HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 71 606 Appt Fire Chief I I ~I o ~13-¡ -t CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF TIVERTON BY-LAW NO.. "0 b I . By-Law to appoi.t a Fira Chief for thl Corporation of the Village of T~verton ' ! ! WHEREAS it is,~ expedient and necessary that thefY,..law should be' passed to) appoint,. one member of the . verton Fire Department as' Fire, Chief. THEREFORE the CounciL of the CorI'Oration of th~ Village of fiverton hereby enacts as: followst, 1. Thatt J}énnis Todd be and. is hereby appointe Fire Chief: for the Corporation of the Village of Tìve Department at, an Honoraurium of ONE HUNDRE ($100.00) DOLLARS per annum.. Z., ~e;sald F~reCh1ef shall hold office as F re Chief of' the C"orporation of: the Village of Tiver on during the pleasure of the Council. of the said Villag ,¡:;/? Il 7L1? J?1 of rvJo ",,£fIR.S, BEAD a FIRST and SECOND time fÞ-),)JrfL READ a THIRD time, and finally passed this 18th d.v of February, 1971. 1fJ.../.{/'~ Reeve ¡! "