HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 021 land sale dunlop e e e e THE CORPORATION OF TIlE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW NO. 2004 - 21 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SA E OF LAND TO JAY DUNLOP AND AMELIA DU LOP (Plan 61, Pt Lot 11, Park Street) WHEREAS Section 268 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 001, c. 25, as amended, provides for procedures for the sale of lands de ared surplus by municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine has declared as urplus to its needs those lands described as Plan 61, Pt Lot 11, Park Street, unicipality of Kincardine (former Town of Kincardine) in the County of Bruce; AND WHEREAS Jay Dunlop and Amelia Dunlop wish to purchase from the Municipality of Kincardine those lands described as Plan 61, Pt Lot 11, Park Street, Municipality of Kincardine, (former Town of Kincardine) in the County of Bruce being more particularly described on the Agreement of P rchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule "N; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of th Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor and CAO. be authorized to execute suc documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardi e, as they may deem advisable to convey the lands described on Sche ule "A" attached hereto, to Jay Dunlop and Amelia Dunlop. The sale price for the said lands shall be thirty-nine ousand dollars ($39,000.00). 2. 3. This transaction is subject to the conditions outlined in t e Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule" "; and, that fifty per cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Kincardine Economic Development Fund; and fifty per c nt (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Municipal of Kincardine Capital Reserve Fund. .../2 e e e e \ , Plan 61, PI Lot 11, Park Street (Dunlop) Land Sale BJLaw By-Law No. 2004 - 21 I Page2of2 I ! ¡ This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its 1nal passage. This By-law may be cited as the "Plan 61, Pt Lot 11, Pa{k Street (Dunlop) Land Sale By-law". ! ! READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and DEEMED TolBE PASSED this 25111 day of February, 2004. i I 4. 5. ~{(.k Mayor , -I . DIRECTION RE: TITLE TO: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE RE: DUNLOP purchase from MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (11 Albert Street, Kincardine) We, Jay Dunlop and Amy Dunlop, hereby authorize and direct you to draw title to the subject property as follows: _.. TÇ>M K~RR H,I;A TIN(3 ª' AIR CONDITIONING LTD. Address for service: P.O. Box 7, Listowel, Ontario N4W 3H2 and this shall be your good and sufficient authority for so doing. DATED at the Municipality of Kincardine this f).o-tJ. day of April, 2004 Q~ ;4ay Dunlo .A:4 [)(jJ j C:f Amy Du p . . . PURCHASER'S UNDERTAKING RE: GST SELF-ASSESSMENT (SECTION 221 [2]) TO: The Corporation of the Municipality ofK.incardine AND TO: Mahood & Darcy, its solicitors herein RE: Tom Kerr Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd. p/fMunicipality of Kincardine Part of Park Lot II, West of Park Street, Plan 61, being Part>2b=fi Reference Plan 3R-7874, Municipality ofK.incardine In consideration of and notwithstanding the closing of the above noted transaction, the undersigned hereby: (a) represents and warrants to the Vendor that for the purposes of the federal goods and services tax ("GST") pursuant to the Excise Tax Act of Canada (the "Act"), the undersigned is a registrant under the