HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 71 609 Expenditure rd & st ,< . 't . . ......".-..,..,." -""'':~~ ~~":";"'" 606 .~'..........~....... . ö~ ~~H'~ BY·LAW A BY-LAW TOPROVIDEFORTHlI9.7.¡.....EXPENDITURIS ON RO S OR STREETS .... IIJF ~~1Ii COUNTY IN THE OF .................................. IN THE OF ..... . . ................ VIUAGE """." WHEREAS under The Highway. Improvement Act a by.law to provide for fiNÇpsnditures on roads or streets may be submi"ed annually to the Minister of tlitibways for approval. - .......... :... iIIage enacts (1) The sum of $),,65.Q...ØØ..............is hereby estimated as the expenditure .~,~ the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges der Its urlsdlc- ~'during the year 19..'l.Iì... as.foIIQws, Total .L;!"~99:.... .....~.~..... ........................ .3... p.~~~.~..... . . );<,9:(2) The said monies W;.U. þe..expended on work performed in accordance with ~~hway 'Improvement A#f. (3) The clerk sholJtl'Qrlsmlt triplicot, copies of this by-law to."~1ct office .'- or lI.vÐ.......I.....lltvfHighway. Ontario, 1IOt-Iater thall March 3ht, the ....Id lvu,;"- .{«) Thee approvClllontâ;Øntario Municipal. Board shall be I)b . i'*' before any expenditure ii autl1o,ized or work cammenced which wül be-finøn :by the- 1_ ·of-debentures or monies raised In a subsequent year. . 'gO.'" Clk~~~}..,........ttUs....~,ª,~.. dayof.......~!..... ..A.D. 19...7.J.¡,.. ~. 1,..~~..~i.Ç~............~.............., Clerk of the Corporatto of the _~. .....to:. . .. .... 0- ~ -.. .,.,,,,".~~IIJ...... . "",.~,... .... ../. . ....... .......... ~it?;.n~~.ttøL............, do hereby certify that the foregoin;~';:\rue copy of ~w N!i'...... ptJssed Þr.the Council of the said Corporation 0 the..._~.~. .dGY of............rr.~r.~;I,t,....,..· . 19...'m,i,.. 'R:II!M --- ~.....,. -" . '" o. ,', THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said c, .JoIlowt., Comttucllon Maintenance . ~ ......................................$........................ $..3.J.;¡,;.59.~~:.... ."'t &CUI.VERTS................ $........................ $......5.9.9.~..... ENGINEERING & OVERHEAD.:. $........................ $........................ TOTAI.5 ........::..................$........................ $...'h~59.~!.... .... / . -"",. . ($EAt.) -'" .. ................/~.. Mayor or . .....;..........