres
Interior Side Yard (Minimum) 10 metres
Rear Yard (Minimum) 10 metres
Building Height (Maximum) 12 metres
Maximum Lot Coverage (Principal Building) 20%
Planting Strip and/or Privacy Fence Rafer to Section 6.1
.1 By-law No.: 96-31 (Kuepfer)
Subject Lands: PI, Lot SO, Concession 1. NOR, (Kincardine Tw ) [Highway g]
Special Zone: 'C3-a'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
The PennI1ted Uses shall be limited to:
- Farm Implement Establishment
- Veterinary Clinic
Murdcipality of Kincardine 71 February 12, 2003
Comp_IYoZonlng ay._ By~aw No, 2003-25
- Bulk Sales Establlshmant - Agricultural
- Food Processing, Primary
- Nursery
- Kannalln accordance with Section 6.37
· Industry, Non· Effluent Producing
.2 By·law No,: 97-03 (Guaratta)
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: ·C3-bt
Exception to Zone Prov;sions:
_ a da1acl1ed residential dwellin9 may ba pennltted as an a ry usa to tha principal residence
for owner, manager or caretaker of the permitted non-reside" 81 use.
,3 By-law No.: Not avaliabla
SUbject Lands: P. Lot 6, Con 10
Special Zone: 'C3-c'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
_ motel, existing coun1ry Inn, and uses accessory thareto s II ba permitted in accordance with
Saclion 21.2 'C5-Zona Provisions'
.4 By·law No.: 8342 (Carson)
Subjact Lands: pt, Lot 50, Cone, 1 NDR. (KIncardine Twp)
Special Zona: 'CW'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
The Permitted Uses shall be limlled to:
- Farm Implemant Eslabllshment
- Vetarinary Clinic
· Bulk Salas Eslabllshmant - Agricultural
· Food Processing, PrImary
· Nursery
- Kennel in accordance witt! Section 6.37
· Induslry, Non-Effluent Producing
· Automobile Repair Eslabllshment
- Commercial Motor Vahlcle Repair Eslabllshment
- the minimum lot area shall be 1,400 square metres.
· tha minimum front yard shall ba 7.5 matres.
- the minimum side yard shall be 3.5 metres on one skie and 1 metres on the opposite side.
- the maximum lot coverage shall be 35%.
Munlcipøllty of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By.I....
February 12, 2003
By~aw No. 2003-25
20,1 SCOPE
Local Commerclel uses permitted only within the urban area boundar! s of Kincardine and TlV8I1on on
lands appropriately designated In the Kincardine Official Plan or Tlverton Secondary Plan
In any C4 - Local Commercial Zone, no person shall use any bulldin . structure or land nor erect any
building or structure except In accordance with the following provisions:
· Prohibited
· Convenlenca Store
· laundromat
· Personal Selvlce Establishment
· Public Park
· Video OutletlRental Establishment
20.3 ZONE PROVISIONS ed, aJter or use any building or
No person shall within any Local Commercial Zone use any lot or e
structure except in accordance with the following provisions:
Lol Area (Minimum) 930 square metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) 30 metres
Front Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Exterior Side Yarn (Minimum) 6 metres
Inlerlor Side Yerd (Minimum) 3 metres
Rear Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Building Height (Maximum) one storey
Planling Strip and/or Privacy Fence Refer to Section 6,16
Maximum Lot Coverage (Principal Building) 20%
Commercial Floor Aree (Maximum) :1\ For anyone L se 140 square metres
II Total for one I 560 sauare metres
.1 A maximum of four (4) dlfferenl Local Commercial Uses wil be ..rmltted on one lot within a 'C4'
,1 By-law No,: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'C4.a'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time.
Municipality of Kincardine 73 February 12, 2003
Comprehensive Zoning By-lawI By-law No. 2003-25
21.1 SCOPE
Ftesort Commercial uses arB permitted only within the urban area be ndary of Kincardine and on lands
appropriately designated in the Kincardine Official Plan.
In any C5 - Resort Commercial Zone, no person shall use any build n g, structure or land or erect ány
buiding or structure except in accordance with the foflowing provisions:
· ProhibUed
· Hotel or Motel · Public Pan
· Marina · Restauran
· Marine. Recreation Bnd Small Engine · Restauran Take-OUt
Establishment · Restauran Portable Food Outiel
· Perking Lot
· Place of Entertainment
No person shall within any Resort Commercial Zone use any lot or rect, alter or use any building or
structure except in accordance wl1h the following provisions:
Lot Area (Minimum) 700 square metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) 15 metres
Front Yard (Minimum) 6 metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 3 metres
i) where abutting an djoining C5 lot Not required
Interior Side Yard (Minimum) ~¡ ~ere abutting a , sÏdentlal zone 6 metres
m where abuttlno an other zone 3 metres
Rear Yard (Minimum) :1, ~ abutting a pt blic parking 101 Not required
ii where abu . other use 7.5 metres
BuNdlng Height (Maximum) 10.5 metres
Planting Sb1p and/or Privacy Fence Refer 10 Section 6.1!
Maximum Lot Coverage (Principal Building) 20%
Commercial Roor Area (Maximum) ~tor anyone use 140 square metres
ñ Total for one lot 560 sauare metres
21.3.2 Zone Provisions for a Boardina House
Refer to SacIioo 14,
21.... 70ne Prov . a MArina M , & Small Enoln . hmon"
Refer to SectIon 1 8.2.2 'Zone Provisions for Automotive or Marin., Recreation and Small Engine
Establishments' of thia By-law axcepling however, that:
Muniâpallty of Kincardine 74 February 12, 2003
Comprehensive Zoning ~ By-law No. 2003-25
I) Where a lot abuts a public or navigable water body the yard uiramenta shall not apply,
21.3.4 Zone Provisions for Hotels and Motels
Refer to Section 18.2.3 'Zone Provisions for Hotels and Motals' of this y-iew.
.1 BY-¡aw No,: Not used at this tima
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'C5-a'
exception to lone Provisions:
- Not used al this line.
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By_
Febl\lOljl 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
22.1 SCOPE
Business Park uses are permttted only within the urban area be ndarles of Kincardine on lands
designated 'Business ParK' In the Kincardine OffIcial Plan.
