HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 70 593 Collection of Taxes THJr CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGK OF T~VERTON BY-LAW No. 593 A ~1-Law to provide for the collection of ta es by installments and to levy penalties and interest on a rears of taxes. The Municipal Corporation of the Village of to it"s powers under the Assessment Act (R-S-O.·1960 ~.23 s120) enacts as follo (1) ,.(2) () ~. verton, pursuant ection 120 st That taxes 1n the Village of Tiverton be collected 1n two installments 1n 1970 and subsequent ears until repeal of this by-law. ! , The first installment shall be due on Ju y L5th, and second instalment shall be due on Decemb r 15th. the ~er. shall be imposed a penalty for non payment of taxes on due date or my instaJ.ment thereof, eamount of 1% of the amount due and,unpaid on the f1 st day of default, and an edditional penalty of 1% shall be edded on the first day of each calenda~ month hereafter 1n which default. continues, but not~ after t e end of the yea~ in which the taxes are levied. (It) '.I!here shall be' allowed a discount of 3% n the Dec-ember instaJ.ment ot¡taxes 1fpa1d on or before July 15th. (5) '.I!heeollector 1s hereby author1zed to ma 1 or cause to be mailed the not1ceof taxes due to theadd ess of the residence or place of bus1ness of the pe son to whom notice 1s required to be g1ven. (6) All taxes shall be paid into the office ~f the COllector, Mrs. Mllian McKay. I (7) '1'h1s by-law shall come 1nto force and effect upon the date of the final reeding,thereot. I I I Read a first.., second and th1rd time and passe~ this 6.¡}¡ day of Apr1L 1970. I I