HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 141 Feasility Study Mallot e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCA INE NO. 2005 -141 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGNING OF AN A REEMENT WITH MALLOT CREEK STRATEGIES INC. TO DEVELOP P E 2 OF A FEASIBILITY STUDY TO LOCATE A MUL TI-8PECIES ROCESSING FACILITY WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC DINE WHEREAS Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c'i125, as amended, provides that a lower- tier municipality has the power to pass by-law under the sphere of jurisdiction of economic development services; I AND WHEREAS pursuant to Sections 8 and 9 (1) of the S~'d Municipal Act, municipalities are provided with the powers of a natural person to ena Ie them to govem their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their ab lity to respond to municipal issues; . AND WHEREAS with the passage of By-law No. 2004 - 146, th Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine entered into an agr ment with Mallot Creek Strategies Inc. to conduct a feasibility study to identify the futu e market potential for a fully integrated multi-species processing facility in the Munici lity of Kincardine and to determine preferred processing options; AND WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine now deems it advisable to accept a proposal from Mallot Creek Strategi s Inc. to conduct Phase 2 - Concept Development and Producer Group Support of t e Feasibility Study which is attached to this by-law as Schedule "A"; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Munici ality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kin rdine accept the proposal presented by Mallot Creek Strategies Inc. of Ferg s, Ontario, in the amount of $27,000.00, including all applicable taxes, to conduct Phase 2 (Concept Development and Producer Group Support) of feasibility study regarding the development of a KilVCut Facility for a Multi-Spe 'e Facility. 2. That the Mayor and CAO be authorized to sign, on behalf of he Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, any contracts an other documents required to proceed with the proposal which is attached to this by-law as Schedule "A". 3.. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final ssage. 4. This By-law may be cited as the "Processing Facility Feasibi ity Study Phase 2 (Mallot Creek) Acceptance By-law". . READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASS D this fd' day of September, 2005. .ARA_/ Mayor . J. ...,. ~ · . · . · . . . AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVI ES MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Dated th~ - BETWEEN - day of v 2005 Municipality of Kincardine Hereinafter called the "aient" THE PARTY OF THE ARST PART - AND· MALlOT CREEK STRATEGIES INt. Hereinafter called the ·Consultant" THE PARTY OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the aient intends to l-.·:'"-~-';·,· t/\ Cou<d 0 _ 0 eCffl 0 e.o e.... T",....., PubliCWo'1<., P N1f\In~",'d(J R~<I~._' EI'fler'9l'r' :::""",ç"~, Carpor.¡í... crvi:.,;. ..e Flolice$;.. ;M Health&:,,,,leijl Tourism HurnanReSO!ICa$ ""* ,.. No.: o o o o o o .; - OU>K i' c Ò o RECEIVED - .,-."""..\Z.....J~. ,"""-"-:", UG 1 8 2 5 ..,.... ~.nt for P. ..AlISslonal Mallot creek Strategies Inc. 5ervIces Between Client and Consultant 1 -._----- l' ~ · . · . · . Prqx)sal: Phase 2 - ConœrA: Development & PrOOucer p Support Feasibility Study Regarding the Development of a Kill/Cut Fa lity for a Multi- Specie Facility in Kincardine January 71t1, 2005 MALLOT C R BEl G R 0 UP IN C. MALLOT CREEK STRATEGIES INC. 195 5t. David Street Fergus, Ontario, Canada NIM 2L4 Telephone (519) 787-7830 Fax (519)787-7833 Ag~nt for PI Þf iicrnal Mallot creek Strategies Inc. ServIces Client and Consultant 2 ~ . " · . · · · . 1.0 - Introduction The Eoonomic Development Committee (EDC) for the Munidpality of Kincardine ha initiated a feasibility study regarding the development of a multi-specie kilVcut fadlity within the Kincardine regio . The dosure of the United States border to Canadian cattle as a result of the discovery of BSE In Alberta has led to erely depressed prices for fed cattle and many other livestock. Prices for cows and other mature animals have n hit particularly hard Since even the processed meat from these animals cannot aoss the border either. Prod in Kincardine have felt the negative impacts of these lower prices considerably. As a result, an effort is being m to investigate processing options that would benefit and support local producers and the community. The Mu ·pality is spearheading this eIfort In the hopes that outside Investors can be Identified to carry the project throug to fruition. In September of 2004 Mallot Creek Strategies began worK on phase #1 of the feasibir study. Phase #1 involved an analysis of the curent and potential markets for lamb, veal, fed cattte, a cull cows. A recommendation to proceed to phase #2 of the feasibility study has been given based on the results of the analysis in phase #1. This proposal specifically details the requirements for coordinating the producer sup moving this project forward.. 