In any C6 - Business Park Zone. no person shaH use any building. stru ure or land nor erect any building
or structu'" except In accordance with the following provisions
. Prohibited
C8 - Large Format C8 - Highway Salvlce Commercial C6 . Light IndusbiaJ
· Business or · Assembly Hell · Commercial Motor Vehicle
Professionai Office · Automobile Car Wash Repair Establishmant
· Fitness Canlre · Automobile Gas Bar · Commercial Motor Vehicle
· Funeral Horne · Automobile Rental Establishment Sales Establishment
· RetaD, Large Format · Automobile Repair Establishment · ComputerlData Processing
· Service Shop · Automobile Sales ~ishment Cenlre
· Supermarket · Automobile Service Station · Conlreclors Yard
· Banquet Hall · Industrial Use. Light
· Building Supply & Sales · Public Garage
· Bus Depot · Research Establishment
· Commercial College or School lLabo",1oIy
· Convenience Store · Warehouse
· Dry-Cleaning Establishment · Warehouse. Mini Storage
· Farm Implement Establishment
· Hotel or Motel
· Laundromat
· Marine, Recreation and Smaß
Engine Establishments
· Nursery
· Personal Service ~Iishment
· Place of Entertainment
· Rental Establishment
· Restaurant
· R_urant. Tak&-Out
· Travel Trailer Sales
· Veterinary Clinic
· Video OutlefJRentaI Establishment
No person shall within any Business Park Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure
except in accordance with the following provisions
C6 . Large Format Commercial
and C6 -I ght Industrial
H"'hwav Salvi.. Commercial
Not applicable 1850 us'" me1res
Minimum Lot Area
Municlpellly of KIncardine
Comprøhensive Zoning ~
February 12, 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
Minimum Lot Frontage 15 mel1ea 30n el1ea
Minimum Front & 6 metres (see Footnote 'e') 12n !res (see Footnote 'a')
Extenor Yard
Minimum Interior Side .. metres on one side and 1.2 metres 4m tres on one side and 1.2 metres
Yard ':.'\ the _ (see Footnote 'b' and o~/ other (see Footnote 'b' and
'c' 'c'
Minimum Rear Yard 6..';,etres (see Footnotes 'a', 'b' and :;~r etres (see Footnotes 'a', b' and
'c' 'c'
Maximum Lot Coverage 75% 75%
Minimum Separation
Distance belween 4.6 metres 4,6r etres
Pnnclpla Buildi1gs or
(a) Notwithstanding the above setback provisions, when any Fron~ :xterior or Rear Yard abuts
Highway #9 or Highway #21. the minimum yard setback shall be 45 metres.
(b) Notwithstanding the above setback provisions, 'Nhen any Interior Side Yard or Raar Yard abulo a
Planned Developmant, Residential zone or residential use. the n Inimum yen:! setback shall be 30
(c) When any portion of a main buDding Is greatarthan 12 metres In helgh~ the Minimum Interior Side
Yard and Minimum Rear Yard setbacks shall be increased by O. metres for every m_ over 12
22.4.1 DDen Storece and Outdoor DisDIav Areas
.1 'Open Storage', of goods, merchandise, ma1ariais or equlpmen _ than motor vehicles, travel
trailers, boats, and other recreational vehicles offered for sale, S all only be allowed to the side and
rear of buildings and structures provided that:
I) Such open storage is accessory to the use of the princq e building on the lot;
Ii) Such open storage complies with the minimum yard reè lrements of the C6 zone;
Ii) Such open storage is visuatly screened from the street y a fance, wall or Planting ~,
.2 Outdoor Display Areas for .molor vehicles, travel lrallers, boat . and other recreational vehicles
offerad for saie, shall be allowed in the fron~ exterior or rear yan provided that;
i) The Outdoor Display Arees are nol permitted in any n ulred minimum yards of the C6
zone; and
II) The Items displayed in the OUtdoor Display Arees , re reJeted to the Large Fonna1
Commercial. Highway Service Commercial or Ught Ind", ~ use on the lot; and
iii) The Outdoor Display Areas shall not Inhibit visibility bian as nor occupy space required for
a Planting Strip as required by SectIon 22.42 or Lan Open Space as required by
Section 22.4.3,
2242 Plantinc SbiD
.1 Notwithstanding Section 6.16 'Planting Sbip/PrIvacy Fence'uof this By-law, a 'Planting Strip' a
minimum of 30 metres in wktth and stocked with mature con~ :>us and deciduous trees shall be
established and maintained along the boundary betwaen any C6 one and any Residential zon..
Municipality of KIncardine 77 February 12, 2003
Comprehensive Zoning By-I8¥ICI By-law No. 2003-25
22.4.3 LandscaDed ODen Beace
A minimum of 2 metre. of 'Landscaped Open Space' shall be
yards on all 1018, excepting a driveway, and no parking shall be
Open Space',
,2 A minimum of 1,2 metres of 'Landscaped Open Space' shall be provided along all Interior and
Rear yards on all lots, excepl where a driveway or where linked parking or a mutual driveway is
utiized, end no parking shall be permitted within this 'Landsca Open Spece'.
vlded elong all Front and Exterior
ermitted wllhln this 'Landscaped
224.4 Loadino Soace
Refer 10 Section 6.15 'Loading Space' of this By-law.
22.4.5 Off-street Parklna
Refer to Section 6,17 'Off-Street Parking Requlremenls' of this By-law.
22.4.6 MultiDle Buldinas on One Lot
More than one Principle building or structure shall be permitted on a 101 provided that ell_ provisions
of this By-law ere adhered 10.
22.4.7 Offices A--sorvto a Permitted Use
A business ofIice(s) serving the principle use(s) on a lot shell be perm'
Ion 6.4 'Accessory Buildings &
22.4 8 Automobile Gas Bars & Automobile Service Station
.1 Minimum setbacks for gasoline pumps, nalu'al gas andI or ane faclllIes
All gasoline pumps, natural gas andI or propane !acUities shal be s ck a minimum of 7.5 metres from
the curbing of the pump island to any lot line.
,2 Entry Remps
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other section. there shall be no ore than one entry ramp for each
15 metres of street frontaga and the width of any enby ramp shall not ceed 9 metres et the _line.
,3 Surfacing
The surfaces of all ramps, drivaways, service areas and off-street loa ing areas shall be surfaced with a
capped, hard top substance such as asphalt, or other stable surface tr 10 p..........t the seepsge of any
spilled fuel and/or o1her potantial hazardous materials.
22.4.9 Þ.t":r-ACflUVV Buildinas & StrucbJres
Accessory Buildings & S1rucIures shsn be located in accordance with
By-law No,: 1999-10,1999-78 (Business Park)
Subject Lands: Part Lot 1, Concession 1 SDR. (Kincardine)
Special Zone: 'C6...-h'
Exception 10 Zone Provisions:
i) For those lands within the 'C6·a-h' zone and tdentlfied as
Schedule 'A' attached hereto, Council may consider rem
Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, once Ills setlsfIBd that the poll
have been met that all selVlcing and traffic related issues
Agreement has been entered Inlo,
Ii) Prior 10 considering the removal of the 'h' for deIIel
warehousing usas, Councll shall be presented with a ma
long term economic Impact of such development on tha
subject property on the attached
of tha 'h' In accordance with the
raqulrernenls of the Official Plan
eddressed and that a Site Plan
nt proposals Involving retell
enalysis study that Idenlifias the
mman:ial base of the community,
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive ZOning By-tfie
February 12. 2003
~ No. 2003-25
specifically on the downtown core, A quellfled independent Ird perty, es approved by Councß,
shaJ either prepare such market studies. All costs assocla with the preparation and review
of such studies shal be the responsibility of the develop . Such market studies shall be
presented to the BfA, Chamber of Commerce and the go oral public for their comment and
review, prior to Councl's consideration of the development reposa!.
III) Notwithstanding Subsection II) noted above, Council may
development proposals from preparing a market study. p the development proposals
Involve the expansion of an existing business within the Mu Iclpellty, or \he estabiishment of a
MW business Iype wtûch is not presenity rapresenled within municipality.
.2 By-law No.: 1999-09 (Canadian Tire)
Subject Lands: Part Lot I, Concession 1 SDR, (Kincardine)
Special Zone: 'C6-b'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- the minimum front yard shall be no less than 15 metres.
