HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 71 607 Control of Dogs I I " " " I tt.:: ¡¡~- Ilo1+k THE GORPORAT10N OF' THE' v;ILLAGE OF T VERJroN M-LAW NO.1, 0 7 BEING: A BY-LAW PROVIDING; FOR THE CONTROL, LIC SINÅ’ AND REGISTRATIONj OF DOGE WI'1lliU TIm VILLAGE OF TIVER'DOJl.. WHEREAS rll I& PROVIDED by. Section 5 ot'THE and POULTRYr PROTECTION ACT, Revised Sta~tes 0 G\b.àpter Ill, a$ amended1 thati:. COuncils; o£: Munic by-law. for licensing and regulating the regis imposing &; license, fee. on the owners; of them. THEREFQRE the C'ouncil' of the COrporation of the Village of nvertbn enacts as follows:: OG;TAX and,LIVESTOCK 'Ontar.iÄ'.J 1960, alitie:s may pass ration oir dogs fOr PART I (al (b) ''Ðò¡:. ~l mean either male, female or s ed, female dog. "Owner"'shall include possessor or harbou er; and ''O.Wned II shall include possessed on harbou ed. Cc) '*l!1ckej;!f' shall mean a serially., numbered n tioe in triplioate sta t:ing t (1) Natu.re: of, alle. offence (2) Date and time of alleged off noe <3 ) Dog T'ag' Number CI.¡.) Name: and, address of: owner (5) 2enal tydor, allegedî offeno e. f':' paid wi thin prescribed time (6) ~me,during ~ioh penalty ma be paid out of COurt PAror In LICENSING; AND REGk"'fJ'MION. OF DOG~ 1., Every owner or harbourer of a dog in the V llage of 'D~verton shall, within one week after the dogs oome int his; possession oause suoh a.dog'to be' licensed'and registered in th office of the Clerk of the Municipality for the period whioh will last: day of December and shall thereafter before the fifteenth day of March in each year cause such dog,to be' again lice.nsed and registered for ONByear from the irst day of January and: shall at. the time of licensing and registr tion pay the- license fee applicable.> thereto, wIIlich is hereby impose upon such owner as, :t"òllows L !!Or each male dog or: spayed female For each additional male or spayed female dog Fon each female dog FOr each additional female dog For each Kennel ~c::~"~ $3.00 I.¡..oo 5.00 6.00 25.00 -2- By-Law {, 0 7 Provided that where the owner acquired the dog after expiration of6 months of the year: he shall be charged with 0 y one-half of the dog tax.. 2. No dog tax shall be levied, within the Vill ge of 'D1verton pur sua to the provisions of Section 2, of the said Do Tax and Live Stock and Poultry ,irotection Actt ~ile this by-law r mains in force. 3., (al On payment of the license fee referre to in ~ction 1, the owner shall be furnished' with a dog tag an paper license for eaoh dog so licensed and registered at, a cost f twenty-five (25;) cents per tag., (b) !!!he owner shall keep the current' tag' ecurely fixed 011 the dog at: all times during the year, save and exc pt that the taC and collar may be removed while the dog is bei g lawfully used for hunting deer in the bush. . an (c) The tag shall bear a serial number/th year for which i~ was issued and a record shall be kept by the C erk or other officials designated for that purpose, showing the name and address of the owner and serial number of the tag. (d) No person shall use a ta~upon a dog ther than the dog for which such tag" was; 1ssued. (e) No,license or registration shall be t ansferrable and the license and registration referred to in Sectio 1 of Part II shall expire and become void upon the sale, death or otherwise disposal of th~ dog to ~1ch such license and registrat on relates. II , , I I READ A FIRST, .ECOND AND THIRD time and finall passed thi& 18th day of February, 1971 C.c ~ujJ , ' I¡rd- Cler {/ . ",-.,< Reeve II I I , ~