Act and the undersigned's registration number is 1 05309488; (b) undertakes to remit any GST payable on the above-noted purchase to the appropriate governmental authorities pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and (c) agrees to indemnifY and save harmless the Vendor ITom and against any and all GST, penalties, costs and/or interest which may become payable as a result of the failure by the undersigned to comply with this undertaking. The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that the foregoing shall survive and not merge upon the closing of the above-noted transaction. Dated at Guelph this g+. day of April , 2004. Per: Tom Kerr sident I have authority to bind e corporation f -ZOD4 II:BO.. FrGl"ROYAL LEPAGE EXCHANGE REALTY CO. B1838.Z337 · .. ~...... .... .11 ... ......,,,._ ur UNTAmYJ . . . - - - . . . . . J~~'!'!P.~~~I!I!09... _ _.... . ...--....... The Municipality of KIncardine . . . . . . . - . . . M..........;,..š.....¡ - . . . . . /u¡:;:ß ¡f; l~'¡ ð ¡.is. ;;;. ,--' Iram . - - ~ . - . . . . . IIÙI rK~n i8 condJlIønaI tar die Buveø 1D MtW¡ hiIIIseIf on øas:h of the fDJJawIng Items: $eJJer cavenuts end ... to supply to 1I1e BuyIIni, at the SBIIer's 6ApeI.... II cunent SUlVIIy pnlpanICI by Lind SUrveJDr¡ the Buyers Clblalni/lg at their e)CþeI\S& aU approvals nee 11 , for the ~lIÓbuctJøn and oc:cupation of gs lIIqIIirwd by them on the above propetty, çpnwed bJ the tb'lß"8II YaJJey CønservatiDn AutbDlfty, failing this aø-ent shall Þecome nup and WIld and the Buyers' depoSIt shall be retumed tø them in fulL II the 8UyeJs ÞeinIilIltlJe Ie arrange financing suitllble tø them in UleJr abscIIutiE! discretion. J¡R 7' II r If¡ further condiIiønal upon tIIIapprDVal of the IIInns hereof by Mé Munidpal !;¡.;,f;r ~~ of Klncanfine. If of the .rGrementionecl conditionl: .. not fulfilled wiIbIn SIXTY (8D) ... foIIøwinlil 8I:œptance of this offer by .. then IhIs offer shall br J_ null and void and the BuyIø' ~ ahall be returned tD tIwn In fuR ~t or~. Tbi8 condition i8 IncJucIed by the benefit of the Buyers and mar be waived by them at Ie opIÏOII wiIIIln the time period 8Ik ..-d. ._ __. _. 11~.~~.n~ " _ _. .þonrinøontñc. .N'ilr:tI!...oIð ._ _ __.... . .. . . .. --. .. . . -- . I 6Y- ~. J:GJII!I_~~~'!8_. -. . .., - . Jf:~' . ., . H . .....of . . _. . . ~.I~ _ . ..........0( . . . ~. . l-Jr~ .. _ ....r....,' iL.cI... . _ ... .. ., Plan !II ft.~1.111.:'~~~~J~~~of~t~)"~~~~. . .. __ . . . _ . . . - - - - . . . . . . - . . . . . . - -~ä~,~..-B.:;......~ - - . . . . . . . -. ·t.,.,..:-~ PU __ _ . . . . . . . . ~ ~:~~:r!f0U~ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ . .. c.ur...(C )NS... _ ~~I:Ur- _ .. I D L. .U,PO~"-:~~~ -f 1.... . . .~~!4P~_ _ _. . _ _ _ DoIøo/CDNI. _.,. SOD.~O.... _ ,_ _-L. ...........to. r . . _ . . . .~~~~..,,~~ç~ . . . _ . _ . .ID lie hoW.. _,.....rq......,....,.,... ...""".....__... "'... croo/iIeoI-...._ .. -....... Bupor_IiI"""tho ........w..-- 119'" to fI8Y the bIIIanœ 01 the pui..lli. price, subject to .dJ""~."""ts, in cab or by .....If&d dleque, Seller an the oarnpJelion of thi811- a-,", ~ . .. - . - .. .. t. . . . . . . .~~_ _.... . _.......r,.od__fornoþ ...,,,..............., , 1NCLUD1IIo· No..... ..-.oO. ., ~~.__....._._...~.... .......__......._. .......~ _................. .. _ . . - .. .. . . . .. _ _ _ .. .. .. .. _ . _ _ . . ~ . . _ .. _ .. .. . _ . ~ .. . ~ . .. . - .. .. ~ .. - - - .. .. .. .. .. .. - - .. . . .. . - - . .. .. .. . 2. 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'. .. .. .. .... ......................... £££-~ tOQltDO"d .tZ-l l££Z98£B15 .. .. .. -.........b.:. .. ....c.: ~..;..:..:..:....J":..