- the minimum yard when abutting a 'Residential Zone' shall be 0 less than 30 metres.
o the minim.... yard when abutting Highway #9 or #21 sheß be Jess than 4S metres.
,3 By-law No.: 1999-10,1999-78 (Business PaI1<)
Subject Lands: Part Lot I, Concession 1 SDR, (Kincardine)
Spacial Zone: 'C6-c-h'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- For those lands within the 'C6-c-h' zone and Identified as th subject property on the attached
Schedule 'A' attached hereto, Councß may consider removal the 'h' In accordance with the
Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, once II is satisfied that the policy req Irements of the Official Plan have
been met that all servicing end traffic related Issues are eddress and that a Site Plan Agreement
has been entered into.
,4 By-law No.: 1999-10
Subject Lands: Pert Lot I, Concession 1 SDR (Kincardine)
Special Zone: 'C6-d'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- The Permitted Uses shall be limited to a 30 melre buffer rea consisting of a planting stJ1>
slocked with coniferous and deciduous trees.
.5 By~aw No,: 1999·10
Subject Lands: Part Lot 1, Concession 1 SDR (Kincardine)
Special Zone: ICG...'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- The Permitted Us.. shall be limited to those permitted In the 'RI' zone and in accordance with
the R1 zone provisions
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-Iawe
FebruOlY 12, 2003
~ No, 2003-25
23.1 SCOPE
Hamlet Commercial uses are permitted only within the HamSet comm nities of Annow, Bervie. Glammis,
Inverl1uron, Millarton, Underwood, and North Bruce as dasignated c Schedule 'A': Land Usa (South
Section) of the County of Bruce OffIcial Plan.
No person shall within a C7 - Hamlet Commercial Zone use any lot 0 erect, alter or uae any building or
structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses:
· A Single Detached Dwelling existing at the date of passing of this B Haw
· An 'Accessory Dweillng UnR - Apartmenr in accordance with Sectic 6.5
· Convenience Store
· Laundromat
· Personal Service Establishment
· Public Park
· Restaurant
· ResIaIJrant, Take-Out
· Raslauran!, Portable Food Outlet
· VeterlnBly Clinic
· Video OuUeURental Establishment
No person shall within any Hamlet Commercial Zone use any lot or recto alter or use any buDding or
structure except in accordance with the following provisions:
Minimum Lot Area 2.500 square mebes 1,500 squ re metres 550 square metres
Minimum lot Frontage 30 metres 30melres 15mebes
Minimum Lot Frontage - 43 metres 33mebes 16mebes
Corner Lot
Minimum Front Yard 7.5 metres 7,5 metres 7.5 metres
Minim.." Rear Yard 10 metres 10 metres 10 metres
Minimum Side Yard 5 metres 5mebes 1.5 metres
Minimum Exterior Side Yard 7.5mebes 7.5 metres 7.5 metres
Max. Retaii floor area per non- 325 square metres 325 squan metres 325 square metres
residential use
Maximum Building Helgh!- 10 metres 10 metres 10 metres
Princioa! Buildino
Maximum BuUdlng Height 4 metres 4 metres 4 metres
Access"", S1ructure
Maximum Lot c~::nge 15% 25% 40%
IPrincioaJ Bulldln
23.3.2 Zone ProvlsÞons for a Church
Refer to Section 31.
Mooicipality of Kincardine 80 Fabrua'Y 12, 2003
Comprehensive Zoning By-I_ By-law No. 2003-25
.1 By~aw No.: 98-31 (Kuepfer)
Subject Lands: PI. LoISO, Concession 1 NDR, (Kincardine T [Bervle Sideroad]
Special Zone: ICT-a'
Excaption to Zone Provisions:
Tha Permitted Uses shall be limited to the following:
- Farm Implemen1 Establishment
- Veterinary Clinic
- Livestock Assembly Yard
- Bulk Fuel St~
- Bulk 5ales Establishment - Aglcullural
- Food Processing, Pri'nary
- Feed 101111 & Elavator
- Nursery
- Kennel In accordance with Section 6.37
- Transport Depot
-Industry, Non-Effluent Producing
Municipality of KIncardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-I_
Fel>ruary 12. 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
No person shell within a ca - Travs! Trailer Park and Campground ZO e use any lot or erect, alter or use
any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the foil wing uses:
· A Singe Detached Dwelling existing at !he date of passing 01 this B ~aw
· AA Accessory Detached Dwelling
· CampgroLl1d
No person shell within any Travel Trailer Park and Campground Zone , sa any 101 or eract, altar or usa any
building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions:
Minimum Lot Area Campground
Maximum Lot Area Campground
Minimum Lot Frontage Campground
Minimum Set Back All Uses - All Lot Lines
4 hectares
20 hectares
60 metres
15 metres (See Footnote 'a')
Minimum Area of Campsite
Maximum Density of Campsites per Campground
Minimum Open Space per Campground
Maximum Number of Campsites
235 square metres
25 sites per hectare
(a) Where a yard is edjacent to an abutting property zoned 'CS, !he minimum satback for eacl1
campground site from that 101 line shall be 5 metres.
~Q & Roads
Each campsite within a Travel Trailer Par1< and Campgroun shall be located on an intemaI
access road which shall have a dust free surface and shaÙ a minimum travelled width 01 4
metres for one-way Iraffic and 6 metres for two-way Iraffic flow.
,2 ~
The Travel Traw Park and Campground shall provide a com nunal or municipal water ~am,
appropriate sewage disposal facilities, solid waste disposal, ann dralnege, alaclrical service,
street lighting, telephone and road maintenance.
,3 f£!!iJg
Eacl1 campsite shall be prcwIded with one car parking space 81 d visitor parking shall be provided
on the basis 01 one space for every three (3) campsites,
Municipality of KIncardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-I_
Fel>ruary 12, 2003
By-1ow No. 2003-25
.4 Camosite Plantina Area
A planting area having a minimum width of 1 metre and con Isting of a dense screen of shrubs
and evergreen _. minim.." 1 metre high when plenled sh I be plenled and maintained elong
the side end rear of all campsites.
.5 Tra I and earn Pia' S' F ce
A Plenting Strip/Privacy Fence shell be provided around a Tra I Trailer Perk and Cempground as
per Section 6.21.
.6 Site Plan Control
A Travel Traler Park and Cempground may be subject to S' Plan Control as per the Planning
Act RSO 1990.
.1 By-law No.: Not used at this time
SUbject Lands:
SpecIal Zone: 'C8a'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used al this time.
Munldpallty of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-I......
FeblUSl)' 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
25,1 SCOPE
Goneral Industrial uses are pennilled only within the urban area boun aries of Kincardine or TTVOrton on
lands deslgnaled 'Industrial'ln the KIncardine 0ffIcIa Plan or TlVertonS ICOOdary Plan.