2.0 . Wortt Plan From the beginning of the project, we suggested utilizing a phased approach to !cally determine the feasibility of establishing a kill/cut facility in the Kincardine region. This proposal the second phase of the project, assessing and coordinating Initial producer support for the concept. As with e first phase, the analysis conducted in this phase will be used to make a recommendation on whether or not to proceed to the next phases. A significant etement of this venture will be the identification of outside producer i rs to truly drive It forward. While the Munidpality of Kincardine is funding the initial 5IiIges of the feasi lity study, it Is their intention to transfer the Initiative off to an investor group after the study's completion The most likely source of investors will be producers, producer co-operatives, and/or private Investors. As a It, phase #2 will focus on identifying producers and investors who are interested in the concept. This phase wll also involve assessing intelested producers' level of commitment and ability to support the Initiative both fi ncially and with manpower. In order to solidify producer and Investor support for the c.onœpt, a number of p s and meetings with various groups will be required. We propose to arrange and coordinate meetings ætec:œd members of Kincardine's EOC and these groups. While, financial support for the entire project is expected at this time; the primary goal at this phase of the project is to gain support, both financial and ise, for the concept in general and for the completion of the feasibility study/business plan. We propose to op a concept plan/Vision presentation which will be presented to potential producer investors. Thi will include outlining the vision for the project, developing a top line business plan, initial capital cost esti , and an estimation of the equity and debt requirements. While producer support is aitical to the project as a whole, there may be additional from government for future phases of the feasibility study and business plan. Mallot eek will investigate potential government funding available and provide an assessment of their potential s related to this project. In addition to assessing and committing support for the initiative, an analysis of op marketplace for lamb and beef products wiD also be compleœd. This analysis will market trends, buying behaviour, and potential future opportunities for export. nities in the international on market aa:ess, wor1d Agreement for PraI Ii_I Mallot creek Strategies Inc. 5ervIces Between Client and Consultant 3 , .' ~ · · · · . · Ph_ #2 - PIOjed: VIsion Development A. Development of the proposed concept to a point where the c:onœpt can be other potential producer groups in the region. The concept presentation will i » Project definition and market analysis » Project "Mission" statement » Project 3 year "Vision" » Top line 3 -5 year "business plan" » Rnanclal review <Investment requirements and basic fadlity costs) » Next steps and commitment requirements » Project timeline B. Producer Meetings "Presentations" » Work with regionally based OSMA board representatives and lamb in the Kincardine region to outline and discuss the project with in » Organize a meeting in the Kincardine region to outline and disaJSS veal producers and other potential protein groups » Organize a meeting in the Kincardine region to outline and discuss th cattle producers » Determine the level of interest from the Bruce Packers initiative in pa C. Investigate and analyze potential sources of government funding available D. Analyze opportunities in the International marketplace E. Determine the level of support of producers in the region and present a reco not to proceed to the Economic Development Committee 3.0 . Tlmellne and Budget The required fee for Phase #2 of the analysis and report as per defined in Section 2.0 bove is $ 27,000 CDN plus any applicable taxes. This amount Includes all fees, costs and disbursements req ired for the execution and completion of the analysis. This amount also includes regionally based required travel expenses. tad to lamb, Veal and ude: P to organize a meeting producers project with interested ip Phase #2 Is expected to be completed by October 31st, 2005 and a recommendation of theror not to proceed can be made to the Economic Development Committee at their November meeting. Fee Breakdown: ". PhaM #2 - Ploject VIsIon Development $ 25, Deliverables: A concise report containing the information as described in Phase 2 section 2.0, induding an analysis of producer support in the Kincardine area for the initiative outlined a ; and a recommendation as to the feasibility of proceeding with Phase #3 · Concept Development - 7 days @ $1,000 I day = $7,000 · Meetings o lamb - 3.5 days o Cattle- 3.5 days o Veal - 3.5 days o Other - 2.5 days o Total- 13 days @ $1,000 I day = $13,000 · Government Funding Analysis o 2 days @ $500 I day = $1,000 · World Market Analysis o 2 days @ $500 I day = $1,000 · Go I No Go Report - 3 days @ $1,000 = $3,000 ". Travel ". Total ~ent for PlolIBuilllllll Mallot creek Strategies Inc. 5ervIces Between alent and Consultant 4 : .. " · . · · · · Projeå Timellne: Assuming that approval to proceed is received by August 9th, 2005, the analysis will following time schedule as set by the steering committee: Phaæ 1 2A 2C 2C 2D 2E TBD TBD 3 TBD TBD No Go Decision 4 Ag-.nt for p....r 1&1_1 Mallot Creek Strategies Inc. 5ervIces Between Client and Consultant 28th 5 :.. . I · . · · · . hereinafter called the "Project", and has requested the Consultant, to furnish p therewith; NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETH that in ronsIderation of the covenants contai Consultant mutually agree as follows: 1.0 - ARnCLE 1. GENERAL CONDmONS herein, the aient and the Ll Ownership of Documents Unless otherwise specifically agreed in a written agreement of license sig by the dient, any designs, drawings, specifications documents, materials, software, equipment and things pplled, aeatecI or produced by the consultant in performing services paid for by the dient, shall be or and remains the dlent's exclusive property. Any initial designs. drawings, specifications, documents, . Is, software, equipment and things supplied by the dient, shall be and remain the dient's property. consultant shall preserve in good condition and keep confidential such property and return it to the dient u n request or completion of the project. The consultant may with the consent of the dient publish alone or in conju artldes, photographs or other illustrations relating to the project. 1.2 Confidential Data The consultant shall not divulge any confidential information acquired in course of carrying out the selVices provided for herein except to those individuals or corporations ry for the consultant to complete its services under the terms of this agreement. 1.3 ArbIb ation All matters in dispute under this agreement may with the consent of both partl be referred to arbitration by a single arbitrator. The cost of the arbitrcltlon shall be shared equally. No person shall be appointed to act as arbitrator who is in any way inte. e:sted, fi ancially or otherwise, in the conduct of the work on the project or in the business or other affairs of either the dlent or the consultant. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties. 1.4 SuCCBIISDrS and Assignment This agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the hereto and, except as otherwise provided herein, upon their executors, administrators, successors a assigns. If a party to this agreement who is an individual should desire to bring in a which is a partnership should desire to bring in a new partner or partne obligations of this agreement, they may do so by properly notifying the other pa action. If a party to this agreement is a partnership, and a partner thereof either dies or retires, the remaining parties therein shall form a new '" ,. ~ H7f' partnership to share the benefits and obli tions of the agreement. or partners, or if a party to share the benefits and In writing of such intended Except as foresaid, neither party shaD assign this agreement without the prior t In writing of the other. 1.5 Termination and SuspensIon The dient may at any time, by notice in writing to the consultant, suspend or inate the services or any portion thereof at any stage of the undertaking. Upon receipt of such . notice, the consultant shall perform no further services other than those reasonably necessary to dose out the consultant's services. In such event, the consultant shall be paid by the dient for all services perfor and for all disbursements InQJrred pursuant to this agreement and remaining unpaid as of the effective ate of such termination. If the dient is in default in the performance of any of the dient's obligations consultant may, by written notiœto the dient, require such default be of such notice, such default shal not have been corrected, the consultant agreement In such event, the consultant shall be paid by the dient for all ~ent far Pløt'¡ r '_I Millet Creek Sbaliq ies Inc. Ser'.oices Between Client and Consultant forth in this agreement, the . If, within 30 days of receipt immediately terminate this ces performed and for all 6 ~ ~ ~; · · · · disburSements incurred pursuant to thiS agreement and remaining unpaid as f the effective date of such termination. 