=.:-=,':'. .. .. .. . .. .. "IX) .u1YiI !l1MDX3 !lYd31 1YAoø-¡~ -15: II tDDz-tD-q·~ 11 : BO.. F r_ROV AL LEPAGS EXClWlGE REALTY CO. mS8BZ33T T-Z48 P. 0031004 F-m ........ .a........ ... . V' .". AGlEfMENT OF PURC:HA5E AND SALE (FOR USE IN 1'HE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) tdìI ,. -¡No iI..nochtod... """ fvmw part rJ!he "ø.........t oÆ............ ..,.¡ Sale ........, Jay DunloP and AmelIa DunloP . -.-..... .............. -..' ... -.-....... ..... --..... ...... -- -......... . . __ q . . . . .. _ ., ,!,,!-1I)I~1!1c?I~~~!1'!.. . """.....__.... 1'~~_~Ki)~t~_.. _....... ........ -...... . Jand . .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. ........ -... lor .. .. ... .. - .. .. .. .. .. . .......... -- , .. .. - .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. . .. .. .. - .. .. .. - .. . -.... -.... ............ -...... ..-...... -. f>Yjf~ . . "'"" ... inItIalIod bt aU parIIeo 110 !he ~..F........... SaIe. ,.;¡.j", . - . . - . . -- . - ''-biuiløp'' - - . . . - . -. ~_.~~~~~~.~..__..- .;.;¡ . . -- . .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. . - .. .. .. - - - .. .. .. . .. .. - .. .. - . . .. .. - !IlEA .. tOO~ AiñeiJå DùrÏ'óp .. . q - .. . p ¡sa.;,'" _ 0. ........ _ prInI(n ........ I "'l1li the JI ...__....-. l1li1 ........ ,... Of"" JlJtIJIetIAl UiMir IJøAI;r 1M, nJI3II nlnRORPATO VV~ 'r·~~·~u &_'~~_.ft -¡--/ I' Steve MIDT8Y · 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. · 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. · Page I 02/05/04 Municipality of Kincardine Surplus Lands Disposal Process Plan 61, Part Lot II, Park St Kincardine (West lot) Roll # 41 08220 001 02702 January 2003 staff begins looking at potential properties for phase two of land sales. EDC members Jim Cameron and Councilor Barry Schmidt visit properties with staff. Valuations are completed by local real estate agent Sam Finnie in July, and title searches completed by Sam Farrell. EDC reviews the list of properties in August. Properties distributed to departments for comments to determine if they are surplus to the Municipalities needs. September council deems 7 properties surplus. OctoberlNovember properties are advertised in local papers as having been deemed surplus. November staff recommends not selling one property because it may be needed for future road expansion. A second property is on hold as it awaits Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority approval. At the December EDC meeting a random draw is held to determine which real estate agents will receive which properties. Agents begin to sign appropriate documentation to list properties. Agents lists subject property December 18th, 2003. For sale sign is placed on the property December 18th, 2004 and no offers will be signed back until after a 10 day period. Municipality signs agreement to sell January 21st, 2004. '~ ~ , ~ ~,~/ ~, ~, '-..., ~ ~ / ~ ~ "--~~ "-" ~~ '''-" ~ ~ / ~ ~,,'~, "-'-..." ", '-.. / , , ~,,) "'., "" f-.. '-, '''/' ~ "'Í"'-. / //~-'-... """ ì '-.... / / ~ f-- .¡ '-. "'-. ,,""-~ / '. ,,/ ,,,,/1 /. .,~ '. ,.~"- / L '~ ", / I'"~ y~_ / /.. " / / ''''_ -"",,-, / / ........... / '-'....., .' / "......, ;1 -~ / / '-'-, '/ l.... ,,/ 'i -' .,..... / ~..../ / ..., / " ..... y--... ! I '~.< ....¡.'~ .... / ;' ", / ......., ,.'.' -' "-. I /---........ "'.. !' / -,. / " / I· / -. ' .', ' J.. "-./ . ""J / '. .". / ,/ , '''-.. ". ./ :/ " 1/" ; j . ". / ""// /"-"'" . ~ ~ ", '-." . .'...., " / 1 ( . Ward 1