In any MI - General Industrial Zone, no person shall use lI'1y buidl . structure or lend nor erect any
building or structure except In accordance with the following provisions:
· A Singe Detached Dwelling existing at the dale of passing of this B aw
· Automobile Repair Eslebllshment · Industrial se
· Commercial Motor Vehicle Repair · ParkingL ~
Establishment · Public Ga ~~
· Commercial Motor Vehicle Sales · RentalE. abllshmont
Establishmont · Research Esleblishment ILaboratory
· Computer/Dala Processing Centre · Trenspori Depot
· Contrectors Yard · Warehou e
· Convenience Store · Warehou . Mini Storage
· Bulk Fuel Depot
· Factory Sales Outlet
No person shall within any Goneral Industrial Zone use any lot or rect, aller or use any building or
structure except in accordance with the foUowing provisions:
i) Full Municipal Sa IIioes 1,850 square metres
Lot Area (Minimum) i:I, One Municipal So rvlce 3,000 square metres
111 Private ServIces 4 000 souare metres
I) Full Municipal 20 metres
Lot Frontage (Minimum) ::1, One Municipal 50 rvlce 30 metres
Private Services 40 metres
Front Yard (Minimum) g metres
Exterior Side Yard (Minimum) 9 metres
Inlerlor Side Yard (Minimum) :1, When not abuttln a Residential Zone 3 metres
" When abuttino a ~nUaI Zone 6 metres
Rear Yard (Minimum) 7.5 metres
MaXi~~~ Lot Coverage (Principal 20%
Building Height (Meximum 15 metres
,1 Open Storage
Municipality of Kincardine 84 February 12. 2003
Comprehensive Zoolog By-_ By-law No, 2003-25
The open storage of goods or met...lels shall be permitted only to e rear of the main buDding and
provided that:
I) Such open storage is accessory to the use of the main ildlng on the lot,
II) Such open storage compiles with the side yard require ents of this Section, end is located
no ctoser than 3 _ to the rear iot line;
Ui) Such open storage does not cover more than 35% the lot area or exceed twice the
ground floor area of the main buldlng on the lot, wh er is less:
Iv) Any portion of the area used for open storage where It
bu1lding is concealed from view from the street by a fen
.2 Planting Strips end/or Privacy Fence
Ref... to Section 6.18 'Planting Stripe' of this By-law.
,3 loading Spece
Ref... to SectIon 6,15 'Loading Spece' of this By-law.
.4 Off-Street Parking
Refer to Section 6.17 'Off-Stnoet Parking Requirements' of this By-law.
,1 By-law No,: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'M1-a'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time
,2 By-law No.: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'M1-b'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this lime
.3 By-law No,: 2001-23
Subject Lends: Lots 11-30 Lake Range. (Bruce Twp), [Bruce E ergy]
Special Zone: 'M1-c'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
The following uses shall be permiUed:
- electrical end heet energy plants
- alectrical and heat energy transmission and distribution feci' .
- enclllary facilities.
- edmlnlstrative offIcas, training and educetionel faclltties en
Power Corporation Act.
- aU buildings, structures, and facilities with their associated existing on the Bruce Nuclear
Power Development si1e on the dete of the enactment of this lew.
- any additions, expansions or alterations to the buildings, ctures end facilities provided the
use of Bruce Nuclear Power Development does not , end provided such addition,
expansion or atteration does not contravene any provisions of is By..taw.
,4 By-law No.: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'M1-d'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
. Not used at this time
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-IawII
FebruSl)' 12, 2003
ay-lew No. 2003-25
Munfdpallly of KIncardine
Comprehensive Zoning a¡,.1-
February 12, 200
By-law No. 2003-
No person shall within the M2 - ExIracIIve Induslrlal Zone use any lot c erect, alter or use any building or
structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses:
· Prohibited
· Pit
· auany
· Portable Asphalt Plant
· Wayside Pit or Quarry
· Buildings, structures and uses accessory to a permitted use, Inctuc ing a privata gasoline pump island
and an open storage area,
No person shall within any Ex1ractive Industrial Zone use any lot or rect, alter or use any buHdlng or
structure except In accordance with the following provisions:
Lot Area (Minimum)
Lot Frontage (Minimum)
Minimum driveway setback from any property lines
1 h ICtare
30 etres
15 atres
.1 No excavation can occur within the 'excavation setback area' of the site. 'excavation setback area'
means the area within:
i) 15 matres from the boundary of the licensed area: and
II) 30 metres from any part of the licensed area that abu :.). Class 1. CI.ss 2 or Privata
Street; .nd/or b) I.nd In use for residential purposes. the time the licence was issued ;
III) 30 metres from the top of bank of a _recurs. ; and
Iv} where an interior lot line in an M2 zone abulB land hat In separate ownership but is also
zoned M2. no 'excavstion setback area' is required.
,2 Every face of a gr.veI pit or stone quarry that Is excavated the IImft established by Section
26,3,1 shall be sloped from that Ilmft to no greater than 45 dog" .. off horizontal.
,3 Except for entrances and exits, . planting are. having . n Inlmum width of 15 metres and
consisting of. dense screen of shrubs .nd evergreen træs, m imum 1 metre high when planted
and of . type that will .ttain . minimum height of 6 metres at aturity and es well provld. . yesr
round visual b.rri.... sh.1I be planted and maintained along .n' Class I, Class 2 or Privata Street
.nd along any lot line abutting .ny Residential Zone.
.4 No aggregate pile, topsoil pile. overburden pile, or processing ~ ant of any type. or any buidlng or
structure shall be located within:
I) 30 metres of the boundary of the site; and
II) 90 metres of the boundary of the site .buttlng a CI.ss I, Class 2 or Privata Street, or .
residential dwelling existing at the time .n aggregate licence is issued. or land zoned
Residential or Insti1UtIonat when an aggregate licence is ..ued.
Munk:lpality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-IawO>
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
.5 Adequate vegatation shall ba asteblished and maintained t control erosion of any topsoil or
overburden on the site.
.1 By-law No,: Not usad at this lima
Subject Lands:
Spacial Zona: 'M2..'
Excaption to Zone ProvIsions:
- Not used at this tima
MunlclpaUty of Kincardine
ComprehenslYo Zoning By-Iaw8
February 12. 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
27.1 SCOPE
The provisions of Section 27 apply only on lends deslgneted 'A - Agri ulture' or 'R - Rural' on Schedule
'A': Lend Use (South Section) of the County of Bruce OffIclel Plan,
No person shell within the ACI - Agricultural CommerclelI IndusbiaJ Zo Ie use eny lot or erect, alter or use
any buDding or structure for any purpose except one or more of the folk Ning usos:
· A Singe Deteched Dwelling existing at the date of passing of this B -Iew
· An 'Acœsso¡y Dwelling Un~ - Apartmenf In accordence with Sectl n 6.5 but not as an accessory use
to a Abattoir or Livestock Assembly Yard
· Abattoir
· Bulk Sales Establishment - AgrIcultural
· Farm Implement Establishment
· Feed Mil & Elevator
· Food Processing, PrImary
· Livestock Assembly Yerd
· Nursery
· Public Garage
· Veterinarian Clinic
No person shall within any Agricultural Commen:ial/lndustriaJ Zone u e any lot or erect, after or use any
buldlng or structure except In eccordance with the following provisions:
Minimum lot area (private services) 4,000 quare metres
Minimum lot area (1 or more communal service) 3,000 Iquare metros
Minimum lot frontage 30 me es
Minimum front yard 15me res
Minimum side yard 5mell os
Minimum rear yard 10me res
Maximum lot coverage - Principal Building) 10%
Minimum ground floor area 70sq ore metres
Maximum height 15me res
.1 By-law No.: 94-02
Subject Lands: PI. LoI35, Cone. 1 NDR, (Kincardine Twp)
Special Zone: 'ACI-a
Exception to Zone Provisions:
-llghtnilg rod manufacturing shall be a permitted use
Municipality of KIncardine 89 February 12, 2003
Comprehensive Zoning By-I_ By-law No. 2003-25
u -
,2 By-law No.: 95-23
Subject Lands: PI. Lo1 'E' Cone. 1 NOR (Bruce Twp)
Special Zone: 'ACI-b'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
. woodstove Bnd reJated accessories sales establishment shall be a permitted use.