1.6 Records and Audit In order 10 provide data for the calculation of fees on a time basis, the consul nt and the sub-consultants shall keep a detailed record of the hours wor1<ed by, and the salaries paid to, consultant's staff employed on the project. The dient may inspect and audit the books, payrolls, accounts and records f the consultant and sub- consultants during regular office hours with respect 10 any item, which the d ent is required to pay on a payroll multiplier basis as a result of thiS agreement. The consultant, when requested by the dient, shall provide copies of disbursements for which the consultant daims payment under this agreement. 1.7 Indemnification The consultant shall indemnify and save harmless the dient from and agai all claims, actions, losses, expenses, costs or damages of eNe1Y nature and kind whatsoever which the di t, the employees, officers or agents of the dient may suffer as a sole result of the negligence of the consulta the employees, officers or agents of the consultant in the performanœ of thiS agreement. The dient agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the consultant from a d against any and all daims, losses, damages, liability and costs of defence arising out of or in any way nected with the presence, discharge, release or escape of contaminants of any kind, exduding only such r bility as may solely arise out of the negligence of the consultant in the performance of consulting services to dient within this project. L8 Changes and AIœratIons and Additional Senices After gMng notice 10 the consultant, the dient may, in writing at any time after the execution of the agreement or the commencement of the services, delete, extend, increase, ary or otherwise alter the services forming the subject of the agreement, and if such action by the client n . tes addJtional staff or services, the consultant shall be paid In accordance with Article 4 for such add' onal staff employed directly thereon, together with such expellses and disbursements as allowed lJ'Ider de 4. In the case of a reduction in the requirement for services, any reduction in the consultanfs fee will be the subject of negotiation. No such change shall require the execution of a formal amend to this agreement. 2.0 - ARnCLE 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CUE 2.1 The diem shall: 2.2 2.3 2.4 · 2.5 2.6 . malæ available to the consultant all relevant information required by the con ltant, and shall Instruct the consultant futly as to the dienfs requirements including design objectives, ints and aiteria, special equipment and sysœms, site requirements and construction needs. The consu nt shall be entitled 10 rely upon the accuracy and oomplete!leSS of all such information and data furnished rough the dlent or dlent's consultants whether such consultants are engaged at the request of the consu nt or not. when SO required by the consultant engage consultants directly to perform se ces necessary to enable the consultant to fully carry out his or her duties, such services to include a legal su of the potential site, site services data, geotechnical reports and appropriate testing if required. give the consultant authority to act as the dient's agent In all matters talll consultant's services. promptly review all docun"" ,1ø1luo1 submitted by the consultant, and inform the for the ordet1y progrllSS of the consultant's services and of the work. provide payment for all fees for required consents, approvals, licenses and pe its from authorities having jurisdiction. nt of decisions in time arrange and malæ provision for the consultant's entry and access to public a private property and the project site in the pelformance d the duties. Agreement for Plofuslonal Mallot creek Strategies Inc. 5ervIces Between Client and Consultant 7 .. ~ ~.. 2.7 · 2.8 . 2.9 2.10 arrange and pay for tender advertising and any necessary legal, financial or in rance coonselling services required for the project if required. designate In writing a repI êS(., .tatlve to have authority to transmit instruction to and receive information from the mnsultant immediately notify the consultant whenever the diem, or the dienrs re . ,beoomes aware of a defect or defidency in the wor1t or the mntract documents. provide to the consultant all design, layout and technical specifications available all process equipment to be induded In the faålity if required. 3.0 - ARTICLE 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES PROVI ED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT 3.1 General The consultant shall render services to the dient "in a timely manner" under this of care, skill and diligence normally provided in the performance of services in nature to that contemplated by this agreement at the time and place that IN WITNESS THEREOF the parties herein have caused to be executed those authorized In that behalf on the day and year first above written. SIGNED · · For the Municipality of Kincardi e Per. -.J C> \..- à.....<. I have the authority to bind Per: ~ FOR MALlOT CREEK ST Name: (Print): ß___ Title: {J....). I have the authority to bind corporation. · . Au-ent for Professional MalIot er.k Strategies Inc. ServIces Between Client and Consultant 8