.3 By-Law No.: Not evaiable at this time
Subject Lands: Perl Lot I, Concession 5 (Kincardine Twp)
Special Zone: IACI-c'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
In addition to the 'Permitted Uses' 01 the ACI zone, the follow! g edditlonal use shall also be
Automobile Service Station
.4 By-law No.: Not evaDable at this line
Subjectl.ands: Lot 30, Cone, 'A' (Kincardine Twp)
Special Zone: 'ACI-d'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Greenhouses and associated retail sales establishment shall a permitted use.
.5 By-law No.: Not evaieble at this time
SUbject Lands: PI. Lot 41, Cone, 3 SDR (Kincardine Twp)
Speciel Zone: 'ACI-e'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- eutomoblle service establishment shall be a permitted use.
.6 By-law No.: Not evallable at this time
Subject Lands: PI, Lot 5, Cone, 2 (Bruce Twp)
Special Zone: 'ACI.f'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- The permitted uses shall Include a 'Public Garage'
.7 By-law No.: 98-12
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'ACI-g'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- the minimum lot area shell be 4,300 square meb'es (0.43 ha .
- the maximum lot coverage shall be 20 %.
- the front yerd shall be that portion 01 the property _ the ACI-g zone and the 20~ side
road; the rear yard shall be that portion oIlha ACI-g zona 01 the buildings and structures
within the ACI-g zone.
- open storage associated with the 'ACI-g' zone shall be p
- the repair, fabrication and servicing 01 horse drawn vehicles hall be permitted,
- the wholesale or retail 01 household wares or peris e goods and materials shall be
.8 By-law No,: 2001-æ
Subject Lands: PI. Lot 1 Cone, 11, (Kincardine Twp)
Special Zone: IACI-i'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Q) In addition to the 'Non-Resldantial Uses' permitted In the I zone, the following additional
uses shal also be permitted:
- Manufacturing 01 agriculhnllmplements and equipmen~
- Induslrial Use. Light limited to: machine shop, welding shop, lacksmith shOP. wood fabricating
- Contractors Yard;
. Building Supply and Sales;
Municipality 01 Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-Iaw8
FebnJeIy 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
- Saw or Planing Mill;
- Riding StablalEqueslrian Centra;
- Open storaga accessory to Iha permitted usa
~ Retail store or a business office accessory to a permitted us ;
· BuDdings, structures 8nd uses accessory to a permitted use
(Ii) Tha 'minimum lot area' shan be no lass Ihen 2.2 hacta as (5.4 acres)
.g ~ No: 84-35 (Housekeeping)
Subject lands: PI. Lot 1, Concassloo 4 (KIncardine Twp)
Special Zona: 'ACI-j'
Exception to Zona Provisions:
- shal only be used for Iha purposas of a retail and/or wholasa meat and groceries market
,10 By-law No: 84-35 (Housakeeplng)
Subject lands: PI. Lot I, Concassloo 4 (KIncardine Twp)
Spacial Zona: 'ACI-k'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- shall only be used for the purposes of a restaurant; restauran driv&-in; or restaurant. take-out
,11 By-law No: 84-35 (Housekeeping)
Subject lands: Pt, Lot I, Concession 4 (Kincardlna Twp)
Spacial Zona: 'ACI~'
Exception to Zona Provisions:
- shell only ba usad for Iha purposes of bulk fuel storaga
.12 By-law No.: 2002-03
Subject Lands: Lot 'D', Concassloo, 5, (Bruce Twp)
Special Zone: 'ACI-mf
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Tha following usas shall be parmltted:
- commarclal ganaratlng system (wind bJrblna operation) >urposas In accordance with Iha
'Energy Cantra Industrial' shall be a permitlad use,
· maximum height of the turbine towers shan be 150 metres, eluding the rotor radius.
· minimum setback of the turbine towers shaH be 50 metres.
The following use shall not be permitted:
- greenhouses
.13 By-law No.: 2001-24
Subject Lands: Lot 'D', Concession. 5, (Bruce Twp)
Special Zone: 5ACI-n'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
The following uses shall be parmltted:
.~ administrative offices, training and educational faCilities.
- all buildings, structures and facllltlas with their associated us IS existing on the site.
· any additions, expansions or alterations to the bUlldlngs~ ~ ctu7es and facUlties, provided such
addition, expansion or alteration does not contravene any pro Isians of this By-law,
,14 By-law No.: Not avoilable et Ihis time
Subject Lands: Pt. Lot 32, Concessloo, 12, (Kincardine Twp)
Special Zone: IACI..o'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Tha P"""ltIad Usas shall be limtted to:
- Restaurant and AccesSory Residential
,15 By-law No.: NotSYllilablaetthlstima
Subject Lands: Pt. Lot 20, ConcessIon. 'A', (Klncardlna Twp)
t.tunicipalty of·Kincardine
Compnlhonslve Zoning By-_
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
Special Zone: 'ACI-p'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
In addition to the Pe/TTI1IIed Uses of Ihe ACi zone, Ihe foil 'ng add~lonal uses shall also be
-Commercial Motor Vehicle Repair Establishment and School
.16 By-Law No,: Not aval_ allhls time
Subject Lands: PI. Lot 1, Concession 1 NOR and PI. Lot 1 Con ion 2 NOR (Kincardine Twp)
Special Zone: 'ACI-q'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
In eddition to !he 'Permllled Uses' of Ihe ACI zone, Ihe followln additional uses shall elso be
retail; buiding supply and sales; public building; res1au nt; restaurant, portable food
.17 By-Law No,: 76-13(RKMWood ProduclB)
Subject Lands: PI. Lot 31, Concession 4 (Bruce Twp)
Special Zone: 'ACt...
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Notwllhstandlng Ihe~ 'ACI' zoning daslgnation, !hose lands del es 'ACI-r' shaM only be
used for Ihe purposes of a 'saw or planning mil' In acoon:tance with Ihe 'ACI' zone provisions.
.18 By-LewNo.: 92-11 (BluewaterFlbre)
SUbject Lands: PI. Lot 30, Concession 5 (Bruce Twp)
Special Zone: 'ACI...'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
NoIwIIhstandlng their 'ACI' zoning designation, Ihoselands del neated as 'ACI-s' shall only be
used for Ihe purposes of a moulded wood fibre products m cturing plant In acoon:tance with
Ihe 'ACI' zone provisions,
Municipality of KIncardIne
Comprehensive Zoning By-lawe
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
28.1 SCOPE
The provisions of Section 28 eppIy only on lends designated 'R - Rura on Schedule 'A': Land Use (South
Section) of the Counly of Bruce 0IIic1e1 Plen,
No parson shell within the RCI- Rural Commerclel/lnduslriel Zone us any lot or erect, alter or use any
buidlng or structure for any purpose except one or more of the foIIowIn uses:
· All Resldenüal Uses permitted in the ACI Zone
· All Non-ResJdentlel Uses permitted iI the
ACI Zone
· Agriculture! Produce Warehouse
· Bulk Fuel Depot
· Contractor's Yard
· Industrial Use, Dry limited to welding shops,
blacksmith shops end wood fabricating
· Greenhouse
· Livestock Auction Bam
· Marine, Recreation end Smell Engine
Es1abIish ents
· PublicG. '8g&
· Riding St blèiEquestrian Centre
· Salvage ard
· Saw or PI ",ilg MOl
· School B s Storage
No person shal within any Rural Commercial I indusbial Zone use any lot or erect. alter or use any
building or structure except In accordanca with the following provisions:
Minimum lot area (private services)
Minimum lot area (1 or more communal service)
Minimum lot frontage '
4,000 square metres
3,000 square metres
Minimum front yard
5 me! as
10 mHes
Minimum side yard
Minimum rear yard
Maximum lot coverage (Principal Building)
Minimum ground flOor area
70 sq are metres
15 m Ires
Maximum height
.1 By-law No.: Not used at this time
Subjacl Lands:
Spacial Zone: ·RCI...·
Exception to Zona ProvIsions:
- Not used at this time
MunIcIpally of--..
ComprehBnsiYa ZonIng By__
Fabruary 12, 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
29.1 SCOPE
The provisions of SectIon 29 apply only on lands designated 'Special Pc Icy Area 'H' on Schedule 'A': Land
Use (Sooth Section) of the County of Bruce Official Plan,
No person shan within the ECI - Energy Cenlre Industrial Zone use :my lot or erect, alter or use any
building or structure for sny purpose except one or more of the following uses:
292.1 Enerav Intensive Industrial which:
· Utilize _city, heat energy, andlor _ products or b of the Bruce Nuclear Power ,
DevaIopment (BNPD) and need to be located in dose proximity to INPD to utilize the products or by-
products because of financial or physical factors.
· Utilize products or by-products of one of more uses identified in 29. .1.1 above and need to be located
in close proximity to one or more uses identified in to utUize the seid products or by-products,
· Produce products required by one or more uses identified in 292.1 1 above and need to be located In
close proximity to one or more uses Identified in 292,1.1 above to allow their products to be properly
or efficiently utilized.
29.2.2 SecondarY U8e8 Includina:
· Administrative offlcas for a use identified In 29.2.1
· Restaurant
· Convenience Store
· Public Park
29,2.3 Aoricullursl Uses Includinc:
· AgrIculture, General
No person shall within any Energy Centre Indus1rial Zone use any lot c erect. alter or use any building or
structure except in accordance with the following provisions:
Minimum lot area 2 hectara
Minimum lot fron1age 30metreo
Maximum lot coverage (Principal BuHdlng) 50%
Minimum front yard setback 15 metro!
Minimum side yard setback 6 metres
Minimum rear yard setback 10 metreo
Municipality of Kincardine 94 February 12. 2003
Camp_Zoning ay_ By-law No, 2003-25
29.3,2 Bulld;no Setbacks Little Seuble River
Notwithstanding the mininum yard setbacks ebove, the minimum etbeck far all uses, buildings or
structures adjacent to the Little Saubfe River shall be as fallows:
parcent Sloae
Satback from C. tre at RIver Bed
15 matres
27 metres
40 metres
52 metres
.1 By-law No.: Not uaed at this tima
Subject Lands:
SpæIaI Zone: 'ECI..'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time
2 By-law No.: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
Spectal Zone: 'ECI-II'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not uaed a1 this time
,8 By-law No,: Multiple Lots
Subject Lands: Bruce Energy CenInI
Special Zone: 'ECI-I1'
Exception to Zone ProvisIons:
- the 'h' holding symbol shell be removed once the Munlci~ ~ Is satisfied through registerable
~nt or otherwise that all servicing, financing and relet! a matters shall be been met to the
satisfaction at the Municipality, The Municipality shall co.~ ull with the County at Bruce. the
Minis1ry at Environment, the Atomic Energy Control Board. '" Ministry at NallJraI Resources and
the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority before praceedln' with the removal at the 'h' holding,
MunidpaUty of IOnc:an:Mne
Comprel1en81w Zoning By-I_
February 12. 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
No person shall within an Ai'port Zone use any lot or erect or use any building or structure. for any
purpose except for one or more of the following uses:
· Aircraft hangar
· Airport strip
· Driving academy
· Buildings, structures and uses accessory to a permitted use In OOlng administration and control
buidlngs, maintenance buildings, open storage area and par1dng 10
No penon shall within any Airport Zone use any 101 or erect, alter or USE any building or structure except in
accordance with the following provisions:
Minimum lot area
Not applies Ie
30 metres
Minimum lot frontage
Minimum building setbacks
front yard
side yard
rear Vard
Maximum lot coverage (Principal Building)
10 metres
15 metres
2 per 101
Maximum number of driveways
.1 No open storage area shall be permitted except in accordance iith the following provJsions:
no open storage erea shall be permitted in a front yard or exterior slda yard;
every open storage area shall be enclosed by a wall ~ lance not less than 2 metres In
helgh~ constructed of uniform material, and erected no closer to any lot line than the
required minimum building setbacks; and
no portion of any open storage area for combustible IT tanal shall be located closer than
30 metres or the required minimum building setback. ¥hichever is the greater. to any lot
.2 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, where an lands within an AIrport zone are
licensed as an airport runway under the Air Regulations of the ~~~ lies Pd, no buildings or structures
shall be erected unless in compNance with ProvIncial and Federal ~''''' regulations.
,1 By-law No.: 64-12 (Sieber)
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'N'....'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- the minimum lot area shall be 12.95 hectares.
- for the purposes of this SUbsection, the lot iine shall be earned to be the lot line abutting
Provincial Highway No, 21.
- notwithstanding Subsection 6.17 'Off-5treet Par1<lng Requin manis' of this By-law, a minimum
of 20 off-street parking spaces shall be provided.
- a maximum of four (4) airport hangars shall be permitted.
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive ZorWng By-Iawe
FebruOJy 12, 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
_ buildings, structures and uses accessory to a parmitled use I eluding administration end control
buildings, maintenance buildings, opan storage area, parking I t, and aircraft and vehicle access
routes shall be permitted,
.2 By-law No,: 64-12 (Sieber)
Subject Lands:
Special Zona: 'AP~'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- alraaft and vehicle access routes shall be permitted.
- agricultural uses, provided no buUdings or structures are shall be permitted.
.3 B~aw No.: 64-12 (Slabar)
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'AP-c'
Exception to Zona Provisions:
_ an accessory detachad dwelling for lI1e owner, manager caretaker of lI1a uses permitted
within an 'Af" Zone shall be permitted,
.4 By-law No.: Not used e11111s time
Subject Lands:
Spec!alZona: 'AP-d'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not usad at lI1i. time
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By~....
February 12, 2003
By-law No, 2003-25
No person shell within en I - InstiIutioneI Zone use any lot or erect or u " any building or structure, for any
purpose except for one or more of the following uses:
· A 'Accessory Dwelling Unk - Apartmenf as an accessory use to a 'Church' in compliance with the
provisions of Section 6.5.
· A Singe Detached Dwelling existing as 01 the date of passing of thl By~aw.
· Cemetery · Nursing ~ )/TIe
· Church · PaI1dng L Its
· Clinic · Public Bu ding
· Day Care Nursery (Licensed) · Public Pa
· Hospital · Schools
· Institution
No person shall within any Institutional Zona usa any lot or arecI, a~ r or use any buiding or structure
except in accordance with the following provisions:
PROVISIONS No Municipal Wa1ør Either I unlclpal Municipal Waler
or_ Waler c Sewer and Sewer
Minimum lot area 4,000 square metres 1,800se uare metres 5SO square metres
Minimum lot frontage 40 metres 30 mem .. 15 metres
Minimum lot frontage -comer lot 43 metres 33 mem .. 18 metres
Minimum front yard or exterior side 7.5 metres 7.5 meb .. 7,5 metres
Minimum rear yard 10me1res 10melr1 .. 10 metres
Minimum side yard 5 metres 5 metre 2 metres
Minimum ground floor area 70 square matres 70 squa . metres 70 square metres
Maximum building height 10 metres 10melr1 .. 10 metres
orlncloal bulldlno
Maximum lot coverage 15% 25% 40%
Structures or buildings used for recreation. administration or m intenance shall confonn to the
requirements of the above, save and except for the minimum J'Oun floor area may be reduced 10 30
square metres.
Municipality of _in<> 98 FobnJary 12, 2003
Comprehensive Zoning By-Iawe By-law No. 2003-25
,.""~' ,~,"".,,,
.1 By-law No,: 84-35 (Township Housekeeping)
Subject Lends: pt. Lot 53, Concession 2 SDR (Kincardine Twp
Special Zone: .....'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- The Permil1ed lJsM shall be limited to e snowmobile club
,2 By-law No.: Not used al this time
Subject Lends:
Special Zone: 'lob'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used althls tine
.3 By-law No.: Not avaIable
Subject Lends: Multiple locations
Special Zone: 'I...
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- The Pennil1ed Uses shall be limited to e cemetery
,4 By-law No,: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: '1-<1
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used et this tine
Municipality of Kincardine
COmprehensive Zoning By-Iawct
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
No pOl1lon shall within any OS - Open Spece Zone use any lot or erect or use eny bulldi1g or stnJclure for
any purpose except for one or more of !he following uses:
· An 'Accessory Dwelling Unn - Apartmenf in accordance with Sect on 6,5 used only as an accessory
use to a 'Golf Course'
· Campground In conjunction with a public . Parki1g .L<
euthorily . Centre
· Golf Course
· Public Park
No person shall within any Open Space Zone use any lot or erect, al w or use any buldlng or stnJcIure
except In eccordanca with the following provisions:
Minimum lot area Not require
Minimum lot frontage Not require
Minimum front yard 6 metres
Mlnlmum'- side yard 6 metres
Minimum interior side yard 6 metres
Minimum rear yard 7.5 metres
,1 By-law No,: Not used et this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'OS..'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
Not used at this time
MunIcIpeIJty at Kincardine 100 Fob"""y 12, 2003
i Compl9hensive Zoning By-Iawe By-law No. 2003-25
-.-- ----
SECTION 33 = J!YæIi DL""""'" ~ = ræ
No person shall within any WD - Waste Disposal Zona usa any lot or ract or use any building or structure
for any purpose except for one or more of the following uses:
· An accessory building or structure for the purpose of adminlstratio or storage facilities
· Material Rscycling Facility
· Waste Disposal Site
· Communal Sewaga Disposal System
· Sewaga Treatment Plant
No person shall within any Waste Disposal Area usa any lot or erect, tar or use any building or structure
axcept in acx:ordanca with the following provisions:
Lot Area (Minimum)
Lot Frontega (Minimum)
Not rsqulred
20 malras
Maximum lot covaraga (Principal Building) 1 %
Minimun setback from any lot or street line for 15 metres
Minimum setback (dumping or disposal of any 30 matras
wasta matari8iÙrom lot line
Maximum building height 10 metres
Minimum driveway separation
22 metres
Except for entrances and exits. plenting areas having a mnlmum wi, of 15 melras and consisting of a
densa screen of shrubs and a_green tress. mnimum 1 metra high then planted and of a t)1>8 that will
attain a minimum height of 6 metres at maturity and as well provide year round visual barrier, shall be
piantad and malntainad along any street lot line and along any lot line ,butting any Residential Zone,
,1 By-law No.: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zona: 'WD-a'
Exceptkln to Zone Provisions:
Not used at this time
Municipality 01 KIncardine
Camprehensl'" Zoning ay._
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
No person shall within any EP - Environmental ProIectIon Area Zone u e any lot or erect, alter or use any
building or slructure for any purpose except for one or more of the follol 'ng uses:
· Prohibited
· AgricuIIure, General
· Conservation _
· Public Park
· Passive Recreation
AU buildings end structures shell be prohibited In a 'EP - Envlronmen Protaction' zone except for the
a) those neceSS8ly for _ and/or erosion control purposes;
b) unenclosed picnic oheltarslstruclures;
c) washroom facIIltIas associated with a Public Park or Consarvatio _;
d) buildings for essantial public utilltias.
The Environmental Protaction Zone boundaries Identified on Schad. e 'A' are Intended 10 generally
identify areas of existing or potentlai natural hazards, areas of natural .. scientific Interest and areas of
provincial natural significance, Notwiths1and1ng Section 34.1, 'EP Environmental ProIaction' zone
boundaries are subject 10 minor changes wiIhout a Ionnal amandment 10 this By-law when approved In
writing by Saugeen Valley Conservation and the Chief Building Official of tha Corporation, Changes 10 the
'EP' boundaries shall be incorporated when required In subsequent By-Ia consolidation,
Some areas zoned es 'EP-Envi'onmental Protaction' are within a ' IIy Significant Wetland", The
Bruce County OffIcial Plan and Provincial Policies prohibit development II1d site alteration In these areas.
Provincially Significant Wetlands are shown on Schedule 'B' and ~ g part of this By-law. For more
complete Information reference should be made to the Bruce Colmly vu aJ Plan and the Saugeen Valley
Conservalion Authority,
In casas where lands are Identified as Provincially Significant Wetland In Schedule 'B' permitted uses
shall be limited to:
· Prohibited
· ForasbyfSlvlcullure
· Passive recreation, exdusive 01 buildings end structures
· No bulding or s1tuctures shall be permitted except those for _ and/or erosion control
No person shell within any Environmental ProtectIon zone use any land ( erect, aller or use any buDding
or slructure excep' in accordance with the following provisions:
Municipality 01 KIncardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-lovA>
FebruaJy 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
Minimum Building Setback from any 101 line
Maximum Building SIza
Maximum Building Height
9 square metres
3 metres
One (1)
Maximum per Lot
Maximum Building SIza
Maximum Building Height
Minimum Bolding Se1beck from any lot line
g square m_
5 metres
,1 ~aw No.: 93-10 (Inverhuron)
Subject Lands: PI. Lois 66 - 70, Cone. 'A', (Kincardine Twp)
Special Zone: 'EP-a'
Excep~on 10 Zone ProvIsions:
. . the replacement, renovation or enlargement of existin buidlngs or structures may be
permitted provided that a connection to a municipal sew. system approved under the
Ontario Weter Resourees Act is obtained .
-the 'M_um Building Helghf shal not exceed 1.5 storeys or E.1 metres above g~.
- Section 6,8 'Frontage on a Cless (1) OneStree!' of this By-law, hall not apply.. ft relates to IoIs
fronting upon a street with e perpendicular width of less than 20 melres,
- Section 6.28 Watercourse Setbacks' and Section 627 'Zoning ve, Water bodies' of this By-law
shell not apply.
- for the purposes of this paragraph where there is en establls" buDdln9 line extending on both
sides of the lot, a buDding or structure may be erected closer the eastel1y lot line, provided
such permitted buDdi'lg or structura is not erected closer the easterly lot line, than the
established building line, For the purposes of this clause, the ~Ildlng Une will be established
from the perimetar of the dwelling unft and shall not Include ..,e closed decks or open porches.
- the 'Minimum On-511e Parking' requirement shall be one spaCI per dwelling unll, the 'Minimum
Width' of such space shall be 2.4 metres end the 'Minimum ~ ~',shall be 6 m_.
- no westerly expansion of eny existing buldings or structures sh II be permitted.
- northerly or southerly e~lon of the most northerly.., sou1harly limits of existing
buildings or structures may be permitted provided that such ex oanslon does not comprise more
than a maximum of 25 % of ground floor area of the building or tructure as ft existed on May 17,
.2 By-law No.: 98-20 (COUpe)
Subject Lands: Not available
Special Zone: 'EP-b'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Open storage accessory to e permitted use within the C2 >One s all be permitted.
,3 By-law No.: 2002-103
Subject Lands: PI Lot 51 Concession A (KIncardine Twp), [part c Part 12 on 3R2654 end Part 1
on 3R6599
Special Zone: 'EP-c:'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
-the lands shall not be altered, regarded, filled or excavated
- no _ shall be removed except for proper forest management ractlces snd for safety reasons
Municipality 01 KIncardine
Comprehenshle Zoning By-iswe
February 12. 2003
By-Isw No. 2003-25
,4 By-law No.: Not used at this ijme
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'EP"¡'
exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used et this ijme
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive Zoning By-lawIÐ
February 12. 2003
By-Isw No. 2003-25
No person shall within a PD Zone use arr¡ lot or eract or use any bu' Ing or structure, for arr¡ purpose
excapt for the following:
· Uses, buildings and slNctures exisUng at tha data of passing of thl By~aw
· Parmlltad Uses In the EP _ provided that no buildings or are eracted
· Erection of accessory buildings
· E_slonslenlargaments to exlsUng agricultural buDdings shall be rohlbltad
,1 NoIwIIhstandlng the. PO ZOning designation, any single detacl ~ ,dwelling exlsUng at the data of
passing of this By~aw, may be expanded or enlarged in aocordanca. '"' the provisions of the 'RI' zone
where the lot fronts onlo a Class One street or the 'RI->' zone where th lot fronts onto a Class 2 Slreet or
Privata SIreeI,
.2 Buildings and structures accessory to a single detached dwelliJ1 :!xiSting althe data of passing of
this By-law, may be ereeled. expanded or enlarged in accordance '"' the provisions of Section 6.4
'Accasaory Buidlngs and Structures'.
.1 By-law No.: 85-11 (Smiley)
Subject Lands: PI. Parl< Lot 'A', Cone. 'A', (Kincardine Twp)
Special Zone: 'P).e'
Excap1ion to Zone Provisions:
- Notwiths1ending arr¡ yard provisions of this By-law, no IOI'SOn shall hereaftar eract any
permanent building or structure closer than 30 malres from th top-ot- bank of any body of water
or watercourse.
.2 By-law No.: Not used at this time
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'PO""
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time
,3 By-law No.: Not used at this Ume
Subject Lands:
SpecIal Zone: 'PD-c'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time
.4 By-law No.: 93-26 (Hayhurst)
Subject Lands: PI. LoI51, Cone, 'A', (Kincardine Twp)
Spacial Zone: 'PIkI'
Exception to ZOne Provisions:
- The 'Minimum Distance Separation' that must be maintalr ed from tha barn located to \he
northeast on Lot 52, Concession A shall be 114 metres,
,5 By-law No,: Not used at this Ume
Subjact Lands:
Special Zone: 'PD-e'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used al this time
By-few No.:
Not used at this time
Municipality 01 Kincardine
Comp__ ZOning By-_
February 12, 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'po-r
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- Not used at this time
.7 By-Iew No,: Not used at this lime
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'PD.g'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
. Not used at this time
,8 B~ew No.: Not Available
Subject Lands: PL Lot 1 Cone, 2 SDR (KIncardine)
Special Zone: 'PO""
Exception to Zone Provisions:
- An _9 veterinal)' clinic shell be permitted,
.9 By-Iew No.: Not Avanable
SUbject Lands: Various locations
Speclel Zone: 'PD-j'
Exception to Zone Provisions:
In addition to permitted uses In 'PO':
I) Buildings and S1ructures permitted In 'A2' zones, same and cept livestock housing facUlties
shen be limited to 3.7 livestock units per dlable hectare.
ii) a detached residence In accordanca wi1h 1he 'R1' provisions.
.10 By-law No.: Not used at this lime
Subject Lands:
Special Zone: 'PO-k'
ExceptIon to Zone Provisions:
. Not used at this time
Comprehensive Zoning By-I_
February 12, 2003
By-Iáw No. 2003-25
In the event of sny conflict or inconsistency between this By-law and oth r general or special By.Iaw or the
Corporation, !he provisions 01 this By-law _ prevail,
From the coming into force of this By-law, all previous By-laws passed clar Section 34 of !he Planning
Act, R.S.O, 1990 as amended. '" a pradacessor !hereof, shall be d ed to have been repeeled except
to tha extent that any of !he said By-Iaws prohlblt8!he use of any land, IIdlng '" s1ructure for a purpose
that Is also prohibited by this By~aw.
The following applications have been submltled to the Munlcipall1y 01
various Comprahenslve Zoning By-Iaws currenUy In force ond
'Appllcaliona in Process' have not been resolved by Council as 01 !he
Is Intended that the policies of the relevant Comprehensive Zoning By~
following 'applications in-process':
I) Timeless Homes Inc,; Lots C, 0, & E, Registered Plan 61, form r Town of KIncardine (File No, Z-
II) Munlcipall1y 01 KincardlnelCetherine ~e; Part Lot 1, C
former Township 01 Bruce (File No. Z-45-02.26)
iii) OrvIlle & Merlon Fitzgerald; Part Lot 4, Registered Plan 257 (8 Princes Street). former Town 01
Kincardine (File No. MJ3I03.22)
Iv) Gee Farms Lid,; Part Lot 46, Concession 1, NDR, former T hip 01 Kincardine (File No.: Z-47-
Incarcllne for amendment to the
In !he Munlcipall1y. These
of the passage of this By-law. It
be retained as they relate to the
This By-law shall come Into force on the date Ills pessed by Councl
Plannlna Ad.. R.S.O. 1990 as amended.
subject to the provisions of The
Municipality of Kincardine
Comprehensive ZOning ~
Fobruery 12. 2003
By-law No. 2003-25
~unlcl .:IHty of Kincardine
Schedu e I,,' Zoning Mapa
Key Map
Guide for'~
So Villages and _Ants.
Referlo Møpe 18.17.18
IWIr D MIp 27
Refllrlo MIIp 31
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